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understand us,

Our bodies will die like the beasts, and they will be laid in the grave;

And our flesh, and our bones, will dissolve, and mingle with the earth,

But our souls are immortal, they will never die.

God orders every thing, he keeps us alive, and can make us die when he will.

He sees us wherever we are, by night as well as by day.

He knows all that we do,or say, or think; there is nothing which he does not know.

When it is Spring, the little birds are very busy in making their rests.

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ac com plish
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em bar rass
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ef ful gent
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con cur rent

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ma lig nant
prag mat ick
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per spec tive vin dic tive


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con tent ed el lip sis ex tin guish ex is tence ex act ness

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in vec tive

in tes tine

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dis junc tive in ac tive

Some make their nests on high trees, and some on the ground,

Some make their nests in the woods; and others, in the fields, and meadows.

Some build on the rails of a fence, while others search for a hole, in the limb of a tree. Some nests are made in thick bushes and briers; and others, in houses, barns and chimneys.

Some, with much labour, peck holes in trees that are dead, and make nests there. Others lay their eggs on the ground, without making any nest at all.

Now,boys, if you find any nests, do not rob them of their eggs, nor of their young ones. You may look at the little birds, in the nests, but do not hurt them.

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in trench ment in dul gence sub sist ance

re luc tance

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You would not like to be taken away from your father, and mother, and home

So you must not take the little birds away from their soft, warm nests.

You cannot feed them so well as the old birds can, nor take so good care of them.

Little boys who take birds from their nests soon grow tired of them, and forget to feed them; and then the little birds die. But the old birds do not forget to feed their young ones.

They do not leave them till they can fly away, and take care of themselves.

Good people love God, more than they do any person or any thing in the world. When they rise in the morning, and when

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they lie down at night, they think of him, and of the good he has done them.

Often, in the day, they think of him. and they love to talk, and hear,and read about him.

We must pray to God, and desire him to forgive us, when we do wrong.

We must ask him to put good thoughts in our minds, and to help us to do better.

We must pray that he will bless us, and our parents, and our friends, and give us those things which we need.

We should do the things which God requires us to do.

It is his will that we should be kind to all, even to those who are unkind to us.

If we do the things that God requires of

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But if we do them not, he will be displeased with us, and will punish us.

He can punish us in any way which he shall think fit.

He can take away our friends, and every thing he has given us.

And after death he can make us misera ble forever.

But if we try to do as he would have us do, he will help us to be good.

And when we die, that is, when our souls leave our bodies, he will take us into heaven, and there we shall be with him.

Then we shall know him, and love him, and praise him,better than we can in this world.

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