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Dunghil, dung'hil. s. a heap or accumulation|| Dweller, dwél lår. s. an inhabitant


of dung; any mean abode; a term of re-Dwelling, dwelling. s. habitation, ahode proach [hil, mean, low|| Dwindle, dwind'dl. v. n. to shrink, to lose Dunghil, dung hil. a. sprung from the dungLa new colour Dunner, dun'når. s. one employed in soliciting Dying, d''ing. part. of die. expiring; giving petty debts Dynasty, dinas-té. s. government, sovereignty [of the blool Dyscrasy, dis'kra-se. s. a distemperature Dysentery, dis'sên-tér-è. s. a looseness Dysphony, dis'fo-né. s. a difficulty in speaking Dysury, dízh'd-rẻ. s. a difficulty in making urine

Duodecimo, đủ-d-dẻssẻ-md. B. a book in
which one sheet of paper makes twelve

Dupe, dope. s. a credulous man
Dupe, dupe. v. a. to trick, to cheat
Duplicate, du'ple-kåte. v. a. to double, to fold

Duplicate, di'ple-kåte. s. a second thing of
the same kind, a transcript of a paper
Duplication, du-ple-ka'shun. s. the act of
doubling; a fold
[thing doubled
Duplicature, di'plè-ka-tshire. s. a fold, any
Duplicity, du-plis'è-tè. s. deceit, doubleness


EACH, etsh. pron. either of two; every one Eager, e'gir. a. ardently wishing; vehement, ardent, quick; sour, acrid Eagerly, é'gur-le. ad. ardently, keenly, of heart [lasting sharply (mence, violence Durability, di-ra-bil'è-tè. s. the power of Eagerness, d'gur-nês. s. impetuosity, veheDurable, do'rå-bl. a. lasting, having the quali-Eagle, è'gl. s. a bird of prey

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Dust, dist, s. earth reduced to small parti-
cles; the state of dissolution
Dust, důst v. a. to free from dust, to sprinkle
with dust

Dusty, dis'te. a. clouded or covered with
Duchess, dûtsh'ès. s. the lady of a duke
Dutchy, ditsh'è. . a territory which gives
title to a duke

Duteous, difté-is, or di'tshẻ-us. a. obedient,

obsequious; enjoined by duty Dutiful, da'te-fil. a. obedient, submissive to natural or legal superiors Dutifully, du'te-ful-é. ad. obediently, missively

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Ear, eer. s. the organ of hearing; a spike
Earless, éèr'lês. a. without any ears
Ear-ring, èèr'ring. s. jewels set in a ring,
and worn at the ears

Ear-shot, éèr'shot. s. reach of the ear
Earwax, éér'waks. s. the cerumen, or exuda-
tion which smears the inside of the ear

Earwig, éèr'wig. s. an insect [of a marquis
Earl, erl. s. the title of nobility next to that
Earldom, erl'dom. s. the seigniory of an earl
Earliness, ér'le-nês. s. quickness of action
Early, ér'lè. a. soon with respect to something


Early, êr'lé. ad. soon, betimes
Earn, ern. v. a. to gain as the reward of
Earnest, er'nest. a. warm, zealous; intent,
fixed, eager

Earnest, ér'nest. s. seriousness; the money
which is given in token that a bargain is
Earnestly, er'nest-le. ad. warmly, zealously;
Earnestness, êr'nést-nés. 8. eagerness,
warmth, vehemence

Earth, erth. s. the element distinct from air, fire, or water; the world [with earth sub-Earth, erth. v. a. to hide in earth; to cover Ea. th, erth. v. n. to retire under ground

Dutifulness, da'te-fil-nès. s. obedience, sub-Earthborn, érth'börn. a. born of the earth

mission to just authority

Duty, date. s. that to which a man is by any
natural or legal obligation bound; tax
Dwarf, dwora a man below the common
[bulk, little
Dwarfish, dworf-ish. a. below the natural
Dwell, dwêl. v. n. pret: dwelt or dwelled to
inhabit, to reside; to fix the mind upon; to
continue long speaking

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Earthy, érth'é. a. consisting of earth; relating|| Economick, ék-ko-nom'ik.
to earth

Ease, èze. s. quiet, rest, tranquillity; facility
Ease ése. v. a. to free from pain; to relieve;

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from a centre

Ecclesiastical, êk-klé-zhe-ás'té-kál.
Ecclesiastick, ek-kié-zhe-âs'tik.

a. rela-
ting to the church
[a clergyman
Ecclesiastick, ek-kle-zhe-ás'tīk. s. a minister,
Echo, 'ko. s. the return of any sound; the
sound returned
Echo, ek'k. v. n. to resound, to be sounded
Echo, ekko. v. a. to send back a voice
Eclaircissement, ék-klare'siz-mént. s. expla-
nation, the act of clearing up an affair
Eclat, é-klaw'. s. splendour, show, lustre
Eclectick, ék-lek'tik. a. selecting, choosing
at will

Economical, ek-ko-nom'è-kál. }

a. pertaining

to the regulation of a household; frugal Ecstasy, eks'ta-sé. s. excessive joy, rapture Ecstasied, eks-ta-sid. a. enraptured Ecstatical, eks-tât'é-kál. Ecstatick, Eks-tât'ik. a. raptured, elevated to ecstacy [greedy Edacious, é-da'shus. a. voracious, ravenous, Edacity, é-dás'é-tè. s. voraciousness, raven[put upon the top of fences Edder, ed'dûr. s. such wood as is commonly Eddy, d'dè. s. the water that, by some reper cussion, or opposite wind, runs contrary to the main stream; a whirlpool


Edge, dje. s. the thin or cutting part of blade; a narrow part rising from a broad

er; keenness, acrimony

Edge, êdje. v. a. to sharpen; to furnish with


an edge; to border; to exasperate [blunt
Edged, djd. or êd'jêd. part. a. sharp, not
Edging, ed'jing. 8. a narrow lace
Edgeless, édje'lés. a. blunt
Edgetool, édje'tool'. s. a tool made sharp to
Edgewise, dje'wlze. ad. with the edge put
into any particular direction
Edible, d'e-bl. a. fit to be eaten
Edict e'dikt. s. a proclamation of command or

Edification, ed-e-fè-ka'shån. s. improvement
Edifice, d'è-fis. s. a building
in holiness; instruction

[teach Edify, d'è-fl. v. a. to build; to instruct, to Edile, e'dile. s. the title of a magistrate in

old Rome [republication with revisal Edition, é-dish'un. s. publication of a book; Editor, d'é-tur. s. publisher, he that revises or prepares any work for publication Educate, éd'ju-kate. v. a. to bring up Education, ed-ju-kè'shun. s. formation of manners in youth

Educe, è-duse'. v. a. to bring out, to extract Eduction, è-dik'shin. s. the act of bringing any thing into view

Edulcorate, è-dil'ko-råte. v. a. to sweeten Edulcoration, é-dûl-kò-ra'shun. s. the act of sweetening [in mud Eel, éél. s. a serpentine slimy fish, that lurks Een, één. ad. contracted from Even Effable, ef'fa-bl. a. expressive, utterable Efface, ef-fase'. v. a. to destroy, to wear away Effect, ef-fêkt'. s. that which is produced by an operating cause; consequence, event. Eclipse, é-klips'. s. an obscuration of the lumi-Effect, ef-fekt'. v. a. to bring to pass; to naries of heaven; darkness, obscuration Eclipse, e-klips'. v. a. tc darken a luminary to obscure; to disgrace [sphere Ecliptick, e-klip'tik. s. a great circle of the Eclogue, ek'log. s. a pastoral poem


[produce effects; operative Effective, ef-fek'tiv. a. having the power to Effectively, ef-fêk'tiv-lẻ. ad. powerfully, with real operation

Effectless, ef-fekt'lês. a. without effect

Economy, e-kon'd-, s. frugality; regula-Effectual, êf-fêk'tshu-â. a. productive

tic n

effects, powerful

Effectually, ef-fék'tshu-al-lé. ad. efficaciously Egotize, ego-tize. v. n. to talk much of one' Effectuate, ef-fêk' tshů-åte. v. a. to bring to



[unmanly delicacy||Egregious, è-gré'jè-us. a. eminent, remarka Effeminacy, ef-fêm'é-na-sé. S. softness, ble; remarkably vicious [shamefully Effeminate, ef-fêm'è-nåte. a. womanish, volup- Egregiously, é-grè jè-ús-lè. ad. eminently [inanish, to unman Egress, e'gres


Effeminate, ef-fem'e-nate. v. a. to make wo

Egression, e-gresh'un.. the act of going


Effeminate, i-féin'é-náte. v. n. to soften, to meit into weakness [by intestine motion Egret, e'grêt. s. a fowl of the heron kind Effervesce, ef-fer-ves'. v. n. to generate heat Ejaculate, è-jak'u-láte. v. a. to throw, to Effervescence, ef-fer-vès'sense. s. the act of shoot out [darted out occasionally growing hot, production of heat by intes- Ejaculation, e-jak-d-la'shun. s. a short prayer Ejaculatory, jak'd-lå-túr-é. a. sudden, hasty

tine motion

Efficacious, ef-fé-ka'shus. a. powerful to pro-Eject, é-jekt'. v. a. to throw out
duce the consequence intended
Efficaciously, ef-fè-ka'shus-lè. ad. effectually
Efficacy, éf-fé-ka-sẻ. s. production of the
consequence intended
Efficience, ef-fish'yense.
Efficiency, ef-fish'yên-se.)
ducing effects, agency
Efficient, ef-fish'yent. s. the cause which
make effects; the effector
Efficient, ef-fish'yênt. a. causing effects

Effigies, ¿f-fa'jès. }

Effigy, ef'-fé-je

s. the act of pro

s. resemblance, image

in painting or sculpture Efflorescence, ef-fid-rés'sense. Efflorescency, ef-fld-rẻs'sên-sè.

1. production of flowers [out in form of flowers Efflorescent, éf-flo-rês'sent. a. shooting Efluence, effù-ênse. s. that which issues from some other principle

Effluvia, ¿f-fluvè-â. a. the plural of effluvium
Efluvium, ef-fi'vè-ům. s. those small parti-
cles which are continually flying off from

Efflux, ef'fliks. s. effusion; emanation
Efluxion, ef-flik'shůn. s. the act of flowing!
out; effluvium


Ejection, é-jek'shun. s. an expulsion
Ejectment, é-jekt'ment. s. a legal writ by
which any inhabitant of a house, or tenant
of an estate, is commanded to depart
Eight, ayt. a. twice four; a word of number
Eighth, aytth. a. next in order to the seventh
Eighteen, ay'tèèn. a. twice nine
Eighteenth, ay'tèènth. a. the next in order to
the seventeenth
[or quantity
Eightfold, ayt'fold. a. eight times the number
Eighthly, aytth'le. ad. in the eighth place
Eightieth, ay'te-êth. a. the next in order to
the seventy-ninth, eighth tenth
Eightscore, ayt'skore. a. eight times twenty
Eighty, dy'tè. a. eight times ten
Eisel, é'sil. s. vinegar, verjuice
Either, e'thur. pron. distrib. whichsoever of
the two, whether one or the other
Either, 'thur. conj. a distributive conjunction,
answered by Or: either the one or the other
Ejulation, êd-jù-lá'shûn, s. lamentation
Eke, èke. ad. also, likewise, beside
Eke, èke. v. a. to increase; to supply
Elaborate, è-láb'd-rate.v. a. to produce with
Elaborate, è-lab'd,råte. a. finished with great
Elaborately, è-lib'd-rate-lè. ad. laboriously
Elance, è-lanse'. v. a. to throw out, to dart
Elapse, è-lapse'. v. n. to pass away
Elastick, è-lâs'tik. a. having the power of re-
turning to the form from which it is dis-

Effort, effort. s. struggle, laborious endea-
Effrontery, ef-från'têr-è. s. impudence
Effulgence, ef-fil'jênse. s. lustre, brightness
Effulgent, ef-fil'jent. a. shining, bright, lumi-
Effuse, df-fuze'. v. a. to pour out
Effusion, ef-fuzhun. s. the act of pouring out;
the thing poured out
Effusive, ef-fo'siv. a. pouring out, dis-
Eft, ft. s. a newt, an evet
Egestion, é-jes'tshun. s. the act of throwing
out the digested food
Egg, g. s. that which is laid by feathered
animals, from which their young is produ-
ced; the spawn or sperm of creatures; any Elbow, l'ho. s. the next joint of the arm be
thing fashioned in the shape of an egg low the shoulder; any flexure or angle
Egg, ég. v. a. to incite, to instigate
Elbow, él'bò. v. a. to push with the elbow;
Eglantine, ég'lan-tin. s. a species of rose to drive to a distance
[one's self Elbow, él'bo. v. n. to jut out in angles
Egotism, ego-tizm. s. too frequent mention of Eld, eld. s. old age, old people
Egotist, go-tist. s. one that is always talk-Elder, erdir. a. surpassing another in years
ing of himself

Elasticity, è-lás-tỉs'è-tè. s. force in bodies, by which they endeavour to restore them.. selves

Elate, è-låte'. a. flushed with success
Elate, è-låte'. v. a. to puff up; to exalt
Elation, è-la'shun. s. haughtiness proceeding

from success

Elder, el'dur. s, the name of a tree

Elders, él'dúrz. s. persons whose age gives Elf, elf. s. plural elves. a wandering spirit; them reverence; among the Jews, rulers

a devil


of the people; among Presbyterians, lay-Elflock, elf'lok. s. knots of hair twisted by men introduced into the kirk polity Elderly, el'dur-lê. a. no longer young Eldest, el'dênt. a. the oldest Elecampane,

l-e-kâm-pane'. s. a plant, named also Starwort [object of favour Elect, è-lêkt'. v. a. to choose, to select as an Elect, é-lékt'. a. chosen, taken by preference from among others


Elicit, è-lis'sit. v. a. to strike out
Elicit, é-lis'sit. a. brought into action
Elicitation, é-lis-se-ta'shun. s. a deducing the
power of the will into act

Elide, è-ilde'. v. a. to break in pieces
Eligibility, êl-è-jè-bîl'è-tẻ. s. worthiness to

be chosen

Eligible, él'è-je-bl. a. fit to be chosen
Elision, e-lîzh'un. s. the act of cutting off

Electary, è-lék'tâ-rẻ. s. a form of medicine made of conserves and powders, of the consistence of honey Election, é-lek'shun. s. the act of choosing; Elixation, êl-fk-sa'shun. s. the act of boiling the power of choice; voluntary prefer- Elixir, é-lik'sûr. s. a medicine made by strong [in parliamentary elections infusion; the quintessence of any thing; Electioneering, e-lék-shûn-èèr'ing. s. concern any cordial Elective, é-lektiv. a. exerting the power of [to choose or elect Elector, é-lêk'tur. s. one who has a right Electoral, è-lek'to-rål. a. having the dignity of an elector [an elector Electorate, è-lêk'to-råte. s. the territory of Electure, è-lêk'tur. s. a mixed metal


(kind Elk, elk. s. a large stately animal of the stag Ell, el. s. a measure containing a yard and a quarter

Ellipsis, él-lip'sis. s. a figure of rhetorick, by which something is left out; in geometry, an oval figure generated from the section of

a cone

Electrical, é-lek'trẻ-kál. } a. attractive with- Elliptical, l-lip't-kl.a. having the form

Electrick, a-lêk'trik.

out magnetism

Electricity, è-lek-tris'è-tè. s. a property in
bodies, whereby, when rubbed, they draw
substances, and emit fire
Electuary, è-lek'tshu-ár-é. s.--See Electary
Eleemosynary, êl-è-môz'è-nár-é. a. living
upon alms

Elliptick, l-lip'tik.

of an ellipsis

Elm, êlm. s. the name of a tree
Elocution, êl-d-ku shun. s. the power of flues

speech; eloquence, flow of language
Elogy, êl'o-je. s. praise, panegyrick
Elongate, é-lông gåte. v. a. to lengthen
Elongation, el-ông-ga'shun. s. the act of
lengthening; the state of being stretched
Elope, è-lope'. v. n. to run away, to break
loose, to escape
[just restraint
Elopement, è-lope'mênt. s. departure from
Eloquence, l'd-kwênse. s. the power of
speaking with fluency and elegance
Eloquent, el'd-kwent. a. having the power of

Else, else. pron. other, one besides
Else, else. ad. otherwise; besides, except
Elsewhere, else'whare. ad. in any other place
Elucidate, è-lu'sé-dåte. v. a. to explain, to


Elegance, el'è-ganse. s. beauty without Elegancy, l'è-gan-se. ( grandeur [beauties; nice, not coarse Elegant, l'e-gant. a. pleasing with minuter Elegantly, e-gant-le. ad. in such a manner as to please without elevation Elegiack, l-e-jak. a. used in elegies; mournful, sorrowful Elegist, l'é-jist. s. a writer of elegies Elegy, él'è-je. s. a mournful song Eiement, l'é-ment. s. the first or constituent principle of any thing; the proper habitation or sphere of any thing; the first rudiments of literature or science [elements Elucidation, è-lu-se-da'shun. s. explanation, Elemental, el-e-mén'tal. a. produced by Elucidator, è-lu'sè-da-tur. . explainer, ex Elementary, el-è-mên'târ-è. a. uncompounded positor, commentator Elephant, l'è-fânt. s. the largest of all quad-Elude, è-lide'. v. s. to avoid by artifice rupeds [the elephant Eludible, è-l'de-bl. a. possible to se deluded Elephantine, l-e-fân'tin. a. pertaining to Elumbated, é-lum'bà-têd. a. weak in the loins Elevate, l'é-våte. v. a. to exalt {or examination, an artifice Elevate, l'é-vate. part. a. exalted, raised Elusion, è-luzhůn. s. escape from inquiry [aloft; exaltation Elusive, è-lu'siv. a. using arts to escape Elevation, él-e-va'shun. s. the act of raising Elusory, è-ld'sur-è. a. tending to elude Elevator, l'é-vå-túr. s. a raiser or lifter up Elute, è-lute'. v. a. to wash off Eleven, è-lev'vn. a. ten and one Elutriate, è-l'tré-åte. v. a. to decant, to Eleventh, e-lev'vnth. a. the next in order strain out to the tenth


Elysian, è-lizh'è ân. a. exceedingly delightful

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Elysium, é-lizi'é-ùm. s. the place assigned
by the heathens to happy souls
Emaciate, è-ma'she-åte. v. a. to waste; to
deprive of flesh

Emaciate, e-ma'she-åte. v. n. to lose flesh
Emaciation, è-má-she-a'shun. s. the act of
making lean; the state of one grown lean
Emaculation, e-mâk-d-la'shun. s. the act of
freeing any thing from spots or foulness
Emanant, em'a-nånt. a. issuing from some-
thing else

Emanate, êm'a-nåte, v. n. to issue or flow
from something else

Emanation, êm-ma-na'shun. s. the act of is-
suing or proceeding from any other sub-
stance; that which issues
Emanative, êm'ân-å-tiv. a. issuing from ano-
[from servitude!
Emancipate, è-man'sé-påte. v. a. to set freel
Emancipation, e-man-sé-på shůn. s. the act of
setting free, deliverance from slavery
Emasculate, é-mâs'kd-låte. v. a. to castrate
Emasculation, e-más-kd-là'shún. s. castration
Embale, ém-båle.' v. a. to make up into a
bundle; to enclose

embezzle, ém-béz'zi. v.

a. to appropriate

by breach of trust; to waste Embezzlement, em-béz'zl-mént. s. the act of appropriating to himself that which is received in trust for another Emblaze, ém-blaze'. v. a. to emblazon, to paint with ensigns armorial Emblazon, êm-bla'zn. v. a. to adorn with figures of heraldry; to deck in glaring colours [tion, an allusive picture Emblem, m'blêm. s. an occult representaEmblematical, ém-ble-mat ́é-kål. Emblematick, êm-ble-mit ik. a. c. mprising an emblem, allusive

Emblematically, êm-blé-måt'è-kál-é. ad, in the manner of emblems, allusively Emboss, ém-bus'. v. a. to form with protuberances; to engrave with relief, or rising work; to enclose, to include, to over Embossment, em-bos'ment. 8. any thing standing out from the rest; relief, rising work [the entrails Embowel, êm-bo'êl. v. a. to deprive of Embrace, êm-bråse'. v. a. to hold fondly in [brace Embalm, em-bám'. v. a. to impregnate a body Embrace, ém-bråse'. v. n. to join in an em with aromaticks, that it may resist putre-Enbrace, em-bráse'. s. clasp, fond pressure faction

Embarkation, êm-bår-ka'shun. s. the act of
putting or going on shipboard
Embargo, êm-bår'gd. s. a prohibition to pass,
a stop put to trade

Embark, ém-bark' v. a. to put on shipboard;
to engage another in any affair

Embark, êm-bårk'. v. n. to go on shipboard;
to engage in any affair

Embarrass, êm-bar'rás. v. a. to perplex, to
[ity, entanglement

the arms

in the arms

Embracement, Em-bråse'ment. s. clasp in the arms, enclosure; conjugal endearment Embrasure, êm-bra-zhůre'. s. an aperture in the wall, battlement

Embrocate, êm'brò-kåte. v. a. to rub any part diseased with medicinal liquors Embrocation, &m-bro-ka'shún. s. the lotion with which any diseased part is washed Embroider, êm-broè'důr. v. a. to decorate with figured works

adorns with needlework

Embroidery, êm-broé'dur-è.. variegated needlework


Embarrassment, êm-bár'rås-ment. s. perplex-Embroiderer, êm-broè'dur-ûr. s. one that
Embase, êm-båse'. v. a. to vitiate; to degrade
Embasement, Em-base'ment. s. depravation
Embassador, êm-bâs'sâ-důr. s. one sent on a
public message on a public message
Embassadress, em-bas'sa-drés. s. a woman sent
Embassage, êm'bas-saje.
Embassy, em'bas-se

s. a publick mes

Embroil, êm-broil'. v. a. to disturb, to dis-
Embryo, m'hré-d.
s. the offspring yet
Embryon, êm'bré-on.
unfinished in the womb; any thing unfin
[dation, corrigible
Emendable, è-mên'dá-bl. a. capable of emer-
Emendation, êm-ên-da'shun. s. correction, al
teration of any thing from worse to better
Emerald, em'e-rald. s. a green precious stone
Emerge, è-mérje'. v. n. to rise out of any
thing in which it is covered
Emergence, e-mer'jênse.
Emergency, é-mer'jen-sé.

sage; any solemn message Embattle, ém-bat'tl. v. a. to range in order of battle La bay Embay, êm-hå. v. a. to bathe; to enclose in Embellish, em-bel'lish. v. a. to adorn; to beautify [ment, decoration | Embellishment, êm-bêl'lish-inént. s. ornaEmbers, êm'burz. s. hot cinders Ember-week, em'bur-wèèk. s. a week in which an ember-day falls. The emberdays at the four seasons are the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, after the first Sunday in Lent, the feast of Pentecost, September fourteenth, December thir-Emerited, è-mêr'ît-êd. a. allowed to have teenth

s. the act of

rising into view; any sudden occasion; pressing necessity

Emergent, é-mér'jênt. a. rising into view notice; sudden, unexpected, casual

done sufficient publick service

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