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Sackposset, såk-pos'sit. s. a posset made of Sake, såke. s. final cause, end

milk and sack

Salacious, så-la'shus. a. lustful, lecherous Sacrament, såk'krá-ment. s. an oath; an Salacity, sâ-las'sè-tè. s. lust, lechery outward and visible sign of an fhward and Salad, sål'låd. s. food of raw herbs spiritual grace; the holy communion Sacramental, sak-krá-ment'âl. a. constituting

a sacrament

Sacred, sa'kred. a. holy; consecrated
Sacredness, sa'kred-nes. s. holiness
Sacrifice, sak'kré-fize. v. a. to offer to heaven,
to immolate; to devote with loss
Sacrifice, säk'kré-fize. s. the act of offering

Salary, sal'lå-re. s. stated hire, periodical payment

Sale, såle. s. the act of selling; vent; auction
Saleable, så'lá-bl. a. vendible, fit for sale
Salesman, sålz'mån. s. one who sells clothes
Salework, såle'wurk. s. work for sale
Salient, så'lè-ent. a. leaping, bounding
Saline, så-line', a. consisting of salt

thing offered or immolated; any thing de-Saliva, så-ll'vå. s. every thing that is spit up stroyed or quitted for the sake of something but it more strictly signifies that juice which else [sacrifice is seperated by the glands called salival Sacrificial, sák- kré-fish'al. a. performing Salivary, sål'è-vå-rẻ. a. relating to spittle Sacrilege, såk'kre-Ifdje. s. the crime of rob-Salivate, sâl'lé-våte. v. a. to purge by the bing heaven [things sacred salival glands [by spitting Sacrilegious, sak-kré-lè'jus. a. violating Salivation, sål-le-va'shun. s. a method of cure Sacrilegiously, sak-krẻ-lé'jús-lè. ad. with sa- Sallow, sål'lo. a. sickly, yellow crilege

Sacristy, sak'kris-tè. s. an apartment where the consecrated vessels or moveables of a church are deposited

Sad, såd. a. sorrowful, afflictive
Saddea, såd'dn. v. a. to make sad

Saddle, såd'dl. s. the seat which is put upon a
horse for the accommodation of the rider
Saddle, såd'dl. v. a. to cover with a saddle;
to load
Saddler, såd'lur. s. one whose trade is to make
Sadly, sad'le. ad. sorrowfully, mournfully
Sadness, såd'nes. s. sorrowfulness
Safe, såfe. a. free from danger

Safe, såfe. s. a buttery, a pantry [rant to pass

Sallowness, sål'ld-nés. s. yellowness, sickness Sally, sål'lé. 8. eruption; quick egress; frolick Sallyport, sål'le-port. 8. gate at which sallies

are made

Salmagundi, sål-må-gun'dè. s. a mixture of
chopped meat and pickled herrings, with
oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions
Salmon, sâm'mnun. s. a well known fish
Salmontrout, sâm-mun-trout'. s. a trout that
has some resemblarce to a salmon
Sait, sålt. s. a body whose two essential pro
perties seem to be dissolubility in water and
a pungent sapor; wit

Salt, sålt. a. having the taste of salt
Salt, sålt. v. a. to season with salt

Safeconduct, safe-kôn'dukt. s. convoy; war-Saltation, sål-tà'shûn. s. the act of dancing or

Safeguard, safe gyård. s. defence, security
Safely, safe'lè. ad. in a safe manner
Safety, safe'tè. s. freedom from danger
Saffron, såf'furn. s. a plant
Saffron, såffurn. a. yellow

Sagacious, så-ga'shus. a. quick of scent ; quick
of thought
Sagacity, så-gas'se-tẻ. s. quickness of scent
Sage, salje. s. a plant; a philosopher
Sage, sadje. a. wise, grave, prudent
Sagely, sadje lé. ad. wisely, prudently
Sago, sa'go. s. a kind of eatable grain
Said, sêd. pret. and part. pass. of say
Saik, sa'ik. s. a Turkish vessel

Sail, såle. s. a canvass sheet; a ship
Sail, såle. v. n. to be moved by the wind with
sails; to pass by sea

Sailor, så'lur. s. a seaman [sail is extended
Sailyard, såle'yard. s. the pole on which the
Sainfoin, san'foin. s. a kind of herb

Saint, sant. s. a. person eminent for piety
Saint, sånt. v. a. to cannonize
Sainted, sånt'êd. a. holy, pious
Saintlike, sånt'llke. a. becoming a saint
Saintly, sant'le, ad. like a saint


jumping [the table Saltcellar, salt'sêl-lir. s. vessel of salt set on Saltish, sålt'ish. a. somewhat salt Saltness, sålt'nês. s. taste of salt Saltpetre, sålt-pee'tur. s. nitre Salubrious, så-librẻ-us. a. wholesome, healthSalubrity, sa-lu'bré-tè. s. wholesomeness Salutary, sål'ld-ta-re. a. wholesome, healthful Salutation, sal-lu-ta'shun. s. the act or style of saluting, greeting

Salute, så-lute'. v. a. to greet, to hail; to kiss Salute, så-lute'. s. salutation; a kiss Salutiferous, sål-ld-tif'fêr-us. a. healthy, bringing health [being saved Salvability, sal-va-bil'è-te. s. possibility of Salvage, sål'vidje. s. a recompense for saving goods from a wreck [eternal death Salvation, sâl-va'shun. s. preservation from Salvatory, sål'vå-tur-ẻ. s. a place where any thing is preserved

Salve, sålv. s. a glutinous matter applied to wounds and hurts; remedy Lapplied Salve, sålv. v. a. to cure with with medicaments Salver, sål'vur. s. a plate on which any thing is presented

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Salvo, sal v. s. an exception, a reservation|| Sardonyx, sår'dd-niks. s. a precious stone

Same, same. a. identical, of the like kind
Sameness, såme'nes. s. identity

Sarsaparilla, sår-så-på-rîl'lă. s. a plant
Sash, såsh. s. a belt; a silken band
Sat, sat. the pret. of sit

Satan, sa'tan. s. the prince of hell
Satanical, så-tan'né-kal.

Satanick, så-tân'nik.

a. devilish

Satchel, såtsh'fl. s. a little bag
Sate, såte. v. a. to satiate, to glut
Satellite, såt'tél-llte. s. a small planet revolv
ing round a larger

Samphire, sâm'fir. s. a plant
Sample, såm'pl. s. a specimen
Sampler, sam'pl-år. s. a pattern of work
Sanable, san nå-bl. a. curable
Sanative, sån'nå-tiv. a. healing
Sanctification, sångk-tè-fé-ka'shun. s. the act
of making holy, consecration
Sanctifier, sångk'te-fl-ur. s. he that sanctifies
Banctify, sångk'te-fi. v. a. to make holy
Sanctimonious, sångk-tè-mo'né-us. a. saintly
Sanctimony, sangk'tè-md-nè. s. holiness, ap-
pearance of holiness [tion; ratification
Sanction, sångk'shun. s. the act of confirma-Satin, såt'tin. s. a soft, close, and shining silk
Sanctitude, sångk'te-tåde. (

Sanctity, sångk'té-té.


s. holiness

Sanctuary, sangk'tshů-â-rẻ. s. a holy place; a sacred asylum

Sand, sand. s. stone broken to powder

Sandal, san'dal. s. a loose shoe

Satiate, så'shé-åte. v. a. to satisfy, to fill
Satiate, så'she-åte. a. glutted

Satiety, sâ-ti'è-tè. s. more than enough, state
of being palled

Satire, sa'tur, såt'ur, så'tire, or såt'ère. s. a poem in which wickedness or folly are censured

Satirical, så-tir'ré-kål.

Satirick, så-tir'rik.

tire; severe in language

a. belonging to sa

Sandstone, sånd'stone. s. stone of a loose and Satirist, sât'tur-ist. s. one who writes satires

friable kind

Sandy, sand'è. a. full of sand

Sane, såne. a. sound, healthy

Sang, sång. the pret. of sing

Sanguiferous, sang-gwit'fêr-us. a. conveying



Satirise, sat'tur-ize. v. a. to censure as in a


Satisfaction, sat-tis-fak'shin. s. the state of being pleased; gratification; atonement Satisfactorily, sat- tis-fak'tür-é-lẻ. ad. in a satisfactory manner [tent; atoning Sanguinary, sang'gwè-nâ-rẻ. a. cruel, mur-Satisfactory, sât-tis-fák'tur-ẻ. a. giving conSanguine, sång'gwin. a. red; warm, ardent Satisfy, sat'tis-fl. v. a. to content; to feed to Sanguineous, sang-gwin'è-is. a. abounding the fill; to recompense; to convince with blood [among the Jews Saturate, sat'tshd-rate. v. a. to impregnate Sanhedrim, san'he-drim. s. the chief council till no more can be received [week Sanies, sa'né-èz. s. thin matter Saturday, sat'tur-dè. s. the last day of the Sanity, san'è-te. s. soundness of mind Saturity, sa-tu'ré-té. s. fulness Sank, sångk. the pret. of sink

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Sapor, sa'por. s. taste, power of stimulating
the palate
[blue colour
Sapphire, saffr. s. a precious stone of a
Sappiness, sap pe-nes. s. succulence, juiciness
Sappy, sap'pe. s. juicy, succulent; young
Saraband, sår'rå-bånd. s. a Spanish dance
Sarcasm, sår'kâzm. s. a keen reproach, a taunt
Sarcastically, sår-kås'té-kâl-é. ad. tauntingly,

Sarcastical, sår-kas'té-kål.
Sarcastick, sår-kas'tik.

[blocks in formation]

Saturn, sa'turn, or sât'turn. s. the remotest
planet of the solar system; in chemistry,

Saturnine, såt'tur-nine. a. gloomy, melancholy
Satyr, så tur, or såt'ur. s. a sylvan god
Sauce, såwse. s. something eaten with food to
improve its taste
[petulant fellow
Saucebox, såwse'boks. s. an impertinent or
Saucepan, såwse'pån. s. a small skillet with a
long handle
[which a tea-cup is set
Saucer, såw'sûr. s. a piatter of china, into
Sauciness, såw'sè-nés. s. impudence, petulance
Saucy, saw'se. a. pert, insolent
Saunter, sån'tir, or såwn'tur. v. n. to wander
about idly, to loiter

Sausage, sau'sidje, or sâs'sîdje. s. a roll made
commonly of pork or beef minced very
small, with salt and spice
Savage, sav'vidje. a. wild, barbarous
Savage, såv'vidje. s. a barbarian

Savanna, så-van'nå. s. an open meadow with
out wood
Save, såve. v. a. to preserve from danger or
Save, såve. ad. except [ends of candles
Saveall, save'åll. s. a small pan to save the

Saving, saving. a frugal, parsimonious
Saving, så'ving. ad. with exception
Saving, saving. s. escape of expense, some-
what preserved

Saviour, såve'yor. s. Redeemer
Savour, så'vur. s. a scent, odour

Savour, så vår. v. n. to have any particular
smell or taste
[piquant to the taste!
Savoury, sa'vir-é. a. pleasing to the smell;
Savoy, sa-voe'. s. a sort of colewort
Saw, såw. the pret. of see

Scantlet, skänt'lét. s. a small pattern Scantling, skånt'ling. s. a quantity cut for a particular purpose; a sinall quantity Scanty, skan'té. a. narrow, small Scape, skåpe. v. a. to escape, to shun Scapula, skap'd-la. s. the shoulder blade Scar, skår. s. a mark made by hurt or fire, a cicatrix [motley dress Scaramouch, skårá-moutsh. s. a buffoon in Scarce, skarse, a. rare, nc common Scarce, skårse.

Saw, saw. s. a dentated instrument for cut-Scarcely, skårse'le. ting; a proverb

[cut timber

Saw, saw. v. a. part. pass. sawed and sawn. to
Sawdust, såw'důst. s. dust made by sawing
Sawpit, såw'pit. s. a pit where wood is sawn
Sawyer, såw'yur. s. one who saws timber
Saxifrage, sak'se-frådje. s. a plant
Say, sa. v. a. pret. said, to speak; to tell
Saying, så'ing. s. expression

Scab, skåb. s. an incrustation over a sore
Scabbard, skab'bird. s. the sheath of a sword
Scabby, skab'bé. a. diseased with scabs
Scabious, ska bé-us. a. itchy, leprous
Scabrous, ska brus. a rough, rugged
Scaffold, skaf fuld. s. a temporary stage raised
either for shows or spectators; the gallery
raised for execution of malefactors

Scaffolding, skåf'fül-ding. s. building slightly erected

Scalade, ska-låde'. s. a storm given to a place
by raising ladders against the walls
Scald, skåld. v. a. to burn with hot liquor
Scale, skále. s. part of the covering of a fish

a balance; means of ascent; a figure sub-
divided by lines; gamut

Scale, skåle. v. a. to climb as by ladders; to
take off a thin lamina
Scaliness, ska'le-nés. s. the state of being scaly
Scall, skåwl. s. leprosy

Scallion, skål'yun. s. a kind of onion
Scallop, skol'lop. v. a. to mark on the edge
with segments of circles
Scalp, skålp. s. the scull [integuments
Scalp, skalp. v. a. to deprive the scull of its
Scaly, ska'le. a. covered with scales
Scammony, skam'mo-nè. s. a concreted juice
drawn from an Asiatic plant
Scamper, skam'pår. v. n. to fy with speed
and trepidation

Scarceness, skårse'nês.
Scarcity, skar'sé-tè.

tity; penury; rareness

ad. hardly, scantily

s. smalness of quan

Scare, skåre. v. a. to frighten, to terrify Scarecrow, skåre'kro. s. an image to fright birds fupon the shoulders Scarf, skårf. s. any thing that hangs loose Scarfskin, skårf'skin. s. the cuticle; the epidermis [the skin with a lancet Scarification, skår-e-fé-ka'shun. s. incision of Scarity, skår'ré-fl. v a. to lance or cut the skin [colour Scarlet, skår'lêt. s. a beautiful bright red Scarlet, skår'lét. a. of the colour of scarlet Scarp, skarp. s. the slope of a ditch Scate, skåte. s. an iron to slide with; a fish Scate, skåte. v. n. to slide on scates Scathful, skath'ful. a. mischievous, destructive Scatter, skåt'tur. v. a. to dissipate, to disperse Scavenger, skav'ln-jur. s. one whose province is to keep the streets clean

Scene, seen. s. the stage; appearance, a display; part of a play

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Scenery, seen'êr rẻ. s. representation; the disposition and consecution of the scenes of a play

Scenick, sen'nik. a. dramatick, theatrical Scenography, se-nôg'grå-fè. s. the art of perspective [chase followed by smell Scent, sent. s. the power of smelling, smell Scent, sent. v. a, to smell; to perfume Sceptick, s.---See Skeptick

Sceptre, sep'tur. s. the ensign of royalty borne in the hand

Schedule, sed'jůle, or skêd'jule. s. a small
scroll; a little inventory
Scheine, skème. s. a plan, design, a project
Schemer, skè'můr. s. projector

Scan, skån. v. a. to examine a verse by count-Schism, eizm. s. a separation or division in

ing the feet; to examine nicely

Scandal, skån'dál. 6. reproachful aspersion, opprobrious censure, infamy Scandalize, skån'då-llze. v. a. to disgrace, to defame

[blocks in formation]

Scholar, skól'air. s. a disciple; a man of let[shameful Scholarship, sk3l'lur-ship. s. learning Scandalous, skan'dá-los. 8. opprobrious, Scholastick, skó-lås'tik. a. pertaining to the Scansion, skan'shun. s. the act or practice of scanning a verse

Scant, skånt. a. parsimonious Scantiness, skan'tè-nés. s. narrowness

school [ry notes Scholiast, 'l-ást. s. a writer of explanatoScholium, sko ́él-dm. s. an explanatory obses vation

School, skool. s. a house of discipline and instruction; a place of literary education School, skool. v. a. to instruct, to train Schoolboy, skill'bỏẻ. s. a boy that is in his rudiments at school

Schoolfellow, skool'fél-lo. s. one bred at the same school

Schoolman, ak331'mân. s. one versed in academical disputation

Scoria, sko'ré-a. s. dross, recrement
Scorious, sko'ré-us. a. drossy, recrementitious
Scorn, skorn. v. a. to despise
Scorn, skorn. s. contempt, scoff
Scorner, skorn'ur. s. contemner, despiser
Scornful, skorn'ful. a. contemptuous,insolent
Scornfully, skorn'fol-lè. ad. insolently
Scorpion, skor'pé-in. s. a reptile; one of the
signs of the zodiack; a sea-fish

Schoolmaster, skool'mas-tur. S. one who Scot, skot. s. shot, payment

teaches in a school

Schoolmistress, sk33l'mis-tris. s. 3 woman
who governs a school
Sciatica, si-at'té-ka.

Sciatick, sl-at'tik.

s. the hip gont

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Scotch, skotsh. v. a. to cut with shallow in

Scotch, skotsh. a. belonging to Scotland
Scoundrel, skoun'dril. s. a mean rascal
Scour, skoår. v. a. to rub hard, in order
to clean the surface; to cleanse; to pass
Scourer, skor 'år. s. one that cleans by
Scourge, skurje. s. a whip, a lash

Scourge, skurje. v. a. to lash with a whip; to

Scout, skodt. s. one who is sent privily to
observe the motions of the enemy
Scowl, skuil. v. n. to frown, to look angry
Scow), skåůl. s. look of sullenness or dis-


Scrabble, skråb'bl. v.


n. to paw with the

Scrag, skråg. s. any thing thin or lean

Scion, s'n. s. a small twig taken from one Scraggy, skråg'gé. a. lean, thin

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Scission, slzh'an. s. the act of cutting
Scissors, siz'zurz. 6. a small pair of shears
Scissure, sizh'ure. s. a crack, a rent

Scoff, skof. v. n. to treat with insolent ridi-

Scoff, skof. s. contemptuous ridicule
Scoffer, skoffår. s. insolent ridiculer, saucy


Scold, skold. v. n. to quarrel clamorously
Scold, skold. s. a clamorous rude woman
Scollop, skol'lip. s. a shell-fish

Sconce, skonse. s. a fort; the head; a pen-
cil, candlestick

Scouce, skonse. v. a. to mulct, to fine
Scoop, skoop. s. a kind of large ladle
Scoop, skoop. v. a. to lade out
Scope, skope. s. aim, intention, drift
Scorbutick, skor-bu'tik. a diseased with the

Scorch, skortsh. v. a. to burn superficially
Score, skore. 6. a line drawn; account
kept; debt; motive; twenty

Score, skore, v. a. to set down as a debt; to impute to mark by a line


eager contest for / Scrambler, skråm'bl-ur. s. one that scrambles Scranch, skrånsh. v. a. to grind between the


Scrap, skrap. s. a small particle

Scrape, skråpe. v. a. to deprive of the surface
by the light action of a sharp instrument;
to take away by scraping

Scrape, skrape. s. difficulty, distress
Scraper, skrå'pur. s. instrument with which
any thing is scraped; a miser; à vile fid-

Scratch, shrâtsh. v. a. to tear with the nails;
to write or draw awkwardly

Scratch, skråtsh. s. laceration with the nails;
a slight wound
[write unskilfully
Scrawl, skrawl. v. a. to draw clumsily to
Scrawi, skråwl. s. unskilful and inelegant

Screak, skréke. v. n. to make a shrill noise
Scream, skréme. v. n. to cry out shrilly
Scream, skréme. s. a shrill loud cry of terror
or pain

Screech, skreetsh. v. n. to cry out as in terror
or anguish; to cry as an owl
Screen, skrèèn. s. any thing that afforda
Screen, skréên. v. a. to shelter

Screw, skrob. s. one of the mechanical||Scurf, skurf. s. a kind of dry scabs, any powers; a kind of twisted nail which en- thing sticking on the surface [scurfy ters by turning [fasten with a screw Scurfiness, skurf'e-nés. s. the state of being Screw, skrob. v. a. to turn by a screw; to Scurrility, skur-ril'è-tè. s. low abuse Scribble, skrib'bl. v. a. to write without Scurrilous, skür'rfl-is. a. grossly opprobrious use or elegance Scurvily, skar'vé-lè. ad. vilely, basely Scurvy, skurve. s. a distemper

Scribble, skrib'bl. a. worthless writing
Scribbler, skrib'bl-år. s. a petty author
Scribe, skribe. s. a writer
Scrip, skrip. s. a small bag
Scriptory, skrip'tur-ẻ. a. written

Scriptural, skrip'tshu-rál. a. contained in the
Bible, biblical

Scripture, skrip'tshire. s. the Bible

Scrivener, skriv'når. s. one who draws con

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Scruple, skr88'pl. s. doubt; twenty grains
Scruple, scr33'pl. v. n. to doubt, to hesitate
Scrupulosity, skrôô-på-lôs'è-tè. s. minute and

nice doubtfulness; tenderness of conscience Scrupulous, skroo'pd-lus. a. nicely doubtful;


Scurvy, skur'vé. a. diseased with the scurvy;
worthless, contemptible

Scut, skit. s. the tail of a hare, &c.
Scutcheon, skůtsh'in. s. the shield represented
in heraldry
[quick pace

Scuttle, skit'tl. s. a wide shallow basket;
Scuttle, skut tl. v. n. to run with affected pre-

Sea, sè. s. the ocean; a collection of water
Seaborn, se born. a. born of the sea
Seaboy, se boẻ. s. boy employed on ship-
[the sea
Seabreeze, se'brèze. s. wind blowing from
Seacoal, se'kole. s. coal brought to London
by sea

Seacoast, se-kost'. s. shore, edge of the sea
Seafaring, se'fa-ring. a. travelling by sea
Seafight, sé-fite', s. battle of ships
Seagirt, sé'gert. a. encircled by the sea
Seagreen, sé'grèèn. a. resembling the colour
of the distant sea

Seaman, se'mân. s. a sailor, a navigator
Seanymph, se-nîmf'. s. a goddess of the sea
Seapiece, sé'péèse. s. a picture representing
any thing at sea

[being scrupulous Seaport, se port. s. a barbour Scrupulousness, skroo' 8′pù-lås-nês. s s. the state of Searoom, se'room. s. open sea, spacious main Scrutable, skroo'tâ-bl. a. discoverable by in-Seashore, se-shore'. s. the coast of the sea quiry [inquiries Seasick, se'sik. a. sick, as new voyagers on Scrutinous, skr88'tin-ås. a. captious, full of [seamen Scrutiny, skroo'tè-nè. s. inquiry, search, ex-Seaterm, se'term. s. word of art used by [examine Seawater, sé'wå-tur. s. the salt water of the


Scrutinize, skr88'tin-ize. v. a. to search, to
Scrutoire, skr33-tore'. s. a case of drawers
for writing
Scud, skud. v. n. to fly, to run away with
Scuddle, skud'dl. v. n. to run with a kind of
affected precipitation

Scuffle, skuf'fl. s. a confused quarrel
Scuffle, skuff. v. n. to fight confusedly
Sculk, skulk. v. n to lurk in hiding places
Scull, skúl. s. the bone which incases and
defends the brain; a small boat
Sculler, skål'lur. s. a boat in which there
but one rower


the sea

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Seam, sème. s. what joins two pieces together;
Seam, seme. v. a. to join together; to scar
Seamless, seme'lês. a. having no seam
Sear, sère. a. dry

Sear, sère. v. a. to burn
Searcloth, sére'kloth. s. a plaster
Search, sertsh. v. a. to examine, to explore
Search, sêrtsh. s. inquiry; quest
Searcher, sértsh'ur. s. examiner, inquirer
Season, sé'zn. s. one of the four parts of the
year; a fit time
Season, sé'zn. v. a. to give a relish to; to ma-
of Seasonable, sè'zn-a-bl. a. opportune
Seasonably, sé'zn-á-blè. ad. properly with se
spect to time

Scullery, skul'lur-é. s. the place where kettles
or dishes are cleaned
Scullion, skul'yun. s. the lowest domestick
Sculptile, skulp'til. a. made by carving
Sculptor, skulp'tår. s. a carver
Sculpture, skulp'tshire. s. carved work
Scum, skum. s. that which rises to the top
any liquor; dross

Scum, skúm. v. a. to clear off the scum


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