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that neither the day nor the night may ever come when we shall ever be involved in so direful a fate, either for ourselves, or those with whom we are connected: but that we and ours may preserve our faculties so far as never to fall under so sore an evil; may our latter end be in peace, and our hope everlasting felicity.

"O, Almighty God! terrible in thy judgments, and wonderful in thy doings toward the children of men, we would deprecate thy displeasure, and beg of thee to preserve our minds calm, and in the sound use of all our faculties to life's extremest verge. Thou hast called us lately to the contemplation of a direful catastrophe, resulting from a previous loss of intellect, Ö may thy guardian Providence watch over us for our good, and turn from every one of us so deplorable an evil: that we, being protected by thy goodness from all dangers, may glorify thee to our last hour, through Jesus Christ, our great Mediator and Advocate. Amen."

This discourse was delivered to a full and most respectable assembly of Protestant Dissenters, awfully impressed with the pious earnestness of the preacher.

On the following Sunday, Sept. 1, the Rev. S. W. Browne preached a Sermon in the same chapel on the Disenthralment of the Greeks from the Ottoman oppressive government.


M. J.

LATELY purchased, at an old a

I famous Dr. Jonathan Edwards, on the language of certain Indian tribes. On the last page of this little tract, there is printed the following whimsical anecdote, which you will perhaps think worthy of a place in your Repository. The imprint is dated London, 1788, and purports to be a reprint of an American edition of the preceding year. I suspect that the London publication had been edited by the Rev. Dr. Rippon, and that he is the I. R. mentioned in this Appendix, and probably the first publisher of the anecdote: for, on the same page, there is an advertisement of "Hymns intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, by John Rippon, A.M."

B. D.


As the following anecdote is well autheuticated, and stands recommended by an artless simplicity, it may not be unacceptable to the reader to find it inserted in this vacant page.

Conversation between the Rev. Mr. M
and Pagey, an Indian.
Pagey. Do you know any ting, Sir, of
Jesus Christ?

Minister. I trust I do.

Pagey. O blessed for ever Jesus Christ, he make white man know him, he make poor Indian know him, blessed for ever.



Minister. How did you find Jesus Christ?

Pagey. I no findee him, he findee me.
Minister. Where did he find you?

Pagey. I was a work in my field, a hoeing my corn, and den I tink I hear someting say, Pagey! Ah, I look but I see noting. So I stooped down again and hoe my corn, and I tink I hear someting say, Pagey! I cry out, What a you say? but I see noting, and I feel cold on my head. I go up high hill and look round, but I see noting; den I tink I hear someting say again, Pagey! I cry out, What a you say? and I tink he say to me, Pagey! you know who gave a you dat corn? I say, No. And he say, Jesus Christ gave a you dat corn; I fall on my face on a ground, and I cry, cry, when I tink a blessed Jesus give poor drunken

Indian corn.

Minister. What, Pagey, do you get drunk now?

Pagey. Oh, no! me never be drunk again after Jesus Christ tell a me he give a me dat corn; so den I go home to my wigwaum, (his hut or house,) and see a my squaw (his wife); my squaw be a up

squaw, but while I hold up a my hand to beat a my squaw, I tink I hear blessed Jesus say,-Pagey! Jesus Christ a beat a you when you was drunken Indian? So den I trou down my tick and I fall on my face, and I cry, and I pray for my squaw, and blessed Jesus hear me, and my poor squaw never get drunk any more: 0 blessed for ever, Jesus Christ. Amen.

One man he ask a me, Pagey! who is best, you or your brother deacon? ! say no best, Jesus Christ best, blessed for ever.

Amen. Dey tell a me I must tink dare be tree in God, and but one God; so I tell a my blessed Jesus, and he say, Pagey! you know de rain? Yes. And you know de hail? Yes. And you know de snow? Yes. Well, you know de rain be water, de snow be water, and de hail be water; but they are all one water. I jump up; I have a-1 have a,

[blocks in formation]

September 9, 1822.

THE readers of the Monthly Repository will recollect, that some time since there appeared in one of its numbers the prospectus of a work, proposed to be published by subscription, entitled, "The Test of Truth, or the United Evidence of the Sacred Scriptures, respecting the True Object of Religious Worship, and the Condition of Acceptance, in the Language of the Scriptures, including the Evidence of the Scriptures on the Person,


&c. of Jesus Christ."

Since then it has been suggested to the author, that it would be inuch better to publish it in parts or numbers, at sixpence each, once a fortnight; as it would, by this means, be more within the reach of all; parti

cularly of those who cannot conveniently purchase large works; and as it would hence, also, be more generally useful. Agreeably to this suggestion, the author now proposes to publish it in this manner as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be procured to indemnify him from loss. It would be necessary, of course, that the subscribers should consider themselves pledged to receive the numbers till the work be complete. But it might be well to remember, that it is not designed so much to please as to not designed so much to please as to profit the reader. It is a work completely of scriptural evidence, on the important points mentioned in the title, arranged in such a manner as appeared most likely to convince, without perplexing, the mind. It is, however, calculated to be a great assistance both to devotion and practice. And the author hopes, that the friends of pure and undefiled religion will not suffer it to be lost to the public, particularly in the present state of the Christian world. He depends entirely on their aid to bring it out.

It may probably consist of twenty or twenty-four numbers.

[blocks in formation]

Those persons in the country who wish to become subscribers, are requested to forward their names as soon as possible, through the medium of the country booksellers, to the publisher, Mr. R. Hunter, St. Paul's

Churchyard, London; and it is pro

posed, that they should receive the numbers in the same way as the Monthly Repository and Christian Reformer.


N. B. If the minister in each conundertake to solicit for subscribers, gregation, or any other person, would

and forward the names as above di

rected, the author would esteem it a particular favour.



THE of veral respects HE last Report of the Unitarian very interesting and encouraging, especially in its communication relative to But the Transylvanian Unitarians. the Heathen, there is still almost a on one topic, that of exertions among blank, and till that blank be well filled and occupied, a thoroughly satisfactory report, in a Christian estimation, not, in these remarks, be thought to cannot, I think, be made. I would intend censure on the very respectable Fund: they have, perhaps, done as and able managers of the Unitarian much in this way as circumstances admitted. I know that there is much prejudice and opposition on this point, and a good deal of division of sentiunanimity. But my object is not to ment where one would expect cordial blame any one, which is not my province. I only aim to stir up to love and to good works; to solicit the attention of your readers in general, and fluence in leading our united exerespecially of those who may have intions, to the sacred duty of diffusing Christian light among the Heathen. Surely, it is urgent upon Unitarian Christians, as a body, to wipe away that reproach under which they have been so injurious to their cause. long so justly laboured, and which has vain will they write and preach, in vain will they seek to convert other Christians to their opinions, while their conduct does not evince that the warm glow of Christian sympathy ani


mates their bosoms, and while their carelessness about communicating their religion to others belies their own sense of its value. Year after year rolls on; the generation among whom we are acting our parts is quickly passing from the theatre of life: yet this great work is scarcely begun, and we may fear that we shall run our whole religious course, and see it no more advanced than it was at the outset. This is the more afflicting when so much is done every day by others; when every sect which is destitute of the clear light of our reasonable and amiable views, leaves us so far behind in Christian zeal and activity; and when not only their zeal is observable, but also the success with which their endeavours are in general crowned. It is indeed difficult, in the midst of all this, to discern an adequate reason, why the Unitarian Fund, as well as the Missionary Societies of other Christian names, should not undertake some labour for diffusing the name of Jesus among mankind. A deficiency in the requisite resources is sometimes given as a reason against such an enterprise. If we admit this plea, it indeed reflects deep disgrace upon us as a body. Are we then so much the fewest and poorest of all the denominations, that we can do absolutely nothing, where others do so much? Are we so poor that we cannot support half a dozen Missionaries, when the Moravians can maintain hundreds? For our credit's sake, I hope such an argument will not often be urged, nor our opponents allowed such a triumph. Let the trial be fairly made, and let it be seen whether Unitarians have not liberal hearts, and open hands, and Christian sympathy, as well as others. In my belief they only want leaders.

The late accounts of Rammohun Roy, which make it plain that, after much inquiry, he is become a decided and zealous Unitarian Christian, give us reason to think it possible, that we may have an excellent Missionary in India, without sending one from England. Perhaps, were this great and interesting man assisted by the Unitarian Fund, he might get a chapel erected in Calcutta, and devote himself to the regular ministry of the word. This would probably be attended with the happiest effects, as he

would command much attention, both from the English and his own cultrymen. But I will not presque to prescribe what others are to do. Only the importance of the subject can jus tify me in saying what I have. Every endeavour of this kind has for its aim, to diffuse the best of blessings to whole races and nations of men, and to genera tion after generation. And when such s work ought to be done, and is lat undone, the feeblest may not be to blame if he lifts up the voice of ex hortation, aiming, at least, to merit that not mean commendation, “He hath done what he could.”


T. F. B.

York, Part of the Family Bible, I Sept. 10, 1822 THEN I published the Second

expressed my hope that the Third Part, which was to complete the PCtateuch, would appear in the course of the last year. I was proceeding to realize that hope, and had nearly printed the Book of Numbers, when I was attacked, now more than twelve months since, by very severe illness, which compelled me to lay the work aside, and, till nearly the present me ment, has rendered me incapable of resuming it. I am much concerned to learn, from various quarters, that many persons who have purchased the two first parts, have expressed, not disappointment merely, but extreme indignation at the delay which has taken place, and have declared that they will purchase no more. Had the delay been occasioned by any indolence or inattention on my part, encouragement I have hitherto received would have been justly withdrawn but in the circumstances in


which I have been placed, I trust I shall be considered as having some claim to the indulgence of the public. They who may be still disposed to encourage my arduous undertaking, may rest assured that in the prosecution of it, I shall spare no exertions consist ent with a due regard to my health, which is by no means re-established, and with other important occupations in which I am necessarily engaged.


Extract from a Sermon on the Duty of Christians to imitate the Example of Jesus in his Compassion towards the Paralytic, according to the Measure of their Ability: preached at Maidstone, Sept. 15, 1822, by the Rev. G. Kenrick, in behalf of the Rev. J. Gisburne and his distressed Family.*


Mark ii. 11: "Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house." HE crowd assembled in the court where our Saviour was preaching, were greatly surprised at the apparent presumption of the command to such an unfortunate creature as he who lay before them, to take up his own couch and walk! It might for a moment be suspected that it was intended in mockery of his hopeless calamity; but the mandate is no sooner issued than it is obeyed. The shrivelled limbs, withering in premature old age, become instantly animated with new youth, the vital current rushes with the rapidity of lightning into its almost forsaken channels, and he who could not lift a hand, now bears his own couch, to prove completeness of his cure. Go into thine house," adds Jesus. Significant words! What transport would his arrival occasion there! Joy would almost blind the eyes of his household, while he walked with the firm, unwavering step of health into his own dwelling. Blessed change! He went out by the will of others; he returns of his own accord: he went out with a mind dark, confused and cloudy, an eye vacant and unmeaning; he returns with a countenance beaming with intelligence and animated with joy: he went out borne of four; he returns bearing his own couch: he went out the pitied emblem of Divine chastisement; he returns a monument of Divine mercy!


Which of us, my brethren, would not rejoice to become the honoured instrument in cominunicating a happiness like this to the afflicted and respected brother and his destitute household whose cause I am pleading? Were it conceivable that any of us should be so highly favoured by Him who is all-powerful to make whole as well as to wound, to restore


The sum of 121. 14s. 9d. was collected on the occasion.

as well as to destroy, with what delight should we recall that warning, persuading and exhorting voice which has been often heard in the church, snatch away the veil of oblivion which covers the events of his past life, and pour the oil of joy on the heads of his widowed wife, and these orphan though not fatherless children! This is an exercise of our benevolent feelings which is not vouchsafed to us. The Father hath reserved it for the Son of his love. We are far too frail and sinful to be so blessing and so blessed. But, thanks be to God, the generous emotions of your bosoms need not be ungratified. Channels benevolent affection may run, and are provided in which every stream of moment eager to pour them. Were into which, I doubt not, you are this should do it with confidence, groundI pleading the cause of a Heathen, I ing my claim on the admitted plea of the Syro-Phenician woman, that the the crumbs which fail from the childogs may be permitted to partake of brother, and a Christian minister, dren's table. But here is a Christian suddenly deprived of the means of providing for those whom God hath given


Does any one ask, What return shall I have for my money?

That you will enjoy any great temporal reward for what you are about to give, I dare not promise you. The objects of your beneficence are not likely, by your utmost efforts, to be placed in a situation where they will have the power of conferring great favours on others, I cannot even assure you that their parent's tongue will invoke on your heads that blessing which prospereth; for a hand whose doings

presume not to question, has commanded it into silence; and his family altar I almost fear may be cold. But you will not be without your reward even in this life. These tender plants which are springing up around his board, which but for you must be speedily uprooted from their places, and cast forth to grow wild in the desert, or be scorched in the sun or choked by the weeds of vice, trained by your hand and watered by your beneficence, will grow up in luxuriance and fertility. And perhaps it may be the lot of some of you in the weary journey of life, when deprived of those

means of promoting your own comfort and relieving the distresses of others which you now possess, thankfully to pluck some portion of their fruit. For which of us can tell what need we may have for the services of those to whom we do good? "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." Your benevolence will be rewarded even here, for God will give more of it, and increase your happiness in the same proportion. But you will be abundantly rewarded in a better world, where the tongue of the dumb shall be unloosed, where "that which is sown in dishonour shall be raised in glory, and that which is sown in weakness shall be raised in power," and where you shall receive those acknowledgements which were here withheld, and where Christ himself shall undertake to return the kindness which has been shewn towards his afflicted "little ones."


Hove-House, Sept. 10, 1822. S your correspondent R. S.

he does not know the case of Brighton, he may be excused on the plea of ignorance for having reported it from a reporter in terms which imply a censure upon men who have deserved none. My reason for noticing it is, however, that the report states what is not the fact, and what could not be believed to be the fact without doing harm. The reporter said, that the people of Brighton were unable to complete their scheme, and advised with respect to Clifton, "Let the expense of the building be known, and the money advanced before the undertaking." Now the fact is, that the Unitarians of Brighton never supposed themselves able to build a chapel for the common accommodation of themselves and visiters from London and other parts of the kingdom; and the work was not undertaken by them.

The subscription did indeed commence in Brighton, and with great liberality; but the building was undertaken by a Committee of gentlemen at a distance, who both counted the cost and completed the scheme. As the subscriptions from London and other parts were less numerous, but not less liberal, than might have been

expected, the deficient sums were inmediately advanced by the Committee; and it is certain that there is no intention on the part of any gentleman who did so, to require interest for the sums so advanced, till the people of Brighton shall be better able to bear it. More than two years have passed since the chapel was opened for divine worship; and there has been no omission of morning or evening service in that time. It is proper that this should be made public for the information of those of our friends who, knowing as little of the Brighton case as your correspondent, might be misled as he has been. The New-Road Chapel in Brighton ought to have been named as a case not of warning, but of encouragement and incitement.



Clapton, Sept. 15, 1822 I NEVER heard the namected Mrs. Jury who lately convicted Mrs. Wright, so that I am quite ignorant who the "professing Unitarians"

regret of

S. C. (p. 459) by that discreditable transaction. I would not apply the term to any of those jurymen who, under the disadvantages of prejudice and misinformation, could believe that they were doing God service, by devoting to imprisonment and confiscation, for such a cause, a fellow-creature, alike the offspring of their heavenly Father, though so unhappy as to reject his revelation, or even to deny his existence. The discredit attaches to those who wished that "restraints upon discussion were abandoned," and yet contributed to consign a persecuted publisher to the tender mercies of the King's Bench, satisfied with the exclamation, “What could we do, and how could we act otherwise?" They certainly might have done much. They might have borne a testimony highly honourable to Christians, whose faith stands not in human policy, but "in the power of God," by absenting themselves (as they would probably have done, with out scruple, for an adequate personal convenience) from such a jury, at the possible hazard of pecuniary penalties, rather than lend their assist ance to the execution of what they esteemed an unrighteous law. No

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