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Bastard, bas'tard. a. born out of wedlock;Bawl, ball. v. n. to hoot, to cry out

spurious Bastardize, bas'tår-dize. v. a. to convict of being a bastard; to beget a bastard Bastardy, bas'tar-dè. s. an unlawful state of birth

Baste, aste. v. a. to beat with a stick; to
drip butter upon meat on the spit; to sew

Bastinado, bas-te nå'do. s. a Turkish punish-
ment of beating an offender on his feet
Bastinado, bas-te-nd'dd. v. a. to beat
Bastion, bas'tshin. s. a huge mass of earth,
faced with sods; a bulwark

Bat, bat. s. a heavy stick; a winged animal
resembling a mouse

Batch, batsh. s. the quantity of bread baked
at a time; any quantity made at once
Bate, båte. s. strife, contention

Bate, båte. v. a. to sink the price; to lessen
a demand

Bateful, bate'ful. a. contentious

Bath, bath. s. a place to wash or bathe in a sort of Hebrew measure

Bathe, båthe. v. a. to wash in a bath; to supple or soften

Bating, ba'ting. prep. except

Batoon, ba-toon'. s. a staff or club, a trun

cheon or marshall's staff

Bawl, bawl. v. a. to proclaim as a crier
Bay, bå. a. a colour

Bay, bà. s. an opening in the land; the state
of any thing surrounded by enemies; an
honorary crown or garland

Bay, bà. v. n. to bark as a dog at a thief
Bay Salt, ba'sålt. s. salt made of sea water,
and so called from its brown colour

Bayonet, ba'yun-êt. s. a short sword fixed at

the end of a musket

Bdellium, dêl'yum. s. an aromatick gum
Be, béé. v. n. to have some certain state, com
dition, or quality

Beach, beetsh. s. the shore, the strand
Beacon, be'kn. s. something raised on an
eminence to be fired on the approach of an
enemy; marks erected to direct navigators
Bead, bede. s. a small globe or ball, of which
necklaces and rosaries are made

Beadle, be'dl. s. a messenger or servitor be-
longing to a court; a petty officer in
[praying for another
Beadsman, bèèdz'mân. s. a man employed in
Beagle, bè'gl. s. a small hound

Beak, beke. s. the bill of a bird; any thing
ending in a point like a beak

Beaker, be'kår., a cup with a spout in the

form of a bird's beak

Battailous, bat'tá-lås. a. warlike, with mi-Beam, bème. s. a large and long piece of timlitary appearance ber; part of a balance; a ray of light Beamy, be'mè. a. radiant, shining

Battalia, bat-tåle'ya. s. the order of battle

Battalion, bat-tal'yan. s. a division of an ar-Bean, bène. s. the common garden bean, the my, a body of forces

Batten, bat'tn. v. a. to fatten, to make fat
Batten, bat'tn. v. n. to grow fat

Batter, bat'tur. v. a. to beat down; to wear
with beating

Batter, båt'tur. s. a mixture of several ingredients beaten together

Battery, bat'tur-rẻ. s. the act of battering;||
the frame upon which cannons are mounted
Battle, bat'tl. s. a fight; an encounter be-
tween opposite armies

Battle, bat'tl. v. n. to contend in fight
Battle-door, båt'tl-dore. s. an instrument to
strike a ball or shuttlecock

Battlement, bat'tl-ment. s. a wall with open
places to look through or annoy an enemy
Bavin, båv'in. s. a stick like those bound up
in faggots

[of finery

Bawble, båw'bl. s. a gewgaw, a trifling piece
Bawbling, båw'bling. a. trifling, contemptible
Bawd, bawd. s. a procurer or procuress
Bawd, båwd. v. n. to procure
Bawdily, baw'de-le. ad. obscenely
Bawdiness, båw'dè-nês. s. obsceneness
Bawdry, baw'drẻ. a. obscenity
Bawdy, båw'de. a. obscene, unchaste

Bawdy-house, båw'dé-house. s. a house where
traffick is made by debauchery

horse bean

Bear, båre. v. a. to carry as a burden, or in
the mind, to endure; to suffer, to undergo;
to produce, to bring forth; to support
Bear, båre. v. n. to suffer pain; to be pa-
to be fruitful or prolifick
Bear, båre. s. a rough savage animal; a

Bear-garden, båreʼgår-dn. s. a place in which
bears are kept for sport; any place of tu-
mult or misrule

Beard, beerd. s. the hair that grows on the

lips and chin; sharp prickles growing upon the ears of corn; a barb on an arrow Beard, beerd. v. a. to take or pluck by the beard; to oppose to the face

Bearded, béérd'êd. a. having a beard; hav ing sharp prickles; barbed or jagged Beardless, beerd'les. a. without a beard; youthful

Bearer, bare'ir. s. a carrier of any thing Bearherd, båre'hird. s. a man that tends bears

Bearing, båreing. s. the site or place of any

thing with respect to something else; gesture, mein, behaviour

Beast beest. s. an irrational animal; a bru tal savage man

Beastliness, béést'lé-nés. s. brutality Beastly, béést'lè. a. brutal; having the nature or form of beasts

Beat, bete. v. a. to strike; to punish with stripes; to mark the time in musick Beat, bete. v. n. to move in a pulsatory manner; to throb; to fluctuate, to be in motion Beat, bete. s. a stroke, or a striking Beaten, be'tn. particip. from beat Beatifical, bé-a-tif'é-kál.

Beatifick, he-a-tif'ik.

a. blissful;

belonging to the happy after death

Becoming, bé-kúm'ming. part. a. that which pleases by an elegant propriety, graceful Becomingly, bé-kům'ming-lè. ad. after a be coming manner

Bed, bed. s. something made to sleep on; bank of earth raised in a garden; the chan nel of a river, or any hollow; a layer, a


Bed, bed. v. a. to go to bed with; to be placed in bed; to sow or plant in bed; to sow or plant in earth; to lay in order, or in [sprinkle


Beatifically, be-a-tîfè-kâl-lẻ. ad. in such a Bedabble, be-dab'bl. v. a. to wet, to bemanner as to complete happiness Bedaggle, bé-dag'gl. v. a. to bemire Beatification, bé-at-e-fé-ka'shun. s. an ac-Bedawb, be-dawb'. v. a. to besmear knowledgment by the Pope, that the per-Bedchamber, bed'tshame-bur. s. the chamson beatified is in heaven, and may be reve- ber appropriated to rest renced as blessed Bedclothes, bed'cloze. s. over a bed

Beatify, bé-at'è-fl. v. a. to bless with the completion of celestial enjoyment Beating, bete ing. s. correction by blows Beatitude, be-it'é-tude. s. blessedness, city, happiness

Beau, bo. s. a man of dress

coverlets spread

Bedding, bed'ding. s. the materials of a bed Bedeck, bé-dek'. v. a. to deck, to adorn feli-Bedew, be-du'. v. a. to moisten gently, as with fall of dew

Beauish, bo'ish. a. befitting a beau, foppish Beaumonde, bo-mond'. s. the fashionable world [form Beauteous, bu'tshe-is. a. air; elegant in Beauteously, bu'tshé-us-lè. ad. in a beauteous [being beauteous Beauteousness, bu'tshe-is-nês. s. the state of Beautiful, bu'te-ful. a. fair



Beautifully, buté-ful-lè. ad. in a beautiful [being beautiful Beautifulness, bu'tè-ful-nês. s. the quality of Beautify, bu'te-fl. v. a. to adorn, to embellish Beauty, bu'te. s. that assemblage of graces which pleases the eye; a particular grace; a beautiful person Beauty-spot, bo'tè-spot. s. a spot placed to heighten some beauty

Beaver, bee'vůr. s. an animal; a hat of the best kind; part of a helmet

Beavered, bee vurd. a, covered with a beaver Becalm, bé-kam'. v. a. to still the elements; to keep a ship from motion; to quiet the

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Bedfellow, bed'fêl-18. s. one that lies in the same bed

Bedim, dé-dim'. v. a. to obscure, to cloud, to darken

Bedizen, be-dl'zn. v a. to dress out
Bedlam, bêd'lam. s. a madhouse
Bedlamite, bed'lim-lte. s. a madman
Bedpost, bêd'post. s. the post at the corner of
the bed, which supports the canopy [clothes
Bedraggle, be-drag'gl. v. a. to soil the
Bedrid, bed'rid. a. confined to the bed by
age or sickness

Bedrop, bẻ-drop'. v. a. to besprinkle, to
mark with drops
[the bed is placed
Bedstead, bed'sted. s. the frame on which
Bedtime, bed'time. s. the hour of rest
Bedung, bé-ding'. v. a. to cover with dung
Bedward, bed'wård. ad. toward bed
Bee, bee. s. the insect that makes honey
Bee-garden, bee'går-dn. s. a place to set

hives of bees in

Bee-hive, beè'hive. s. the case or box, in which bees are kept [bees Bee-master, bee'mås-tur. s. one that keeps Beef, beef. s. the flesh of an ox or cow Beef-eater, bèèr'è-tur. s. a yeoman of the guard

Been, bin part. pret. of to be

Beer, beer. 8. liquor made of malt and hops
Beet, beet. s. the name of a plant
Beetle, bee'tl. s. an insect; a heavy mallet
Beetlebrowed, beet'tl-broůd. a. having pro

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Before, before'. prep. farther onward in Beholden, be-hol'du. part. a. bound in place; in the front of, in the presence of; preceding in time; in preference to Before, be-fore'. ad. sooner than; earlier previously to; hitherto

Beforehand, bé-fère'hånd. ad. in a state of anticipation; previously; before any thing

is done

Beforetime, be-fore'time. ad. formerly
Befoul, bé-foil'. v. a. to make foul, to soil
Befriend, be-frend'. v. a. to favour; to be
kind to

Beg, beg. v. n. to live upon alms
Beg, beg, v. a. to ask, to seek by petition
Beget, begêt'. v. a. to generate, procreate,
Begetter, be-get'tur. s. he that procreates or
Beggar, bég'gur. s. one who lives upon alms;
a petitioner

Beggar, hég'går. v. a. to reduce to beggary,
to impoverish
Beggarliness, beg'gur-le-nês. s. the state of
being beggarly

Beggarly, beg'gur-le. a. mean, poor, indigent
Beggary, beg'rur-é. s. indigence

Beholder, be-hol'dir. s. spectator
;||Behoof, be-hĉof. s. profit, advantage
Behoove, be-hỏỏv' v. n. to be fit, to be meet
Being, be'ing. s. existence, a particular stat.
or condition; the person existing
Being, be'ing. conj. since

Belabour, bé-là'bur. v. a. to beat, to thump
Belated, bé-là' têd. a. benighted

Belay, bẻ-lå. v. a. to block up, to stop the
passage, to place in ambush

|Belch, belsh. v. n. to eject wind from the

Belch, bélsh. s. the action of eructation
Beidam, bél'dâm. s. an old woman, a hag
Beleaguer, bẻ-lè'gûr. v. a. to besiege, to
block up a place
[a place
Beleaguerer, bé-lè'gur-ur. s. one that besieges
Belfry, bel'frẻ. s. the place where the bells

are rung

Belie, be-ll'. v. a. to feign, to mimick; to ca-
Belief, bè-leef. s. credit given to something;
the body of tenets held; persuasion; creed
Believable, bé-lèè'va-bl. a. credible

Begin, be-gin'. v. n. to enter upon; to com-Believe, bé-lèèv'. v. a. to credit upon the au

mence to take rise

Begin, bè-gin'. v. a. to do the first act of

any thing; to begin with, to enter upon Beginner, be-gin'uur. 8. he that gives the first cause; an unexperienced attempter Beginning, be-gin'uing. s. first original or


Begird, be-gerd. v. a. to bind with a girdle,
to surround; to shut in
Begone, begon'. interj. go away, hence,
Begot, be-got'
Begotten, be-got'tn. part. pass. of beget
Begrease, be-grèze'. v. a. to soil or dawb
with fat matter
[deeply impressed!
Begrime, be-grime'. v. a. to soil with dirt
Beguile, be-guile'. v. a. to impose upon, de-
lude; to deceive

Begun, be-gin'. past. pass. of begin [port
Behalf, be-haf'. s. favour, vindication, sup-
Behave, be-have'. v. a. to carry, to conduct
Behave, be-have'. v. n. to act, to conduct

one's self

Behaviour, be-håve'yur. s. manner of beha-
ving one's self, conduet, course of life
Behead, be-hed. v. a. to kill by cutting of
the head

Beheld, beh-eld'. part. pass. from behold
Behemoth, behe-moth. s. the hippopotamus,
or river horse
Behest, bé-hest. s. command

Behind, be-hind'. prep. at the back of another;
on the back part; inferior to another
Behind, be-hind'. ad. backward
Behold, be-hold'. v. a. to view, to see
Behold, be-hold'. interj. see, lo

thority of another

Believe, bé-lèèv'. v, n. to have a firm per-
suasion of any thing; to exercise the virtue
of faith
Believer, be-lee'vůr. s. he that believes; a
professor of Christianity

Belike, be-like'. ad. probably, likely, perhaps
Bell, bell. s. a hollow sounding body of cast


Belle, bell. s. a gay young lady

Belles Lettres, bél-la'tur. polite literature
Belligerent, bel-lidje'è-rent. a. waging war
Bellow, bello. v. n. to make a noise as a
bull; to vociferate; to roar as the sea or
the wind
[blow the fire
Bellows, hel'lus. s. the instrument used to
Belly, bel'lè. s. that part of the human body
which contains the bowels

Belly, běl'lẻ. v. n. to hang out, to bulge out
Bellygod, bêl'le-god. s. a glutton
Belman, bell'mân. s. a town crier
Belmetal, béll'mêt-tl. s. the metal of which
bells are made

Belong, bé-long'. v. n. to be the property of;'

to have relation to
Beloved, be--liv'êd. a. dear
Below, be-lo'. prep. under; inferior in dig-
nity; unbefitting
[the dead

Below, bé-lo'. ad. on earth, in the regions of
Belt, belt. s. a girdle, a cincture
Belwether, bell'weth-ůr. s. the sheep which

leads the flock

Bemire, bé-mire'. v. a. to drag, or encumber in the mire

Bemoan, bé-mone', v. a. to lament, to bewail

Bemoaner, bé-mo'nur. s. a lamenter

Bench, bensh. s. a seat; a seat of justice; the persons sitting upon a bench

Bencher, ben'shår. s. a senior member in one of the inns of court

Bergamot, bér gå-môt. s. a sort of pear, an essence or perfume; a sort of snuff Berhyme, bé-rime'. v. a. to celebrate in rhyme

Berlin, bêr-lin'. s. a coach of a particular form

Bend, bend. v. a. to make crooked; to in-Berry, bêr'rẻ. s. any small fruit with many cline; to subdue

Bend, bend. v. n. to be incurvated, to bow Bend, bend. s. flexure, incurvation

Bender, ben'dur. s. the person who bends;! the instrument with which any thing is


Beneath, be-nethe'. prep. under, lower in place, rank, excellence, or dignity Beneath, be-nethe'. ad. in a lower place, under; below

Benediction, bên-é-dik'shin. s. a blessing Benefaction, bển-e-fák'shun. s. the act of conferring a benefit; the benefit conferred Benefactor, ben-é-fâk'tür. s. he that confers a benefit [confers a benefit Benefactress, ben-é-fâk'três. s. a woman who Benefice, ben'è-fis. s. an ecclesiastical living Beneficed, ben'è-fist. a. possessed of a


Beryl, bêr'ril. s. a precious stone

Beseech, bé-séetsh'. v. a. to entreat, supplicate, beg, ask

Beseem, be-seem'. v. n. to become, to be fit Beset, bé-set'. v. a. to besiege, to hein in, to waylay [to happen ill to Beshrew, be-shr68. v. a. to wish a curse to; Beside, be-side'.

Besides, be-gldes'. prep. over and above Beside, be-side'. ad. over and above Besides, be-sides'. Besiege, bé-séèje'. v. a. to lay siege to, to beset with armed forces

Besieger, be-sèè'jur. s. one employed in a siege Besmear, be-smeer'. v. a. to bedaub; to soil Besmirch, be-smertsh'. v. a. to soil, to discolour [harden in smoke Besmoke, be-smoke'. v. a. to foul with, or Beneficence, be-nêf'è-sense. s. active good-Besmut, bé-smút'. v. a. to blacken with smoke



Beneficent, be-nêfè-sent. a. kind, doing good Beneficial, ben-è-fish'al. a. advantageous, profitable

or soot

Besom, bé'zům. s. an instrument to sweep with Besot, be-sot'. v. a. to infatuate, to stupefy Besought, be-såwt'. part. pass. of beseech Beneficiary, ben-e-fish'yâ-rẻ. a. holding some-Bespangle, bé-spång'gl. v. a. to adorn with thing in subordination to another Beneficiary, ben-e-fîsh'yâ-rẻ. s. one that has a


Benefit, bên'e-fit. s. advantage, profit, use Benefit, bên'é-fit. v. a. to do good to Benefit, ben'è-fit. v. n. to gain advantage Benevolence, bẻ-nểvvd-lểnse. 8. disposition to do good, kindness [gooa will Benevolent, bé-nêv'vô-lênt. a. kind, having Benight, be-nite'. v. a. to surprise with the coming on of night [some Benign, be-nine'. a. kind, generous, wholeBenignity, be-nig'ne-tè. s. graciousness, actual kindness; salubrity

Benignly, be-nine'lė. ad. favourably, kindly Benison, bên nè-zn. s. blessing, benediction Bent, bent. s. the state of being bent, declivity

Bent, bent. part. of to bend. Made crooked; directed to, determined upon Benumb, bé-num'. v. a. to make torpid, to stupefy

Bepaint, be-pånt. v. a. to cover with paint Bepinch, be-pinsh'. v. a. to mark with pinches [to another Bequeath, bé-kwethe'. v. a to leave by will Bequest, be-kwest'. s. something left by will Bereave, be-reve'. v. a. to deprive of; to take away

Bereft, be-reft'. part. pasa, of bereave


Bespatter, be-spât'tur. v. a. to spot or sprinkle with dirt or water

Bespawl, be-spåwl'. v.

a. to daub with

spittle Bespeak, be-speek'. v. a. to order beforehand; to speak to, to betoken Bespeaker, bé-speè'kur. s. he that bespeaks any thing [speckles Bespeckle, be-spêk'kl. v. a. to mark with Bespice, bé-spise'. v. a. to season with spices Bespit, be-spit'. v. a. to daub with spittle Bespot, bé-spot'. v. a. to mark with spots Bespread, be-spred'. v. a. to spread over Besprinkle, be-sprink'kl. v. a. to sprinkle


Best, best. a. most good


Best, best. ad. in the highest degree of goodBestead, be-sted'. v. a. to profit; to treat, to accommodate [brutal

Bestial, bes'tshé-al. a. belonging to a beast; Bestiality, bes-tshè-ål'è-tè. s. the quality of beasts [thing

Bestick, be stik'. v. a. to stick over with any Bestir, be-stur'. v. a. to put into vigorous action [to lay out Bestow, be-sto'. v. a. to give, to confer upon Bestrew, be-stro'. v. a. to sprinkle over Bestride, be-stride'. v. a. to stride over any thing

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Bethink, be-think'. v. a. to recall to reflection
Bethral, be-thråll'. v. a. to enslave, to con-
[to come to pass
Betide, he-tide'. v. n. to happen to, to befall;
Betimes, be-timz'. ad. seasonably, early; soon
Betoken, be-to'kn. v. a. to signify, to repre-
sent; to foreshow

Betook, be-took'. irreg. pret. from betake
Betray, be-tra'. v. a. to give into the hands of
enemies; to discover a secret


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Bicorporal, bi-kor'pò-rál. a. having two boBid, bid. v. a. to desire, to order; to offer, to declare

Bidden, bid'dn. part. pass. invited; com


Bidder, bid'dir. s. one who offers a price
Bidding, bid'ding. s. command, order
Bide, bide. v. a. to endure, to suffer
Bide, blde. v. n. to dwell, live, inhabit
Bidental, bl-dén'tál. a. having two teeth

Betrayer, be-tra'år. s. he that betrays, a [one, to affiance Betroth, be-troth'. v. a. to contract to any Better, bêt'tur. a. having good qualities in a greater degree than something else Better, bet tur. ad. well in a greater degree Better, bet tur. v. a. to improve, to melio-Biding, bl'ding. s. residence, habitation

rate; to surpass, to exceed

Better, bet tur. s. superior in goodness


Biennial, bi-én'ne-al. a. of the continuance of two years


Bettor, bet'tur. s. one that lays bets or wa-Bier, bèèr. s. a carriage on which the dead [space; belonging to two . are carried to the grave [calving Between, be-tween'. prep. in the intermediate Biestings, bees'tingz. s. the first milk after Betwixt, be-twikst'. prep. betwcen Bifariohs, bi-fa'ré-us. a. twofold Bevel, bev'il. s. in masonry and joinery, a Biferous, bif'fè-rus. a. bearing fruit twice a kind of square [drank Beverage, bev'ur-idje. s. drink, liquor to be Bevy, bev'è. s. a flock of birds; a company Bewail, be-wale'. v. a. to bemoan, to lament Beware, be-wåre'. v. n. to regard with caution, to be suspicious of danger from Beweep, be-weep'. v. a. to weep over or upon Bewet, be-wêt'. v. a. to wet, to moisten Bewilder, be-wil'dur. v. a. to lose in pathless places, to puzzle

Bifid, bl'ffd. a. opening with a cleft
Bifold, bl'fold. a. twofqld, double
Bifurcated, bl-für'kå-ted. a. shooting out into
two heads

Big, big. a. great, large; pregnant; swollen
Bigamist, big'ga-mist. s. one that has com-
mitted bigamy

Bigamy, big'ga-mè. s. the crime of having two wives at once

Bigness, big'nes. s. greatness of quantity;


Bewitch, be-witsh'. v. a. to injure by witch-Bigbellied, big'bêl-lid. a. pregnant
craft; to charm
[charm Bigly, big'le. ad. tumidly, haughtily
Bewitchery, be-witsh'ûr-rẻ. s. fascination,
Bewray, de-ra'. v. a. to betray, discover per-
fidiously, to make visible
Bewrayer, be-ra'ûr. s. betrayer, discoverer
Beyond, be-yond'. prep. at a distance not
reached; ou the farther side of; out of the
reach of, above

Bezoar, be-zore'. s. a medicinal stone
Biangulous, bl-âng'gu-lús. a. having two
ang les

Bias, bl'as. s. the weight lodged on one side
of a bowl; propension, inclination
Bias, blás. v. a. to incline to some side
Bib, bib. s. a piece of linen put upon the
breasts of children
Bibacious, bi-ba'shus. a. much addicted to
Bibber, bib'bur. s. a tippler i

Bible, bl'bl. a. the sacred volume, in which
are contained the revelations of God
Bibliographer, bỉb-lẻ-ôg'grå-fûr. ■ a trans-



Biget, big gut. s. a man devoted to a certain
Bigoted, big'gut-êd. a. blindly prepossessed
in favour of something
Bigotry, big'gût-trẻ. s. blind zeal, prejudice
Bilander, bil'an-dúr. s. a small vessel used for
the carriage of goods

Bilberry, bil'ber-ré. s. whortleberry
Bilbo, bil'ho. s. a rapier, a sword
Bilboes, bil'boze. s. a sort of stocks
Bile, bile. s. a yellow bitter liquor, separated
in the liver, and collected in the gall
bladder; a sore angry swelling
Bilge, bilje. v. n. to spring a leak
Bilinsgate, bil'lingz-gåte. s. ribaldry, foul

Bilinguous, bl-ling'gwis. a. having two

Bilious, bil'yus. a. consisting of bile
Bilk, bilk. v. a. to cheat, to defraud

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