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Vas sal, a dependant, a subject, a slave

Va ri e gate, to diversify, to stain with different co ours Ve he ment, eager, forcible, fervent

Vend, to sell, to offer for sale

Ven om ous, poisonous, malignant, mischievous

Ven e rate, to reverence, to regard with awe, to respect Ver bal, spoken, not written, oral

Ver dure, green colour, greenness

Ver i fy, to prove true, to confirm, to justify
Ver min, any noxious animal

Vi brate, to move to and fro, to quiver
Vic to ry, conquest, success, triumph
Vig i Jant, watchful, circumspect, diligent


Vig our, efficacy, force, strength, intellectual ability
Vile, mean, sordid, wicked, worthless

Vil la ny, baseness, crime, wickedness
Vin di cate, to justify, to assert, to clear
Vo cal, having a voice, uttered by the voice
Vogue, fashion, mode

Vol un ta ry, acting without compulsion, willing
Vul ner a ble, that may be wounded or injured

Ve lo' ci ty, speed, swiftness,

Ve ra ci ty, moral truth, consistency of report with fact Ver bose, exuberant in words, prolix

Vi cin i ty, nearness, neighbourhood

Vi cis si tude, change, revolution

Vin dic tive, revengeful

Vi va ci ty. liveliness, sprightliness

Vo lupt u ous, given to excess of pleasure, luxurious
Vo ra cious, greedy to eat, ravenous
Vouch safe, to grant, to condescend


Wa' ry, cautious, scrupulous, prudent
Wile, deceit, fraud, trick, stratagem
Win, to gain by conquest, play, or art

Wo ful, sorrowful, afflictive, calamitous, wretched
Won der fu!, admirable, strange, astonishing

With draw', to take back, to retire, to retreat
With hold, to hold back, to keep back, to refuse


Zealous, ardent, passionate on any subject

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