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s. a small part, a share Snippet, snip'pit. Snivel, sniv'vl. s. the running of the nose Snivel, sniv'vl. v. n. to run at the nose; to [lamenter cry as children Sniveller, sniv'vl-år. s. a weeper, a weak Snore, snore. v. n. to breath hard through [through the nose Snore, snore. s. audible respiration of sleepers Snort, snort. v. n. to blow through the ncse as a high-mettled horse

the nose

Snout, snout. s. the nose of a beast
Snow, sno. s. water frozen in flakes
Snow, sno. v. a. to scatter like snow
Snowball, sno'båll. s. a round lump of con-
gealed snow

Snowdrop, sno'drop. s. an early flower
Snowy, sno'è. a. white like snow
Snub, snub. v. a. to check, to reprimand; to

Snuff, snuf. s. the useless excrescence of a
candle; powdered tobacco taken by the nose
Snuff, snuf. v. a. to scent; to crop a candle
Snuff box, snůf'boks. s. the box in which snuff
is carried [which the candle is clipped
Snuffers, snůf'fårz. s. the instrument with
Snuffle, snůf'A. v. n. to speak through the nose
Snug, snug. a. close, free from any incon-
Snuggle, snug'gl. v. a. to lie close, to lie
So, so. ad. in like manner


Soak, soke. v. a. to macerate in any moisture,
to steep, to drench

Soap, sope. s. a substance used in washing
Soar, sore. v n. to fly aloft, to tower
Sob, sob. v. n. to heave audibly with convul-
sive sorrow, to sigh with convulsion
Sob, sob. s. a convulsive act of respiration

obstructed by sorrow

Sober, so'bur. a. temperate; calm; serious Soberly, so'bur-lè. ad. temperately, moderately, coolly

Sobriety, so-brl'e-tè. s. temperance; calmness Sociability, so'shé-â-bil'è-tè. s. natural tendency to be sociable

Sociable, so'shé-å-bl. a. friendly, familiar
Sociable, so'shè-a-bl. s. an open carriage with
two seats facing each other, and a box for
the driver

Sociably, so'she-á-blè. ád. conversably
Social, so'shal. a. relating to a general or
publick interest; easy to mix in friendly
Society, so-sl'e-te. s. community; company;
Socinian, so-sin'è-án. s. one who adopts the
tenets of Socinus

Sock, sok. s. something put between the foot and shoe; a theatrical shoe

Socket, sok kit. s. a hollow pipe; the receptacle of the eye

Sod, sôd. s. a turf, a clod

Sodden, sod'dn. part. pass. of seethe. boiled,
Sofa, so'fa. s. a splendid seat covered with
Soft, soft. a. ductile; flexible, yielding, tender
Soft, soft. int. hold! stop!
Soften, sof'fn. v. a. to make soft
Softly, soft'lè. ad. gently, placidly; mildly
Softness, soft'nês. s. quality contrary to hard
ness; mildness; gentleness; effeminacy
Soho, so-ho'. int. a form of calling from a
distant place

Soil, soil. v. a. to foul, to dirt, to pollute
Soil, sofl. s. dirt, to spot, pollution; ground,
land; dung, compost

Sojourn, so'jurn. v. n. to dwell any where
for a time, to live as not at home
Sojourner, so'jurn-ůr. s. temporary dweller
Solace, sol'lás. v. a. to comfort, to cheer
Solace, sol'lås. s. comfort, pleasure
Solar, so'lar. a. of the sun, belonging to the
Sold, sold. pret. and part. pass. of sell
Solder, sol'dur. v. a. to unite or fasten with

any kind of metallick cement
Solder, sol'dur. s. metallick cement
Soldier, sol'jur. s. a fighting man, a warrior
Soldiery, sol'jur-è. s. body of military men
Sole, sole. s. the bottom of the foot; a kind

of sea-fish

Sole, sole. v. a. to furnish with soles
Sole, sole. a. single, not married. [to another
Solecism, sol'e-sizm. s. unfitness of one word
Solely, sole'lè. ad. singly, only

Solemn, sol'êm. a. religiously grave
Solemnity, so-lêm'né-te. s. religious ceremo-
ny; gravity, awful grandeur
Solemnization, sôl-ém-né-za'shun. s. the act
of solemnizing

Solemnize, sol'lem-nize. v. a. to dignify by
particular formalities, to celebrate
Solemnly, sol'lêm-lẻ. ad. with formal gravity
and stateliness
[to excite

Solicit, so-lis'sit. v. a. to importune, to entreat,
Solicitation, so-lfs-é-ta'shun. s. importunity;


Solicitor, so-lis'it-år. s. one who petitions for another; one who does in chancery the business which is done by attornies in other courts

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Solicitous, so-lis's it-us. a. anxious
Solicitude, so-lls'sè-túde. s. anxiety, careful-
[true; grave,
Soild, sól'id. a. compact, dense; firm; sound
Solidity, so-lid'è-tè. s. fulness of matter; firm-
ness; compactness; certainty
Soliloquy, so-lil'ld-kwè. s. a discourse made
by one in solitude to himself

Solitary, sol le-tä-ré. a. living alone, retired
Solitude, sôi'le-túde. s. lonely life; a lone
place, a desert
Solo, solo. s. a tune played on a single in-
Solstice, sol'stis. s. the point beyond which
the sun does not go, the tropical point
Solstitial, sul-stish'al. a. belonging to the

Soluble, soli-bl. a. capable of dissolution
Solubility, sol-d-bil'é-tè. s. susceptiveness of
separation of parts

Solution, so-lu'shun. s. disjunction, separation
Solutive, sol'div. a. laxative, causing relaxa-

Solve, solv. v. a. to clear, to explain
Solvency, sol'vên-se. s. ability to pay
Solvent, solvent. a. able to pay
Solvible, solve-bl. a. possible to be cleared
by reason or inquiry

Sophism, sot'fizm. s. a fallacious argument
Sophist, soffiet. s. a professor of philosophy
Sophister, sof'ris-tur. s. an insidious logician
Sophistical, so-fis'te-kål. a. fallaciously subtle
Sophisticate, so-fis'tè-kåte. v. a. to corrupt
with something spurious

Sophistry, sof'fis-tre. s. fallacious ratiocination
Soporiferous, sop-d-rif'ur-us.
Soporifick, sop-d-rif'fik.
a. causing
sleep, opiate

Sorcerer, sår'ser-3r. s. a conjuror, a magician
Sorceress, sor'sér-ẻs. s. a female magician, an

Sorcery, sor'sêr-é. s. magick, enchantment
Sord, sord. s. turf, grassy ground

Sordid, sor'did. a. mean, vile, base; covetous
Sordidly, sor'did-lè. ad. meanly, covetously
Sore, sore. s. a place tender and painful, an

Some, sum. a. more or less; certain persous Sore, sore. a. tender to the touch; easily Somebody, sum'bôd-ê. s. a person indiscrimi-Sorely, soreʼlè. ad. with great pain or distress Soreness, sore'nes. s. tenderness of a hurt Sorrel, sor'ril. s. a plant

nate and undetermined
Somerset, sum'mur-set. s.
a leap by which a
jumper throws himself from a beam and
turns over his head

Somehow, sum'hoů. a. one way or other
Something, sum'thing. s. more or less
Sometime, sum'time. ad. once, formerly
Sometimes, sum'timz, ad. now and then
Somewhat, sum'hwôt. s. something; more or
Somewhere, sim'hwåre. ad. in one place or
Somniferous, som-uff'fer-us.
Somnifick, som-nif'fik.



a. causing

Somnolency, som'nd-lễn-sẻ. s. sleepiness
Son, sun. s. a male child; native of a country,
the second person of the Trinity
Son-in-law, sun'in-law. s. a man married to
one's daughter

Sonata, so-na'ta. s. a tune

Sorrily, sor'ré-lè. ad. meanly, despicably
Sorrow, sor'rò. s. grief, pain, sadness
Sorrow, sor'ro. v. n. to grieve, to be sad
Sorrowful, sor'ro-fil. a. mournful, grieving
Sorry, sor'rẻ. a. grieved for something past;

Sort, sort. s, a kind, a species; rank
Sort, sort. v. a. to separate; to cull
Sortment, sort'ment. s. the act of sorting,

Soss, sos. v. n. to fall at once into

Sot, sot. s. a blockhead; a wretch stupified by drinking

Sottish, sot'tish. a. dull, stupid, doltish
Sottishness, sot'tish-nês. s. stupidity; insensi-

Souchong, so-tshong'. s. the finest kind of
Bohea tea

Song, song. s. a poem modulated to the Sought, såwt. pret. and part. pass. of seek

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Soul, sole. s. the immortal spirit of man; vi

tal principle; intelligent being

Sound, sound. a. healthy; right; stout; lusty Sound, sound. s. a shallow sea; a noise; s probe

Sound, sound. v. a. to search with a plum met; to try

Sound, sound. v. n. to make a noise; to exhi bit by likeness of sound

Soundly, sound'le. ad. healthily; rightly; fast Soundness, sond'nes. s. health, heartiness; truth, solidity

Soup, sp. s. strong decoction of flesh for
the table

Sour, sour. a. acid, austere ; peevish
Sour, sour. v. a. to make acid; to mak. dis
{ inad

Soph, sof. s. a young man who has been two Source, sorse. s. spring, fountain-head; ori

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years at the university

Sourish, sourish. a. somewhat sour

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Spawl, spawl. s. spittle

Spawn, spawn. s. the eggs of fish or of frogs Spay, spå. v. a. to castrate female animals Speak, spéke. v. n. pret. spake or spoke ;

part. pass. spoken. to utter articulate sounds, to express thoughts by words Speakable, spe'ka-bl. a. possible to be spoken Speaker, spe'kur. s. one that speaks Spear, spére. s. a long weapon with a sharp point

Special, spesh'al. a. particular, peculiar Species, spe'shez. s. a sort; class of nature Specifick, spe-sif fik. s. a specifick medicine Specifick, spe-sif'fik. a. that which makes

thing of the species of which it is; appro priated to the cure of some particular distemper

Specifically, spe-sîf'fè-kál-è. ad. according to the nature of the species

Specify, spês'sè-fl. v. a. to show by some par-
ticular mark of distinction
Specimen, spês'sè-inen. s. a sample
Specious, spe'shús. a, showy; plausible
Speck, spek. s. a small discolouration, a spot
Speck, spek. v. a, to spot

Speckle, spek'kl. s. small speck, little spot

Spade, spåde. s. the instrument of digging Span, span. s. the space from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger ex-Speckle, spék ́kl. v. a. to mark with small tended


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Sparing, spa'ring.

a. scarce; scanty


Spectacle, spêk'ta-kl. s. a show, a gazingstock; glasses to assist the sight Spectator, spêk-ta'tur. s. a looker on Spectre, spêk'tur. s, apparition Specular, spêk'ku-lar. a. having the qualities of a mirror; assisting sight [contemplate Speculate, spek'ku-låte. v. n. to meditate, to Speculation, spêk-d-la'shun. s. mental view scheme not reduced to practice Speculative, spek'ki-lå-tiv. a. contemplative, theoretical (ing-glass Speculum, spék'ku-lum. s. a mirror, a lookSped, sped. pret. and part. pass. of speed Speech, speèrsh. s. the power of articulate utterance; language; any thing spoken;


Spark, spårk. s. a small particle of fire; a Speechless, speetsh'lês. a. mute, dumb

lively gay man

Sparkle, spår'kl. s. a spark


Sparkle, spår'kl. v. n. to emit sparks; to glit-
Sparrow, spar'rd. s. a small bird
Spasm, spazm. s. convulsion
Spasmodick, spaz-můd'îk. a. convulsive
Spatter, spåt'tur. v. a. to sprinkle with dirt or
any thing offensive

Spatterdashes, spât'tôr-dásh-lz. s. coverings for the legs

Spatula, spat'tshi-la. s. a spattle or slice, used
by apothecaries in spreading plasters
Spavin, spav'in. s. a disease in horses
Spaw, spaw. s. any mineral water

Spawl, spåwl. v. n. to throw moisture out of the mouth

Speed, speed. v. n. pret. and pagt. pass speed and speeded. to make haste, to move with celerity; to have success Speed, speed. s. quickness, celerity Speedily, speed'è-lè. ad. with haste, quickly Speedy, spééd'è. a. quick, swift

Spell, spell. s. a charm; a turn of work Spell, spell v. n. to form words of letters to read

Spend, spend. v. a. to consume, to lay out to effuse, to waste; to harass Spendthrift, spend 'thrift. s. a prodigal, a


Sperm, sperm. s. seed; that by which the species is continued {whale Spermaceti, spêr-ma-sé'tè. s. the seed of a

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the intellect

Spermatick, sper-mât'tk. a. seminal; be-Spiritualize, spir'it-tshů-ál-ize. v. a. to refine longing to the sperm Sphere, sfère. s. a globe, orb, circuit of motion; province, compass of knowledge or action

Spherical, sfer'rék-ål.a. round, globular
Spherick, sfer'rik.

Sphericity, sfè-ris'è-tè. s. roundness; rotun-
[the form of a sphere
Spheroid, sfè'roid. s. a body approaching to
Spherule, sfêr'åle. s. a little globe
Sphinx, sfinks. s. a fabled monster in Egypt,
having the face of a virgin and the body of
a lion

Spice, spise. s. a vegetable production fragrant
to the smell and pungent to the palate
Spice, spice. v. a. to season with spice
Spicery, spl'sur-è. s. the commodity of spices
a repository of spices
[of spice
Spicy, spl'se. a. aromatick, having the quality
Spider, spl'dur. s. the animal that spins a web
Spigot, spig'it. s. a pin or peg put into the
Spike, spike. s. an ear of corn; a nail
Spike, spike. v. a. to fasten with long nails
to set with spikes

for flies

Spikenard, spike'nård. s. the name of a plant
Spill, spill. s. a small shiver of wood;
small quantity
Spill, spill. v. a. to shed


Spin, spin. v. a. pret. spun, or span; part.
spun. to draw out into threads; to protract;
to draw out tediously

Spinal, spl'nål. a. belonging to the back-bone
Spindle, spin'di. s. the pin by which the thread
is formed; a long slender stalk
Spine, spine. s. the back-bone
Spinet, spin-net' s. a small harpsichord
Spinner, spin'nur. s. one skilled in spinning
Spinous, spl'nus. a. thorny, full of thorns
Spinster, spins'tur. s. a woman that spins; the
general term for a girl or maiden woman
Spiny, splne. a. thorny, perplexed
Spiracle, spir'a-kl. s. a breathing hole, a vent
Spiral, spirál. a. curve, winding
Spire, spire. s. a curve line; any thing
ing up taper; a steeple

Spiritually, spir'it-tshd-ál-le. ad. with atten-
tion to things purely intellectual
Spirituous, spirit-tshu-us. a. having the qua
lity of spirit; lively, airy
Spirt, spurt. v. a. to throw out in a jet
Spiry, spi're. a. pyramidal, wreathed
Spissitude, spis'se-túde. s. grossness, thickness
Spit, spit. s. an utensil to roast meat on
Spit, spit. v. a. pret. spat; part. pass. spit or
spitted. to put upon a spit; to thrust through
Spit, spit. v. n. to eject from the mouth; t
throw out spittle

Spite, spite. s. malice, rancour, hate
Spite, splte. v. a. to vex, to thwart malignantly
Spiteful, splte'fill. a. malicious

Spitefully, spite'ful-è. ad. maliciously
Spitefulness, spite'ful-nês. s. malignity
Spittle, spit'tl. s. moisture of the mouth
Splash, splash. v. a. to daub with dirt in great


Splashy, splash'è. à. apt to daub
Splayfoot, spla'fut. a. having the foot turned
Spleen, spleen. s. the milt; anger, spite, ill-
Spleenful, splèèn'ful. a. angry, peevish, fretful
Splendent, splen'dent. a. shining, glossy
Splendid, splen'did. a. showy, magnificent
Splendidly, splen'did-lè. ad. magnificently
Splendour, splen'dur. s. lustre, magnificence
Splenetick, splen'è-tik. a. fretful, peevish
Splice, spllse. v. a. to join the two ends of a
rope without a knot

Splint, splint. s. a thin piece of wood used by
Splinter, splint'ůr. v. a. to secure by splints
to shiver

break into discord

Splinter, splint'år. s. a thin piece of wood
Split, split. v. a. pret. split. to cleave; to
[culate speaking
Splutter, split'tur. s. bustle; basty and inarti
Spoil, spoil. v. a. to rob; to plunder
Spoil, spoil. s. plunder; pillage

Spoiler, spoil'ur. s. a robber, a plunderer
Spoke, spoke. s. the bar of a wheel
grow-Spoke, spoke. pret. of speak

Spoken, spo'kn. part. pass. of speak [another

Spoliate, spo'le-åte. v. a. to rob, to plunder
Spoliation, spo-le-a'shun. s. the act of robbery
Spondee, spon'de. s. a foot in poetry of two
long syllables

pirit, spirit. s. breath; an apparition; ar-Spokesman, spoks'mån. s. one who speaks for dour; vigour of mind; desire; an inflam mable liquor raised by distillation Spirited, spirit-êd. n. lively, full of fire Spiritedness, spir'it-êd-nés. s. disposition or make of mind [pressed Spiritless, spirit-les. a. dejected, low, deSpiritous, spirit-us. a. refined, advanced near to spirit

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Sponge, spånje. s. a soft porous substance remarkable for sucking up water Sponge, spůnje. v. a. to blot, to wipe away as with a sponge [stitial holes Spiritual, spirit-tahu-ål. a. immaterial, incor- Spongy, spin'je. a. soft and full of small interporeal; relating to the things of heaven Sponsal, spon'sal. a. relating to marriage Spirituality, spir-It-tshi-âl'è-tě. s. immateria- Sponsion, spon'shin. s. the act of becoming lity [act of spiritualizing surety for another Spiritualization, spir-it-tshd-ál-d-za'shun. s. Sponsor, spon'sûr. s. a surety

Spontaneous, spon-tà'né-ús. a. voluntary

Sprout, sprout. v. n. to shoot by vegetation,
Sprout, sprout. s. a shoot of a vegetable

Spontaneously, spon-tà'né-us lè. ad. volun- to germinate
Spoon, spoon. s. a concave vessel with a Spruce, sprôôse. a. nice, trim, neat

handle, used in eating liquids

Spoonful, spôôn'ful. s. as much as is generally
taken at once in a spoon
Spoonmeat, spoon'mète. s. nourishment taken
with a spoon

Sport, sport. s. play, diversion; mock
Spert, sport. v. n. to play, to frolick, to game
Sportful, sport'ful. a. merry, frolicksome, in

Sportive, sportiv. a. gay, merry
Sportiveness, sportiv-nés. s. gayety, play
Sportsman, sports mån. s. one who pursues
the recreations of the field

Spot, spot. s. a blot; a taint, a disgrace; any
particular place

Spot, spôt. v. a. to mark with discolouration; to corrupt, to disgrace


Spotless, spot'les. a. immaculate, pure
Spousa, spot'zál. a. nuptial, bridal
Spouse, sponze. s. a husband or wife
Spout, spout. s. a pipe, the mouth of a vessel
out of which any thing is poured; a ca-
[speak speeches out of plays
Spout, spot. v. a. to pour with violence; to
Sprain, språne. s. extension of ligaments
without dislocation of the joint
Sprang, språng. pret. of spring
Sprat, sprat. s. a small sea-fish
Sprawl, sprawl. v. n. to struggle; to tumble
with agitation
[foam of the sea
Spray, sprá. s. the extremity of a branch; the
Spread, spred. v. a. to extend; to cover over]]
Spread, spred. s. extent, compass
Sprig, sprig. s. a small branch
Spright, sprite. s. apparition
Sprightliness, sprite'lé-nés. s. liveliness, brisk-
ness, gayety

Sprightly, sprite'lè. a. gay," brisk
Spring, spring. v. n. pret. sprung, or sprang.
to begin to grow; to issue forth; to arise;
to bound; to jump, to fly with elastick

Sprucebeer, sprôôse-hèér'. s. beer tinctured
with branches of fir
Spruceness, sproose'nes. s. neatness without
Sprung, sprung. pret. and part. pass. of spring
Spud, spůd. s. a short knife
Spume, spume. s. foam, froth
Spume, spume. v. n. to foam, to froth
Spumous, spu'mus.
a. frothy, foamy
Spumy, spu'me.

Spun, spun. pret. and part. pass. of spin
Spunge, spunje. s.----See Sponge
Spunge, spunje. v. n. to hang on others for
[soft like a sponge

Spungy, spun'jè. a. full of small holes, and
Spur, spur. s. a sharp point fixed in the rider's
heel; incitement; instigation; a stimulus
Spur, spir. v. a. to prick with the spur; to

Spurious, spuré-is. a. counterfeit, adulterine
Spurn, spurn. v. a. to kick; to scorn; to
treat with contempt

Spurrier, spur're-år. s. one who makes spurs
Spurt, spårt. v. n. to fly out with a quick

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Spring, spring. v. a. to rouse game; to pro-Squally, skwåll'le. a. windy, gusty
duce to light; to discharge a mine
Spring, spring. s. a season of the year; elas- scales
tick force; a leap, a bound; a fountain;
a source; original
Springe, sprinje. s. a gin, a noose
Springiness, spring'è-nês. s. elasticity, power
of restoring itself [moon, high tide
Springtide, spring'tide. s. tide at the new
Springy, spring'è. a. elastick; full of springs
or fountains
[to besprinkle

Squamous, skwa'můs. a. scaly, covered with

Squander, skwôn'dur. v. a. to spend profusely; to dissipate

Square, skware. a. having right angles; cornered; parallel; exact

Square, skware. s. a figure with right angles and equal sides; an area of four sides with houses on each side; a rule or instrument; level, equality

Sprinkle, spring'kl. v. a. to scatter in drops;Square, skware. v. a. to form with

Spritsail, sprit'såle. s. the sail which belongs
to the boltsprit
Sprite, sprite. s. a spirit

right au[soft bodies

gles; to accommodate Squash, skwosh. s. a sudden fall; a shock of Squat, skwôt. v. n. to sit close to the ground

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