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Bow, boů. s. an act of reverence or submis-Brain, bråne. s. a collection of vessels and sion organs in the head; understanding [brain

Bow, bỏ. s. an instrument of war; a rain-Brain, bråne. v. a. to kill by beating cut the Brainish, bråne'ish. a. hot-headed, furious Brainless, bråne'les. a. silly


the instrument with which string
instruments are played upon
Bow, bo. v. a. to bend sideways
Bow-bent, bo'bent. a. crooked

Bowels, bouls. s. intestines; the inner
parts; tenderness, compassion
Bower, bo'ur. s. an arbour, an anchor
Bowery, bou'úr-ré. a. full of bowers
Fowl, bole. s. the hollow part of any thing
a basin, a fountain; a round mass rolled
along the ground [bowls at any thing
Bowl, bole. v. a. to play at bowls; to throw
Bowler, bo'lur. s. he that plays at bowls
Bowling-green, bo'ling-gréén. s. a level
piece of ground, kept for bowlers
Bowman, bo'mân s. an archer
Bowsprit, bo'sprit. s. a mast running out aslope
at the head of a ship [a bow is kept bent
Bowstring, bo'string. s. the string by which
Bowyer, bo'yår. s. an archer; one whose
trade is to make bows

[the brains

Brainpan, brane'pån. s. the skull containing
Brainsick, bråne'sik. a. addleheaded, giddy
Brainsickness, bråne'sik-nés. s. indiscretion,

Brake, bråke. pret. of break

Brake, brake. s. fern, brambles; an instru-
ment for dressing flax; a kneading trough
Braky, bra'ke. a. thorny, prickly, rough
Bramble, bråníbl. s. any rough prickly shrub
Bran, brån. s. the husks of corn ground
Branch, bransh. s. the shoot of a tree; any
part that shoots out from the rest; offspring
Branch, brånsh. v. n. to spread in branches
to speak diffusively

Branch, brânsh. v. a. to divide as into branch-
es; to adorn with needlework
Branchless, brånsh'lês. a. without shoots or
boughs; naked

Branchy, brân'shè. a. full of branches

Box, boks. s. a tree; the wood of it; seat; Brand, brând. s. a lighted stick; a sword; a

case of wood; a blow

Box, boks. v. a. to enclose in a box
Box, boks. v. n. to fight with the fist [box
Boxen, bok'sn. a. made of box, resembling!
Boxer, boks'ur. s. a man who fights with his
Boy, boe. s. a male child; youth; a word of
Boyhood, boè'hůd. s. the state of a boy
Boyish, boe'ish. a. childish, trifling
Boyishly, boe ish-le. ad. childishly, triflingly
Boyishness, hoe'ish-nés. s. childishness,

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mark made by a bot iron [infamy Brand, brand. v. a. to mark with a note of Brandish, brân'dish. v. a. to wave or shake, to flourish [from wine Brandy, brân'de. s. a strong liquor distilled Brangle, brâng'gl. s. squabble, wrangle [ble Brangle, brång'gl. v. n. to wrangle, to squabBranny, bran'nè. a. having the appearance of bran [in brass; a pan to hold coals Brasier, braʼzhůr. s. a manufacturer that works tri-Brass, brås. s. a yellow metal; impudence Brassy, bras'sè. a. partaking of brass; hard as brass; impudent [the offspring Brat, brat. s. a child, so called in contempt; Bravado, bra-va'dò. s. a boast, a brag Brave, brave. a. courageous, gallant, excellent, noble [challenge Brave, brave. s. a hector, a bully; a boast, a Brave, brave. v. a. to defy, to challenge Bravely, brave'lè. ad. courageously, gallantly Bravery, bra'vir-rẻ. s. courage; magnificence; bravado, boast

Brabble, brab'bl. s. a clamorous contest
Brabble, brib'bl. v. n. to contest noisily
Brace, brase. v. a. to bind, to strain up
Brace, brase. s. a bandage; a pair; a crooked
line; tightness

Bracelet, brase'lêt. s. an ornament for the


Bracer, bra'sûr. s. a cincture, a bandage
Brachial, brak'yål. a. belonging to the arm
Brack, bråk. s. a breach

Bracket, brák'kit. s. a small support of wood
Brackish, bråk'ish. a. salt, something salt
Brackishness, bråk'ish-nés. s. saltness
Brad, bråd. s. a sort of nail to floor rooms

Brag, brag. v. n, to boast, to display ostenta-

Brag, brag. s. a boast; a proud expression Braggadocio, brag-gå-do'shẻ-d. s. boasting s. a boaater


Braggart, brag'gårt.
Bragger, brag'gur. s. a boaster
Braid, bråde. v. a. to weave together
Braid, bråde. s. a texture, a knot

Bravo, brå'vd. s. a man who murders for hire
Brawl, brawl. v. n. to speak loud and inde-

Brawl, bråwl. s. quarrel, noise, scurrility
Brawler, braw'lur. s. a wrangler
Brawn, brawn. s. the flesh of a boar ; a boar;
calf of the leg


Brawniness, braw'ne-nês. s. strength, hardi-
Brawny, braw'nè. a. musculous, fleshy, bulky
Bray, bra. v. a. to pound or grind small
Bray, bra. v. n. to make a noise as an ass
Bray, brå. . noise, sound

Brayer, bra'ir. s. one that brays like an ass;
instrument to temper ink

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Braze, braze. v. a. to solder with brass
Brazen, bra'zn. a. made of brass; impudent
Brazen, bra zn. v. n. to be impudent, to bully
Brazenface, bra'zn-fase. s. an impudent

[Breeder, brée'dur. s. that which produces any thing; the person which brings up another; One that takes care to raise a breed Breeding, bree'ding. s. education; manners [shameless Breeze, breez. s. a gentle gale Brazenfaced, bra'zn-faste. 8. impudent, Breezy, bréè'zé. ad. fanned with gales Brazenness, bra'zp-nés. s. appearance like brass; impudence



Breach, bréétsh. s. the act of breaking any thing; state of being broken; a gap ; ference, quarrel

Bread, bred. s. food made of ground corn Breadth, bredth. s. the measure from side to side

Brethren, breth'ren. s. the plural of brother
Breviat, breve'yát. s. a short compendium
Breviature, brève'yå-tshure. s. an abbrevia


Brevity, brev'è-té. s. conciseness, shortness Brew, bro8. v. a. to make liquors; to con trive, to plot [brewer Brew, bro. v. n. to perform the office of a Break, brake. v. a. to burst, or open by force; Brewage, brodidje. 8. mixture of various to destroy by violence; to overcome, to things [is to make beer tame; to make bankrupt Brewer, br3'ür. s. a man whose profession it Break, bråke. v. n. to part in two; to open Brewhouse, br88'hons. s. a house appropriated and discharge matter; to open as the to brewing

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morning; to burst forth; to become bank-Brewing, broô'ing. s. quantity of liquor rupt; to decline in health and strength, Brewis, broô'is. s. bread soaked in boiling fat

to fall out


Break, brake. s. an opening; a pause, an in-Bribe, bribe. s. a gift to pervert the judgment terruption; a line Bribe, bribe. v. a. to give bribes Briber, bri'bur. s. one who pays for corrupt practices

a wave

Breaker, bra'kur. s. he that breaks any thing;
[in the day
Breakfast, brek'fast. v. n. to eat the first meal
Breakfast, brek'fast. s. the first meal in the
[the conscience
Breast, brest, s. part of the body; the heart;
Breastbone, brest'bone. s. the bone of the

[blocks in formation]

Breastplough, brest'plo8. s. a plough driven by the breast

Breastwork, brest'wůrk. s. works thrown up as high as the breast of the defendants Breath, breth. s. the air drawn in and ejected out of the body; life; respiration; respite; breeze, moving air

Bribery, brl'bur-rẻ. s. the crime of taking
rewards for bad practices
Brick, brik, s. a mass of burnt clay; a loaf
shaped like a brick

Brick, brik. v. a. to lay with bricks
Brickbat, brik'bât. s. a piece of brick
Brickdust, brik'důst. s. dust made by pound-
ing bricks


Brick-Run, brik'kil. s. a place to burn bricks
Bricklayer, brik'lå-år. s. a brick-mason
Brickmaker, brik'må-kůr. s. one whose trade
it is to make bricks

Bridal, bri'dál. a. belonging to a wedding,

Bride, bride. s. a woman newly married
Bridebed, bride'béd. s. marriage-bed
Bridecake, bride'kåke. s. a cake given to the
guests at a wedding
Bridegroom, bride'groom. s. a new married
Brideinen, bride'men.
8. attendants
Bridemaids, bride'mådz.

Breathe, brethe. v. n. to draw in and throw out the air by the lungs; to live; to rest; to take breath; to exercise Breathing, bre'thing. s. aspiration, secret [dead prayer; vent Breathless, breth'lês. a. out of breath, spent ; Fred, bred. part. pass. of to breed Breech, breêtsh. s. the lower part of the body; the hinder part of a piece of ord-Bridle, bridl. s. the headstall and reins hy [to fit with a breech


Breech, breetsh. v. a. to put into breeches;
Breeches, britch'iz. s. the garment worn by
men over the lower part of the body
Breed, breed. v. a. to procreate, to generate;
to educate, to bring up
[a breed
Breed, breed. v. n. to bring young; to raise
Breed, breed. s. a cast, kind, progeny, hatch

on the bride and bridegroom Bridewell, bride'wêl. s. a house of correction Bridge, bridje. s. a building raised over water for the convenience of passage; part of the nose, or of a violin

which a horse is governed; a restraint, a check

Bridle, bri'dl. v. a. to guide by a bridle; to
restrain, govern

Bridle, bri'al. v. n. to hold up the head
Bridlehand, brl'dl-hånd. s. the hand which
holds the bridle in riding
Brief, brèè£. a. short, concise; contracted,

Brief, breef. s.
a short extract, or epitome ;
writing given to pleaders, containing the
case; letters patent
Briefly, bréeflè. ad. concisely, in a few words
Briefness, breef'nés. s. conciseness, shortness
Brier, brir. s. a plant

Brien bri'ur-re. a. rough, full of briers
Brigade, bre-gade'. s. division of forces, a
body of men

Brigadier-general, brîg-å-dèèr'-jêu'êr-âl. s. an officer next below a major-general Brigantine, brig'ân-tine. s. a light vessel; a

coat of mail

Bright, brite. a. shining, glittering; clear;
illustrious; witty

Brighten, bri'tn. v. a. to make bright; to
make luminous; alert, or acute
Brighten, bri'tn. v. n. to grow bright, to
clear up

Brightly, brite'le. ad. splendidly, with lustre
Brightness, brite'nés. s. lustre, splendour;



Brilliancy, bril'yan-se. s. lustre, splendour
Brilliant, brilyant. a. shining, sparkling
Brilliant, bril'yânt. s. a diamond of the finest
Brilliantness, brilyant-nés. s. splendour,
Brim, bri s. the edge of any thing; the
top of any liquor; the bank of a fountain
Brim, brini. v. a. to fill to the top
Brim, brin. v. n. to be full to the brim
Brimful, rim'ful. a. full to the top

Broacher, brotsh'ur. s. an opener, or utterer of any thing

Broad, brawd. a. wide, extended; open; coarse; fulsome

Broad Cloth, bråwd'kloth. s. a fine kind of


Broaden, bråw'dn. v. n. to grow broad
Broadly, bråwd'le. ad. in a broad manner
Broaduess, brawd'nes. s. breadth, extent from
side to side; coarseness, fulsomeness
Broadside, brawd'side. s. the side of a ship,
volley of shot fired at once
Broadsword, bråwd'sord. s. a sword with a
broad blade

Brocade, bro-kåde' s. a silken stuff variegated
Brocaded, brò-kà ́ded. a. drest in brocade.
woven as brocade

Brocage, bro'kidje. s. the gain gotten by
promoting bargains; the trade of dealing
in old things

Broccoli, brok'kd-lẻ. s. a species of cabbage
Brock, brok. s. a badger
Brocket, brok'kit. s. a red deer, two years
Brogue, brog. s. a kind of shoe; a corrupt
[of needlework
Broider, broe'dur. v. a. to adorn with figures
Broidery, broè'důr-rẻ. a. embroidery, flower-


Broil, broil. s. a tumult, a quarrel
Broil, broil. v. a. to cook by laying on the

Broil, broil. v. n. to be in the heat

Brimmer, brim'můr. s. a bowl full to the top Broke, broke. pret. of to break

Brimstone, brim'stone. s. sulphur
Brinded, brin'ded. a. streaked, tabby
Brindled, brin'did. a. brinded, streaked'
Brine, brine. s. water impregnated with salt,
the sea; tears

Bring, bring. v. a. to fetch; to attract, to
conduct; to induce, to prevail upon
Bringer, bring'år. s. the person who brings
any thing

Brinish, bri'nish. a. having the taste of brine,

Brinishness, bri'nish-nês. s. saltness
Brink, brink. s. the edge of any place, as of
a precipice or a river

Brisk, brisk. a. lively, vivacious, gay; bright
Brisket, bris kit. s. the breast of an animal
Briskly, brisk'lé. ad. actively, vigorously
Briskness, brisk'nés. s. liveliness, vigour,

Bristle, bris'sl. s. the stiff hair of swine
Bristle, bris'sl. v. a. to erect in bristles
Bristle, bris'sl. v. n. to stand erect as bristles
Bristly, bris'lé. a. thick set with bristles
Brittle, brit'tl. a. fragile, apt to break
Brittleness, brit'tl-nes. s. aptness to break
Broach, brotsh. s. a spit

Broach, brotsh. v. a. to spit, to pierce; to
open, to give out, to utter

Broken, bro'kn. part. pass. of break
Broken-hearted, bro'kn-hår'têd. a having
the spirits crushed by grief or fear
Broker, bro'kůr. s. a factor, one who does
business for another


Brokerage, bro'kůr-îdje. s. the pay or reward

of a broker

Bronchial, brôn'ke-ål.
Bronchick, bron'kik.

the throat

a. belonging to

Bronze, bronze. s. brass; a medal
Brooch, brootsh. s. a jewel, an ornament of

Brood, brood. v. n. to sit on eggs; to cover

chickens under the wing; to consider any thing anxiously; to mature by care Brood, brood. v. a. to cherish by care, to hatch

Brood, bro3d. s. offspring, progeny; a hatch,


the number hatched at once
Broody, broo'dé. a. in a state of sitting on the
Brook, brook. s. a running water, a rivulet
Brook, brook. v. a. to bear, to endure
Broom, broom. s. a shrub, a besom
Broomy, broo'mè. a. full of broom
Broth broth. s. liquor in which flesh is
Brothel, broth'êl. s. a bawdy-house


Brother, bruth'ur. s. a male born of the same (Bucket, bik'kit. s. a vessel to carry water in parents; any one resembling another in Buckle, buk'kl. s. a link of metal, with manuer, form, or profession tongue or catch made to fasten one thing Brotherhood, bruth'ur-hůd. s. the state or to another ; the state of the hair crisped quality of being a brother; a fraternity and curled Brotherly, bruth'ur-lè. a. such as becomes or

beseems a brother

Brought, bråwt. part. pass. of bring
Brow, broů. s. the arch of hair over the eye;
the forehead; the edge of any high place
Browbeat, brou'bète. v. a. to depress with
stern looks

Buckle, buk'kl. v. a. to fasten with a buckle; to confine

Buckler, buk'lur. s. a shield

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Buckram, buk'rům. s. a strong linen cloth, stiffened with gum

Bucolick, bù-kôl'ik. s. a pastoral

Bud, búd. s. the first shoot of a plant, a Brown, broun. a. the name of a colour gerin germs; to be in the bloom Brownness, broun'nês. s. a brown colour Bud, bud. v. n. to put forth young shoots, or Brownstudy, bröůn-stûd'dè. s. gloomy medi-Bud, bud. v. a. to inoculate [shrubs Budge, bůdje. v. n. to stir


Browse, broůze. v. a. to eat branches or Budget, bůd'jêt. s. a bag; a store, or stock Bruise, brodze. v. a. to crush or mangle with Buff, büf. s. leather prepared from the skin of a heavy blow [and heavy [cow the buffalo; a colour Bruise, brooze. s. a hurt with something blunt Buffalo, bui'fa-16. s. a kind of wild bull of Bruit, brôôt. s. rumour, noise, report Buffet, buf'fit. s. a blow with the fist Brumal, broô'mål. a. belonging to the winter Buffet, búf-fet'. s. a kind of cupboard Brunett, brôô-net'. s. a woman with a brown Buffet, buffit. v. a. to box, to beat complexion Buffet, buf'fit. v. n. to play a boxing match Buffeter, buf'fit-tur . a boxer Buffleheaded, buf'f-héd'éd. a. dull, stupid Buffoon, buf-foon'. s. a man whose profession is to make sport by low jests and antick postures

Brunt, brunt. s. shock, violence; blow, stroke
Brush, brush. s. an instrument for rubbing;
a rude assault, a shock

Brush, brush. v. a. to rub with a brush; to
strike with quickness
Brush, brush. v. n. to move with haste; to
skim lightly
Brushwood, brush'w33d. s. rough shrubby
Brushy, brush'è. a. rough or shaggy, like a


Brustle, brus'sl. v. n. to crackle

Brutal, brôo'tal. a. savage, cruel, inhuman
Brutality, bróô-tâl'è-tè. s. savageness, churi-
[or savage
Brutalize, bro'tâ-lize. v. n. to grow brutal
Brutally, bro'tál-lè. ad. cburlishly, inhu-

Brute, brôôt. a. senseless, unconscious; sa-
vage, irrational; rough, ferocious
Brute, broôt. s. a creature without reason
Brutify, broot'tè-fi. v. a. to make a man
Brutish, bro'tish. a. bestial, savage, ferocious;
Brutishly, broo'tish-lè. ad. in the manner of
Brutishness, br6o'tish-nês. s. brutality, sa-
Bubble, bub'bl. s. a small bladder of water;
a cheat, a false show



Bubble, bib'bl. v. n. to rise in bubbles; to
run with a gentle noise
Bubble, bub'bl. v. a. to cheat

Bucaniers, buk-a-nèèrz'. s. American pirates
Buck, buk. s. the liquor in which clothes are
washed; the male of fallow deer, rabbits.
and other animals

Buckbasket, buk'bás-ket. s. the basket in which clothes are carried to the wash

Buffoonery, buf-foon'år-re. s. the practice of
a buffoon; low jests
Bug, bug. s. a stinking insect
Bugbear, bug'bȧre. s. a frightful object, >
false terror

Buggy, bug'gè. a. abounding with bugs
Bugle, bo'gl. s. a shining bead of glass
Bugle, bu'gl.
8. a hunting horn
Buglehorn, bo'gl-horn.
Build, bild. v. a. to make a fabrick; to raise
any thing on a foundation


Build, bild. v. n. to depend on, to rest on
Builder, bild'ôr. s. he that builds, an archi-


Building, bilding. s. a fabrick, an edifice
Bulb, bulb. s. a round root

Bulbous, búl'bus. a. containing bulbs
Bulge, bilje. v. n. to take in water, to
founder; to jut out


Bulk, bulk. s. magnitude, size; the majority
main fabrick; part of a building jutting
Lor size
Bulkiness, bul'ke-nés. s. greatness of stature
Bulky, bûl'ké. a. of great size or stature
Bull, bul. s. the male of black cattle; one of
the twelve signs of the zodiack; a letter
published by the Pope; a blunder
Bullbaiting, bil'bà-ting. s. the sport of bait-
ing bulls with dogs
Bull-dog, bil'dog. s. agog remarkable for
Bull-head, bul'hed. s. a stupid fellow; a fish
Bullet, bil'lit. . a round ball of metal

raise laughter

Bullion, bal'yun. s. gold or silver unwrought|Burlesque, bûr-lésk'. a. jocular, tending to Bullition, bul-lish'ân. s. the act or state of boiling

Bullock, bil'lik. s. a young bull

Bully, bal'lé. s. a noisy, quarrelling fellow
Bulwark, hůl'wůrk. s. a fortification, security
Bum, him. s. the part on which we sit
Bumbailiff, bum-bà'lif. s. a bailiff of the
meanest kind

Bump, bump s. a swelling, a protuberance
Bumper, búm'pur. s. a cup filled
Bumpkin, bum'kin. s. an awkward heavy


anch, bånsh. s. a hard lump; a knob; a Bunchy, bic'she. a. growing into bunches Bundle, bun'dl. s. a number of things bound together

Bundle, bun'dl. v. a. to tie in a bundle
Bung, bung. s. a stopper for a barrel

Bang, bung. v. a. to stop up

Burlesque, bur-lêsk'. s. ludicrous language
Burlesque, bur-lésk'. v. a. to turn to ridicule
Burliness, bur'lé-nés. s. bulk, bluster
Burly, bur'lè. a. big of stature

Burn, burn. v. a. to consume with fire;
wound with fire

Burn, burn. v. n. to be on fire; to be in
flamed with passion; to act as fire
Burn, burn. s. a hurt caused by fire
Burning, bur'ning. s. state of inflammation
Burning-glass, burning-glås. s. a glass which
collects the rays of the sun
Burnish, bur'nish. v. a. to polish
Burnish, búr'nish. v. n. to grow bright or
[strument that burnishes
Burnisher, bur'nish-ur. s. the person or in
Burnt, burnt. part. pass. of burn

Burr, bur. s. the lobe or lap of the ear

Bunghole, bung hole. s. the hole at which the Burrow, bur'rò. s. à corporate town; a

[blocks in formation]

Bushy, bush'è. a. thick, full of small branches
Busily, biz'zé-lè. ad. with hurry, actively
Business, biz'nés. s. employment; an affair
the subject of action; serious engagement

Burden, bir'dn. v. a. to load; to encumber
Burdensome, bur'dn-sům. a. grievous, trou-Busk, búsk. s. a piece of whalebone, worn by

[blocks in formation]

tive of a town corporate Burgh, burg. rough Burgher, bir'gur. s. one who has a right to

women to strengthen their stays
Buskin, bus kín. s. a kind of half boot worn
on the stage

Buskined, bus'kind. a. dressed in buskins
Busky, bus'ke. a. woody

Buss, bus. s. a kiss; a boat for fishing
Bust, bust. s. a half statue

Bustle, bus'sl. v. n. to be busy, to stir
Bustle, bus'sl. s. a tumult, a hurry

8. a corporate town or bo-Bustler, bus'lur. s. an active stirring man Busy, biz'zé. a. employed; bustling, active, meddling

certain privil ges in this or that place Burghership, bur'gur-ship. s. the privilege of a burgher

Busy, biz'zé. v. a. to employ, to engage
Busy body, bîz'zé-hôd-dé. s. a meddling, fan-
tastical person

Burglary, bur'glá-rẻ. s. robbing a house by But, but. conj. except, yet, nevertheless; night, or breaking in with intent to rub now; only; than; however, howbeit Burgomaster, bür'go-mås tur. s. one em-But-end, but'end'. s. the blunt end of any ployed in the government of a city


Burial, bêr'ré-al. s. the act of burying, se-Butcher, but'tshur. s. one that kills animals to pulture, interment

sell their flesh

one who delights in blood

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