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Furniture, fur'né-tshure. s. moveables, goods||Gabion, ga'bè-un. s. a wicker basket which is

put in a house for use or ornament Furrier, fur're-år. s. a dealer in furs Furrow, for'rò. s. a small trench

filled with earth to make a fortification or intrenchment

Gable, gà'bl. s. the sloping roof of a building

Furrow, für'rò. v. a. to cut in furrows; to Gad, gåd. s. a wedge of steel

divide into long hollows

Furry, fur'rẻ. a. covered with fur

Further, fur'thur. a. at a great distance; yond this

Further, für'thur. ad. to a greater distance Further, fur'thur. v. a. to put onward, to forward, to assist

Gad, gåd. v. n. to ramble about without any
settled purpose

be-Gadder, gåd’dur. s. a rambler, one that runs
much abroad without business
Gadfly, gåd'fl. s. a fly that stings cattle
Gaff, gaf. s. a harpoon or large hook
Gaffles, gaf'flz. s. artificial spurs upon cocks
Gag, gig. v. n. to stop the mouth
Gag, gåg. s. something put into the mouth to
hinder speech
Gage, gådje. v. a. to depone as a wager; to

Furtherer, für'thur-ur. s. promoter, advancer Furthermore, fur'thur-more. ad. moreover,


Furtive, für'tiv. a. gotten by theft

Fury, fu'rẻ. s. madness; rage; one of the in-Gaggle, gåg'gl. v. n. to make a noise like a

fernal deities

Furze, firz. s. gorse, goss

Furzy, fur'zè. a. overgrown with furze Fuse, fize. v. a. to melt, to put into fusion Fuse, fáze. v. n. to be melted Fusee, fu-zèè'. s. the cone, round which is wound the cord or chain of a clock or watch; a firelock, a small neat musket Fusibility, fù-se-bil'è-tè. s. capacity of being melted, quality of growing liquid by heat Fusible, fu'se-bl. a. capable of being melted Fusil, fu-zee'. s. a firelock, a small neat musket Fusilier, fù-zîl-éér'. s. a soldier armed with [being melted Fusion, fűzhûn. s. the act of melting; state of Fuss, fus. s. a tumult, a bustle

a fusil

Fustian, fus'tshân. s. a kind of cloth made of linen and cotton; bombast


Gaiety, ga'e-tè. s
8. See Gayety
Gaily, ga'lè. ad. airily, cheerfully; splendidly
Gain, gane. s. profit, advantage

Gain, gåne. v. a. to obtain ; to win; to attain
Gain, gine. v. n, to encroach; to get ground;

to obtain influence with

Gainer, gåne'ur. s. one who receives profit or advantage

Gainful, gane'ful. a. advantageous, lucrative
Gainless, gane'lês. a. unprofitable
Gainlesness, gane'lês-nês. s. unprofitableness
Gainly, gåne'lé. ad. handily, readily
Gainsay, gåne-sa'. v. a. to contradict
Gainsayer, gåne-så'ur. s. opponent, adversary
Gairish, ga'rish. a. gaudy, showy
Gairishness, ga'rish-nes. s. finery, flaunting

Fustian, füs'tshân. a. made of fustian; swell-Gait, gåte. s. the manner and air of walking

ing; ridiculously tumid

Fustiness, fus'tè-nés. a. mouldiness

Fusty, fus'té. a. smelling mouldy
Futile, fu'til, a. trifling, worthless
Futility, fu-til'è-tè. s. talkativeness, loquacity;

Future, fu'tshure. a. which will be hereafter
Future, fu'tshure. s. time to come
Futurity, fu-tu're-tè. s. time to come; events

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GABARDINE, gâb-ár-dèèn. s. a coarse frock

Gabble, gåb'bl. v. n. to make an inarticulate noise; to prate loudly

Gabble, gåb'bl. s. inarticulate noise; loud talk without meaning [fellow Gabbler, gåb'bl-år. s. a prater, a chattering Gabel, ga'bel. s. an excise, a tax

Gala, gå'la. s. a grand entertainment; splendid amusement

Galaxy, gal'lik-se. s. the milky way
Galbanum, gal'ba-nům. s. a kind of gum
Gale, gåle. s. a wind not tempestuous, yet
stronger than a breeze

Galeas, gal'yas. s. a heavy low built vessel Galeated, gå'lé-à-têd. a, covered as with a [brigantine


Galiot, gal'yut. s. a little galley or sort of
Gall, gåwl. s. the bile; rancour, malignity
Gall, gawl. v. a. to hurt by fretting the
skin; to fret, to vex
Gallant, gal'lånt. a. gay; brave, high-spirit-
ed; inclined to courtship
Gallant, gai-lånt.' s. a beau, a wooer
Gallantly, gallant-le. ad. splendidly; bravely
Gallantly, gal-lånt'lẻ. ad. like a wooer
Gallantry, gal'lån-trẻ. s. splendour cf appear-

ance; bravery; courtship; lewdness Gallery, gål'lár-é. s. a kind of walk along the floor of a house, into which the doors of the apartments open; the upper seats in a church or theatre. Galley, gal'lè. s. a vessel driven with cars

Galley-slave, gal'lè-slåve. s. a man-condemn- Gaol, jale. s. a prison

ed for some crime to row in the galleys Galliard, gål'yård. s. a gay, brisk man; sprightly dance

Gallicism, gal'le-sism. s. mode of speech peculiar to the French language [hose Galligaskins, gal-lè-gas'kins. s. large open Gallimaufry, gil-lé-måw’frè. s. a hotch-potch, a medley

Gallipot, gal'le-pot. s. a pot painted and glazed Gallon, gal'lån. s. a liquid measure of four quarts

[ocr errors]

Galloon, gál-13ôn. s. a kind of close lace
Gallop, gal'lup. v. n. to move forward by
leaps; to ride or move very fast
Gallop, gal'lip. s. the motion of a horse when
he runs at full speed

Galloway, gal'ld-wà. s. a horse not more than
fourteen hands high

Gallow, gål'lo. v. a. to terrify

Gallows, gal'lus. s. a beam laid over two posts,
on which malefactors are hanged
Galvanism, gal'vân-izm. s. a system of elec-
tricity lately discovered by Galvani
Gambade, gåm-både'.
Gambado, gam-bado.

kind of boots

s. spatter dashes, a

Gambler, gåm'bl-ur. s. a cheating gamester

Gaoler, Jale'ûr. s. the keeper of a prison
a||Gap, gåp. s. a breach; a hole; a vacuity
Gape, gap. v. n. to open the mouth wide, to
yawn to stare irreverently

Garb, gårb. s. dress; exterior appearance
Garbage, gar'bidje. s. the bowels, the offal
Garble, går bl. v. n. to sift, to part
Garboil, gar'boil. s. disorder, uproar
Garden, går'dn. s. a piece of ground enclosed
and planted with herbs or fruits
Gardener, gar'dn-úr. s. he that attends or
cultivates gardens

Gardening, gár'dn-ing. s. the act of cultivat
ing or planning gardens
Gargarism, går gå-rizm. s. a liquid form of

medicine to wash the mouth with
Gargle, går'gl. v. a. to wash the throat
Gargle, går gl. s. a liquor with which the

throat is washed

Garland, går’lånd. s. a wreath or branches of flowers

Garlick, går'lik. s. a plant

Garment, går'mént. s. any thing by which
the body is covered

Garner, går'nur. a. a place in which threshed
corn is stored up
Garnet, går'nêt. s. a gem


Gamboge, gâm-bôỏdje'. s. a concreted vege-Garnish, går'nish. v. a. to decorate, to emGarnish, går'nish. s. ornament, decoration, embellishment

table juice [frisk Gambol, gam'bål. v. n. to dance, to skip, to Gambol, gâm-bul. s. a skip, a frolick Game, game. s. sport of any kind; jest ; sportive insult; field sports; animals pursued in the field

Game, game. v. n. to play at any sport; to play wantonly and extravagantly for money Gamecock, game'kok. s. a cock bred to fight Gamekeeper, game'kèèp-ûr. s. a person who looks after game


Garniture, går'ne-tshire. s. furniture, ornaGarret, går'rêt. s. a room on the highest floor of the house

Garreteer, går-rêt-tèèr'. s. an inhabitant of a


Garrison, går'ré-sn. s. soldiers placed in a fortified town or castle [tresses Garrison, går'rẻ-sn. v. a. to secure by forGarrulity, går-ru'lè-tè. s. talkativeness Gamesome, game'sům. a. frolicksome, sportive Garrulous, gar'rd-lus. a. prattling, talkative Gamesomeness, game'sům-nés. s. sportive-Garter, går'tur. s. a string or riband by which

ness, merriment

Gamester, game'stur. s. one who is viciously addicted to play

Gammon, gam'mun. s. the buttock of a hog
salted and dried

Gamut, gåm'it. s. the scale of musical notes
Gander, gân'dur. s. the male of the goose
Gang, gång. s. a number hanging together, a
troop, a company

Gangrene, gang'grene. & a mortification
Gangrene, gang'grène. v. a. to corrupt to

Gangrenous, gang'grè-nůs. a. mortified Gangway, gang'wa. s. in a ship, the several ways or passages from one part of it to the other

Gantlet, gant'lêt. s. a military punishment in which the criminal running between the ranks receives a lash from each man

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Gasconade, gås-ko-nåde'. s. a boast, a bravade
Gash, gåsh. v. a. to cut deep, so as to make a
gaping wound

Gash, gash. s. a deep and wide wound
Gaskins, gås'kinz. s. wide hose, wide breeches
Gasp, gasp. v. n. to open the mouth wide to

catch breath; to emit breath by opening
the mouth convulsively; to long for
Gasp, gåsp. s. the act of opening the mouth
to catch breath; the short catch of the
breath in the last agonies
Gastriloquist ås-tri-d-kwist. . one who
speaks fro belly
[the belly
Gastriloquy, gas-tril'd-kwè. s. speaking from

Gate, gåte. s. a large door or entrance Gateway, gate'wa. s. a way through gates of enciosed grounds

Gather, gåth'ur. v. a. to collect, to bring intoll one place; to pick up, to glean, to pluck Gather, gåth'ur. v. n. to be condensed; to grow larger; to assemble; to generate pus

or matter

Gathering, gåth'ur-ing. s. collection of charitable contributions

Gaudily, gaw'dé-ié. ad. showily

Gaudiness, gåw'dé-nés. s. showiness, tinsel

Gaudy, gaw'de. a. showy, splendid
Gave, gave. the pret. of Give

Geminy, jém'mé-né. s. twins, a pair
Geminous, jém'me-nus. a. double
Gender, jen-dúr. s. a kind, a sort, a sex; a
distinction of nouns in grammar
Gender, jen'dur. v. a. to beget; to produce
Gender, jen'dur. v. n. to copulate, to breed
Genealogical, jè-né-â-lôdje'è-kål. a. pertain
ing to descents or families
Genealogist, jè-né-âl'd-jíst. s. he who traces

Genealogy, je-ne-ål'ò-jẻ. ■. history of the
succession of families

General, jên'ér-ål. a. comprehending many species or individuals; lax in signification; publick; extensive; common

Gauge, gadje. v. a. to measure the contents of General, jên'ér-ål. s. the whole; the public; a vessel

Gauge, gadje. s. a measure, a standard
Gauger, ga'jur. s. one whose business is to

measure vessels

Gaunt, gant. a. thin, slender, lean
Gauntly, gant'le. ad. leanly, slenderly
Gauntlet, gant let. s. an iron glove thrown
down in challenges

Gauze, gawz. s. a kind of thin transparent silk
Gawk, gawk. s. a cuckoo; a foolish fellow
Gay, gà. a. airy, cheerful, merry; fine
Gayety, ga'e-té. s. cheerfulness, airiness

one that has the command over an army Generalissimo, jén-ér-ål-îï'è-mò. s. the su preme commander [the bulk Generality, jen-er-âl'è-te. s. the main body, Generalize, jên'ér-ål-ize. v. a. to arrange particulars under general heads Generally, jên'ér-ål-è. ad. in general Generate, jen'êr-åte. v. a. to beget, to propagate

Generation, jên-ér-d'shun. s. the act of be

getting; a race; a progeny; an age Generative, jen'êr-a-tiv. a. prolifick; fruitful Generator, jên'er-d-tur. s. the power which begets, causes, or produces [nestly Generical, je-ner'è-kal. ear-Generick, je-ner'rik.

Gayly, gå'le. ad. merrily, showily
Gayness, ga'nês. s. gayety, finery
Gaze, gaze. v. n. to look intently and
Gaze, gaze. s. intent regard, look of eager-
ness or wonder

Gazer, ga'zur. a. he that gazes

Gazette, gå zet'. s. a paper of news, a paper
of publick intelligence
Gazetteer, giz-et-tèèr'. s. a writer of news
Gazingstock, ga'zing-stok. s. a person gazed

at with scorn

Gear, gèèr. s. furniture, accoutrements
Geese, geese. s. the plur. of Goose
Gelable, jel'a-bl. a. what may be congealed
Gelatine, jel'-tine.
Gelatinous, jè-latʼin-us.


a. that which

comprehends the genus
Generosity, jên-er-os'è-tè. s. liberality
Generous, Jen'er-us. a. noble of mind, open
of heart, liberal, munificent
Generously, jen'er-ús-lè. ad. magnanimously,
[being generous
Generousness, jên'êr-is-nês. s. the quality of
Genesis, jên'è-sis. s. generation, the first
book of Moses

Genet, jen'nit. s. a small Spanish horse
Geneva, jè-nè'vå. s. a distilled spirit.ous

liquor a. formed into a

Geld, geld. v. a. pret. gelded or gelt; part. pass. gelded or gelt, to castrate

Gelder, geld'ůr. s. one that perform the act
of castration

Gelding, gelding. s. any animal castrated,
particularly a horse
Gelid, jel'id. a. extremely cold
Gelidity, jé-lld'è-tè.
Gelidness, jel'id-nés.

5. extreme cold

Gelly, jel'lè. s. any vicious body, vicidity,
gluey substance

Gem, jêm. s. a jewel, a precious stone
Gem, jêm. v. a. to adorns with jewels
Gemini, jêm'è-nl. s. the Twins, the third
sign in the zodiack

Genial, jé'né-al. a. that which contributes to
propagation; natural
Genially, je'né-al-lé. ad. by genius, naturally;
Geniculated, je-nik'u-là-têd. a. knotted, joint-
Genitals, gen'e-talz. s. parts belonging to
Geniting, jen'ne-tin. s. an early apple
Genitive, jen'è-tiv. a. in grammar, the name


of a case

Genius, je ne-3s. s. the protecting or ruling

power of men, places, or things; a man endowed with superior faculties; nature Genteel, jên-teel'. a. polite, elegant, civil Genteely, jên'tèèl'lé. ad. elegantly, politely Genteelness, jên-tèèl'nés. s. elegance, grace. fulness, politeness [nation, a pagan Gentile, jen'til. . one of an uncovenanted


sprouting; growth

Gerund, jer und. s. a kind of verbal noun
Gest, jest. s. a deed, an action; show
Gestation, jês-ta'shun. s. the act of bearing
the young in the womb

Gentilism, jen'til-izm. s. heathenisin, pagan-|| Germination, jẻr-mé-na'shún, s. the act of [elegance of behaviour Gentility, jên-tfl'è-tè. s. good extraction; Gentle, jên'tl. a. soft, mild, tame Gentlefolk, jen'tl-foke. s. persons distinguished by their birth from the vulgar Gentleman, jên'tl-mån. s. a man of birth; a term of complaisance Gentlemanlike, jen'tl-mån-like. Gentlemanly, jen'tl-mân-le. ing a man of birth

a. becom

Gentleness, jên'tl-nes. s. softness of man-
ners, meekness
[well descended
Gentlewoman, jen'tl-wôm-ån. s. a woman
Gently, jên'tle. ad. softly, meekly
Gentry, jên'trẻ. s. a class of people above the
[bending the knee
Genuflection, je'nù-flêk'shôn. s. the act of
Genuine, jên'u-in. a. not spurious
Genuineness, jên'ù-in-nês. s. freedom from
any thing counterfeit


Genus, jé'nus. s. in science, a class of being
comprehending many species
Geocentrick, je-d-sen'trik. a. applied to. a
planet or orb having the earth for its cen-
[cribes the earth
Geographer, je-og'grå-für. s. one who de-
Geographical, je-¿-grâf'è-kål. a. relating to
[geographical manner
Geographically, jè-d-gräf'è-kâl-è. ad. in a
Geography, je-og'grå-fè. s. knowledge of

the earth

Geology, jé-dl'o-jé. s. the doctrine of the
Geomancer, je'd-man-sur. s. a fortune teller

Gesticulate, jês-tik'ů-låte. v. n. to play an-
tick tricks, to show postures
Gesticulation, jês-tik-d-lå'shẳn. s. antick
tricks, various postures

Gesture, jes'tshare. s. action or posture ex-
pressive of sentiment

Get, get. v. a. pret. got, part. pass. got or gotten. to procure, to obtain; to beget;

to earn

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Ghastful, gast'ful. a. dreary, dismal, fit for walking spirits

Ghastliness, gast'le-nes. s. horror of counte

nance, resemblance of a ghost
Ghastly, gåst'le. a. like a ghost; horrible
Gherkin, gêr'kin. s. a pickled cucumber
Ghost, gost. s. a spirit
Ghostliness, gost'le-nés. s. spiritual tendency
Ghostly, gost'le. a. spiritual, having a cha
racter from religion

Giant, j''ânt. s. a man unnaturally large
Giantlike, jl'ant-like.
a. gigantick, vast
Giantly, jl'ant-le.
Gibberish, gib'bur-ish. s. cant words with
out meaning
Gibbet, jib'bit. s. a gallows

Geomancy, je'd-mân-sẻ. s. the act of fore-Gibbet, jib'bit. v. a. to hang or expose on a

telling by figures

Geomantick, je-d-mân'tîk. a. pertaining to
the art of casting figures
Geometer, jé-om'è-tur. s. a geometrician
Geometral, jè-ôm'è-trål. a. pertaining to ge-

Geometrical, je-d-mêt'tré-kål.
Geometrick, je-d-mêt'trik.

a. pertaining

gibbe t

Gibbosity, gîb-bos'è-té.s.convexity, promi



Gibbous, gib'bus. a. convex, protuberant
Gibbousness, gib'bus-nés. s. convexity, pro-
[ness with contempt
Gibe, jlbe. v. n, to sneer, to join censorious-
Gibe, jibe. v. a. to scoff, to ridicule
Gibe, jibe, s. a sneer, scoff

to geometry; according to geometry Geometrically, je-d-mét’trẻ-kál-é. ad. accord-Gibingly, jl'ting-lé. ad. scornfully, con

ing to the laws of geometry Geometrician, je-ôm-é-trish'ẩn. s. cne skilled in geometry Geometry, je-ôm'me-trẻ. s. the science of quantity, extension, or magnitude, abstractedly considered George, jorje. s. a figure of St. George on horseback, worn by the knights of the garter Georgick, jor'jik. s. some part of the science of husbandry [of agriculture Georgick, jor'jik. a. relating to the doctrine German, jer mån. s. a first cousin Germe, jerm. s. a sprout or shoot Germin, jêr'min. s. a shooting or sprouting seed

Germinate, jêr'me-nåte. v. n. to

[shoot sprout, to


Giblets, jîb'lets. s. the parts of a goose which
are cut off before it is roasted
Giddily, gid'dé-lè. ad. with the head seeming
to turn round; unsteadily; carelessly
Giddiness, gid'de-nés. s. the state of being
giddy; inconstancy; quick rotation
Giddy, gîd'dè. a. having in the head a whirl,
or sensation of circular motion; unsteady;
heedless; intoxicated
Giddybrained, gid'de-brand. a. careless,
Gift, gift. s. a thing given or bestowed.
power, faculty

Gifted, gifted. a. bestowed endowed with
extraordinary powers
[in play
Gig, gig. s. any thing that is whirled round

Gigantick, ji gån'tik. a. big, bulky, enormous Giggle, giggl. v. n. to laugh idly, to titter Giggler, giggl-ir. s. a laugher, a titterer Giglet, gig'gl-it. properly Gigglet, s. a wanton, a lascivious girl

Gild, gild. v. a. pret. gilded or gilt. to wash over with gold; to adorn with lustre Gilding, gil'ding. s. gold laid on any surface by way of ornament

Gills, gilz. s. the aperture at each side of a fish's head; the flesh under the chin Gill, jl. s. a measure of liquids containing the fourth part of a pint; ground ivy Gilliflower, jil'lé-flour. s. julyflower Gilt, gilt. part. of gild [mechanism Gimcrack, jim'kråk. s. a slight or trivial Gimlet, gim'lêt. s. a borer with a screw at its point

Gimp, gimp. s. a kind of silk twist or lace Gin, jin. s. a trap, a snare; the spirit drawn by distillation from juniper berries Ginger, jin'jur. s. an Indian plant; the root of that plant

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Glade, glåde. s. a lawn or opening in a wood Gladiator, glâd-dé-a'tur. s. a sword-player; a prize-fighter

Gladly, glad'le. ad. joyfully, with merriment
Gladness, glâd'nes. s. cheerfulness, exultation
Gladsome, glad'sům. a. pleased, gay
Glaire, glare. a. the white of an egg; a kind
[of an egg
Glaire, glire. v. n. to smear with the white
Glance, glånse. s. a sudden shoot of light or

of halbert

Glance, glânse. v. n. to shoot a sudden ray of splendour; to fly off in an oblique direction; to view with a quick cast of the


Gingerbread, jin'jur-bred. s. a kind of sweet-Gland, glând. s. a smooth fleshy substance meat made of dough and flavoured with Gingerly, jin'jur-lè. ad. cautiously [ginger Gingival, jin'je-vål. a. belonging to the gums G.ngle, jing'gl. v. n. to utter a sharp clattering noise; to make an affected sound in periods or cadence

Gingle, jing'gl. s. a shrill resounding noise; affectation in the sound of periods Ginseng, jin'sêng. s. a Chinese root brought lately into Europe

Gipsy, jip'se. s. a vagabond who pretends to

tell fortunes


which serves as a kind of strainer to separate some particular fluid from the blood Glanders, glån'důrz. s. a disease incident to Lacorns Glandiferous, glân-dif'fe-ris. a. bearing Glandulosity, glan-du-lôs'è-tè. s. a collection of glands (glands Glandulous, glân'du-lue. a. pertaining to the" Glare, glåre. v. n. to shine so as to dazzle the eyes

Glare, glåre. s. overpowering lustre Glareous, gla'ré-us. a. consisting of viscous transparent matter

Gird, gård. v. a. pret. girded or girt. to bind round; to invest; to enclose, to encircle Glaring, gla'ring. a. very bright; barefaced Girder, ger'dur. s. the largest piece of tim-Glass, glas. s. an artificial transparent sub[waist; à belt, a zoue Girdle, ger'dl. s. any thing drawn round the Girdle, ger'dl. v. a, to gird; to enclose, to shut in

ber in a floor

Girl, gerl. s. a young woman or child Girlish, gerl'ish. a. suiting a girl Girlishly, ger'lish-lẻ. ad. in a girlish manner Girt, gert. part. pass. from to gird Girt, gert. v. a. to gird, to encompass, to encircle [is fixed upon a horse Girth, gerth. s. the band by which the saddle Girth, gerth. v. a. to bind with a girth Give, giv. v. a. pret. gave; part. pass. given. to bestow; to pay; to grant; to yield to express; to addict; to resign Give, giv. v. n. to grow moist, to melt, to thaw; to move

Giver, giv'ur. s. one that gives, a bestower Gizzard, giz'zurd. s. the strong musculous stomach of a fowl

Glacial, gla'shd-il. a. made of ice, frozen Glaciate, gld'she-åte. v. n. to turn into ice N 2


Glass, glås. a. vitreous, made of glass
Glass, glås. v. a. to cover with glass, to glaze
Glassfurnace, glas'fur-nis. s. a furnace in

which glass is made by liquefaction Glassgrinder, glås'grind'ur. . one whose trade is to polish and grind glass Glasshouse, glis'house. s. a house where glass is manufactured.

Glassman, glås'mân. s. one who sells glasa Glassmetal, glas'met-tl. s. glass in fusion Glasswork, glâs'wurk. s. manufactory o glass

Glassy, glas'sè. a. resembling glass Glave, glave. s. a broad sword, a falchion Glaze, glaze. v. a. to furnish or cover with glass [make glass windows Glazier, gl'zhar. s. one whose trade is to Gleam, glème. s. sudden shoot of light Gleam, glème. v. n. to shine with sudden flashes of light [shoots of light Gleamy, gle'me. a. flashing, darting wildea 149

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