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Inseam, in-seme'. v. a. to impress or mark by

Innumerably, in-nd′múr-å-blé. ad. without Insculpture, În-skůlp'tshåre. s. any thing en insertion graved Inoculate, in-ok'ku-låte. v. a. to propagate by Inoculation, In-ôk-ku-la'shun. 8. grafting in the bud; the practice of transplanting the small-pox

Inodorous, in-d'dir-us. a. wanting scent
Inoffensive, in-of-fen'siv. a. harmless, innocent
Inoffensively, In-of-fèn'siv-lè. ad. without

a seam or cicatrix


Insect, in'sekt. s. a small creeping or flying
Insectile, in-sêk'til. a. having the nature of
[scribes insects

Insectologer, In-sek-tól'd-jår. s. one who de-
Insecure, fn-sé-kure'. a. not secure; not safe
Insecurity, In-se-ku'rè-tè. s. want of safety,

harm Inoffensiveness, In-ôf-fên'siv-nês. s. harmless- danger


[inconvenient Insemination, In-sêm-me-na'shun. s. the act
of scattering seed on ground

nopportune, In-op-por-tone'. a. unseasonable,
Inordinacy, fu-or'dé-na-sè. 8. irregularity, Insensate, in-sen'såte. a. stupid


Inordinate, in-or'dé-nåte. a. irregular
Inordinately, in-or'dé-nate-lè. ad. irregularly
Inordination, in-or-dé-na'shun. s. irregularity
Inorganical, in-or-gân'é-kâl. a. void of organs
or instrumental parts

Insensibility, In-sen-se-bîl'è-tè. s. stupidity
[void of feeling
Insensible, în-sen'se-bl. a. imperceptible;
Insensibleness, In-sen'sè-bl-nês. s. absence of
perception, inability to perceive
Insensibly, in-sen'sè-ble. ad. imperceptibly

Inosculate, în-ôs'ku-låte. v. n. to unite by ap-Insentient, în-sen'shë-ênt. a. not having perposition or contact

Inostulation, In-os-kd-la'shun. s. union by
conjunction of the extremities
Inquest, ing'kwest. s. judicial inquiry; a jury
Inquietude, in-kwl'è-tude. s. disturbed state,
want of quiet

Inquinate, ing'kwe-nate. v. a. to pollute, to
Inquination, Ing-kwè-na'shun. s. corruption,
Inquire, In-kwire'. v. n. to ask questions, to

make search

Inquirer, in-kwi'rår. s. searcher, examiner
Inquiry, In-kwi'rẻ. s. interrogation
Inquisition, ing-kwè-zish'un. s. judicia' inqui-
ry; the court established in some countries
for the detection of heresy
Inquisitive, în-kwiz'è-tiv. a. curious, active to
pry into any thing
Inquisitiveness, in-kwiz'zè-tiv-nês. 6. dili-
gence to pry into things hidden
Inquisitor, fa-kwiz'zé-tår. s. an officer in the
courts of inquisition

Inrail, in-råle'. v. a. to enclose with rails
Inroad, in'rode. s. incursion




Inseparability, în-sep-par-a-bil'è-te.
8. the
Inseparableness, in-sép' pâr-å-bl-nes.
quality of being such as cannot be divided
Inseparable, în-sép'pâr-å-bl. a. united so as
not to be parted
[soluble union
Inseparably, în-sép'pár-å-blè. ad. with indis-
Insert, în-sert'. v. a. to place in or among
other things

Insertion, in-ser'shin. s. the act of placing any
thing in or among other matter, the thing


Inservient, łn-ser’về-ênt. a. conducive
Inshell, in-shel.' v. a. to hide in a shell
Inship, In-ship'. v. a. to shut in a ship, to em-
[or precious case
Inshrine, in-shrine'. v. a. to enclose in a shrine
Inside, în side. s. interior part
Insidious, în-sid'è-us. a. circumventive, treach-
[treacherous mauner
Insidiously, In-sid'è-is-lè. ad. in a sly and
Insight, in'site. s. inspection
Insignificance, In-sig-nif'fè-kânse. s. want of
meaning; unimportance


Insanable, in-san'â-bl. a. incurable, irreme-Insignificant, in-sig-nif'è-kânt. a. wanting Insane, în-sane'. a. mad, making mad

meaning; unimportant

Insanity, in-san'è-tè. s. the state of being in-Insignificantly, In-sig-nif'fè-kânt-lè. ad. withsane; madness out meaning; without importance Insatiable, în-sa'shè-å-bl. a. greedy beyond Insincere, in-sin-sère'. a. dissembling, un

[blocks in formation]

Insatiableness, In-sa'shè-a-bl-nês. s. greedi- Insincerity, In-sin-sèr'è-tè. s. dissimulation Insatiably, in-sa'shè-â-blè. ad. with greedi-Insinew, in-sin'nů. v. a. to strengthen, to conness not to be appeased [to gain favour Insaturable, in-satsh'u-râ-bl. a. not to be filled Insinuant, in-sin'nd-ânt. a. having the power Inscribe, In-skribe'. v. a. to write on any Insinuate, în-sîn'nd-åte. v. a. to introduce any thing; to assign to a patron

thing gently; to hint; to infuse

Inscription, in-skrip'shun. s. something writ-Insinuate, in-sin'nu-åte. v. n. to wheedle, to

ten or engraved; a title

Inscrutable, in-skra'tå-bl.a. unsearchable

Insculp, In-skulp'. v. a. to engrave, to out

gain on the affections by gentle degrees

Insinuation, in-sin-nů-d'shûn. s. the power of pleasing, or stealing upon the affections

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a. without taste

s. want of taste!

Insipid, in-sip'pid. Insipidity, in-se-pid'è-té. Insipidness, in-sip'pid-nés. Insipidly, in-sip'pid-lè. ad. without taste Insipience, in-sip'e-ense. s. folly, want of understanding [persist in Insist, în-sist'. v. n. to stand or rest upon; to Insistent, In-sis'tent. a. resting upon Insitiency, in-sish'è-ên-sè. s. exemption from thirst

Insition, in-sish'in. s. the insertion or ingraft

ment of one branch into another Insnare, in-snare'. v. a. to entrap; to inveigle Insobriety, in-so-brl'è-té. s. drunkenness

Instantaneous, In-stán-tá'né-ús. a. done in an instant

Instantaneously, in-stân-tà'nê-ûs-lè. ad. in an indivistole point of time

Instantly, in'stant-lé. ad. immediately, with urgent importunity

Instauration, in-staw-ra'shun. s. restoration
Instead, in-sted'. prep. in room of
Insteep, In-stèèp'. . v. a. to soak, to macerate
Instep, in'step. s. the upper part of the foot
Instigate, in'ste-gate. v. a. to urge to ill
Instigation, in-ste-ga'shun. s. impulse to ill
Instigator, in'ste-gå-tur. s. inciter to ill
Instill, in-stil'. v. a. to infuse by drops

Iasociable, in-so'shé-å-bl. a. averse from con-Instillation, in-stil-la'shun. s. the act of versation; incapable of connexion nsolation, in-so-lá'shún. s. exposition to the

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Insolence, în'sô-lênзe. s. pride exerted in overbearing treatment of others; petulant contempt [overbearing Insolent, in's-lent. a. contemptuous of others, Insolently, in'so-lént-lè. ad. naughtily, rudely Insoluble, in-sci'là-ol. a. not to be dissolved or separated

Insolvable, in-sol'vå-bi. a. such as admits of no solution; that cannot be paid [debts Insolvency, in-sol'vén-se. s. inability to pay Insolvent, in-solvent. a. unable to pay Insomuch, in-so-mutsh'. conj. so that, to such a degree that [of examination Inspect, in-spekt'. v. a. to look into by way Inspection, in-spek'shún. s. close survey; superintendence

Inspector, in-spêk'tur. s. a superintendent Inspersion, In-sper'shun. s. a sprinkling Insphere, in-sfère'. v. a. to place in an orb or sphere

Inspiration, In-spé-ra'shun. s. the act of drawing in the breath; infusion of ideas into the mind by a superior power

I aspire, in-spire'. v. n. to draw in the breath I uspire, in-spire'. v. a. to breathe into, to infuse into the mind

I uspirit, in-spirit. v. a. to animate uspissate, ir-spis'såte. v. a. to thicken

pouring in by drops; the act of infusing slowly into the mind

Instinct, in'stingkt. a. moved, animated Instinct, in'stingkt. & the power which deter mines the will of brutes; natural desire or aversion

Instinctive, in-stingk'tiv. a., acting without the application or choice of reason [stinct Instinctively, in-stingk'tiv-lè. ad. by inInstitute, in'ste-tite. v. a. to establish Institute, in'sté-tute. s. established law, sealed order; precept, maxim, principle Institution, fa-stè-tu'shin. s. establishment positive law


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Institutionary, in-stè tu'shin-ár-é. a. element
Instruct, In-strukt'. v a. to teach, to form by
Instructer, in-struk'tur. s. a teacher

fa-struk'shůn. s. the act of teaching, information [ledge Instructive, in-struk'tiv. a. conveying know Instrument, in'strd-ment. s. a tool; a deed Instrumental, in-strů-men'tâl. a. conducive as means to some end

Instrumentality, in-stru-men-tâl'è-tẻ. s. subordinate agency

Instrumentally, in-strů-mên'tâl-è. ad. es

means to an end

Insufferable, in-suf'for-a-bl. a. intclerable Insufferably, In-suf'für-à-blè. ad. to a degree beyond endurance

Ispissation, in-spis-sa'shun. s. the act of mak-Insufficiency, in-sif-fish'èn-se. s. inadequate ing any liquid thick

{fickleness ness to any end or purpose

Iustability, in-stá-bil'è-tè. s. inconstancy, Insufficient, In-suf-fish'ént. a. wanting abilities

Iustable, in-stà'bl. a. inconstant, changing 1 stall, in-ståll'. v. a. to invest ustallation, in-stål-la'shun. s. the act of giving visible possession

I ustalment, in-stål'ment. s. the act of install ing; payment made at different times

Insufficiently, in-suf-fish'ent-le. ad. with want of proper ability

Insular, fa'shu-lår. a. belonging to an island Insulated, in'shů-là-têd. a. not contiguous on any side

Insult, In'sult. s. act of insolence

Insultingly, in-sulting-lè. ad. with contempt uous triumph

Justance, in'stanse. s. importunity, solicita-Insult, in-silt'. v. a. to treat with insolence tion; motive, influence [example Justance, in'stanse v. n. to give or offer an Instant, In'stant. a. pressing, urgent Justant, In'stant. s. the present or current month

Insuperability, fa-sd-per-a-bil'è-té. a. the quality of being invincible Insuperable, lo-super-a-bl. a. insurmoratable

Insuperableness, in-super-a-bl-nés. s. invinci-Intenseness, in-tense'nés. s. the state of being [unsurmountably affected to a high degree



Insuperably, In-super-á-blè. ad. invincibly, Intension, în-tên'snun. s. the act of forcing Insupportable, in-sup-pòr'tâ-bl. a. intolerable, or straining any thing [yond endurance Intensity, in-ten'sé-tè. s. intenseness Insupportably, In-sup-por'ta-ble. ad. be- Intensive, in-ten'siv. a. intent, full of care Insurmountable, în-sur-moun'tâ-bl. a. not to Intensively, in-tên'siv-lè. ad. to a great da be got over Insurmountably, in-sûr-mỗûn'tâ-blẻ. ad. in-Intent, in-tênt'. a. anxiously, diligently [rising Intent, in-tênt'. s. a design, a drift

vincibly, unconquerably Insurrection, in-sur-rek'shůn. s. a seditious Intactible, in-tak'tè-bl. a. not perceptible to

the touch

Intaglio, In-tál'yo. s. any thing that has figures engraved on it


Intention, in-ten'shún. s. design, purpose Intentional, fa-ten'shun-âl. a. designed, don ty design

Intentionally, în-tên'shûn-âl-é. ad. by design with fixed choice Intentive, In-tên'tiv. a. busily attentive ad. with close

Intently, in-teut'lè.

Intentivella tén tiv-lè. }

Intastable, in-tås'tå-bl. a. not to be tasted Integer, in'tè-jêr. s. the whole of any thing Integral, în'tè-grål. a. whole; not broken into fractions [of parts application, closely {tion Integral, în'te-grål. s. the whole made up Intentness, fa-tênt'nes. s. anxious applica Integrant, In'té-grânt. a. necessary for mak-Inter, în-ter'. v. a. to bury ing up an integer

Integrity, in-teg'gre-tè. s. honesty; entireness Integument, in'tég'gu-ment. s. a covering Intellect, in'têl-lakt. s. the power of understanding

Intellective, in-tel-lêk'tiv. a. having power to understand [the understanding Intellectual, in-têl-lêk'tshd-ål. a. relating to Intelligence, in-tel'le-jễnse. s. notice; spirit; understanding

Intelligencer, in-tel'lẻ-jễn-sûr. s. one who conveys news, one who gives notice of private or distant transactions Intelligent, fa-tel'lé-jént. a. knowing, skilful Intelligibility, in-tél-lè-jé-bil'è-tè. s. possibility to be understood

Intelligible, in-tel'lè-jè-bl. a. to be conceived by the understanding Intelligibleness, fn-tél'lè-jè-bl-nês. s. possibility to be understood, perspicuity Intelligibly, in-tel'lè-jè-blé, ad. clearly Intemperament, in-tém'per-a-ment. s. bad (moderation, excess! Intemperance, In-têm'per-ânse s. want of Intemperate, in-têm'pér-åte. a. immoderate Intemperateness, in-têm'pêr-åte-nês. s. waut


of moderation

Intemperature, in-têm'pêr-â-tåre. s. excess of some quality

Intend, fn-tend'. v. a. to mean, to design Intendant, In-tên'dânt. s. an officer of the highest class

Intenerate, in-tên'nêr-åte. v. a. to make tender, to soften

Inteneration, In-tên-nêr-d'shẳn. s. the act of softening or making tender

Intenible, In-ten'è-bl. a. that cannot hold Intense, fu-tense'. a. raised to a high degree; vehement

Intensely, in-tense'lè. ad. to a great degree

Intercalary, in-tér-kål'â-rè. a. inserted obt of the common order to preserve the equation of time, as the 29th of February in a leap year is an Intercalary day Intercalate, in-ter'kå-låte. v. a. to insert an extraordinary day

Intercalation, in-ter-ka-la'shun. s. insertion of days out of the ordinary reckoning Intercede, în-tér-seed' v. n. to pass between; to act between two parties Interceder, in-tér-sée'dur. s. a mediator Intercept, în-tér-sépt'. v. a. to stop and seize in the way; to cut off Interception, in-têr-sep'shun. s. obstruction, seizure by the way Intercession, In-ter-sêsh'3a. s. mediation Intercessor, fn-ter-sés'eûr. s. mediator Interchain, in-ter-tshine'. v. a. to chain, to link together [alternately Interchange, In-ter-tshanje'. v. a. to succeed Interchange, in'tér-tshanje. s. commerce Interchangeable, fn-ter-tshån'jâ-bl. a. given and taken mutually Interchangement, in-ter-tshånje'ment. s. exchange, mutual transference Intercipient, în-ter-sip'è-ênt. 8. an intercepting power

Intercision, in-ter-sizh'on. s. interruption Interclude, -ter-klode'. v. n. to shut out Interclusion, In-têr-kluzhin. s. obstruction interception

Intercolumniation, In-têr-ko-lum-né-d'shẳn. & space between pillars

Intercostal, In-ter-koa'tál. a. placed between [munication

the ribs

Intercourse, in'têr-korse. s. commerce; comIntercurrence, in-ter-kur'rense, s. passage be


Intercurrent, la-tér-kůrʼrênt, a. zanning be.


Interdict, in-tér-dikt'. v. a. to forbid, to pro-Intermeddle, în-tér-méd’dl. v. n. to interpose


Interdict, în'ter-dikt. s. prohibition
Interdiction, in-tér-dik'shún. s. prohibition, a


Interdictory, in-têr-dik'tur-è. a. belonging
to an interdiction

Interest, in'tér-ést. v. a. to concern
Interest, în'tér-est. s. concern, advantage,
participation; money paid for use
Interfere, in-tér-iére'. v. a. to interpose; to

Interference, in-têr-fè'rênse. s. an interpc-
sing, an intermeddling

Interfluent, in-tér'flù-ént. a. flowing between
Interfulgent, in-tér-ful'jễnt. a. shining be-

[blocks in formation]

Interlace, In-têr-låse'. v. a. to intermix
Interlapse, in-ter-lapse'. s. the flow of time

between any two events
Inter lard, in-ter-lård'. v. a. to interpose, to
insert between


Intermediacy, In-têr-me'dè-á-sẻ, or in-ter-
mé'jè-a-se. s. interposition, intervention
Intermedial, In-ter-dé-al, or

Intermediate, in-tér-me'de-åte.
ing, interposed

a. interven

Interment, in-ter'ment. s. burial, sepulture
Intermigration, In-têr-mẻ-gra'shun. s. an ex-
change of place
Interminable, in-têr'mé-na-bl.
Interminate, în-ter'me-nåte.
ed, unlimited

a. unbound

Intermingle, în-têr-ming'gl. v. a. to mingle, to mix some things among others Intermingle, In-ter-ming'gl. v. n. to be mixed or incorporated

Intermission, in-ter-mish'ån. s. pause; in-
tervenient time; state of being intermitted
Intermissive, în-ter-mis'siv. a. coming by fits,
not continual

Intermit, fu-ter-mit'. v. a. to forbear any
thing for a time, to interrupt
Intermit, in-ter-mit'. v. n. to grow mild be-
tween the fits

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Intermittent, in-ter-mit'tent. a. coming by
Intermix, In-ter-miks'. v. a. to mingle, to
join, to put some things among others
Intermix, fn-tér-miks'. v. n. to be mingled

together [formed by mingling bodies Intermixture, In-ter-miks'tshure. 5. masa Intermundane, In-tér-mun'dåne. a. subsisting

Interleave, In-ter-leve'. v. a. to chequer a between worlds book by the insertion of blank leaves



Intermural, in-ter-mural. a. lying between Interline, în-tér-line'. v. a. to write in alter-Intermutual, in-tér-mu'tsho-al. a. mutual, nate lines; to correct by something written between the lines Interlineation, in-ter-lîn-e-d'shẳn. s. correction made by writing between the lines Interlink, in-tér-lingk'. v. a. to join one in another

Interlocution, in-ter-18-ku'shin. s. dialogue
Interlocutor, in-têr-lok'ků-tår. s. one that
talks with another ling of dialogue
Interlocutory, In-ter-lôk'kd-tur-ě. a. consist-
Interlope, in-ter-lope'. v. n. to run between
parties and intercept the advantage that
one should gain from the other
Interloper, in-ter-lo'pår. s. one who runs into
business to which he has no right
Interlucent, in-tér-lu'sent. a. shining between
Interlude, in'têr-lùde. s. a farce

Interlunar, In-tér-ld'når. a. belonging to the
time when the moon, about to change, is

Intermarriage, în-ter-mar'ridje. s. marriage
between two families, where each takes
one and gives another
Intermarry, In-tér-már'rẻ. v. n. to marry
some of each family with the other

Internal, in-ter'nál. a. inward; intrinsick
Internally, in-têr'nâl-è. ad. inwardly; men-
Internecion, in-ter-né'shôn. 8. massacre,
Internuncio, In-tér-nůn'shé-d. s. messenger
between two parties

Interpolate, in-ter'pd-låte. v. a. to fost any
thing into a place to which it does not
Interpolation, In-ter-pd-lå'shûn. s. something
added or put into the original matter
Interpolator, In-ter'po-lå-tur. s.
one who
foists in counterfeit passages
Iterposal, in ter-po'zál. s. interposition; in-


Interpose, in-ter-pèze'. v. a. to thrust in as
ar obstruction, interruption, or inconveni
ence; to place between

Interpose, In-ter-poze'. v. n. to mediate, to
act between two parties
Interposer, In-ter po'zúr. s. an intervenient
agent, a mediator
Interposition, In-tér-pò-zish'un s. agency be
tween parties

Interpret, in-tér'prét. v. a. to explain, to|| Interview, în'tér-vù. s. mutual sight


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Interpretation, In-tér-prè-ta'shun. s. explana-
tion; exposition
Interpreter, in-ter'pré-tur. s. an expositor
Interregnum, In-ter-reg'nům. s. space be-
tween the death of one prince, and acces-
sion of another
Interreign, in-ter-råne'. s. vacancy of the
Interrrogate, in-ter'ro-gåte. v. a. to examine
Interrogation, in-tér-rd-ga'shun. s. a question
put, an inquiry; a note that marks a ques
tion, thus [?]

nterrogative, In-ter-rog'gâ-tiv. a. denoting
a question, expressed in a questionary form

of words

Intervolve, in-tér-vôlv'. v. a. to involve one within another

Interweave, in-ter-wève'. v. a. pret. inter-
wove; part. pass. interwoven, interwove,
or interweaved. to mix one with another
in a regular texture, to intermingle
Intestable, in-tés'tå-bl. a. disqualified to
make a will

Intestate, in-tês'tate. a. dying without a
Intestinal, In-tés'tè-nál. a. belonging to the


Intestine, In-tes'tin. a. internal; domestick.
Intestine, in-tés'tin. s. the gut, the bowel
Inthral, in-thrawl'. v. a. to enslave, to shackle
Inthralment, in-thrawl'ment. s. servitude,

Interrogative, in-têr-rôg'gâ-tîv. s. a pronoun used in asking questions: as, who? what? Intimacy, in'té-ma-se. s. close familiarity Interrogator, In-tér'rd-gå-tur. s. an asker of Intimate, în'té-mât. a. familiar, closely acquestions [tion, an inquiry quainted

out indirectly

Intimately, in'té-måte-lè. ad. closely Intimation, in-te-ma'shun. s. hint, indirect declaration or direction

Interrogatory, In-têr-rog'ga-tur-è. s. a ques-Intimate, n'te-mât. s. a familiar friend Interrogatory, in-tér-rôg'gå-tur-è. a. con-Intimate, in'tẻ-måte. v. a. to hint, to point taining or expressing a question Interrupt, in-ter-rupt'. v. a. to hinder Interruptedly, inter-růp'ted-lè. ad. not in continuity [continuity; stop Interruption, in-ter-rup'shun. s. breach of Interscind, In-ter-sind'. v. a. to cut off by interruption [tween Interscribe, in-ter-skrlbe'. v. a. to write beIntersecant, in-ter-se'kânt. a. dividing any thing into parts

Intersect, in-ter-sekt'. v. a. to cut, to divide
each other mutually
Intersection, in-tér-sek'shun. s. the point
where lines cross each other

Intersert, in-ter-sert'. v. a. to put in between
Intersertion, in-ter-ser'shûn. s. an insertion
Intersperse, fn-ter-sperse'. v. a. to scatter
here and there

Interspersion, in-tẻr-spêr'shûn. & the act of
scattering here and there
Interstellar, fn-ter-stel'lár. a. intervening
between the stars

Intimidate, în-tîm'è-date. v. a. to make
fearful, to dastardize

Intire, in-tire'. a. whole, unbroken
Intireness, in-tire'nês. s. v-boleness; integrity
Into, in'to. prep. noting entrance with regard
to place, or penetration beyond the outside
Intolerable, in-tôl'ler-á-bl. a. insufferable
Intolerably, In-tôl'ler-á-blè. ad. to a degree
beyond endurance

Intolerant, in-tol'ler-ânt. a. not enduring
Intolerance, în-tôl'lêr-ânse. s. want of tole

Intonation, In-to-na'shur

8. manner 0

Intort, in-tart'. v. a. to twist, to wreath
Intoxicate, în-tôks'è-kåte. v. a. to inebriate

to make drunk

Intoxication, în-tôks-e-ka'shûn. s. inebriatio Intractable, In-trák'tå-bl. a. ungovernable [nacy, perversenes

Interstice, In'têr-stis. s. space between one furious thing and another

a. an

[terstices Intractableness, in-trák'tå-bl-nes. s. obsti Interstitial, In-ter-stish'al. a. containing in-Intransmutable, In-trans-mu'tå-bl. ntertexture, in-ter-teks'tshure. s. diversification of things mingled or woven among each other

[blocks in formation]

Interval, in'ter-vál. s. space between inter-
stice; remission of a distemper
Intervene, in-ter-vène'. v. n. to come be-
Intervenient, In-ter-ve'ne-Ent. a. passing
Intervention, In-tér-ven'shån. . agency be-
tween; interposition [another course
Intervert, in-ter-vert'. v. a. to turn to

changeable to any other substance Intreasure, în-trêzh'åre. v. a. to lay up as i & treasury

Intrench, In-trênsh'. v. n. to break with.
hollows; to fortify with a trench
Intrenchant, In-trẻnsh'ânt. a. not to be di
[with a trench
Intrenchment, In-trẻnsh'ment. s. fortification
Intrepid, in-trêp'id. a. fearless, bold
Intrepidity, In-tré-pid'e-tè. . fearlessness,
Intrepidly, In-trep'id-lè. ad. fearlessly, dar-
Intricacy, In'trè-ká-sẻ. . perplexity, invo-



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