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a mask

Masquerader, mås-kûr-rå'dúr. s. a person in|| Mathematical, math-e-mate-kål.
[of the Roman church, Mathematick, mâth-é-mát'tik.
Mass, más. s. a body, a lump; the service
Massacre, mås så-kúr. s. butchery, indiscrimi-

nate destruction
Massacre, mas'så-kur. v. a. to butcher, to

slaughter indiscriminately Massiness, mas'sé-nes. Massiveness, más'siv-nês. ponderousness Massive, más'siv. Massy, mas'se.

8. weight, bulk,

a. weighty, bulky

Mast, måst. s. the beam or post raised above
a vessel, to which the sail is fixed; the
fruit of the oak and beech

Master, må'stur. s. owner, proprietor; a ruler;
chief commander; a teacher
Master, ma'stur. v. a. to conquer, to overcome
Masterstroke, må'stur- stroke. s. capital per


a. ac

cording to the doctrine of the mathematicians


math-e-mit'té-kál-é. ad. according to the laws of the mathematical sciences [versed in the mathematicks Mathematician, math-è-ma-tish'ân. s. a man Mathematicks, måth-e-måt'tiks. s. that science which contemplates whatever is capable of being numbered or measured Ling Matin, mat'tin. a. morning, used in the morn Matins, mat'tinz. s. morning worship Matrice, ma'tris. s. the womb; mould Matricide, måt'trẻ-side. s. slaughter of


marriage, connubial

Matriculate, må-trik'd-låte. v. a. to enter or admit to a membership of the universities of England [of matriculating Matriculation, må-tr?k-ku-la'shuu. s. the act Masterless, ma'stur-les. a. ungoverued, un-Matrimonial, mât-trẻ-mo'nè-âl. a. suitable to Masterly, ma'stur-lè. a. artful, skilful [ance! Masterpiece, ma'stur-pèse. s. capital performMastership, må stur-ship. s. rule, power; skill Mastery, ma'stur-é. s. rule; superiority skill Mastication, måâs-te-ka shûn. s. the act of chewing [a kind of mortar Mastich, mås'tk. s. a sweet-scented gum; Mastiff, mas'tif. s. a large dog Mat, mat. s. a texture of sedge, flags, or rushes Mat, mắt. v. a. to cover with mats; to join like a mat

Matadore, mat-a-dore'. s. a term used in the
games of quadrille and ombre
Match, mâtsh. s. a contest; one equal to
another a marriage; a slip of wood tipped
with brimstone
[to suit ; to marry
Match, matsh. v. a. to be equal to; to equal;
Matchless, matsh'lês. a. without an equal
Matchlessness, mâtsh'lés-nês. s. state of being
without an equal
Matchmaker, matsh'må-kår. s. one who con-
trives marriages; one who makes matches
Mate, måte. s. a husband or wife; a com-
panion; one that sails in the same ship;
one that eats at the same table; the second
in subordination
[oppose, to equal
Mate, måte. v. a. to match, to marry; to
Material, ma-te'ré-ål. a. consisting of matter,
corporeal; important
[as matter
Materialize, må-tè'rè-âl-lze. v. a. to regard
Materials, ma-te'ré-âlz. s. the substance of
which any thing is made
Materialist, må-te'ré-âl-ist. s. one who denies
spiritual substances
Materiality, må-té-ré-âl'è-té. material
Materially, må-te'ré-ål-é. ad. importantly,
[material, importance
Materialness, ma-te'rè-ål-nês. s. state of being
Maternal, må-ter'nál. a. motherly, pertaining
to a mother

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[nuptial state
Matrimony, mât'trẻ-min-è. s. marriage, the
Matrix, ma'trike. s. womb, a place where any
thing is generated or formed
Matron, ma'trån. s. an elderly lady
Matronly, ma'trin-lé. ad. elderly, ancient
Matross, mâ-tros'. s. a soldier in the artillery
Matter, mât'tår. s. body, substance; subject,
affair; cause of disturbance; import; puru-
lent running
[to generate matter
Matter, måt'tur. v. n. to be of importance;
Mattock, måt'tuk. s. a pickaxe

Mattress, mât'tris. s. a kind of quilted bed
Maturation, matsh-d-ra'shun. s. the act of
ripening, the state of growing ripe
Maturative, mâtsh'd-rå-tiv. a. ripening
Mature, må-tåre'. a. ripe, perfect
Mature, må-ture'. v. a. to ripen, to advance
to ripeness
[with counsel
Maturely, må-ture'lè. ad. ripely completely;
Maturity, ma-to'ré-tè. s. ripeness, completion
Maudlin, måwd'lin. a. drunk, fuddled
Maugre, måw'går. ad. in spite of, notwith-

Maul, måwl. v. a. to beat, to bruise
Maunder, mån'dûr. v. a. to grumble, to


Maundy-thursday, mawn'de,

or mån'dethurz'da. s. the Thursday before Good Friday [neral monument Mausoleum, måw-so-le'ům. s. a pompous fuMaw, måw. s. the stomach of animals Mawkish, måw'kish. a. apt to offend the [cause loathing Mawkishness, måw'kish-nês. s. aptness to Maw-worm, måw'wurm. s. a worm in the [jaw-bone Maxillary, mâks'il-lár-é. a. belonging to the Maxim, måksʼîm. s. en axiom, a general principle



May, má. auxiliary verb, pret. might. to be||Mechanism, mék'a-nizm. s. construction of permitted; to be possible

May, mà. s. the fifth month of the year
May, a. v. n. to gather flowers on May

May-game, ma'game. s. diversion, sport
Mayor, ma'ur. s. the chief magistrate of a
Mayoralty, ma'år-ál-tè. s. the office of a
Mayoress, ma'ûr-ês. s. the wife of a mayor
Maze, maze. s. a labyrinth; perplexity
Maze, náze. v. a. to bewilder; to confuse
Me, . the oblique case of I

parts depending on each other Medal, med'dål. s. an ancient coin; a piece stamped in honour of some remarkable performance


Medallick, -dlik. a. pertaining to
Medallion, mẻ-dål'yun. s. a large medal
Medallist, méd'dal-ist. s. a man curious in
Meddle, med'dl. v. n. to have to do; to
Meddler, med'dl-ur. s. one who busiet him-
self with things in which he has no concern
Meddlesome, méd'dl-sům. a. intermeddling

Mead, mede. s. a kind of drink made of water Mediate, ' dé-éte. v. n. to interpose as an

and honey

Mead, mede.

Meadow, med'ad.

equal friend to both parties Mediate, me'de-åte. a. interposed, intervening s. a pasture ground, Mediation, mé-de-a'shun. s. interposition;

from which hay is made
Meager, mé'gur. a. lean; hungry [flesh
Meagerness, mé'gur-nés. s. leanness, want of
Meal, mele. s. a repast; the edible part of corn
Mealinan, mele'mân. s. one that deals in meal
Mealy, iné'lè. a. having the taste of meal
Mealy-mouthed, mélé-mouthd. a. unable to
speak freely

Mean, mene. a. base, despicable
Mean, mène. s. mediocrity, medium;
val; instrument

entreaty for another

a. belonging

[of a mediator

Mediator, -dé-à'túr. s. one that intervenes between two parties; an intercessor Mediatorial, mé-de-a-to'ré-al. Mediatory, mé'dé-à-tur-ẻ. to a mediator Mediatorship, -de-a'tur-ship. s. the office Mediatrix, -de-a'triks. s. a female mediator Medical, méd'è-kai. a. physical inter-Medically, med'è-kâl-é. ad. physically

Mean, mene. v. n. to intend, to purpose
Meander, -an'dir. s. maze, labyrinth
Meander, men'dur. v. n. to run winding
Meandrous, -an'drus. a winding, flexuous
Meaning, me'ning. pose, intention
Meanly, mene lé, a
Meanness, mene'nês..
Meant, ment. pret. and part. pass. of to mean

vorly; ungenerously
overty; sordidness

Medicament, méd'è-ka-ment. s. any thing used in healing

Medicate, méd'e-kåte. v. a. to tincture with any thing medicinal [virtue Medicinal, -dis'é-nál. a. having physical Medicinally, me-dis'sè-nål-lè. ad. physically Medicine, méd'dé-sin. s. any remedy administered by a physician [middle rate Mediocrity, -de-ôk'rẻ-tè. s. small degree, Measies, mé'ziz. s. a kind of eruptive and in-Meditate, méd'é-tàte. v. a. to plan, to confectious fever; a disease of swine and trees [close attention Mealy, me'zlé. a. spotted with the measies Meditation, med-e-ta'shun. s. deep thought, Measurable, mézh'ur-à-bl. a. such as may be Meditative, méd'è-tå-tiv. a. addicted to me measured ditation

Measure, mêzh'ure. s. that by which any thing is measured; proportion; degree; proportionate time; moderation; limit


trive; to think on

Mediterranean, mêd-e-têr-rå'nè-ân.
Mediterraneous, mêd-e-têr-rà'nè-us.

encircled with land; inland
Medium, mè'dé-um, or mè'jè-ẩm. s. any thing
intervening; middle place or degree
Medlar, mêd'lur. s. a tree and its fruit
im-Medley, méd'le. s. a mixture

Measure, mêzh'are. v. a. to compute; to pass through; to adjust; to mark out Measureless, mézh'ar-les. a. immense,


[blocks in formation]

vile; skilled in mechanicks Mechanick, -kan'ník. s. a manufacturer, a low workman [motion Mechanicks, me-kan'niks. s. the geometry of Mechanically, me-kan'né-kál-é. ad. according to the laws of mechanism

Medley, med'le. a. mingled, confused
Medullar, -důl'lår. a. pertaining to the

[blocks in formation]

Meetness, méét'nés. s. fitness, propriety
Megrim, mé'grim. s. disorder of the head
Melancholy, mel'ân-kôl-é. s. sadness; a kind
of madness
[ed with melancholy
Melancholy, mel'ân-kôl-é. a. gloomy; diseas-
Meliorate, me'lé-d-rate. v. a. to better, to
Melioration, -le-6-ra'ehun. s. improvement
Melliferous, mel-lif'fêr-us. a. productive of
[practice of making honey
Mellification, mêl-lè-fé-ká'shůn. s. the art or
Mellifluence, mél-lif'fi-ênse. s. a honeyed
flow, a flow of sweetness
Mellifluent, mél-lif'flù-ént.
Mellifluous, mel-lif Ad-us.

a. flowing with

Menial, mé'né-ài. a. belonging to the retinue
of servants
Menology, -nôl'lò-jè. s. a register of months
Mensal, men'sål. a. belonging to the table
Menstrual, mens'stru-ål. a. monthly [menia
Menstruous, mens'stru-us. a. having the cata-
Menstruum, mens'stru-um. s. a liquor used as
a dissolvent, or to extract the virtues of
ingredients by infusion or decoction
Mensurability, men-shu-rå-bil'è-té. s. capaci
ty of being measured

Mensurable, men'shu-rå-bl. a. measureable Mensuration, men-shu-rá'shůn. s. the art o practice of measuring Mental, mental, a. intellectual Mentally, ment'tal-é. ad. intellectually Mention, men'shun. s. oral or written expression (or writing [ous Mention, mên shun. v. a. to express in words Melodious, me-18'dé-us. a. musical, harmoni-Mephitick, -fit'ik. a. ill-savoured; stinking Melodiously, mé-lè'dé-us-lè. ad. musically Mercantile, iner'kân-til. a. trading, commer Melodiousness, -lo'dé-us-nês. s harmoni

honey Mellow, mel'lo. a. soft with ripeness; drunk Mellowness, mel'ld-nés. s. ripeness, softness by maturity



Mercenary, mer'sẻ-na rề. a. venal, hired

Melody, mê lð-dẻ. s. musick, harmony of Mercenary, mer'sẻ-ni-rẻ. so a hireling


Meion, mêl'lun. s. a plant; a fruit

Mercer, mér'sûr. s. one who sells silks
Mercery, mêr'sur-é. s. trade of mercers

Melt, melt. v. a. to dissolve; to soften to Merchandise, mêr'tshân-dize. s. traffick, comlove or tenderness

Member, mem'bur. s. a limb, a part

merce; wares [to traffick Merchandise, mêr'ts hân-dize. v. a. to trade, Membrane, mem'brane. s. a web of several Merchant, mér'tshånt. s. one who trafficks to

sorts of fibres interwoven Membraneous, mem-bra'né-us. Membranous, mêm-brân'ús.

a. consisting of membranes [the memory Memento, -men'to. s. a hint to awaken Memoir, me-moir'. s. an account of any thing Memorable, mêm'můr-á-bl. a. worthy of memory [help the memory Memorandum, miễm-md-rân'dům. s. a note to Memorial, -mo'ré-il. 5. something to preserve memory; a written act containing a claim, remonstrance, or petition Memorialist, -mo'ré-ál-ist. s. one who writes memorials

remote countries

[trade Merchantman, mêr'tshant-mån. s. a ship of Merciful, mér'sè-ful. a. compassionate, tender Mercifully, mer'sé-ful-lè. ad. tenderly, mildly' Mercifulness, mer'sé-ful-nés. s. tenderness, willingness to spare


Merciless, mêr'sé-lès. a. void of mercy, piti-
Mercilessness, mér'sé-les-nés. s. want of pity
Mercurial, mér-ku'rẻ-âl. a. sprightly; consist-
ing of quicksilver

Mercury, mér'ků-rẻ. s. quicksilver; sprightly
qualities; a planet; a newspaper
Mercy, mer'sé. s. clemency; pardon; dis-


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Mere, mère. a. that or this only Memory, mém'mur-è. s. the power of retain-Merely, mère'lè. ad. simply, only ing or recollecting things past, recollection Meretricious, mer-re-trish'us. a. whorish Men, men. s. the plural of man alluring by false show Menace, men'nase. v. a. to threaten Meridian, mẻ-ride-an, or mề-rid je-an. Menace, men'nås. s. a threat noon, mid-day; the line drawn from north Menage, -nåzte'. s. a collection of animals to scuth which the sun crosses at noon Menagerie, me-nåzhe-ůr-é'. s. a place for Meridional, -rid'è-d-nál. a. southern keeping foreign birds, and other curiousMerit, merit. s. desert; claim animals [improve Merit, mêr'it. v. a. to deserve Meritorious, mêr-rẻ-to'rẻ-us. a. deserving of Merlin, mêr'lin. s. a kind of hawk Mermaid, mêr'måde. s. a seawoman Merrily, mer'ré-lè. ad. gayly, cheerfully Merriment, mêr'ré-mént. s. mirth

Mend, mend. v. a. to repair; to correct; to
Mendacity, mên-das'sé-tè. s. falsehood
Mendicancy, men'dé-kân-sẻ. s. beggary

Mendicant, men'de-kant. a. begging

Mendicant, men'de-kânt. s. a beggar

Mendicate, men'de-kåte. v. a. to beg, to ask Merry, mêr-'rẻ. a. laughing, gay



Merry-andrew, mêr-rè-ân'dro8. s. a bufoon

Merry-thought, mér'ré-thẳwt. s. a forked
bone on the body of fowls
Mersion, mer'shun. s. the act of sinking
Meseems, -séèmz'. impersonal verb. I
think, it appears to me

Mesh, mesh. s. the space between the threads

of a net

Meshy, mêsh'è. a. reticulated, cf net-work
Meslin, mes'lin. s. mixed corn, as wheat and
[set who eat together
Mess, mes. s. a dish, a quantity; a particular
Mess, mês. v. n. to eat, to feed together
Message, mes'sidje. s. an errand
Messenger, mes'sén-jur. s. one who carries an


Messiah, mês-sl'a. s. the Anointed, the Christ
Messieurs, mêsh-shoôrz'. s. sirs, gentlemen
Messmate, mês'måte. s. one of a set who mess

Messuage, mes' swadje. s. the house and ground
set apart for household uses
Met, met. pret. and part. of meet
Metal, met'tl. s. a hard compact body, mal-
leable and capable of fusion
Metalline, mêt'tal-line. a. impregnated with
metal; consisting of metal
Metallist, mêt'tål-list. s. a worker in metals
Metallurgy, met tal-lur-jè. s. the art of work-
ing metals
[the form
Metamorphose, mêt-ta-mor'fus. v. a. to change

Method, méth'úd. s. the placing of several

things, or performing several operations, in the most convenient order Methodical, -thod ́é-kål. a. ranged or proceeding in due order

Methodically, mẻ-thôd'è-kál-é. ad. according

to method and order

Methodise, meth'd-dize. v. a. to regulate
Methodist, meth'd-dist. a religious sect,
divided into parties
Methought, me-thawt'. pret. of methinks
Metonymy, -tôn'é-més.
a rhetorical
figure, by which one word is put for ano
[of physiognomy
Metoposcopy, mê-to-pôs'kd-pè. s. the study
Metre, mé'ter. speech confined to a certain
number and harmonick disposition of sylla-


Metrical, met tré-kál a. pertaining to metre

or numbers

Metropolis, -trop'p3-lis. s. the chief city of any country or district Metropolitan, mêt-tro-pól'lé-tân. s. an archbishop [to a metropolis Metropolitan, mêt-tro-pôl'lé-tân. a. belonging Mettle, met'tl. s. spirit, courage Mettled, mêt'tld. a. courageous Mettlesome, met'tl-sům. a. lively, brisk Mew, mů. s. a cage, an enclosure Mewl, måle. v. n. to squall as a child Metamorphosis, mêt-tâ-mòr'fd-sls. s. trans-Mezzotinto, mêt-so-tỉn′td. s. a kind of grav


Metaphor, met'ta-får. s. the application of a
word to a use, to which, in its original im-
port, it cannot be put
Metaphorical, mêt-ta-fór'è-kál. a. not literal,
Metaphrase, met'tà-fråze. s. a verbal transla-



Mice, mlse. s. the plural of mouse
Michaelmas, mik'kel-mus. s. the feast of the
archangel Michael

Micher, mitsh'ur. s. a lazy loiterer
Microcosm, mikro-közm. s. the little world


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Metaphrast, met'tá-fråst. s. a literal transla-Micrography, mi-krôg'rå-fè. s. description of


the parts of such objects as are discernible only with a microscope

Micrometer, ml-króm'me-tur. s. an instrument to measure small spaces

Metaphysical, mêt-tá-fiz'è-kál. a. versed in metaphysicks, relating to metaphysicks Metaphysicks, met'ta-fiz-iks. s. ontology, the doctrine of the general affection of Microscope, ml'krd-skope s. an optick instrubeings ment for viewing small objects Metastasis, me-tas'ta-sis. s. translation or re-Microscopick, mi-kro-skóp'pik. a. assisted by Metathesis, me-tâth'è-sla. s. a transposition or resembling a microscope

Mete, mète. v. a. to measure


Mid, mid. a. middle

Metempsychosis, -témp-sè-ko'sis. s. a trans-Mid-day, mid'då. s. noon migration of souls

Meteor, mé'tè-ûr. s. any body in the air or sky
that is of a transitory nature
Meteorological, mẻ-té-d-rd-lúd′jè-kál. a. re-
lating to meteors

Meteorology, -tè-d-rôl'lò-jè. s. the doc-
trine of meteors
Meter, me'tur. s. a measurer
Metheglin, me-thêg'lin. s. drink made of bo-
ney boiled with water and fermented
Methinks, me-thinks'. verb impersonal. I
think, it seems to me

[blocks in formation]

Midmost, mid'most. a. the middle
Midnight, mid'nite. s. the depth of night
Midriff, mid 'drif. s. the diaphragm
Midshipman, nid'ship-mân. s. a lower officer
on board a ship
Midst, midst. s. middle

Midst midst. a. being in the middle
Midsummer, mid'sum-můr. s. the summer



Midway, mid'wa. s. the part of the way,
equally distant from the beginning, and
[women in childbirth
Midwife, midwife. s. a woman who assists
Midwifery, mid' wif-ré s. trade of a midwife
Mien, mene. s. air, look, manner
Might, mite. the pret. of May
Might, mite. s. power, strength
Mightily, mi'te-lè. ad. powerfully,
[height of dignity
Mightiness, ml'te-nes. s. power, greatness,
Mighty, mite. a. powerful

Millenary, mil'lé-nâ-ré. a. consisting of a thousand

Millennium, mil-lên nè-um. 8. a thousand

years; generally taken for the thousand years, during which, some expect our Blessed Saviour shall reign upon earth after the


Millepedes, mil'lé-pêdz. s. woodlice, so call-
ed from their numerous feet
Miller, mil'lur. s. one who attends a mill
Millesimal, mil-les'sé-mál. a. thousand th
Millet, mil'lit. s. a
a plant; a kind of fish
Milliner, mil'lin-nur. s. one who makes head
dresses, &c. for women

Millinary, mil'lin-nur-é. s. goods sold by a
Million, mil'yun. s. the number of ten hundred
effica-Millstone, mil'stone. s. the stone by which
corn is ground


Mighty, mi'té. ad, in a great degree
Migration, mi-gra'shun. s. act of changing
Milch, milsh. a. giving milk

Mild, mild. a. kind. tender; gentle; mellow
Mildew, m'dů. s. a disease in plants
Mildew, mil'dů. v. a. to taint with mildew
Mildly, mild'le. ad. tenderly
Mildness, mild'nés. s. gentleness, tenderness,

Mile, mile. s. a land-measure of 1760 yards
Milestone, mile'stone. s. a stone set to mark
the miles
[a millet-seed
Miliary, mil'ya-rẻ. a. small, resembling
Militant, mil'lé-tânt. a. fighting; engaged in


Milt, milt. s. the sperm of the male fish
Milter, milt'ur. s. the male of any fish
Mimetick, -mêt'ik. a. having a tendency to

Mimioal, mim'mé-kâl. a. imitative
Mimick, mim'mik. s. a ludicrous servile imi-


Mimick, mim'mnik. v. a. to imitate, to ridl-
cule by burlesque imitation
Mimickry, mim'mik-ré. s. burlesque imitation
Mince, minse. v. a. to cut small
Miase, miuse. v. n. to walk nicely by short
steps; to speak small and imperfectly
Mincingly, min'sing-lè. ad. in small parts
Mind, mind. s. intelligent power; choice;
opinion; memory
Mind, mind. v. a. to mark, to attend; to re-
Minded, mind'êd. a. disposed
Mindful, mind'ful. a. attentive
Mindfulness, mind'ful-nés. s. attention, regard
Mindless, mind'lés. a. inattentive, regardless
Mine, mine, pron. possessive. belonging to me
Mine, mine. s. a cavern which contains metals
or minerals

Military, mil'lé-ta-rẻ. a. soldierly; warlike Militia, mil-lish'ya. s. the train bands, the standing force of a nation Milk, milk. s. the liquor with which animals feed their young; emulsions made by contusion of seeds [breast; to suck Milk, milk. v. a. to draw milk from the Milken, milk'kn a. consisting of milk Mine, mine. v. n. to dig mines or burrows Milkiness, milk'è-nês. s. softness like that of Mine, mine. v. a. to sap, to ruin by mines milk [in the dairy Miner, mine'ur. 8. one that digs for metals; Milkmaid, milk'måde. s. a woman employed one who makes military mines Milkman, milk'man. s. a man who sells milk Mineral, min'nêr-ài. s. matter dug out of mines Milkscore, milk'skóre. s. account of milk ow-Mineral, mîn'nér-âl. a. consisting of fossil

ed for, a petty sum


Milksop, milk'sup. s. a soft, effeminate man
Milkwhite, milk'hwite a. white as milk
Milkwoman, milk'wùn: min. s. a woman
whose business is to serve families with
Milky, milk'e. a. made of milk; resembling
Milky-way, milk-e-wa'. s. the galaxy
Mill, mfl. s. an engine to grind with
Mill, mil. v. a. to grind; to beat up
Millenarian, mil-lé ná'ré-ân. a one who ex-
pects the millennium


bodies Mineralist, min'nêr-ál-ist. . one skilled in Mineralogy, min-nér-âl'ld-jè. s. the doctrine of minerals [pound Mingle, ming'gl. v. a. to mix, to join, to comMingle, ming'gl. s. mixture [small compass Miniature, min'è-ture. s. representation in a Minikin, min'né-kin. a. small, diminutive Minim, min'nim. s. a small being, a dwarf Minion, min'yun. s. a favourite, a low dependant [of state or the church Minister, min'als-tår. s. an agent; an officer

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