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Superintendents shall from among the Scholars so assembled, select three of the most talented and promising who are to be candidates for admittance into the District School, or such other seminaries of learning which are now or may hereafter be established in this Province.

4. And be it further enacted, &c. That the different Superintendents in each and every Township shall, at their first meeting to be held before the first day of June in each and every year, nominate and appoint a fit and proper person to be a member of the Board of Education, and that the several members hereby appointed in each and every District shall constitute and form the Board of Education for such District.

5. And be it further enacted, &c. That the Board of Education hereby established for each and every District of this Province shall meet on the Monday of the week in which the Court of General Quarter Sessions for each District is to be held in the month of July, and at the place where the said Court is to be held, and in the month of June in such places where the Quarter Sessions is held in June, and then and there appoint their Chairman, and transact such business as the laws of this Province authorise the present Board of Education to do; that three members be a quorum, and that such members as attend be entitled to ten shillings per diem, provided the number of days does not exceed three.

6. And be it further enacted, &c. That so soon as the Board of Education in each District shall consider it advisable they may, before assigning to the Teachers their annual Salaries, reserve a sufficient sum for paying the boarding and tuition at the District School, or other Seminary to be selected by the said Board, of such select number of Scholars from each County, not exceeding eight, as shall be chosen by such members of the Board of Education as shall have been appointed in the different Townships of each County.

7. And be it further enacted, &c. That as soon as the Board of Education in each and every District in this Province shall find that the state of their funds will admit of it, they may set aside a sufficient sum to pay the boarding, tuition and wearing apparel, of one or more select Student or Students from each County, in order to enable him or them to pursue his or their studies in the higher Seminaries of learning, such Student or Students to be chosen by such members of the Board of Education as are appointed by such County.

8. And be it further enacted, &c. That no Student sent either to a District School, or any other Seminary of learning, shall be recalled in a shorter period than three years, unless such members of the Board of Education as reside in the County from which such Student shall have been sent will unanimously agree.

9. And be it further enacted, &c. That the Board of Education in each and every district, shall, at its Meeting in the months of June or July, appoint a time and place in each County where the Schoolmasters of such County shall attend to be publicly examined by the Master of the District School, aided by such Members of the Board of Education as reside in such County.

10. And be it further enacted, &c. That the Board of Education for each and every district may cause its Clerk to acquaint the Schoolmasters, at least six months previous to examination, of the time and place where such examination will be held, and the particular branches of education for which prizes shall be awarded.

11. And be it further enacted, &c. That the Teacher who shall be declared to have obtained the first prize, shall be entitled to one pound yearly, while teaching, over and above his regular salary; second prize, fifteen shillings; third prize, ten shillings; second and third prizes subject to the same condition as the first prize.

12. And be it further enacted, &c. That no Teacher of a common school shall be entitled to any benefit from the education fund, who shall not have attended the County meeting for the examination of Schoolmasters, unless prevented by sickness, to be certified by one of the Trustees of the Common School for which he is the Teacher.

13. And be it further enacted, &c. That the Master of the District School and such Members of the Board of Education as shall have attended the County examination of Schoolmasters, shall be entitled to ten shillings each for every day necessarily employed in the said examination, provided that it does not exceed three days for any -one County.

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That for the maintenance and encouragement

14. And be it further enacted, &c. of education in this Province there shall be established a fund to be entitled. "Education Fund," which said fund shall consist of such sum or sums as the Legislature shall deem fit to appropriate for the same, from the revenues of the Province; secondly, of the interest of the proceeds of the sale of the school lands, and all interest accruing from the proceeds of all other sales of lands appropriated to education; and thirdly, all such monies as may be available from the leasing of land for the purposes of education. 15. And be it further enacted, &c. That all sums of money already paid into the hands of the Receiver General of this Province, or which shall hereafter be paid to him, as the proceeds of land sold to promote Education shall by him be invested in the purchase of any Government debentures authorized by any Act of the Parliament of this Province, and shall be annually placed to the credit of the Education Fund by this Act created.

16. And be it further enacted, &c. That in aid of the present appropriation for the support of Common Schools in each and every district of this Province, there shall be granted to His Majesty, annually, the sum of twelve thousand pounds to be distributed among the several districts hereinafter provided out of any monies which are now raised and levied, or which may hereafter be raised and levied by the authority of Parliament, to and for the uses of this Province.

17. And be it further enacted, &c. That it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government of this Province, in each and every year, according to the last preceding census of the population of the Province, to apportion the money already granted by the Legislature, or which shall be hereafter. granted, among the several districts, together with such further sums of money as may be afforded from the Education Fund.

18. And be it further enacted, &c. That it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person administering the Government of this Province, on or before the fifteenth of June in each and every year, to cause to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Board of Education in each and every district a copy of such warrant as he shall have issued in favour of the Treasurer of such district for the payment of the portion assigned to such district out of the Education Fund.

19. And be it further enacted, &c. That it shall be the duty of the Chairman of of the Board of Education for each and every district of this Province to report the state of the district Common Schools, to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government that the same may be laid before the Legislature at its first meeting, for their inspection; and that the Chairman be entitled to ten shillings per diem, for every day necessarily employed in preparing such report, provided it does not exceed five days.

20. And be it further enacted, &c. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Board of Education in each and every district, to allow the clerks of their respective Boards, in addition to the sum they are now by law authorized to receive, the further sum of five pounds annually.

21. And be it further enacted, &c, That the said sum of twelve thousand pounds annually, shall be paid by the Receiver General of the Province, in discharge of such warrant as may for that purpose be issued by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government of this Province for the time being, and shall be accounted for to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors through the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the time being, in such manner and form as His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors shall be graciously pleased to direct.

22. And be it further enacted, &c. That this Act shall not go into operation until the first day of January, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.


31st day of March 1835.





On the question for passing the Bill the yeas and nays were taken as follows:

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MY LORD, I have the honour to transmit to Your Lorpship the accompanying Copy of the Bill to amend the Charter of King's College, which was passed by the House of Assembly last Session, and rejected by the Legislative Council.

From the discussions which took place in the Legislative Council, on the provisions of this Bill, I am persuaded that no law for the amendment of the College Charter will be enacted by the Provincial Legislature. I entertain no doubt, however, that the Charter may be so modified by the interposition of His Majesty's Government, as to leave, in essential points no just grounds for dissatisfaction, either on the part of the Legislative Council or of the House of Assembly.

The interests of the Province certainly require that the opening of the University should be authorized without delay; and that a revision of the Charter should be directed by His Majesty. I beg, therefore to propose that the suggestions in my despatches of the 19th of December, No. 77, may be immediately acted on in regard to the nomination and election of Professors, and to submit for the consideration of His Majesty's Government, the annexed Copy of the University Charter with the alterations proposed to be made, which I understand from Archdeacon Strachan will meet the views of the College Council and the Legislative Council.

The provisions which I consider as essential in the proposed modification of the Charter are :—

1. That the Visitorial power should be transferred.

2. That the office of President should not necessarily be connected with that of

Archdeacon of York, nor the appointment even held by a Clergyman.

3. That the Council should not be required to sign the Thirty-nine Articles.

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4. That the Council should consist of the Chancellor, President, the Principal of Upper Canada College, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, and five Professors of the University; and that the professors only should be required to be Members of the Church of England.

5. That a Professorship of Divinity of the Church of Scotland should be established, and the Professor appointed by the Synod of Canada.

6. That the Upper Canada College should be acknowledged in the Charter and protected as proposed in the additional provisions.

Although the provision which requires the Professors of the College to be members of the Church of England may be objected to by the House of Assembly, I trust that the revised Charter will be satisfactory to the Province generally; and be deemed consistent with the principles on which the College is founded.

Having informed the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly at the close of the Session, that I should strongly recommend to His Majesty's Government to sanction the opening of King's College, and assured that the College Council will consent to the prosposed revision of the Charter; and the Chancellor and President of the University being prepared to remove any legal objection to the granting of another Charter by the surrender of the existing one, and the acceptance of the proposed modifications, I hope your Lordship will think it expedient, under the circumstances, to which I have drawn your attention, to recommend the adoption of the course that I have suggested.

I have also to observe that there are now about one hundred and forty-five Scholars receiving an extensive and liberal education at Upper Canada College, and being convinced that the prosperity of this Seminary is of the greatest importance to the Province, and that it should be closely connected with King's College, and protected by a Charter, I trust that the additional clauses for the Government of the Institution will be approved of by your Lordship.

I have communicated to the Archdeacon the contents of this despatch; and I transmit for Your Lordship's information his remarks on the proposed alteration in the Charter, dispensing with the provision which declares that the President shall be a Clergyman. The objection made by the Archdeacon may be considered of importance, but as the appointment of the President rests with His Majesty, and the Professors of the Council must necessarily be members of the Church of England, I think the alteration may be safely admitted.

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We, Your Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects the ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist church in Canada beg leave to express our firm and devoted attachment to Your Majesty's Royal Person and Government, and that constitution under which we have the happiness to live, and most humbly represent to Your Majesty,

That we have at a very heavy expense, and by the aid of the voluntary and liberal contributions of friends of religion and education in these Provinces, erected and, in about three months will have completed the Buildings for a seminary of learning, situate in the vicinity of the town of Cobourg, in the Newcastle district, to be called the Upper


Canada Academy; the object of which is to educate the youth of Methodist congregations and other youth in the Canadas, and poor young men of piety and promising talents for common School masters, and the most pious and talented Indian youths, as interpreters, teachers and Missionaries to the aboriginal tribes of the Province-with special care of the moral and religious principles and habits of the pupils, as the union of education and Christian morality is essential to the well being of every civilized country. That nine trustees have been appointed by the conference three of whom, (the first three on the list,) shall go out of office annually, and the vacancies shall be filled up by the conference who shall hold in trust all property of every kind in any way purchased or acquired, for the use of the said Academy. A board of Visitors consisting of five shall be annually chosen by the conference, at its annual meeting, who, in connection with the Trustees shall have authority to appoint the Principal and Teachers, and frame and make laws for the good government of the said Academy according to the design of its establishment. To its joint board of Trustees and Visitors, the Principal and Teachers shall be amenable for their conduct. The said board of Trustees and Visitors shall transmit annually to the Conference at its annual Meeting, a full and particular statement of the literary and financial state of the said Academy.

That accommodatian for the lodging, as well as tuition, for one hundred and seventy pupils are provided within the halls of the Academy.

That an Institution of this kind is all important to the educational and best interests of the Province.

That the Wesleyan Methodists are the most numerous body of Christians in this Province, and are the only body who have made a united and vigorous effort, by the aid of private and individual contribution for the promotion of education in this new and important Province of Your Majesty's dominions.

That notwithstanding the very great and general exertions which have been made to obtain and collect subscriptions, such has been the pressure of the times in this Province for the last two years, that the progress of the buildings has been greatly impeded, anticipated resources and promised subscriptions have in very many instances, failed; so that a debt has accumulated against the Managing Board of about four Thousand Pounds.

That in order to render the said Academy efficient for the accomplishment of the purpose contemplated in its establishment, and in order to render a sound religious education in the elementary branches of Science accessible to poor young men of promising talent as common School masters, and the children of Parents in moderate circumstances, annual resources independent of the fees of Tuition, and a philosophical apparatus and library are indispensably necessary as also a Charter of Incorporation.

That under these circumstances of pressing necessity, animated by an ardent desire to promote the highest religious and educational interests of this Province, encouraged by the assurance of your Majesty's parental desire to advance the educational welfare, as well as general happiness, of your Majesty's faithful and loyal subjects in every part of your Majesty's vast empire, and emboldened by the fact of your Majesty having granted to the Episcopal University of King's College in this Province a Royal Charter, an annual grant of One Thousand Pounds Sterling for sixteen years, and an endowment of two hundred and twenty-five Thousand Acres of waste lands of the Crown, your Petitioners humbly and earnestly pray your Majesty to take the premises into your most gracious consideration and grant a Royal Charter for the said Upper Canada Academy, and such a sum of money and endowment of lands as your Majesty of your Royal grace and liberality may see fit.

Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada.

WM. LORD, President

of U. C. Conference. EGERTON RYERSON,


Hamilton, U.C., June 16th, 1835.

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