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appears that the great and expensive exertions of the last year, by which a force was assembled capable of facing the enemy, and which accordingly drew towards New York, and lay long near that city, was rendered ineffectual by the superiority of the enemy at sea; and that their successes in Carolina had been chiefly owing to that superiority, and to the want of the necessary means for furnishing, marching, and paying the expense of troops sufficient to defend that province. The Marquis de Lafayette writes to me that it is impossible to conceive, without seeing it, the distress which the troops have suffered for want of clothing; and the following is a paragraph of a letter from General Washington, which I ought not to keep back from your Excellency, viz.: "I doubt not that you are so fully informed by Congress of our political and military state, that it would be superfluous to trouble you with any thing relative to either. If I were to speak on topics of the kind, it would be to show that our present situation makes one of two things essential to us—a peace, or the most vigorous aid of our allies, particularly in the article of money. Of their disposition to serve us, we cannot doubt; their generosity will do every thing which their means will permit." They had in America great expectations, I know not on what foundation, that a considerable supply of money would be obtained from Spain; but that expectation has failed, and the force of that nation in those seas has been employed to reduce small forts in Florida, without rendering any direct assistance to the United States; and indeed the long

delay of that court, in acceding to the treaty of commerce, begins to have the appearance of its not inclining to have any connection with us; so that, for effectual friendship, and for the aid so necessary in the present conjuncture, we can rely on France alone, and in the continuance of the king's goodness towards us.

I am grown old. I feel myself much enfeebled by my late long illness, and it is probable I shall not long have any more concern in these affairs. I therefore take this occasion to express my opinion to your Excellency, that the present conjuncture is critical; that there is some danger lest the Congress should lose its influence over the people, if it is found unable to procure the aids that are wanted; and that the whole system of the new government in America may thereby be shaken; that, if the English are suffered once to recover that country, such an opportunity of effectual separation as the present may not occur again in the course of ages; and that the possession of those fertile and extensive regions, and that vast sea-coast, will afford them so broad a basis for future greatness, by the rapid growth of their commerce, and breed of seamen and soldiers, as will enable them to become the terror of Europe,' and to exercise with

1 At a dinner given in Paris by the late Sir Henry Bulwer a few days after the news reached Europe of the surrender of Lee in 1865, Sir Henry's brother, the late Lord Lytton, confessed to considerable disappointment that the war had terminated without a dismemberment of the Union. He had hoped, he said, that it would have left two or three nations instead

of one, for, he added, "by the close of the century you will number near a hundred million, and you will be a terror to Europe," using singularly enough the very expression employed here by Franklin in forecasting the danger to the Old World of allowing the colonies to remain dependencies of England.-EDITOR.

impunity that insolence which is so natural to their nation, and which will increase enormously with the increase of their power. I am, with great respect, your Excellency's, etc.,




PASSY, 6 March, 1781.

SIR-By perusing the enclosed instructions to Colonel Laurens and myself, your Excellency will see the necessity I am under of being importunate for an answer to the application lately made for aids of stores and money.' As vessels are about to depart for America, it is of the utmost importance that the Congress should receive advice, by some of them, of what may or may not be expected. I therefore earnestly entreat your Excellency to communicate to me, as soon as possible, the necessary information. With sincere esteem, I am, etc.,




PASSY, 8 March, 1781.

SIR-I received the letter you have done me the honor of writing to me the 2d instant, wherein, after overwhelming me with a flood of compliments, which I can never hope to merit, you request my opinion of lomatic Correspondence," vol., IX., PP. 195-249.

1 For a history of Colonel John Laurens' mission to France, see "Dip

your translation of a Latin verse that has been applied to me. If I were, which I really am not, sufficiently skilled in your excellent language to be a proper judge of its poesy, the supposition of my being the subject must restrain me from giving any opinion on that line, except that it ascribes too much. to me, especially in what relates to the tyrant; the Revolution having been the work of many able and brave men, wherein it is sufficient honor for me if I am allowed a small share.

1 Alluding to the Latin line, which was first applied to Dr. Franklin by M. Turgot, and of which he is said to have been the author:

M. Nogaret's translation was accompanied by a letter, in which he said: "Eripuit cœlo fulmen, sceptrumque tyrannis.'


"Les Français, votre Excellence le sçait, ont fait tous leurs efforts pour traduire ce vers Latin où l'on vous rend justice en si peu de mots. ont paru aussi jaloux de transporter cet éloge dans leur langue, qu'ils le sont de vous posséder. Cependant personne n'a réussi, et je crois qu'on ne réussira pas. Car de ces deux vers, insérés comme des meilleurs dans L'Almanach des Muses de l'année dernière :

"Cet homme que tu vois, sublime en tous les temps,

Dérobe aux dieux la foudre et le sceptre aux tyrans ;

le premier est de trop. Le second vers est passable. Il serait bon, si, au lieu de dérobe, il y avait arrache. Mais ce seul vers ne suffit pas. Le sens n'est pas plein. Il faudrait un nom ou un pronom; et ni l'un ni l'autre n'y peut entrer; autrement le vers n'y serait plus. Aurait-on à peu près l'équivalent du Latin, si l'on disait:

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la foudre disparaissent en apparence dans cette traduction; mais je pense qu'elles n'échappent point aux yeux de la reflexion. Désarmer Jupiter, c'est lui ôter sa foudre. Calo dit beaucoup dans le Latin. Cieux ne lie rendrait point. J'y supplée par des êtres. Je ne dis pas que la physique y gagne, mais la poésie n'y perd pas.'

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In reply to Dr. Franklin's answer, some time afterwards, M. Nogaret said: " Paris est content de la traduction de votre Eripuit, et votre portrait fait, come je l'avais prévu, la fortune du graveur.'

The following is D'Alembert's translation.

"Tu vois le sage courageux,

Dont l'heureux et male génie
Arracha le tonnerre aux dieux,
Et le sceptre à la tyrannie."

Among Dr. Franklin's papers was found the following paraphrastic version from an unknown hand.

"Franklin sut arrêter la foudre dans les airs,

Et c'est le moindre bien qu'il fit à sa pa-
trie :

Au milieu de climats divers,
Où dominait la tyrannie,

Il fit régner les arts, les mœurs, et le

Et voilà le héros que j'offre à l'univers." It was likewise translated into English by Mr. Elphinston.

"He snatched the bolt from Heaven's avenging hand,

Disarmed and drove the tyrant from the land."

I am much obliged by the favorable sentiments you are pleased to entertain of me; and I shall be glad to see your remarks on Gay's Fan, as well as your own poem on the same subject. With regard, I have the honor to be, sir, etc.,




PASSY, II March, 1781.

SIR-I have examined the list of supplies wanted in America, which I received yesterday from you, in order to mark, as desired, what may be most necessary to forward thither. As that list is of old date, and I do not know what part of it may have been already procured by other channels, and I understand by my letters that a new list has been made out, which is given to Colonel Laurens, and, though mentioned to be sent to me also, is not yet come to my hands, I have thought it may be well for the present to order the making of a quantity of soldiers' and officers' clothing, equal to one third part of what has been demanded from page 31 to page 42 inclusive; and to collect and get ready also one third of the other articles mentioned in the said pages, which I have marked with a red line in the margin, the whole to be sent by the first good opportunity.

I think it would be well also to send five thousand more good fusils, with fifty tons of lead, and two hundred thousand flints for fusils. If these could go

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