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Unbuckle, ún-buk'kl. v. a. to loose from [Uncommoness, in-kom'mún-nés. s. infrequency [not communicated Uncommunicated, in-kom-mu'ně-ka-ted. a. Uncompelled, in-kom-péld'. a. free from compulsion [not mixed Uncompounded, in-kom-pound'êd. a. simple, Unconcern, un-kon-sern'. s. negligence, freedom from anxiety

Unbuilt, un-bilt'. a. not yet erected
Unburied, un-bêr'rid. a. not interred
Unburnt, un-burnt'. a. not consumed by fire
Unburthen, un-bur'then. v. a. to rid of a load
Unbutton, in-bat'tn. v. a. to loose any thing


Uncalled, un-kawld'. a. not summoned
Uncase, un-kase'. v. a. to disengage from any
covering; to flay

Uncaught, un-kawt'. a. not yet caught
Uncertain, in-ser'tin. a. doubtful
Uncertainty, in-ser'tin-té. s. dubiousness
Unchain, in-tshane'. v. a. to free from chains
Unchangeable, un-tshan'ja-bl. a. immutable
Unchangeably, un-tshin'jà-blé. ad. immutably
Unchanging, un-tshån'jing. a. suffering no
Uncharitable, un-tshår'è-ta-bl. a. contrary to
Uncharitableness, un-tshar'é-tâ-bl-nês. s.

want of charity
Unchaste, un-tshaste'. a. lewd, libidinous
Unchristian, un-kris'tshån. a. contrary to the
laws of Christianity
Uncircumcised, un-sér'kum-sizd. a. not cir-

sion of circumcision

Uncircumcision, in-ser-kum-sizh'un. s. omis-
Jncircumscribed, un-ser'kum-skribd. a. un-
Uncivil, in-sivil. a. unpolite
Uncivilized, in-siv'il-izd. a. barbarous;
coarse, indecent

Jnclarified, un-klar'è-fide. a. not purified
Unclasp, n-klasp'. v. a. to open what is shut
with clasps


Unconcerned, ip-kon-sernd'. a. not anxious,
not disturbed

Unconquerable, in-kồng'kůr-å-bl. a. incapable
of being conquered
[their couples
Uncouple, un-kup'pl. v. a. to loose dogs from
Uncourteous, un-kur'tshé-us. a. uncivil, unpo-

Uncourtliness, un-kort'lé-nês. s. unsuitableness
of manners to a court

Uncourtly, un-kort'iè. a. inelegant of man-
Uncouth, un-kooth'. a. odd, strange, unusual
Uncreated, un-kré-a'têd. a. not yet created
Uncropped, un-krôpt'. a. not cropped, not

Uncrossed, un-krosť. a. uncancelled
Unction, ung'shun. s. the act of anointing;


[nest Unctuosity, ông-tshů-os'è-té. s. fatness, oili Unctuous, ung'tshu-us. a...t, clammy, oily Unctuousness, ung'tshu-us-nés. s. fatness, oili


Unculled, un-kuld'. a. not gathered
Uncultivated, un-kůl'tě-và-têd. a. not culti
vated, not instructed

Uncurbed, un-kurbd'. a. licentious; not re-
Uncurl, un-kurl'. v. a. to loose from ringlets
or convolutions
Uncut, un-kut'. a. not cut

Uncle, ung kl. s. the father's or mother's bro-Undam, un-dâm'. v. a. to free from the re

Jaclean, un-klene'. a. foul, dirty
Uncleanliness, un-klen'le-nés. s. want


Uncleanly, un-klên'le. a. foul, filthy

straint of mounds

of Undamaged, un-dâm'idjd. a. not made worse
Undaunted, un-dan'téd. a. unsubdued by fear
Undauntedly, in-dẩn'tẻd-lẻ. ad. boldly, in-
[confused by splendour
Undazzled, un-dâz'zld. a. not dimmed or
Undebauched, un-de-bawtsht'. a. not corrupt-
ed by debauchery

/ Uncleanness, un-klene'nês. s. lewdness, in-
Jnclench, un-klênsh'. v. a. to open the closed
Unclog, un-klug'. v. a. to disencumber

Unclose, un-kloze', v. a. to open
Unclutch, un-klutsh'. v. a. to open

Undecagon, in-dék'â-gôn. s. a figure of eleven
angles or sides

Uncoil, un-koil'. v. a. to open from being Undecaying, in-de-king. a. not suffering di


Uncoined, in-kind'. a. not coined

Uncollected, un-kôl-lêk'ted. a. not collected
Uncombed, un-komd'. a. not parted or ad-
justed by the comb
Uncomely, in-kum'lè. a. wanting grace
Uncomfortable, un-kům'fur-tâ-bl. a. gloomy,
Uncomfortableness, in-kim'fur-tá-bl-nes. s.
want of cherrfulness

Uncomfortably, în-kům'fur-tå-olẻ. ad. with-
out cheerfulness

Uncommon, in-kom'můn. a. not frequent

Undecayed, un-dé-kåde'. a. not liable to be

Undeceive, un-de-seve'. v. a. to set free from
the influence of a fallacy [not settled
Undecided, un-de-si'ded. a. not determined,
Undecisive, un-de'si'siv. a. not decisive
Undeclined, un-de-klind'. a. not grammati-
cally varied by termination
Undefeasible, în-dé-fè'zè-bl. a. not defeasible
Undefiled, un-dé-fild'. a. not polluted
Undefined, un-de-find'. a. not circumscribed
Undefinable, in-dé-fi'nå-bl. a. not to be
marked out

[ocr errors]

Undemolished, ûn-dé-môl'îsht. a. not razed,|| Undertenant, ún-dúr-tén'ant. s. a secondary not thrown down

Undemonstrable, un-dé-mou’strå-bl. a. inca

ble of full evidence

Undeniable, in-dé-ni'â-bl. a. such as cannot be gainsaid

Undeniably, in-dé-nl'â-blè. ad. so plainly as to admit no contradiction Undeplored, un-de-plord'. a. not lamented Under, Sndar. prep. in a state of subjection or pupillage; beneath; below Under, un'dur. ad. in a state of subjection; less Underbid, un-dur-bid'. v. a. to offer less than the worth [requisite Underdo, in-dir-d83'. v. a. to do less than is Undergo, in-dir-go'. v. a. to suffer Underground, in-dur-ground'. s. subterra

neous space

Undergrowth, in-dur-groth'. s. that which grows under the tall wood' Underhand, un-dir-hånd'. ad. clandestinely. with fraudulent secrecy Underived, un-de-rivd'. a. not borrowed Underlay, un-dur-là'. v. a. to strengthen by something laid under Underline, un-dur-line'. v. a. to mark with lines below the words Underling, un'dir-ling. s. an inferior agent Undermine, in-dår-mine'. v. a. to sap; to excavate under

Underminer, in-dir-ml'når. s. he that saps; a clandestine enemy Undermost, in'dur-most. a. lowest Underneath, in-dir-neth'. ad below; under Underogatory, in-dè-rôg'gå-tůr-é. a. not derogatory

Underplot, un'dir-plot. s. a series of events proceeding collaterally with the main story of a play and subservient to it [low Underrate, un-dir-rate'. v. a. to rate too Underrate, un'dur-råte. . price less than is usual [than another Undersell, in-dir-sẻl'. v. a. to sell cheaper Understand, un-dur-stând'. v. a. pret. and part. pass. understood. to comprehend fully, to conceive

Understanding, un-dur-stan'dîng. s. intellectual powers; intelligence [skilful Understanding, on-dûr-stân'ding. a. knowing, Understood, un-dur-stad'. pret. and part. pass. of understand

[rior ageni,



Undertook, in-dur-tôôk'. part. pass. of unUndervalue, in-dur-vál'à. v. a. to rate too


Underwent, in-dur-went'. pret. of undergo Underwood, un'dur-wůd. s. the low trees that grow among the timber Underwrite, in-dir-rite'. v. a. to write under something else

Underwriter, in-dur-ri'tur. s. an insurer Undescribed, in-de-skribd'. a. not described Undescried, un-dé-skride'. a. not seen, undiscovered

Undeserved, în-de-zêrvd.' a. not merited Undeserving, in-dè-zér'ving. a. not having


Undesigned, in-de-sind'. a. not intended
Undesigning, un-de-si'ning. a. sincere
Undestroyed, in-dé-strold'. a, not destroyed
Undeterminate, in-de-têr'min-ât. a. not set
Undetermined, in-de-têr'mind. a. unsettled,
Undiaphanous, in-di-âf'få-nus. a. not trans-

Undid, in-did'. pret. of undo
Undigested, in-de-jês'ted. a. not concocted
Undiminished, un-de-min'isht. a. not impaired
Undirected, un-de-rêk'ted. a. not directed
Undiscerned, in-dîz-zêrnd'. a. not discovered
Undiscernible, un-diz-zêrn'è-b a. invisible
Undiscerning, un-dîz-zêrn'Ing. a. injudicious,

incapable of making due distinction Undisciplined, in-dis'sip-plînd. a. untaught, uninstructed [be found out Undiscoverable, in-dis-kův ́år-á-bl. a. not to Undisguised, in-diz-gylzd'. a. open, plain Undismayed, in-diz-måde'. a. not discouraged Undispersed, in-dis-pêrst'. a. not scattered Undisputed, in-dis-pu'têd. a. incontrovertible, evident [ed; not dispersed Undissipated, in-dis'se-på-têd. a. not scatterUndistinguished, in-dis-ting'gwisht. a. not marked out by objects or intervals; not


Undisturbed, in-dis-turbd'. a. calm; tranquil Undivided, un-de-vl'ded. a. unbroken; whole Undivulged, în-dé-våljd'. a. secret; not promulgated

Undo, in-d¿¿'. v. a. pret. undid, part. pass. undone; from do. to ruin; to loose; to Understrapper, in'dir-strap-pår. s. an infe- open what is shut, to unravel Undertake, un-dir-take'. v. a. pret. under-Undoing, un-dbô'ing. s. ruin; destruction took; part. pass. undertaken. to attempt, to Undone, 3n-dun'. a. not done; not performengage in; to have the charge of [putable Undertaken, in-dur-ta'kn. part. pass. of un-Undoubted, in-doit'êd. a. indubitable; indis Undoubtedly, in-důût'êd-lé. ad. indubitably; without question [external force

dertake Undertaker, in-dur-tå'kur. s. one who engages in projects and affairs; one who manages funerals [gagement Undertaking, un-dur-ta'king. s. enterprise, en

ed; ruined

Undrawn, un-dråwn'. a. not pulled by any Undress, un'drês'. v. a. to divest of clothes; to strip


Undress, un'dres. s. a loose or negligent dress] Unextinguishable, un-éks-ting'gwish-à-bl. a.
Undried, un-dride'. a. not dried
Undue, un-du. a. not right; not legal
Undulary, un'ju-la-ré. a. playing like waves
Undulate, un'ju-låte. v. n. to play as waves

[put out
Unextinguished, in-êks-ting'gwisht. a. not
Unfaded, in-fà'ded. a. not withered
Unfading, un-fa'ding. a. not liable to wither
Unfailing, in-fà'ling. a. certain
Undulation, un-ju-la'shun. s. waving motion | Unfair, un-fare'. a. disingenuous
Undulatory, un'ju-lå-td-rẻ. a. moving in the Unfaithful, un-fath'fůl. a. perfidious, treache

in curls

manner of waves


Unduteous, un-di'tè-us. a. irreverent; dis- Unfaithfully, un-fath'ful-é. ad. perfidiously Undutiful, un-di'té-ful a. not obedient; not Unfashionable, un-fash'un-â-bl. a. not modish reverent [respect; disobedience Unfashionableness, un-fâsh'un-å-bl-nes. s. deUndutifulness, in-du'té-ful-nes. s. want of viation from the mode [gular form Uneasiness, un-e'zé-nés. s. trouble, perplexity Unfashioned, un-fash'und. a. having no re Uneasy, un-e'zè. a. painful; disturbed Unfasten, un-fas'sn. v. a. to loose, to unfix Unedifying, un-éd'è-fl-ing. a. not improving Unfathomable, un-fáth'um-å-bl. a. not to be in good life sounded by a line

Unelected, un-é-lêk'ted. a. not chosen Uneligible, in-l'é-jè-bl. a. not worthy to be chosen

Unemployed, in-em-ploid'. a. at leisure, idle Unendowed, un-ên-doůd'. a. not invested, not graced

Uneajoyed, un-en-joid'. a. not obtained,
not possessed

Unenlarged, un-en-lårdjd'. a. contracted
Unenlightened, un-én-li'tnd. a. not illumina-


Unfathomed, un-fath'umd. a. not to be sound ed

Unfavourable, in-fa'vir-å-bl. a. unpropitious
Unfavourably, un-fà'vûr-å-blẻ. ad. unkindly,

Unfeathered, in-feth'ård. a. naked of feathers
Unfeeling, un-fèè'ling. a. insensible
Unfeigned, un-fand'. a. real, sincere
Unfeignedly, un-fa'ned-lè. ad. really, sin-

Unfelt, un-felt'. a. not felt

Unenvied, un-ên'vid. a. exempt from envy
Unequal, un-e'kwål. a. not even; inferior
Unequalled, un-e'kwâld. a. unparalleled
Unequally, un-e'kwål-é. ad. in disproportion Unfinished, un-fin'isht. a. incomplete
[vocal Unfit, in-fit'. a. improper

Unfenced, un-fenst'. a. not surrounded by any

Unfetter, in-fêt'tur. v. a. to free from shackles

one to the other


Unequivocal, in-e-kwiv'd-kál. a. not equi-Unfitly, un-fit'lè. au. not properly Unerring, un-er'ring. a. incapable of failure, Unfituess, un-fit'nes. s. want of propriety [ting essence Unfix, un-fiks'. v. a. to loosen Unessential, un-es-sen'shal. a. not constitu- Unfledged, în-flêdjd'. a. that has not yet the Unestablished, un-é-stab'lisht. a. not established

Uneven, un-e'vn. a. not level

Unevenness, un-è'vn-nés. s. surface not level,

Unexamined, in-êg-zâm'ind. a. not tried, not


full furniture of feathers Unfoiled, un-foild'. a. unsubdued Unfold, in-fold'. v. a. to expand, to discover Unforbidden, in-for-bid'dn. a. not prohibited Jnforeknown, in-fore-none'. a. not foreseen by prescience [fore it happened Unforeseen, in-fore-seen'. a. not known beUnexampled, n-ég-zám'pld. a. not known Unforgiving, in-for-giving. a. relentless, imby any example [liable to objection placable [regular shape Unexceptionable, n-ék-sep'shůn-å-bl. a. not Unformed, in-formd'. a. not modified into Unexecuted, un-ek'sé-ku-ted. a. not performed Unfortified, un-for'té-fide. a. not strengthened Unexemplified, n-ég-zêm'plé-fide. a. not Unfortunate, in-for'tshi-nåt. a. unprospermade known by example ous, wanting luck [pily Unexercised, un-ek'sér-sizd. a. not practised Unfortunately, un-for'tshu-nát-lẻ. ad. unhapUnexhausted, in-eks-håws'ted. a. not spent Unfound, un-found'. a. not found Unexpected, un-êk-spék'têd. a. not thought Unframed, in-framd'. a. not formed on, sudden Unfrequent, in-frè'kwent. a. uncommon Unfrequented, un-fré-kwênt'éd. a. rarely visited [monly Unfrequently, 3n-frè'kwênt-lè. ad. not comUnfriendly, in-frend'lé. a. not kind Unfrozen, un-fro'zn. a. not congealed to ice Unfruitful, in-fråỏt'fůl. a. not fertile Unfulfilled, un-fůl-fîld'. a, not fulfilled

Unexpectedly, un-k-spêk têd-lé. ad. suddenly
Unexperienced, un-êks-pé'ré-ênst. a. not ac-
quainted by practice
Unexpedient, in-êks-pe'dé-ént. a. not fit
Unexpert, un-eks-pért'. a. wanting skill or
Unexplored, in-êks-plord'. a. not searched out

Unfurl, in-fúrl'. v. a. to expand Unhorse, un-horse'. v. a. to throw from the Unfurnish, in-für'nish. v. a. to strip, to divest saddle [habitation Unfurnished, in-für-nisht'. a. without fur-Unhouse, in-hoůze'. v. a. to drive from the niture Unhoused, un-hoůzd'. a. homeless, wanting a

Ungainly, in-gane'le. a. awkward Ungartered, un-går'tård. a. being without garters


Unhumbled, un-um'bld. a. not humbled [picked Unhurt, un-burt'. a. free from harm

Ungathered, un-gath'ård. a. not cropped, not
Ungenerous, in-jên'er-us. a. mean, igno-

[blocks in formation]

Unicorn, yu'né-körn. s. a beast that has only

one horn

Uniform, ya'nè-form. a. similar to itself Uniformity, yu-né-for'mè-tè. s. even tenor; resemblance of one to another


Uniformly, ya'nè-form-lè. ad. without va[be imagined Unimaginable, a-im-måd'jîn-å-bl. a. not to Unimpeached, un-fm-pèètsht'. a. not accused Unimportant, in-im-por'tânt. a. assuming no airs of dignity

Unimprovable, un-im-prôôv'â-bl. a. incapable of melioration

Unimprovableness, un-im-proov'å-bl-nês. «. quality of not being improvable Unimproved, in-im-provd'. a. not taught, not [structed


Ungraceful, in-gråse'fůl. a. wanting elegance Ungracious, in-gra'shus. a. offensive, un-Uninformed, un-in-förmd'. a. untaught, uninpleasing [turns Uninhabitable, un-in-håb'ît-a-bl. a. unfit to be Ungrateful, in-gråte'fůl. a. making ill re- inhabited [dwellers Ungratefulness, in-gråte-fůl'nês. s. ingratitude Uninhabited, un-in-habit-êd. a. having no Ungrounded, in-groůn'ded. a. having no Uninjured, un-in'jård. a. unhurt [ligent Uninscribed, un-In-skribd'. a. scription Uninstructed, in-fn-stråk'ted. a. not taught Uninstructive, un-in-struk'tiv. a. not conferring any improvement


Unguarded, in-gyár'ded. a. careless, neg-
Unhandsome, un-hân'sům. a. ungraceful; il-

Unhandy, ủn-hand’ề. a. awkward
Unhappy, un-hap'pè. a. wretched, unfortu-
tunate, distressed
Unharmonious, un-hår-mò'né-us. a. dispro-
portionate, unmusical
[the traces
Unharness, un-har'nés. v. a. to loose from
Unhatche-l, un-hâtsht'. a. not disclosed from

the eggs

Unhealthful in-hêlth'ful. a. unwholesome
Unhealthy, in-helth'è. a. sickly, wanting

Unheard, în-herd'. a. not perceived by the
ear; not vouchsafed an audience
Unheeded, un-hèèd'êd. a. disregarded
Unheeding, in-hèèd'ing. a. negligent
Unhelped, in-helpt'. a. unassisted
Unhewn, un-hine'. part. a. not hewn
Unhinge, un-hinje'. v. a. to throw from the
hinges; to displace by violence
Unholiness, in-ho'le-nes. s. impiety, pro-

Unholy, in-ho'lè. a. profane, wicked
Unhonoured, un-on'nård. a. not treated with


Unhoop, un-h38p'. v. a. to divest of hoops
Unhoped, in-hopt'. a. greater than hope had
[room to hope
Unhopeful, in-hope'fül a. such as leaves no

having no in

Unintelligible, in-in-têl'lè-je-bl. a. not such
as can be understood
Unintelligibly, în-în-têl'lè-jè-blẻ. ad. not to
he understood
Unintentional, un-in-tễn'shun-ål. a. happening
without design
Uninterested, un-in'têr-és-têd. a. not having
Unintermitted, un-in-têr-mit'têd. a. continued
Uninterrupted, un în-ter-rup'ted. a. not in-

Uninterruptedly, in-in-ter-rup'têd-lẻ. ad.
without interruption

Uninvited, in-In-vi'ted. a. not asked
Union, ya'nê-ún. s. the act of joining, concord
Unison, yu'ne-sun. a. sounding alone
Unison, ya'nè-sun. s. a string that has the
same sound with another

[blocks in formation]

Universally, yu-né-vér'sâl-é. ad. without ex-Unload, ún-lòde'. v. a. to disburden, to exception [of things onerate [with a lock Universe, yu'ne-verse. s. the general system Unlock, un-lok'. v. a to open what is shut University, yu-né-vêr'sè-tè. s. a school where Unloose, in-lôôse'. v. a. to loose all the arts and faculties are taught and Unloveliness, un-luv'le-nés. s. unamiableness studied Unluckily, un-luk'è-lè. ad. unfortunately Univocal, yu-niv'd-kål. a. having one mean- Unlucky, un-luk'è. a. unfortunate; subject to ing; certain, regular frequent misfortunes; inauspicious Unjointed, un-jointed. a. disjointed, separated Unmade, in-måde'. a. not yet formed Unjoyous, un-joè'us. a. not gay, not cheerful Unman, in-mân'. v. a. to deprive of the con Unjust, in-just'. a. iniquitous [justified stituent qualities of a human being; to Unjustifiable, un-jus'te-fi-a-bl. a. not to be emasculate; to deject Unjustifiableness, un-jus'té-fl-å-bl-nês. 8. the Unmanageable, un-man'è-ji-bl. a. not manquality of not being justifiable ageable [effeminate

Unjustifiably, un-jus'tè-fi-å-blè. ad. in a man-Unmanly, in-mân'le. a. unbecoming a man, ner not to be justified [to right Unmannered, in-mân'nård. a. rude, uncivil Unjustly, un-just'le. ad. in a manner contrary Unmannerliness, un-mân'nûr-lè-nés. s. breach Unkennel, un-ken'nîl. v. a. to drive from its


Unkept, un-kept'. a. not kept
Unkind, un-kylod'. a. not favourable
Unkindly, in-kylnd'lẻ. a. unnatural;


of civility


Unmannerly, in-mån'nur-lé. a. illbred, not
Unmarried, un-mâr'rid. a. having no husband

or no wife

anfa-Unmask, un-mask'. v. a. to strip off a mask Unmasked, un-måskt'. a. open to the view Unmastered, un-mas'turd. a. not subdued Unmeaning, un-me'ning. a. expressing no meaning

Unkindly, in-kylnd'le. ad. without kindness
Unkindness, un-kylnd'nes. s. ill-will, want of


Unknowing, un-nd'ing. a. ignorant

Unmeasurable, un-mêzh'ur-á-bl. a. boundless
Unmeditated, un-mêd'è-tà-têd. a. not formed
by previous thought

Unmeet, un-meet' a. not fit, not proper
Unmellowed, in-mêl'lode. a. not fully ri-

U knowingly, un-nd'ing-lè. ad. ignorantly Unknown, un-none'. a. not known Unlaboured, in-là'burd. a. spontaneous, voluntary [tened with strings Unlace, in-låse'. v. a. to loose any thing fasUnlade, în-låde'. v. a. to unload; to exone-Unmelted, un-mêlt'êd. a. undissolved by Unmentioned, un-mén'shund. a. not told, not named


Unlamented, in-lå-mênt'êd. a. not deplored
Unlatch, un-lâtsh'. v. a. to open by lifting up

the latch

[blocks in formation]

Unlearned, an-lêr'nêd. a. ignorant
Unleavened, un-lêv'vend. a. not fermented
Unless, un-les'. conj. except, if not
Unlettered, in-lêt'turd. a. unlearned, untaught
Unlevelled, un-lev'èld. a. not cut even
Unlicensed, un-ll'senst. a. having no regular

Unlicked, in-likt'. a. shapeless
Unlike, in-like'. a. dissimilar
Unlikelihood, in-like'le-hid. s. improbability
Unlikely, in-like'lè. a. improbable
Unlikeness, in-like'nés. s. dissi.nilitude
Unlimitable, un lim'it-a-bl. a. admitting no


Unmerciful, un-mer'sé-fil. a. cruel, severe
Unmercifully, un-mer'sè-fůl-è. ad. without


Unmercifulness, in-mêr'sè-fil-nês. s. in-
clemency, cruelty

Unmerited, un-mer'it-êd. a. not deserved
Unmindful, un-mind'fůl. a. negligent, inat-
[any thing mingled
Unmingled, in-ming'gld. a. not vitiated by
Unmitigated, in-mit'è-gå-têd. a. not softened
Unmixed, un-mikst'. a. not mingled with
any thing, pure
Unmolested, un-mô-lêst'êd. a. free from dis-
Unmoor, in-môôr'. v. a. to loose from land
by taking up the anchors

Unmoveable, in-môôv'â-bl. a. such as cannot
be removed

Unmoved, un-m33vd a. not put out of one
place into another; not affected
Unmuffle, in-måf'f. v. a. to put off a cover
ing from the face

Unmusical, in-mi'zé-kål. a. not harmonious,
not pleasing by sound
Unnamed, n-námd'. a. not mentioned

Unlimited, un-ilm'it-êd. a. having no bounda
Unlink, in-link'. v. a. to untwist, to open
Unliquified, in-lik'wé-fide. a. unmelted, un-Unnatural, in-nât'tahu-rál a contrary t. the

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