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sweet scent

Permit, per'mit. s. a written permission from
an excise officer for transporting goods from
place to place
Permittance, per-mit'tanse. s. allowance, per-
Permutation, per-mi-ta'shun. s. exchange
Pernicious, per-nish'us. a. mischievous, de-


Perforate, per'fo-rate. v. a. to pierce with a Permeant, pér'me-ant. a. passing through tool, to bore [ing; hole Permission, per-mish'un. s. allowance Perforation, per-fo-ra'shun. s. the act of bor-Permissive, per-mis'siv. a. granting liberty Perforce, pêr-forse'. ad. violently Permit, per-mit'. v. a. to allow Perform, pér-form'. v. a. to execute, to do Performance, per-form'ânse. s. completion of something designed [any thing Performer, per-form'ur. s. one that performs Perfricate, pêr fré-kåte. v. a. to rub over Perfume, per'fume. s. sweet odour, fragrance Perfume, pêr-fùme'. v. a. to impregnate with [fumery Perfumer, per-fa'mur. s. one who deals in perPerfunctory, per-fûnk'tur-é. a. slight, careless, negligent [spread Perfuse, pér-fuze'. v. a. to tincture, to overPerhaps, per-haps'. ad. peradventure Pericardium, per-è-kår’dé-ům. s. a thin membrane covering the heart Pericranium, pár-é-krà'nẻ-ům. s. the membrane that covers the skull Perigee pêr'é-jéé. Perigeum, per-é-jé'ům.

8. a point in the
heavens, wherein a planet is said to be in
its nearest distance possible from the earth
Perihelium, per-é-hè'lé-ům. s. that point of a
planet's orbit wherein it is nearest the sun
Peril, pér'ril. s. danger, hazard, jeopardy
Perilo, per'ril-us. a. dangerous, hazardous
Period, pe'ré-ůd. s. a circuit; a stated number
of years, a round of time; the end or on-
clusion; a complete sentence
Periodical, pé-ré-dd'dé-kál. a. happening by
revolution; regular
Periodically, pé-ré-od'dé-kál-é. ad. at stated
Peripatetic, per-e-på-têt'îk. s. one of an an-
cient sect of philosophers; a follower of

Periphery, pe-rif'fè-rẻ. s. circumference
Periphrasis, pe-rif'fra-sis. s. circumlocution
Peripneumony, pêr-ip-nu'mò-né. s. an infam-
mation of the lungs

Perish, per'rish. v. n. to die, to come to noth-
ing; to be lost eternally
Perishable, per'rish-â-bl. a. liable to perish
Perjure, perjure. v. a. to forswear, to taint
with perjury

Perjurer, per ju-rår. s. one that swears falsely
Perjury, per'ju-ré, s. false oath
Periwig, pêr're-wig. s. hair not natural
Periwinkle, per'rẻ-win-kl. s. a small shell-fish
Perk, perk. v. n. to hold up the nead with an
affected briskness
Permanence, pêr'ma-nense.
Permanency, per'má-ner-se.
Permanent, per'mâ-nent. a. durable
Permanently, pér'må-nént-lé. ad. durably,
lasting ly

5. duration

Permar-ion, per-man'shin. s. continuance Permeable, pér'me-á-bl. a. such as may be passed through

Perniciously, pêr-nish'us-lè. ad. destructively
Peroration, per-d-ra'shun. s. the conclusion

of an oration

a line

Perpend, pêr-pênd'. v. a. to weigh in the
mind, to consider attentively
Perpendicular, per-pén-dîk'd-lår. a. cutting
the horizon at right angles
Perpendicular, per-pen-dik'i-lár. s.
crossing the horizon at right angles
Perpendicularity, pêr-pen-dik-d-lar'è-te. s. the
state of being perpendicula.
Perpension, per-pên'shůn. s. consideration
Perpetrate, pêr'pe-trate. v. a. to commi
Perpetration, per-pe-tra'shun. s. the act of
committing a crime

Perpetual, per-pét'tshu-ål. a. continual
Perpetually, per-pet'tshu-al-lẻ. ad. con-


Perpetuate, per-pet'tshå-åte. v. a. to make
Perpetuity, per-pe-tu'è-tè. s. duration to all
Perplex, per-pleks'. v. a. to entangle; to em-
[glement, intricacy
Perplexity, per-pleks'è-te. s. anxiety, entan-
Perquisite, per'kwiz-it. s. something gained by
a place or office over and above the settled

Perry, pêr're. s. cider made of pears
Persecute, per'sé-kute. v. a. to pursue with
malignity; to importune much
Persecution, per-se-ku'shun. s. the act or
practice of persecuting
Persecutor, per'sé-ku-tur. s. one who perse-
Perseverance, per-sè-vè'rânse. s. steadiness in

Persevere, per-se-vère'. v. n. to persist in an
Persist, pêr-sist'. v. n. to persevere, to con-

tinue firm

Person, per'sn. s. an individual; human
being; exterior appearance: character
Personable, per'sin-a-bl. a. handsome,
Personage, pêr'sun-Idje.. a considerable
Personal, pér'sun-âl. a. belonging to men or
women; affecting individuals peculiar ;
[ality of any one
Personality, per-so-nál'lè-té. s. the individu-
Personally, per'sûn-al-lé. ad. in person
Personate, per'sun-åte. v. a. to represent; to



8.Perverseness, pér-vérs'nés.

change of things to persons
Personify, per-son'né-fl. v. a. to change from

thing to a person

Perspective, per-spék'tiv. s. a glass through which things are viewed; view

[ocr errors][merged small]

Perversion, pêr-ver'shun. s. change to worse
Pervert, per-vert'. v. a. to distort from the
true end or purpose; to corrupt
Pervious, pêr've-us. a. admitting passage

Perspective, per-spektiv. a. relating to the Pest, pest. s. plague, pestilence


[sighted Pester, pês'tur. v. a. to disturb, to harass
quick-Pesthouse, pest'house. s. an hospital for per-
sons infected with the plague
Pestiferous, pes-tif'fer-us. a.
Pestilence, pês'tè-lênse. s. plague, contagious
Pestilential, pês-tè-leu'shal. a. infectious, con-
tagious [thing is broken in a mortar
Pestle, pes'tl. s. an instrument with which any
Pet, pet. s. a slight passion or fit of anger;

science of vision, optical Perspicacious, per-spé-ka'shus. a. Perspicaciousness, per-spè-ka'shus-nễe. Perspicacity, per-spé-kás sé-té. quickness of sight [the mind Perspicuity, per-spé-ku'é-té. s. clearness to Perspicuous, per-spik'ků-us. a. clear Perspirable, per-spl'rå-bl. a. such as may be emitted by the cuticular pores Perspiration, per-spé-ra'shún. a. excretion by the cuticular pores

Perspire, per-spire'. v. n. to perform excretion by the cuticular pores; to be excreted by the skin

Persuadable, per-swa'dâ-bl. a. such as may be persuaded

a favourite

Pet, pét. v. a. to spoil by too much fondling Petal, pé'tål, or pet'âl. s. the leaf of a flower as distinguished from the leaf of a plant Petechial, pé-té'ké-ål. a. pestilentally spotted Petition, pe-tish'in. s. request, supplication Petition, pé-tish'in. v. a. to solicit Petitionary, pé-tish'in-a-ré. a. supplicatory Persuasion, per-swa'zhin. s. the act of per-Petitioner, pè-tish'an-ur. s. one who offers a petition a. having the

Persuade, pér-swåde'. v. a. to bring to an
[suading; opinion

Persuasive, per-swa'siv.

Persuasory, per-swa'sûr-é.

power to persuade

late to

Pert, pert. a. brisk; smart; saucy
Pertain, per-tåne'. v. n. to belong, to re-
Pertinacious, per-te-na'shus. a. obstinate,
Pertinaciously, per-té-na'shus-lẻ. ad. obsti-

Pertinacity, per-te-nas'sè-tè. s. obstinacy
Pertinence, per'té-nense. s. propriety to the
purpose, appositeness
Pertinent, per'té-nent. a. just to the purpose;
Pertingent, per-tin'jent. a. reaching to,

Pertly, pert'le. ad. briskly, smartly, saucily
Pertness, pert'nes. s. brisk folly, sauciness,
Perturb, per-tirb'.
Perturbate, pêr-tur'båte.
quiet, to disturb

V. a. to dis

Petre, pè'têr. s. nitre, salt-petre
Petrescent, pé-três'sent. a. becoming stone
Petrifaction, pêt-trẻ-fâk'shun. s. the act of

turning to stone; that which is made stone
Petrify, pet'trẻ-fl. v. a. to change to stone
Petrify, pet'tré-fl. v. n. to become stone
Petrolium, pé-tro'lè-ảm. s. a liquid bitumen
Petticcat, pet'té-kote. s. the lower part of a
woman's dress
[rate lawyer
Pettifoger, pet'té-fog-gur. s. a petty small-
Pettish, pet'tish. a. fretful, peevish
Pettishness, pet'tish-nés. s. fretfulness, peev-


Pettitoes, pet'tè-toze. s. the feet of a sucking
Petty, pet'tè. a. small, little

Petulance, pet'tshu-linse. s. sauciness, peev
Petulant, pet'tshd-lânt. a. saucy, perverse
Pew, pů. s. a seat enclosed in a church
Pewter, pu'tur. s. an artificial metal
Pewterer, pu'tur-ur. s. a smith who works in


Phanomenon, fe-nôm ề-nôn. so an appearance

in the works of nature

Phaeton, fa'd-ton. s. a high open carriage
Phalanx, få'links. s. a troep of men closely

Perturbation, per-tůr-ba'shun. s. disquiet of mind; commotion of passions Pertusion, per-tu'zhin. s. the act of piercing or punching [periwig Peruke, pér'rake. s. a cap of false hair, a Perusal, pé růzâl. s. the act of reading Peruse, pé-ruze'. v. a. to read; to examine Peruser, pé-ro'zur. s. a reader, examiner Pervade, per-våde'. v. a. to pass through an aperture, to permeate [thi ough Pervasion, per-va'zhůn. s. the act of passing Perverse, per-verse'. a. obstinate in the Tatiously wrong, stubborn Perversely, per-vérs'lè. ad. peevishly, vex-Phar:nacopolist, får-må-kop'po-list. s. an

Phantasm, far'tâzın. s. vain and airy ap
Phantom, fan'tim. s. a spectre, an apparition
Pharisaical, far-ré-sa'é-kai. a. ritual, exter-
nally religious

Pharmacopoeia, får-må-ko-pé'ya. s. a book
containing rules for the composition of me-

Pharmacy, får'mâ-se. s. the art or practice of preparing medicines, the trade of an apothecary

Pharos, fa'ros. s. a light-house

Phasis, fa'sis. s. plural Phases. appearance exhibited by the moon

Pheasant, fez'zânt. s. a kind of wild cock

Physiognomist, fizh-e-og'no-mist. s. one who judges of the temper or future fortune by the features of the face

Physiognomy, fizh-é-óg'nd-mè. s. the art of discovering the temper and foreknowing the fortune by the features of the face; the cast of the look

Phenomenon, fè-nom'è-nôn. s. novel appear-Physiologist, fizh-d-ôl'lo-jist. s. a writer of

[nature natural philosophy Physiology, fizh-e-l'lo-jè. s. the doctrine of

Philanthropy, fil-an'thro-pè. s. love of man-Phytology, fl-tôl'lo-jè. s. the doctrine of

ance, visible quality

Phial, fl'al. s. a small bottle

kind, good nature

Philologer, fè-lo! 18-jur.



Philippick, fil-lip'pik. s. an invective de- Piacular, pl-akku-lår. a. expiatory

Philologist, fè-lo1'18-jíst.


a. belonging

S. a critick, a [cal learning Philology, fè-lol'lo-jè. s. criticism, grammatiPhilomel, fil'id-mêl. s. the nightingale Philosopher, fé-lôs'só-fur. s. a man deep in knowledge Philosophick, fil-ld-zôf'fik. Philosophical, fil-ld-zôf'fé-kál. to philosophy Philosophically, fh-18-zôffè-kál-è. ad. in a philosophical manner Philosophism, fè-lôs'o-fizm. s. visionary or unfounded philosophy Philosophize, fé-lôs'so-fizè. v. a. to reason like a philosopher [tural or moral Philosophy, fé-lôs'so-fè. s. knowledge naPhilter, fil'tur. s. something to cause love Phiz, fiz. s. the face Phlebotomist, flé-bot'to-mist. s. one that opens a vein

Phlebotomy, fé-bot'to-. s. bloodletting Phlegni, fém. s. the watery humour of the body

Pia-mater, pl-a-ma'tur. s. a delicate mem

brane, which covers the brain Piazza, pé-az'za. 8. a walk under a roof supported by pillars

Pica, pi'ka. s. a printing letter of a particular


Picaroon, pik-ka-rôôn'. s. a robber, a plunderer Pick, pik. v. a. to choose; to gather; to separate; to peck

Pickapack, pik'å-påk. ad. in manner of a pack upon the back

Pickaxe, pikaks. s. an axe with a sharp point
Picked, pik'ked. a. sharp, smart
Picker, pik'kur. s. one who picks or culls
Pickle, pik'kl. s. a salt and acid liquor; thing
kept in pickle; condition

Pickle, pik'kl. v. a. to preserve in pickle Picklock, pik'lok. s. an instrument by which locks are opened

Pickpocket, pfk'pok-it. s. a thief who steals from the pocket

Pickthank, pik'thank. s. an officious fellow Picture, pik'tshdie. s. a resemblance in co


Phlegmatick, flg'må-tik. a. abounding in Picture, pik'tshire. v. a. to paint ; to represent phlegm; dull, frigid [tle Picturesque, pik-tsbu-résk'. a. expressed hapPhleme, flème. s. an instrument to bleed cat- pily as in a picture Phlogiston, fo-jis'ton. s. a chymical liquor extremely inflammable

Phosphorus, fos'fo-rus. s. the morning star; a chymical substance which exposed to the air takes fire

Phrase, fraze. s. an idiom, a mode of speech
Phraseology, fra-zè-ûl'lo-jè. s. style, diction
Phrenetick, fre-net'k. a. mad, frantick
Phrensy, fren'ze. s. madness, frantickness
Phthisical, tiz'zè-kål. a. wasting
Phthisick, iz'zik. s. a consumption
Phylactery, fé-lák'ter-ẻ. s. a bandage on

Piddle, pid'dl. v. n. to pick at table, to feed squeamishly; to trifle

Pie, pl. s. a crust baked with something in it; a magpie

Piebald, pl'båld. a. of various colours
Piece, pèèse. s. a patch; a part; a picture;
a composition; a gun; a coin
Piece, péèse. v. a. to enlarge by the addition
of a piece; to join

Piecemeal, pees'mèle. ad. in pieces
Piecemeal, péés'inèle. a. separate, divided
Pied, pide a. variegated, party-coloured

which was inscribed some memorable sen-Pier, pèèr. s. the column on which the arch




of a bridge is raised

that bores or penetrates


Physical, flz'zé-kál. a. relating to nature; Pierce, pèèrse. v. n. to penetrate, to enter, to Physically, fiz'zé-kál-lè. ad. according to Piercer, péèrs'ur, or pers'ur. s. an instrument [the art of healing Physician, fe-zish'an. s. one who professes Physick, fiz'zik. s. the science of healing; medicines, remedies [to cure

Piety, pl'è-te. s. discharge of duty to God or to parents

Pig, pig.. a young sow or boar

Physick, fiz'zik. v. a. to treat with physick, Pig, pig. v. n. to farrow, to bring pigs


Pigeon, pid'jin. s. a well known bird
Piggin, pig'gin. s. a small vessel
Pigment, pgment. s paint
Pignut, pig'nit. s. an earth nut


Pike, pike. s. a large fish; a lance used by
Pikestaff, plke'staf. s. the wooden frame of a
Pilaster, pê-las'tur. s. a square column
Pile, pile. s. a strong piece of wood driven
into the ground; a heap; an edifice
Pile, plle. v. a. to heap, to lay one thing on
ilfer, pil' fur. v. a. to steal, to gain by petty
Pilferer, pil'für-år. s. one who steals petty
[ligious account
Pilgrim, pilgrim. s. one who travels on a re-
Pilgrimage, pilgrim-ȧdje. s. a journey on
account of devotion

Pil, pl. s. medicine made into a small ball
Pillage, pil lidje. s. plunder
Pillage, pillidje. v. a. to plunder
Pillar, pillar. s. a column; a supporter
Pillared, pil'lård. s. supported by columns
Pillio, pil'yun. s. a soft saddle; a pad
Pillory, pil'lúr-é. s. a frame erected on a
lar, and made with holes and folding boards,
through which the heads and hands of cri-
minals are put
Pillory, pil'lur-é. v. a. to punish with the pil-
Pillow, pil'lo. s. a bag of down or feathers
to lay the head on

[blocks in formation]

Pioneer, pl-d-néèr'. s. one whose masiness is
to level the road, or sink mines, in military
Pious, pl'us. a. careful of the duties of reli-
Piously, pl'is-lé. ad. in a pious manner, reli-

Pip, pip. s. a disease in fowls; a spot on cards
Pipe, pipe. s. a tube; an instrument of mu
sick; a liquid measure containing two

Pipe, pipe. v. n. to play on the pipe Piper, plur. s. one who plays on the pipe Pipkin, pip'kin. s. a small earthen boiler Pippin, pip'pin. s. a sharp apple pil-Piquant, pik'kant. a. prickling, pungent Piquancy, pik'kán-se. s. sharpness, tartness Pique, peek. s. iil-will, petty malevolence Pique, peek. v. a. to touch with envy; to offend; to value, to fix reputation as on a point

Pillowcase, pil'ld-kåse. . the cover of a

Pilosity, pé-los'se-tè. s. hairiness
Pilot, pilit. s. he who steers a ship
Pilotage, pllit-tidje. s. a pilot's hire
Pimp, pimp. s. a procurer, a pander
Pimp, pimp. v. n. to pander
Pimping, pimping. a. little
Pimple, pim'pl. s. a small red pustule
Pimpled, pim'pld. a. full of pimples
Pin, pin. s. a short pointed wire; a peg
Pin, pin. v. a. to fasten with pins
Pincase, pin'kase. s. a case to keep pins in
Pincers, pin'surz. s. an instrument by which
nails are drawn

Pinch, plush. v. a. to squeeze; to press hard
Pinch, plush. s. a painful squeeze; a small
quantity contained between the finger and
thumb; time of distress
Pinchbeck, pinsh'hek. s. a compound metal
Pincushion, pin'kish-in. s. a small bag stuff-
ed, on which pins are stuck
Pine, plne. s. a tree

Pine, pine. v. n. to languish

Pineapple, pine'ap-pl. s. a plant

Piquet, pe-kêt'. s. a game at cards
Piracy, pi'ra sẻ. s. the act or practice of rob-
bing on the sea

Pirate, pl'rât. s. a sea-robber
Piratical, pl-rat'te-kál. a. predatory
Piscatory, pis'ka-tur-ẻ. a. relating to fishes
Pisces, pis'sea. s. the twelfth sign in the zo


[blocks in formation]

Pit, pit. s. a hole in the ground; grave; middle part of the theatre; any hollow of the body

Pitapat, pit'a-pât. s. a flutter, a palpitation Pitch, pitsh. s. the resin of the pine extracted by fire and inspissated; any degree of eleration; degree

Pinfold, pin told. s. a place in which beasts Pitch, pitsh. v. a. to fix, to plant; to throw

are confined

Pinguid, pinggwid. a. fat, unctuous

Pinion, pln'yun. s. the joint of the wing motest from the body; wing; fetters

headlong; to smear with pitch Pitcher, pitsh'or. s. an earthen vessel re-Pitchfork, pitsh'fork. s. a fork used in bus.


Pitchiness, pitsh ́é-nés. s. blackness, darkness Plait, plåte. s. a fold, a double
Pitchy, pitsh'è. a smeared with pitch; black Plait, plåte, v. a. to fold, to double
Pit-coal, pit'kole. s. fossil coal



Plan, plan. s. a scheme, a form, a model

Piteous, pitsh'é-us. a. sorrowful; compas-Plan, plân. v. a. to scheme to form in design Plane, plane. s. a level surface; a tool Plane, plane. v. a. to smooth with a plane Planet, plan'it. s. one of the celestial bodies in our system, which move round and receive light from the sun Planetary, plân'né-târ-rẻ. a. pertaining to the planets

Piteously, pitsh'e-us-lè. ad. in a piteous man-
Pitfall, pitfall. s. a pit dug and covered
Pith, pith. s. marrow; strength; energy, co-
gency; principal part
Pithily, pithe-le. ad. with strength, with
Pithiness, pith'è-nes. s. energy, strength
Pithless, pith'les. a. wanting energy
Pithy, pith e. a. strong, energetick
Pitiable, pit'te-a-bl. a. deserving pity

Pitiful, pit'te-fil. a. melancholy; tepder. paltry

Pitifully, pit'te-fil-ẻ. ad. mournfully Pitifulness, pit'té-ful-nés. s. tenderness, com



Pitiless, pit'te-les. 2. wanting pity
Pittance, pit'tanse. s. a small portion
Pituitous, pé-to'è-tus. a. consisting of phlegm
Pity, pít'té. s. compassion, tenderness
Pity, pit'té. v. a. to compassionate misery
Pivot, piv'vit. s. a pin on which any thing
[be appeased
Placable, pla'ka-bl. a. willing or possible to
Piacard, plak-ard'.
Piacart, plak-art'.
Place, plaze. s. locality; space; residence;
rank; office
[fix, to establish
Place, plase. v. a. to put in any place; to
Placid, plas'sid. a. gentle, quiet; soft, mild
Placit, plasit. s. decree, determination
Plagiarism, pla'ia-rizm. s. literary theft
Piagiary, plja-rẻ.
S a thief in literature,
one who steals the thoughts or writings of


s. an edict, a manifesto

Plague, plåg. s. a pestilence

Plague, plag. v. a. to trouble, to harass
Plaguily, plage-lé. ad. vexatiously, horridly
Plaguy, plage. a. vexatious, troublesome
Plaice, plase. s. a flat fish
Plaid, plad. s. a variegated cloth


Plain, plane. a. smooth, flat; artless; clear Plain, plane. ad. distinctly; simply Plain, plane. s. level ground, a field of battle Plain, plane. v. a. to level, to make even Plaindealing, plåne-dè'ling. a. acting without [void of art Plaindealing, plåne-de'ling. s. management Plainly, plane'lè. ad. levelly; without ornament; sincerely; in earnest; clearly Plainness, plane'nes. s. flatness; artlessness, simplicity

Plaint, plant. s. complaint

Planetstruck, plan'it-struk. a. blasted Planisphere, plan'né-sfère, s. sphere projected on a plane

Plank, plangk. s. a thick strong board
Plank, plångk. v. a. to cover or lay with planks
Planoconvex, plå-no-kon'vêks. a. flat on the

one side, and convex on the other Plant, plant. s. any vegetable production Plant, plant. v. a. to set; to place; to settle Plaintain, plan'tin s. an herb; a tree Plantation, plân-tá'shun. s. a place planted; a colony

Planter, plant'år. s. one who sows or culti


Plash, plash.. a small lake of water
Plasby, plash'è. a. watery, filled with pud-


Plasm, plâzm. s. a mould, a matrix for metals Plaster, plas'tur. s. substance made of water

and lime, with which walls are overlaid; a salve

Plaster, plås'tur. v. a. to overlay as with

plaster; to cover with a medicated plaster Plasterer, plas'tur-år. s. one whose trade is to overlay walls with plaster

Plastick, plas'tik. a. having the power to give


Plat, plat. v. a. to weave, to make by texture
Plat, plat. s. a small piece of ground
Plate, plåte. s. wrought silver; a small shal-

low vessel on which meat is eaten; the prize ran for by horses

Plate, plate. v. a. to cover with plates; to beat into laminæ or plates i

Platen, platen. s. that flat part of a printing
press by which the impression is made
Platform, platform. s. horizontal plane; a
level place before a fortification
Platina, plåt-é'na. s. a species of metal
Platoon, plå-tôôn'. s. a small square body of

Platter, plât'tor. s. a large dish
Plandit, plaw'dit. s. applause
Plausibility, plaw-zé-bíl'è-tè. s. speciousness,
superficial appearance of right

Plaintiff, plane'tif. s. he that commences a suit Plausible, plaw'ze-bl. a. superficially pleasing,

in law against another

Plaintive, plane'tiv. a. complaining

specious [show of right Plausibleness, plaw'ze-bl-nês. s. speciousness, Plainwork, plane'work. s. common needle-Plausibly, plaw'zé-blé. ad. with fair show,



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