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Attractive, at-traktiv. a. inviting, alluring,
[power of attracting
Attractively, at-trik'tiv-lé. ad. with the
Attractor, at-tråâk'tur. s. the agent that at-
[may be ascribed
Attributable, ât-trib'ů-tå-bl. a. that which
Attribute, at-trib'ute. v. a. to ascribe, to
Attribute, at'tré-bute. s. the thing attributed
to another quality adherent; an appen-


Attrition, at-trish'un. s. the act of wearing
things by rubbing; the lowest degree of
Attune, ât-tune'. v. a. to make musical; to
Auburne, &w'burn. a. brown, of a tan colour
Auction, wk'shůn. s. a manner of sale in
which one person bids after another
Auctionary, wk'shån-â-ré. a. belonging to

an auction Auctioneer,

wk-shin-der'. s. the person

that manages an auction
Audacions, aw-da'shus. a. bold, impudent
Audaciously, w-da'shus-lè. ad. boldly, im-

Audaciousness, aw-da'shus-ness. s. impudence
Audacity, w-dâs'é-tè. s. spirit, boldness
Audible, aw'de-bl. a. that may be perceived
by hearing
[being heard
Audibleness, w'de-bl-ness. s. capableness of
Audibly, aw'de-blé. ad. in such a manner as

to be heard

Audience, aw'je-ense. s. the act of hearing; the liberty of speaking granted, a hearing persons collected to hear

Audit, åw'dit. s. a final account

August, Aw'gúst. s. the eighth month of the


Aulick, åw'lik. a. belonging to the court
Aunt, ant. s. a father or mother's sister
Aurelia, aw-ré'lè-â. s. the first stage of an
insect before it becomes a fly, the chrysalis
Auricle, aw're-kl. s. the external ear; an
appendage of the heart
Auricular, åw-rík'd-lår. a. within hearing,
Auriferous, àw-rif'iè-rus. a. that produces

Aurora, åw-rò'râ. s. a herb; poetically the

Auspice, w'spis. s. an omen drawn from birds; protection; influence

Auspicious, aw-spish'us. a. with omers of success; favourable, kind, propitious Auspiciousness, w-spish'us-ness. s. prosperi ty, happiness

Austere, aw-stère'. a. severe, harsh, rigid, sour
Austerity, aw-ster'è-té. s. severity, strictness;

Austral, ws'trál. a. southern
Authentical, aw-thên'tě-kal. a. authentick
Authentically, aw-thén'té-kål-lé. ad. with

circumstances requisite to procure authority
Authenticalness, aw-then'té-kål-néss, s. the
quality of being authentick, genuineness
Authenticate, åw-thén'té-káte. v. a. to es-
tablish any thing by authority
Authenticity, aw-then-tis'sé-té. s. authority,

Authentick, aw-then'tik. a. that has every
thing requisite to give it authority
Author, åw'thor. s. the first beginner or mo
ver of any thing; a writer

Audit, w'dit. v. a. to take an account Authoress, Aw'thur-éss. s. a female writer


Auditor, w'dè-tur. s. a hearer; a person employed to take an account ultimately Auditory, aw'dé-tur-rẻ. a. that has the power of hearing

Auditory, aw'de-tôr-rẻ. s. an audience, a collection of persons assembled to hear; a place where lectures are to be heard Auditress, åw'dé-três. s. a woman that hears Auger, aw'går. s. a tool to bore holes with Aught, wt. s. any thing

Augment, &wg-ment' v. a. to increase, to make bigger

Augment, Awg-mênt'. v. n. to increase, to grow bigger

Augmentation, Awg-men-ta'shun. s. the act of increasing, increase

Augur, &w'gur. s. one who predicts by the flight of birds

Augur, Aw'gur. v. n. to conjecture by signs Augury, aw'gu-rẻ. s. the act of prognosticating by omens

August, aw-gust'. a. grand, royal, magnifi


Authoritative, aw-thôr'è-tå-tiv. a. having due

authoritative manner

authority, having an air of authority Authoritatively, Aw-thôr′ẻ-tả-tiv-lẻ, ad. in an [fluance, rule Authority, aw-thor'è-tè. a. legal power; inAuthorization, -tho-rẻ-za-'shún. ■. establishment by authority

Authorize, w'tho-rize. v. a. to give autho
rity; to make legal; to establish
Autocrasy, aw-tôk'ra-se. s. independent power
Autograph, w'td-gråf. s. a particular per-
son's own writing, the original
Automaton, ằw-tôma-tôn. a. a machine that
has the power of motion within itself
Automatous, aw-tôm'â-tus. a. having in itself
the power of motion

Autopsy, aw'top-sé. s. ocular demonstration
Autoptical, åw-top'tè-kâl. a. perceived by

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Avail, â-våle'. v. a. to profit; to promote, Avowable, â-voŭ'â-bl. a. that may be openly to prosper Avail, a-vale'. s. profit, advantage, benefit Avowal, á-voi'al. s. justificatory declaration Available, a-va'la-bl. a. profitable, advanta-Avowedly, â-vou'êd-lề. ad. in an avowed geous; powerful [fies Availment, a-våle'ment. s. usefulness, advan-Avower, â-vol'ur. & he that avows or justiAvale, a-våle'. v. a. to let fall, to depress Avowtry, à-vou'trẻ. s. adultery Avant-guard, -vânt'gård. s. the van Avarice, av'a-ris. s. covetousness Avaricious, av-a-rish'is. a. covetous Avariciously, av-á-rish'us-lè. ad. covetously Avariciousness, av-a-rish'us-ness. s. the quality of being avaricious

Avaunt, -vant'. interj. a word of abhor-
rence by which any one is driven away
Avel, á-vel'. v. a. to pull away
Avemary, á-ve-ma'rẻ. s. a form of worship
in honour of the Virgin Mary

Avulsion, a-vul'shůn. s. the act of pulling one

thing from another


Await, a-wåte'. v. a. to expect, wait for, at-
Awake, a-wake' v a. to rouse out of sleep;
to put into new action
Awake, a-wake'. v. n. to break from sleep,
to cease to sleep

Awake, a-wake'. a. without sleep, not sleeping
Award, a-ward'. v. a. to adjudge, to deter-

Award, a-wård'. . sentence, determination Avenge, -vênje'. v. a. to revenge; to punish Aware, a-ware'. a. vigilant, attentive Avengement, a-venje'ment. s. vengeance, re-Aware, a-ware'. v. n. to beware, to be caz


[vengeance tious

Avenger, a-ven'jur. & revenger, taker of Away, -wa'. ad. absent; let us go; begone Avenue, âv'è-nů. s. a way by which any Awe, aw. s. reverential fear, reverence place may be entered; an alley, or walk of Awe, åw. v. a. to strike with reverence cr trees before a house


[fills with reverence; timorous Aver, -ver'. v. a. to declare positively Awful, w'fil. a. which strikes with awe, or Average, av'ur-idje. s. that duty or service Awfully, aw'ful-lè. ad. in a reverential man which the tenant is to pay to the king; a ner [g with awe, solemnity mean proportion Awfulness, Aw'fill-ness. s. the quality of strikAverment, à-ver'ment. s. establishment by Awhile, a-while'. ad. some time [clumsy [ble Awkward, awk'word. a. unpolite, unhandy, Averse, a-verse'. a. malign, not favoura-Awkwardly, åwk'wurd-lè. ad. clumsily, inelAversely, -verse'lè. ad. unwillingly; back- egantly [clumsiness wardly [backwardness Awkwardness, wk'wird-ness. s. inelegance, Averseness, -verse'ness. s. unwillingness; Awl, 11. s. an instrument to bore holes Aversion, a-ver'shůn. s. hatred, dislike, de-Awning, àw'ning. s. a cover to keep off the testation


Avert, a-vert. v. a. to turn aside, to put by
Aviary, á'vé-á-rẻ. s. a place enclosed to keep
birds in

Avidity, a-vid'e-tè. 8. greediness, eagerness
Avize, a-vize'. v. a. to counsel; to consider
Avocate, av'vo-kåte. v. a. to call away
Avocation, av-vo-ka'shin. s. the act of calling
aside; the business that calls [quit
Avoid, -vold'. v. a. to shun, to escape; to
Avoid, â-võid'. v. n. to retire; to become
void cr vacant

Avoidable, a-void'â-bl. a. that may be avoided)


Awoke, å-woke'. pret. of awake
Awry, a-rl'. ad. obliquely; asquint
Axe, âks. s. an instrument used to cut wood
Axiom, ak'shum. a. a proposition evident at
first sight

Axis, ak'sis. s. the line, real or imaginary,
that passes through any thing on which it
may revolve
Axle, åk'sl.

Axle-tree, ak'al-tree. s. the pin which
passes through the midst of the wheel of a

Avoidance, à-vold ânse'. s. the act of avoid-Ay, âè. ad, Yes

ing; the course by which any thing is car-Aye, dè. ad. always, to eternity, for ever ried off Azure, d'zhure. a. blue, faint blue

Avoidless, -võid'lês. a. inevitable

Avoirdupois, av-êr-du-pôîz'. a. a weight of which a pound contains sixteen ounces


Avolation, av-d-la'shun. s. the act of flying Baa, b. s. the cry of a sheep


[tain; to vindicate Baa, bå. v. n. to cry like a sheep [talk idly Avouch, â-voltsh'. v. a. to affirm, to main-Babble, bab'bl. v. n. te prattle like a child, to Avoucher, a-voitsh'er. s. he that avouches Babble, bab'bl. Avow, â-voů. a. to justify, to declare Babblement, bab'bi


s. senseless

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Babbler, hab'blur. s. an idle talker; a teller of secrets

Babe, babe. s. an infant


Babery, ba'bur-re. s. finery to please a babe
Babish, ba'bish. a. childish
Baboon, ba-bôôn'. s. a monkey of the largest
Baby, ba'be. s. a child, an infant
Bacchanalian, bak-kâ-ná'lé-ân. s. a drunkard
Bacchanals, bak'ká-nålz. s. the drunken feasts
of Bacchus
Bachelor, bâtsh'è-lår. s. a man unmarried; a
man who takes his first degrees; a knight of
the lowest order [tion of a bachelor
Bachelorship, batsh'è-lur-ship. s. the condi-
Back, bak. s. the hinder part of any thing;|

he rear

Back, bak. ad. to the place whence one came; backward from the present station; again, a second time

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Back, bak. v. a. to mount or break a horse; Baize, baze. s. a kind of coarse open cloth to maintain, to justify, to support Bake, bake. v. a. to dress provisions in an Backbite, bak'bite. v. a. to censure or reoven; to harden with heat proach the absent

[absent Backbiter, bak'bl-tur. s. a censurer of the Backfriend, bak'frend. s. an enemy in secret Backgammon, båk-gåm'mûn. s. a game with dice and tables

Backside, bak'side. s. the hinder part of any hing; the ground behind a house Backslide, båk-slide'. v. n. to fall off Backslider, bak-sll'dur. s. an apostate Backsword, bak'sòrd. s. a sword with one sharp edge

Backwards, bak'wurdz. ad. with the back forwards; regressively; towards something past; in time past

Bake, båke. v. n. to do the work of baking Bakehouse, bake'house. s. a place for baking


Baker, ba'kur. s. he whose trade is to bake Balance, bal'lånse. s. a pair of scales; that which is wanting to make two parts of an account even; equipoise; the beating part of a watch; the sign Libra

Balance. bål'lanse. v. a. to weigh in a balance: to counterpoise; to regulate an account Balance, bál'lánse. v. n. to hesitate, to fluctuate

Balcony, bål-ko'nè. s. a frame of wood, or stone, before the window of a room

Backward, bak'wird. a. unwilling, hesita-Bald, bawld. a. without hair; unadorned ting; sluggish, dull [aversely Balderdash, båwl'dir-dásh. s. rude mixture Backwardly, bak'wird-le. ad. unwillingly, Baldly, båwld'le. ad. nakedly, meanly Backwardness, bák'wurd-nes. 8. dulness, Baldness, båwld'nês. s. the want or loss of sluggishness



Bacon, ba'kn. s. the flesh of a hog salted and Bad, båd. a. ill; vicious, unhappy, hurtful,


Bade, båd. the pret. of bid

Badge, bidje. s. a particular mark or token
Badge, badje. v. a. to mark

Badger, båd'jur. s. a brock, an animal
Badger, båd jur. s. one that buys corn in one
place, and sells it in another
Badly, bad'le. ad. not well

Badness, båd'nês. . want of good qualities Bafle, båf'fl. v. a. to elude; to confound; to crush

Baffler, baf'fur. s. he that baffies
Bag, bag. s. a sack, or pouch
[with a bag
Bag, bag. v. a. to put into a bag; to load
Bag, bag. v. n. to swell like a full bag
Bagatelle, båg-à-têl'. s. a trifle

Baggage, bag'gidje. s. the furniture of an army; a worthless woman

hair; meanness of writing Bale båle. s. a bundle of goods Baleful, båle'ful. a. sorrowful, sad mischief

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Balk, båwk. s. a great beam; a ridge of

land left unploughed; a disappointment Balk, båwk. v. a. to disappoint, to frustrate Ball, båwl. s. any thing round; a globe; an entertainment of dancing Ballad, bål'ad. s. a song

Ballast, bal'list. s. something put at the bot-
tom of a ship to keep it steady
Ballette, bål'let. s. a dance
Balloon, bål'l88n'. s. a vessel used in chy

mistry; a ball placed on a pillar; a large hollow ball of silk filled with gas, which makes it rise into the air

Ballot, bál'lit. s. a little ball or ticket used in giving votes; the act of voting by ballot

Ballot, báľ′lit. v. n. to choose by ballot

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Balm, bâm. s. the juice of a shrub remarka-||Banneret, ban'nur-êt. s.
bly odoriferous; any fragrant ointment; a the field

Balmy, bâm'è. a. having the qualities of
halm; producing balm; soothing, soft;

a. unctuous,

Balneary, bal'ne-á-rè. s. a bathing-room
Balneation, bal-ne-a'shun. s. the act of
[a bath
Balneatory, bål-ne-d'tůr-rè. a. belonging to
Balsam, bawl'sum. s. ointment, unguent
Balsamical, bål-sam'é-kål.
Balsamick, bál-sam'ik.
[pillars called balusters
Balustrade, bål-us--tråde'. s. a row of little
Bamboo, bam-boo'. s. au Indian plant of the
reed kind
[impose upon
Bamboozle, bâm-bôô'zl. v. a. to deceive, to
Ban, bán. s. public notice; a curse; inter-

a knight made in [streamer Bannerol, ban'nur-roll. s. a little flag or Bannian, bân-yan'. s. a man's undress, or morning gown

Bannock, ban'nuk. s. a kind of oaten or
pease-meal cake

Banquet, bank'kwêt. s. a feast
Banquet, bank'kwet. v. n. to feast, to fare
Banqueting-house. bank'kwêt-ing-house. s. a
house where banquets are kept
Banter, bân'tur. v. a. to play upon, to rally
Banter, bån'tůr. s. ridicule, raillery
Banterer, bân'tur-år. s. one who banters
Bantiing, bânt'ling. s. a little child
Baptism, bap'tizm. s. a sacrament that ad-
mits into the church

[tism Baptismal, bâp-tiz'mål. a. pertaining to bapBaptist, bap'tist. s. he that administers baptism

the sacrament of baptism is administered Baptize, bắp-tize'. v. a. to christen, to administer the sacrament of baptism Baptizer, bap-ti'zår. s. one that christens, one that administers baptism

Fand, bând. s. a bandage, any union or con-Baptistery, bap'tis-tur-ẻ. s. the place where nexion; any thing bound round another; a kind of ornament worn chiefly by the clergy Bind, bånd. v. a. to unite together into one body or troop; to bind over with a band Bandage, ban'didje. s. a fillet or roller Bandbox, band'boks. s. a slight box used for things of small weight


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Bar, bår. s. a cross beam, bolt; obstacle; any thing used for prevention; the place where causes of law are tried; an enclosed place in a tavern; stroke drawn perpendicularly across the lines of a piece of musick Bar, bår. v. a. to fasten or shut any thing

with a bolt or bar; to hinder, to obstruct Barb, bárh. s. a beard; the points that stand backward in an arrow; a Barbary horse Barb, barb. v. a. to shave the beard; to furnish a horse with armour; to jag arrows with hooks

Barbacan, bar'bå-kân. s. a fortification placed
before the walls of a town
Barbarian, bår-ba'rè-ân. s. a man uncivilized,
a savage

Barbarick, bår-bar'îk. a. foreign, far fetched
Barbarisın, bår'bâ-rizm. s. a form of speech
contrary to the purity of language; igno-
rance; brutality; cruelty

Barbarity, bar-bar'è-tè. s. savageness, inci-
vility; cruelty

to another; to agitate, to toss about Bndyleg, ban'dè-lég. s. a crooked leg Bine, bane. s. poison; mischief, rain Baneful, båne'ful. a. poisonous; destructive Fanefulness, båne'ful-nes. s. poisonousness, destructiveness [dle roughly Fang, bang. v. a. to beat, thump; to hauKang, bång. s. a blow, a thump Banish, ban'nish. v. a. to condemn to leave his own country; to drive away Banishment, ban'nish-ment. s. the act of banishing another; the state of being ba-Barbarize, bar'ba-rize. v. a. to make barbanished [ry for money Barbarous, bar'bâ-rus. a. stranger to civiliBank, bank, s. a ridge of earth; a reposito- ty, savage, uncivilized; unacquainted with Bank, bank. v. a. to lay up money in al arts; cruel, inhuman bank; to enclose with banks Bank-bill, bank'bill. s. a note for money laid up in a bank [ney Banker, bank'ür. s. one that trafficks in moBankrupt, bank'ript. a. in debt beyond the power of payment [bankrupt Bankruptcy, bank'rup-sẻ. s. the state of a Banner, ban'når. s. a flag, a standard, a


Barbarousness, bår'bá-rus-nes. s. incivility
of manners; impurity of language; cruelty
Barbecue, bár bé-ků. v. a. to dress a hog

Barbecue, bår'bé-ků. s. a hog dressed whole
Barbed, bår'bed. part. a. furnished with ar
mour; bearded, jagged with hooks
Barbel, bår bl. s. a kind of fish found in

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Barber, bår'bur. s. a man who shaves the] Barrenness, bar'rễn-nês. s. want of the power


Bard, bård. s. a poet

Bare, båre. a. naked, uncovered, unadorned, detected; poor, mere; threadbare Bare, båre. v. a. to strip

Barefaced, bare-faste'. a. with the face naked; not masked; shameless Barefacedly, bare-faste'lé. ad. openly, shamelessly, without disguise Barefacedness, båre-faste'nês. s. affrontery, assurance, audaciousness <«< Barefoot, båre'fit. a. without shoes Bareheaded, båre'hed-ded. a. uncovered in respect

Barely, båre'lè. ad. nakedly; merely, only Bareness, bare'nês. s. nakedness; leanness meanness of clothes

Bargain, bar'gin. s. a contract or agreement concerning cale; the thing bought or sold; stipulation [sale Bargain, bar'gin. v. n. to make a contract for Bargainer, bar'gin-nür. s. the person who proffers or makes a bargain

Barge, barje. s. a boat for pleasure or burden Bark, bark. s. the rind or covering of a tree; a small ship

Bark, bark. v. a. to strip trees of their bark Bark, bark. v. n. to make a noise like a dog;

to clamour at

Barker, bar'kur. s. one that barks or cla

mours; one employed in stripping trees Barley, bår'le. s. a grain, of which malt is


Barleycorn, bår'lè-körn. s. a grain of barley Barm, barm. s. yest, the ferment put into

drink to make it work

Barn, bårn. e. a place for laying up any sort of grain, hay, or straw Barnacle, bar'na-kl. s. a bird like a goose; a species of shell-fish Barometer, ba-rom'mè-tur. s. a machine for measuring the weight and variations of the atmosphere [to the barometer Barometrical, bár-d-mêt'trẻ-kål. a. relating Baron, bar'run. s. a degree of nobility next to a viscount [baron Baronage, bar'rån-ådje. s. the dignity of a Baronness, bar'run-ès. s. a baron's lady Baronet, bar'rin-êt. s. the lowest degree of honour that is hereditary

Barony, bâr'run-è. s. the honour or lordship that gives title to a baron

of procreation; sterility; want of invention; want of matter; in theology, want of sensibility

Barricade, bår-ré-kåde'. s. a fortification to keep off an attack; any stop or obstruction Barricade, bâr-rẻ-kåde'. v. a. to stop up a passage [bar

Barricado, bár-re-ka'do. s. a fortification, a Barricado, bar-ré-ka'dd. v. a. to fortify, to


Barrier, bár'ré-ir. s. a barricade, an entrenchment; a fortification; a stop, an ob struction; a boundary [pleader Barrister, bår'ris-tur. 's. advocate, a Barrow, bar'rd. s. any carriage moved by the hand, as a hand-barrow

Barter, bår'tur. v. n. to traffick by exchanging one commodity for another Barter, bår'tur. v. a. to give any thing in exchange

Barter, bår'tur. s. the act or practice of trafficking by exchange

Basaltes, ba-sal'téz. s. a kind of marble Base, base. a. mean, worthless; disinge nuous, illiberal; born out of wedlock Base, base. s. the bottom of any thing; a pedestal

Base-born, båse'born. a. born out of wedlock Basely, base'le. ad. meanly, dishonourably Baseness, båse'nês. s. ineanness, vileness; bastardy [ish province

Bashaw, bash-aw'. s. the viceroy of a TurkBashful, bash'fål. a. modest, shamefaced, shy for rustick shame


Bashfulness, bash'fil-nês. s. modesty;
Bazilikon, ba-zil'è-kón. s. an ointment
Basilisk, bâz'è-lisk. s. a kind of serpent, a
cockatrice; a species of cannon
Basin, ba'sn. s. a small vessel to hold water

for washing, or other uses; a small pond; a part of the sea enclosed in rocks Basis, ba'sis. s. the foundation of any thing; the lowest of the three principal parts of a column; the pedestal; the ground-work Bask, båsk. v. a. to warm by laying out in [heat

the heat

Bask, bask. v. n. to lie in a place to receive Basket, bås'kit. s. a vessel made of twigs,

rushes, or splinters

Bass, base. a. a part in musick, grave, deep Bass-viol, båse-vi'ôl. s. a musical instrument [diers Bass, bâs. s. a mat used in churches Barrack, bar'råk. s. a building to lodge sol-Bass-relief, bas-ré-lèèf'. s. sculpture, the Barrel, bir'ril. s. a round wooden vessel; any thing hollow, as the barrel of a gun; * a cylinder [barrel Barrel, bar'ril. v. a. to put any thing in a Barren, bar'ren. a. unfruitful, steril; scanty unmeaning, dull Barrenly, bar'rên-iè. ad. unfruitfully

figures of which do not stand out from the ground in their full proportion Basset, bas'sit. s. a game at cards Bassoon, bas-son'. s. a musical wind instru


Bastard, bas'tard. a. a person born out wedlook


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