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Kersey, kér'zé. s. coarse stuff Ketch, kêtsh. s. a heavy ship Kettle, két' tl. a vessel in which liquor is boiled [of brass Kettledrum, kêt'tl-drum. s. a drum made Key, kẻ. s. an instrument to open a lock; part of a musical instrument; a certain tone; a wharf

Keyage, kidje. s. money paid for wharfage Keyhole, ke hoie. s. the perforation in a door or lock through which the key is put Keystone, ke stone. s. the middie stone of an


Kibe, kylbe. s. an ulcerated chilblain Kick, kik. v. a. to strike with the foot Kick, kik. s. a blow with the foot Kickshaw, kik'shaw. s. something fantastical; a dish so changed by the cookery that it can scarcely be known

Kid, kid. s. the young of a goat Kid, kid. v. a. to bring forth kids Kidnap, kidnap. v. a. to steal children, to steal human beings. Kidnapper, kid-nap-pår. s. one who steals human beings

Kidney, kid'ne. s. one of the two glands that separate the urine from the blood; race,


Kilderkin, kil'der-kin. s. a small barrel
Kill, kl. v. a. to deprive of life

Killer, kil'lür. s. one that deprives of life
Kiln, kil. s. a stove, a fabrick formed for ad-
mitting heat to dry or burn things
Kimbo, kim'bo. a. crooked, arched
Kin, kin. s. relation either of eonsanguinity
or affinity

Kind, kyind. a. benevolent, favourable
Kind, kylnd. s. race, general class; particu-
lar nature; natural state

Kindle, kin'dl. v. a. to set on fire; to exas-
Kindly, kylnd'le. ad. with good will [perate
Kindly, kyind'le. a. congenial, mild
Kindness, kyind'nés. s. benevolence, good-
Kindred kin'dred. S. relation, affinity
Kindred, xîn'dred. a. congenial, related
King, king. s. a monarch

Kingcraft, king'kraft. s. the act or art of
Kingdom, king'dim. s. the dominion of a
Kingly, king'le. a. royal, monarchical; august
Kingly, king'le. ad. with an air of royalty,
with superior dignity

Kiss, kis. v. a. to touch with the lips
Kiss, kis. s. a salute given by joining lips
Kit, kit. s. a small fiddle; a wooden vessel
Kitchen, kitsh'in. s. a room where preri-
sions are cooked

Kite, kylte. s. a bird of prey; a name of re-
proach; a fictitious bird made of paper
Kitten, kit'tn. s. a young cat
Kitten, kit'tn. v. n. to bring forth young cats
Klick, klik. v. n. to make a small sharp noise
Knab, nåb. v. a. to bite, to catch
Knack, nåk. s. a lucky dexterity; a nice trick
Knap, nap. s. a protuberance

Knap, nap. v. a. to bite, to break short
Knapsack, nap'sak. s. a soldier's bag
Knave, nave. s. a petty rascal, a scoundrel
Knavery, na'vůr-é. s. dishonesty, petty vil-

Knavish, na'vish. a. dishonest; mischievous
Knavishly, na'vish-lé. ad. dishonestly; wag-

Knead, need. v. a. to beat or mingle any Knee, nee. s. the joint between the leg and the thigh [sunk to the knees Kneedeep, nee'deep. a. rising to the knees, Kneel, néél. v. n. to bend the knee, to rest on the knee [funeral

Knel, nel. s. the sound of a bell rung at a Knew, nu. pret. of know

Knife, nife. s. plur. Knives. an instrument

edged and pointed, wherewith meat is cut Knight, nite. s. the rank of gentlemen next to baronets; a champion

Knight, alte. v. a. to create a knight Knight-errant, nite-ér'rânt. s. a wandering knight

Knight-errantry, nÎte-er’rânt-rẻ. s. the cha racter or manners of wandering knights Knighthood, nlte'hůd. s. the character of dignity of a knight

Knightiy, nite'lè. a. befitting a knight
Knit, nit. v. a. pret. knit or knitted. to make
or unite by texture without a loom
Knitter, nit'tur. s. one who weaves or knits
Knitting needie, nît'ting-nèè-dl. s. a wire
which women use in knitting
Knob, nob. s. a protuberance
Knobbed, nôbd. a. set with knobs
Knock, nok. v. n. to ciash; to beat
Knock, nok. s. a sudden stroke, a blow
Knocker, nok år. s. the hammer of a door
Knoll, nòle. v. a. to ring a bell, generally
for a funeral

Kingsevil, kingz-e'vl. s. a scrofulous distem-Knot, not. s. a complication of a cord or string

per, commonly believed to be cured by the touch of the king Kinsfolk, kinz'fèke. s. relations

Kinsman, kinz'mân. s. a inan of the same
race or family
Kinswoman, kinz'wům-ån. s. a female relation!
Kirk, kerk. s. the church of Scotland

[blocks in formation]

Knotty, not'te. a. full of knots; iLricate, || Laconick, lä-kon'ik. a. short, brief


Know, no. v. a. pret. I knew, I have known.
to perceive with ceftainty; to distinguish;
to recognise; to converse with another sex
Know, no. v. n. to have clear and certain
perception; to be informed
Knowing, no ing. a. skilful, intelligent
Knowingly, no ing-lè. ad. with skill, with

Knowledge, nol'iêdje. s. certain perception;
learning; skill; cognizance
Knuckle, nuk'kl. s. the joint of the finger
protuberant when the hand is closed
Knuckle, nuk'kl. v. n. to submit
Knuckled, nuk'kld. a. jointed


LA, law. interj. see, look, behold
Label, label. s. a small slip or scrip of
Labent, la'bent. a. sliding, gliding, slipping
Labial, la'be-Al. a. uttered by the lips
Labiated, la'bé-à-têd. a. formed with lips
Laboratory, lab'bỏ-rå-tur-ẻ. s. a chyinist's


Laconism, lák'ko-nizm. s. a concise style
Laconically, lå-kon'ně-kál-é. ad. briefly, con-
Lactary, lak'ta-rẻ. a. milky
Lactary, lâk'ta-ré. s. a dairy
Lacteal, lak'te ál. a. conveying chyle
Lacteal, lak'tè-âl. s. the vessel that conveys
Lacteous, lak'tè-us. a. milky
Lad, lad. s. a boy, a stripling
Ladder, lad'dir. . a frame with steps; a gra-
dual rise

Lade, låde. v. a. to load, to freight; to heav●
Lading, la'ding. s. weight, burden, freight
Ladle, la'dl. s. a large spoon, a vessel
Lady, la'de. s. a woman of high rank; a word
of complaisance [the Blessed Virgin
Lady-day, là-de-da'. s. the annunciation of
Lady-like, la'de-like. a. delicate, elegant
Ladyship, la'de-ship. s. the title of a lady
Lag, lag. a. coming behind


[ting Lag, låg. s. the lowest class, the fagend
wri-Lag, låg. v. n. to loiter, to move slowly
Laical, la'e-kal. a. belonging to the laity
Laid, lade. part. pass. of lay
Lain, låne. part. pass. of lie
Lair, låre. s. the couch of a boar, or wild
Laity, la'è-te. s. the people as distinguished
from the clergy
Lake, like. s. a large diffusion of inland
Lamb, lâm. s. the young of a sheep
Lambkin, lâm'kin. s. a little lamb
Lambative, lam'ba-tiv. s. a medicine taken
by licking with the tongue
Lamb's-wool, lâms'wůl. s. ale mixed with the
puip of roasted apples
Lambent, lâm'bent. a. playing about, gliding
over without harm

Laborious, lâ-bo'ré-us. a. assiduous; tiresome
Laboriously, là-bỏ'rẻ-us-lè. ad. with labour,
with toil
[ness, difficulty; assiduity
Laboriousness, lâ-bo'rè-us-nês. s. toilsome-
Labour, la'bur. s. pains, toils; childbirth
Labour, la'bur. v. n. to toil; to do work; to
move with difficulty; to be in distress; to
be in travail

Labourer, l'bur-år. s. one who is employed
in coarse and toilsome work; one who
takes pains in any employment
Laboursome, la'hur-sům. a. made with great
labour and diligence

Labyrinth, lab'bér-inth. s. a maze, a place
formed with inextricable windings
Lace, låse. s. a cord, an ornamental trimming
Lace, lase. v. a. to fasten with a string; to
adorn with gold or silver textures sewed
on; to beat

Lame, fame. a. crippled; hobbling
Lame, lime. v. a. to cripple
Lamellated, làm mẻ-a-têd. B. covered with
fiims or plates

of sorrow

Lamely, lame'lè. ad. like a cripple Lameness, lame'nés. s. the state of a cripple ; imperfection [to sorrow for Lament, là-ment'. v. a. to bewail or bemoan; Lament, lå-ment'. s. lamentation; expression Laceman, låse'mån. s. one who deals in lace [ed; mournful Lacerable, lås'ser-á-bl. a. such as may be torn Lamentable, lâm'mer-ta-bl. a. to be lamentLacerate, las'ser-åte. v. a. to tear, to rend Lamentably, lâm'mên-ta-blè. ad. pitifully Laceration, lås-ser-a'shun. s. the act of tear-Lamentation, lår-men-ta'shun. s. expression ing; the breach made by tearing I.acerative, las'ser-â-tîv. a. having the power

to tear

Lachrymal, lak'krẻ-mál. a. genarating tears
Lachrymary, lak'krẻ-má-rẻ. a. containing

Lack, lak. v. n. to be in want
Lack, lak. s. want, need
Lackbrain, lak'brane. s. one that wants wit
Lacker, lák kör. s. a kind of varnish
Lacker, lak'kir. v. a. to do over with lacker
Lackey, lak'ké. s. a foot-boy


of sorrow; audible grief
Lamenter, la-ment'år. s. he who mourns or
Lamina, lam'me-nå. s. thin plate, one coat
laid over another

Laminated, lâm'me-na-têd. a. plated
Lammas, lâm'mas. s. the first of August
Lamp, lamp. s. a light made with oil and a

wick; that which contains the oil and wick Lampblack, lamp'blik. s. a black substance made by holding a torch under the bottom of a basin

lick up

Lapdog, lap'dog. s. a little dog

[in the lap Lapful, lap'tal. s. as much as can be contained Lapidary, lap'é-dâr-è. s. one who deals in

Lampoon, lâm-poón'. s. a personal satire, abuse Lap, lap. v. a. to wrap or twist round; to Lampoon, lam-póón'. v. a. to abuse with personal satire [personal satire Lampooner, läm-pôôn'ůr. s. a scribbler of Lamprey, lâm'prè. s. a kind of eel Lance, lanse. s. a long spear Lance, lânse. v. a. to pierce, to cut Lancet, lân'sit. s. a small pointed chirurgical instrument

Lancirate, lan'sé-nåte. v. a. to tear, to rend
Land, land. s. a country; a region; earth;
nation, people

Land, land. v. a. to set on shore
Land, land. v. n. to come on shore
Landau, lån-daw'. s. a coach whose top may
occasionally open

Landed, lan'd3d. a. having a fortune in land
Landflood, land'flud. s. an inundation
Landholder, land'hol-dur. s. one whose for-
tune is in land
[and sells land
Landjobber, land'job-bur. s. one who buys
Landgrave, land'gråve. s. a German title of

Landlady, lan'la-dè. s. a woman who has
tenants holding from her; the mistress of
(without fortune
Landless, land'!ês. a. without property,

an inn

stones or gems

Lapidate, lap'è-date. v. a. to stone
Lapideous, la-pid'è-us. a. stony
Lapidescence, lap-é-dés'sense. s. stony con-


Lapidifick, lap-é-dif'fik. a. forming stones
Lapidist, lap'é-dist. s. a dealer in stones or
[azure colour
Lapis-lazuli, là-pis-lázh'u-ll. a. a stone of an
Lappet, lap'pit. s. part of a head-dress
Lapse, lapse. s. flow, fall; petty error
Lapse, lapse. v. n. to fall by degrees; to fall
from truth or faith

Lapwing, lap'wing. s. a clamorous bird
Larboard, lar'bord. s. the left-hand side of a

Larceny, lår'se-ne. s. petty theft
Lard, lård. s. the grease of swine
Lard, lård. v. a. to stuff with bacon; to fatten
Larder, lår'dir. s. the room where meat is
kept or salted

Large, lårdje. a. big, bulky; wide

Landlocked, lånd'lôkt. a. shut in or enclosed Largely, lårdje'lé. ad. widely; liberally

with land

Landlord, land'lord. s. the master of an inn Landmark, land mårk. s. any thing set up to preserve boundaries

Largeness, lardje'nês. s. bigness, extension
Largess, lar'jes. . a present, a bounty
Lark, lark. s. a s pall singing bird
Larkspur, lark'spr. s. a plant

Landscape, land'skape. s. a region, the pros-Larum, lår'rum. s. noise noting danger
pect of a country; a picture [and houses
Land-tax, land'taks. s. tax laid upon land
Land-waiter, land'wa-tur. s. an officer of the


Landward, land'wård. ad. towards the land Lape, låne. s. a narrow way between hedges; a narrow street

Language, lang'gwidje. s. human speech; the tongue of one nation as distinct from others; style

Languid, lang'gwid. a. faint, weak

Larynx, larinks. s. the windpipe
Lascivient, lå-siv'vè-ẻnt. a frolicksome

Lascivious, la-siv'vè-us. a. lewd; wanton
Lasciviousness, la-siv'vẻ-us-nés. s. wanton-
ness, looseness

Lash, lash. s. a stroke with any thing pliant and tough; the thong or point of a whip Lash, läsh. v. a. to strike, to scourge; to tie any thing down to the side or mast of a ship

Languidness, lång'gwid-nés. s. weakness, Lass, las. s. a girl, a young woman


Languish, lang'gwish. v. n. to pine

Lassitude, lås'sé-tude. s. weariness, fatigue
Last, last. a. latest; hindmost

Languishingly, lang'gwish-Ing-lè. ad. weak-Last, last. ad. the last time

[blocks in formation]

Lantern-jaws, lân'tůrn-jawz. s. a thin visage Lap, lap. s. the loose part of a garment; the part formed by the knees in a sitting posture

Last, låst. v. n. to endure, to continue
Last, låst. s. the mould on which shoes are
formed; a certain weight or measure
Lasting, lås'ting. part. a. continuing, durable
Lastly, last'ie. ad. in the last place
Latch, lätsh. s. a fastening for a door
Latch, låtsh. v. a. to fasten with a latch
Latchet, låtsh'it. s. a shoe-string

Late, låte. a. slow, long delayed; deceased;
far in the day or night

Late, låte. ad. after long delays; in a latter season; lately

Lately, late'lè. ad. not long ago

Lateness, láte'nés. s. time far advanced
Latent, la'tent. a. hidden, secret
Lateral, lât'ter-ål. a. on or near the side
Laterally, lât'ter-âl-è. a. by the side
Lath, lath. s. a thin slip of wood
Lath, lath. v. a. to fit up with laths
Lathe, lathe. s. the tool of a turner
Lather, låth'ur. v. a. to cover with foam of
water and soap

Lather, lath'ur. s. a froth made by beating
soap with water

Latinism, latin-izm. s. a Latin idiom
Latinist, lat'tin-ist. s. one skilled in Latin

atinity, la-tin'né-tè. s. the Latin tongue
Latinize, lât'tin-ize. v. n. to use words or
phrases borrowed from the Latin
atinize, låt'tin-lze. v. a. to give names a
Latin termination

Latish, late'ish. a. somewhat late

Laurel, lor'ril. s. a tree

Lureled, lor'rild. a. crowned with laurel
Lava, la'va. s. the overflowing of sulphureous

matter from a volcano
Lavation, la-va'shun.

Lavatory, lav'vå-tur-ẻ.
of washing

s. a wash, the act

Lave, låve. v. a. to wash, to bathe; to lade,
to draw out

Lavender, liv'ven-dur. s. a plant
Laver, la'var. s. a washing-vessel

Lavish, lav'ish. a. prodigal, wasteful; profuse
Lavish, lav'ish. v. a. to scatter with profusion
Lavishly, lav'ish-lè. ad. profusely, prodigally
Lavishment, lav ish-ment.
Lavishness, lav'ish-nés.
s. prodigality,
Law, law. s. a rule of action; edict; judicial
Lawful, law'ful. a. agreeable to law
ex-Lawfully, law'ful-è. ad. legally

Latitude, lât'te-túde. s. breadth, width;
tent; a particular degree reckoned from
the equator

Latitudinarian, lât-è-tù-dé-nå ́-rẻ-al. s. one
who allows himself great liberties in reli-
gious matters

patitudinarian, lắt-ẻ-tủ-dẻ-nổ rẻ-in. a.

restrained or confined

atrant, la'trânt. a. barking atrociny, lât'ro-sé-né.

[blocks in formation]


Lawfulness, law'ful-nês. s. legality
Lawgiver, law'giv-år. s. legislator
Lawless, law'lês. a. unrestrained by law; con
trary to law

Lawn, lawn. s. an open space between woods;

fine linen

Lawsuit, law'sute. s. a process in law
Lawyer, law'yer. s. professor of law

6. larceny, theft. Lax, läks. a. loose; vague

Laxation, låk-sa'shun. s. the act of loosening; the state of being loosened

Latter, låt'tur. a. modern; mentioned last Laxative, läks'å-tiv. a. having the power to

of two

Latterly, lit'tur-lé. ad. of late

ease costiveness Laxity, laks'é-té.

Lattice, lât'tis. s. a window made up with a Laxness, laks'nés.

kind of network

Laud, lawd. s. praise



s. looseness; slackness;

Lay, là. pret. of lie. to rest

Laud, lawd. v. a. to praise, to celebrate Lay, là. v. a. to place along; to put; to Laudable, law'då-bl. a. praiseworthy com- make a bet; to calm; to prohibit a spirit mendable to walk; to bring forth eggs; to impute Laudableness, law'dâ-bl-nês. s. praiseworthi-Lay, là. s. a row, a stratum; a wager Laudanum, lod'da-nům. s. a soporifick tincture Laugh, låf. v. n. to make that noise which sudden merriment excites

Laugh, laf. v. a. to deride, to scorn
Laugh, laf. s. the convulsion caused by


[a plant

Lay, là. s. grassy ground, meadow; a song Lay, là. a. belonging to the people as dis tinct from the clergy Layer, la'ur. s. a stratum; a bed; a sprig of merri-Layman, la'mân. s. one of the laity

Laughable, låfå-bl. a. such as may properly
excite laughter

Laugher, lafur. s. a man fond of merriment.
Laughingly, lifting-lè, al. in a merry way

Lazar, la'zar. s. one infected with filthy and
pestilential diseases
Lazar-house, la'zar-boise.
s. an hospital
Lazaretto, liz-år-rét'to.
Lazily, la'zé-lé. ad. idly, heavily

Laughingstock, låring-stok. s. a butt, an eb-Laziness, la'zé-nés. s. idleness, sluggishness

ject of ridicule

Laughter, låf'tur. s. convulsive merriment Launch, lånsh. v. a. to push to sea; to dar from the land

Laundress, lan'drês. s. a washerwoman Laundry, lan'dré. s. the room in which clothes are washed

Lazy, là'zé. a. idle, sluggish
Lea, lé. s. ground enclosed
Lead, led. s. a soft heavy metal

Lead, led. v. a. to fit with lead in any manner
Lead, lède. v. a. pret. led. to guide; to con-
duct; to allure; to induce; to pass
Leaden, led'dn. a. made of lead; heavy

Laureate, law'ré-át. & decked or invested Leader, lé'dir. s. one that leads or conducts,

[blocks in formation]

Leading, le'ding. part. a. principal
Leaf, lèfe. s. the green deciduous parts of
plants and flowers; part of a book, or door;
auy thing foliated

Leadess, lefe'lês. a. naked of leaves

League, leeg. s. a confederacy; a measure of

League, leeg. v. n. to unite, to confederate
Leagued, leegd. a. confederated

Leak, léke. s. a breach or hole which lets in
[drop through a breach
Leak, leke. v. n. to let water in or out, to
Leakage, le'kidje. s. allowance for acciden-

tal loss in liquid measures Leaky, le'ke. a. not close

[blocks in formation]

Led, lêd. part. pret. of to lead

Ledge, lêdje. s. a ridge rising above the rest; any prominence

Lee, lée. s. the side opposite to the wind
Lee, léẻ. a. having the wind blowing on, or
directed towards it

Leech, ièètsh. s. a kind of small water-serpent
Leek, lèék. s. a pot-herb

Lean, lène. v. n. pret. leaned or leant. to Leer, lère. s. an oblique view
incline against

Lean, lène. a. meagre; hungry; poor

Lean, lène. s. the part of flesh which consists of the muscle without the fat


Leer, lère. v. n. to look obliquely or archly
Lees, léèz. s. dregs, sediment

Leet, leet. s. a law day

Leeward, léé'wård. a. opposite the wind Leanness, lene'nes. s. want of flesh; meager-Left, left. part. pret. of leave

Leap, lépe. v. n. to jump; to bound; to start Left, laft. a. sinistrous; not on the right band Leap, lépe. s. bound, jump; embrace of Left-handed, left-handed. a. using the left


Leap-frog, lepe'frog. s. a play of children
Leap-year, lepe'yère. s. every fourth year
Learn, lern. v. a. to gain knowledge
Learned, ler'ned. a. versed in science and

Learning, lerning. s. literature
Learner, lér'nůr.



harvest-men leave

[al use of the left hand
Left-handedness, left-bånd'éd-nes. s. habitu-
Leg, leg. s. the limb between the knee and
the foot
[by will
Legacy, leg'â-sẻ. s. a particular thing given
Legal, legal. a. according to law
Legality, le-gal'è-té. s. lawfulness

one who is yet in his Legalize, legal-ize. v. a. to authorize
Legally, le'gal-lé. ad. lawfully



Lease, lese. s. a contract by which a tempo-Legatary, lég's-tar-è. s. one who has a legacy rary possession is granted of houses or Legatine, leg gå-tine. a. made by a legate Legate, leg'gate. s. an ambassador from the Lease, lese. v. a. to let by lease [left him Lease, leze. v. n. to glean, to gather what the Legatee, leg-ga-tee'. s. one who has a legacy Legation, le-ga'shun. s. an embassy Legend, lè'jend. s. a chronicle; an incredible narrative; any inscription [legend Legendary, led'jên-dâ-rè. a. pertaining to a Legerdemain, lêd-jûr-dé-måne'. ɛ. sleight of hand, juggle

Leaser, le'zúr. s. a gleaner

Leash, leesh. s. a leather thong; a band; a
brace and a half

Leash, leesh. v. a. to bind, to hold in a string
Leasing, le'zing. s. lies, falsehood

Least, leest. a. the superlative of little,

Least, léést. ad. in the lowest degree
Leather, leth'ir. s. dressed hides of animals
skin, ironically

Leathery, leth'ûr-é. a. resembling leather
Leave, lève. s. liberty, permission, farewell
Leave, lève. v. a. pret. I left; I have left.
to quit, to forsake; to bequeath; to re-
sign; to cease to do
Leaven, lev'vên. s. ferment mixed with any
body to make it light
Leaven, lev'ven. v. a. to ferment
Leavings, lè'vingz. s. remnant, relicks
Lecherous, lêtsh'ur-us. a. lewd, lustful
Lecherousness, fêtsh'ur-us-nês.

Letchery, letsh'ur-d


8. lewd

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