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a temporary fplendour, fuperior to the verdure of Spring, or the luxuriance of Summer. The infinitely various and ever-changing hues of the leaves at this feafon, melting into every foft gradation of tint and fhade, have long engaged the imitation of the painter, and are equally happy ornaments in the defcription of the


THESE unvarying fymptoms of approaching Winter now warn feveral of the winged tribes to prepare for their aerial voyage to those happy climates of perpetual fummer, where no deficien

су of food or fhelter can ever distress them; and about the fame time, other fowls of hardier conftitution, which are contented with escaping the iron winters of the arctic regions, arrive to fupply the vacancy. Thus the ftriking fcenes afforded by that wonderful part of the œconomy of Nature, the migration of birds, present themfelves at this feason to the poet. The thickening fogs, the heavy rains, the fwoln rivers, while


they deform this finking period of the year, add new fubjects to the pleafing variety which reigns throughout its whole course, and which juftifies the Poet's character of it, as the feafon when the Mufe "best exerts her voice."

WINTER, directly oppofite as it is in other refpects to Summer, yet resembles it in this, that it is a Seafon in which Nature is employed rather in fecretly preparing for the mighty changes which it fucceffively brings to light, than in the actual exhibition of them. It is therefore a period equally barren of events; and has still less of animation than Summer, inasmuch as lethargic infenfibility is a ftate more diftant from vital energy than the languor of indolent repofe. From the fall of the leaf, and withering of the herb, an unvarying death-like torpor oppreffes almost the whole vegetable creation, and a confiderable part of the animal, during this entire portion of the year. The whole infect race,

which filled every part of the Summer landskip with life and motion, are now either buried in profound fleep, or actually no longer exift, except in the unformed rudiments of a future progeny. Many of the birds and quadrupeds are retired to concealments, from which not even the calls of hunger can force them; and the reft, intent only on the prefervation of a joyless being, have ceased to exert those powers of pleasing, which, at other seasons, so much contribute to their mutual happiness, as well as to the amusement of their human fovereign. Their focial connexions, however, are improved by their wants. In order the better to procure their fcanty fubfiftence, and refift the inclemencies of the sky, they are taught by instinct to affemble in flocks; and this provifion has the fecondary effect of gratifying the spectator with fomething of novelty and action even in the dreariness of a wintry prospect.


BUT it is in the extraordinary changes and agitations which the elements, and the furrounding atmosphere undergo during this season, that the poet of nature must principally look for relief from the gloomy uniformity reigning through other parts of the creation. Here scenes are presented to his view, which, were they less frequent, must strike with wonder and admiration the most incurious fpectator. The effects of cold are more fudden, and in many inftances more extraordinary and unexpected than thofe of heat. He who has beheld the vegetable pro→ ductions of even a northern Summer, will not be greatly amazed at the richer and more luxuriant, but ftill resembling, growths of the tropics. But one who has always been accustomed to view water in a liquid and colourlefs ftate, cannot form the leaft conception of the same element as hardened into an extenfive plain of folid chryftal, or covering the ground with a robe of the pureft white. The higheft poffible de


gree of aftonishment must therefore attend the firft view of these phenomena; and as in our temperate climate but a small portion of the year af fords these spectacles, we find that, even here, they have novelty enough to excite emotions of agreeable furprize. But it is not to novelty alone that they owe their charms. Their intrinfic beauty is, perhaps, individually fuperior to that of the gayeft objects presented by the other feafons. Where is the elegance and brilliancy that can compare with that which decorates every tree or bush on the clear morning fucceeding a night of hoar froft? or what is the luftre that would not appear dull and tarnished in competition with a field of snow juft glazed over with froft? By the vivid description of fuch objects as these, contrasted with the favage fublimity of ftorms and tempefts, our Poet has been able to produce a fet of winter landskips, as engaging to the fancy as the apparently happier scenes of genial warmth and verdure.


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