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Butcher, båt'tshår. v. a. to kill, to murder ¡Cabal, ká-bal'. v. n. to form close intrigues Butcherly, but'tshår-le. a. bloody, barbarous Cabalist, káb'å-list. s. one skilled in the tra Butchery, but'tshur-rẻ. s. the trade of a

butcher; murder

Butler, but'lür. s. a servant employed in furnishing the table

Butt, but. s. a mark; a man upon whom the company break their jests; a vessel containing 126 gallons

Butt, but. v. a. to strike with the head
Butter, but'tur. s. an unctuous substance made
from cream

Butter, but'tur. v. a. to smear with butter
Butterfly, but'tur-fl. s. a beautiful insect
Buttermilk, but'túr-milk. s. the whey of
churned cream
Buttertooth, but'tur-tô8th. s. the great broad
Butterwoman, but'tår-wum-ån. s. a woman

that sells butter

ditions of the Hebrews
Caballistical, káb-al-lis'té-kál.
Caballistick, kâb-ål-lis'tik.
an occult meaning

a. that has

Caballer, kâ-bál'lúr. s. he who engages in
close designs, an intriguer
Cabbage, kab'bidje. s. a plant


Cabbage, kab'bidje. v. a. to steal in cutting
[a cottage
Cabin, kåb'bin. s. a small chamber in a ship;
Cabin, kab'tin. v. n. to live in a cabin
Cabin, kab'bin. v. a. to cenfine in à cabin
Cabinet, káb'in-ét. s. a set of drawers for cu
riosities; a private room in which consul
tations are held

Cable, ka'bl. s. the great rope of a ship to
which the anchor is fastened

Buttery, but'tur-rẻ. s. the room where pro-Cackle, kåk'kl. v. n. to make a noise as a

visions are laid up

[the taill Buttock, but 'tus. s. the rump, the part near Button, but'tn. s. any knob or ball; the bud of a plant

Button, but'tn. v. a. to dress, to clothe; to

fasten with buttons

Buttonhole, but'in-hole. s. the loop in which the button is caught


goose, or a hen; to giggle

Cackle, kak'kl. s. the noise of a goose or fowl Cackler, kåk'lůr. s. a fewl that cackles; a telltale

Cacochymy, kák'kd-kim-mè. s. a depravation

of the humours from a sound state Cacophony, ká-köf'b-né. s. a bad sound of words

Cacuminate, ka-k'mé-nåte. v. a. to make sharp or pyramidal

Cade, kåde. a. tame, soft

Buttress, but'tris. s. a prop, a support Buxom, buk'sum. a. lively, brisk; wanton, jolly [rously Cadaverous, ka-dav'è-ris. a. having the apBuxomly, buk'sum-lê. ad. wantonly, amo- pearance of a dead carcass Buxomness, buk'sum-nes. s. wantonness, amo-Caddis, kâd ́dis. s. a kind of tape; a worm [paying a price or grub Buy, bl. v. a. to purchase, to acquire by Buyer, bl'ur. s. he that buys, a purchaser Buzz, bůz. v. n. to hum, to make a noise like bees [hawk; a blockhead, a dunce Buzzard, buz'zurd. s. a degenerate species or Buzzur, buz'zůr. s. a secret whispererBy, bl. prep. it notes the agent, instrument,

cause, or means

Cadence, ka'dénse. s. fall of the voice; a tone
Cadent, ka'dent. a. falling down
Cadet, kä-dét'. s. a younger brother; a vo-

Cadi, ka'dé. s. a magistrate among the Turks
Caduceus, ka-d''shể-ús. s. the rod or wand
with which Mercury is depicted

By, bl. ad. near, at a small distance,; beside,Caducity, ka-dd'sé-té. s. tendency to fall
passing; in presence

By and by, bl'aud-bi'. ad. in a short time
By-end, bl'end'. s. private interest, secret ad-

By-law, bl'law'. s. a private law
By-name, bi'name'. s. a nickname
By-path, bl'path'. s. a private or obscure path
By-stander, bl'stân'dur. a. a looker on, one
By-word, bl'wurd'. s. a proverb; a term of


CAB, káb. s. a Hebrew measure, containing about three pints

Cabal, ka-bál'. s. the secret science of the Hebrew rabbins; a body of men united in some close design

Caesura, sé-zu'râ. s. a figure in poetry, by

which a short syllable after a complete foot

is made long

Caftan, kaf'tán. s. a Persian vest or garment
Cag, kåg. s. a barrel or wooden vessel, con

taining 4 or 5 gallons

Cage, kaje. s. an enclosure for birds or wild

beasts; a prison for petty malefactors
Cage, kaje. v. n. to enclose in a cage
Cajole, ka-jòle'. v. a. to flatter, to soothe
Cajoller, ka-jo'lir. s. a flatterer, a wheedler
Cajollery, ka-jo'lur-ré. s. Battery
Caitiff, ka'tif. s. a mean vilain, a despicable

[blocks in formation]

Calamine, kål'a-mine. s. a kind of fossil bitu-Calling, kåwi'ling. s. vocation, profession, [happy, wretched trade; employment

minous earth

without pain

Calamitous, ka-lâm'è-tus. a. miserable, un- Callosity, kål-los'è-tè. s. a kind of swelling Calamitousness, kâ-lâm'è-tús-nês. s. misery, distress [misery Calamity, ka-lam'è-tè. s. misfortune, cause of Calash, ka-lash'. s. a carriage of pleasure Calcarious, kal-ká’ré-ús. a. partaking of the

nature of calx


Callous, kal'ius. a. hardened, insensible Callow, kâl'l8. a. unfledged, wanting feathers Callus, kal'lus. s. an induration of the fibres; the hard substance by which broken bones are united

Calceated, kål'she-à-têd. a. shod, fitted with Calin, kẩm. a. quiet, serene; undisturbed Calcination, kal-se-na'shûn. s. chynical, pul-Calm, kảm. s. serenity, stillness; repose verization

Calm, kam. v. a. to still, to quiet; to pacify Calmly, kẩm'lẻ. ad. without storms or pas sions, quietly

Calmness, kam'nes. s. tranquillity, serenity; freedom from passion


Calcine, kål-sine'. v. a. to burn to a caix or substance easily reduced to powder Calcine, kal-sine'. v. n. to become a calx by heat [reckon; to adjus:|| Calculate, kal'kd-låte. v. a. to compute, to Calomel, kål'd-mél. s. mercury six times subCalculation, kål-ku-la'shun. s. the art of num-Calorifick, kål-d-rif'îk. a. that has the quality bering; the result of arithmetical operation

[blocks in formation]

of producing heat

Caltrops, kål'trops. s. an instrument made
with three spikes, so that which way soever
it falls to the ground, one of them points

Calve, khv. v. n. to bring forth a calf
Calumniate, ka-lum'né-åte. v. a. to slander
Calumniator, ka-lum'ué-à-tůr. s. a forger of
accusation; a slanderer

Calumnious, kå-lum'né-us. a. slanderous,
falsely reproachful

Calumny, kål'úm-nè. s. slander, false charre
Calx, kålks. s. any thing rendered reduciole
to powder by burning

Cambrick, kåme'brik. s. a kind of fine linen
Came, káme. pret. of to coine

Camel, kåm'él. s. a beast of burden
Camelot, kam'lêt. s. a kind of stuff made

Calenture, kål'ên-tshire. s. a distemper pre-Camlet,

valent in hot climates

with wool and silk

optical machine used in a darkened chamber

Calf, kaf. s. the young of a cow; the thick Camera Obscura, kam'è-rá-ôb-skú'rá. s. an part of the leg [barrel of a gun Caliber, kal'e-bur. s. the diameter of the Calico, kál'é-ko. s. Indian stuff made of


Calid, kalid. a. hot, burning
Calidity, ka-lid'de-tè. s. heat

kå'lif. s. a title assumed by the sucessors of Mahomet among the Saracers Caligation, kâl-le-ga'shůn. s. darkness, cloudi


Caliginous, ka-lidje'è-nůs. a. obscure, dim
Caik, kåwk. v. a. to stop the leaks of a ship
Calker, kåw'kur. s. one who stops the leaks
of a ship

Camerated, kam'êr-à-têd. a. arched

Cameration, kâm-êr-á'shůn. s. a vaulting or arching

Camisado, kam-é-sa'dò. s. an attack made in
the dark, on which occasion they put their
shirts outward

Camp, kamp. s. the order of tents placed by
armies when they keep the field
Camp, kamp. v. n. to lodge in tents
Campaign, kam-påne'. s. a large, open, level
tract of ground; the time an army keeps
the field

Campestral, kam-pês'trál. a. growing in

Call, kåwl. v. a. to name; to summon or in-
vite; to make a short visit; to stigmatize
with some opprobrious denomination
Call, kåw. s. a vocal address; requisition;
divine vccation; an impulse; command; a
claim; an instrument to call birds, a no-Can, kân. v. n. to be able, to have power

Camphire, kâm'fir s. a kind of resin
Camphorate, kam'fd-råte. a. impregnated
with camphire
Can, kan. s. a cup

Canaille, kâ-nåle'. s. the lowest people

Canonically, ka-nôn'é-kál-lé. ad. in a manner agreeable to the canon

Canal, ka-nál'. s. a basin or course of waters Canonical, ka-non'è-kâl. a. spiritual, ecclesimade by art; a passage through which any astical of the juices of the body flow Canary, ka-na're. s. wine brought from the Canaries, sack [singing bird Canary-bird, ka-na're-burd. s. an excellent Cancel, kân'sil. v. a. to cross a writing; to efface, to obliterate

Cancer, kân'sûr. s. a crab-fish; the sign of the
summer solstice; a virulent sore
Cancerate, kân'sur-råte. v. n. to become a
[lence of a cancer
Cancerous, kan'sur-rus. a. having the viru-
Candent, kan'dent. a. hot


Canonist, kân'nun-nist. s. a professer of the canon law

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Canonization, kân-no-ne-za'shun. s. the act
of declaring a saint
[one a saint
Canonize, kan'no-nize. v. a. to declare any
Canonry, kan'un-ré.
s. an ecclesiasti-
Canonship, kân'un-ship.

cal benefice in some cathedral or collegiate

the head

[genuous Canopied, kân'd-pid. a. covered with a canopy Candid, kan'did. a. white; fair, open, in- Canopy, kan'd-pè. s. a covering spread over Candidate, kan'dè-date. s. a competitor, one that sclicits advancement Candidly, kan'did-lè. ad. fairly, ingenuously Candidness, kân'did-nes. s. ingenuousness, ⚫ openness of temper Etallow Candle, kån'dl. s. a light made of wax or Candlelight, kan'dl-llte. s. the light of a candle

Candlemas, kan'dl-mus. s. the feast of the
purification of the Blessed Virgin
Candlestick, kân'dl-stik. s. the instrument that
holds a candle

Candour, kan'dur s. sweetness of temper,
purity of mind, ingenuousness
Candy, kan'de. v. a. to conserve with sugar
Candy, kan'de. v. n. to grow congealed
Cane, kåne. s. a kind of strong reed; the
plant which yields the sugar; a lance; a

Cane, kåne. v. a. to beat with a cane or stick
Canicular, ka-nik'd-lår. a. belonging to the
dog star

[a dog

Canopy, kan'd-pe. v. a. to cover with a canopy
Canorous, ka-nd'rus. a. musical, tuneful
Cant, kant. s. a corrupt dialect used by heg
gars and vagabonds; a form of speaking
peculiar to some certain class of men; a
whining pretension to goodness; barbarous
jargon; auction

Cant, kant. v. n. to talk in the jargon of par-
ticular professions; to speak with a particu
lar tone

Cant, kant. v. a. to toss or fling away
Cantata, kan-tà'tâ. s. a song
Canter, kân'tur. s. a hypocrite; a short gallop
Cantharides, kân-thar'è-dêz. s. Spanish flies,
used to raise blisters

Canticle, kân'tè-kl. s. the song of Solomon
Canto, kân'to. s. a book or section of a poem
Canton, kan'tůn. s. a small division of land;
a clan

Canton, kán'tun. v. a. to divide into little

several uses; solicitation upon an election Canvass, kan'vas. v. a. to sift, to examine; to debate, to controvert

Canine, ká-nine'. a. having the properties of Canvas, kân'vás. s. a kind of cloth woven for Canister, kan'is-tur. s. a small box; a small vessel in which any thing is laid up Canker, kang kur. s. an eating or corroding humour; corrosion; a disease in trees Canker, king'kur. v. n. to grow corrupt Canker, kang kår. v. a to corrupt, corrode to infect

Cannibal, kan'né-bál. s. a man-eater Cannibalism, kan'né-bâl-îzm. s. the manners of a cannibal

Cannibally, kan'ně-bâl-lè. ad. in the manner
of a cannibal

Cannon, kan'nun. s. a large gun
Cannonade, kân-nun-nåde'. v. n. to attack or
batter with cannon

Cannonier, kan-nun-nèèr'. s. the engineer
that manages the cannon
Cannot, kan'not. v. n. to be unable
Canoe, kán-n33'. s. a boat made by cutting the
trunk of a tree into a hollow vessel
Canon, kan'in. s. a rule, a law; the books of
Holy Scripture; a dignitary in a cathe-
dral; a large sort of printing letter

Canvass, kân'vas. v. n. to solicit
Canzonet, kân-zo-net'. s. a little song
Cap, kåp. s. the garment that covers the head
Cap, kap. v. a. to cover the top
Cap-a-pie, kap-a-pe'. from head to foot
Capability, ka-på-bil'è-tè. s. capacity
Capable, ka'pa-bl. a. intelligent, able, capa
cious, susceptible; qualified
Capableness, ka'på-bl-nés. s. the quality or
state of being capable
Capacious, kå-på'shus. a. wide, large, exten'
sive, equal to great design
Capaciousness, ka-pa'shus-nês. s. the power
of holding, largeness

Capacitate, ka-pas'è-táte. v. a. to enable, to
Capacity, ká-pas'è-tè. s. power, ability; room;
Caparison, kå-pår'è-sún. s. a sort of sover for
Caparison, ka-par'è-sûn. v. a. to dress pom-

a horse

Cape, kápe. s. a headland, promontory; the || Carabine, or Carbine, kár-bine. s. a small sort neck-piece of a cloak of coat

Caper, kápur. s. a leap, or jump; an acid
Caper, ka pir. v. n. to dance, to skip for mer-
Capias, ka'pé-us. S a writ of execution
Capillaire, kap-plì-låre'. s. syrup of maiden-
[small, minute
Capillary, kapp?l-la-rẻ. a. resembling hairs,
Capital, kape-tal. a. relating to the head
criminal in the highest degree; that which
affects life; chief, principal


of fire-arms


Carbinier, kår-bé-néèr'. s. a sort of light-horseCarack, kär'åk. s. a large ship of burden, galleon

Carat, kår'at. s. a weight of four grains
Caravan, kår-â-van'. s. a troop or body of
merchants or pilgrims

Caravansary, kar-a-vän'sâ-rẻ. s. a house for
the reception of travellers
Carbuncle, kår'bunk-kl. s. a jewel shining in
the dark; red spot

Capital, kap'e-tal. s. the upper part of a pil-Carcass, kår'kas. s. a dead body of an animal lar; the chief city of a nation the main parts, without completion or orCapitally, kap'è-tâl-lè. ad. in a capital man- nament, a kind of bomb Der, so as to affect life [heads Capitation, kap-e-ta'shun. s. numeration by Capitulate, ka-pitsh'u-låte. v. n. to draw up any thing in heads or articles; to yield on certain stipulations Capitulation, ka-pitsh-u-la'shun. s. stipulation, terms, condition

[ocr errors]

Capon, ka'pn. s. a castrated cock
Caprice, ka-prèèse'. s. fancy, whim
Capricious, ka-prish'us. a. whimsical, fanciful
Capriciousness, ka-prish'us-nés. s. humour,

Capricorn, kap'pre-korn. s. one of the signs
of the zodiack, the winter solstice.
Capstan, kap'stan. s. a cylinder with levers to
wind up any great weight
Capsular, kap'sho-lår. a. hollow like a chest
Capsulated, kap'shu-là-têd. a. enclosed, or in a

[of a captain

Card, kård. s. a paper painted; a note; the
instrument with which wool is combed
Card, kård. v. a. to comb wool
Cardiack, kår'dé-åk. a. cordial, invigorating
Cardinal, kår'de-nål. a. principal, chief
Cardinal, kår'de-nål. s." one of the chief go-

vernors of the Romish church

Care, kåre. s. solicitude, anxiety, concern;
caution; charge

Care, kåre. v. n. to be anxious or solicitous;
to be inclined; to be affected with
Careen, ka-rèèn'. v. a. to calk, to stop up



Career, ka-rèèr'. s. a course, a race; full
Career, kå-rèèr'. v. n. to run with a swift mo-
[dent, watchful
Careful, kåre'ful. a. anxious, solicitous, provi-
Carefully, kåre'fůl-lè. ad. heedfully, watch-

Carefulness, kåreʼful-nês. s. vigilance, caution
Carelessly, kåre'lês-lè. ad. negligently, heed-

Captain, kap'tin. s. the commander of a company in a regiment the chief commander of a ship Captainship, kap'tin-ship. s. the rank or post Carelessness, kåre'lês-nés. s. heedlessness, inCaptation, kap-ta'shûn. s. the practice of Careless, kåre'lés. a. unconcerned, negligent, catching favour [person beedless, unmindful

Caption, kap'shin. s. the act of taking any Caress, ka-res'. v. n. to endear, to fondle Captious, kap'shus. a. given to cavils, insidi-Caress, ka-rês'. s. an act of endearment. ous, ensnaring to object Caret, ka'rét. s. a note which shows where Captiously, kap'shus-lè. ad. with an inclination something interlined should be read, as [4] Captiousness, kap'shús-nes. s. inclination to Cargo, kár'gd. s. the lading of a ship object; peevishness Caricature, kär-ik-a-tshire'. s. exaggerated character, redundant in some of its parts, and defective in others

Captivate, kap'tè-våte. v. a. to bring into bondage; to charm, to subdue

Captivation, káp-te-va'shun. s. the act of tak-Caries, ka'ré-iz. s. rottenness ing one captive

Captive, kap'tiv. s. one taken in war; one
charmed by beauty

Captive, kip'tiv. a. made prisoner in war
Captivity, kap-tiv'è-tè. s. bondage; slavery
Captor, kap'tur. s. he that takes a prisoner, or
a prize
[thing; a prize
Capture, kap'tshire. s. the act of taking any
Capuchin, kap-sheen'. s. a cloak and hood,
made in i.ntation of the dress of capuchin
[et of war
Car, kar. s. a small carriage of burden; chari-

Carious, ka'ré-us. a. rotten

Carle, kårl. s. a rude brutal man, a churl
Carman, kår'mån. s. a man whose employ-
ment it is to drive carts

Carmelite, kår'mé-lite. s. one of the order of
White Friars

Carminative, kår-min'á-tiv. s. something that
dispels wind, and promotes insensible per-
Carminative, kår-min'â-tiv. a. belonging to
Carmine, kår-mine'. s. a powder of a bright
red or crimson colour

Carnage, kâr nidje. s. slaughter, havock
Carnal, kår'nál. a. fleshly, lustful, lecherous
Carnality, kår-nál'è-tè. s. fleshly lust; gross-
ness of mind
[colour; a flower
Carnation, kår nå'shún. s. the natural flesh
Carneous, kår'né-us. a. fleshy

Carnival, kár né-vál. s. the feast held in Ro-
man Catholick countries before Lent
Carnivorous, kår-niv'vò-rus. a. flesh-eating
Carnosity, kår-ros'sé-té. s. fieshy excrescence
Chrnous, kár'nos. a. fleshy

Carol, kårʼrül. s. a song of devotion
Caroi, kárʼrúl. v. n. to sing, to warble
Carol, kårrul. v. a. to praise, to celebrate
Carousal, ka-roo'zâl. s. a festival

Carouse, ka-roůz'. v. n. to drink, to quaff
Carouser, ka-roo'zür. s. a drinker, a toper
Carp, kåp. s. a pond-fish

Carp, kárp. v. n. to censure, to cavil
Carpenter, kar'pen-tur. a. an artificer in wood
Carpet, kárpit. 8. a covering for a floor
Carpet, kárpit. v. a. to spread with carpets
Carping, kar'ping. part. a. captious, cen-


Cascade, kas-kade'. s. a cataract, a water-fall
Case, kåse. s. a box, a sheath; state of things;
contingence; the variation of nouns
Case, kåse. v. a. to put in a case or cover; to
strip off the covering

Caseharden, kåse'hår-dn. v. a. to harden on
the outside
[upon hinges
Casement, kaze'ment. s. a window opening
Cash, kash. s. money, ready money
Cashier, kå-shèèr'. s. he that has charge of the
[from a post


Cashier, ka-sheer'. v. a. to discard, to dismiss
Cask, kask. s. a barrel

Casque, käsk. s. a helmet, armour for the bead
Casket, kas'kit. s. a small box for jewels
Cassate, kas'sate. v. a. to vacate, to invalidate
Cassock, kas'suk. s. a close garment
Cast, kast. v. a. to throw with the hand; to
shed; to moult; to lay aside; to over-
weigh, to make to preponderate; to com-
pute, to reckon; to fix the parts in a play,
to direct the eye; to model, to form
Cast, kåst. v. n. to contrive; to admit of
form by casting or melting; to warp

Carriage, kår'ridje. s. the act of carrying oCast, kåst. s. the act of casting or throwing, transporting; vehicle; behaviour, conduct Carrier, kar'ré-ur. s. one who carries something; a species of pigeon

Carrion, kar'ré-un. s. the carcass of something nct proper for food; corrupted flesh Carrot, kår'rut. s. garden roo

Carroty, kâr rut-é. a. spoken of red hair Carry, kár'rẻ. v. a. to convey; to bear; to behave, to conduct

a throw; motion of the eye; a mould, a form; exterior appearance, manner, air Castanet, kas'ta-nét. s. small shells of ivory, or hard wood, which dancers rattle in their hands

Castaway, kast'a-wå. s. a person lost, or abandoned by Providence

Castigate, kas'te-gåte. v. a. to chastise, to punish [correction Castigation, kis-tè-ga'shun. s. punishment, Castigatory, kas'tè-gå-tur-ẻ. a. punitive Castle, kas'sl. s. a house fortified Castor, kás'tur. s. a beaver Castrate, kas'tråte. v. a. to geld Castration, kas-tra'shun. s. the act of gelding sti-Casual, kâzh'd-ål. a. accidental, arising from [cut design

Cart, kárt. s. a wheel-carriage for luggage
Cart, kårt. v. a. to expose in a cart
Cart, kårt. v. n. to use carts for carriage
Cart-blanche, kart-blånsh'. s. a blank paper to
be filled up with sush conditions as the per-
son to whom it is sent thinks proper
Cartel, kår-tel'. s. a writing containing

Carter, kart'ur. s. the man who drives a cart
Cartilage, kår'te-lfdje. s. a gristle
Cartilaginous, kár-té-lådje'è nûs. a. consisting
of gristle

Cartoon, kår-tôôn. s. a painting upon large
Cartouch, kår-tootsh'. s. a case for balis
Cartridge, kår'tridje. s. a case of paper or
parchment filled with gunpowder


Casually, kázbíð-ál-lé. ad. accidentally, withCasualty, kazh'u-al-té. s. accident, a thing happening by chance

Casuist, kazh'-ist. s. one that studies and

settles cases of conscience Casuistical, kazh-u-is'tè-kål. a. relating to cases of conscience


Casuistry, kazh'u-is-trẻ. s. the science of a

Cartrut, kart'rût. s. the track made by a cart-Cat, kåt. s. a domestick animal, a sort of ship wheel

Cartwright, kårt'rite. s. a maker of carts
Carve, karv. v. a. to cut wood, or stone; to
cut meat at the table

Carve, karv. v. n. to exercise the trade of a
sculptor; to perform at table the office of
supplying the company
Carver, kår'vår. s. a sculptor; he that cuts up
the meat at the table
Carving, kår ring. s. sculpture, figures carved

Catachrestical, kât-å-kres'té-kål. a. forced,

Cataclysm, kata-klizm. s. a deluge, an
Catacombs, kåt'a-komz. s. subterraneous ca-
vities for the burial of the dead

Catalogue, kåt'â-lôg. s. an enumeration of
particulars, a list

Cataplasm, kata-plazm, s. a poultice
Cataract, kåt'a-råkt. s. a fall of water; a cas-
cade; a disease of the eyes

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