Page images

Hotbrained, hot'brand. a. violent, vehement,

Hotcockles, hot-kok'klz. s. a child's play
Hotheaded, hot bed-éd. a. vehement, passion-


Hucklebore, húk'kl-bone. s. the hip-bone
Huckster, hiks'tur. s. one who sells goods
by retail, or in small quantities
Huckster, håks'tur. v. n. to deal in petty

Huddle, hûd'dl. v. a. to dress up close so as
not to be discovered; to perform in a hur-
ry; to throw together in confusion
Haddle, hud'dl. s. crowd, tumult, confusion
a Hue, hu. s. colour, die; a clamour
Huff, huf. s. swell of sudden anger

Hothouse, hot'house. s. a bagnio, a place to
sweat and cup in; a house in which tender
plants are raised and fruits are matured]
[kind of pea
Hotspur, hot'spur. s. a violent man;
Hough, hok. s. the lower part of the thigh
Hough, hok. v. a. to hamstring
Hound, hound. s. a dog used in the chase
Hour, our. s. the twenty-fourth part of a day,
sixty minutes

Hourglass, our'glás. s. a glass filled with sand,

which marks the time


Hourly, r'lè. a. happening or done every
Hourly, our'le. ad. every hour
House, house. s. a place of human abode; the
table; family of ancestors, race; a body
of the parliament

House, hoůze. v. a. to harbour; to shelter,
to keep under a roof
Housebreaker, hous'bra-kur. s. one who makes
his way into houses to steal
Housebreaking, hous'brå-king. s. burglary
Household, hous'hold. s. family; domestick


Housekeeper, hous'kéép-ur. s. the master of a family; a female superintendent Housekeeping, hous'kéép-Ing. s. provisions for a family

Huff, huf. v. a. to swell; to hector, to treat
with insolence

Huffish, huf fish. a. arrogant, hectoring
Huffishly, huf'fish-le. ad. with arrogant petu
Huffishness, huf'fish-nês. s. petulance, noisy
Hug, hug. s. close embrace
Hug, hug.

v. a. to press close in an embrace
Huge, huje. a. vast, immense
Hugely, huje'lè. ad. immensely, enormously
Hugeness, huje'nés. s. enormous bulk, great-

[blocks in formation]

Humane, há-måne.' a. kind, good-natured
Humanely, hu-måne'lè. ad. kindly, with good


Houseless, houz'lês. a. without abode Housemaid, hous'måde. s. a maid employed to keep the house clean Houseroom, hous'room. s. place in a house Housewarming, hous'war-ming. s. a feast or merrymaking upon going into a new house Housewife, huz'wif. s. a female economist Housewifery, huz'wif-rè. s. management, fe-Humankind, hu-man-kylnd'. s. the race of Humanly, hu'mân-lè. ad. after the notions of Humble, um'bl. a. modest; low and covered above; a mean cottage Humble, m'bl. v. a. to make submissive; to Hover, huv'ur. v. n. to hang fluttering over subdue; to bring down [of fride head, to wander about one place Humbleness, im'bl-nos. s. humility, absence How, hou. ad. in what manner, to what de-Humbles, um'blz. s. entrails of a deer

Humanity, hd-man'è-té. s. the nature of man;
tenderness; philology

Humanize, ho'mån-ize. v. a. to soften, to'
make susceptive of tenderness or benevo-

male economy

Hovel, hov'il. s. a shed open on the sides


for what reason; by what means

Humbly, um'ble. ad. with humility


Howbeit, hod-be'it. ad. nevertheless, notwith-Humdrum, hum'drum. a. dull, dronish, stupid


However, hoi-év'ůr. ád. in whatsoever man-
ner; at all events; at least; nevertheless,

Howl, hoil. v. n. to cry as a wolf or dog
Howl, hol. s. the cry of a wolf or dog
Howsoever, hou-sd-êv'vår. ad. in what man-
ner soever; although
[one deck
Hoy, hoe. s. a large boat, sometimes with
Hubbub, hub'bib. s. a tumult, a riot
Huckaback, hok'ka-bák. s. a kind of linen on
which the figures are raised

Humeral, hu'iné-rål. a. belonging to the

Humid, ho'mid. a. wet, moist, watery
Humidity, hu-m?d'é-tè. s. moisture
Humiliation, hd-mil-é-a'shun. s. descent from
greatness, act of humility

Humility, hu-m?l'è-té. s. freedoin from pride;
act of submission
[own humour
Humorist, ya'mur-ist. s. one who gratifies his
Humorous, yumur-us. a. full of grotesque
images; capricious; jocular
Humorously, yu'mur-us-lè. ad merrily, jo-

Humorousness, yu'inir-us-nés. s. fickleness,
capricious levity
Humorsome, yumur-sům. a. peevish; odd,


Humour, yo'můr. s. moisture; general turn
of mind; present disposition; jocularity;
petulance; caprice
Humour, yo'mur. v. a. to gratify; to comply
Hump, hump. s. a crooked back
Humpback, hump'bak. s. crooked back, high


Hundred, hån'drêd. s. ten multiplied by ten;

a canton or division of a county Hundredth, hun'dredth. a. the ordinal of a


Hung, hung. pret. and part. pass. of hang
Hunger, húng'gur. s. desire of food
Hunger, hing'gur. v. n. to feel the pain of
hunger; to desire with great eagerness
Hungered, hung'gård. a. pinched by want of

Husbandry, hůz'bůn-drẻ. s. tillage; thrift
care of domestick affairs

Hush, hush. int. silence! be still! no noise!
Hush, hush. a. still, silent, quiet
Hush, hush. v. a. to still, to silence, to ap-
Hushmoney, hush'můn-è. s. a bribe to hinder
Husk, husk. & the outmost integument a

some sorts of fruit


Husky, hus'ké. a. abounding in husks Hussar, hiz-zár'. s. a kind of soldier Hussy, huz'zè. s. a sorry woman Hustings, his'tingz. s. a court held Hustle, hus'sl. v. a. to shake together Huswife, huz'zif. s. an economist Huswife, Liz'zif. v. a. to manage with economy and frugality for bad Huswifery, hůzʼzif-rè. s. management good Hut, hut. s. a poor cottage Hutch, hotsh. s. a corn chest Huzza, huz-za'. int. a shout, a cry of acclaHuzza, hiz-zá'. v. n. to utter acclamation Huzza, hiz-za'. v. a. to receive with accla[precious stone Hunks, hungks. s. a covetous wretch, a miser Hyacinth, hl'a-sinth. s. a plant, a kind of Hunt, hunt. v. a. to chase; to pursue; to Hyacinthine, hl-å-sin'thin. a. made of hya search for [sue or search cinths Hunt, hunt. v. n. to follow the chase; to pur-Hydra, hi'dra. s. a monster with many heads Hunt, hunt, s. a pack of hounds; a chase; Hydraulical, hi-draw'lè-kål. pursuit Hydraulick, hi-draw'lik. Hunter, hun'tur. s. one who chases animals for pastime; a horse or dog for the chase Huntress, hun'três. s. a woman that follows the chase

Hungrily, hung'gré-lè. ad. with keen appetite Hungry, hung'gre. a. feeling pain from want of food; greedy

Huntsman, hints'mân. s. the servant whose
office is to manage the chase
Hurdle, hur'dl. s. a texture of sticks woven

Hurl, hurl. v. a. to throw with violence
Hurlbat, hurl'bât. s. whirlbat

Hurler, hår lår. s. one that plays at burling


a. relating to the conveyance of water through pipes Hydraulicks, hi-dråw'liks. s. the science of conveying water through pipes or conduits Hydrocele, hi'dro-séle. s. a watery rupture Hydrocephalus, hl-drd-sef'fa-lus. s. a dropsy [draws maps of the sea Hydrographer, hl-drôg'grå-for. s. one who Hydrography, hi-drog'grå-fè. s. description of the watery part of the terraqueous glob Hydromancy, hidrò-man-sé. s. prediction by

in the head


Hurlyburly, hur’lè-bûr-lè. s. tumult, commo-Hydromel, hi'drô-mêl. s. honey and water Hydrometer, hi-drôm'mé-tůr. s. an instrument to measure the extent of water


Hurricane, hur're-kân. s. a violent storm

Hurry, hur're. v. a. to hasten, to put into Hydrophobia, hi-drd-fo'bé-â. s. dread of water confusion Itation Hydropical, hl-drop'pe-kål.

Hurry, hur're. v. n. to move on with precipi-Hydropick, hl-droppik.

a. dropsical Hurry, hôr'rẻ. s. tumult, precipitation, com- Hydrostatical, hi-dro-stât'è-kál. a. relating to motion hydrostaticks

Hurt, hurt. v. a. pret. hurt; part. pass. hurt. Hydrostaticks, hl-drd-stáť'iks. s. the science [bruise of weighing fluids

to injure; to wound, to pain
Hurt, hurt. s. harm, mischief; wound or
Hurtful, hurt'ful. a. mischievous, pernicious
Hurtfully, hurt'fil-lè. ad. mischievously, per-

Hyena, hl-è'na. s. an animal like a wolf Hymen, hl'men. s. the god of marriage; t virginal membrane niciously [perniciousness Hymeneal, hi-me-né'âl. Hurtfulness, hårt'ful-nês. s. mischievousness, Hymenean, hi-me-ne'ân. Husband, huz'bånd. s. a man married to a song


[frugality Hymeneal, hl-me-né'al.

Husband, hiz'bind. v. a. to manage with Hymenean, hi-me-né'ân.

Husbandman, hůz'bund-mån. s. one who

works in tillage


• a marriage

a. pertaining to

[soperior being

Hymn, him. s. a song of adoration to some

Hymn, him. v. a. to praise in song, to wor-||Icicle, l'sik-kl. s. a shoot of ice hanging down ship with hymns

Icon, l'kon. s. a representation

Icterical, ik-têr'è-kál. a. afflicted with the jaun.ce

di-Icy, l'sè. a. full of ice, cold

Hymnick, him'nik. a. relating to hymns Hyperbole, hl-per'bò-lè. s. a figure in rhetorick by which any thing is increased or minished beyond the exact truth Hyperbolical, hi-per-bol'lé-kål.

Hyperbolick, hl-per-bol'ik.


gerating or extenuating beyond fact

a. exag

Hyperborean, hl-per-bo're-ân. a. northern

Idea, l-de'a. s. a mental image
Ideal, i-dé'ál. a. mental, intellectual
Ideally, i-de'âl-é. ad. intellectually, mentally
Identical, l-dén'té-kál.

Identick, l-dén'tik.

a. the same

Hypercritick, hl-per-krit'ik. s. a critick ex-Identify, l-dén'tè-fl. v. a. to make two things

beyond use

to be the same

act or captious beyond reason Hypercritical, hi-pér-krit'è-kål. a. critical Identity, l-dên'tè-tẻ. s. sameness [as vir-tue, ever-living||Ides, ldz. s. a term anciently used among the Romans with regard to time; and meaning the 16th day of March, May, July, and October; and the 15th of every other month Idiocracy, id-e-ôk'krá-sé. s. peculiarity of

Hyphen, hl'fen. s. a note of conjunction: Hypnotick, hip-nôt'ik. s. any medicine that induces sleep


Hypochondriack, hip-po-kôn'dré-âk. s. one affected with melancholy Hypocrisy, he-pok'kré-sé. s. dissimulation Idiocy, id'é-d-sè. s. want of understanding Hypocrite, hip'po-krit. s. a dissembler in re-Idiom, id'è-úm. s. a mode of speaking peculiar ligion [bling, insincere to a language Hypocritical, hip-po-kritik-käl. a. dissem- Idiot, id'é-ût. s. a fool, a changeling Hypocritically, hip-po-krit'îk-kâl-é. ad. with

Idiotism, id'è-ût-ism. s. peculiarity of expres [personality sion; natural imbecility of mind Idle, 'dl. a. lazy, averse from labour Idle, l'dl. v n. to lose time in laziness and inactivity

out sincerity Hypostasia, hl-pos'ta-sis. e. distinct substance, Hypostatical, hi-po-stat'è-kál. a. constitutive, personal


Hypothesis, hip-poth'è-sis. s. a supposition, aIdleheaded, l'dl-hêd-dêd. a. foolish, unreasouasystem formed under some principle not Idleness, l'dl-nês. s. laziness, sluggishness proved [a supposition, conditional Idler, l'dl-ur. s. a lazy person Hypothetical, hl-po-thét té-kål. a. including Idly, l'dl-é. ad. lazily, carelessly Hypothetically, hl-po-thet'té-kål-é. ad. upon Idol, l'dul. s. an image worshipped as God; supposition, conditionally Hyssop, hiz'zup. s. a plant Hysterical, his-ter'ré-kål. Hysterick, his-ter'rik.

[blocks in formation]

I, pron. personal, oblique case Me; plural
We, oblique case Us. The pronoun of the
first person, myself

Iambick, i-âm'bik. s. verses composed of a
short and long syllable alternately
Ice, ise. s. frozen water; concreted sugar
Ice, ise. v. a. to cover with or turn to ice;
to cover with concreted sugar
Icehouse, ise'house. s. a house in which ice is

Ichneumon, fk-ud'mon. s. a small animal
that breaks the eggs of the crocodile; a
sort of dy
Ichnography, Ik-nog'grå-fè. s. the ground-plot
Ichor, l'kor. s. a thin watery humour
Ichorous, ik'd-ris. a. thin, undigested

one loved to adoration

Idolator, l-dôl'lâ-tur. s. one who pays divine honour to images

ltry Idolatrous, 1-d3l'lá-trus. a. tending to indolaIdolatry, l-dôl'lá-tré. s. the worship of images Idolize, 'do-llze. v. a. to love or reverence to adoration

[style Idyl, l'dil. s. a small short poem, in the pastoral If, if. conj. suppose that, allow that; whether

or no


Igneous, Ig'nè-is. a. fiery, containing fire
Ignis-fatuus, ig'nis-fat'shu-us. s. will-with-the-
wisp, jack-with-the-lantern
Ignite, îg-nite'. v. a. to kindle, to set on fire
Ignition, ig-uish in. s. the act of setting on
Ignitible, ig-nl'te-bl. a. iuflaminable
Ignoble, ig-no'bl. a. mean of birth; worthless
Ignobly, ig-no'ble. ad. ignominiously, meanly
Ignominious, ig-nd-iniîn'yus. a. mean, re-
Ignominiously, ig-nd-mîn'yis-lè. ad. meanly,
Ignominy, ig'no-min-e. s. disgrace, shaine
Ignoramus, ig-no-rå mus. s. foolish fellow
Ignorance, ig'no-rânse. s. want of knowledge,
Ignorant, ig'no-rint. a. wanting knowledge,


Ichthyology, fk-the-ûl'd-jè. s. the doctrine of Ignorantly, ig'nd-rant-lé. ad. without know

the nature of fish

ledge, unskilfully

[Ilustrative, fl-lus'trå-tiv. a. having the quali ty of clearing

Iliac, fl'è-åk, a. relating to the lower bowels]
TH, Il. a. bad in any respect, evil; sick
Iil, fl. s. wickedness; misfortune, misery
Til, l. ad. not well, not rightly; not easily
Illapse, -laps'. s. sudden attack, casual coming ly, nobly
Illaqueate, fi-la'kwè-åte. v. a. to entrap, to


Illation, l-la'shun. s. inference, conclusion
drawn from premises
Illaudable, l-law'då-bl. a. unworthy of
praise or commendation
Illaudably, il-law'dâ-blẻ. ad. unworthily
Illegal, fl-le'gal. a. contrary to law
Illegality, Il-le-gal'lé-tè. s. contrariety to law
Illegally, fl-legal-lè. ad. in a manner contra-
ry to law

Illegible, il-lêd'je-bl. a. what cannot be read
Illegitimacy, Il-le-jît'tè-mâ-sè. s. state of bas-
lin wedlock
Illegitimate, il-le-jît'tè-måte. a. not begotten
Illeviable, il-lév ́vẻ-å-bl. a. what cannot be
levied or exacted


Illfavoured, il-fa'vård. a. deformed
Illiberal, il-lib'ber-il. a. not noble, not gene-
Illiberality, -lb-bêr-rál'lè-tè. s. parsimony,
Filiberally, il-lib'ber-râl-è. ad. disingenuously,

Illicit, fl-is'sit. a. unlawful
Ilimitable, l-lim'me-ta-bl. a. that which
cannot be bounded

Ilustrious, l-lus'trẻ-us. a. conspicuous, noble
Illustriously, Il-lus'tré-is-lè. ad. conspicuous


Illustriousness, l-lus'tre-is-nes. s. eminence,
Image, Im'midje. s. a statue; an idol; an idea
Image, Im'midje. v. a. to copy by the fancy,
to imagine
[tion; false ideas
Imagery, im'mid-jêr-rè. s. sensible representa
Imaginable, e-måd'jin-a-bl. a. possible to be
Imaginary, d-mad'jfn-år-è. a. fancied, vision-
Imagination, é-måd-jîn-d'shån. s. fancy; idea;
[of imagination
Imaginative, e-mid'jin-a-tiv. a. fantastick, full
Imagine, e-måd'jîn. v. a. to fancy, to paint in



the mind

Imbecile, im-bês'sil. a. feeble in mind or body
Imbecility, Im-be-all'è-tè. s. feebleness of mind
or body

Imbibe, im-bibe'. v. a. to drink in, to soak
Imbitter, im-bit'tur. v. a. to make bitter; to


Imbody, im-bod'de. v. a. to condense to a body
Imbody, im-bod'de. v. n. to unite into one

mass, to coalesce

Imbolden, Im-bol'dn. v. a. to encourage Imbosom, Im-b83'zům. v. a. to hold on the bosom; to admit to the heart Imbow, im-bou'. v. a. to arch, to vault Inbower, im-boi'ur. v. a. to cover with a bower, to shelter with trees [concavities Imbricated, Im'brẻ-kå-ted. a. indented with Illiterateness, -lit'ter-ate-nês. . want of Imbrication, lin- bre-ka'shun. s. concave in Illness, l'nês. s. sickness, malady

Illiteracy, Il-lit'ter-a-sẻ. 8. want of learning Illiterate, fl-lit ter-åte. a. unlettered, unlearn[learning




Imburse, in-burse'. v. a. to stock with money
Imitability, Im-e-tâ-bil'è-tè. s. the quality of

being imitable

Imitable, im'è-ta-bl. a. worthy to be imitated; possible to be initated

Illnature, il-na'tshire. s. habitual malevolence Inbrown, im-broůn'. v. a. to make brown Illnatured, il-na'tshård. a. habitually malevo-Imbrue, im-broo'. v. a. to steep, to soak lent; mischievous [rules of reasoL Imbrute, im-broôt'. v. a. to degrade to brutal. Illogical, fl-lôd'jé-kål. a. contrary to the Imbue, im-bo'. v. a. to tincture deep Illude, il-lide'. v. a, to deceive, to mock Illume, fl-lume'. v. a. to enlighten, Illumine, fl-id'min. to supply with light; to decorate, to adorn Illuminate, fl-lu'me-náte. v. a. to enlighten, to supply with light; to adorn with festal Initate, Im'è-tåte. v. a. to copy, to endea lamps or bonfires; to adorn with pictures vour to resemble; to counterfeit or initial letters of various colours; to il-Imitation, Im-mé-ta'shún. s. the act of copylustrate ing, attempt to resemble Illumination, fl-18-mè-na'shun. s. that which Imitative, im'è-ta-tiv. a. inclined to copy gives light; festal light hung out as a token Imitator, îm'è-tá-tur. s. one who endeavours of joy; brightness, splendour; infusion of to resemble another intellectual light Immaculate, Im-mak'kd-låte. a. spotless, pure Illuminative, 1-lme-na-tiv. a. having the Immanacle, im-mån'nå-kl. v. a. to fetter power to give light [error Immanent, îm'nâ-nent. a. intrinsick, inherent Illusion, il-lu' zhun. s. mockery, false show, Immanifest, im-mân'nd-feet. a. not plain Illusive, il-lu'siv. a. deceiving by false show Immanity, im-mân'nè-tè. s. barbarity Illusory, il-ld'sor-e. a. deceiving, fraudulent Immarcessible, im-mår-ses'se-bl. a. unfading Illustrate, fl-lis'trate. v. a. to brighten with Immartial, im-mår'shål a. not warlike light; to elucidate [elucidation Immaterial, îm-mâ-tè'ré-ál a incorporeal Illustration, -lus-tra'shun. . explanation,¦ unimportant

[ocr errors]

Immateriality, im-må-té-ré-âl'è-tè. s. distinct-||Immoveably, fm-m8ôôv'â-blè. ad. in a state

ness from body or matter

Immature, im-mâ-ture'. a. not ripe.

8. unripeness,

not to be shaken


Immunity, im-ma'né-tè. s. privilege, exemp
Immure, im-måre'. v. a. to enclose within
walls, to confine
Immusical, im-mű'ze-kål. a. inharmonious
Immutability, im-mu-tâ-bil'è-tè. s. exemption
from change, invariableness [variable
Immutable, im-mu'tå-bl. a. unchangeable, in-
Immutably, im-mu'tâ-blẻ. ad. unalterably, un

Immaturely, im-må-ture'lè. ad. too soon
Immatureness, im-må-tùre'nês. Į
Immaturity, 1m-mô-tử rẻ-tề. }
Immeasurable, im-mêzh'i-rá-bl. a. hot to be
Immeasurably, Im-mêzh'ur-â-blé. ad. beyond
all measure
[with regard to time
Immediate, im-mé'dè-at. a. instant, present
Immediately, Im-mé'dè-ât-lè. ad. instantly, at||Imp, imp. s. a son; a puny devil
the time present

Immedicable, im-mêd'de-ka-bl. a. incurable
Immemoriai, Im-mê-mò'rè-âl. a. past time of


Immense, im-mense'. a. unlimited, unbounded
Immensely, im-mens'lè. ad. infinitely, without

Imp, Imp. v. a. to enlarge with any thing adscititious; to assist

Impact, im-pakt. v. a. to drive close or hard Impair, Im-påre'. v. a. to diminish, to injure Impairment, îm-påre'mênt. s. diminution, injury [ceived by touch [ness, infinity Impalpable, im-pâl'på-bl. a. not to be perIminensity, im-men'sè-te. s. unbounded great-Imparadise, îm-pår'a-dise. v. a. to put into a Immensurable, im-men'shd-rå-bl. a. not to be measured


Immerge, im-mêrdje'. v. a. to put under water
Immerse, im-mêrse'. v. a. to put under water
Immersion, im-mer'shun. s. the state of sink-
ing below the surface of a fluid
Immethodical, îm-me-thôd'è-kål. a. confused,
without regularity
[without method
Immethodically, Im-me-thôd'é-kál-lé. ad.
Imminence, im'me-nense. s. immediate or near
Imminent, im'me-nent. a. impending, threat-
Imminution, im-mè-nu'shun. s. diminution, de-


state resembling paradise


Imparity, im-par'e-tè. s. inequality, dispropor
Impart, im-pårt'. v. a. to grant; to commu


Impartial, im-pår'shål. a. equitable Impartiality, im-pår-shè-âl'è-tè. s. equitableness, justice

Impartially, Im-pår'shál-e. ad. equitably, without regard to party or interest Impartible, im-párt'e-bl. a. communicable Impassable, fm-pas'sa-bl. a. not to be passed Impassioned, im-påsk'shund. a. seized with passion

Impatience, Im-pa'shênse. s. rage under suf

Immission, im-mish'an. s. the act of sending in fering; vehemence of temper
Immix, im-miks'. v. a. to mingle [mingled Impatient, im-på'shênt. a. not able to endure
Immixable, fm-miks'å-bl. a. impossible to be furious with pain; ardently desirous
Immobility, im-mo-bil'è-té. s. unmoveable-Impatiently, im-på'shent-lè. ad, passionately,

ness, want of motion

[due mean Immoderate, im-mod'dêr-at. a. exceeding the Immoderately, im-mod'dêr-rât-lè. ad. in an excessive degree [unreasonable Immodest, im-mod'dêst. a. unchaste; obscene; Immodesty, im-mod'des-tè. s. want of modesty Immolate, im'mo-låte. v. a. to sacrifice, to kill in sacrifice [crificing Immolation, im-md-la'shun. s. the act of saImmoment, im-mo'ment. a. trifling

Immoral, im-môr'rål. a. contrary to honesty, dishonest

Immorality, im-mo-rál'è-tè. s. dishonesty,

want of virtue

never to die

Immortal, im-mor'tål. a. exempt from death, [from death Immortality, im-mor-tål'e-te. 6. exemption Immortalize, im-môr'tál-ize. v. a. to make immortal, to exempt from death Immortally, im-mor'tál-è. ad. with exemption from death

Immoveable, im-môôv'â-bl. a. not to be forced from its place


Impawn, Im-påwn'. v. a. to pledge
Impeach, im-pèètsh'. v. a. to accuse by pub-
lick authority
Impeachable, Im-pèetsh'a-bl. a. accusable,
Impeachment, im-pèètsh'ment. s. hindrance;
publick accusation
Impearl, îm-pêrl'. v. a, to form in resem
blance of pearls; to decorate with pearls
Impeccability, im-pêk-kå-bil'è-tè. 8. exemp
tion from sin
Lpossibility of sin
Impeccable, im-pêk'ká-bl. a. exempt from
Impede, im-pède'. v. a. to hinder, to obstruct
Impediment, im-pêd'è-ment. s. hindrance,
[ward, to press on
Impel, Im-pêl'. v. a. to drive on, to urge for-
Impellent, im-pêl'lênt. s. an impulsive power
Impend, im-pênd'. v. n. to hang over, to
press nearly


Impendent, im-pên'dênt. a. hanging over Impenetrability, im-pên-é-trå-bîl'è-tè. s. qua · lity of not being pierceable; insusceptibi lity of intellectual impression

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