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Glean, glene. v. a. to gather what the reap-[[Gloss, glos. v. n. to comment

ers leave behind; to gather any thing scattered

Gleaner, gle'nôr. s. one who gleans
Gleaning, gle'ning. s. the act of gleaning,
or thing gleaned

Glebe, glėbe. s. turf, soil, ground
Glebous, gle'bus.
Gleby, gle's.


a. turfy

Glee, glee. s. joy, gayety, a kind of song
Gleeful, gleeful. a. merry, cheerful
Gleet, gleet. s. a thin ichor running from a
[sanious liquor
Gleet, gleet. v. n. to drip or ooze with a thin
Glen, glen. s. a valley, a dale
Glib, glib. a. smooth, slippery; voluble
Glibly, glib'le. ad. smoothly, volubly
Glibness, glib'nées. s. smoothness, slipperiness
Glide, glide. v, n. to flow gently and silently
Glimmer, glim'můr. v. n. to shine faintly
Glimmer, glim'mår. s. faint splendour, weak
[short transitory view
Glimpse, glimps. 8. a weak faint light; a
Glisten, glis'sn. v. n. to shine, to sparkle
with light

Glister, glis'tur. v. n. to shine, to be bright
Glitter, glit'tur. v. n. to shine, to gleam
Glitter, glit'tur. s. lustre, bright show
Gloat, glote. v. n. to cast side glances as a
timorous lover

Globated, glo'ba-têd. a. formed like a globe,| spherical

a. round, spherical

Globe, globe. s. a sphere, a ball; the world Globose, glo-bose'. a. spherical, round Globosity, glo-bos'è-tè. s. sphericalness Globous, glo'bus. Globular, glob'u-lâr. Globule, glob'ile. s. a small particle of matter of a spherical figure [a ball Glomerate, glom'er-åte. v. a. to gather into Gloom, gloom. s. dismalness, obscurity; heaviness of mind, sullenness Gloomily, gloom'è-lè. ad. obscurely, dismally; with dark intentions Gloominess, glôôm'è-nés. s. want of light;

cloudiness of look

Gloomy, gloom'è. a. obscure; sullen
Gloried, glo'rld. a. illustrious, honourable
Glorification, glo-rẻ-fè-ka'shån. s. the act
of giving glory

Gloss, glos. v. a. to explain by comment; to
embellish with superficial lustre
Glossary, glos'sâ-re. s. a dictionary of ob-
scure or antiquated words
Glossiness, glos'sé-nés. a. smooth polish;
superficial lustre

Glossy, glos'sé. a. shining, smoothly polished
Glove, gluv. s. a cover for the hands
Glover, gliv'ur. s. one whose trade is to make
or sell gloves

Glow, glo. v. n. to be heated so as to shine without flame; to burn,

Glow, glo. s. shining heat, unusual warmth; brightness [a luminous tail

Glow-worm, glo'wůrm. s. a small insect with Gloze, gloze. v. n. to flatter, to wheedle, to fawn [cious show

Gloze, gloze. s. flattery, insinuation; spe-
Glue, glu. s. a cement

Glue, glů. v. a. to join with a viscous cement
Glum, glum. a. sullen, stubbornly grave
Glut, glit. v. a. to devour; to cloy; to over-
Glut, glût. s. more than enough
Glutinous, gld'te-nus. a. viscous, tenacious
Glutinousness, glu'tè-nus-nés. s. viscosity,

Glutton, glut'tn. s. one who indulges too much in eating; a voracious animal Gluttonous, glut tun-us. a. given to excessive feeding

Gluttony, glit'tun-é. s. excess of eating Gnash, pash. v. a. to strike together, to clash Gnash, nish. v. n. to grind or collide the teeth

Gnat, nåt. s. a small stinging insect Gnaw, nåw. v. a. to eat by degrees, to devour by slow corrosion

Gnomon, no'mon. s. the hand or pin of a dial Gnomonicks, no-môn'iks. s. the art of dialing Go, gd. v. n. pret. I went, I have gone to walk, to move; to proceed; to have recourse; to decline; to move by mechan ism; to be pregnant; to contribute Go-cart, go'kårt. s. a machine in which

children are enclosed to teach them to walk Goad, gode. s. a pointed instrument with

which oxen are driven

Goad, gode. v. a. to prick or drive with a goad

Glorify, glo'rẻ-fl. v. a. to pay honour or Goal, gole. s. starting post; the final purpose praise, in worship; to exalt to glory or Goat, gote. s. an animal that seems a middle dignity [cellent species between deer and sheep Glorious, glo'ré-ås. a. noble, illustrious, ex- Goatherd, gote'herd. s. one who attends goats Gloriously, glo'ré-us-lé. ad. nobly, illus-Goatish, gote'ish. a. resembling a goat in triously

Glory, glo'rẻ. s. praise paid in adoration; the felicity of heaven; honour, celebrity;| a circle of rays

Glory, glo'rè. v. n. to boast in, to be proud of Gloss, glos. s. a scholium, a comment

rankness or lust

Gobble, gob'bl. v. a. to swallow hastily with tumult and noise

Go-between, go'be-twèèn. s. one that transacts business by running between two parties

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Gore, gore. v. a. to pierce with a horn
Gorge, gorje. s. the throat, that which is gorg-
ed or swallowed.
(glut, to satiate
Gorge, gorje. v. a. to fill up to the throat, to
Gorgeous, gor'jus. a. fine, showy
Gorgeously, gor'jus-lé. ad. splendidly, finel♥
Gorgeousness, gor'jús-nés. s. splendour, ma
[defends the thros
Gorget, gör'jêt. 8. the piece of armour the
Gorgon, gor'gon. s. a monster with snak




Goblet, gob'lét. s. a bowl or cup Goblin, goblin. s. an evil spirit God, god. s. the Supreme Being; an idol Godchild god'tshild. s. the child for whom one became sponsor at baptism Goddess, god'des. s. a female divinity God-father, god'få-thur. s. the sponsor at the [deity in person Godhead, god'hed. a. divine nature, a Godless, gud lés. a. atheistical, wicked, impious [divinity Godlike, god'like. a. divine, resembling a Gormandize, gör'mân-dize. v. n. to feed rave Godliness, god'le-nes. s. piety to God Gormandizer, gor'mår-dl-zûr. s. a voracious Godly, god'le. a. pious towards God Godly, god'le. ad. piously, righteously Godmother, god'muth-úr. s. a woman who has become sponsor in baptism Goggle, gug'gl. v. n. to look asquint Goggle-eyed, gog'gl-ide. a. squint-eyed Going, going. s. the act of walking; pregnancy; departure

Gold, gold, or gold. s. the purest, heaviest, and most precious of all metals; money Gold, gold. a. made of gold, golden


Gorse, gorse. s. furze, a thick prickly shrub Gory, go'rẻ. a. covered with congealed blood; bloody, murderous

Gosling, goz'ling. s. a young goose

Gospel, gos'pél. s. God's word, the holy book of the Christian revelation

Gossamer, gos's-můr. s. the down of plants
Gossip, gossip. s. a sponsor in baptism; a tip-
pling companion; one who runs about tat

Goldbeater, gold' bé-tur. s. one whose occu-Gossip, gossip. v. n. to chat, to prate
pation is to beat gold
[gold Got, got. pret. of to get

Goldbound, gold'bound. a. encompassed with Gotten, göt'tn part. pass. of get

Golden, goi'dn. a. made of gold; of the co-Gouge, goodje. s. a chisel having a round lour of gold

Goldfinch, gold'finsh. s. a singing bird


Gourd, gord. s. a plant; a bottle
periodical disease attended

Goldsmith, gold'smith. s. one who manufac-Gout, goût. s.

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Gome, gore. s. the black and oily grease of
Gondola, gôn'do-lâ. s. a boat used in Venice
Gondolier, gon-do-lèèr'. s. a boatman
Gone, gon. part. pret. from go
Gonfalon, gon'fa-lún.
Gonfanon, gon'fa-nún.


s. an ensign, a

with great pain

Gout, gỗỏ. s. taste; a strong desire
Gouty, gou'tè. a. afflicted with the gout; re-
lating to the gout

Govern, giv'urn. v. a. to rule; to regulate, to direct; to manage, to restrain Governable, güv'ur-nå-bl. a. subject to rule, manageable [rule, management Gonorrhoea, gon-or-re'â. s. a morbid running Governance, guvir-nânse. s. government, Good, gåd. a. comp. better, super. best. hav- Governante, go-vůr-nånt'. s. a lady who has ing such physical qualities as are expected the care of young girls

or desired; proper; uncorrupted; whole-Governess, guv'ur-nés. s. a tutoress
some; pleasant; complete; useful; sound; Government, gåv'úrn-mênt. s. an establish-
legal, well qualified; skilful; virtuous; ment of legal authority, administration of
public affairs; manageableness
Governor, guv'ur-nůr. s. one who has the su-
preme direction
a tutor; a pilot, a ma-



Good, god. s. the contrary to evil;
Good, gud. ad. well, not ill, not amiss
Goodliness, gůd'le-nês. s. beauty, grace
Goodly, güd'le. a. beautiful, fine
Good-now, gud'nou. int. in good time
Goodness, gud'nés. s. desirable qualities
Goods, gudz. s. moveables in a house; wares,

Goody, gud'de. s. a low term of civility
Goose, goose. s. a waterfowl; a tailor's
smoothing iron

Gooseberry, goôz'bêr-è. s. a tree and fruit
Gorbellied, gor'bêl-lîd. a. fat, big-bellied
Gord, gord. s. an instrument of gaming
Gore. gore. s. blood clotted or congealed

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Gracefully, gråse'fúl-é. ad. elegantly, with Grange, grånje. s. a farm with a house at a [manner!! distance from neighbours

pleasing dignity

Gracefulness, grase'ful-uês. s. elegance of Granite, grån'it. s. a stone, composed of sepa-
Graceless, gråse'lês. a. wicked, abandoned
Gracile, grås'sil. a. slender, small
Gracilent, grås'è-lent. a. lean
Gracility, gra-sil'è-té. s. slenderness

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rate concretions rudely compacted Granivorous, gra-niv'vo-rus. a. eating grain Grant, grant. v. a. to admit; to bestow Grant, grânt. s. the act of granting or bestowing, a gift, a boon [be granted Grantable, grant'â-bl. a. that which may Grantee, grån-tèè'. s. he to whom any grant is made [made Grantor, grant-tor'. s. he by whom a grant is Granulary, gran'd-lâr-è. a. resembling a small grain or seed [small grains

Gracious, gra'shus. a. merciful; kind ; virtu-
Ling manner
Graciously, gra'shus-le. ad. kindly; in a pleas-
Graciousness, gra'shus-nês. s. kind condescen-
sion; pleasing manner
Gradation, grå-da'shun. . regular progress
Gradiant, gra'de-ant, or grà'je-ânt. a. walking
Gradual, grad'd-ål. a. step by step [sion Granulate, grån'd-låte. v. n. to be formed into
Graduality, gråd-d-ál'è-té. s. regular progres-Granulate, grân'd låte. v. a. to break into small
Gradually, gråd'd-ál-lẻ. ad. by degrees, in
regular progression

Graduate, grad'd-åte. v. a. to dignify with a degree in the university, to mark with degrees; to heighten


raduate, gråd'i-åte. s. a man dignified with an academical degree Graduation, gråd-d-a'shun. s. regular progresGraff, gråf. 8. a ditch, a oat

Graft or Graff, g-12 or gråff. s, a small branch inserted into the stock of another


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Graft or Graff, gråft or gråff v. a. to insert

a scion or branch of one tree into the stock of another


Granule, grån'dle. s. a small compact particle
Granulous, grân'd-lås. a. full of little grains
Grape, gråpe. s. the fruit of the vine
Graphick, grafik.
a. well delineated
Graphical, grâf'è-kål.
Graphically, gråf'é-kål è. ad. in a picturesque
manner, with good delineation
Grapnel, grap'nél. s. a small anchor belonging
to a little vessel
[each other

Grapple, grap'pl. v. n. to contend by seizing Grapple, grap'pl. v. a. to fasten, to fix Grapple, grap'pl. s. contest in which the combatants seize each other; close fight Grapplement, grap'pl-ment. s. close fight Grasshopper, grås'hop-ur. s. a small insect that hops in the summer grass [gripe Grasp, gråsp. v. a. to hold in the hand, to Grasp, gråsp. v. n. to catch at, to endeavour to seize; to struggle; to gripe Gramineous, grå-min'é-is. a. grassy [eating Grasp, grasp. s. the gripe or seizure of the Graminivorous, grâm-ẻ-niv'd-růs. a. grass- hand; possession; power of seizing Grammar, gram'mår. s. the science of speak-Grass, grås. s. the common herbage of fields ing correctly; the book that treats of the ling in grass various relations of words to each other

Grain, gråne. s. all kinds of corn; the seed of any fruit; any minute particle; the smallest weight; any thing proverbially small Grains, granz. s. the husks of malt exhausted in brewing

on which cattle feed Grassiness, gras'sé-nês. s. the state of aboundGrammarian, gråm-ma'ré-ân. s. one who Grassy, grås'sè. a. covered with grass teaches grammar [to grammar Grate, gråte. s. partition made with bars; the Grammatical, grâm-måt'è-kål. a. belonging range of bars within which fires are made Grammatically, grâm-mit'è-kal-ẻ. ad. accord-Grate, gråte. v. a. to rub any thing by the at. ing to the rules or science of grammar Grampus, gram'pus. s. a large fish of the whale


[ed corn

trition of a rough body; to offend by any thing harsh or vexations; to form a harsh sound

benefits; pleasing, acceptable Gratefully, grate'fül-é. ad. with willingness to acknowledge and repay benefits; in a pleasing manner

Granary, grán'a-rẻ. ■ a store-house for thresh-Grateful, gråte'fil. a. having a due sense of
Granate, granat. s. a kind of spotted marble
Graud, grind. a. great, illustrious, splendid
Grandam, grin'dim. s. grandmother
Grandchild, grand'tshild. s. the son or daugh-
ter of one's son or daughter [diguity
Grandee, gran-dee'. s. a man of great rank or
Grandeur, grân'jur. s. state, magnificence
Grandfather, grand'fa-thur. s. the father of a

father or mother

Grandmother, grând'muth-ůr. 8. the father's

or mother's mother

Grandsire, grand'sire. s. grandfather

Gratefulness, gråte'ful-nés. s. gratitude Grater, gråte år. s. a coarse instrument with which soft bodies are rubbed to powder Gratification, grât-è-fè-ka'shun.s. the act of pleasing; pleasure

Gratify, grat'e-fl. v. a. to indulge; to requite Gratingly, grateng-lè. ad. harshly, offen sively

Gratis, gra'tis. ad. for nothing, without re-Greediness, gréé'de-nês. s. ravenousness, ea


gerness of appetite or desire


benefac-Greedy, gréé'dé. a. ravencus, voracious; ea Green, green. a. flourishing; new; not dry; unripe, young

Gratitude, gråt'è-tåde. s. duty to
tors; desire to return benefits
Gratuitous, grå-to'è-tus. a. voluntary; assert-
ed without proof

Green, green. s. a colour; a grassy plain Gratuitously, grå-tu'ê-tus-lè. ad. without claim Greeneyed, green'ide. a. having eyes colour[pense ed with green

or merit; without proof

Gratuity, gra-to'è-tè. s. a present or recom-Greenfinch, green'finsh. s. a kind of bird Gratulate, gråtsh'u-låte, or grât'u-låte. v. a. Greengage, green-gaje'. s. a species of plum to congratulate, to salute with declarations Greenhouse, green'bodse. s. a house in which of joy [made by expressing joy tender plants are sheltered Gratulation, grâtsh-d-la'shun. s. salutation Greenish, green'ish. a. somewhat green Gratulatory, grâtsh'u-là-túr-é. a. congratula-Greenness, green'nes. s. the quality of being tory, expressing congratulation

Grave, grave. s. the place in which the dead are reposited

Grave, grave. v. a. pret. graved; part. pass.

green; immaturity

Green-Room, grèèn'room. s. a room near the stage, to which actors retire during the intervals of their parts in the play [maids

graven. to carve on any hard substance; to Greensickness, grèèn-sîk'nés. s. a disease of impress deeply

Greensward, green'swård., the turf on

Grave, grave. a. solemn, serious; of weight; Greensword,
not showy; not acute

Gravel, grav'él. s. hard sand; sandy matter
concreted in the kidneys
Gravel, grâv'èl. v. a. to cover with gravel;
to embarrass

Gravelly, grav'êl-lè. a. full of gravel
Gravely, grave'lè. ad. solemnly, seriously,

Graveness, grave'nês. s. seriousness, solem-
Graver, gravur. s. one whose business is to
engrave; the tool used in graving
Gravidity, gra-vid'è-tè. s. pregnancy
Gravitate, grav'è-tåte. v. n. to tend to the
[to the centre
Gravitation, grav-é-tà'shin. s. act of tending
Gravity, gråv'è-tè. s. weight, heaviness, ten-
dency to the centre

centre of attraction

Gravy, grave. s. the juice that runs from flesh not much dried by the fire [hoary Gray, grå. a. white with a mixture of black Graybeard, gra'bèèrd. s. an old man Grayness, gra'nês. s. the quality of being gray Graze, graze. v. n. to eat grass; to supply grass

Grazier, grå'zhůr. s. one who feeds cattle
Grease, grèse. s. the soft part of the fat; a
disease in horses

Grease, gréze. v. a. to smear or anoint with
grease; to corrupt with presents
Greasiness, gre'zé-nês. s. oiliness, fatness
Greasy, gré'zé. a. unctuous; smeared with
[tant; noble; pregnant
Great, gråte. a. large; considerable; impor-
Greatly, gråte'lé. ad. in a great degree
Greatness, gråte'nés. s. largeness; dignity
Greaves, grèvz. a. armour for the legs
Grecism, gre'sizm. s. an idiom of the Greek

Greedily, grée'dè-lè. ad. ravenously, vora-

which grass grows

Greenweed, grèèn'wèèd. s. dyers' weed`
Greet, gréét. v. a. to address; to salute; to
Greeting, greeting. s. salutation at meeting
Gregarious, gré-ga'rè-us. a. going in flocks

or herds

Grenade, grè-nåde'. s. a ball; a small bomb
Grenadier, grên-a-deer'. s. a tall foot-soldier
Greyhound, grà'hound. s. a tall fleet dog that
chases in sight
[and red

Gridelin, grid'e-lin. a. colour made of white
Gridiron, grid'l-urn. s. a portable grate
Grief, grèèf. s. sorrow, trouble
Grievance, gréé'vânse. s. a state or cause of


Grieve, gréév. v. a. to afflict, to hurt
Grievous, gréév'is. a. afflictive, painful, heavy
Grievously, gréév'us-lé. ad. painfully; ca.
lamitously; vexatiously
Grievousness, gréév'us-nes.
sorrow, pain
Griffin, grif'tin. s. a fabled animal, said to be

generated between the lion and eagle
Grig, grig. s. a small eel; a merry creature
Grill, gril. v. n. to broil on a gridiron
Grim, grin. a. ugly, ill looking
Grimace, gré-måse'. s. a distortion of the
countenance from habit

Grimalkin, grim-mål'kin. s. an old cat
Grime, grime, s. dirt deeply insinuated
Grime, grime. v. a. to dirt, to sully deeply
Grimly, grim'le ad. horribly, sourly, sullenly
Grimness, grim'nes. s. horror, frightfulness
of visage
[and withdraw the lips
Grin, grin. v. n. to set the teeth together
Grin, grin. s. the act of closing the teeth
Grind, grind. v. a. pret. ground; part. pass.

ground. to reduce any thing to powder by
friction to sharpen; to rub one against
another; to harass



Groundless, ground'lês. a. void of reason Groundlessly, ground'lês-lè. ad. without reason, without cause

Grind, grind. v. n. to perform the act off Ground, ground. pret. and part. pass. of grinding, to be moved as in grinding Grinder, grind'år. s. one that grinds; the instrument of grinding; double tooth Grindstone, grind'stone. s. the stone on which edged instrumerts are sharpened Grinningly, grin'ning-lè. ad. with a grinning laugh

Gripe, gripe. v. a. to hold with the fingers closed; to seize; to pinch; to press Gripe, gripe. v. a. to pinch the belly, to give the cholick

Gripe, gripe. s. grasp, hold; squeeze, pressure;
oppression; pinching distress

Gripes, gripes. s. bellyache, cholick
Grisamber, gris'am-bur. s. ambergris

Groundlessness, ground'lês-nês. s. want of just reason

Groundsel, groin'sil. s. timber next the
ground; a plant

Groundwork, ground'work. s. the ground,
the first stratum; first principle
Group, groop. s. a crowd, a cluster
Group, groop. v. a. to put into a crowd, to
huddle together

Grouse, grouse. s. a heathcock
Grout, grout. s. coarse meal, pollard

Griskin, gris'kin. s. the vertebræ of a hog Grove, grove. s. a walk shaded by trees.


Grisly, griz'le. a. dreadful, hideous

Grist, grist. s. corn to be ground
Gristle, gris'sl. s. a cartilage
Gristly, gris'slè. a. cartilaginous

Grit, grit. s. the coarse part of meal, or sand
Grittiness, grit'te-nês. s. sandiness
Gritty, grit'te. a. full of hard particles
Grizzle, grizzl. s. a mixture of white and
black; gray

Grizzled, griz'zld. a. interspersed with gray
Grizzly, griz'zlé. a. somewhat gray
Groan, grdne. v. n. to breathe with a

ful noise

Grovel, grov'vl. v. n. to lie prone, to creep. low on the earth

Grow, grd. v. n. pret. grew; part. pass. grown, to vegetate; to increase in stature; to issue to improve; to adhere

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Growl, groul. v. n. to snarl or murmur like

an angry cur

Grown, grone. part. pass. of grow
Growth, groth. s. vegetation; product; in-
crease of stature; improvement

Grub, grub. v. a. to dig up, to destroy b

mourn-Grub, grub. s. a small worm, a dwarf Grubble, grub'bl. v. n. to feel in the dark Grudge, grůdje. v. a. to envy; to give take unwillingly

Gioan, grone. s. breath expired with noise
and difficulty; a hoarse dead sound
Groat, gråwt. s. four-pence; hulled oats
Grocer, gro'sûr. s. a dealer in tea, sugar,
plums, and spices

Grocery, gro'sur-e. s. grocers' ware
Grogram, grog'rům. s. stuff woven with a
large woof and a rough pile
Groin, groin. s. the part next the thigh
Groom, groom. s. a servant that takes care of

the stable


Groove, groov. s. a hollow cut with a tool
Groove, groov. v. a. to cut hollow
Grope, grope. v. n. to feel where one cannot
Grope, grope. v. a. to search by feeling in
the dark

Gross, grose. a. thick, corpulent; shameful;
inelegant; coarse, rough [twelve dozen
Gross, grose. s. the main body; the buik;
Grossly, grose le. ad. bulkily, coarsely
Grossness, grose'nés. s. coarseness; unwieldly
corpulence; want of refinement
Grot, grôt.
Grotto, grotto.

for coolness

s. a cavern or cave made

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Grudge, grůdje. v. n. to murmur, to repine
to be unwilling, to be envious
Grudge, grůdje. s. old quarrel; ill-will; envy
Grudgingly, grud'jing-lè. ad. unwillingly,

Gruel, gril. s. food made by boiling oat-
meal in water

Gruff, grif. a. sour of aspect

Gruffly, grf'lè. ad. harshly, ruggedly
Grum, gråm. a. sour, surly
Grumble, gråm'bl. v. n. to murmur; to growl,

to make a hoarse rattle

Grumbler, grum'bl-ur. s. a murmurer
Grumbling, grum'bl-Ing. s. a murmuring
through discontent

Grumous, groo'mus. a. thick, clotted
Grunsel, grůn'sil. s. the lower part of the
Grunt, grunt.
Gruntle, grunt'tl.


v. n. to murmur like a

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