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Discommode, dis-kom-mode'. v. a. to put to Discreet, dis-kréèt.' a. prudent, sober; modest inconvenience, to molest Discreetly, dis-kréèt'lễ. ad. prudently, cauDiscommodious, dis-kom-mode-3s. or dis-! tiously [contrariety kom-mo'jè-us. a. inconvenient, troublesome Discrepance, dis'kré-pånse. s. difference, Discommodity, dis-kôm-môd'è-tè. s. incon-Discrepant, dis'kré-pant. a. different, disa venience, disadvantage [to ruffle; to offend Discompose, dis-kom-poze'. v. a. to disorder; Discrete, dis-krete'. a. distinct; disjunctive Discomposure, dis-kom-po'zhůre. s. disorder, Discretion, dis-krêsh'un. s. prudence; liberty perturbation Imind, to discompose of acting at pleasure [large, unlimited Disconcert, dis-kon-sert'. v. a. to unsettle the Discretionary, dis-krêsh'ân-ár-é. a. left at Disconformity, dis-kôn-for'mè-tè. s. want of Discriminate, dis-krim'è-nåte. v. a. to mark agreement [ment, inconsistency with notes of difference [tinctness Discongruity, dis-kon-gru'è-tè. s. disagree- Discriminateness, dis-krim'è-nåte-nês. s. dis Disconsolate, dis-kôn'so-låte. a. without com- Discrimination, dis-krim-e-na'shun. s. the fort, hopeless [consolate manner] act of distinguishing one from another, disDisconsolately, dis-kon'só-låte-lé. ad. in a dis- tinction [hazardous Discontent, dis-kon-tent' s. want of content Discriminous, dis-krim'è-nus. a. dangerous, Discontent, dis-kon-tént'. a. uneasy, dissatis- Discubitory, dis-ku'bé-tur-è. a. fitted to the [dissatisfied posture of leaning [leaning at meat Discontented, dis-kon-tên'têd. part. a. uneasy, Discumbency, dis-kum'bên-se. s. the act of Discontentment, dis-kon-tênt'ment. s. the Discumber, dis-kům'bår. v. a. to disengage state of discontent Discursive, dis-kůr'siv, a. moving here and there, roving


Discontinuance, dis-kon-tin'ů-ánse. s, want
of cohesion of parts; a breaking off
Discontinuation, dis-kon-tin-d-d'shun. s. dis-
ruption of continuity, separation
Discontinue, dis-kon-tîn'ů. v. a. to leave off
Discontinuity, dis-kôn-tè-nu'è-tè. s. disunity
of parts, want of cohesion

Discord, dis'kord. s. disagreement [suit with
Discord, dis-kord'. v. n. to disagree, not to
Discordance, dis-kor'dânse.

Discursory, dis-kur'sûr-é. a. argumental
Discus, dis'kis. s. a quoit

Discuss, dis-kus'. v. a. to examine
Discussion, dis-kus'shûn. s. disquisition, ex-
Ehas power to repel
Discutient, dis-ku'shênt. s. a medicine that
Disdain, diz-dåne'. v. a. to scorn
Disdain, diz-dane'. s. scorn, contemptuous




Discordancy, dis-kör dånd.. disagree-Disdainful, diz-dâne'föl. a. scornful, indigment, opposition [opposite, contrarious Disdainfully, dîz-dåne'fůl-è. ad. with haughty Discordant, dis-cor-dânt. a. inconsistent; [scorn Discordantly, dis-kor'dânt-lẻ. ad. inconsis- Disdainfulness, diz-dåne'fůl-nês. s. haughty tently; in disagreement with another Disease, diz-éze'. s. distemper, malady Discover, dis-kuv'ur. v. a. to disclose, to Disease, diz-èze'. v. a. to afflict; to pain bring to light; to find out [found out Disembark, dis-êm-bark'. v. a. to carry to Discoverable, dis-kuv'ur-å-bl. a. that may be [land Discovery, dis-kův ́ůr-è. s. the act of finding Disembark, dis-êm-bark'. v. n. to go on any thing [a bargain Disembitter, dis-êm-bit'tur. v. a. to free from Discount, dis'kount. s. the sum refunded in bitterness [body Discount, dis-kount'. v. a. to count back, to Disembodied, dis-êm-bôd'îd. a. divested of pay back again [courage by cold treatment Disembogue, dîs-êm-bòg'. v. a. to pour out at Discountenance, dis-koun'té-nånse. v. a. to dis- the mouth of a river [vent, to flow Discountenance, dis-koun'tè-nánse. s. cold Disembogue, dis-êm-bog', v. n. to gain a Disembowelled, dìs-êm-bôd'êld. part. a. taken from out the bowels [from perplexity Disembroil, dis-êm-broil'. v. a. to free Disenable, dis-en-à'bl. v. a. to deprive of power [from enchantmen Disenchant, dis-en-tshant'. v. a. to free Disencumber, dis-ên-kûm'bur. v. a. to discharge from incumbrances, to disburden Disencumbrance, dis-ên-kîm'brånse. s. freedom from encumbrance


Discourage, dis-kur'idje. v. a. to depress
Discouragement, dis-kår'ridj-ment. s. the
cause of depression, or fear

Discourse, dis-korse'. s. conversation, mutual
intercourse of language; a treatise
Discourse, dis-korse'. v. a. to converse, to
talk; to reason
Discourteous, dis-kûr'tshus. a. uncivil [ness
Discourtesy, dis-kúr'tè-sẻ. s. uncivility, rude-
Discous, dis'kus. a. broad, flat, wide [trust
Discredit, dis-krêd'ft. s. disgrace; want of
Discredit, dis-krêd'it. v. a. to deprive of cre-

Disengage, dîs-ên-gåje'. v, a. to disentangle, to clear from impediments or difficulties Disengage, dis-en gåje'. v. n. to set one's

self free from

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Disengaged, dis-en-gajd'. part. a. at leisure Disentangle, dis-en-tang'gl. v. a. to set free from, to clear; to unfold; to disengage Disenthral, dis-en-thrawl'. v. a. to set free Disenthrone, dis-en-throne'. v. a. to depose from sovereignty

Disentrance, dis-en-trânse'. v. a. to awaken from a trance

Disespouse, dis-e-spoůze'. v. a. to zeparate
after faith plighted

Disesteem, dis-é-stéèm'. s. slight, dislike
Disesteem, dis-é-stéèm'. v. a. to slight, to dis-


Disfavour, dis-fa'vůr. s. discountenance
Disfavour, dis-fa'vůr. v. a. to discountenance
Disfigure, dis-fig'ure. v. a. to deform
Disfigurement, dis-fig'ùre-ment. s. defacement
of beauty

Disfranchise, dis-frân'tshiz. v. a. to deprive of
privileges or immunities
Disfranchisement, dis-från'tshiz-ment. s. the
act of depriving of privileges
Disfurnish, dis-fur'nish. v. a. to unfurnish
Disg、rge, diz-gõrje'. v. a. to discharge by
the mouth; to pour out with violence
Disgrace, diz-grase'. s. ignominy, dishonour
Disgrace, dis-gråse'. v. a. to dishonour; to
put out of favour
Disgraceful, dia-gråse'fil. a. shameful, igno-
Disgracefully, diz-gråse'fůl-lè. ad. in dis-
grece, with indignity, ignominiously
Disgracefulness, diz-gråse'ful-nés. s. ignominy
Disgracious, diz gra'shus. a. unkind, unfa-
[to disfigure
Disguise, dizg-ylze'. v. a. to conceal; to hide,
Disguise, dizg-ylae'. s. a dress to conceal; a
counterfeit, show


Disincarcerate, dis-in-kår'sé-råte. v. a. to set
at liberty
Disinclination, dis-in-kle-na'shun. s. want of
Disincline, dis-in-kline'. v. a. to produce dis-
like to, to make disaffected
Disingenuity, dis-in-jè-nu'è-tè. s. meanness or
artifice, unfairness
Disingenuous, dis-in-jên'u-us. a. unfair, illibe-
Disingenuously, dîs-in-jên'ù-ủs-lè. ad. in a
disengenuous manner

Disingenuousness, dis-în-jên’d-is-nês. s. mean
subtility, low craff

Disinherit, dis-in-her'it. v. a. to cut off from
hereditary right
Disinter, dis-in-ter'. v. a. to take out of the
Disinterested, diz-in'têr-ês-têd. a. superior to
regard of private advantage
Disinterestedly, diz-in'tér-és-têd-lẻ. ad. in a
disinterested manner

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Disinterestedness, diz-in'têr-és-têd-nês.
contempt of private interest
Disjoin, diz-join'. v. a. to separate, to part

from each other

Disjoint, diz-joint'. v. a. to put out of joint Disjoint, diz-joint'. v. n. to fall in pieces, to separate

Disjunct, diz-jungkt'. a. disjointed, separate Disjunction, diz-jungk'shun. s. disunion, separation, parting Disjunctive, diz-jungk'tiv. a. incapable of union; which marks separation or opposition [separately Disjunctively, dîz-jɔ̃ngk'tîv-lè. ad. distinctly, Disk, disk. s. the face of the sun, &c.; a quoit Dislike, diz-like'. s. absence of affection, disDislike, diz-like'. v. a. to disapprove [gust [concealment Disliken, diz-l'kn. v. a. to make unlike Disguisement, dizg-yize'mênt. s. dress of Dislikeness, diz-like'nés. 8. dissimilitude, Disgust, diz-gist'. s. aversion offence con-1 ; [distaste; to offend Disgust, diz-gist'. v. a. to raise aversion, to Disgustful, diz-güst'ful. a. nauseous Dish, dish. s. a vessel, in which solid food is served up at the table; any particular kind of food


Dish, dish. v. a. to serve in a dish


Dislimb, diz-lim'. v. a. to tear limb from limb
Dislocate, dis'ld-kåte. v. a. to put out of

Dislocation, dis-18-ka'shun. s. the act of dis-
Dislodge, díz-lôdje'. v. a. to remove from a

Disloyal, diz-loé'al. a. not true to allegiance Dishabille, dis-a-bil'. s. undress, loose dress Disloyally, diz-loé'âl-lé. ad. unfaithfully, Dishearten, dis-hår'tn. v. a. to discourage, to disobediently [to the sovereign deject Ireditary succession Disloyalty, diz-loé'âl-tè. s. want of fidelity Disherit, dis-her'it. v. a. to cut off from he-Dismal, diz'mål. a. sorrowful, unhappy Dishevel, dish-shev'věl. v. a. to spread the Dismally, diz'inâl-lè. ad. horribly, sorrowfully hair disorderly [faithless Disinalness, diz'mål-nês. 8 horror, sorrow Dishonest, diz-ôn'ist. a. void of probity Dismantle, diz-màn'tl. v a. to strip Dishonestly, diz-ôn'ist-lè. ad. without probi-Dismask, diz-mäsk'. v. a. to divest of a mask ty; unchastely [unchastity Dismay, diz-ma'. v. a. to terrify, to affright Dishonesty, diz-ôn'nis-tè. s. faithlessness; Dismay, diz-ma'. s. fall of courage, terror Dishonour, diz-ôn'nur. s. disgrace, ignominy Dismayedness, diz-ma'êd-nês. s. dejection of Dishonour, diz-ôn'nůr. v. a. to disgrace; to [member from member violate chastity; to treat with indignity Dismember, diz-mêm'bur. v. a. to divide Dishonourable, diz-ôn'nur-å-bl. a. shameful Dismise, diz-mis'. v. a. to send away; to Dishorn, dis-horn. v. a. to strip of horns discard


Dismission, diz-mish'ún. s. act of sending away Display, dis-plà'. v. a. to spread wide; to exDismortgage, diz-můr'gåje. v. a. to redeem

from mortgage


[thing to view Display, dis-pla'. s. an exhibition of any Displease, dis-plèze'. v. a. to offend Displeasure, dis-plézh'àre. s. uneasiness, offence, anger


Dismount, diz-mount'. v. a. to throw any one from on horseback; to throw a cannon from its carriage [horse Dismount, diz-moint'. v. n. to alight from a Displeasure, dis-plêzh'ère. v. a. to displease Disobedience, dis-d-be'dé-ense. s. violation Displode, dis-plode' v. a. to vent with vioof lawful commands or prohibition, breach {with noise of duty [of lawful authority Displosion, dis-plo'zhûn. s. a sudden burst Disobedient, dis-d-bé'dè-ént. a. not observant Disport, dis-port'. s. play, sport, pastime Disobey, dis--ba'. v. a. to break commands Disport, dis-port'. v. n. to toy, to wanton Disoblige, dis-d-bllje'. v. a. to offend, disgust |Disposal, dis-pò'zâl. s. the act of disposing Disobliging, dia-d-bll'jing. part. a. disgust- regulation [hestow; to adjust ing, offensive [proper orbit Dispose, dis-poze'. v. a. to give, to place, to Disorbed, diz-orbd'. a. thrown out of the Disposition, dis-po-zish'un. s. method; Disorder, diz-ör'dur. s. confusion; tumult quality; temper of mind; predominant insickness [fusion; to make sick clination [disseize Disorder, diz-ör'dur. v. a. to throw into con- Dispossess, dis-poz-zés'. v. a. to deprive, to Disordered, diz-år'dúrd. a. irregular, vicious, Disposure, dis-po'zhůre. s. disposal; state diseased [lar, tumultuous Dispraise, dis-praze'. s. blame, censure Disorderly, diz-br'dur-lè. a. confused, irregu-Dispraise, dis-pråze'. v. a. to blame, to Disorderly, diz-or'dur-lè. ad. irregularly, confusedly; inordinately

Disordinate, diz-ör'dé-nåte. a. not living by

the rules of virtue

11sown, diz-one'. v. a. to deny, to renounce
Disparage, dis-pår'ridje. v. a. to match une-
equally, to injure by union or comparison
with something inferior
Disparagement, dis-pâr'idje-ment. s. injurious
union or comparison with something infe-
Disparity, dis-pir'è-tè. s. inequality [rior
Dispart, dis-pårt'. v. a. to divide, to separate
Dispassionate, dis-pash'in-åte. a. cool, calm,
[to dissipate
Dispel, dis-pêl'. v.
v. a. to drive by scattering,
Dispensary, dis-pen'så-re. s. the place where
medicines are dispensed
Dispensation, dis-pén-sa'shun. s. distribution,
method of Providence; an exemption
Dispensatory, dis-pén'sa-tur-è. s. a book in
which the composition of medicines is de-
scribed and directed
Dispense, dis-pense'. v. a. to distribute; to
Dispenser, dis-pen'sûr. s. one that dispenses,
a distributer


[ways Dispread, dis-spred'. v. a. to spread different Disproof, dis-proof'. s. confutation, conviction of error or falsehood

Disproportion, dis-pro-pòr'shun. s. unsuita
bleness, want of symmetry
Disproportion, dis-prò-pòr'shůu. v. a. to join
things unsuitably

Disproportionable, dis-pro-pôr'shun-å-bl. a.
unsuitable in quantity
Disproportionableness, dis-pro-por'shůn-â-bi-
nés. s. unsuitableness
Disproportionably, dis-pro-por 'shûn-å-blè. ad.
unsuitably, not symmetrically
Disproportional, dis-prò-pôr'shůn-ál. a. not

Disproportionate, dîs-prò-pôr'shûn-åte, a. un


symmetrical, unsuitable to something else Disproportionately, dis-pro-por'shun-ate-lé. ad. unsuitably, unsymmetrically Disprove, dis-proove'. v. a. to confute an [penal restraint Dispunishable, dis-pun'ish-a-bl. a. without Disputable, dîs'pu-ta-bl. a. liable to contest, [reasoner Dispeople, dis-pe'pl. v. a. to depopulate Disputant, dis'pu-tânt. s. controvertist, a Disperge, dis-perdje'. v. a. to sprinkle Disputant, die'pu-tânt. a. engaged in con Disperse, dis-perse'. v. a. to scatter; to dis- troversy [versy, argumentation sipate Disputation, dis-pu-ta'shun. s. skill of controDispersion, dis-per'shûn. s. the act of scatter-Disputatious, dis-pú-ta'shus. a. inclined to ing or spreading; the state of being scat-! tered

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dispute [debate [press Disputative, dis-pu'tå-tiv. a. disposed to Dispute, dis-pâte.' v. n. to contend by argument, to debate

Dispirit, dis-pirit. v. a. to discourage, to de-
Dispiritedness, dis-pir'it-têd-nés. s. want of

Displace, dis-plåse'. v. a. to put out of place
Displacency, dis-pla'sên-sé. s. incivility
Displantation, dis-plán-tá'shûn. s. the removal
of a plant; the ejection of a people


Dispute, dis-pute'. v. a. to contend for
Dispute, dis-pute'. s. contest, controversy
Disqualification, dis-kwôl-è-fè-kå’shun. e. that
which disqualifies

Disqualify, dis-kwôl'd-fl. v, a. make unfit

Disquiet, dis-kwl'êt. s. uneasiness, vexation
Disquiet, dis-kwi'êt. v. a. to disturb

Dissimilar, dis-sím'è-lur. a. unlike, hete.


Disquietness, dis-kw l'êt-nés. s. uneasiness, Dissimilarity, dis-sim-é-lar'è-tè. s. unlikeness [anxiety Dissimilitude, dis-sin-mil'è-tude. s. want of


Disquietude, dis-kwl'è-tide. s. uneasiness,
Disquisition, dis-kwè-zish'un. s. examination
Disregard, dis-ré-gård'. s. slight notice, ne-

Disregard, dis-ré-gård'. v. a. to slight, to
Disregardful, dis-rẻ-gård'fůl. a. negligent
Disreiish, diz-rél'ish. s. bad taste; dislike
Disrelish, diz-rel'ish. v. a. to infect with an
unpleasant taste; to want a taste of
Disrepute, dis-ré-pate'. s. ill character,



Dissimulation, dis-sim-d-la'shun. s the act of
dissembling, hypocrisy
Dissipate, dis'sè-pate. v. a. to scatter, to dis-
Dissipation, dis-se-pa'shun. s. the act of dis-
persion; the state of being dispersed
Dissociate, dis-so'shé-åte. v. a. to separate
Dissolvable, diz-zôl'vå-bl. a. capable of dis

dis-Dissoluble, dis'sd-lå-bl. a. capable of separa-
tion of one part from another

Disrespect, di-re-spekt'. s. incivility
Disrespectful, dis-ré-spekt'fål. a. irreverent,
Disrespectfully, dis-ré-spêkt'fůl-lè. ad. irreve-
Disrobe, diz-robe'. v. a. to undress

Disruption, diz-růp'shûn. s. a breaking asun-
der, breach

Dissatisfaction, dis-sat-is-fâk'shin. s. the state, of being dissatisfied, discontent

Dissatisfactory, dis-sat-is-fak'tür-è. a. unable to give content

Dissatisfy, dis-satis-fl. v. a. to displease

Dissolubility, dis-sol-là-bil'è-té. s. liableness to suffer a disunion of parts

Dissolve, diz-zólv'. v. a. to destroy the form of any thing by disuniting the parts; to break up assemblies; to be relaxed by pleasure

Dissolve, diz'zolv'. v. n. to be melted; to
melt away in pleasure

Dissolvent, diz-zôl'vént. a. having the power
of melting
[by dissolution
Dissolvible, diz-zôl'vě-bl. a. liable to perish
Dissolute dis'so-lute. a. loose, wanton

Dissect, dis-sekt'. v. a. to cut in pieces; to Dissolutely, dis'so-lute-lè. ad. loosely, in divide

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Dissemble, dis-sêm'bl. v. a. to hide under false appearance, to pretend


Dissoluteness, dis'so-lite-nes. s. laxity of manners, debauchery

Dissolution, dis-so-lu'shun. s. the act of liquefying by heat or moisture; the state of being liquefied; destruction of any thing by the separation of its parts; death; the act of breaking up an assembly; looseness of [harmonious sounds


Dissemble, dis-sêm'bl. v. n. to play the Dissonance, dis'so-nânse. s. a mixture of unhypocrite Dissonant, dis'sò-nánt. a. unharmonious disagreeing


Dissembler, dis-sim'blur. s. a
Disseminate, dis-sém'è-nåte. v. a. to scatter
as seed, to spread every way
Dissemination, dis-sêm-e-na'shun. s. the

of scattering


Dissension, dis-sen'shûn. s. disagreement,

Dissuade, dis-swåde'. v. a. to divert from, by reason or importunity

Dissuasion, dis-swa'zhin. s. urgency of reason or importunity against any thing Dissuasive, dis-swa'siv. a. tending to persuade against [dissuade Dissuasive, dis-swa'siv. s. an argument to Dissent, dis-sent'. V. n. to disagree in Dissyllable, dis's-là-bl. s. a word of two

breach of union

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Distaff, dis'taf. s. the staff from which the
flax is drawn in spinning

Distain, dis-tane'. v. a. to stain; to blot
Distance, dis'tanse. s. space; remeteness in
place; distant behaviour; reserve
Distance, dis'tanse. v. a. to place remotely;
to leave behind

Distart, dis'tant. a. remote in time or place;
Distaste, dis-taste'. s. disgust, dislike
Distaste, dis-taste'. v. a. to dislike, to loathe,
to disgust
Listasteful, dis-taste'fül. a. nauseous; об

Distemper, dis-tém pár. s. a disease
Distemper, dis-têm'púr. v. a. to disorder; to

Distemperate, dis-têm'pir-hte. a. immoderate
Distemperature, dis-tém'pur-a-tshire. s. in-
Distend, dis-tend'. v. a. to stretch out in
Distent, dis-tent'. s. the space through which
any thing is spread
Distention, dis-ten'shin. s. breadth, space
Distich, dis'tik. s. a couple of lines
Distil, dis-til'. v. n. to drop; to flow gently;
to use a stil

Distillation, dis-til-la'shun. s. the act of
distilling or dropping
Distillatory, dis-til'lå-tur-è. a. belonging to

Distiller, dis-tl'lur. s. one who distils spirits
Distilment, dis-til'ment. s. that which is
drawn by distillation
Distinct, dis-tingkt a. different; clear
marked out
[note of superiority
Distinction, dis-tingk'shun. S. difference;
Distinctive, dis-tingk'tiv. a. able to distinguish
Distinctively, dis-tingk'tiv-lè. ad. in right
Distinctly, dis-tingkt'le. ad. not confusedly;
Distinctness, dis-tingkt'nes. s. cleanness,


Distinguish, dis-ting'gwish. v. a. to note the diversity of things; to discern, to judge; to specificate; to make known or emi


Distribution, dis-tré-bu'shún. s. the act of

Distributive, dis-trib'u-tiv. a. assigning to
each other their proper portions
District, dis'trikt. s. a circuit; country, ter-

Distrust, dis-trust'. v. a. not to trust
Distrust, dis-trůst'. s. loss of credit, sus-

Distrustful, dis- trust'fil. a. suspicious
Distrustfulness, dis-trust'ful-nés. s. want of

Distrustless, dis-trust'lês. a. void of distrust
Disturb, dis-turb'. v. a. to disquiet
Disturbance, dis-tur'bänse. s. confusion, dis
order, tumult

Disturber, dis-tur'bur. s. a violator of peace
Disunion, dis-d'nè-ún. s. separation
Disunite, dis-d-nite'. v. a. to separate, to


Disunite, dis-d-nite'. v. n. to fall asunder
Disunity, dis-d'né-tè. s. a state of actual sepa.
[of use or custom
Disusage, dis-d'zaje. s. the gradual cessation
Disuse, dis-se'. s. cessation of use or custom
Disuse, dis-uze'. v. a. to cease to make use of;
to disaccustom
Disvaluation, diz-vál--a'shun. s. disgrace,
diminution of reputation

Disvalue, diz-válů. v. a. to undervalue
Disvouch, diz-vitsh'. v. a. to destroy the
credit of, to contradict

Ditch, ditsh. s. a trench; the moat with Distinguish, dis-ting'gwish. v. n. to make which a town is surrounded distinction, to find or show the difference Ditch, ditsh. v. a. to made a ditch Distinguishable, dis-ting'gwish-å-bl. a. capa-Ditcher, ditsh'ur. s. one who digs ditches ble of being distinguished; worthy of note Dithyrambick, dith-é-råm'bik. s. any poem or regard [nent, extraordinary written with wildness Distinguished, dis-ting'gwisht. part. a. emi-Dittied, dit'tid. a. sung, anted to musick Distort, dis-tort', v. a to twist, to wrest from Ditty, dit'té. s. a poem to be sung Diuretick, di-d-retik. a. provoking urine Diurnal, dl-år'nål. a. relating to, or perform ed in a day, daily Diurnal, di-ur'nål, s. a journal

the true meaning Distortion, dis-tor shun. s. irregular motion, by which the face is writhed, or the parts disordered


Distract, dis-trakt'. v. a. part. pass. dis-Diurnally, di-urnal-e. ad. daily, every day tracted, anciently Distraught. to divide; Diuturnity, di-d-túr'né-té. s. length of dura. to perplex, to make mad [princes Distractedness, dis-trák'têd-nés. s. the state Divan, dé-vin'. s. the council of the Oriental of being distracted, madness Divaricate, dl-vår'è-kåte. v. n. to be parted Distraction, dis-trak'shun.



8. confusion

Distrain, dis-trane'. v. a. to seize
Distrain, dis-tråne'. v. n. to make seizure
Distraint, dis-trant'. s. seizure

Distress, dis-três'. s. the act of making a le-
gal seizure; the thing seized; calamity,

Distress, dis-três'. v. a. to harass

Distressful, dis-três'ful. a. full of trouble or [amongst many v. a. to divide

misery Distribute,


into two

Divarication, dl-vår-ẻ-kå'shůn. s. partition into two

Dive, alve. v. n. to sink voluntarily under

water; to go deep into any question or Diver, di'vår. s. one who dives [science Diverge, dé-vêrje'. v. n. to tead various ways from one point

Divergent, de-ver'jênt. a. tending to vari
ous parts from one point
Divers, dl'vêrz. a. several, sundry
Diverse, di'verse. a. different; multiform

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