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I have been looking at the lambs, said Emma, to her papa, one morning, and could not help smiling, though alone, to see them jump about so lively.

Should you like to have one, replied her papa, to call your own?

Em. I should, sir; it would please me very much.

Pa. Go with me then into the yard; here are two pretty lambs that are twins; their dam is dead, and if you will take good care of them, they shall be yours.

Em. I thank you, papa; I will feed them every day.

Pa. But stop, my dear; I have just thought of your little brother,

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sa lu bri ous

ux o ri ous

vic to ri o us

He would delight to help you take care of them, and become an owner with you; will you give one to Henry

Why that silence, my child, are you not willing your brother should share them with you?

Em. I ought to be willing, I know; but I do not feel quite so.

Pa. What shall we give then to Henry? I fear he will cry, when he hears you have two lambs, and he none.

Em. I will give him the little robin, that Gousin James gave me the other day, and the cage with it.

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Pa Ah, that is not worth half so much as the lambs.

And perhaps, if you do not let it fly away

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Henry have?

few days, and then what shall

If they were Henry's lambs, should you like it if he would not give one to you? Em. I think it would grieve me very much. Pa, You must learn then, my dear, to do to others, as you would like to have them do to you.

Em. I will give one to Henry with all my heart; I would much rather he would have one, than to have them both myself.

Pa. I am glad to see you so willing, my child; Henry will now be as happy as yourself, when you walk together, and call your little lambs by whatever names you please.

Come, let us praise God, for he is very great; let us bless God, for he is verv gond.


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ef fect u al

He made the great whale, and the elephant; and the little worm that crawleth on the ground.

The little birds sing praises to God, when they warble sweetly in the green shade, The brooks and rivers praise God, as they murmur melodiously among the smooth pebbles.

I will praise God with my voice; for I may praise him though I am but a little child.

A few years ago, I was a little infant, and my tongue was dumb within my mouth; And I did not know the great name of God, for my reason was not come unto me.

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ex em pli fy

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in val i date

com mu ni cate
il lu min ate

le git i mate
re tal i ate
re sus ci tate
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pre dom in ate

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in e bri ate

pre des ti nate

pe nul ti mate so lic i tude

col le gi ate
in fu ri ate

ex co ri ate

ne ces si tate

But now I can speak; and my tongue shall praise him;

I can think of all his kindness, and my heart shall love him.

Let him call me ; andI will come unto him; let him command me; and I will obey him. When I am old, I will praise him better; and I will never forget God, so long as my life remaineth in me.

The glorious sun is set in the west; the night dews fall, and the air which was sultry becomes cool,

The flowers fold up their coloured leaves; they fold themselves up, and hang their heads on the slender stalk.

The chickens are gathered under the

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