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Third, thurd. a. the first after the second
Third, thurd. s. the third part
Thirdly, thurd'le. ad. in the third place
Thirst, thurst. s. the pain suffered for want of
drink; vehement desire

Thrasonical, thrå-sûn'nẻ-kål. a. boastful
Thread, thred. s. a small line or twist
Thread, thrêd. v. a. to pass through with a

Threadbare, thrêd'båre. a. worn out
Thirst, thurst. v. n. to feel want of drink; to Threat, thrêt. s. menace
have a vehement desire
[ing thirsty Threat, thrêt.

nounce evil

Thirstiness, thurst'té-nés. s. the state of be-Threaten, thret'tn.
Thirsty, thurst'tè. a. suffering want of drink;
possessed with any vehement desire
Thirteen, thur'téén. a. ten and three
Thirteenth, thur-tèènth'. a. the third after the

Thirtieth, thur'te-eth. a. the tenth thrice told
Thirty, thur'té. a. thrice ten

This, this. pron. that which is present
Thistle, this'sl. s. a prickly weed
Thistly, this'lè. a. overgrown with thistles
Thither, thith'ur. ad. to that place; to that


v. a. to menace, to d
Lening mann
Threateningly, thrêt'tn-ing-lè. ad. in a threa
Three, three. a. two and one
Threefold, three'fold. a. thrice repeated
Threescore, three'skore. a. thrice twenty
Threshold, thresh'hold. 8. entrance, gate,
Threw, throb. pret. of throw
Thrice, thrise. ad. three times
Thrift, thrift. s. profit, gain, frugality
Thriftily, thrif'tè-lè. ad. frugally
Thriftiness, thrif'te-nês. s. frugality
Thriftless, thrifft'les. a. profuse, extravagant
Thrifty, thrif'tè. a. frugal, sparing

Thitherto, thith'ur-t3. ad. so far
Thitherward, thith'ur-wård. ad. towards that Thrill, thr?l. v. a. to pierce, to penetrate


Tho', tho. conj. contracted from Though
Thong, thống’.. strap or string of leather
Thoracick, tho-rás'ik. a. belonging to the

Thoral, tho'ral. a. relating to the bed
Thorn, thorn. s. a prickly tree
Thorny, thor'ne. a. full of thorns, vexatious
Thorough, thir'rò. a. complete
Thoroughfare, thůr'ro-fare. S. a passage


Thrive, thrive. v. a. pret. throve, thrived; part. thriven. to prosper, to grow rich Thrivingly, thriving-lè. ad. in a prosperous


Throat, throte. s. the forepart of the neck
Throb, throb. v. n to heave, to beat; to pal-

Throb, throb. s. heave, beat, stroke of palpita-
Throe, thrò. s. the pain of travail; the final
and mortal struggle

Throne, throne, s. a royal seat

Throng, throng. s. a crowd, a multitude
Throng, throng. v. n. to crowd
Throttle, thrôt'tl. s. the windpipe
Throttle, thrôt'tl. v. a. to choak
complete-Through, thro3. prep. from end to end

Thoroughly, thur'rô-lê. ad. fully
Thorough paced, thûr'rd-paste. a. perfect
Thoroughsped, thủr'rd-spẻd. a. finished in
principles, thoroughpaced
Thoroughstitch, thúr'ro-stitsh. ad.
ly, fully


Taroughly, thro3'le. ad. completely, fully
Throughout, thr88-bit'. prep. quite through
Throughout, thr83-but'. ad. every where
Throw, thrò. v. a. pret. threw; part. pass.
thrown. to fling, to cast; to toss

Those, thoze. pron. plural of that Thou, thou. pron. in the oblique case singular thee; in the plural ye; in the oblique case plural you Though, thỏ. conj. notwithstanding that, al-Throw, thro. s. a cast; the space to which any Thought, thawt. pret. and part. pass. of think Thought, thawt. s. the act of thinking; idea; sentiment; conception; opinion; solicitude Thoughtful, thawt'fål. a. contemplative;


thing is thrown; effort, violent sally Throwster, thro'stur. s. one who twists silk, or throws it into a proper state for being


[tation; anxiety Thrum, thrům. v. a. to play coarsely Thoughtfulness, thẳwt'ful-nês. s. deep medi-Thrush, thrush. s. a singing bird; an ulcerThoughtless, thawt'lês. a. negligent, careless ous disorder

Thoughtlessness, thẳwt'lés-pes. s. want of Thrust, thrust. v. a. to push; to stab; to impel thought [ten hundred Thrust, thrust. s. assault, attack

Thousand, thou'zând. a. or s. the number of
Thousandth, tho'zândth. a. the ordinal of a


Thrall, thrawl. s. a slave; slavery
Thraldom, thrawl'dům. s. slavery, servitude
Thrash, thrash. v. a. to beat corn frem the|

Thrasher, thrash'ur. s. one who thrashes con


Thumb, thum. s. the short strong finger
Thumb, thum. v. a. to handle awkwardly
Thump, thump. s. a heavy blow
Thump, thump. v. a. to beat with dull heavy
Thunder, thun'dur. s. a loud rumbling noise,
which usually follows lightning
Thunder, thun'dur. v. n. to make a loud, sud-
den, and terrible noise


Tillable, til'lä-bl. a. arable, fit for the plough
Tillage, til'lidje. s. husbandry
Tiller, til'lår. s. husbandman; a small drawer
Tilt, tilt. s. any covering over head; the
cover of a boat
[to turn up

Thunderbolt, thůn'dur-bolt. s. lightning Thunderclap, thun'dur-klap. s. explosion of [accompanied with thunder Thundershower, thůn'dur-shỏů-úr. s. a rain Thunderstrike, thun'dur-strike. v. a. to blast or hurt with lightning [cense Tilt, tilt. v. a. to cover; to point as in tilts, Thuriferous, thů-rif'fèr-us. a. bearing frankin-Tilth, tilth. s. husbandry, culture Thursday, thurz'dè. s. the fifth day of the Timber, tỉm'bur. s. wood fit for building week Timbrel, tim'bril. s. a kind of musical instru[continuar.ce; musical measure

Thus, thus. ad. in this manner


Thwack, thwak. v. a. to strike with some-Time, time. s. measure of duration; season thing blunt and heavy Time, time. v. a. to adapt; to regulate;

Thwack, thwak. s. a hard blow

Thwart, thwårt. a. transverse

Thwart, thwart. v. a. to cross; to oppose


Timeful, time'ful. a. seasonable, timely
Timeless, time'lés. a. unseasonable

Thwartingly, thwart'ing-lè. ad. with opposi-Timely, time'lè. a. seasonable, early


Thy, thi, or the. pron. of thee

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Timeserver, time'serv-ur. s. one who comples

[ken to with prevailing notions

Thyself, thi-self'. pron. the very person spo-Timeserving, time'serv-ing. a. meanly com Thyme, time. s. a plant

Tiara, tl-a'ra. s. a dress for the head, a diadem
Tick, tik. s. score, trust; bed-case
Tick, tik. v. n. to run on score; to make a
noise like that of a watch
Ticking, tik'kin. s. a sort of strong linen for
Ticket, tik'it. s. a token of right upon the
delivery of which admission is granted
Tickle, tik'kl. v. a. to please by slight grati-

plying with present power
Timid, tim'id. a. fearful, timorous
Timidity, tè-mid'è-té. s. fearfulness, habitual

Timorous, tỉm'ur-us. a. fearful
Timorously, tím'ur-is-lé. ad. fearfully
Timorousness, tim'ur-is-nês. s. fearfulness
Tin, tin. s. one of the primitive metals
Tin, tin. v. a. to cover with tin
Tinct, tingkt. s. colour, stain, spot

Ticklish, tik'kl-ish. a. easily tickled; uncer-Tincture, tingk'tshure. s. colour; extract of Ticklishness, tik'kl-ish-nês. s. the state of being ticklish

Ticktack, tik'tak. s. a game at tables
Tide, tide. s. alternate ebb and flow
Tidewaiter, tlde'wa-tur. s. an officer who
watches the landing of goods at the custom-

Tidily, tl'de-le. ad. neatly
Tidiness, tl'de-nês. s. neatness
Tidings, tl'dingz. s. news
Tidy, ti'de. a. neat, ready

Tie, tl. v. a. to bind, to fasten; to hinder
Tie, tl. s. knot; bond, obligation
Tier, teer. s. a row, a rank

Tierce, terse. s. a vessel holding the third
part of a pipe

[a pet
Tiff, tif. s. liquor, drink; fit of peevishness,
Tiff, tif. v. n. to be in a pet, to quarrel
Tiffany, tiffa-ne. s. very thin silk
Tiger, tl'gur. s. a fierce beast

Tight, tite. a. tense; free from fluttering rags
Tighten, tl'tn. v. a. to straiten
Tightly, tite'le. ad. closely, neatly
Tightness, tlte'nés. s. closeness
Tigress, t'grês. s. the female of the tiger
Tile, tile. s. a thin plate of baked clay
Tile, tlle. v. a. to cover with tiles
Tiling, tl'ling. s. a roof covered with tiles
Till, till. s. a money-box in a desk or counter
Till, till. conj. to the time; to the degree
Till till. v. a. to cultivate


[blocks in formation]

Tinman, tin'mân. s. a manufacturer of tin
Tinner, tin'når. s. one who works in the tin

mines [thing shining with false lustre
Tinsel, tỉn'sil. s. a kind of shining cloth; any
Tint, tint. s. a dye, a colour
Tiny, tl'né. a. little, small, puny
Tip, tip. s. top, end, point, extremity
Tip, tip. v. a. to top, to cover on the end
Tippet, tip'p't. s. something worn about the


Tipple, tip'pl. v. h. to drink luxuriously
Tipple, tip'pl. s. drink, liquor

Tippler, tip'pl-or. s. a sottish drunkard
Tipstaff, tip staf. s. an officer with a staff
tipped with metal; the staff itself
Tipsy, tip'se. a. drunk

Tiptoe, tip'to. s. the end of the toe
Tire, tire. s. a head-dress; furniture
Tire, tire. v. a. to fatigue
Tire, tire. v. n. to fail with weariness

Tiresome, tire'sům. a. wearisome, fatiguing||Toleration, töl-úr-a'shûn. s. allowance given Tissue, tish'u. s. cloth interwoven with gold

and silver

Tit, tit. s. a small horse; a bird
Titbit, tit'bit. s. nice bit, nice food

Titheable, tith'a-bl. a. subject to the payment
of tithes

to that which is not approved Toll, tole. s. an excise of goods Toll, tole. v. n. to pay toll

Toll, tôle. v. a. to ring a bell

Tomb, tỏỏm. s. a monument in which the
dead are enclosed

Tithe, tithe. s. the tenth part, the part as-Tombless, toom'les. a. wanting a tomb
signed to the maintenance of the ministry
Tithe, tithe. v. a. to pay the tenth part
Tither, ti'thur. s. one who gathers tithes
Tithingman, t'thing-mân. s. a petty


Tomboy, tôm'boè. s. a wild coarse girl Tome, tome. s. a volume; a book Ton, tun. s. a weight of twenty hundred peace-Tone, tone. s. note, sound; whine Tong, tung. s. the catch of a buckle Tongs, tôngz. s. an instrument by which hold is taken of any thing

Titillate, tit'til-låte. v. a, to tickle
Titillation, tit-til-la'shun. s. the act of tick-
[book; a claim of right
Title, tl'tl. s. an appellation; first page of a
Title, ti'tl. v. a. to entitle, to name
Titlepage, tl'tl-pådje. s. the page containing

the title of a book

Titter, tit'tur. v. n. to laugh with restraint
Titter, tit'tur. s. a restrained laugh
Tittle, tit'tl. s. a small particle, a point
Tittletattle, tit'tl-tåt'tl. s. idle talk
Titular, tit'tshu-lur. a. nominal
Titulary, tit'tshu-lâ-rẻ. a. relating to a title
To, too. prep. noting motion toward,
posed to From

Tongue, tung. 8. the instrument of speech in
human beings; the organ by which ani-
mals lick; speech
[ment of speech
Tonguetied, tung'tide. a. having an impedi-
Tonic, ton'ik. a. being extended; relating to
tones or sounds
[upon every ton

Tonnage, tun'nidje. s. a custom or impost
Tonsure, ton'shure s. the act of clipping

the hair

Too, t88. ad. over and above, overmuch
Took, took. pret. of take

op-Tool, tôôl. s. any instrument of manual ope-
ration; a hireling

Toad, tode. s. an animal resembling a frog
Toadstool, tode'stô31. s. a plant like a mush-


Toast, toste. v. a. to dry or heat at the fire;
to name when a health is drunk
Toast, toste. s. bread dried before the fire;
a celebrated woman whose health is often

Toaster, tost'ur. s. he who toasts
Tobacco, to-bak'kò. s. a plant much used in
smoking, chewing, &c.

Tobacconist, tô-bák'kd-nist. s. a preparer
and vender of tobacco

Tod, tod. s. a bush; a weight of twenty-
eight pounds

Toe, to. s. the divided extremities of the feet
Together, to-geth'ůr. ad. in company; in


Toil, toll. v. n. to labour
Toil, toll. s. labour, fatigue
Toilet, toll'êt. s. a dressing-table
Toilsome, toll'sum. a. laborious
Toilsomeness, toll'sum-nés. s.
ness, laboriousness

Tooth, tooth. s. plur. teeth. one of the bones
of the mouth the prominent part of

Toothach, tooth'ake. s. pain in the teeth
Toothless, tooth'lês. a. wanting teeth
Toothpick, tooth'pik. 8. an instrument by
which the teeth are cleansed
Toothsome, tooth'sům. a. palatable
Top, top. s. the highest part of any thing;
the surface; a plaything for boys
Top, top. v. a. to cover on the top; to rise
above; to crop

Topaz, to'páz. s. a yellow gem
Topful, top'fůl. a. full to the top
Topgallant, top-gal'lânt. s. the highest sail
Topheavy, top-hev'è. a. having the upper
part too weighty for the lower
Topknot, top'not. s. a riband worn by wo-
men on the top of the head.
Topmost, top'most. a. uppermost
Topsail, top'sale. s. the highest sail
Tope, tope.


V. n. to drink hard, to drink to

wearisome-Toper, to'pur. s. a drunkard
Topical, top'é-kál. a. local
Topick, top'ik. s. a general head

Token, to'kn. s. a sign; mark; evidence

Told, told. pret. and part. pass of tell. men-Topography, to-pôg'grâf-è. s. description of tioned, related [ble particular places

Tolerable, tol'ur-a-bl. a. supportable; passa-Topping, top'ping a. fine, noble

Tolerably, tôlur-å-blẻ. ad. supportably;

Tolerance, tour-ânse. s. act of enduring
Tolerate, tol'ür-åte. v. a. to allow to suffer

Topple, top'pl. v. u. to fall forward
Topsyturvy, top'sé-tur'vè. ad. with the bot
tom upward

Torch, tortsh. a. a wax-light bigger than a

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[teaze Touse, touze v. a. to pull, to tear
Tow, to. s. flax or hemp dressed
Tow, to. v. a. to draw by a rope
Toward, toda

Tore, tore. pret. of tear
Torment, tor ment', v. a. to put to pain; to
Torment, tor' ment. s. pain, misery, anguish
Tormentor, tor-ment'år. s. one who torments
Torn, torn. part. pass. of tear
Tornado, tor-na'do. s. a hurricane

Torpedo, tor-pé'do. s. a fish which benumbs
the hand that touches it

Torpent, tor pent a. benumbed

Torpid, tor'pid. a. numbed, motionless

Torpor, tor'por. s. dulness, numbness

prep. in a direction to

Towards, to'årdz.
Towardliness, to'wård-le-aes. s. docility,
[with duty

Towardly, to'wird-le. a. docile, compliant
Towardness, to'wurd-nês. s. docility
Towel, tou'll. s. a cloth on which the hands
are wiped

Torrefaction, tor-rẻ-fâk'shun. s. the act of Tower, tour. s. a high building; bigh flight

drying by the fire

Torrefy, tor'ré-fl. v. a. to dry by the fire
Torrent, tôr rent. s. a rapid stream
Torrid, tor'rid. a. parched; burning
Tortile, tor-til. a. twisted, wreathed
Tortoise, tor'tiz, s. an animal covered with a
hard shell
Tortuosity, tor-tshů-os'è-tè. s. wreath, flexure
Tortuous, tor'tshu-us. a. twisted, wreathed
Torture, tor'tshure. s. pain, anguish
Torture, tor'tshure. v. a. to excruciate, to
[to that of a Whig
Tory, to'rè. s. the name of a party opposed
Toss, tos. v. a. to throw with the hand; to
disquiet; to keep in play


[blocks in formation]

Toss, tos. s. the act of tossing; an affected Track, tråk. v. a. to follow by the footsteps

manner of raising the head

Tosspot, tos'pôt. s. a toper

Total, to'tal. a. whole, complete

Trackless, tråk'les. a. marked with no foot


[quantity Tract, tråkt. s. a region; course; emall book

Tuality, to-tál'è-tè. s. complete sum, whole Tractable, tråk'ta-bl. a. manageable Totally, to'tal-é. ad. wholly, fully [a fall Tractate, tråk'tåte. s. a treatise, a tract Totter, tot'tur. v. n. to shake so as to threaten Tractile, trâk'til. a. capable to be drawn out Touch, tutsh. v. a. to reach so as to be in Trade, tråde. s. traffick, commerce contact; to affect; to infect; to strike a Trade, tråde. v. n. to traffick musical instrument

Touch, titsh. s. sense of feeling; act of
touching; test; act of the hand upon a
musical instrument; a stroke
Touch-hole, tutsh'hole. s. the hole through
which the fire is conveyed to the powder

in a gun

Touchiness, titsh'è-nês. s. peevishness
Touching, tutsh'ing. prep. with respect or
relation to

Touching, tutshing. a. pathetick, affecting
Touchstone, titsh'stone. s. stone by which
metals are examined; any test
Touchwood, tutsh'wůd. s. rotten wood used
to catch the fire struck from a flint

Touchy, titsh'è. a. peevish, irritable
Tough, tuf. a. not brittle; stiff
Toughen, tuffn. v. n. to grow tough
Toughness, tuf'nês. s. viscosity, tenacity;
firmness against injury

Tour, tôôr. s. ramble, roving journey
Tournament, tôôr'nå-mênt. s. tilt, military
sport, mock encounter
Tourniquet, tur'né-kwêt. s. a bandage used in

Trader, tra'dur. s. one engaged in merchandise or commerce

Tradesman, trådz'man. s. a shop-keeper
Tradition, tra-dish'un. s. any thing delivered

Traditional, trå-dish'n-ål.
Traditionary, trâ-dish'un-âr-é.
ed by tradition


a. deliver

[blocks in formation]

Treflick, traffik. s. commerce, trade
Traffick, trar'fik. v. n. to practise commerce
Tragedian, tri-jé'dé-án. s. a writer or actor
of tragedy
Tragedy, tråd'je-dě.

s. a dramatick represent-
ation of serious action; any mournful even!
Tragical, tråd'je-kál.
a. relating to trage-
Tragick, tråd'jik.
dy; mournful
Tragically, trad'je-kâl-ẻ. ad. in a tragical
Tragicomedy, tråd-jé-kôm'è-dè. s. a drama
compounded of merry and serious events.

Tragicomical, trâd-jė-kôm'é-käl. a relating Transfuse, trans-fuze'. v. a. to pour out of to tragicomedy [throw one into another

Traject, trå-jekt. v. a. to cast through, to Transgress, trans-grês'. v. a. to violate Trajection, tra-jek'shun. s. the act of darting Transgression, trans-gresh'un. s. offence, through crime, fault



Trail, tråle. v. a. to hunt by the track; to draw Transgressor, trans-gres'sûr. s. law-breaker; Trail, tråle. s. track followed by the hunter; Transient, trân'shé-ént. a. soon passed any thing drawn to length [to bring up Transilience, trån-sil'yense. Transiliency, tran-sil'yén-se. thing to thing

Train, trane. v. a. to draw along; to educate; s. leap from Train, trane. s. artifice; the tail of a bird part of a gown that fails behind, a series, Transit, tran'sit. s. the passing of a planet a retinue; a procession; a line of powder Transition, tran-sizh'un. s. removal; change Trainbands, trane'bândz. s. militia, the part Transitive, trâns'è-tiv. a. having the power of a community trained to martial exercise of passing [a short time Trainoil, trane'll. s. oil drawn by coction Transitory, trán'sé-tur-ẻ. a. continuing but Translate, trans-låte'. v. a. to remove; to interpret in another language Translation, trån-sla'shun. s. removal, act of removing; the act of turning into another language, version

from the fat of the whale

Traipse, trapes. v. n. to walk in a careless
or sluttish manner

Trait, tråte. s. a stroke, a touch [betrays
Traitor, tra'tur. s. one who, being trusted,
Traitorous, tra'tur-us. a. treacherous, per-

Traitress, tra'três. s. a woman who betrays
Tralineate, tra-lin'yåte. v. u. to deviate from
any direction
[for a horse
Trammel, tram'mel. s. a kind of net; shackles
Trammel, trâm'mêl. v. a. to catch, to inter-


Translator, trån-sla'tur. s. one that turns any
thing into another language
Translucent, trans-lu'sent.
a. transparent,
Translucid, trans-lu'sîd.
[beyond sea
Transmarine, trans-má-rèèn'. a. lying or found
Transmigrate, tråns'mẻ-gråte. v.
n. to pass

from one place or country into another
Transmigration, trans-me-grå-shun. s. pas-
sage from one place or state into another
Transmission, trans-mish'un. s. the act of
[one to another
Transmissive, trans-mis'siv. a. derived from
Transmutable, trans-mu'tå-bl. a. capable of
Transmutation, trans-mu-ta'shun. s. change

Trample, tram'pl. v. a. to tread under foot Tranation, tra-na'shun. s. the act of swimming Trance, trânse. s. an ecstasy [over Tranced, transt. a. lying in a trance or ecstasy Tranquil, trang'kwil. a. quiet, peaceful Tranquillity, tran-kwil'è-tè. s. quiet, freedom from perturbation [gotiate Transact, trans-akt. v. a. to manage, to neTransaction, trans-åk'shun. s. negotiation, into another nature or substance dealing between man and man Transmute, trâns-mute'. v. a. to change from Transcend, tran-send'. v. a. to surpass, to one nature or substance to another Transcendence, trắn-sển’dense. Transparency, trans-på'rên-sé. s. clearness, Transcendency, trån-sen'dén-sé. power of transmitting light eminence [passing others Transparent, trans-pa'rent. a. pervious to Transcendent, tran-sen'dent. a. excellent, the sight, clear



8. super

Transcendently, tran-sén'dent-lé. ad. super-Transpierce, trans-péèrse'. v. a. to penetrate


Transcribe, tran-skribe'. v. a. to copy
Transcript, tran'skript. s. a copy
Transcursion, trans-kur'shun. s. passage be-
yond certain limits.

Transfer, trans-fer'. v. a. to convey, or make
over, from one to another
Transfer, trans'fer. s. the act of conveying
from one person to another
Transferable, trans'fer-a-bl. a. capable of
being transferred
[of form
Transfiguration, trans-fig-u-rå'shůn. s. change
Transfigure, trans-fig'ydre. v. a. to transform

Transpiration, trân-spé-râ'shun. s. emission in vapour

Transpire, tran-spire'. v. n. to be emitted by vapour; to escape from secrecy to notice Transplace, trans-plåse'. v. a. to remove, to put into a new place

Transplant, trans-plânt'. v. a. to remove and
plant in a new place

Transport, trans-port'. v. a. to carry inte
banishment; to hurry by violence of pas
sion; to put into ecstasy
Transport, trans'port. s. a vessel of carriage,

rapture, ecstasy

Transfix, trans-fiks. v. a. to pierce through Transportance, trâns-por'tânse. s. conveyance, Transform, trans-form'. v. a. to metamorphose


[of form Transportation, trans-por-tá'shẳn. s. removal cansament

Transformation, trâns-for-ma'shun. s. change

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