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Should, shůd. a kind of auxiliary verb used Shrunk, shrunk. the pret. and part. pass. of in the subjunctive mood Shoulder, shol'dor. s. the joint which connects the arm to the body; the upper joint of the fore leg of a beast

Shoulder, shol dúr. v a. to push with insolence; to put upon the shoulder

Shout, shout. v. n. to cry in triumph or exul


[a shovel

shrink. [shrink Shrunken, shrunk'kn. the part. pass. of Shudder, shůd'důr. v. a. to quake with fear Shuffle, shuf'fl. v. a. to throw into disorder; to change the position of cards

Shuffle, shof'fl. v. n. to play mean tricks, to
evade fair questions, to move with an ir-
regular gait

Shuffle, shuf'fl. s. a trick, an artifice
Shuffler, shaf'fl-ur. s. he who plays tricks, or


Shout, shut. s. a loud and vehement cry of triumph or exultation [to rush against Shove, shův. v. a. to push by main strength; Shove, shův. s. the act of shoving, a push Shun, shun. v. a. to avoid, to decline Shovel, shuv'vl. s. an instrument consisting Shut, shut. v. a. pret. shut; part. pass. shut of a long handle and broad blade with to close; to bar to contract raised edges Shut, shut. part. a. ria, clear Shovel, shuv vl. v. a. to throw or heap with Shutter, shut'tur. s. a cover, a door Show, sho. v. a. pret. showed and shown; Shuttle, shut'tl. s. an instrument used in weavpart. pass. shown. to exhibit to view; to Shuttlecock, shut'tl-kok. s. a cork stuck with direct; to teach feathers, and beaten backward and forward Show, shỏ. s. a spectacle; external appear-Shy, shỉ. a. reserved; cautious ance; exhibition [tribution Sibilation, sib-e-la'shun. s. a hissing sound Shower, she'ůr. s. a fall of rain; liberal dis-Siccity, sik'sè-tẻ. s. want of moisture Shower, shod'ur. v. a. to wet, to pour down Sick, sik. a. afflicted with disease Showery, shou'ur-è. a. rainy

Shrank, shrank. the pret. of shrink

Shred, shred. v. a. to cut into small pieces

Sicken, sik'kn. v. a. to make sick

Sicken, sik'kn. v. n. to grow sick; to be disgusted

Shred, shred. s. a small piece cut off; a frag-Sickle, sik'kl. s. a hook to cut corn


Sickliness, sik'le-nês. s. disposition to sickness
Sickly, sik'le. a. not healthy; faint, languid
Sickness, sik'nés. s. state of being diseased;
[the ribs; margin; party

Shrew, shro8. s. a peevish turbulent woman
Shrewd, shroid. a. maliciously sly, cunning
Shrewdly, shroid'lè. ad. mischievously; slily
Shrewdness, shrood'nes. s. sly cunning, arch-Side, side. s. the part of animals fortified by
Side, side. a. lateral, oblique


Shriek, shreek. v. n. to cry cut inarticulately; Side, side. v. n. to take a party, to engage in [guish or horror a faction

to scream

(niences Shriek, shreek, s. an inarticulate cry of an-Sideboard, side'bord. s. a side-table for conveShrill, shril. a. piercing or tremulous in sound Sidelong, slde'lông. a. lateral, oblique, not in Shrilly, shril'lè. ad. with a shrill noise front, not direct Shrillness, shril'nés. s. the quality of being Sidelong, side'long. ad. latterally, obliquely shrill [dwarf Sideral, sid'der-ål. a. starry, astral

Shrimp, shrimp. s. a small shell-fish; a Shrine, shrine. s. a case in which something sacred is reposited

Shrink, shrink. v. n. pret. shrunk, or shrank part. shrunken. to contract itself into less room, to shrivel; to fall back as from danger

Sideration, sid-der-a'shun s. a blast, "sudden
deprivation of sense
lon horseback
Sidesaddle, side'sad-dl. s. a woman's seat
Sidesman, sidz'mån. s. an assistant to the

churchwardens Sideways, side'waze. Sidewise, side'wlze.

ad. on one side

Shrivel, shriv'vl. v. a. to contract into wrin-Siege, sédje. s. the act of besetting a fortified


[sail ropes place

Shroud, shroud. s. the dress of the dead; Sieve, siv. s. a boulter, a searce

Shroud, shroud. v. a. to shelter, to cover
Shrovetide, shrove'tide.

Shrovetuesday, shròve-tůze'de..

the day before Ash-wednesday

[blocks in formation]

Shrub, shrub. s. a small tree; spirit, acid, and Sight, site. s. perception by the eye; knowsugar mixed

Shrubby, shrub'bè. a. full of shrubs

Shrug, shrug. v. a. to contract or draw up Shrug, shrug. s. a motion of the shoulders usually expressing dislike

[blocks in formation]

Simplicity, sim-plis'è-té. s. plainness, artless


Simplify, sim'plé-fl. v. a. to make less com

plex; to reduce to first principles im-Simply, sim'ple. ad. without art; of itself Simulation, sim-u-la'shun. s. that part of hypocrisy which pretends that to be which is


Signal, sig'nàl. s. a sign that gives notice Signal, signal. a. eminent, remarkable Signalize, signal-ize. v. a. to make eminent Signally, signal-é. ad. eminently Signature, sig'na-túre. s. a sign or mark pressed upon any thing, a stamp Signet, sig nét. s. a seal; the seal-manual of a king Significancy, sig-niffè-kân-sẻ. s. meaning Sin, sin. s. an act against the laws of God Significant, sig-nit'fé-kånt. a. expressive of Sin, sin. v. n. to violate the laws of religion something beyond the external mark; be-Since, sinse. ad. because that; before this [of expression Sincere, sin-sère'. a. pure; honest undissem bling [hypocrity Sincerely, sin-sère'le. ad. honestly, without Sincerity, sin-sér'è-tè. s. honesty of intention, purity of mind

Sine, sine. s. a geometrical line

tokening; important Significantly, sig-niffè kant-lé. ad. with forcel Bignification, sig-nif-fé-ka'shún. s. meaning expressed by a sign or word Signify, sig'ne-fl. v. a. to mean; to import Signiory, sene'y b-rẻ. s. lordship, dominion Signpost, sine'post. s. that upon which a sign hangs. Silence, s'lense. s. habitual taciturnity; still-Sinew, sin'nu. s. a tendon; a nerve Silence, silénse. int. an authoritative re-Sinewy, sin'nů-è. a. nervous; strong straint of speech [hold peace Sinful, sin'ful. a. alien from God; unsanctified Silence, sileuse. v. a. to still, to oblige to Sinfulness, sin'ful-nés. s. alienation from God, Silent, silent. a. not speaking; still neglect or violation of the duties of religion

Sinecure, si'né-kure. s. an office which has [ness revenue without any employment

Silently, silent-lé. ad. without speech; with-Sing, sing. v. n. pret. sang or sung; part.

out noise

Silicious, sé-lish'us. a. made of hair

pass. sung. to form the voice to melody, to articulate musically

Silk, silk. s. the thread of the silkworm; the Singe, sinje. v. a. to scorch

stuff made of the worm's thread Silken, silk'kn. a. made of silk

Silk mercer, silk'mer-sur. s. a dealer in silk Silk weaver, silk'wé-vår. s. one who weaves silken stuff's


Silkworm, silk warm. s. the worm that spins
Silky, silk'e. a. made of silk; soft, pliant
Sill, sill. s. the timber or stone at the foot of
the door

[ocr errors]

Sillabub, sii'lâ-bib. s. a mixture of milk warm
from the cow with wine, sugar, &c..
Silliness, sil'le-nes. s. simplicity
Silly, sille. a. artless; foolish, witless
Silver, sil'vår. s. a white and hard metal
Silver, sil'vir. a. made of silver
Silver, sil'vůr. v. a. to cover superficially with
silver; to adorn with mild lustre
Silversmith, sil'vůr-smith. s. one that works
in silver

Singer, sing'ur. s. one that sings
Single, sing'gl. a. alone; unmarried
Single, sing'gl. v. a. to choose out from
among others; to separate

Singly, sing'gle. ad. individually, particularly
Singular, sing'gu-lår. a. single; alone
Singularity, sing-gu-lâr'è-té. s. any thing re-
markable; a curiosity

Singularly, sing'gu-lâr-lè. ad. particularly
Sinister, sin'nis-tur. a. on the left hand; bad,
unfair; unlucky

Sink, singk. v. n. pret. sunk; part. sunk or sunken. to fall down through any medium; to fall gradually; to fall into rest or indolence; to tend to ruin

Sink, singk. s. a drain, a jakes Sinless, sin'les. a. exempt from sin Sinner, sin'nur. s. one at enmity with God; [semblance an offender [sacrifice for sin

Similar, sim'è-lir. a. homogeneous, having re-Sinoffering, sit-or'for-Ing. s. an expiation or Similarity, sim-é-lâr'ê-té. 8. likeness Sinoper, sin'd-pur. s. a species of earth, ruddle Simile, sim'é-lè. s. a comparison by which Sinuous, sin'yd-us., a. bending in and out any thing is illustrated Sinus, s'nus. s. a bay of the sea; fold or opening

Similitude, sé-mil'è-tude. s. likeness, resemblance

Simmer, sim'mur. v. n. to boil gently

Sip, sip. v. a. to take a small quantity of liquid in at the mouth

Simony, sim'un-é. s. the crime of buying or Sip, afp. s. a small quantity of liquid taken

selling church preferment

Simper, sim'pår. v. n. to smile foolishly

Simple, sim'pl. a. plain, artless; silly

in at the mouth

[are conveyed

Siphon, s'fun. s. a pipe through which liquors
Sippet, sip'pit. s. a small sop

Simple, sim'pl. 8. a single ingredient in a Sir, sår. 8. the word of respect in compella

medicine, a drug, an herb

Simpleton, sim'pl-tun. s. a silly mortal

tion; the title of a knight or baronet

Sire, sire. s. a father

which the scum is taken off

Skimmilk, skim-milk'. s. milk from which the cream has been taken

Siren, s'ren. s. a fabulous goddess who en-Skimmer, skimʼmur. s. a shallow vessel with ticed men by singing, and devoured them Sirius, sir'ré-us. s. the dog-star Sirrah, sår'rå. s. a compellation of reproach Sirup, sur'růp. s. the juice of vegetables boiled with sugar

Sister, sis'tur. s. a woman born of the same
parents; one of the same faith
Sisterhood, sis'tur-hůd. s. a number of women
of the same order

Sisterly, sis'tur-lé. a. like a sister

it, sit. v. n. pret. sat. to be in a state of rest or idleness; to be in any local position; incubate

Skin, skin. s. the natural covering of the flesh;
hide, pelt

Skin, skin. v. a. to flay, to strip or divest of
the skin; to cover superficially
Skinner, skin'nur. s. a dealer in skins
Skinny, skin'né. a. consisting only of skin,
wanting flesh

Skip, skip. v. a. to miss, to pass over
to||Skip, skip. s. a light leap or bound
Skipjack, skip jak. s. an upstart
Skipper, skip'pur. s. a shipmaster
Skirmish, sker'mish. 8. a slight fight
Skirmish, skêr'mish. v. n. to fight loosely
Skirt, skêrt. s. edge, margin, border
Skirt, skert. v. a. to border, to run along the

Site, site. s. situation, local position
Sitting, sitting. s. the act of resting on a
seat; meeting of an assembly; time for
which one sits without rising
Situate, sit'tshu-åte. part. a. placed with re
spect to any thing else

Situation, sit-tshu-a'shun. s. position; state
Six, siks. a. twice three

Sixpence, siks pense. s. a coin, half a shilling
Sixteen, siks'teen. a. six and ten
Sixtb, siksth. a. the first after the fifth
Sixthly, siksth'le. ad. in the sixth place

Skittish, skit'tish. a. easily frighted; wanton
Skittishness, skit'tish-nés. 8. wantonness,

[blocks in formation]

Sixtieth, siks'te-eth. a. the tenth six times re- Skreen, skrẻėn. v. a. to sift; to shade; to peated

Sixty, siks'te. a. six times ten


Skue, sku. a. oblique, sidelong

Size, size. s. bulk, comparative magnitude;Skulk, skulk. v. n. to hide, to lurk in fear glutinous substance

Skull, skul. s. the bone that encloses the head

Size, size. v. a. to adjust, to arrange according Sky, skel. s. the region which surrounds the to size; to besmear with size Sizeable, si'za-bl. a. reasonably bulky Sizer, si'zur. s. a certain rank of students in the universities

Sizy, sl'zé. a. viscous, glutinous
Skate, skåte. s. a flat fish; a sort of shoe
armed with iron, for sliding on the ice
Skein, skåne. s. a knot of thread or silk

Skeleton, skel'lé-tun. s. the bones of the body
preserved together

Skeptick, skep'tik. s. one who doubts, or pre-
tends to doubt of every thing
Skeptical, skep'te-kal. a. doubtful
Skepticism, skep'te-zim. s. universal doubt
Sketch, sketsh. s. an outline

Sketch, sketsh. v. a. to draw, by tracing the

Skewer, skure. s. a wooden or iron pin
Skewer, skupe, v. a. to fasten with skewers
Skiff, skiff. s. a small light boat
Skilful, ski'fůl. a. knowing
Skilfully, skil'ful-é. ad. with skill

earth beyond the atmosphere; the heavens
Skylark, skel'lark. s. a lark that mounts and
Skylight, skel'llte. s. a window placed in the
Skyrocket, skel'rok-it. s. a kind of firework
Slab, slab. s. a plane of stone
Slabber, slab'bur. v. n. to let the spittle fall
from the mouth, to drivel
Slabby, slab'bé. a. viscous; wet
Slack, slåk. a. loose; remiss; relaxed
Slack, slåk. s. small coal, coal broken in small

Slacken, slåk'kn. v. n. to be remiss; to abate
Slackness, slak'nês. s. looseness; negligence
Slain, slåne. the part. pass. of slay

Slake, slake. v. a. to quench, to extinguish
Slander, slän'dur. v. a. to censure falsely, to


Slander, slan'dur. s. false invective

Slanderer, slan'dur-år. s. one who belies an other

Slanderous, slán'dir-is. a. uttering reproach[ness ful falsehoods; calumnious

Skilfulness, skil'fůl-nes. s. ability, dexterous-Slang, slång. the pret. of sling

Skill, skil. s. knowledge of any practice or art Skillet, skil'lft. s. a small kettle or boiler Skim, skim. v. a. to clear off from the upper part; to take by skimming; to pass very near the surface

Slant, slånt.
Slanting, slanting.

a. oblique
Slap, slap. 6. a smart blow
Slap, slap. v. a. to strike with a slap
Slash, slash. v. a. to cut; to lash

Slash, slash. s. cut, wound; a cut in cloth
Slate, slåte. s. a gray fossil stone
Slate, slåte. v. a. to cover the roof
Slattern, slåt'turn. s. a woman negligent
Slaughter, slåw'tur. s. massacre [the sword
Slaughter, slåw'tur. v. a. to slay, to kill with
Slaughterhouse, slåw'tur-house. s. house in
which beasts are killed for the butcher
Slaughterman, slaw'tur-mân. s. one employed
in killing

Slave, slave. s. one mancipated to a master
Slaver, slåv'ur. s. spittle running from the

Slaver, slav'ur. v. n. to emit spittle

Slavery, slå'vur-è. s. servitude, the condition

of a slave



Slavish, sla'vish. a. servile, mean
Slavishness, sla'vish-nés. s. servility, mean-
[to kill, to butcher
Slay, slå. v. a. pret. slew; part. pass. slain.
Sleazy, slè'zè. a. wanting substance
Sled, sled. s. a carriage drawn without wheels
Sledge, sledje'. s. a large heavy hammer;
carriage without wheels
Sleek, sleek. a, smooth, glossy
Sleep, sleep. v. n. to take rest, by suspension
of the mental powers; to be dead
Sleep, sleep.
s. repose, rest, slumber
Sleeper, sleep'ur. s. one who sleeps
Sleepiness, sleep'e-nes. s. drowsiness,
tion to sleep

Slimy, sll'me. a. viscous, glutinous
Sliness, sll'nês. 6. designing artifice
Sling, sling. s. a missile weapon
Sling, sling. v. a. to throw by a sling
Slink, slingk. v. n. pret. slunk. to sneak, to
steal out of the way

Slip, slip. v. n. to slide; to glide; to fall
into fault or error; to escape
Slip, slip. v. a. to lose by negligence; to part
twigs from the main body by laceration

to let loose

Slip, slip. s. a false step; mistake; a twig torn from the main stock;. a long narrow piece

Slipknot, slip'not. 8. a bow knot

Slipper, slip'pår. s. a shoe without leather behind, into which the foot slips easily Slippperiness, slip'pur-é-nés. s. state or quality of being slippery

Slippery, slip'pur-e. a. smooth, glib, uncertain Slipshod, slip'shod. a. having the shoes not pulled up at the heels

Slipslop, slip'slop. s. weak liquor

Slit, slit. v. a. pret. and part. slit and slitted.
to cut longwise

Slit slit. s. a long cut and narrow opening
Sloe, slo. s. the fruit of the black-thorn
Sloop, sloop. s. a small ship
Slop, slop. s. mean and vile liquor of any

disposi-Slope, slope. a. oblique

Sleepless, sleep'lês. a. wanting sleep
Sleepy, sleep'è. a. drowsy, disposed to sleep
Sleet, sleet. s. a kind of small hail or snow
Sleety, sleet'è. a. bringing sleet
Sleeve, sleev. s. the part of a garment that
covers the arms
[wanting propriety
Sleeveless, sleev'lês. a. wanting sleeves;
Sleight, slite. s. artful trick, dexterous practice
Slender, slen'dir. a. thin, small

Slenderness, slen'dir-nés. s. thinness, small-
ness of circumference
Slept, slept. the pret. of sleep
Slew, slu. the pret. of slay

Slice, slise. v. n. to cut into flat pieces
Slice, slise. s. a broad piece; a spatula
Slid, slid. pret. of slide

Slidden, slid'da. part. pass. of slide

Slope, slope. s. an oblique direction, any
thing obliquely directed; declivity
Slope, slope. v. a. to form to obliquity or de-

Slopingly, slope'ing-lé. ad. obliquely
Sloppy, slop'pe. a. miry and wet
Soth, sloth. s. laziness, idleness
Slothful, sloth'fůl. a. lazy, sluggish
Slothfulness, sloth ful-nes. s. laziness, slug-
[depression of the head
Slouch, slotsh. 8. a downcast look, a
Slough, sloů. s. deep miry place
Slough, sluff. s. the skin which a serpent casts
off at his periodical renovation
Sloughy, slow'è. a. miry, boggy
Sloven, sliv'ven. s. a man dirtily dressed
Slovenliness, slův'ven-lẻ-nés. s. neglect of


Slide, slide. v. n. pret. alid; part. pass. slid-Slovenly, slův'vên-lè. a. not cleanly den. to pass along smoothly, to glide; to Slow, sld. a. not swift; dull; tardy move upon the ice [even course Slowly, slo'le. ad. tardily, sluggishly Slide, slide. s. smooth and easy passage; Slubber, slub'bur. v. a. to stain, to daub; to Slight, sllte. a. small, weak; thin cover coarsely, or carelessly Slight, slite. s. neglect, contempt Sludge, sludje. s. mire, dirt mixed with Slight, slite. v. a. to neglect, to disregard Slug, slug. s. an idler, a drone; a kind of Slightingly, sll'ting-le. ad. without reve- slow-creeping snail; a piece of metal shot rence, with contempt [ously, weakly from a gun Slightly, slite'le. ad. negligently contemptuSlightness, slite'nês. s. weakness Slim, slim. a. slender

[low Sluggard, slig'gård, s. an inactive lazy felSluggish, sluggish. a. lazy, slothful. Eness [substance Sluggishness, sluggish-nes. s. sloth, lazie Slime, slime. a. viscous mire; any glutinous Sluice, sluse. s. a floodgate, a vent for water

Slumber, slúm'bur. v. n. to sleep lightly
Slumber, slum'bur. s. light sleep
Slung, alung. pret. and part. pass. of sling
Slunk, slungk. pret. and part. pass. of slink
Slur, slur. v. a. to sully, to soil
Slur, slúr. s. slight disgrace
Slut, slut. s. a dirty woman
Sluttish, slut'tish. a. nasty, dirty

Sluttishness, slut'tish-nés. s. the qualities or
practice of a slut

Sly, sli. a. meanly artful, secretly insidious Slyly, all'lé. ad. with secret artifice, insidiously Smack, småk. v. n. to be tinctured with any particular taste; to make a noise by separation of the lips strongly pressed together Smack, smák. s. taste, flavour; a small quantity; a taste; a loud kiss; a small ship Small, småll. a. little; slender, minute Smallcoal, småll'kole. s. little wood coals used to light fires

Smallcraft, småll'kråft. s. a vessel below the denomination of a ship

Smoky, smo'ké. a. emitting smoke, furnid
Smooth, smooth, a. even on the surface, level
Smooth, smooth. v. a. to level; to palliate;
to flatter

Smoothly, smooth'lẻ. ad. evenly; readily
Smoothness, sinooth'nés. s. evenness on the
Smote, smote. pret. of smite
Smother, smuth'år. v. a. to suffocate
Smother, smuth'ur. s. smoke, thick dust
Smouldering, smol'dur-Ing. a. burning and
smoking without vent

Smug, sinug. a. nice, spruce
Smuggle, smug'gi. v. a. to import or export
goods without payment of the customs
Smuggler, sinug'gl-úr. s. one who imports and
exports goods without payment of the


Sinugly, smug'le. ad. neatly, sprucely
Smugness, smúg'nês. s. spruceness, neatness
Smut, smut. s. a spot made with soot or coal;
mildew; obscenity

Smut, smit. v. a. to mark with soot or coal;
to taint with mildew

Smallness, small'nês. s. littleness, minuteuess
Smallpox, small-pôks'. s. an eruptive distem-Smuttily,
per of great malignity

Smart, smårt. s. quick, pungent, lively pain
Smart, smårt. v. n. to feel quick lively pain
Smart, smårt. a. pungent, sharp; acute;

Smartly, smårt'le. ad. sharply, briskly
Smartness, smårt'nês. s. liveliness, briskness,
Smatch, smâtsh. s. taste, twang
Smatter, småt'tur. v. n. to have a slight su-
perficial knowledge

Smatter, småt'tur. s. superficial knowledge
Smatterer, småt'tur-år. s. one who has a 30-
perficial knowledge

Smear, smeer. v. a. to soil, to contaminate
Smell, smell. v. a. to perceive by the nose
Smell, smell. s. power of smelling; scent
Smelt, smelt. pret. and part. pass. of smell
Smelt, smelt. s. a smail sea-fish
Smelt, smelt. v. a. to melt ore
Smicket, smik'kit. s. the under garment
Smile, smile. v. n. to express pleasure by the
Smile, smile. s. a look of pleasure or kindness
Smirk, smerk. v. n. to smile wantonly
Smit, smit. part. pass. of smite

of a woman

Smite, smite. v. a. pret. smote; part. pass.
smit, smitten. to strike, to kill; to afflict;
to affect with any passion

Smith, smith. s. one who works in metals
Smithery, smith'ur-è. s. the shop of a smith
Smitten, smit'tn. part. pass, of smite
Smock, smok. s. the under garment of a wo-
man, a shift

Smockfaced, smok'fåste. a. palefaced, maidenly
Smoke, smoke. s. a sooty exhalation

Smoke, smoke. v. n. to emit a dark exhalation
by heat; to smell; to use tobacco in a pipe

smút'tè-le. ad. blackly, smokily Smuttiness, smút'tè-nés. s. soil from smoke; obsceneness [coal; obscene Smutty, smut' te. a. black with smoke or Snack, snak. s. a share, a part Snafle, suaff. s. a bridle which crosses the


Snag, snag. s. a tooth standing beyond the
Snagged, snagged. ( a. full of snags
Shaggy, snåg'ge.

Snail, suale. s. a slimy animal; a drone
Snake, snake. s. a serpent of the oviparous
kind, distinguished from the viper
Snaky, sna'ke. a. resembling a snake
Snap, snap. v. a. to break at once, to break
short to bite

Snap, snap. s. the act of breaking with a quick
motion; a quick eager bite; a catch
Snapdragon, snar'dråg-in. s. a kind of play
Snapper, snap'pur. s.
s. one who snaps
Snappish, snap'pish. a. eager to bite; peevish
Snappishness, snap'pish-nés. s. peevishness
Snare, snare. s. a gin, a net

Snare, snare. v. a. to entrap; to entangle
Snarl, snårl. v. n. to growl as an angry animal
Snarler, snar'lir. s. one who snarls
Snatch, snåtsk. v. a. to seize hastily
Snatch, snätsh. s. a hasty catch
Sneak, sneke. v. n. to creep slyly; to behave
with meanness and servility
Sneaking, sne'king. part. a. servile, mean
Sneer, snére. v. n. to show contempt by looks
to insinuate contempt by covert expressions
Sneer, snère. s. a look of contemptuous ridi

cule; an expression of ludicrous scorn Sneeze, sneeze. v. n. to emit wind audibly by [the nose Sneeze, sndeze. s. emission of wind audibly by

the nose

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