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An affectation of wisdom often prevents our becoming wise.

Come, little children, let us speak of God; let us speak of him; for he is here; and he is also afar off.

He is in the wind, and in the tempest; in the light, and in the darkness; in an atom, and in a world.

His presence filleth the whole universe; and his ear is open to the cries of all created things.

He heareth the cheerful song of the lark, at the early dawn; and the hum of the young bee that fluttereth round the rose.

He heareth the bleating of the lamb, and attendeth to the lowing of the ox: he pro

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And will he not hear the humble prayer of a child? Yes; it is said, ask, and ye shall receive.

Even before we ask, he knoweth what things we stand in need of; let us not ask amiss.

The earth is assigned us for a dwelling; the skies are stretched over us like a magnificent canopy, dyed in the purest azure; and beautified, now, with pictures of floating silver; now, with colourings of reflected crimson,

The grass is spread under us as a spaeious carpet, woven with silken threads of

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The sun, like a golden lamp, is hung out in the etherial vault, and pours his effulgent rays all the day, to enlighten our paths.

When night approaches, the moon takes up the friendly office; and the stars appear, in twinkling myriads, to cheer the darkness with their milder lustre.

The clouds, besides the rich painting they hang around the heavens, act the part of a shifting screen, and defend us by their seasonable interposition, from the scorching beams of summer.

May we not also regard them as the great watering pots of the earth; which,

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wafted on the wings of the wind, dispense their moisture evenly, through the universal garden, and fructify, with their showers, whatever our hands plant.

O man! greatly beloved by the Creator, the darling of Providence; thou art distinguished by his goodness; distinguish thyself by thy gratitude.

Be it thy one undivided aim, to glorify Him, who has been at so much expense to gratify thee.

To whom are we indebted for the rich, and varied gifts of nature? who provides for our wants, and pleasures, with so much goodness.

Go, ask it of all nature; the hills, and the vallies, will tell thee.

The earth points it out to our sight; the

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sky is a mirror, in which we may behold it.

The stormy tempests proclaim it; the voice of thunder, the rainbow, the rain, and the snow declare his wisdom and goodness.

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The green fields; the meadows covered with corn; the mountains, whose heads are raised to the very clouds; the trees laden with fruit; the flower garden, and the rose in its full beauty; all bear impressions of his handy work.

The feathered fowls; the bleating flocks; the grazing herd; the stag in the forest; the worm in the earth; and the whale which dashes the waves afar off; and all the animals that exist; declare the glory of the Almighty.

When we look round us, every thing reminds us of his blessing; everything prompts us to gratitude and praise.

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