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Ob' du rate, impenitent, hardhearted, stubborn
Ob li gate, to bind by contract or duty
Ob lo quy, censorious speech, slander, blame
Ob so lete, outof use, unfashionable

Ob sta cle, a hindrance, an obstruction

Ob vi ate, to meet in the way, to prevent, to appease
Ob vi ous, open, exposed, easily discovered, plain
O di ous, hateful, detestable, abominable

O men, a sign either of good or bad, a prognostick
Op u lence, wealth, riches, affluence

Or al, delivered by mouth, not written, verbal
Organ ize, to construct so that one part may co-ope-
rate with another

Or i gin, beginning, source, first existence

Or phan, s. a child that has lost one or both of its parents, a bereft of parents

O vert, open, publick, apparent

O bes' i ty, great fatness, grossness

Ob lique, not direct, not perpendicular, not parallel
Ob lit er ate, to deface, to wear out, destroy
Ob nox ious, subject, liable to punishment, exposed
Ob scene, immodest, offensive, disgusting
Ob scu ri ty, want of light, darkness of meaning
Ob se qui ous, obedient, compliant, not resisting
Ob struct, to hinder, to block up, to oppose
Ob tain, to gain, to procure, to prevail
Ob trude, to thrust in by force or imposture
Oc cult, secret, biddeɔ, unknown

O mit, to leave out, to neglect, to pass by
O paque, not transparent, dark, cloudy

Op po nent, s. an antagonist, a. opposite, adverse
Op press, to crush by hardship, to subdue
Op pro bri ous, reproachful, disgraceful, vile

Out rage ous, violent, furious, enormous, atrocious
O ri en' tal, eastern, placed in the east

[show Os ten ta tion, outward show, ambitious display, vain

Pa' gcant ry, pomp, show


Pal li ate, to cover with excuse, to extenuate, to soften by favorable representation

Pal lid, pale

[sily discovered Pal pa ble, perceptible by the touch, gross, plain, eaPal pi tate, to beat as the heart, to flutter

Pang, sudden or extreme pain

Par a dox, an assertion contrary to appearance
Par a mount, superior, chief, eminent

Par i ty, equality

Par ti cle, a small part, an atom, a small word
Pas time, sport, amusement, diversion

Pat ri mo ny, an estate possessed by inheritance
Pat ri ot, a lover of his country

Pat ron ize, to support, to protect, to countenance
Pau ci ty, fewness, smallness of number
Pec ca ble, liable to sin

Pe nal, inflicting punishment, vindictive
Pen e trate, to pierce, to enter

Penitence, repentance, sorrow for sin
Pen sive, serious, thoughtful, sorrowful
Per fi dy, treachery, breach of faith

Per fo rate, to pierce through, to make a hole
Per il, danger, hazard, jeopardy

Per ju ry, false oath

Per ma nent, durable, lasting, unchanged
Per ti nent, very much to the purpose, apposite

Per vi ous, that may be passed through

Pet ri fy, to change to stone, to become stone
Pet u lent, saucy, perverse, wanton

Pith y, consisting of pith, strong, forcible, energetick
Pla ca ble, willing or possible to be appeased
Pla cid, quiet, soft, mild, gentle

Plain tive, expressive of sorrow, lamenting, complaining
Plas tick, having the power to give form

[pearance Plau si ble, superficially pleasing, specious, fair to ap Pleas ant, delightful, cheerful, good humoured, gay Plen ti ful, abundant, copious, exuberant, fruitful Pli a ble, easy to be bent, flexible, easy to be persuaded Plod, to toil, to drudge, to travel laboriously, to study closely and dully

Pomp ous, splendid, magnificent, grand

Pon der, to consider, to attend, to weigh morally
Pon der ous, weighty, heavy, important

Pop u lous, full of people

Por ta ble, that may he carried, supportable
Positive, absolute, certain

Po tent, powerful, forcible, efficacious

Prac ti ca ble, performable, capable of being practised
Pre cious, valuable, costly, of great price

Pre vi ous, antecedent,going before, prior
Pri or, going before, former, antecedent

Priv i lege, peculiar advantage, immunity, publick right
Prod i gal, a. profuse, wasteful, lavish, s. a spendthrift
Prof li gate, a. abondoned, lost to virtue, s. an abandon-
Prom in ent, standing out, conspicuous, [ed wretch
Prompt i tude, readiness, quickness, alacrity
Pros e cute, to pursue, to continue, to carry on

Pros e lyte, a convert, one brought over to a new o-
Pros per ous, successful, fortunate


Pru dence, wisdom applied to practice

Pu e rile, childish, boyish, trifling

Pul ver ize, to reduce to powder or dust

Punct ure, a hole made with a small point,

Pure, unsullied, clear, uncorrupt


Pur port, s. tendency, design of a discourse, v. to in

Pu trid, rotten, corrupt

Par ti' ci pate, to partake of, to share

Pa thet ick, affecting the passions, moving, tender
Pe cu liar, appropriate, belonging to any one to the

exclusion of others

Pe dan tick, awkwardly ostentatious of learning
Pe nu ri ous, niggardly sparing, sordidly mean
Per cep ti ble, observable

Per cus sion, the act of striking, a stroke [latir
Per emp to ry, dogmatical, absolute, without expostu
Per ni cious, mischievous, destructive

Per pet u al, never ceasing, continual, uninterrupted
Per plex, to embarrass, to disturb with doubtful notions
Per spic u ous, clear to the understanding, not obscure,

Per sua sive, having the power of persuading
Per tain, to belong to, to relate to

Per vade, to pass through or over

Per vert, to turn from the true end or purpose, to corrupt, to turn from the right

Pe ruse, to read, to observe, to examine

Po lite, elegant of manners

Pol lute, to defile, to taint, to corrupt

Por tray, to paint, to describe by picture, to adorn with pictures

Prag mat ick, meddling, assuming business without inPre ca ri ous, uncertain, dependant

Pre cede, to go before


Pre cip i tant, falling or rushing headlong, hasty

Pre cise, exact, strict, nice, formal

Pre dominant, prevalent, supreme in influence, ascenPre lim i na ry, previous, introductory

Pre re qui site, something previously requisite

Pre rog a tive, an exclusive or peculiar privilege
Pre side, to sit over, to have authority over
Pre sume, to suppose, to venture

Pre vail, to be in force, to overcome

Pre va ri cate, to cavil, to quibble, to shufle


Pro ceed to go on, to prosecute, to advance [openly Pro claim, to publish publickly and solemnly, to tell Pro di gi ous, amazing, astonishing, monstrous

Pro gress ive, going forward, advancing

[to hinder

Pro hib it,to forbid, to interdict by authority, to debar Pro li fick, fruitful, generative, productive

Pro lix, long, tedious

Pro long, to lengthen out, to put off

Pro mis cu ous, mingled, undistinguished, confused Pro mote, to forward, to advance, to elevate, to exalt Pro mul gate, to publish, to make known

Pro pel, to drive forward

Pro pen si ty, inclination, tendency
Pro pin qui ty, nearness, proximity
Pro pi tious, favourable, merciful, kind
Pro pose, to offer for consideration


Pro scribe, to censure capitally, to dorm to destruc

Protect, to defend, to cover from evil, to shield
Pro tract, to draw out, to delay, to lengthen
Protrude, to thrust forward

Pro vide, to procure beforehand, to get ready
Prox im i ty, nearness

Puis sant, powerful, strong, forcible
Punc til li o, nicety in behaviour, exactness
Eur suit, the act of following a chase

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Pan e gyr ick, an eulogy, an encomiastick piece
Pe ri od ic al, circular, at stated times, regular
Per se vere, to persist in an attempt, not to give over
Per ti na cious, obsti nate,stubborn, perversely resolute
Pu sil lan im ous, mean spirited,narrow minded,cowardly

Quad ru ped, a. having four feet,s. a four footed animal Quaint, exact, neat, nice, artful

Qual i fy, to fit for, to soften

Quan da ry, a doubt, a difficulty

Quash, to subdue suddenly, to make void, to crush
Quench, to extinguish, to cool, to allay, to destroy

Quer u lous, mourning, habitually complaining

Que ry, s. a question, v. to ask questions

[quivocate Quib ble, to play on the sound of words, to pun, to eQui et ude, rest, repose

Quote, to cite an author, or the words of an author

Qui es' cent, resting, not in motion


Ra' di ant, shining brightly, sparkling, emitting rays
Rad ic al, primitive, original

Rail le ry, slight satire, satirical merriment

Rap id, quick, swift

Ra pine, force, violence, the act of plundering

Rar i fy, to make or become thin

Rav en ous, furiously voracious, hungry to rage
Re cent, new, fresh, not long passed

[pensation Rec om pense, v. to requite, to repay, s. equivalent, comRec on cile, to compose differences, to restore to favour Rec re ate, to amuse, to refresh, to delight, to revive Rec ti fy, to make right, to reform

Rec ti tude, straightness, uprightness

Ren o vate, to renew, to restore to the first state

Re qui site, necessary, needful, required

Res i due, the remaining part, that which is left

Res o lute, determined, constant, firm

Ret ro grade, a. going backwads, contrary, v. to go

Re tro spect, a looking on past things
Rig id, inflexible, severe, stiff

Riv al ry, competition

Rue, to grieve for, to regret, to lament


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