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Squat, skwôt. a. cowering close to the||Stair, stare. s. step by which we rise in an ground; short and thick

Squeak, sk weke. v. n. to cry with a shrill

acute tone

Squeak, skweke. s. a shrill quick ry
Squeal, skwèle. v. n. to cry with a shrill
sharp voice
[easily disgusted
Squeamish, skwè'mish. a. nice, fastidious,
Squeamishness, skwè'mish-nês. s. delicacy,

to force between close bodies Squeeze, skweeze. s. compression, pressure Squelch, skwelsh. s. heavy fall

ascent from the lower part of a building to the upper [that contains the stairs Staircase, stare'kase. s. the part of a fabrick Stake, stake. s. a post fixed in the ground; any thing pledged or wagered [to wager Stake, stake. v.a. to fasten or defend with posts; Stale, stále. a. old, long kept Staleness, stále'nes. s. oldness, state of being long kept

Squeeze, skweeze. v. a. to press, to crush be-Stalk, stawk. v. n. to walk with high and tween two bodies; to harass by extortion;Stalk, ståwk. s. a stem {superb steps Stalking-horse, ståwk'ing-horse. s. a horse, either real or fictitious, by which a fowler shelters himself from the sight of the game Stall, ståll. s. a crib for a horse or an ox; a bench or form where any thing is set to sale; a small shed in which certain trades are practised; the seat of a dignified clergyman in the choir

Squib, skwib. s. a. small pipe of paper filled

with wildfire

6quill, skwil. s. a plant; a fish
Squint, skwint. v. n. to look obliquely
Squire, skwire. s. a gentleman next in rank
to a knight; an attendant cn a noble

Squirrel, skwer'ril. &, a small animal
Squirt, skwurt. v. a. to throw out in a
quick stream

Squirt, skwurt. s. an instrument by which a
quick stream is ejected
Stab, stab. v. a. to pierce with a pointed
Stab, stab. s. a wound with a sharp-pointed
weapon; a sly mischief

Stability, sta-bil'è-tè. s. steadiness; firmness

of resolution

Stable, stå bl. a. fixed; steady, constant
Stable, stå bl. s. a house for beasts [stability
Stableness, stå bl-nes. s. steadiness, constancy,
Stablish, stab'lish. v. a. to establish, to fix
Stack, ståk. s. a large quantity of hay, corn,
or wood; a number of chimneys
Stack, stak. v. a. to pile up regularly in ricks
Staff, staf. s. plur. staves. a walking-stick ;|
a prop; an ensign of office
Stag, stag. s. the male red deer

Stage, stadje. s. a floor raised to view, on
which any show is exhibited; the theatre;
a place in which rest is taken on a journey
Stagecoach, stadje-kotsh'. s. a coach that
keeps its stages, a coach that passes and re-
passes on certain days for the accommoda-
tion of passengers

Stagger, stag'går. v. n. to reel; to faint;
to hesitate

natural hesitation

Stallion, stál'yun. s. a horse kept for mares
Stamina, stam'in-â. s. the solids of a human
body; the fine threads of plants
Stammer, ståm'mur. v. n. to speak with un
[with hesitation
Stammerer, ståm'mår-år. s. one who speaks
Stamp, stamp. v. a. to strike by pressing the
foot hastily downward; to impress
Stamp, stamp. s. an instrument by which an
impression is made, impression; make,
[from running


Stanch, stansh. v. a. to stop blood, to hinder
Stanch, stånsh. a. sound, firm, trusty
Stand, stånd. v. n. pret. I stood, I have
stood. to be upon the feet; to be placed as
an edifice; to remain erect; to stop, to
halt; to remain in the present state [ficulty
Stand, stånd. s. a station; post; a stop; dif
Standard, stan'dârd. s. an ensign in war; a
settled rate; a standing tree

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Standing, stand'ing, part. a. settled, establish
Standing, stand'ing. s. continuance; station;
rank; condition

Standish, stan'dish. s. a case for pen and ink
Stannary, stân'nâr-è. a. relating to the tin-


Stanza, stân zâ. s. so much of a poem as contains every variation of measure or relation of rhyme [emporium Staple, sta pl. s. a settled mart, an established Staple, sta'pl. a. settled, established in comStaggers, stag'gårz. s. a kind of horse-Staple, stà'pl. s. a loop of iron [merce Stagnant, stag'uânt. a. motionless, still Star, står. s. a luminous body in the heavens; Stagnate, stag'nåte. v. n. to have no course a mark of reference [of a ship [cessation of motion Starboard, star'bord. s. the righthand side Stagnation, stag-na'shun. s. stop of course, Starch, stårtsh. s. a kind of viscous matter, Stalactites, stál-ák-ti'téz. s. spars in the form with which linen is stiffened Starch, stårtsh. v. a. to stiffen with starch Stare, ståre. v. n. to look with fixed eyes, to look with wonder [astrologer Stargazer, står gå-zur. s. an astronomer or

or stream

of icicles

Staid, ståde. part. a. sober, grave, regular
Stain, stane. v. a. to blot, to spot to disgrace
Stain, stace a blot, spot, discolouration

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Stark, stárk. a. stiff, rugged; plain, gross
Starless, star'lés. a. having no light of stars
Starlight, star'lite. s. lustre of the stars
Starlight, star'llte. a. lighted by the stars
Starling, star'ling. s. a bird

Starry, star'ré. a. decorated with stars
Start, stårt. v. n. to move with sudden quick-
ness; to shrink; to set out upon any pursuit
Start, stårt. s. a motion of terror, a sudden
twitch or contraction of the frame; sally;
act of setting out
Starter, start'ur. s. one that shriuks from his
Startle, står'tl. v. n. tc shrink

Startle, står'tl. v. a. to fright, to shock

Steady, stêd'è a. firm, fixed

Steak, stake. s. a slice of flesh; a collop
Steal, stele. v. a. pret. stole; part. pass.

stolen. to take by theft

Stealth, stelth. s. the act of stealing, theft
Steam, stème. s. vapour of any thing moist
and hot

Steam, stemne. v. n. to smoke or vapour with
moist heat; to send up vapours
Steed, steed. s. a horse for state or war
Steel, steel. s. a kind of iron, refined and
[to make hard
Steel, steel. v. a. to point or edge with steel;
Steelyard, steel'yård. s. a kind of balance

Starve, stårv. v. n. to perish with hunger; to Steep, steep. a. rising or descending with

be killed with cold

Statary, sta'ta-ré. a. fixed, settled

Steep, steep. s. precipice [great inclination Steep, steep. v. a. to soak, to macerate Steeple, stee'pl. s. a turret of a church Steeply, téép'lé. ad. with precipitous declivity Steepness, steep'nés. s. precipitous declivity majes-Steer, steer. s. a young bullock

State, ståte. s. condition; the community;
rank; solemn pomp; dignity
State, ståte. v. a. to settle, to regulate
Stateliness, state'lè-nês. s. grandeur,
tick appearance

Stately, state'le. a. august, grand
Stately, state'le. ad. majestically

Statesman, stats'inân. s. one employed
publick affairs
Statical, stat'tè-kál.
Statick, stat'tik.

Steer, stéèr. v. a. to direct

Steerage, stéèr'idje. s. the act of steering. hinder part of a ship

in Steersman, stèèrz'mån. s. a pilot Steganography, stég-å-nog gråf-fè. s. the art of secret writing

a. relating to the

science of weighing
Staticks, stat'tiks. s. the science which con-
siders the weight of bodies

Station, sta'shun. s. the act of standing; post
assigned; situation; office; rank, condition
Station, sta'shun. v. a. to place in a certain
post, rank, or place
Stationary, sta'shun-a-rẻ. a. fixed
Stationer, stá'shun-år. s. a seller of paper
Statuary, stat'tshu-å-rẻ. s. the art of carving
images, one that carves images

Statue, stat'tshu. s. an image

Stegnotick, steg-not'tik. a. binding
Stellar, stel'lår. a. relating to the stars
Stelliferous, stel-liffèr-us. a. having stars
Stem, stem. s. stalk; family, race
Stem, stem. v. a. to oppose a current
Stench, stensh. s. a violent stink
Stenography, ste-nog'graf-fè. s. short-hand
Stentorophonick, stén-to-rd-fon'ik. a. speak-
ing loudly

Step, step. v. n. to move with the feet; to walk Step, step. s. progression by one removal of the foot; a small space; gait [dunging [mal Stercoration, ster-ko-ra'shun. s. the act of Stature, stat'tshire. s. the height of any ani-Stereography, ster-rè-ôg'gråf-fè. s. the art of Statutable, stat'tshå-tå-bl. a. according to drawing the forms of solids upon a plane Stereographick, stêr-é-d-grâf'lk. a. delineated on a plane


Statute, stat'tshite. s. a law, an edict Stave, stave. v. a. ts break in pieces; pour out by breaking the cask

to Stereometry, ster-rẻ-ôm'mè-trẻ. s. the art of
measuring all sorts of solid bodies
Stereotype, ste'rè-d-tipe. s. the art of printing
from solid plates cast from moveable types
Steril, stêr'ril. a. barren, unfruitful
Sterility, ste-ril'è-té. s. barrenness
Sterling, ster'ling. a. genuine
Sterling, ster'ling. s. English coin; standard
Stern, stern. a. severe; harsh, unrelenting
Stern, stern. s. the hinder part of a ship
Sternly, stern'lè. ad. in a stern manner, se-


Staves, stávz. s. plur. of staff Stay, stȧ. v. n. to continue in a place, to wait; to dwell [restraint; a support Stay, stå. s. continuance in a place; a stop; Stayed, ståde. part. a. fixed, settled; serious Stays, staze. s. a boddice, a kind of stiff waistcoat worn by ladies; ropes in a ship Stead, stêd. s. room, place; use Steadfast, sted fast. a. firm, fixed; constant Steadfastly, stêd'fast-lè. ad. firmly, constantly Steadfastness, sted'fâst-nês. s. fixedness; firm-Sternness, stern'nês. s. severity of look or [without variation Sternon, ster'non. s. the breast-bone Steadily, stêd'é-lè. ad. without tottering Sternutation, ster-nd-ta'shun. s. the act of Steadiness, sted'è-nês. s firmness; unvaried sneezing [moist heat conduct


Stew, std. v. a. to seethe any thing in a slow

Stew, stu. s. a bagaio, a hot-house; a brothel ||Stiptick, stip'tik. a. having the power to a storepond

Steward, stuurd. s. one who manages the affairs of another; an officer of state Stewardship, stu'urd-ship. s. the office of a


Stick, stik. s. a piece of wood

Stick, stik. v. n. to adhere; to be united with any thing; to stop; to be constant; to dwell upon; to scruple

Stick, stik. v. a. to stab; to fix upon a pointed body; to set with something pointed Stickiness, stik'ké-nés. s. adhesive quality, glutinousness

Stickle, stik'kl. v. n. to contest, to altercate
Stickler, stik'kl-ur. s. an obstinate contender
Sticky, stik'ke. a. viscous, adhesive
Stiff, stiff. a. rigid; stubborn; obstinate; formal
Stiffen, stiffn. v. a. to make stiff
Stiffen, stiffn. v. n. to grow stiff
Stiffly, stiff'le. ad. rigidly, stubbornly
Stiffness, stif'nês. s. rigidity; obstinacy
Stifle, sti'fl. v. a. to oppress or kill by close
ness of air, to suffocate
Stigma, stig'mâ. s. a mark of infamy
Stigmatize, stig'må-tize. v. a. to mark with
brand, to disgrace with a note of reproach
Stile, stlle. s. a set of steps in a field; the pin

of a sun-dial

Stiletto, stil-lét'to. s. a small dagger Still, still. v. a. to silence, to appease Still, still. a. silent; quiet


Still, still. ad. to this time, till now Still, still. s. a vessel for distillation Stillatory, stil'lå-tur-ẻ. s. an alembick; the room in which stills are placed [the birth Stillborn, still'born. a. born lifeless, dead in Stillness, still'nês. s. calm, quiet Stilts, stilts. s. supports on which boys raise themselves when they walk [to excite Stimulate, stim'mů-låte. v. a. to prick forward, Stimulation, stim-mů-la'shun. s. excitement, pungency


Sting, sting. v. a. pret. stung; part. pass.
atang and stung. to pierce or wound with
point darted out; to pain acutely
Sting, sting. s. a sharp point with which some
animals are armed; the point in the last
verse of an epigram

Stinginess, stla'jé-nés. s. avarice
Stingo, sing'gd. s. old strong beer
Stingy, stije. a. covetous, avaricious

stanch blood, astringent

Stipulate, stip'pů-låte. v. n. to contract
Stipulation, stip-u-la'shun. s. bargain
Stir, stur. v. a. to move; to incite
Stir, stor. s. tumult, bustle; agitation
Stirp, sterp. s. race, family, generation
Stirrup, står'rup. s. an iron for a horseman's


Stitch, stitsh. v. a. to sew; to unite
Stitch, stitsh. s. a pass of the needle and thread

through any thing; a sharp and sudden pain Stock, stok. s. a trunk; a log; the handle of any thing; a close neckcloth; a race, a family; fund already provided

Stock, stok. v. a. to store

Stocking, stok'ing. s. the covering of the leg Stockjobber, stok'job-bůr. s. one who gets

money by buying and selling in the funds Stocklock, stok'lok. s. lock fixed in wood Stocks, stoks. s. prison for the legs Stockstill, stok'still. a. motionless


Stoick, sto'ik. s. a philosopher of the sect of
Stole, stole. s. a long vest

Stole, stôle. pret. of steal
Stolen, stoln. part. pass. of steal
Stomach, stum'måk. s. the ventricle of diges

tion; appetite; anger; sullenness, pride Stomach, stum'muk. v. a. to resent Stomacher, stum'må-tshûr. s. an ornamental covering for the breast [stomach

Stomachick, sto-måk'ik. a. relating to the Stomachick, sto-mak'ik. s. a medicine for the stomach

Stone, stone. s. a hard and insipid body; calculous concretion in the kidneys or bladder; the case which in some fruits contains the seed; a weight containing fourteen pounds Stone, stone. a. made of stone Stone, stone. v. a. to pelt or kill with stones Stonecutter, stone'kåt-tur. s. one whose trade

is to hew stones


Stonehorse, stone'horse. s. a horse not castraStonepit, stone'pit. s. a quarry

Stonework, stone'wirk. s. building of stone Stony, sto'né. a. made of stone; abounding

[blocks in formation]

Stool, stool. s. a seat without a back; evacuaStoop, stoop. v. n. to bend down; to submit ; to alight from the wing

Sink, stingk. v. n. pret. stunk or stank. to Stoop, stoop. s. act of stooping; descent from

emit an offensive smell

Stink, stingk. s. offensive smell

Stinkpot, stingk'pôt. s. an artificial composition offensive to the smell

Stint, stint. v. a. to limit, to restrain
Stipend, atl'pênd. s. wages, settled pay

dignity; a vessel of liquor

Stop, stop. v. a. to hinder; to put an end to; to close; to obstruct

Stop, stop. s. cessation of progressive motion; obstruction; prohibition; a point in writing

Stipendiary, stl-pên'de-a-rẻ. s. one who per-Stopcock, stop'kok. s. a pipe made to let out

forms any service for a settled payment

liquor, stopped by a turning cock

Stoppage, stop'pidje. s. the act of stopping, Strangles, strång'giz. s. swellings in a horse's state of being stopped

Stopple, stop'pl. s. that by which a hole or the mouth of a vessel is filled up

Store, store. s. plenty; a supply hoarded storehouse

Store, store. a hoarded, laid up


Strangulation, strân-gd-là'shẩn. s. the act of strangling, suffocation

Strangury, strâng'gå-rẻ. s. a difficulty of urine attended with pain

Strap, strap.

s. a long slip of leather Store, store. v. a. to furnish; to stock, to Strappado, strap-pa'dò. s. chastisement by lay up


Storehouse, store'house. s. magazine, treasury Strapping, strap'ping. a. vast, large Storied, sto'rid. a. adorned with historical Strata, stra'tå. s. plural of stratum, beds, layers pictures

Stork, stork. s. a bird of passage

Storm, storm. s. a tempest; assault; tumult
Storm, storm. v. a. to attack by open force
Storm, storm. v. n. to rage, to fume
Stormy, storm'è. a. tempestuous


Story, store. s. history; tale; a floor
Story, store. v. a. to tell in history, to relate
Storyteller, sto'ré-têl-lur. s. one who relates

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[blocks in formation]

Stratagem, strat'tâ-jém. s. an artifice
Stratum, stra'tim. s. a bed, a layer

Straw, straw. s. the stalk on which corn

|Strawberry, strảw bẻr-rẻ, s. a fruit
Strawcoloured, stråw'kål-urd. a. of a light

Stray, strå. v. n. to wander, to rove
Stray, strà. s. any thing lost by wandering
Streak, streke. s. a line of colour, stripe
Streak, etreke. v. a. to stripe, to variegate
Stream, strème. s. a running water; current
Seam, strème. v. n. to flow; to issue forth
with continuance

Streamer, stre'mur. s. an ensign
Street, street. s. a paved way
Strength, strength. s. force, vigour
Strengthen, streng'thn. v. a. to make strong;
to establish

Strengthen, streng'thn. v. n. to'g grow strong
Strengthener, streng'thn-år. 8. that which
gives strength

Strenuous, strén'd-us. a. brave active; zeal-
Strenuously, strên'ů-us-lè. ad. vigourously,

Streperous, strep'êr-ůs. a. loud, noisy
Stress, stres. s. importance, force
Stretch, stretsh. v. a. to extend
Stretch, stretsh. s. extension, reach

Strain, strane. v. a. to squeeze through some-Strew, strò. v. a. to spread by scattering thing; to sprain; to make straight or tense Stricken, strik'kn. part. of strike

Strain, strane. s. an injury by too much vic-Strict, strikt. a. exact; severe; close lence; style of speaking; song Strictly, strikt'lè. ad. exactly; rigorously

Strainer, stra'nur. s. an instrument of filtration Stricture, strik'tshure. s. contraction; a slight Strait, stråte. a. narrow, close; strict

touch upon a subject

Strait, stråte. s. a narrow pass, or frith; diffi-Stride, stride. s. a long step


[distress Stride, stride. v. n. pret. strode, or strid; part. pass. stridden. to walk with long

Straiten, stra'tn. v. a. to make narrrow; to
Straitly, strate'le. ad. narrowly
Strand, strând. s. the verge of the sea or of
any water
[the shallows
Strand, strând. v. a. to drive or force upon
Strange, strånje. a. foreign; odd; new
Strange, strånje. int. an expression of wonder
Strangely, strånje lé. ad. wonderfully
Strangeness, stranje'rês. s. foreignness;
communicativeness, mutual dislike


Strife, strife. s. contention; contest Strike, strike. v. a. pret. struck; part. pass struck, stricken. to hit with a blow; to notify by the scund of a hammer on a bell; to stamp 1 Ling Striking, striking. part. a. affecting; surpris un-String, string. s. a slender rope; any set of things filed on a line; a nerve, a tendon

Stranger, strån'jur. s. a foreigner; one un-String, string. v. a. pret. strang; part. pass.

known Strangle, strång'gl. v. a. to choak, to suffo


strung, to furnish with strings, to make tense

Stringent, strin'jent. a. binding
Stringy, string'e. a. fibrous

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Strip, strip. v. a. to make naked; to plunder
Strip, strip. s. a narrow shred

Stripe, stripe. v. a. to variegate with lines of
different colours
[a lash
Stripe, stripe. s. a lineary variation of colour;
Stripling, strip'ling. s. a youth
Strive, strive. v. n. pret. strove; part. pass.
striven. to struggle, to make an effort; to
[a touch
Stroke, stroke. s. a blow; sound of a clock;


Stuff, stuff. v. n. to feed gluttonously
Stuffing, stuffing. s. that by which any thing
is filled; relishing ingredients put into meat
Stumble, stum'bl. v. n. to trip in walking; to
Stumble, stum'bl. s. a trip in walking; a
Stumbler, stum'bl-år. s. one that stumbles
Stump, stump. s. part of any solid body re-
maining after the rest is caken away
Stun, stun. v. a. to confound or dizzy with
noise; to make senseless or dizzy with a

Scoke, stroke. v. a. to rub gently in one di-Stung, sting. pret. and part. pass. of sting
Stunk, stungk. pret. of stink

' rection

Stroll, strôle. v. n. to wander, to ramble
Stroller, strẻl'lur. s. a vagrant, a vagabond
Strong, strong. a. vigorous; potent; vehe-
ment; cogent; firm

Strongly, strong lè. ad. powerfully, forcibly
Strophe, stro'fè. s. a stanza.
Strove, strove. the pret. of strive
Strow, stro. v. a. to spread by scattering, to

Struck, struk. pret. and part. pass. of strike
Structure, struk tshère. s. an edifice, building
Struggle, strug'gl. v. a. to strive, to contend;
to labour in difficulties
Struggle, struggl. s. labour, effort, contest
Strumous, str83'mus. a. having swellings in
the glands

Stunt, stunt. v. a. to hinder from growth
Stupe, stupe. s. cloth or flax dipped in warm
medicaments, applied to a hurt or sore
Stupe, stupe. v. a. to foment
Stupefaction, stu-pe-fák'shun. s. dulness, stu-
Stupendous, sti-pên'dus. a. wonderful, amaz-
ing, astonishing

Stupid, stupid. a. dull, heavy
Stupidity, stu-pid'è-tè. s. dulness
Stupify, sto'pé-fi. v. a. to make stupid
Stupor, stu'por. s. suspension or diminution of

Stuprate, stu'pråte. v. a. to ravish, to violate
Stupration, stu-pra'shun. s. rape, violation
Sturdiness, stur'de-nés. s. stoutness, hardiness
Sturdy, stur'de. ad. hardy, stout
Sturgeon, stur'jun. s. a sea-fish
Stutter, stut'tur. v. n. to stammer

Strumpet, strum'pit. s. a prostitute
Strung, strung. pret. and part. pass. of string
Strut, strut. v. n. to walk with affected dig-Stutterer, stút'tôr-ur. s. a stammerer
Sty, stl. s. a cabin to keep hogs in
Strut, strut. s. an affectation of stateliness in Stygian, stỉd'jè-ân. a. infernal

Stub, stub. s. a log, a block

[the walk

Stub, stub. v. a. to force up, to extirpate

Style, stile. s. manner of writing; title; the pin of a dial

Stubble, stub'bl. s. the stalks of corn left in Style, stlle. v. a. to call, to name

the field by the reaper

Stubborn, stub'burn. a. obstinate
Stubbornness, stub'burn-nés. s. obstinacy
Stucco, stuk'ko. s. a fine plaster for walls
Stuck, stuk. pret. and part. pass. of stick
Stud, stud. s. a nail with a large head driven
for ornament; a collection of horses
Stud, stud. v. a. to adorn with studs or knobs
Student, student. s. a man given to books
Studied, stud'id, a. learned
Studious, stu'dé-us. a. given to books; dili-
Studiously, stu'dé-us-lè. ad. contemplatively;

Btudiousness, sta'dé-us-nês. s. addiction to

Study, stud'è. s. application to books and
learning; any particular kind of learning;
apartment set off for literary employment
Study, stud'è. v. n. to muse

Study, stud'è. v. a. to consider attentively
Stuff, stuff. s. materials out of which any thing
is made; furniture; medicine; cloth
Stuff, stuff. v. a. to fill; to swell out

Styptick, stip'tik. a. astringent


Suasory, swa'sur-è. a. having tendency to per-
Suavity, swav'è-tè. s. sweetness to the senses
Subacid, sub-as'sid. a. sour in a small degree
Subacrid, sub-ak'krid. a. sharp and pungent in
a small degree

Subaction, sub-ak'shin. s. the act of reducing
Subaltern, sub'âl-tern. a. inferior
Subaltern, sub'ál-têrn. s. an inferior
Subclavian, sub-kla'vé-án. a. under the armpit
or shoulder
[der the skin
Subcutaneous, sub-kd-ta'né-us. a. lying un-
Subdean, sub-dène'. s. the vicegerent of a
[over again

Subdiversify, sub-de-ver'sè-fl. v. a. to diversify
Subdivide, sub-de-vide'. v. a. to divide a part
into yet more parts

Subdivision, sub-de-vizh'un. s. the act of sub-
dividing; the parts distinguished by a second

Subdolous, sub'do-lus. a. cunning, subtle, sly
Subduce, sub-duse'. v. a. to take away [away
Subduction, sub-duk'shun. a. the act of taking

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