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Adulterate, â-dul'tur-åte. a. tainted with the guilt of adultery, corrupted with some foreign admixture

Adulterateness, â-dål'tår-åte-ness. s. the quality or state of being adulterate Adulteration, a-dôl-tur-a'shun. s. the act of corrupting; the state of being contaminat[adultery Adulterer, -dil'tur-år. s. a man guilty of Adulteress, -důl'tur-êss. s. a woman that commits adultery


Adulterine, a-dul'tur-ine. s. a child born of an adulteress

Adulterous, a-dil'tur-is. a. guilty of adul-
Adultery, a-dul'tur-ẻ. s. the act of violating
the bed of a married person
Adumbrant, ad-âm'brânt a. that gives a slight

Adumbrate, ád-um'bråte. v. a. to shadow out,
to exhibit a faint resemblance
Adumbration, ad-ům-bra'shun. s. the act of
giving a slight and imperfect representa-

Advent, åd'vent. s. one of the holy seasons, signifying the coming of our Saviour; the four weeks before Christmas

Adventitious, âd-ven-tisn'us. a. that advenes,
extrinsically added

Adventual, âd-ven'tshd-ál. a. relating to the
season of Adwent
Adventure, ad-ven'tshire. s. accident, chance,
Adventure, åd-ven'tshåre. v. n. to try the
chance, to dare

Adventurer, ad-vên'-tshůr-år. s. he that seeks
occasions of hazard

Adventurous, âd-ven'tshår-us. a. inclined to
adventures, daring, courageous; full of ha-
zard, dangerous
Adventurously, ad-ven'tshur-is-lè. ad. boldly,
Adventuresome, âd-ven'tshur-sům. See Ad-


Adventuresomeness, ad-ven'tshur-sum-ness. the quality of being adventuresome Adverb, åd'verb. s. a word joined to a vers or adjective, and applied to the use of qualifying and restraining the latitude of the.r signification [of an adverb [ness Adverbial, åd-ver'bé-ál. a. having the quality hooked-Adverbially, âd-ver'bé-al-iè. ad. in the manner of an adverb

Adunation, ad-d-na'shun. s. the state of being
united, union

Aduncity, â-dun'sè-te.s. crookedness,
Adunque, a-dink' a. crooked
Adure, a-dure' v. n. to burn up
Adust, a-dust.' a. burnt up, scorched
Adusted, a-dust'êd. a. burnt, dried with fre
Adustible, a-dis'té-bl. a. that may be adusted
Adustion, a-düs'tahun. s. the act of burning up,
or drying

Advance, ad-vanse'. v. a. to bring forward;
to raise to preferment; to improve; to

Adversable, âd'ver-sa-bl. a. contrary to
Adversary, ád'ver-sa-ré. s. an opponent, an-
tagonist, enemy

Adverse, âd'verse. a. acting with contrary di
rections; calamitous, afflictive
Adversely, åd'verse-lè. ad. urie Bontely
Adversity, ad-ver'sè-tè. s. aen, calamity
Advert, åd-vert'. v. n. to attend to, regard,


s. attention to,

observe Advertence, ad-vêr'têsse. Advertency, åd-ver'tén-sẻ. regard to Advertise, ad-ver-tize'. v. a. to inform another, to give intelligence

Advance, åd-vånse'. v. n. to come forward
to make improvement
Advance, ad-vânse'. s. the act of coming for-
ward; progression, improvement
Advancement, ad-vânse'mênt. s. the act of
coming forward; preferment; improve-Advertisement, Ad-vér'tiz-ment. s. intelli


Advancer, ad-van'sûr. s. a promoter, forwarder
Advantage, ad-vân'tâdje. s. superiority; gain,
profit; preponderation
Advantage, ad-vân'tâdje. v. a. to benefit; to
Advantaged, ad-vân'ta-jêd. a. possessed of

gence, information; notice published in a
paper of intelligence

Advertiser, âd-vér-tzur. s. he that gives in
telligence; the paper in which advertise
ments are published

Advertising, âd-ver-tzing. a. active in giving
intelligence, monitory

Advantage-ground, id-vân'taje-ground. .Advesperate, id-vés'pé-råte. v. n. to draw

ground that gives superiority and advantage Advantageous, âd-vân-tà'jus. a. profitable,


Advantageously, ad-vân-tå′jós-lè. ad. conveniently, opportunely, profitably

towards evening

Advice, ad-vise'. s. counsel, instruction, notice; intelligence

Advisable, ad-vizâ-bl. a. prudent, fit to be advised [of being advisable Advisableness, ad-vl'zi-bl-ness. s. the quality Advantageousness, âd-van-ta'jus-ness. s. pro-Advise, Ad-ze'. v. a. to counsel; inform. fitableness, convenience [added make acquainted

[deliberate Advene, ad-vene'. v. n. to accede, to be super- Advise, d-vize'. v. n. to consult, consider, Advenient, id-ve'né-ént. a. advening, super-Advised, âd-vi'zéd. part. a. acting with deli Aberation, prudent, wise


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Advisedly, ad-vizéd-lè. ad. deliberately, || Affectionately, af-rék'shon-áte-lẻ. ad. foudly, purposely, prudently [ness, tenderness Advisedness, ad-vi'zéd-ness. s. deliberation, Affectionateness, af-fek'shin-ate-néss s. fondprudent procedure Affectioned, af-fék'shund. a. affected, conceited; inclined, mentally disposed"

Adviser, ad-vizur. s. the person that advises


Affective, af-fêk'tiv. a. that which affects
Affectuosity, áf-fék-tshů-ôs'sé-té. a. passion-


to confirm

Advocacy, âd'vo-ka-se. s. vindication, de-Affectiously, âf-fék ́shûs-lé. ad. in an affecting fence, apology [cause of another Advocate, ad-vo-kste. s. he that pleads the Advocation, ad-vó-ka'shůn. s. the office of pleading, plea, apology Advolation, ad-vo-la'shún. s. the act of flying to something [rolling Advolution, ad-vo-ld'shin. s. the act of Advoutry, ad-vol'trẻ. s. adultery Advowee, ad-voù-èè' s. he that has the right of advowson [to a benefice Advowson, ad-vu'zin. s. a right to present Egyptiacum, è-jip-tha-hôm. so an ointment consisting of honey, verdigris, and vinegar Aerial, &-é ré-al. a. belonging to the air, bigh


Aerie, è'ré. s. a nest cf birds of prey
Aerology, à-dr-öl'lò-jè. a. the doctrine of the
[ing by the air
Aeromancy, d'ur-d-man-se. s. the art of divin-
Aerometry, -ur-ôm'mne-trẻ. s. the art of mes
suring the air
[through the
Aeronaut, air-d-nåwt. s. one who sails
Aeroscopy, d-dr-os'ko-pé. s. the observation

of the air

Etites, é-t'tez. s. eagle-stone

Afar, a-får.' ad, at a great distance

Affectuous, af-fêk'tshů-us. full of passion
Affere, âf-fère'. v. a. a law term, signifying
[trust, confidence
Athance, af-fl'anse. s. a marriage contract;
Afhane, af-fl'ânse. v. a. to betroth, to give

Affiancer, af-fl'an-sår. s. he that makes a
contract of marriage between two parties
Affidation, âf-fé-da'shun.
Affidature, af-fe-da'tshire. mutual con-


tract, mutual oath of fidelity Affidavit, âf-fé-da'vit. s. a declaration upon [affianced Ahed, af-fl'ed, part. a. joined by contract, Afiliation, af-fil-le-a'shún. s. adoption Afinage, affè-naje. s the act of refining


Affined, af-fl'red. a. related to another
Affinity, âf-fin'né-tè. s. relation by marriage;
connexion with
Airm, af-ferm. v. n. to declare, to assert

Afeard, A-fèrd'. part. a. frightened, teri ified. A firm, âf-fèrin'. v. a. to ratify or approve


Afer, a'fir. s. the south-west wind
Affability, af-fa-bil'lé-tè. s. easiness of man-
ners; civility, condescension
Affable, af'fa-bl. a. easy of manners, courteous
Afableness, af'fa-bl-ness. s. courtesy,

[blocks in formation]

affa-Affirmation, af-fer-ma'shun. s. the act of af
firming; the position affirmned; confirma
Affirmative, af-fer'ma-tiv. a. that may be
Affirmatively, âf-fêr'må-tiv-lẻ. ad. on the
positive side, not negatively
Affirmer, åf-fer'můr. s. the person who affirms
Affix, af'ffks. v. a. to unite to the end, to
[of a word

Affably, affa-òlé. ad. courteously, civilly
Affabrous, affa-brus. a. skilfully made, com-
[managed or transacted
Affair, af-fare'. s. business, something to be
Affear, af-fère'. v. a. to confirm, to establish
Affect, âf-fékt'. s. affection, passion, sensation
Affect, af-fékt'. v. a. to act upon; to move the
passions; to aim at

Affectation, af-fék-ta'shun. s. the act of mak-
ing an artificial appearance, awkward imi-


Affected, if-fek'têd. part. a. moved, touched
with affection; studied with over-much
"care; full of affectation

Affectelly, af-fék'téd-lè. ad. in an affected
manner, hypocritically
Affectedness, if-fêk têd-ness, s. the quality of
being affected

Affix, af-fiks. s. a particle united to the end
Afixion, af-fik'shan. s. the act of affixing;
state of being affixed
Affation, af-fa'shun. s. the act of breathing
Aflatus, af-fla'tus. s. communication of the
power of prophecy
[tu tormen
Aflict, af-flikt'. v. a. to put to pain, to grieve
Afflictedness, âf-flik'têd-ness. s. sorrowfulness,

Aflicter, af-fik'tür. s. the person who afflicts
Affliction, af-flik'shûn. s. the cause of pain or
sorrow, calamity

Affection, af-fék'shan. s. the state of being affected; passion of any kind; love, kind-Afflictive, af flk'. a. painful, tormenting [tion, fond, tender Afluence, af'fù-ense. s. the act of flowing; Afectionate, affêk'shin-ate. a. full of affer exuberance of riches


Affluent, af'flà-ễm. berant, wealthy

Fowing, abundant, exu-Aftercost, âf'túr-köst. s. the expense incurred after the original plan is executed

Afluentness, affù-ênt-nêss. s. the quality of Aftercrop, aftor-krop. s. second harvest

being affluent

Aflux, affluks. s. the act of flowing, affluence
Affluxion, af-fluk'shún. s. the act of flowing to
a particular place; that which flows
Afford, âf-ford'. v. a. to yield or produce, to
be able to bear expenses

Afforest, af-fôr'rẻst. v. a. to turn ground into


Affranchise, af-från'tshiz. v. a. to make free
Affray, af-fra'. v. a. to fright, to terrify
Affray, âf-fra'. s. a tumultuous assault
Affriction, af-frik'shun. s. the act of rubbing
one thing upon another

Affright, af-frite'. v. a. to affect with fear, to

Afright, âf-frite'. s. terror, fear
Affrightment, åf-frite'ment. s. the impression
of fear, terror
[voke, offend
Affront, af-frunt'. v. a. to encounter, pro-
Affront, af-frunt. s. insult offered to the face;
outrage, act of contempt
Affronter, af-frunt'tur. s. the person who af-
Affronting, af-frin'ting. part. a. having the
quality of affronting

Affuse, af-füze'. v. a. to pour one thing upon


Affusion, âf-fo'zhún. s. the act of affusing Affy, af-ft. v. a. to betroth in order to riage


Aftergame, af'tur-game. s. methods taken af

ter the first turn of affairs

Aftermath, a'tur-måth. s. second crop of
grass, mown in autumn
Afternoon, âf'tur-nôôn'. s. the time from the
meridian to the evening

Afterpains, af'tur-panz. s. pains after birth
Aftertaste, aftur-taste. s. taste remaining up.
on the tongue
[ter the act
Afterthought, af'tor-thawt. s. reflection af
Aftertimes, af'tur-timz. s. succeeding times
Afterward, åf'tur-wård. ad. in succeeding


Afterwit, âf'tor-wit. s. contrivance of expedi ents after the occasion of using them is past

Again, å-gên'. ad. a second time, once more; in any other time or place; quantity Against, à-genst'. prep. contrary, opposite Agape, a-gape'. ad. staring with eagerness Agarick, ag'a-rik. s. a drug of use in physic and the dying-trade

gate, ag'at. s. a precious stone of the low est class [of agate Agaty, ag'â-tè. a partaking of the nature Age, aje. s. the space of a hundred years; the latter part of life, old age mar-Aged, a'jêd. a. old, stricken in years Agedly, a'jêd-lé. ad. after the manner of an aged person

Affy, af-fl. v. n. to put confidence in
Afield, a-féèld. ad. to the field
Aflat, a-flat'. ad. level with the ground
Afloat, a-flote'. ád. floating
Afoot a-fut'. ad, en foot, in action
Afore, -fore'. prep. before; sooner in time
Afore, a-fore'. ad. in time past; in front, in
the fore part
Aforegoing, a-fore'go-ing. part. a. going be-
Aforehand, a-fore'hånd. ad. by a previous
provision; previously fitted
Aforementioned, á-fòre'mên-shånd. a. men-
tioned before


Aforenamed, á-före'nå-mêd. a. named before
Aforesaid, a-fore'såde. a. said before⚫
Aforetime, a-fore'time, ad. in time past
Afraid, a-fråde. part. a. terrified, fearful
Afresh, à-fresh'. ad. anew, again
After, aftur. prep. following in place;
pursuit of; in imitation of
After, âf'tur. ad. in succeeding time, follow-
ing another
Afterages, aftur-a'jêz. s. succeeding times,
Afterall, aftur-dil', ad. at last, in fine, ir

Afterbirth, af'tur-bêrth. s. the secundine
Afterclap, af'tur-kiáp. s. an unexpected event
happening after an affair is supposed to be

at an end

Agency, a'jên-se. s. the quality of acting,
the state of being in action; business per
formed by an agent

Agent, a'jent. a. acting upon, acva
Agent, d'jent. s. a substitute, a deputy, a fac-


Aggeneration, âd-jễn-når-a'shun. s. the state
of growing to another body
Aggerate, ad'jur-åte. v. a. to heap up
Agglomerate, ag-glôm'mår-åte. v. a. to gath-
er up in a ball

Agglutinants, g-glu'tè-nants. s. medicines
which have the power of uniting parts to-
[one part to another
Agglutinate, ig-glute-nate. v. a. to unite
Agglutination, ag-g!d-té-ná'shûn, s. union,


Agglutinative, âg-gld'tè-nå-tỉv. a. that has
the power of procuring agglutination
Aggrandize, âg'grân-dize. v. a. to make
great, to enlarge, to exalt
Aggrandizement, âg'grån dize-ment. s. the
state of being aggrandized
Aggrandizer, ag'grån-dize-år. s. the persor
that makes another great

Aggravate, åg'grå-våte. v. a. to make heavy,
in a metaphorical sense; to make any thins


yield to; to settle

Agreeable, a-gréé'â-bl. a. suitable to, consistent, pleasing

Agreeableness, a-grée'â-bl-ness. s. consistency with, suitableness to; the quality of pleasing

Aggravation, ag-grɩ-vå'shẳn. s. the act of ag-||Agree, å-grèè'. v. n. to be in concord; to gravating; the circumstances which heighten guilt or calamity Aggregate, ag'grè-gåte. a. framed by the collection of particular parts into one mass Aggregate, åg'gré-gåte. s. the result of the conjunction of many particulars Aggregate, åg'grè-gåte. v. a, to gether Aggregation, g-grè-ga'shun. 8. collecting; the whole compo collection of many particulars Aggress, ág-gress'. v. n. to commit the first act of violence

collect to

Agreeably, â-gréé'â-blè. ad. consistently Agreed, a-grééd'. part. a. settled by consent act of Agreement, a-grée'ment. s. concord, compact, by the bargain

Agrestic, a-grês'tik. a. belonging to the field,`unpolished

[bandry Agriculture, âg'ré-kůl-tshåre. s. tillage, husAggression, ag-grêsh'ůn. s. commencement Agrimony, âg'ré-můn-né. s. the name of a

of a quarrel by some act of iniquity Aggressor, åg-grês sûr. s. an assaulter or in


Aggrievance, g-grè'vânse. s. injury, wrong
Agrieve, åg-grève'. v. a. to give sorrow, to

y ex

Aggroup, ag-group'. v. a. to bring together into one figure


Aground, â-ground'. ad. stranded, hindered
by the ground from passing farther
Ague, 'gde. s. an intermitting fever
Agued, a'gu-êd. a. struck with the ague,

Ague-fit, à'gu-fit. s. the paroxysm of the ague
Aguish, a'gd-ish. a. having the qualities of
an ague
[resembling an ague
Aguishness, d'gd-ish-ness. s. the quality of
Ah, &. int. a word denoting dislike or com
[activity Aha! a-hå'. int. a word intimating triumph
Ahead, a-hêd'. ad. further onward than an-

Aghast, å-gast'. a. struck with horror, as at
the sight of a spectre
Agile, j'il. a. nimble, ready, active
Agileness, j'il-ness. s. nimbleness, quick-
ness, activity



Agility, a-jl'e-te. s. nimbleness, quickness,
Agist, a-jist'. v. a. to feed the cattle of stran-
gers in the king's forest, and to gather the
[mean rate
Agistment, -jist'ment. s. composition, or
Agitable, j'e-ta-bl. a. that may be put in mo
[to actuate
Agitate, aj'è-tåte. v. a. to put in motion
Agitation, aj-é-ta'shun. s. the act of moving
any thing; the state of being moved, dis-Aider, åde'ur. s. a helper, an ally
cussion, disturbance
[affairs Aidless, ade'lêss. a. helpless, unsupported
Agitator, aj'é-tá-tur. s. he who manages Ail, åle. v. n. to pain, to trouble
Agminal, ag'me-nál. a. belonging to a troop
Agnail, ag'nåle. s. a whitlow
Agnation, ag-na'shun. s. descent from the

Aid, ade. v. a. to help, to support, to suc-
Aid, àde. s. help, support; in law, a subsidy
Aidance, ade'ânse. s. help, support
Aidant, åde'ânt. a. helping, helpful
Aid-de-camp, åde-de-kawng'. s. an officer
who attends the chief commander to carry
his orders to the inferior officers

same father

Agnition, ag-nish'in. s. acknowledgment
Agnize, ag-nize'. v. a. to acknowledge; to


Ailment, àle'mênt. s. pain, disease
Ailing, àle'ing. part. a. sickly

Aim, ame. v. a. to endeavour to strike with
a missile weapon; to endeavour to reach or

Aim, åme. s. the direction of a missile weapon; an intention, a design

Agnomination, ag-nom-me-nå'shån. s. allu-Air, are. s. the element encompassing the

sion of one word to another
Ago, a-go'. ad. past, as, Long ago
Agog, a-gog'. ad. in a state of desire
Agoing, -going. ad. in action
Agone, a-gon'. ad. ago, past
Agonism, ag'd-nizm. s. contention for a prize
Agonistes, g-d-nîs'tèz. s. a prize-fighter
Agonize, ag'd-nize. v. n. to be in excessive

earth; a gentle gale; music; mien; an affected or laboured manner of gesture Air, åre. v. a. to expose to the air, to take the air; to warm [with air Airbladder, åre'blád-dir. s. a bladder filled Airbuilt, are bilt. a. built in the air Air-drawn, dre'drawn. a. painted in air Airer, åre'ûr. s. he that exposes to the air Airhole, are'hole. s. a hole to admit air

Agony, ag'd-né. s. the pangs of death; vio-Airiness, re'è-ness. s. exposure to the air; leut pain

Agrarian, a-gra'ré-án. a. relating to field or grounds

lightness, gayety

Airing, åre'ing. s. a short jaunt
Airless, are 'less. a. without the free air

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Airpump, åre'pump. s. a machine by means Alehouse, åle house. s. a tippling house
of which the air is exhausted out of proper Alembic, â-lểm'bik. s. a vessel used 'in dis
[into mines
Airshaft, are shaft. s. a passage for the air
Airy, are'è. a. composed of, or relating to,
the air; light as air, unsubstantial; gay,

Alert, à-lêrt'. a. watchful, vigilant, brisk
Alertness, a-lêrt'ness. s. the quality of being
Alewife, ale'wife. 8. a woman that keeps an
Aisle, ile. s. the walk in a church
Alexandrine, al-legz-ân'dria. s. a verse con-
Ake, åke. v. n. to feel a lasting pain
sisting of twelve syllables
Akin, á-kin'. a. allied to by blood
Alexipharmick, â-lek-se-får'mîk. a. that
Alabaster, al'a-bás-túr. s. a kind of soft mar- drives poison, antidotal
[ter Alexiterica, a-lêk-se-ter'ré-kål.
Alabaster, al'a-bás-tur. a. made of alabas-Alexiterick, â-lék-sé-ter'rik.
Alack, a-lak'. int. an expression of sorrow which drives away poison

B tha

Alackaday, a-lâk'â-da'. int. a word noting Algebra, ál'jè-brâ. s. a peculiar kind of arithsorrow and melancholy


Alacriously, á-lak're-us-lè. ad. cheerfully, Algebraical, ál-je-bra'è-kál. [liness Algebraick, ál-jé-bra'ik.

without dejection

to algebra

a. relating

Alacrity, a-lak'kré-té. s. cheerfulness, spright-
Alamode, âl-å-mode'. ad. according to the
Alarm, á-lårm'. s. notice of danger, a spe- Algid, al'jid. a. cold, chill

Algebraist, âl-je-bra'ist. s. one skilled in the
science of algebra

cies of clock

[prise Algidity, al-jid'de-tè. s. chilness, cold
Alarm, á-larm'. v. a. to call to arms; to sur-Algific, al-jif'fik. a. that produces cold
Alarming, a-lår'ming. part. a. terrifying, Algor, àl'gor. s. extreme cold, chilness
[tion or pity Algorithm, àl'go-rithm. s. the science of

Alas, -lås'. int. a word expressing lamenta- numbers
Alb, alb. s. a surplice

[ing Alias, 'le-ás. ad. otherwise

Albeit, ål-belt. ad. although, notwithstand-Alible, âl'è-bl. a. nutritive, nourishing
Albugo, al-bu'go. s. a disease in the eye
Alcahest, al'ka-hest. s. a universal dissolvent
Alchymical, al-kim'me-kål. a. relating to

Alien, åle'yen. a. foreign, estranged from,
not allied to

Alchymically, al-kîm'me-kál-lè, ad. in the
manner of an alchymist

Alchymist, al'ke-mist. s. one who professes
the science of alchymy
Alchymy, al'ké-mè. s. sublime chymistry; a
kind of mixed metal
[rit of wine
Alcohol, al'kd-hol. s. a high rectified spi-
Alcobolization, âl'ko-hôl-é-za'shun. s. the
act of rectifying spirits

Alien, ale'yên. s. a foreigner, a stranger
Alienable, ale'yên-a-bl. a. that may be trans-


lienate, åle'yên-åte. v. a. to transfer the
property of any thing to another; to with
draw the affections
[stranger to
Alienate, ale'yen-åte. a. withdrawn from,
Alienation, Ale-yên-a'shun. s. the act of trans-
ferring property

Alight, a-lite'. v. a. to come down; to fall
Alike, a-like'. ad. with resemblance, in the

same manner

Aliment, ál'lé-ment. s. nourishment, food

Alcoholize, al'ko-ho-lize. v. a. to rectify
spirits till they are wholly dephlegmated
Alcoran, al'ko-rân. s. the book of the Ma-Alimental, ál-le-mên'tål. a. that nourishes
hometan precepts and credenda

Alimentariness, al-le-mên'ta-ré-ness. s. the

Alcove, ál-kove'. s. a private recess to lie or quality of being alimentary

sit in

Alder, al'dir. s. a tree

Alimentary, ál-le-mên'tâ-rẻ. a. that has the
power of nourishing

Alderman, al'dir-mán. s. a governor or ma-Alimentation, al-le-men-ta'shun. s. the qua-
[derman lity of nourishing
Aldermanly, al'dur-mân-lé. ad. like an al-Alimonious, al-le-mo'né-us. a. that nourishes
Aldera, l'dirn. a. made of alder
Alimony, ál'le-min-nè. s. legal proportion

Ale, ale s. a liquor made of malt and hops Alebrewer, åle'brôb år. s. one who professes to brew ale

Aleconner, Ale'kón-nur. s. an officer in the
city of London to inspect the measures of
public houses

Alegar, alle-gur. s. sour ale
Alehoof, ale'hôôf. s. ground ivy

of the husband's estate allowed to the
wife, upon the account of separation
Aliquant, al'le-qwånt. a. parts of a number
which will never make up the number ex-

Aliquot, l'le-qwet. a. parts of any number or
quantity, such as will exactly measure it
without any remainder

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