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tion to nature

Unnaturally, un-nat'tshú-râl-é. ad. in opposi- Unploughed, un-ploud'. a. not ploughed [navigated Unpoetical, un-po-êt'tè-kål. Unpoetick, un-po-ét'ik.

Unnavigable, in-nav'e-gå-bl. a. not to be
Unnecessarily, un-nés'sés-sâ-ré-lè. ad. with-
out necessity

Unnecessary, in-nês'sês-så-rẻ. a. needless
Unneighbourly, un-ná'bur-lè. a. not suitable

to the duties of a neighbour
Unnerved, un-nervd'. a. weak, feeble
Unnumbered, un-num'burd. a. innumerable
Unobservable, un-ôb-zẻr'vå-bl. a. not to be

Unobservant, in-ôb-zer'vânt. a. not attentive
Unobserved, un-db-zérvd'. a. not regarded
Unobserving, un-ôb-zér'ving. a. inattentive
Unobstructed, in-ôb-struk'téd. a. not hin-

[blocks in formation]

Unowned, un-bnd'. a, having no owner
Unpack, in-pak'. v. a. to exonerate; to open
any thing bound together
Unpaid, un-pade'. a. not discharged
Unpalatable, un-pâl'à-tå-bl. a. nauseous, dis-

Unparagoned, un-par'â-gond. a. unequalled
Unparalleled, in-par'ál-lêld. a. not to be

Unpardonable, in-pår'dn-â-bl. a. irremissible
Unpardonably, un-pár'dn-a-ble. ad. beyond

Unpardoned, un-pår'dnd. a. not forgiven
Unparliamentary, in-pâr-le-mênt ́â-rẻ. a. con-
trary to the rules of parliament
Unpeg, in-peg'. v. a. to open any thing closed
with a peg
Unpensioned, un-pen'shund. a. without a
Unperceived, in-per-sévd'. a. not observed
Unperformed, un-per-formd'. a. undone


a. not such
as becomes a poet
[not civilized
Unpolished, in-polisht. a. not smoothed;
Unpolite, un-po-lite'. a. not elegant, not civil
Unpolluted, un-pol-id'têd. a. not corrupted
Unpopular, in-pop'ù-lår. a. not fitted to
please the people

Unportable, un-port'â-bl. a. not to be carried
Unpossessed, un-poz-zést'. a. not obtained
Unpractised, in-pråk'tist. a. not skilled by
use and experience

Unprecedented, un-pres'sè-den-têd. a. not
justifiable ny any example [prejudice
Unprejudiced, in-prêd'ju-dist. a. free from
Unpremeditated, în-pré-mé d'è-tå-têd. a. not
prepared in the mind beforehand
Unprepared, in-pré-pård'. a. not fitted by
previous measures

Unpreparedness, un-pré-på'rẻd-nés. s. state
of being unprepared
Unprevented, un-pré-vẻnt'êd. a. not previ-
ously hindered
Unprincely, un-prins'le. a. unsuitable to a
Unprincipled, un-prin'sè-pid. a not settled in
tenets or opinions

Unprofitable, un-prof'è-tâ-bl. a. useless,
Unprofitableness, un-prof'è-tå-bl-nés. s. use

Unprofitably, un-prof'é-tâ-blè. ad. uselessly
Unprolifick, ún-pro-lif'ik. a. barren, not pro


Unpropitious, in-pro-pish's. a. inauspicious Unproportioned, un-pro-por'shund. a. not suited to something else

Unpropped, un-propt'. a. not supported, not

Unprosperous, un-prôs'pur-us. a. unfortunate
Unprotected, in-pro-tek'ted. a. not protected
Unproved, in-pro3vd'. a. not evinced by

Unprovided, un-prò-vl'ded. a. not secured of
qualified by previous measures
Unprovoked, an-pro-vokt'. a. not provoked

Unperishable, un-per'ish-å-bl. a. lasting to Unpruned, un-prund'. a. not cut, not lopped perpetuity

Unpublished, un-påb'lisht. a. secret, unknown

Unphilosophical, un-ffl-1d-zôíè-kâl. a. unsuit-Unpunished, un-pun'isht. a. not punishe

able to the rules of philosophy

Unpin, in-pla'. v. a. to open what is fastened

with a pin

Unpurchased, un-pur'tshast. a. unbought
Unpurged, in-purjd'. a. not purged
Unpurified, in-pu'ré-fide. a. not cleansed
Unpursued, in-pur-sude'. a. not pursued

Unpitied, un-pit tid. a. not compassionated Unpitying, in-plt'tè-ing. a. having no com-Unqualified, in-kwôl'è-fide. a. not fit passion [easy Unquenchable, un-kwensh'å-bl. a. unextinUnpleasant, in-plêz'ânt. a. troublesome, un- guishable Unpleasantly, un-pléz'ant-lè. ad. not delight-Unquenched, un-kwensht'. a. not extinfully, uneasily Unquenchableness, un-kwênsh'a-bl-nes. s. un [dubitable

Unpleasantness, un-plêz'ânt-nês. s. want of extinguishableness

qualities to give delight


lgusting Unquestionable, un-kwês'tshin-a-bl. a. in. Unpleasing, in-ple'zing. a. offensive, dis-Unquestionably, un-kwês'tshûn-â-blè. ad. in Unpliant, in-pll'ant, a. not easily bent




Unquestioned, un-kwés'tshund. a. not doubted ||Unrighteous, un-rl'tshé-us. a. unjust, wicked, Unquiet, un-kwi'êt. a. disturbed; restless Unquietness, un-kwl'êt-nês. s. want of tran- Unrighteously, in-rl'tshe-is-lè. ad. unjustly, quillity; restlessness Unrighteousness, un-ri'tshe-is-nês. s. wickedness, injustice

[lees Unracked, un-råkt'. a. not poured from the Unravel, un-rav'vl. v. a. to disentangle, to


[ocr errors]

Unrip, un-rip'. v. a. to cut open Unripe, un-ripe'. a. immature Unripened, un-rl'pnd. a. not matured Unripeness, un-ripe'nês. s. immaturity Unrivalled, in-rl'våld. a. having no peer or equal lor convolved Unrol, un-role'. v. a. to open what is rolled exor-Unroof, in-roof'. v. a. to strip off the roof Unrounded, in-round'êd. a. not shaped Unruffled, un-ruf'fid. a. calm, tranquil Unruliness, un-rôõl'lè-nea. s. turbulence, tumultuousness

Unrazored, un-råʼzûrd. a. unshaven Unread, in-red' a. not read, untaught Unreal, un-ré'ál. a. unsubstantial Unreasonable, un-ré'zn-å-bl. a. exorbitant; not agreeable to reason Unreasonableness, în-rè'zn-â-bl-nês. s. bitance; inconsistency with reason Unreclaimed, un ré-klámd'. a. not reformed Unreconciled, un rék'ôn sild. a. not reconciled

Unreformed, un rẻ formd'. a. not amended, not corrected

Unrefracted, un-rẻ-fråk'têd. a. not refracted Unrefreshed, un-rẻ fresht'. a. not cheered, not relieved

Unregarded, in-re-gyår'dêd. a. not heeded Unregenerate, un-ré-jén ér-åte. brought to a new life

[ocr errors]


Unrelenting, in-re-lent'ing. a. hard, cruel
Unrelieved, un-ré-lèèvd'. a. not succoured
Unremediable, un-rè-mè'dè-â-bl. a. admitting
no remedy

Unremoved, un-re-môåvd'. a. not taken away
Unrepealed, un-ré-péld'. a. not revoked
Unrepented, un-re-pént'êd. a. not regarded
with penitential sorrow
Unrepenting, un-re-pent'ing.
Unrepentant, in-ré-pênt'ânt.


a. not peni

[complaining Unrepining, in-re-pl'ning. a. not peevishly Unreplenished, in-ré-plen'isht. a. not filled Unreproached, un-ré-pròtsht'. a. not censured Unreprovable, in-ré-proov'â-bl. a. not liable [ted for

to blame

Unrequited, un-re-kwl'têd. a. not compensaUnreserved, in-ré-zêrvd'. a. open, frank Unreservedly, un-rẻ-zêr'vêd-lẻ. ad. without concealment, openly [ness, frankness Unreservedness, un-ré-zêr'vêd-nês. s. openUnresisted, un-re-zis'ted. a. not opposed Unresisting, un-rẻ-zis'ting. a. not opposing Unresolved, un-re-zólvd'. a. not determined; not cleared

Unrestored, un-rẻ-stòrd'. a. not restored Unrestrained, un-rẻ-strånd'. a. not confined;


Unretracted, in-ré-trák'têd. a. not revoked Unrevealed, un-ré-vèld'. a. not told, not discovered

Unrevenged, un-ré-venjd'. a. not revenged Unrewarded, in-rè-wård′êd. a. not recompensed [to explain Unriddle, in-rid'dl. v. a. to solve an enigma, Varig, un-rigʻ. v. a. to strip off the tackle

Unruly, un-rôô'lè. a. turbulent, ungovernable
Unsafe, in-safe'. a. hazardous, dangerous
Unsafely, in-safe'lè. ad. not securely
Unsaid, un-sêd'. a. not uttered

Unsalted, un-sålt'ed. a. not seasoned with salt
Unsanctified, in-sânk'te-fide. a. unholy
Unsatiable, un-sa'shé-a-bl. a. not to be satisfied
Unsatisfactory, in-sât-tỉs-fák'tûr-è. a. nut giv-
ing satisfaction

Unsatisfied, un-såt'tis-flde. a. not contented Unsavouriness, un-sa'vůr-è-nes. s. bad taste; [disgusting

bad smell

Unsavoury, in-sa'vir-è. a. tasteless; fetid;
Unsay, un-sa'. v. a. to retract
Unschooled, 3n-sk881d'. a. uneducated
Unscriptural, in-skrip'tshd-rál. a. not defen-
sible by scripture

Unseal, in-sèle'. v. a. to open any thing sealed
Unsealed, un-sèld'. a. wanting a seal
Unsearchable, un-sertsh'à-bl. a. not to be ex-

Unsearchableness, in-sertsh'a-bl-nes. s. impossibility to be explored Unseasonable, un-sé'zn-å bl. a. unft, untimely, ill-timed [bly Unseasonably, in-sé'zn-â-blè. ad. not seasonaUnsecure, un-sé-kdre'. a. not safe Unseemliness, in-séèm'lè nês. s. indecency, indecorum

Unseemly, in-seèm'le. a. indecent Unseen, in-seèn'. a. not seen; invisible Unserviceable, in-ser'vis-å-bl. a. bringing no advantage [advantage Unserviceably, in-ser'vis-â-blẻ. ad. without Unsettle, un-set'tl. v. a. to make uncertain; to move from a place [steady Unsettled, un-set'tld. a. not determined, not Unshaken, in-sha'kn. a. not agitated; not subject to concussion Unshapen, in-sha'pn. a. deformed Unsheath, in-sheth'. v. a. to draw from the scabbard Ition Unsheltered, an-shel'tord. a. wanting protec Unship, in-ship'. v. a. to take out of a ship

Unshod, ún-shôd'. a. having no shoes
Unshorn, in-shorn'. a. not clipped [sight
Unsightly, un-site lè. a. disagreeable to the
Unskilled, un-skild'. a. wanting skill
Unskilful, un-skil'ful. a. wanting art, want-
ing knowledge
Unskilfully, in-skil'fül-e. ad. without know-
Unskilfulness, un-skil'fůl-nes. s. want of art
or knowledge

Unslaked, un-slåkt'. a. not quenched
Unsmoked, un-smokt'. a. not smoked
Unsociable, un-so'shé-a-bl. a. not kind
Unsolved, in-sûlvd'. a. not solved
Unsophisticated, un-so-fis'tè-kà-têd. a. not
[proper separation
Unsorted, un-sort'êd. a. not distributed by


Unsuspected, un-sús-pék'téd. a. not consider-
ed as likely to do or mean ill
Unsuspecting, in-sus-pék'ting. a. not imagin..
ing that any ill is designed
Unsuspicious, un-sus-pish'us. a. having no

Unsustained, un-sus-tånd'. a. not supported
Untameable, un-ta'må-bl. a. not to be tamed
Untangle, un-tang'gl. v. a to loose from in-
tricacy or convolution
Untasted, un-tas'ted. a. not tasted [cated
Untaught, in-tåwt'. a. uninstructed, unedu
Unthankful, in-thank'ful. a. ungrateful
Unthankfully, un-thank'fůl-é. ad. without


thanks Unthankfulness, un-thank'fůl-nês. s. want f Unsought, un-sawt'. a. had without seeking Unthawed, un-thawd'. a. not dissolved after Unsound, un-såånd', a. sickly; not free from cracks; rotten; not orthodox Unsoundness, un sound'nés. s. erroneousness of belief; corruptness of any kind Unsparing, un-spa'ring. a. not sparing Unspeakable, un-spe'ka-bl. a. not to be expressed

[blocks in formation]

Unstrained, un-strand'. a. easy, not forced Unstring, in-string'. v. a. to relax any thing strung, to untie

[of success

Unthinking, in-thinking. a. thoughtless
Unthriftily, un-thrif'tè-lễ. ad. without fruga-
Unthrifty, in-thrif'te. a. prodigal, lavish,
Untidy, un-ti'de. a. reverse of tidy
Untie, in-tl. v. a. to unbind; to set free; to

Untied, in-tide'. a. not bound
Until, in-til'. ad. to the time that; to the
place that


Untilled, in-tild'. a. not cultivated
Untimely, un-time'lè. a. happening before
the natural time
Untimely, un-time'lè. ad. before the natural
Unto, un'tôỏ. prep. the old word for To
Untold, an-told'. a. not related
Untouched, in-titsht'. a. not touched
Untoward, un-to'wurd. a. froward, perverse
Untowardly, in-to'wurd-lè. a. awkward, per-
verse, froward
Untrained, in-trånd'. a. not educated, irre-
Untransferable, un-trâns-fer'â-bl. a. incapa
ble of being transferred
Untravelled, un-trâv'ild. a. having never seen
foreign countries

Untried, in-tride'. a. not yet attempted
Untrodden, 3n-trôd'dn. a. not passed, not
marked by the foot

Unstudied, un-stůd'id. a. not premeditated Unsubstantial, in-sub-stân'shål. a. not solid, not palpable [wished event Unsuccessful, un-suk-sês'ful. a. not having the Unsuccesfully, in-sûk-sés'fůl-é. ad. unfortu- Untroubled, in-trůb'bld. a. not disturbed, nately not agitated, not confused Unsuccessfulness, un-sûk-sés'fůl-nês. s. want Untrue, in-tr88'. a. false; contrary to reality Unsufferable, in-suf'für-â-bl. a. not support-Untruely, un-troo'lé. ad. falsely [proportionate Untruth, in-trôöth'. s. falsehood Unsuitable, un-su'tå-bl. a. not congruous, not Untunable, in-tu'nâ-bl. a. unharmonious Unsuitableness, un-so'tá-bl-nês. s. incongruity Untutored, in-tu'turd. a. uninstructed, un Unsullied, un-sul'lid. a. not fouled, pure taught [together by convolutior Unsung, un-sung'. a. not celebrated in verse Untwine, in-twine'. v. a. to open what is bela Unsupported, in-sup-pòrt'êd. a. not sustained, Untwist, in-twist'. v. a. to separate any not held up things involved in each other Unvanquished, in-vâng'kwisht. a. not con quered

able, intolerable

Unsure, in-shure'. a. not certain
Unsurmountable, un-sur-maint'i-bl. a. not to

be overcome

(not liable to admit Unvariable, in-va're-a-bl. a. not changeable Unsusceptible, in-sůs-sep'te-bl. a. incapable.Unvaried, in-va'rid. a. not changed

Uuvarnished, un-vár'nísht. a. not adorned,[[Upbraidingly, up-bra'ding-lé. ad. by way of not decorated [change reproach

Unvarying, un-va're-Ing. a. not liable to Upheld, up-hêld'. pret. and part. pass. of up Unveil, un-vale'. v. a. to disclose, to show hold. maintained, sustained

Unused, in-uzd'. a. unemployed; not accus-Uphill, up'hil. a. difficult, like the labour of


Unusual, in-zhi-ál. a. not common, rare
Unusualness, un-u'zhů-ål-nes. s. uncommon-
ness, infrequency
Unutterable, un-it'tur-å-bl. a. ineffable, in-
Unwarily, in-wa'ré-lè. ad. without caution,
Unwariness, in-wa're-nes. s. want of caution,
Unwarrantable, un-wor'rån-tä-bl. a. not to
he justified
Unwarrantably, in-wor'rân-ta-ble. ad. un-
Unwarranted, un-wôr'rân-téd. a. not ascer-
tained, uncertain

climbing a hill

Uphold, up-hold'. v. a. pret. upheld; and
part. pass. upheld and upholden. to support,
to sustain; to continue
Upholder, up-hold'ur. s. a supporter; an un
Upholsterer, up-hỏis'tur-ur. s. one who fur-

nishes houses

Upland, upland. s. higher ground Upmost, up'most. a. highest, topmost Upon, up on'. prep. not under; in immediate consequence of; with respect to; near to, on pain of; according to; by " Upper, up'pår. a. superior in place, higher Uppermost, up'pur-most. a. highest Upraise, up-raze'. v. a. to exalt inde-Upright, up'rite. a. straight up; honest fatigable [not grateful Uprightly, up'rite-lè. ad. perpendicularly to Unwelcome, in-wêl'kům. a. not pleasing, Unwell, on-wel'. a. not in perfect health Unwept, un-wept'. a. not lamented Unwholsome, un-hỏie'sum. a. insalubrious Unwieldily, un-wéél'dé-lè. ad. heavily, with

Unwary, un-wa're. a. imprudent, precipitate
Unwashed, un-wosht'. a. not washed
Unwearied, un-we'rîd. a. not tired;

dificult motion

Unwieldliness, in-wèél'dè-nês. s. heaviness, difficulty to move, or be to moved Unwieldy, in-wèèl'dé. a. unmanageable, bulky, ponderous

the horizon; honestly Lerection; honesty
Uprightness, up'rite-nés. s. perpendicular
Uproar, up'rore. s. tumult, bustle, disturbance
Upshot, up'shot. s. conclusion, end
Upstart, up'stårt. s. one suddenly raised to
wealth or power

Upward, up'wird. a. directed to a higher part
Upwards, up'wurdz. ad. towards a higher

place; with respect to the higher part;

more than; towards the source Urbanity, ur-ban'è-te. s. civility, politeness Urchin, ur'tshin. s. a hedgehog; name

slight anger to a child


[urine Urethra, yu-re'thra. s. the passage of the Urge, urje. v. a. to incite, to push; to pro

Unwilling, in-wil'ling. a. loath, not inclined Unwillingly, in-willing-lé. ad. not with good will [disinclination Unwillingness, in-wil'ling-nés. s. loathness, Unwind, un-wind'. v. a. pret. and part. pass. unwound. to separate any thing convolved voke; to importune to disentangle [dom Urgency, ur'jén-se. s. pressure of difficulty Unwise, in-wize'. a. weak, defective in wis-Urgent, urjent. a. pressing; importunate Unwisely, un-wize'lè. ad. weakly, not pru-Urgently, ir'jênt-lè. ad. cogently, vehedently [sual mently, importunately Unwonted, in-win'ted. a. uncommon, unu-Urinal, yu're-nål. s. a bottle in which water Unworthily, un-wůr'the-lè. ad. not according is kept for inspection Urine, yu'rin. e. animal water Urinous, yu'rin us. a. partaking of urine Urn, urn. s. any vessel, of which the mouth is narrower than the body; the vessel in which the remains of burnt bodies were put


to the desert [worth, want of merit Unworthiness, in-wur'the-nes. s. want of Unworthy, un-wûr'thẻ. a. not deserving; not [unwind. untwisted Unwound, in-wound'. part. pass. and pret. of Unwounded, un-wôôn'dêd. a. not wounded Unwreath, un-reth'. v. a. to untwine Unyoke, un-yoke'. v. a. to loose from the yoke; to disjoin [yoke; unrestrained Unyoked, un-yokt'. a. having never worn a Unzoned, un-zond'. a. not bound with a gir[horizon


Up, up. ad. aloft; out of bed; above the
Up, up. int. a word of exhortation exciting
or rousing to action
Upbraid, up-bride'. v. a. to charge contempt-
to reproach

Us, us. pron. the oblique case of we
Usage, yu'zidje. s. treatment; custom
Usance, yn'zanse. s. use, usury
Use, yuse. s. advantage received, conve
nience, help; habit; custom; interest
Use, ydze. v. a. to employ; to accustom;

to treat

Useful, yuse'fil. a. convenient, profitable Usefulness, yuse'fül-nês. s. conduciveness to some end

"Useless, yuse'lês. a. answering no purpose

Uselessness, yuse'lês-nés. s. unfitness to any Vagabond, våg'â-bond. s. a vagrant
Vagary, va-ga'ré. s. a wild freak


Usher, ush'ur. s. one whose business is to in-Vagrant, và grant. a. wandering, unsettled
troduce strangers, or walk before a person
of high rank; an under-teacher
Usher, ush'ur. v. a. to introduce
Usquebaugh, us-kwẻ-ba'. s. a compounded
distilled spirit

Usual, yuzhu-al. a. common, frequent
Usually, yu'zhůål-é. ad. commonly, fre-
[out at interest
Usurer, yo'zhd-rår. s. one who puts money
Usurious, yd-zu'rê-us. a. exorbitantly greedy
of profit
[out right
Usurp, yu-zurp'. v. a. to seize or possess with-
Usurpation, yu-zur-pa'shun. s. illegal seizure
or possession

Usurper, yd-zurp'år. s. one who seizes that to
which he has no right

Usury, yo'zhu-re. s. money paid for the use
of money, interest

Utensil, ya'tên-sil. s. an instrument for use
Uterine, yuter-lne. a. belonging to the womb
Uterus, yu'té-rus. s. the womb
Utility, yu-til'è-tè. s. usefulness
Utinost, åt most. a. extreme; being in the
highest degree
[greatest power
Utmost, it'most. s. the most that can be, the
Utopian, yd-to'pé-ân. a. ideal

Vagrant, va'grant. s. a vagabond
Vague, vag. a. wandering; unfixed, unfettled
Vail, vale. s. a curtain; a part of female
dress; money given to servants
Vain, vane. a. fruitless; empty; idle
Vainglorious, våne-glo'rê-ús. a. boasting
without performances

Vainglory, vane-glo'rẻ. s. empty pride
Vainly, vane'le. ad. without effect; arrogantly
Valance, val'lânse. s. the drapery hanging

round the tester of a bed

Vale, våle. s. a valley; money given to ser


Valediction, vål-é-dfk'shún. s. a farewell
Valentine, vál'én-tin. s. a sweet-heart chosen
on St. Valentine's day

Valet, vål'êt. s. a waiting servant
Valetudinarian, vâl-lé-tu-de-na'rẻ-ân. s. and
a. a person uncommonly careful of his
Valetudinary, väl-lẻ-tử dẻ-ni-rẻ. a. weakly,
Valiant, val'yant. a. stout, brave
Valid, val'lu. a. powerful; conclusive
Validity, va-lid'e-tè. s. certainty
Valley, val'lè. s. a low ground between hills
Valorous, väl'ur-us. a. brave, stout

Utter, it'tur. a. situate on the outside; ex-Valour, vål'ur. s. personal bravery

[to publish

treme, utmost
Utter, it'tur. v. a. to speak, to pronounce
Utterable, it'tur-å-bl. a. expressible
Utterance, it'tir-ânse. s. pronunciation
Utterly, it'tir-lè. ad. completely, perfectly
Uttermost, it'tur-most. a. extreme, most re-


Uttermost, it'år-most. s. the greatest degree Uxorious, ig-z'rè-us. a. submissively fond of a wife, infected with connubil dotage Uxoriousnes, ig-zo'rè-ús-nês. s. connubial dotage, fond submission to a wife



Valuable, vål'd-a-bl. a. precious, of great price

Valuation, val-d-a'shun. s. value set upon any

thing; appraisement

Valuator, val-d-d'tor. s. an appraiser, one

who sets upon any thing its price
Value, val'. s. price, worth; rate
Value, våld. v. a. to rate at a certain price;
to appraise

Valve, válv. s. a folding door; any thing
that opens over the mouth of a vessel
Vamp, vamp. s. the upper leather of a shoe
Vamp, vamp. v. a. to piece an old thing with
some new part

Van, van. s. the front of an army

Vane, våne. s. a plate to turn with the wind

VACANCY, va'kân-se. s. empty space, Vanguard, vân-gyård'. s. the front


Vacant, vå'kant. a. empty; free

Vanish, vanish. v. n. to disappear
Vanity, vân'é-te. s. emptiness; petty pride

Vacate, vå'kate. v. a. to annul; to make va-Vanquish, vangk'wish. v. a. to conquer

cant, to quit possession of

Vacation, va-ka'shun. s. leisure

Vaccine, vak'sine. a. belonging to a cow
Vacillancy, vâs'sil-an-se. s. a state of waver-
ing, fluctuation
[of reeling
Vacillation, vas-sil-la'shun. s. the act or state
Vacuity, va-kd'è-te. s. emptiness
Vacuum, vak'i-ům. s. space unoccupied
Vagabond, vag'a-bond. a. wandering without
any settled habitation, wanting a home
wandering, vagrant

Vanquisher, vangk'wish-ur. s. conquerer, sub

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