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4. Here is the pond! You can sit on the stump of this tree, and I will put your skates on. They must be very tight, or else you will fall.

5. Now you can try to skate. Hold this stick in your right hand, and I will take hold of your left.

6. When you are tired you can rest, and I will show you how quickly I can go from one end of the pond to the other. Some day I will teach you to cut your name on the ice with skates..

7. Now we will take off our skates, and have a slide with Harry.

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1. MAGGIE is a poor child whose father and mother died when she was only five years old.

2. She has no kind friends to take care of

her, and often has no food to eat.

3. Her clothes are very thin, and the wind blows her long hair about.

4. There she sits at the door of a large house with a box of matches in her hand.

5. Look how she draws her thin clothes



round her to try to keep out the cold. But her poor little arms are bare.

6. I will give her this penny for the box of matches, and then she can buy a small loaf of bread.

7. How glad I am that I have a kind father and mother who give me nice food and warm

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day, but Jane and

Mary are going to school.

2. They are glad that they have not to stay at home, for they love their school, and always try to be in good time.

3. Jane is showing

Mary the long lesson she had to learn last

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night. She is very happy, for she knows it well, and is sure that her teacher will be pleased with her.

4. When they reach the school they will hang up their cloaks to dry.

5. I hope the rain will cease, and the sun shine before school is over, so that they may

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1. We have a dear baby sister-just two years old. old. We all love her very much, for she is full of fun.

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2. All day long she plays about, and talks in her pretty baby way.

3. When big brother Ben comes home from school she runs to him, and says, ' Up! up!'

4. Then Ben puts her on his back, and gives her a ride all round the room.

5. If it is a fine warm day, he carries her into the garden and shows her the flowers.

6. One day Ben brought home a little white mouse with pink eyes. Baby was very pleased with it, and danced with joy, as she held it in her little fat hand.

7. When it is bed-time, baby goes to mother, puts her head in mother's lap, and says, 'Baby so tired!'

8. Then mother takes our darling up-stairs, and hears her say her short prayer. Baby then lies down in her snug little cot, and is soon

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