III. I pledge aid to a brother of the Ku Klux Klan in sickness, distress, or pecuniary embarrassments; females, friends, and widows, and their households shall be the special object of my care and devoted protection. IV. Should I ever divulge, or cause to be divulged, any of the secrets of this order, or any of the foregoing obligations, I must meet with the fearful punishment of death and traitor's doom, which is death, death, death, at the hands of the brethren.1 I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Invisible Circle; that I will defend our families, our wives, our children, and brethren; that I will assist a brother in distress to the best of my ability; that I will never reveal the secrets of this order or anything in regard to it that may come to my knowledge, and if I do may I meet a traitor's doom, which is death, death, death: so help me God, and so punish me my brethren.2 1 Ku Klux Report, North Carolina Testimony, pp. 399, 400. 2 South Carolina Testimony, p. 361. Abernathy, Dr. C. C., a member of the Klan... 21 147, 170 176 70 147, 173 39 27 Alabama, Costumes worn in, 43, 58, 97; in- "American Historical Magazine," cited. 33 59 25 21 26 Black Belt, Ku Klux Klan mainly outside of.. 23 18 1865-1868, 125; his militia a cause of the 67 stitution," cited.. 113 C. Cartoon from the "Independent Monitor," 42, ..... PAGE 43, 113 192; from the "Loil Legislature". (See also Ku Klux Klan.) 50, 75- 81 Centaurs, Grand Council of.. "Century Magazine," cited.. 53, 84 Certificate of Laps D. McCord. 38 43, 192 "Cincinnati Commercial," prints the Randolph cartoons "Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama," by W. L. Fleming, cited.. 49, 79, 113 Character and objects of Ku Klux Klan..... 155 33 Cloud, Dr. N. B., driven from Tuscaloosa by Congress investigates Ku Klux Klan, 27, 28, Constitutional Union Guards... Coon and Sibley, carpetbaggers, cartoon of, 144 Council of Centaurs, 144; of Yahoos... Cox, S. S., "Three Decades,” quotation from. II Creed of the Klan.. 21 136, 154 Crowe, Major James R., one of the founders Cutler, "Lynch Law," cited.... Cyclops, Grand, an official of the Klan, 57; Decline of the Klan, 100-127; causes of....... 103 Dedication of Prescript.. ........ PAGE 150, 176 .19-21, 53 Den, the lowest division of the Order, 85, 136, Klan "Documents Relating to Reconstruction," cited, 156 79 147 18 E. Edicts, or By-laws of the Order... Empire, The.. Ensign, Grand, duties. Ensign or banner of the Ku Klux Klan. Exchequer, Grand, or treasurer, 57, 86; duties, Expulsion of members... F. .68-82, 156 149, 174 Fleming, W. L., "Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama," cited. Flying Dragon. 49, 79, 113 147 "Force Laws," effect on Klan. 26, 27, 28; testimony before Ku Klux- Founders of the Klan.. ...... Furies, the staff of the Grand Titan, 86, 136, Garner, J. W., "Reconstruction in Mississippi," 19 164 27 cited 49 PAGE Garrett, Dr. W. R., makes plates used on pages 153-176 Genii, the staff of the Grand Wizard, 85, 136, 155, 157..... Georgia, candidates in Georgia. Ghouls, private members, 136, 156; elect 40 164 31 143, 165 Giant, Grand, ruler of a Province, duties, 139, Giles County, Tennessee.. Goblins.... Gordon, Gen. John B., 26, 27, 33; testimony before the Ku Klux Committee of Con- 159 50 136, 156, 160, 164 Hanging picture, cartoon by Ryland Randolph, 42, 192; republished in the North........ 192 Hardee, Gen. W. J., a member.. 26 "Histoire Générale," by Lavisse & Rambaud, 25 44 164 Huntsville, Alabama, parade of Klan in. I. "Independent Monitor," cited............... 26, 41, 192 mission 171 Investigation of Ku Klux Klan, by Congress, Invisible Circle.. Invisible Empire,. 198 J. Jones, Calvin, one of the founders, 20, 21; on |