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Legitimation, le-jít-e-ma'shún. S. lawful Let, lét. v. a. to hinder, to obstruct birth; the act of investing with the privi-Let, let. s. hinderance, obstacle leges of lawful birth

Leisurable, le zhur-a-bl. a. done at leisure Leisure, le zhure. s. freedom from business or nurry

Leisurely, lé'zhůr-le. ad. slowly

Lemma, lên mắ. a. a preposition previcusly


Lethargick, lé-thár'jik. a. sleepy

Lethargy, lethar-jé. s. a morlid drowsiness Lethe, le thé. s. a poetical river of hell; oblivion

Letter, let'tår. s. one of the elements of syllables; a written message; type with which books are printed

assumed Lemon, lem'min. s. the fruit of the lemon-Letter, let'túr. v. a. to stamp with letters Lemonade, lem-mun-åde'. s. liquor made of Lettered, let'turd. a. literate

water, sugar, and the juice of lemons

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Lettuce, let'tis. s. a plant

coasts of the Mediterranean east of Italy Levee, lev've. s. the time of rising; a crowd of attendants

Level, lev'vil. a. even

Lend, lend. v. a. to deliver something to an-Levant, lé-vant'. s. the east, particularly those other on condition of repayment; to grant in general Lender, lend'ar. s. one who lends any thing Length, length. s. the extent of any thing from end to end [longer; to protract Lengthen, lång thn. v. a. to draw out, to make Lengthen, leng'thr. v. n. to grow longer Lengthwise, length'wize. ad. according to the length [laxative Lenient, le'né-ent. a. assuasive, mitigating; Lenify, en'ne-fl. v. a. to assuage Lenitive, lên'e-tiv. a. assuasive, emollient Lenity, lên'é-té. s. mildness, mercy Lens, lenz. s. a glass spherically convex on

both sides

Lent, lênt. part. pass. from lend

Lent, lent. s. the quadragesimal fast; a time of abstinence

Lenten, lênt'tn. a. such as is used in Lent
Lenticular, lên-tik'kd-lår. a. doubly convex
Lentiform, lén'té-form. a. having the form of
Lentil, lén'tfl. s. a kind of pulse [a lens
Leonine, leb-nine. a. belonging to a lion,
having the nature of a lion
Leopard, lep purd. s. a spotted beast of prey
Leper, lép'pur. s. one infected with a leprosy
Leperous, lép'pur-us. a. causing leprosy
Leporine, lép'po-rine. a. belonging to a hare,
having the nature of a hare

Leprosy, lep'pro-sé. s. a distemper which co-
vers the body with white scales
Leprous, lêp'prus. a. infected with a leprosy
Less, les. a. the comparative of Little; op-
posed to Greater

Less, les. ad. in a smaller degree

Less, lés. s. a smaller quantity or degree Lessee, les-sée'. s. the person to whom a lease is given

Lessen, les'sn. v. a. to diminish in bulk; to
deprive of power or dignity
Lessen, les'sn. v. n. to grow less, to shrink
Lesson, les'sn. s. any thing read or repeated
to a teacher; precept; portion of Scripture
read in divine service; tune pricked for an

Lessor, les'sor. s. one who grants a lease
Lest, lêst. conj. that not; for fear that [hire
Let, lêt. v. a. to allow, to suffer; to put, toll

Level, lev'vil. v. a. to make even; to lay flat;
to point in taking aim
Level, lev'vil. 8. a plane; a standard; an in-
strument whereby masons adjust their work
Leveller, lev'vil-lúr. s. one who makes any
thing even; one who destroys superiority
Levelness, lev'll-nés. s. evenness
Lever, lé'vur. s. the second mechanical pow-
er, used to raise a great weight
Leveret, lev'vir-it. s. a young hare
Leviable, lêv've-a-bl. a. that may be levied
Leviathan, lé-vl'â-thân. s. a large water ani-
mal mentioned in the book of Job
Levite, lé vlte. s. one of the tribe of Levi
Levitical, lè-vit'tè-käl. a. belonging to the
[fling gayety

Levity, lev'vě-tè. s. lightness; vanity; tri-
Levy, lêv'vé. v. a. to raise
Levy, lev'vẻ. s. the act of raising money or
Lewd. lide. a. wicked; lustful
Lewdly, lide'lè. ad. wickedly; lustfully
Lewdness, lude'nês. s. lustful licentiousness
Lexicographer, lêks-é-kĉg'grâf-úr. s. a writer
of dictionaries

Lexicon, lék'sé-kun. s. a dictionary, com-
monly of the Greek language
Liable, l'a-bl. a. obnoxious, subject
Liar, l'ur. s. one who tells falsehoods
Libation, ll-ba'shun. s. the act of pouring

wine on the ground in honour of some deity; the wine so poured

Libel, l'bel. s. defamatory writing, a lampoon

Libel, ll'bel. v. a. to satirise, to lampoon
Libellous, ll'hel-lds. a. defamatory
Liberal, lib'ber-al. a. munificent, generous,


bountifully, [finement

Liberality, lib-bêr-l'è-té. 8. munificence, Liberalize, lib'er-âl-ize. v. a. to make liberal Liberally, lib'bér-rál-ẻ. ad. largely Liberate, lib'êr-åte. v. a. to free from conLiberation, lib-er-a'shur. s. the act of delivering, or being delivered

Libertine, lib'ber-tin. s. one who lives with-Lift, litt. v. a. to raise, to elevate

out restraint; one who pays no regard to Lift, lift. s. the act or manner of lifting; a the precepts of religion [gious hard struggle

Libertine, lib'bér-tín. a. licentious, irreli-Ligament, lig'ga-ment. s. any thing which Libertinism, lib'ber-tin-izm. s. irreligion, li- connects the parts of the body; bond,

centiousness of opinions and practice


Liberty, lib'ber-te. s. freedom; privilegeLigature, lig'gå-ture. s. a bandage
immunity; permission

Libidinous, lé-bid'è-nis. a. lewd, lustful
Librarian, 1-bra'ré-ân. s. one who has the
care of a library
Library, l'bra-rẻ. s. a large collection of
Librate, l'bråte. v. a. to poise, to balance
Libration, ll-bra'shun. s. the state of being

Libratory, ll'bra-t3r-è. a. balancing
Lice, lise. plur. of louse

License, ll-sense. s. liberty, permission
License, ll'sense. v. a. to permit by a legal
[license ; a degree
Licentiate, l-sen'she-åte. s. a man who uses
Licentious, ll-sen'shis. a. unrestrained
Licentiously, li-sen'shus-lè. ad. with too
much liberty

Licentiousness, 11-sen'shus-nës. s. boundless

liberty, contempt of just restraint
Lick, ilk. v. a. to pass over with the tongue
Lickerish, lik'er-ish. a. nice in the choice of
food; delicate

Licorice, lik'kur-is. s. a root of sweet taste
Lid, lid. s. a cover

Lie, ll. s. any thing impregnated with some
other body, as soap or salt; a criminal

Lie, ll. v. n. to tell a lie; to rest upon; to be in a state of decumbiture; to press upon; to consist

Lief, leef. ad. willingly

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Liege, léédje. a. subject; sovereign
Liege, leed je. s. sovereign, superior lord
Lieger, léé'jur. s. a resident ambassador
Lieu, là. s. place, room

Lieutenancy, lev-ten'nân-sè. s. the office of a
lieutenant; the body of lieutenants
Lieutenant, lev-ten'nant. s. a deputy, one
who acts by vicarious authority
Lieutenantship, lễv-tễn'nánt-ship. s. the rank
or office of lieutenant
Lieve, leev. ad. willingly

Light, lite. s. that quality or action of the medium of sight by which we see; instrue tion; point of view; any thing that give light

Light, lite. a. not heavy; easy; active; un

encumbered; slight; gay, airy; not chast Light, lite. v. a. to kindle, to inflame; te illuminate; to ease of a burden

Light, lite. v. n. to happen; to fall in any particular direction; to rest

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Lighten, li'tn. v. n. to flash with thunder
Lighten, ll'tn. v. a. to illuminate; to exone
rate; to exhilarate
Lighter, lite'ur. s. a heavy boat
Lighterman, llte'ür-mân. s. one who manages
a lighter

Lightfingered, lite-fing'gurd. a. thievish
Lightheaded, Hte-héd'éd. a. unsteady; de-


Lighthearted, llte-hår'têd. a. gay, merry
Lighthouse, lite house. s. a high building, ad
the top of which lights are hung to guide
ships at sea
weight, easily,
unsettled, un-

Lightly, lite'. ad. without
Lightminded, llte-mind'êd. a.
Lightness, llte'nês. s. levity; inconstancy;
Lightning, llte'ning. s. the flash that precedes


Lights, lites. s. the lungs


Lightsome, lite'sům. a. luminous;
having the power to exhilarate
Lightsomeness, lite'sum-nés. s. luminousnesa
cheerfulness, levity

Ligneous, ligné-us. a. made of wood; woode
Ligure, l'gure. s. a precious stone
Like, like. a. resembling; equal
Like, like. ad. in the same manner
Like, like. v. a. to be pleased with
Likelihood, llke'lé-hůd. s. probability
Likely, like'lé. a. such as may please, probab
Likely, like'lé. ad. probably, as may reason
bly be thought

Life, life. s. plur. lives. union and co-opera-] tion of soul with body; enjoyment or pos-Liken, l'kn. v. a. to represent as having session of terrestrial existence; conduct;Likeness, like'nês. s. resemblance condition; human affairs; narrative of a Likewise, like'wize. ad. in like manner life past; spirit; animated existence; aLiking, ll'king. s. plumpness

word of endearment

[life Lilach, 'lak. s. a tree

Lifeblood, life blad. s. the blood necessary to Lilied, lil'lid. a. embellished with lilies Lifeguard, life-gyård'. s. the guard of a king's Lily, lfl'lè. s. a fower


Lifeless, life'lês. a. dead; unanimated

Lilylivered, lfl'le-liv-vård. a. cowardly
Limb, lim. s. a member; an edge

Lifetime, life-time. s. continuance or dura-Limb, lim. v. a. to tear asunder; to dismener tion of life

Limbeck, lim'bek. s. a still

Limber, lim'bur. a. flexible

Limbo, lim'bo. s. a place of restraint
Lime, lime. s. a viscous substance; matter of
which mortar is made; a species of lemon
Lime, lime. v. a. to entangle; to cement; to
mauure ground with lime.

Limekilo, llme'kil. s. a kiln, in which stones

are burnt to line Limestone, lime'stone. s. the stone of which lime is made

Limit, lim'mit. s. bound, border

Lunit, lim'mit. v. a. to confine within certain
bounds, to restrain
Limitary, I'mit-tár-é. a. placed at the
Limitation, lim-mé-ta'shun. s. restriction
Lima, lim. v. a. to paint any thing
Limaer, lim'nur. s. a painter
Limous, li'mus. a. muddy, slimy
Limp, limp. v. n. to halt, to walk lamely
Limpid, lim'pid. a. clear, transparent
Limpidness, lim'pid-nés. s. clearness, purity
Limy, l'mé. a. glutinous; containing lime
Linchpin, linsh'pin. s. an iron pin that keeps
the wheel on the axle-tree
Linden, lin'dén. s. the lime-tree
Line, line. s. longitudinal extension; a string;
the string that sustains the angler's hook;
lineament; a verse; rank; equator; pre-||
geny; one-tenth of an inch

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Lion, l'ún. s. the most magnanimous of quadrupeds

Lioness, ll'ún-nes. s. a she lion

Lip, lip. s. the outer part of the mouth; the
edge of any thing

Lipothymy, li-poth'è-mè. s. swoon, fainting
Lippitude, lip'pe-tude. s. bleredness of eyes
Lipwisdom, lp'wlz-dim. s. wisdom in talk
without practice

Liquefaction, lik-kwé-fák'shun. s. the act of
melting, state of being melted

Liquefiable, lik'kwe-fi-å-bl. a. such as may be

Liquefy, lik'kwe-fl. v. a. to melt, to dissolve
Liqueur, lè-kure'. s. a flavoured dram
Liquescent, ll-kwês'sent. a. melting
Liquid, lk'kwid. s. fluid; clear; dissolved
Liquid, lik'kwid. s. fluid substance, liquor
Liquidate, l'kwè-date. v. a. to clear away
to lessen debts

Liquor, lik'kór. s. any thing liquid; strong



Lisp, lisp. v. n. to speak with too frequent
appulses of the tongue to the teeth or pa-
Lisp, lisp. s. the act of lisping
Lisper, lisp'ur. s. one who lisps
List, list. 3. a roll; enclosed ground, in which
combats are fought; a strip of cloth

Line, line. v. a. to cover on the inside; to List, list. v. n. to choose, to desire
guard within

Lineage, lin'né-aje. s. race, family
Lineal, in'ne-âl. a. allied by direct descent
Lineally, lin'è-ál-lé. ad. in a direct line
Lineament, in'né-a-ment. s. feature,
criminating mark in the form
Linear, in'ne-ar. a. composed of lines
Lineation, lin-e-a'shin. 8. draught of a line
or lines

List, list. v. a. to enlist, enrol, og register Listen, s'sn. v. n. to bearked, to give at tention

Listener, lis'sn-år. s. hearkener disListless, list'lés. a. caress, heedless Listlessness, list'lês-nês. s inattention, want of desire

Linen, lin'nin. s. cloth made of flax
Linen, lin'nin. a. made of or resembling iineu
Linendraper, lin'nin-drà'půr. s. he who deals
in linen

Lit, lit. the pret. of to light
Litany, lit'tan-è. s. a form of prayer
Literal, lit'ter-ål. a. according to the primi-
tive meaning, following the letter
Literally, lit'ter-ál lé. ad with close adher-
ence to words

Linger, ling'går. v. n. to remain long in lan-Literary, lit'ter-á-rẻ. a. relating to letters or guor and pain; to hesitate; to be long in Literate, lit'er-ate. a. learned; skilled in producing effect

Lingo, ling'go. . language, speech
Linguist, ling'gwist. s. a man skilful in



Literati, lit-têr-rå'tl. s. the learned lan-Literature, lit'ter-râ-ture, s. learning

Liniment, lin'né-mart. s. ointment
Lining, li'ning, s. the inner covering of any

Link, lingk. s. a single ring of a chain; any

thing connecting; a sort of torch Liak, lingk. v. a. to unite; to join Lianet, lin'nit. e. a amnall singing bir

Linseed, lin'séed. s. the seed of fax

Litharge, lith'arje. s. lead vitrified, either
alone or with a mixture of copper
Lithography, ll-thôg'grå-fè. s. the art of en-
graving upon stones
Lithomancy, lith'd-man-sẻ. s. prediction by
Lithotomy, ll-thot'to-me. s. the art or prac-
tice of cutting for the stone
Litigant, it'te-gant. s. one engaged in a
[to debate

suit of law

Linseywoolsey, No'sè-wül'sé. a. made of linen Litigate, lit'te-gåte. v. a. to contest in law, Liigation, ift-té-ga'shun. s. judicial contest,

and wool mixed

Lint, lint. s. linen scraped


suit of law

{quarrelsome Lintel, lintel. s. the upper part of a door-Litigious, lè-t?d'jus. a. inclinable to lawsuits,

Litigiousness, le-tid'jús-nés. s. a wrangling Lob, lüb. v. a. to let fall in a slovenly o


Litter, lit'tår. s. a kind of portable bed; the
straw laid under animals; a brood of
[with straw
Litter, lit'tur. v. a. to bring forth; to cover
Little, lit'tl. a. small, diminutive

Little, lit'tl. s. a small space; a small part;

lazy manner

Lobby, lub'bè. s. an opening before a roon Lobe, lobe. s. a part of the lungs Lobster, lob'står. s. a shell fish Local, lo'kål. a. of or in a place Locality, lo-kal'è-té. s. existence in place Locally, lo'kal-lé. ad. with respect to place Lock, lok. s. part of a door or guu; a quantity of hair or wool hanging together; a tuft; a contrivance to raise the water on a canal Lock, lok. v. a. to shut or fasten with locks Liturgy, lit'tur-je. s. formulary of publick de-Locker, lok'kúr. s. any thing that is closed Live, liv. v. n. to be in a state of animation, with a lock

not much

Little, lit'tl. ad. in a small degree; not much
Littleness, it'tl-nês. s. smaliness of bulk



to pass life in any certain manner; to co-Locket, lok'kit. s. an ornamental lock
habit; to maintain one's self; to be unex-Lockram, lôk'krům. s. a sort of coarse linen
Locomotion, 18-ko-mo'shun. s. power
changing place

Live, live. a. quick; active
[of living
Livelihood, live'lé-hůd. s. maintenance, means
Liveliness, llve'lè-nês. s. vivacity sprightliness
Livelong, liv'long. a. tedious, lasting
Lively, live'le. a. brisk; vigorous; airy
Lively, live'lé. ad. briskly, vigorously
Liver, liv'vår. s. one who lives; one of the


Livercolour, liv'vur-kul-lår. a. dark red Livergrown, liv'vůr-grone. a. having a great [vants; a particular dress



Locust, lo'kust. s. a devouring insect
Lodge, lodje. v. a. to place in a temporary
habitation; to afford a temporary dwelling,
to place; to settle [porary habitation
Lodge, lodje. v. n. to reside; to take at
Lodge, lodje. s. a small house in a park
forest, as the porter's room

Lodgement, 18dje'mênt. s. accumulation of
any thing in a certain place; possession of
the enemy's work

Livery, liv'vår-è. s. the cloths given to ser-Lodger, lodje år. s. one who lives in rooms Liveryman, liv'vur-e-mân. s. one who wears

a livery in London, a freeman of some standing in a company Lives, livz. s. the plural of life Livid, liv'id. a. discoloured as with a blow Lividity, le-vid'é-tè. s. discolouration Living, liv'ving. s. support, maintenance, livelihood; benefice of a clergyman Livre, l'vir. s. a French coin Lixivial, lik-siv'è-ål. a. impregnated with salts like a lixivium

Lixiviate, lik-siv'è-åte. a. making a lixivium Lixivium, lik-siv'è-ům. s. lie, water impregnated with salt

Lizard, liz'zard. s. a reptile

Lo, 18. int. look! see! behold!

Load, lode. e. a burden, a freight

hired in the house of another; one that resides in any place

Lodging, lodje'ing. s. a temporary habita
tion, rooms hired in the house of another;
place of residence

Loft, loft. s. the highest floor
Loftily, loftè-lè. ad. on Ligh; proudly
Loftiness, lof'tè-nês. s. height; haughtiness
Lofty, lof'té. a. high; sublime; haughty
Log, log. s. a shapeless piece of wood; a
Hebrew measure

Logarithms, log'a-rithmz. s. the indexes of

the ratios of numbers one to another

Loggerhead, 1óg'gur-hêd. s. a dolt, a look

Logick, 13d'jfk. s. the art of reasoning
Logical, lod'jfk-ál. a. pertaining to logisk

Load, lode. v. a. to burden, to freight; to Logically, lod'jè-kál è. ad. according to the

charge a gun; to make heavy

Loadstone, lode'stone. s. the magnet
Loaf, lofe. s. a mass of bread, &c.

Loam, lome. s. fat unctuous earth, marl
Loamy, lo'mè. a. marly

Loan, lone. s. any thing lent
Loath, loth. a. unwilling

Loathe, lotbe. v. a. to hate, to look on with
Loathful, loth'ful. a. abhorring
Loathsome, loth'sům. a. abhorred, detestable
Loathsomeness, loth'sẩm-nés. s. quality of
raising hatred

Loaves, lovz. s. plural of loaf

Lob, lob. s. any one heavy; a worm

laws of logick

[of logick

Logician, 18-jish'un. s. a teacher or professor
Logogriphe, log'd-grif. s. a kind of riddle
Logomachy, 13-gom'a-kè. s. a contention

about words

Logwood, log'wůd. s. a wood much used i
Loin, 18in. s. the back of an animal
Loiter, loè'tur. v. n. to linger
Loiterer, loè'tur-år. s. a lingerer, an ido?
Loll, lol. v. n. to lean idly; to hang out
Lone. lone. a. solitary, single
Loneliness, loue'lé-nés. s. solitude, was}

Lonely, lone'lé. a. solitary


Loneness, lone'nês. s. solitude
Lonesome, lone'sům. a. solitary, dismal
Long, lông. a. not short; dilatory; protract-
[longing to a ship
Longboat, long bote. s. the largest boat
Longevity, lon-jêv'è-té. s. length of life
Longimanus, lon-jim'ma-nus. a. having long

Lordly, lord'le. a. proud, insolent
Lordly, lord'le. ad. imperiously, proudly
Lordship, lord'ship. s. dominion; seigniory;
title of honour used to a lord
be-Lore, lore. s. lesson, doctrine
Loricate, lor'ré-kåte. v. a. to plate over
Lorimer, lor'ré-mår.
s. a bridle cutter
Loriner, lôr′rẻ nur.
Lose, looze. v. a. to forfeit; to be deprived
of; to bewilder; to employ ineffectually
Lose, 168ze. v. n. to suffer loss; to decline,
to fail
[any thing
Loser, 188z'år. s. one that is deprived of

Longing, longing. s. earnest desire
Longitude, lon'je-tude. s. length; the dis-
tance of any part of the earth, to the east
or west of any place
Longitudinal, lon-jẻ-tů’dè-nål. a. measured
by the length, running in the longest direc-Loss, los. s. forfeiture; damage

Longsome, long'sům. a. tedious
Longsuffering, long-suf'fur-Ing a. patient
Longways, long'waze. ad. in the longitudi-
nal direction
[ed, tedious
Longwinded, long-wind'êd. a. long-breath-
Loo, 183. s. a game at cards
Loobily, 188'bé-iẻ. a. awkward
Looby, 188'bé. s. a clumsy clown
Loof, luf. v. a. to bring a ship close to the

Look, 188k. v. n. to direct the eye to or from
any object; to expect; to watch
Look, look. v. a. to seek, to search for; to
turn the eye upon

Look, look. inter. see! lc! behold! observe!
Look, look. s. air of the face, mien; the act
of looking

Looking-glass, 188k'în-glás. s. a mirror Loom, 186m. s. the frame in which weavers work their cloth

Loon, loon. s. & sorry fellow

Loop, loop. s. a double through which a
string or lace is drawn

Loophole, 188p'hole. s. aperture, hole to give
a passage
Locse, loose. v. a. to unbind; to relax; to
Loose, 188se. a. unbound; wanton;
vague; unconnected; disengaged; remiss
Loose, 188se. . liberty, freedom from re-


Loosely, 188sele. ad. not fast; irregularly; negligently; unchastely

Lost, lost. pret. and part. or to lose
Lot, lot. s. fortune; a chance; a portion;
proportion of taxes

Lotion, lo'shun. s. a form of medicine used to
wash any diseased parts; a cosinetick
Lottery, lot'tur-é. s. a game of chance
Loud, loud. a. noisy, clamorous
Loudly, odd'le. ad. noisily; clamorously
Loudness, loud'nés. s. noise, force of sound
Louis-d'or, l-e-dore'. s. a gold coin of
France, valued at about twenty shillings
Lounge, linje. v. n. to idle, to live lazily
Lounger, loun'jår. s. an idler
Louse, louse. s. a small insect
Lousiness, lou'zé-nês. s. the state of abound-
ing with lice

Lousy, lou'zé. a. swarming with lice
Lout, lout. s. a mean, awkward fellow
Loutish, 18ut'ish. a. clownish

Love, lův. v. a. to regard with passionate
affection; to be pleased with

Love, liv. s. the passion between the sexes;
affection; liking; object beloved; princi-
ple of union; a word of endearment; a
kind of thin silk stuff

Love letter, luv'lêt-ûr. s. a letter of courtship
Lovelily, liv'lé-lé. ad. amiably
Loveliness, liv'lé-nês. s. amiableness
Lovelorn, lov'lôrn. a. forsaken of one's love
Lovely, luv'lè. a. amiable; exciting love
Lover, liv'ir. s. one who is in love
Lovesick, liv'sik. a. disordered with love,

languishing with amorous desire
Lovesong, luv'song. s. a song expressing love
Lovetale, luv'tåle. s. narrative of love
ir-Lovethought, liv'thawt. s. amorous fancy
Lovetoy, liv'toe. s. small present given by

Loosen, 138'sn. v. a. to relax any thing; to
separate; to free from restraint
Looseness, loose'nes. s. criminal levity;
regularity; unchastity; diarrhoea
Lop, lop. v. a. to cut off any thing
Loquacious, 18-kwa'shus. a. full of talk
Loquacity, 18-kwás'sè-té. a. too much talk
Lord, lord. s. the Divine Being; monarch,
ruler; master; a tyrant; a husband; a


Lovetrick, liv'trik. s. art of expressing love
Loving, living. part. a. kind, affectionate
Lovingkindness, living-kylnd-nes. s. tender
ness, favour, mercy
Lovingly, liv'ing-lé. ad. affectionately

Lord, lord. v. n. to domineer, to rule despot-Low, lo. a. not bigh; descending downwards, Lordling, lord'ling. s. a diminutive lord

Lordliness, lord' nds. e. dignity, high station; pride

deep; shallow dejected; abject; dishonourable; reduced

Low, lo. ad. meanly; with a low voice

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