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Transposal, trans-po'zal. s. the act of putting||Treasure, trézh'ure. v. a. to hoard, to lay up things in each other's place Treasurer, trêzh'ur-rur. s. one who has the Transpose, trans-poze'. v. a. to put each in the care of money [ney is kept place of other Treasury, trêzh'u-ré. s. a place in which moTransposition, trans-po-zish'un. s. the act of Treat, trête. v. a. to negotiate; to discourse putting one thing in the place of another on; to manage; to entertain Transubstantiate, trån-sub-stân'shè-åte. v. a. Treat, trète. s. an entertainment given to change to another substance Treatise, trè'tiz. s. discourse, written tractate Transubstantiation, tran-sub-stân-she-a'shun. Treatment, trète'ment. s. usagę s. change of substance [in vapour Treaty, tre'tè. s. negotiation Transude, tran-side. v. n. to pass through Treble, treb'bl. a. threefold; sharp of sound Transumption, trâns-sum'shun. s. the act of Treble, tréb 'bl. v. a. to multiply by three taking from one place to another Treble, treb'bl. s. a sharp sound; the upper Transversal, trâns-vér'sål. a. running cross- part in musick [tion Transverse, trans-verse'. a. in a cross direc Transversely, trans-vêrs'lè. ad. in a cross di[tagem; a play Trap, trap. s. a snare, an ambush, a straTrap, trap. v. a. to insnare, to catch Trapdoor, trap-dore'. s. a door opening and shutting unexpectedly



Trapezium, trå-pe'zhè-ům. s. a quadrilateral figure, whose four sides are not equal, and none of its sides parallel

Trebly, trẻb'ble. ad. in threefold number or

Tree, tree. s. a large vegetable rising with
one woody stem to a considerable height,
any thing branched out
[or osier
Trellis, trel'lis. s. a lattice-work of iron, weod,
Tremble, trẻm'bl. v. n. to shake as with fear

or cold

Tremendous, trẻ-men'dus. a. dreadful
Tremor, trè'mur. s. quivering or vibratory


Trapezoid, trå-pè'zold. s. a figure, whose four Tremulous, trẻm'à-lås. a. trembling, fearful sides are not parallel [lishments Trench, trênsh. v. a. to cut into pits or ditches Trappings, trap'pỉngz. s. ornaments, embel-Trench, trênsh. s. a pit or ditch; earth thrown Trash, trash. s. any thing worthless, dross, dregs

Travail, tráv'l. v. n. to labour
Travail, trav'fl. s. labour, toil

Travel, trav'il. v. n. to make journeys; to
pass, to go

Travel, trav'il. s. journey
Traveller, trav'fl-år. s. one who goes a jour-
Traverse, tra-verse'. ad. crosswise, athwart
Traverse, tra-verse'. prep. through crosswise
Traverse, trâv'êrse. a. lying across
Traverse, trav'erse. v. a. to cross, to thwart
with obstacles; to wander over; to exa-
mine thoroughly
[made ridiculous
Travesty, trav' es-tẻ. a. dressed so as to be


Trenchant, trên'shant. a. cutting, sharp
Trencher, trên'shur. s. a wooden platter
Trencherman, trên'shur-mân. s. a feeder, an


Trendle, trên'dl. s. any thing turned round
Trepan, trẻ-pân'. s. a surgeon's instrument
Trepan, trẻ-pan'. v. a. to perforate with the
trepan; to insnare

Trepidation, trêp-é-da'shun. s. the state of
trembling; state of terror

Trespass, trẻs'pás. v. n. to transgress; to en-
ter unlawfully

Trespass, três pas. s. transgression
Tresses, três'siz. s. curls of hair

Tray, trå. s. a shallow trough in which meat|Trestle, trés'sl. s. a moveable form by which

is carried

[dious any thing is supported

[waste Treacherous, tretsh'er-is. a. faithless, perfi-Tret, trêt. s. an allowance in weight for Treacherously, tretsh'ér-us-lẻ. ad. faithlessly Trey, trå. s. a three at cards

Treachery, tretsh'êr-ẻ. s. perfidy, breach of


Treacle, tre'kl. s. molasses, the spume of sugar
Tread, trẻd. v. n. pret. trod; part. pass.
trodden. to set the foot; to trample; to

Tread, tråd, s. step with the foot
Treadle, tred'dl.. part of an engine on
which the feet act

Treason, trẻ zn. s. an offence against the per-
son of majesty, or the dignity of the com-

Triable, tri'â-bl. a. capable of tria
Triad, triad. s. three united
Trial, tri'ál. s. test, examination
Triangle, tri'ang-gl. s. a figure of three angles
Triangular, tri-ang'gd-lår. a. having three

Tribe, tribe. s. a distinct body of people
Tribulation, trib-d-la'shun. s. vexation, dis-

turbance of life

Tribunal. tri-bu'nál. s. the seat of a judge Tributary, trib'd-ta-rẻ. a. paying tribute Tributary, tríb'ù-tâ-rẻ. s. one who pays tribute Treasonable, trẻ zn-a-bl. a. of the nature of Tribute, trib'ate. s. payment made in auTreasure, trêzh'ure. s. wealth hoarded

knowledgment of subjection

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Trice, trise. s. a short time, an instant
Trick, trik. 8. a sly fraud; a dexterous arti-
Trick, trik. v. a. to cheat, to defraud; o de-
Tricking, trik'ing. s. dress, ornament
Trickle, trik'kl. v. n. to fall in drops
Trident, tri'dent. s. the three-forked sceptre
of Neptune

Triennial, tri-ên'yål. a. lasting three years Trifallow, tri'fal-lo. v. a. to plough land the third time before sowing

Trifle, tri'f. v. n. to act or talk with levity
Trifle, tri'fl. s. a thing of no moment
Trifler, tri'l-ur. s. one who acts or talks
with levity

three corners

Trifling, tri'fl-ing, a. unimportant
Triform, tri'form. a. having a triple shape
Trigger, trig går. 8. a catch of a wheel or gun
Trigonal, trig b-nál. a. triangular, having
[measuring triangles
Trigonometry, trig-d-nom'è-trẻ. s. the art of
Trilateral, tri-låt'er-âl. a. having three sides
Trill, trill. s. quaver, tremulousness of musick
Trill, trill. v. a. to utter quavering
Trillion, tril'yin, as a million of millions of


Trim, trim. a. nice, dressed up

Trite, trite. a. worn out, stale Triteness, trite'nés. s. staleness, commonness Triumph, trl'umf. s. pomp with which a victory is publickly celebrated; victory; joy for success

Triumph, triumf. v. n. to celebrate a victory with pomp [victory Triumphal, trl-3mf'âl. a. used in celebrating a Triumphant, tri-inf'ânt. a. celebrating a victory [phant manner Triumphantly, tri-3mfânt-lè. ad. in a triumTriumvirate, tri-úm'vé-rát. s. a coalition or Triumviri, trl-um'vé-rl.

concurrence of three men Triune, tri-dne'. a. at once three and one Trivet, triv'it. s. any thing supported by [unimportant

three feet

Trivial, triv'yål. a. vile, worthless; trifling; Trivially, tviv'yål-é. ad. commonly; lightly Trivialness, triv'yâl-nes. s. commonness, lightness

Trochee, tro'ké. s. a foot in Latin poetry, consisting of a long and short syllable Trodder, tråd'an part. pass. of tread Troglodyte, trog'lo-dite. who inhabits


Troli, troll. v. n. to run round; to fish with a rod which has a pulley towards the bottom

Trollop, trollop. s. a slattern

Trim, trim. v. a. to dress; to shave; to
make neat
Trimeter, trim'è-têr. a. consisting of three
Trily, trim'lé. ad. nicely, neatly
Trimmer, trim můr. s. one who changes sides
to balance parties, a turncoat
Trimming, trimming. s. ornamental appen-frooper, troop'ur. s. a horse soldier

dages to a coat or gown

Trine, trine. s. an aspect of planets placed in three angles of a trigon

Troop, troop. s. a company; a body of soldiers Troop, troop. v. n. to march in a body

Trope, trope. s. a change of a word from its original signification

Trophied, tro'fid. a. adorned with trophies Trinitarian, trin-é-tá'ré-ân. s. one who be-Trophy, tro'fè. s. something taken from an

lieves the doctrine of the Trinity Trinity, trin'è-te. s. the union of the three persons in the God-head

Trinket, tringk'kit. s. toy, ornament of dress Trip, trip. v. n. to fall by losing the hold of the feet; to err; to stumble

Trip, trip. s. a stumble; a mistake; a short voyage or journey [parts Tripartite, trip'pår-tite. a. divided into three Tripe, tripe. s. the intestines

Tripedal, trip'é-dál. a. having three feet Triphthong, trip'thông. s. a coalition of three vowels

'Triple, trip'pl. a. threefold, treble 'Triplet, trip'lit. s. three of a kind Triplicity, trl-plis' è-tè. s. trebleness Tripod, tripod. s. a seat with three feet Tripping, tripping. a. quick, nimble Triptete, trip'tote. s. a noun used but in three [equal parts Trisection, tri-sek'shun. s. division into three Trisyilable, tris'sil-lâ-bl. s. a word consisting of three syllables



Tropical, trop'è-kål. a. rhetorically changed from the original meaning; belonging to the tropick (sun turns back

Tropick, tropik. s. the line at which the Trot, trôt. v. n. to move with a high jolting


Trot, trôt. s. the jolting high pace of a horse
Troth, troth. s. truth, faith, fidelity
Trouble, trib'bl. v. a. to disturb, to perplex;
to distress; to sue for a debt [vexation
Trouble, trub'bl. s. disturbance, affliction;
Troublesome, trúb'bl-sům. a. vexatious, un-

easy, afflictive; burdensome; teazing Troublous, trib'bl-ús. a. tumultuous, confused, disordered

Trough, trof. s. any thing hollowed
Trounce, trounse. v. a. to punish
Trousers, trod'surz. s. breeches
Trout, trout. s. a delicate fish
Trow, tro. v. n. to think, to imagine
Trowel, troi'il. s. a tool to take up mortar,
and spread it on bricks

Troy weight, troè'wåte. s. a kind of weight(Tubular, tu'bu-lår.

by which gold and bread are weighed | Truant, tr88'ânt. s. an idler Truant, trôô'ânt. a. idle, wandering from business [sation of hostilities Truce, trôôse. s. a temporary peace, a cesTrucidation, troô-sé-da'shun. s. the act of killing

Truck, trik. v. n. to traffick by exchange Truck, trik. s. exchange; wooden wheels for carriage

Tubulated, từ bu-lá-têd.
gitudinally hollow

a. fistular, lon

Tuck, tuk. s. a long narrow sword
Tuck, tuk. v. a. to crush together, to hinder
from spreading

Tucker, tôk'ur. s. a small piece of linen
that shades the breasts of women
Tuesday, tuze'de. s. the third day of the

[subjection Tuft, tuft. s. a cluster, a clump Truckle, truk'kl. v. n. to be in a state of Tufted, tufted. a. growing in tufts or clusters Truculent, trio'ků-lênt. a. savage, barbarous Tufty, tuf'tè. a. adorned with tufts Trudge, trådje. v. n. to jog on, to march Tug, tug. v. a. to pull, to pluck heavily on Tug, tug. s. a pull performed with the utmost

True, troo. a. not false; veracious; genuine
faithful; honest; exact

Trueborn, tro3'born. a. having a right by birth
Truebred, tro3'bred. a. of a right breed
Truehearted, trôỏ-hårt'êd. a. honest, faithful
Trueness, trio'nes. s. sincerity, faithfulness
Truffle, tr33'. s. a kind of subterraneous

Truism, trôi'izm. s. an identical proposition
Trull, trull. s. a vagrant strumpet
Truly, trẻ3'le. ad. really; exactly; indeed
Trump, trump. s. a trumpet; a winning card
Trump, trump. v. a. to win with a trump


Tuition, tu-ish'an. s. guardianship
Tulip, to'lip. s. a flower

Tumble, tum'bl. v. n. to fall; to roll about
Tumble, tum'bl. s. a fall

Tumbler, tum'bl-ur. s. one who shows pos tures or feats of activity Tumbrel, tum'bril. s. a dung cart Tumefaction, tù-me-fâk'ahun. s. a swelling Tumefy, tu'me-fl. v. a. to swell Tumid, tu'mid. a. swelling puffed up Tumour, tu'mur. s. a morbid swelling Tumulose, tù-mu-lose'. a. full of hills Tumult, tu'mult. s. a stir; a wild commotion Trumpery, trump'er-è, s. something falla-Tumultuary, tù-mål'tshů-á-rẻ. a. disorderly, ciously splendid, empty talk; trifles Trumpet, trump'it. a. an instrument of martial musick [of trumpet, to proclaim Turnet, trump't. v. a. to publish by sound Trumpeter, trump'it-ur. s. one who sounds a trumpet


Truncate, trung'kåte. v. a. to maim
Truncation, trůn-ka'shun. s. the act of lop-
ping or maiming
Truncheon, trun'shån. s. a cudgel; a staff of
Trundle, trun'dl. v. n. to roll

Trunk, trångk. s. the body of any thing; a
chest for clothes the proboscis of an ele-
phant or other animal

Trusion, trôỏ'zhan. s. the act of thrusting
Truss, trus. s. a bandage for ruptures; bundle
of hay or straw

Truss, trus. v.a. to pack close together
Trust, trust. s. confidence, reliance; credit;

Trust, trust. v. a. to place confidence in; to
believe; to sell upon credit
Trustee, trus-tee'. s. one intrusted with any
Trusty, trust'è. a. honest, faithful, true
Truth, trådth. s. purity 'from falsehood
fidelity; reality

Try, tri. v. a. to examine; to essay
Tub, tub. s. a large open vessel of wood
Tube, tube. s. a pipe, a siphon
Tubercle, to'ber-kl. s. a small swelling [knots
Tuberous, tuber-is. a. having prominent



Tumultuous, to-mul'tshu-us. a. turbulent, vio
Tumultuously, tu-můl'tshu-us-lé. ad. with con
fusion and violence

Tun, tůn. s. a large cask; two pipes
Tun, tůn. v. a. to put into casks, to barrel
Tucable, tu'nå-bl. a. harmonious
Tunably, t'na-ble. ad. harmonicusly
Tune, tone. s. a diversity of notes put toge
ther; harmony, concert of parts; right dis

Tune, tune. v. a. to put into such a state as that
the proper sound may be produced
Tuneful, tune'ful. a. musical

Tunicle, tu'né-kl. s. cover, inte gument
Tunnage, tůn'nidje. s. contents of a vessel
measured by the tun; a tax

Tunnel, tuu'nil. s. the shaft of a chimney; funnel

Tup, tup. s. a ram

Tup, tup. v. a. to butt like a ram
Turban, tur'bún. s. the head dress worn by the

Turbary, tur'ba-rẻ. s. right of digging turf
Turbid, tur'bil. a. thick, muddy
Turbith, tur'bith. s. yellow precipitate
Turbot, tur'but. s. a delicate fish
Turbulence, tur'bu-lênse. s. tumult, confusion
Turbulent, tur'bu-lent. a. tumultuous, violent
Turcism, tur'sizm. s. the religion of the Turks
Turf, turf. 8, a clod covered with grass

Turty, turf'è. a. full of turfs
Turgid, tur'jid. a. swelling; pompous
Turkey, tur'ke. s. a large domestick fowl
Turmerick, tur'mêr-îk. s. an Indian root which
makes a yellow dye

Turmoil, turmoil. s. trouble, disturbance

Twenty, twen'té. a. twice ten
Twice, twise. ad. two times; doubly
Twidle, twi'dl. v. a. to touch lightly
Twig, twig. s. a small shoot of a branch
Twilight, twi'llte. s. the dubious light before
sunrise and after sunset

Turmoil, tur-moil'. v. a. to harass with com-Twilight, twl'llte. a. obscure; seen by twi

motion; to weary Turn, turn. v. a. to put into a circular or vertiginous motion; to change with respect to position; to transform; to translate; to convert; to make giddy; to double in; to blunt; to repeal; to retort

Turn, turn. s. the act of turning; meaning; change

Turncoat, turn'kote. s. a renegade

Twin, twin. s. one of two children born at a
Twinborn, twin'born. a. born at the same
Twine, twine. v. a. to twist
Twine, twine. s. a twisted thread
Twinge, twinje. v. a. to torment with sudden
and short pain; to pinch

Twinge, twinje. s. a sudden sharp pain; a
tweak, a pinch

Twinkle, twingk'kl. v. n. to sparkle; to
open and shut the eye by turns
Twinkling, twingk'ling. s. a sparkling inter-

Turner, turn'år. s. one whose trade is to turn Turnkey, turn'kéé. s. one who opens and locks the doors of a prison Turning, tårning. s. flexure, meander mitting light, a motion of the eye Turnip, turn'ip. s. a white esculent root Twinling, twin'ling. s. a twin lamb Turnpit, tårn'pike. s. a toll-gate on a road Twirl, twêrl. v. a. to turn round Turnstile, tra'stile. s. a cross-bar turned on a Twirl, twêrl. s. rotation, circular motion pin to let foot passengers through, and pre-Twist, twist. v. a. to form by complication; vent horses

Turpentine, tur'pen-tine. s. the guin exuded by the pine, &c.

to wreathe

[tion; a cord; writhe Twist, twist. s. any thing made by convolu [badness Twit, twit. v. a. to sneer, to reproach Twitch, twitsh. v. a. to snatch Twitch, twitsh. s. a quick pull Twitter, twit'tur. v. n. to make a sharp tremulous intermitted noise.

Turpitude, tur'pe-tude. s. inherent vileness,
Turret, tur'ret. s. a little tower
Turtle, tur'tl. s. a species of dove


the sea

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Tutor, tutur. s. one who has the care of ano-
ther's learning and morals
Tutor, tu'tur. v. a. to instruct

Tutorage, t'tur-je. s. the authority of a tutor
Tutoress, tu'tur-ês. s. directress, governess


Tympany, tỉm'på-nẻ. s. a kind of obstructed flatulence that swells the body like a drum

Type, tipe. s. emblem; a printing letter

Tutty, tut'tẻ. s. a subli:nate of zinc or cala-Typical, tip'è-kål. a. emblematical mine collected in the furnace

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Typically, tip'e-câl-è. ad. in a typical manTypify, tip'è-fl. v. a. to figure, to show in emblem

Typographer, tl-pog'gråf-ûr. s. a printer
Typographical, tỉp-d-grâfè-kål. a. belonging
to the printer's art

Typography, té-pog'gråf-è. s. art of printing
Tyranness, tir'ra-nés. s. a she tyrant
Tyrannical, tl-ran'ně-kål.
Tyrannick, ti-rån'nik.

a. like a tyrant,

despotick [of a tyrant Tyrannically, tl-rân'né-kâl-é, ad. in manner Tyrannise, tir'rân-ize. v. n. to play the tyrant Tyrannous, tir'rân-is. a. tyrannical, arbitrary Tyranny, tir'ran-d. s. unresisted and cruel power; severity, rigour, nclemency

Tyrant, tl'rånt. s. an absolute monarch go-Unanswerable, ún-ân'sür-à-bl. a. not to be

verning imperiously; a cruel despotick and

severe master

Tyro, tl'rò. s. one in his rudiments


UBERTY, yu'ber-tè. s. abundance
Ubiquitary, yu-bik'wè-tâ-rè. a. existing every


Ubiquity, yu-bik'wè-tè. s. omnipresence
Udder, ud'dur. s. the dugs of a cow
Ugliness, ug'le-nés. s. deformity
Ugly, ug'lè. a. deformed, offensive
Ulcer, ul'sûr. s. a sore of continuance

refuted Unappalled, in-ap-påwld'. a. not daunted Unappeasable, in-ap-pé'zå-bl. a. not to be pacified

Unapt, in-apt'. a. dull; unfit

Unarmed, in-armd'. a. having no armour
Unasked, un-åskt'. a. not sought by solicita-


Unaspiring, in-as-pl'ring. a. not ambitious
Unassisted, in-as-sis'ted. a. not helped
Unattainable, un-at-tà'nå-bl. a. not to be
Unattempted, un-ât-têmt'êd. a. untried, not
Unattended, in-it-ten'ded. a. having no
[ed by authority

Ulcerate, ul'sur-åte. v. a. to disease with sores Unauthorized, in-åw'thur-izd. a. not supportUlceration, ul-sur-d'ahun. s. the act of break-Unavailable, un-å-vá'lå-bl. a. useless, vain

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Ultimately, al'té-mat-lè. ad. in the last conse-
Ultramarine, ul-trâ-mâ-rèèn'. s. blue colour
Ultramontane, ål-trå-môn'tåne. a. being be-
yond the mountains
[the world

Ultramundane, bi-tra-mun'dane. a. beyond

with respect to any purpose

Unavailing, ủn-a-và ling. a. useless, vain
Unavoidable, un-á-võid'â-bl. a. inevitable
Unaware, un-a-ware'.
ad. without pre-
Unawares, un-a-warz'.

vious meditation; unexpectedly
Unawed, in-awd'. a unrestrained by fear o


Unbar, un-bår'. v. a. to unbolt
Unbecoming, un-bé-kim'ing. a. incident
Umber, im'bur. s. a colour, a fish [navel Unbefitting, in-be-fit ing. a. not suitable
Umbilical, um-b?l'è-kál. a. belonging to the
Umbles, um'blz. s. a deer's entrails

Umbrage, um'bridje. s. shade; offence
Umbrageous, um-bra'jè-us. a. shady

Unbegotten, un-be-got'tn. a. eternal, with
out generation

Unbelief, un-be-leef'. s. incredulity; infidelity
Unbeliever, in-bé-lèèv'ur. s. an infidel

Umbrella, um-brel'lå. s. a screen to keep off Unbending, un-ben'ding. a. not suffering

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[red to a benefice Unbeneficed, in-bên'nè-fist. a. not preferUnbent, un-bent'. a. not subdued Unbeseerning, un-be-sèèm'ing. a. unbecoming Unbewailed, un-be-wald'. a. not lamented Unbidden, un-bid'dn. a. uninvited Unbind, un-bind'. v. a. to loose, to untie Unblamable, un-bla'må-bl. a. not culpable Unaccomplished, un-ak-kom'plisht. a. un- Unblemished, in-blêm'isht. a. free from tur Unaccountable, un-âk-köůn'tå-bl. a. not to pitude, free from reproach [strangely Unblest, un-blêst'. a. wretched Unaccountably, un-ák-ködn'tå-ble. ad. Unblown, un-blone'. a. having the bud yet Unaccustomed, in-åk-kus'tůmd. a. not ha


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genuine Unbosom, in-bůz'ům. v. a. to revealin Unaffected, un-âf-fèk'ted. a. real; open, Unbought, un-båwt'. a. obtained without


Unaided, un-a'ded. a. not assisted



Unbound, in-bound'. a. loose

Unalienable, in-åle'yên-a-bl. a. not trans-Unbounded, un-bound'êd. a. limited
[relation Unbrace, un-brase'. v. a. to loose, to relax
Unallied, in-al-ild'. a. having no powerful Unbred, in-bred'. a. not instructed in civility
Unalterable, in-ål'tur-å-bl. a. incapable of Unbridled, un-bri'did. a, licentious

[mind Unbroke, un-broke'.

being altered Unanimous, yu-nán'è-mus. a. being of one Unbroken, un-bro'kn.

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