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ministered by others.' The persons, against whom the preacher
directs his discourse, may say that the principles of both churches
are nearly the same; and that they only wish to enjoy the benefits of
two modes of worship both alike Christian, and to cherish a libera!,
in opposition to a party spirit.-We shall not enter into any arg
ment with Mr P.: but we think that he has exposed himself to some
sharp animadversions; and that he will be laughed at for cre
dulity, when he gravely states,, on the report of a Mr. Somebody,
that a Meeting house minister lately prayed that it would please
God to rain down bricks and mortar from heaven, with which
Meeting houses might be built." Could not Mr. P smell a hoax? Moy


ENT. of Kennington obligingly communicates some remarks
on a passage in Massinger, which attracted our notice in reviewing
Mre Gifford's late edition of that author. (See Rev. for January,
p. With regard to the term Galley-foist, he says, he, has in his
possession a very scarce large view of London, well engraved by
Nicholas John Visscher, who flourished in 1600, with the principal
buildings, &c. named in it; and which contains a large pleasure-boat,
with 3 or 4 masts, much ornamented and fitted up stemingly for
parties of pleasure, called "the Galley fuste." A naval, friend, he
informs us, describes it as "a ship-rigg'd vessel, with a jigger-mast
abaft to set the mizen on ;" and our correspondent adds that
tainly was not a Lord Mayor's Barge, as described by Mr. Gifford,
as it stands very high out of the water, and is pierced for several
Guns.-E.N T. then enters into some etymological conjectures,
which we suspect to be erroneous; and we have now to subjoin, that
our old friend, N. Bailey, in his valuable Etymological English Diction
ary, (which we before unaccountably omitted to consult,) inserts the
word Foist, and calls it a pinnace, or small ship, with sails or oars,

it cer

These concurring evidences seem to set the question at rest with regard to the meaning of the term Galley foist:-Bullions, and Quirpo ar Cuerpo, (see also Bailey) we have already explained:-so that this passage in Massinger, and the division of a beau's time in the days of that poet, may now be fully understood.

W. S. refers to an Extract from a book which we have not now at hand.

[ocr errors]

Our correspondent at Emanuel College is under a mistake. We
Lave never seen a 2d Edition of the work which he mentions.

A very warm admirer' almost scorches us with his flaming praises
but we must coldly inform him, that such publications as that which
is the object of his warmest solicitude do not attract our attention.
Lathe APPENDIX to Vol. LI of the Monthly Review, which
was published with the last Number, P. 457. 1. 1. for there, r. here,
P. 50% after lovers, add of, P. 514. 1. 12. for powers,' r.

In the. No. for January, P. 63. 1. 26. for and indeed, 1. indeed;
and. P. 90. L. 17. for 'three into,' r. into three.
TGS 1841


Erwu, PP. 145, 150, 169, 199, 222, 224.



För MARCH, 1807.

ART. I. Biographical Memoirs of the late Rev. Joseph Warton, D.D. Master of St. Mary, Winton College; Prebendary of Winchester Cathedral; and Rector of the Parishes of Wickham and Upham, Hants to which are added, a Selection from his Works; and a Literary Correspondence between eminent Persons, reserved by him for Publication. By the Rev. John Wool, A.M, late Fellow of New College, Oxford; Rector of Blackford, Somerset; and Master of the Free Grammar School of Midhurst, Sussex. 4to. pp. 426. 11. 78. Boards. Cadell and Davies. 1806.

So direct and extens ve is the influence of letters in melio. rating the condition of society, that the history of every eminent scholar may be safely regarded as a subject of more honourable record than that of heroes and statesmen, who too often shine with a dazzling but destructive splendour. Other views and feelings, too, than those connected with gratitude alone, contribute to the importance of impartial displays of literary biography; since no object can more deeply interest the student of human nature than a cultivated understanding, and in no circumstances are the mental faculties more distinctly developed than in the acquisition of knowlege and science. We may be allowed to add that, next to familiar access to the living models of learning, the memorials of their talents and virtues are powerfully calculated to rouse genius and inspire emulation. It must at the same time be conceded that the task of commemoration too frequently devolves on those who are by no means qualified for its performance; and while one presents us with little more than a chronicle of dates, a second blends with facts the partialities of consanguinity or friendship, a third recites with complacency the most trivial incidents, and a fourth exalts the hero of his theme into a saint, or a demi-god.

These general reflections have been suggested by the title of the present volume respecting an eminent and amiable literary character, which sufficiently indicates the nature and VOL. LIL divisions


divisions of its contents. A second, which it is intended to publish with all convenient speed, will include Dr. Warton's Life of Virgil, his three essays on Pastoral, Epic, and Dramatic Poetry, his papers in the Adventurer, a continuation of the correspondence, and a supplement.

From the Memoirs, to which our first and principal attention is due, we shall endeavour to collect the most important notices into a connected series.


Joseph Warton was born in the house of his maternal grandfather, the Rev. Joseph Richardson, Rector of Dunsfold in Surrey, and was baptized on the 22d of April, 1722. "To his father, who was Professor of Poetry in Oxford, he was chiefly indebted for instruction, till the year 1736, when he was admitted on the foundation of Winchester College, and manifested that vigour of intellect and that goodness of heart for which he was ever afterward distinguished. It is parti cularly mentioned that, in this early stage of his literary ca reer, he joined with Collins and another boy in contributing to the Gentleman's Magazine certain verses, which obtained the flattering approbation of the author of the Rambler. In 1740, he removed to Oriel College, Oxford, where the superiority of his endowments was speedily recognized, and where he composed some poetical effusions. On taking his bachelor's degree, he was ordained on his father's curacy, and afterward performed the ministerial duties at different parishes, till 1748,. when he was presented by the Duke of Bolton to the Rectory of Winslade, and married Miss Daman, to whom he had been for some time enthusiastically attached.

In the year 1751, he was called from the indulgence of connu bial happiness, and the luxury of literary retirement, to attend his patron to the South of France; for which invitation the Duke had two motives, the society of a man of learning and taste, and the accommodation of a Protestant clergyman, who, immediately on the death of his Duchess, then in a confirmed dropsy, could marry him to the lady with whom he lived, and who was universally known and distinguished by the name of Polly Peachum.'

On this occasion, the reverend biographer, to our utter astonishment, adopts the language, not of pointed reprehension, but of apology and extenuation. After all, Mr. Warton's continental tour was far from auspicious; for the Duke's im patience deprived him of his expected recompense; and the information, which the scholar was solicitous of acquiring în the course of his rambles, was often intercepted by his ignorance of the French language. The bald Latinity of a few Irish friars must have proved a wretched resource for the classical adept, whose national pronunciation of the Roman tongue-¿ wet a nut kaj sevmighter


might reuder his communication with learned natives of France unmanageable and uncertain.

Soon after his return to England, Mr. Warton favoured the public with an edition of Virgil, in Latin and English, in which he adopted Pitt's translation of the Æneid, and supplied many valuable notes. In consequence of a very flattering invitation, he was next induced to furnish for the Adventurer : twenty-four papers, chir fly relative to subjects of criticism and literature: but his scheme of editing the select epistles of Politianus, Erasmus, Grotius, and others, on a scale sufficiently extensive to embrace the history of the revival of learning, was unfortunately abandoned. In 1754, he was instituted to the living of Tunworth; and, in the following year, he was' elected Second Master of Winchester School, to which office were attached the superintendance and emoluments of a boarding house.

He entered on his honourable employment with all the energy a mind like his naturally conceived: but his zeal was tempered with judgement, and the eagerness of his expectations chastened by salutary patience. Ardent in provoking emulation, and rewarding excellence, he was at the same time aware that the standard of approved merit must not be placed too high, or the laudable industry which gradually invigorates mediocrity of talent, be crushed by disproportionate demands. He knew that the human mind developed itself progressively, but not always in the same consistent degrees, or at periods uniformly similar. He conjectured therefore that the most probable method of ensuring some valuable improvement to the generality of boys, was not to exact what the generality are incapable of performing. As a remedy for inaccurate construction, arising either from apparent idleness or inability, he highly approved, and sedulously imposed, translation. Modesty, timidity, or many other constitutional impediments, may prevent a boy from displaying before his master, and in the front of his class, those talents, of which privacy and a relief from these embarrassments will often give proof. If Addison, in the prime of life and possession of the richest mental en-: dowments, could confess when speaking of his deficience in conversation, that with respect to intellectual wealth "he could draw a bill for a thousand pounds, though he had not a guinea in his pocket," it may be supposed that boys not really destitute of talent, or incapable of becoming scholars, are sometimes so oppressed by shyness or fear, as not to do themselves justice in the common routine of public Construction, and to require a varied method of ascertaining their sufficiency of information and intellect. This important end Dr. WARTON thought happily answered by translation; nor did he deem lightly of its value as a general system. A habit of composition he imagined to be gradually acquired by it; and the style and sentiments of an author deeply engraven on the memory of the scholar. These sentiments were confirmed by that most infallible test, experience; as he declared (within a few years of his death) that the best scholars


he had sent into the world were those whom, whilst second master he had thus habituated to translation, and given a capacity of comparing and associating the idiom of the dead languages with their



In 1756, he published his Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, and received a chaplain's scarf from his friend and patron, Lord Lyttelton. Ten years afterward, he was appointed Head Master of the seminary, in which he had laboured with assi duity and success in the capacity of Usher. While thus advancing to fame and independance, he was deprived by deathof the wife whom he tenderly loved: but, at no long interval. of time, he formed a second inatrimonial connection, and was. again peculiarly fortunate in his choice of an amiable and intelligent partner:

Ivis nonos) less reprehensible than remarkable, that the talents of the poet and critic, and the successful exertions of the instructor, had as yet received neither encouragement or (nor) remuneration. Nor had one man of power and patronage, though the sons of many were entrusted to his care, deemed it incumbent on him to confer either affluence or dignity on their Master. It remained for a Prelate most high in theological and classical reputation, for one who knew the value of literary acquirements, and was in his own person a distinguished example of the public benefit to which they may he converted, to do honour to himself and his situation by the preferment of Dr. WARTON.In the year 1782, the eminently learned and pious Dr. Lowth, then Bishop of London, bestowed on him a prebend of St. Paul's, and within the year added the living of Chorley in Hertfordshire, which, after some arrangements, the Doctor exchanged for Wickham.

In the same years appeared the long expected sequel to the Essay on Pope.-During the spring of 1786, Dr. Warton was visited with a severe domestic affliction, in the loss of his second son, a man of high talents and superior information. Within four years of this date, he had likewise to deplore the death of that brother to whom, from childhood, he had been invariably attached, and for whose genius and fame he had ever Telt the most puse and liberal admiration.'-Having resigned the Mastership in 1793, he courted retirement, without renouncing those literary habits which he had, in some measure, identified with his existence. In 1797, the completed his edition of Pope, in mine volumes octavo and we are formed that he had finished for the press two volumes of Lis intended edition of Dryden, when, sinking under the pres sure of disease, he expired on the 23d of February, 1800 *I* cannot but wish,' remarks his biographer, that the possessor of the manuscript had found it convenient, or deemed it proper, publish at least the two volumes left (and declared to be sa


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