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T. L. i. 325, b.; he that beweth to hie, with chippes he may lefe his fight; so Conf. Am. 18, b.;

Full ofte he heweth up fo hye,

That chyppes fallen in his eye.

Hewe, n. Sax. colour, appearance, 10901; T. ii. 21. Hewed, part. pa. coloured, 11557.

Hext, adj. fuperl. Sax. higheft, C. D. 345; begh, begheft, beghft, bext. In the fame manner next is formed from negh.

Halous, adj. Fr. dreadful, 3520.

Hidonfly, adv. terribly, 1703.

Hie, v. Sax. to haften, 10605; C. D. 1550.

Hie, n. hafte, diligence; in or on bie, 2981, 4629; T. iv. 1385, in hafte.

Hie, bigbe, adj. Sax. high; in high and low, 819, 5413. See the n. on ver. 819.

Hierdeffe, n. Sax. a fhepherdefs, T. i. 654. See Herde. Highen, F. iii. 1062, is perhaps mifwritten for highe. Hight, n. Sax. heighth, 1892; on bight, 1786, feems to fignify-aloud, in a high voice; en baut, Fr.

Highte, v. Sax. See the n. on ver. 1016. Hi, obl. c. of he, is often used alone in that reciprocal fenfe, which is generally expreffed by the addition of the adj. felf; 3052, than hath he don his frend ne bim no fhame, i. e. nor himself; as he him laid, 1380; and clad him, 1411; and bare him, 1449. -It is alfo frequently put without the ufual prepofition; him to grete fhame, 17209, to great shame of him; fhe falleth him to fete, 3524, the falleth at the feet of him; fhe fwore him, 6543, fhe fwore to him: bem and hire are used in the fame manner. Himfelf, bimfelve, bimfelven. See Self.

Hindereft, fuperl. d. of bind, adv. Sax. hindmoft, 624. Hine, n. Sax. a fervant in husbandry, a hind, 605. Hine, n. Bal. Vil. 35, fhould probably be Liene: the Volume XIV.


gall of an hyena was used to cure a certain diforder of the eye, Plin. N. H. 1. xxix. c. 38.

Hippocras, pr. n. Hippocrates, 433. See the note. Hir, pron. poff. Sax. their. See Essay, &c.

Hire, obl. c. of fbe, pron. Sax. is often put for herself, 139,4869, and without the usual prepofition,11057

See Him.

Hire, pron. poff. Sax. her. See Effay, Te.

Hirefelf, birefelve, birefelven. See Self.

Hirs, pron. poff. Sax. theirs, 7508. See the Essay, &e.

n. 29.

Hiftorial, adj. Fr. hiftorical, 12090.

Ho, interj. Fr. commanding a ceffation of any action. See the n. on ver. 2535; and I believe o in that verse is put for bo, and not for oyez. See the C. L. ver. 270. Hochepot, n. Fr. a mixture of various things fhaken together in the fame pot, M. 271, l. 4; butspot, Belg. Hoker, n. Sax. frowardnefs, 5717.

Hokerly, adv. frowardly, P. 205, l. 15.
Hold, n. Sax. a fort or caftle, 4927.

Hold, v. Sax. to keep; to bold in honde, T. v. 1370, to keep in fufpenfe ; T. v. 1614, 1679, to amuse in order to deceive.

Hold, bolden, part. pa. obliged, 5717; T. iii. 1265.
Hole, bol, adj. Sax. entire, whole, found, 6952, 7615.
Holly, adv. entirely, wholly, 5793-

Holour, n. Sax. a whoremonger, 5836; P. 244.
Holt, n. Sax. a grove or forest, 6; T. iii. 352.
Holt, for holdeth, 9224, 9386.

Homly,adj.Sax. domestick, 6966--plain, fimple,7425. Homlineffe, n. Sax. domeftick management, 8305familiarity, M. 304, l. 13.

Honde, n. Sax. a hand; an bonde-brede, 3809, an hand's breadth; withouten bonde, T. iii. 188, without being pulled by any hand-Honden, pl. R. 6665.

Honeft, adj. Fr. means generally, according to the

French ufage, creditable, honourable, 246, 13491; becoming a perfon of rank, 8302, 9902.

Honeftetee, boneftee, n. Fr.virtue,8298-decency,14630 -good manners, 6849.

Hong, v. Sax. to hang, 12724.

Hont, n. Sax. Du. 385, as bunt.

Hony-frete, adj. Sax. fweet as honey, 9270.
Hope, v. Sax. to expect, 4027. See the note.
Hoppeteres, n. pl. Sax. dancers, 2019. See the note.
Hord, n. Sax. treafure, 13014-a private place fit for
the keeping of treafure, P. 239.

Hore, boor, adj. Sax. hoary, gray, 7764, 9335.
Horozue, adj. Sax. fou!, C. M. 52.

Horribleté, n. Fr. horriblenefs, R. 7285.

Hors, n. pl. Sax. horfes, 5867, 7141, 13563.
Horfe, adj. Sax. hoarfe, Du. 347.

Horfly, adj. 10508, is applied to a horfe, as manly is

to a man.

Hofpitalers, n. pl. Lat. religious perfons of both fexes who attended the fick in hofpitals, P. 249-knights Hofpitalers of different orders, R. 6693. See Du Cange in v. Hofpitalarius.

Hof, n. Fr. an army, 14486.

Hoftelere, n. Fr. an innkeeper, 4358, 15035. Hoftelrie, n. Fr. an inn or lodging-house, 23. Hoftilements, n. pl. household furniture, Bo. ii. pr. 5. Hote, adj. Sax. hot, 7018.

Hote, boten, part. pa. of hete, called, 3939.

Hove, v. Sax. to hover, T. iii. 1433; T. v. 33.
Hound-fifb, n. Sax. the dogfith, 9599.

Houne, n. for bound, T. iv. 210; thus faid both here and boune, i. e. hare and hound, all forts of people. Houped, pa. t. Fr. hooped or hollowed, 15406.

Houfel, n. Sax. the eucharift, R. 6386.

Houfel, v. to administer the facrament, R. 6437-to
ben boufeled, to receive the facrament, P. 268.
Horve, n. Sax. a cap or hood. See the n. on ver. 3909.
Hulfere, n. Sax. holly, B. K. 129.

Hulfired, part. pa. Sax. hidden, R. 6146.
Humblebede, n. Sax. humble state, 14590.

Humblee, n. Fr. humility, 4585.

Humbling, n. a humming, F. ii. 531; hommelen bombi-
lari, bombum edere, Kilian; hence our humble-bee.
Hunt, n. Sax. a huntsman, 1680, 2020.
Hurtle, v. Fr. to push, 2618, 4717.

Hufbandrie, n, Sax. thrift, economical management, 4075.

Hufbond-man, n. Sax. the mafter of the family, 7350.
Huft, adj. Sax. filent, whist, Bo. ii. m. 5.
Hylde, v. Sax. to pour, Bo. ii. m. 2.

Hylled, part. pa. Sax. hidden, 15061. See Hele.


I, at the beginning of a word, in the common editt. and even the mff. of Chaucer, is ofen used to express a corruption of the Saxon prepofitive particle Le, which in this edit. of The Canterbury Tales, (as has been faid before in the Effay, &c. vol. i. p. 168, is always expreffed by y; all fuch words therefore occurring in the Works of Chaucer not contained in this edition fhould be looked for either under y or under their fecond letters.

Jacke of Dover, 4345. See the note.

Jacke fool, 3708. See the n. on ver. 14816.
Jacobin, pr. n. a gray frier, R. 6338.

Jacke Straw, pr. n. 15400; the noise made by the followers of this rebel, to which our Author alludes, he had probably heard himself; it is called by Walfingham, p. 251;"Clamor horrendiffimus, non fi"milis clamoribus quos edere folent homines, fed

«qui ultra omnem æftimationem fuperaret omnes "clamores humanos, et maxime poffet affimulari "ululatibus infernalium incolarum." Many Fle-, mings (Flandrenfes) were beheaded by the rebels cum clamore confueto. Walfingham, ibid.

Jambeux, n. pl. Fr. boots, armour for the legs, 13804. Jane, n. a coin of (Janua) Genoa; it is put for any fmall coin, 8865, 13665.

Jangle, v. Fr. to prate, to talk much or fat, 10534.
Jangle, n. prate, babble, 6989.

Jangler, janglour, n. a prater, 17292, 7-
Fanglereffe, n. a female prater, 6220, 10181.
Jape, n. Sax, a trick, a jest, 4341, 16780.
Fape, v. to jest, 13623-to cheat, to laugh at, 1731.
Japer, n. a common jefter or buffoon, P. 215.
Faperie, n. buffoonery, P. 215.

Jape-worthy, adj. ridiculous, Bo. v. pr. 3.

Ich, iche, pron. Sax. I; fo the ich, 12881, fo the iche, 16397, fo may I profper.

Idel, adj. Sax. idle, fruitlefs; in idel, 11179, P. 206, in vain.

Idolaftre, n. Fr. an idolater, 10172.

Jeopard, v. to hazard, 'to put in danger, T. iv. 1566. Jeopardie, n. danger, T. ii. 465; T. v. 1529. Feoperdife, Du. 666.

Jeremie, pr. n. Jeremiah, 12569.

Jerome, pr. n. 6256. Our Author has made much ufe of a treatife of St. Jerome contra Jovinicnum. See the n. on ver. 9172, and ver. 11679, and the Difcourfe, &c. n. 19.

Jeftes, n. pl. T. v. 1510; F. iii. paffim, as geftes. Jerverie, n. Fr. a district inhabited by Jews, 13419. Jewife, n. judgment, punishment,1741, 5215; it may

have been formed by corruption either of the Lat. judicium or the Fr. juftice, Couf. Am. 157, b. 158.

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