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Catarrh, kå-tár'. s. a defluxion of a sharp se-|| Catoptrical, kât-op-tre'kál. a. relating to the

rum from the glands about the head and throat

Catastrophe, ka-tas'tro-fè. s. the revolution

catoptricks, or vision by reflection Catoptricks, kât-ôp'triks. s. that part of opticks which treats of vision by reflection

which produces the final event of a dra-Catsup, kâtsh'up. s. a kind of pickle
matick piece; a final event, generally un-Cattle, kat'tl. s. beasts of pasture, not wild

Catcal, kåt'kåll. s. a squeaking instrument
Catch, katsh. v. a. to lay hold on, to stop, to
seize, to insnare, to entangle
Catch, kåtsb. v. n. to be contagious, to spread

Catch, katsh. s. seizure, the act of seizing;
ja song sung in succession; an advantage
taken; the thing caught; a taint; any
thing that catches

Catchpoll, katsh'pole. s. a serjeant, a bum-

Catchword, kâtsh'word. s. the word at the
corner of the page under the last line,
which is repeated at the top of the next
[questions and answers
Catechetical, kat-e-kêt'é-kål. a. consisting of
Catechise, kat'è-kelze. v. a. to instruct by
asking questions; to interrogate
Catechiser, kåt'è-kel-zûr. s. one who ca-

Catechism, kate-kîzm. s. questions and an-
swers concerning religion

Catechist, kât'è-kist. s. one whose charge is to question the uninstructed concerning religion


nor domestick

Caudle, kaw'dl. s. a mixture of wine and other
ingredients, given to women in childbed
Cauf, kawf. s. a chest with holes, to keep fish
alive in the water

Caught, kawt. part. pass. of to catch
Cauk, kawk. s. a coarse talky spar
Caul, kawl. s. the hinder part of a woman'
cap; any kind of small net; a thin mem-
brane enclosing the head of some children
when born

Cauliflower, kol'lé-flöů-ûr. s. a species of cab-

Causable, kåw'zå-bl. a. that may be caused
Causal, kåw'zal. a. relating to causes
Causative, kåw'zá-tiv. a. that expresses a

cause or reason

Cause, kwz. s. a reason, motive, subject of
litigation; party

Cause, kawz. v. a. to effect as an agent
Causelessly, kåwz'les-lè. ad. without cause,

without reason

Causeless, kåwz'lês. a. without just ground or motive

Causey, kiw'zé.
Causeway, kawz'wd.


Cautelously, kåw'tè-lås-lè. ad. cunningly,

cautiously, warily

s. a way raised and Catechumen, kat-é-kử'mên. s. one who is yet paved above the rest of the ground in the first rudiments of Christianity Caustick, kåws'tik. s. a burning application Categorical, kât-è-gor'è-kål. a. absolute, po-Cautelous, kaw'tè-lus. a. cautious, wary; [tively, expressly Categorically, kát-é-gor'é-kâl-é. ad. posiCategory, kat'e-gor-è. s. a class; an order of [a chain Catenarian, kit-ẻ-na rẻ-ăn. a. relating to Catenation, kât-e-na'shun. s. link, regular connexion [victuals Cater, ka'tur. v. n. to provide food, to buy in Caterer, ka'tur-år. s. a purveyor Cateress, ka'tur-rès. s. a woman employed to provide victuals


Caterpillar, kat'tir-pil-lir. s. a worm; a plant
Caterwaul, kat'tår-wåwl. v. n. to make a noise

as cats

Cates, kåtes. s. viands, food

Catgut, kat'gut. s. a kind of cord or gut of
which fiddle strings are made; a kind of
canvass for ladies' work
Cathartick, ka-thar'tik. a. purgative
Cathedral, ka-the'dral. a. episcopal, contain-
ing the see of a bishop
Cathedral, kå-the'drál. s. the head church
of a diocese

Catholick, kath'd-lik. a. universal or general
Catholicon, ka-thol'è-kon. . an universal

Cauterization, kåw-tur-rẻ-za'shun. s. the act
of burning with hot irons
Cauterize, kåw'tur-ize. v. a. to burn with
the cautery

Cautery, kåw'tôr-rẻ. s. an iron for burning;
a caustick medicine
Caution, kåw'shin. s. prudence, foresight,
Caution, kaw'shun. v. a. to warn, to give
notice of a danger
Cautionary, kiw'shun-â-rẻ. a. given as a
pledge, or in security

Cautious, kaw'shus. a. wary watchful
Cautiously, kaw'shus-lè. ad. in awwary manner
Cautiousness, kåw 'shus-nês. s. watchfulness,
vigilance, circumspection

Cavalcade, káv'ál-kåde. s. a procession on

Cavalier, káv-á-lèèr'. a. a horseman, a knight

Cavalier, kav-a-lèèr'. a. gay, sprightly generous; haughty

Cavalierly, kâv-á-léér lẻ. ad. haughtily, disdainfully

Cavalry, káv'âl-rè. s. horse-troops.
Cave, kave. s. a cavern, den, hollow place
Caveat, ka'vẻ-ât. s. a law term to prevent
proceedings; a warning

Cavern, kávurn. s. a hollow place in the

Cavernous, káv'ir-nus. a. full of caverns
Caviare, kâ-vèèr'. s. the eggs of a sturgeon

Cavil, káv'il. s. false or frivolous objection
Cavil, káv'il. v. n. to raise frivolous objec-


Cenatory, sen'na-tur-è. s. relating to supper Cenotaph, sen'd-tåf. s. a monument for one elsewhere buried

Cense, sense. s. public rates

Censer, sen'sûr. s. the pan in which incense is

Censor, sen'sor. s. an officer of ancient Rome;
one given to censure
Censorian, sen-so'rẻ-án. a. relating to a
Censorious, sen-so'ré-us. a. addicted to cen-
[tion to reproach
Censoriousness, sen-so'ré-us-nés. s. disposi-
Censorship, sen-sor-ship. s. the office of a



Caviller, káv'vil-lur. s. a captious disputant
Cavity, káv'è-té. s. hollowness, a bollow
Caw, kaw. v. n. to cry as the rook, or crow Censurable, sen'shu-ra-bl. a. culpable
Cease, sèse. v. n. to leave off, stop, to give Censurablenes, sen'shů-rå-bl-nes. s. blamen-
over; to be extinct



Cease, sese. v. a. to put a stop to
Ceaseless, sese'lês. a. incessant, perpetual, Censure, sen'shure. v. a. to blame

Censure, sen'shure. s. blame, reprimand, re


[sight Cent, sent. s. a hundred

Cecity, sés'è-te. s. blindness, privation of Centaur, sen'tåwr. s. a poetical being, sup Cedar, se'dur. s. a tree, the wood of the cedar- posed to be compounded of a man and a horse; the archer in the zodiack


Cede, sède. v. a. to yield, resign, give up to Centenary, sên'tè-na-rẻ. s. the number of a




[hundred years Cedrine, sè'drine. a. belonging to the cedar-Centennial, sen-tên'ně-âl. a. consisting of a Ceil, sèle. v. a. to cover the inner roof of al Centesimal, sên-tês'è-mál. a. hundredth building

Ceiling, se'ling. s. the inner roof

Centipede, sen'tè-péd. s. a poisonous insect
Central, sen'trål. a. relating to the centie

Celebrate, sel'lé-bråte. v. a. to praise, to Centre, sen'tur. s. the middle commend; to distinguish by solemn rites

Centre, sen'tur. v. a. to place on a centre

Celebration, sel-ẻ-bra'shun. s. solemn per-Centrick, sên'trik.
formance, praise, memorial

Celebrious, sé-lè'bré-ûs. a. famous, renowned
Celebriously, sé-lè’brẻ-us-lè. ad. in a famous


Celebrity, sé-leb'bré-te. s. celebration, fame
Celerity, sè-lêr'ré-tè. s. swiftness, speed, ve-

Celestial, se-s'tshal. a. heavenly
Celestial, sé-les'tshal. s. an inhabitant of

Centrickal, sen'trik-ál.


a. placed in the

Centrifugal, sên-trîf'd-gál. a. having the qua
lity of receding from the centre
Centripetar, sên-trip'é-tal. a. having a ten-
dency to the centre

Centuple, sén'tà-pl. a. hundred-fold Centurion, sên-ture-in. s. a military officer, who commanded a hundred men Century, sen'tshu-rẻ. s. a hundred years Celestially, se-les'tshal-lè. ad. in a heavenly Cephalick, se-fal'lik. a. medicinal to the head Celibacy, sel'é-bå-sẻ. s. single life Cerate, sé'rát. s. a salve made of wax


Cell, sell. s. a small cavity or hollow place,Cerated, se'rå-ted. a. waxed

the cave or little habitation of a religious Cere, sère. v. a. to cover with wax

person; a small and close apartment in a Cerement, sère'inent. s. clothes dipped in prison

Cellar, sel'lår. s. a place under ground,
where stores are reposited
Cellarage, sel'lur-ldje. s. the part of the
building which makes the cellars
Cellular, sel'lu-lâr. a. consisting of little cells
or cavities

Cement, sein'ment. . the matter with which
two bodies are made to cohere
Cement, sé-ment'. v. a. to unite by means of
something interposed

Cement, se-ment'. v. n. to come into conjunc
tion, to cohere

Cemetery, sem'mé-têr-e. s. a burial place

melted wax, with which dead bodies were infolded

Ceremonial, ser-é-mo'nè-ál. a. formal, ob. servant of old forms

Ceremonial, ser-é-mo'nè-âl. s. outward form, external rite

Ceremonious, sêr-é-mo'né-is. a. full of ceremony, civil and formal to a fault Ceremoniously, sér-é-md-né- és-lé. ad. in a

ceremonious manner, formally Ceremony, ser'è-mo-né. s. external form in religion; forms of civility; outward forms (mined Certain, sêr'tin. a. sure, indubitable; deter

of state



Certainly, sér tin-lè. ad. indubitably, without|| Chamber, tshåme'bur. v. n. to be wanton, to
Certainty, ser'tin-te. s. that which is real and
Certes, sér'téz. ad. certainly, in truth [ing]
Certificate, ser-tif'è-kêt. s. testimony in writ-
Certify, ser'tè-fl. v. a. to give certain infor-

[blocks in formation]

Chamberlain, tshame'bur-lin. s. the sixth
officer of the crown; a servant who has
the care of the chambers
Chambermaid, tshame'bur-måde. s. a maid
whose business is to dress a lady
Champ, tshåmp. v. a. to bite with a frequent
action of the teeth

Champ, tshamp. v. n. to perform frequently
the action of biting

Champaign, sham-påne'. s. a kind of wine,
a fat open country
Champignon, sham-pin'yun. s. a kind of
Champion, tsham'pé-ún. s. a hero, a stout


Cess, ses. . an assessment; the act of laying Chance, tshânse. s. fortune, accident


Cessation, ses-sa'shun. 8. a stop, a rest, a cation; a pause of hostility

Cessible, ses'se-bl. a. easy to give way

Chance, tshânse. v. n. to happen, to fall out va-Chance-medley, tshånse-med'lè. s. the casual slaughter of a man, not altogether without the fault of the slayer

Cession, sesh'shun. s. the act of giving way;Chancel, tshân'sel. s. the eastern part of the resignation

Cessment, ses'ment. s. an assessment or tax
Cestus, ses'tus. s. the girdle of Venus
Cetaceous, sé-ta'shus. a of the whale kind
Chafe, tshafe. v. a. to warm with rubbing; to
make angry

Chafe, tshafe. v. n. to fret, to fume
Chafe, tshafe. s. a heat, rage, fury
Chaff, tshaf. s. the husks of corn.
Chaffer, tshaf'får. v. n. to haggle, to bargain
Chafferer, tshaf'fur-rår. s. a buyer, bargainer
Chaffy, tshaf fè. a. like chaff, full of chaff
Chafing dish, tsha'fing-dish. s. a portable
grate for coals

Chagrin, sha-green'. s. ill humour, vexation]
Chagrin, sha-green'. v. a. to vex, to put out
of temper

Chain, tshåne, s. a series of links

Chain, tshåne. v. a. to fasten with a chain
Chair, tshåre. s. a moveable seat; a sedan
Chairman, tsbåre'mån. s. the president of an
assembly; one who carries a chair


Chancellor, tshân'sêl-lår. s. an officer of the
highest power in the court where he pre-
[and conscience
Chancery, tshan'sur-è. s. the court of equity
Chandelier, shån-dé-lèèr'. s. a branch for
[to make candles

Chandler, tshånd'lur. s. one whose trade is
Change, tshanje. v. a. to put one thing in the
place of another; to discount a larger
piece of money into several smaller; to
suffer alteration
Change, tshånje. v. n. to undergo change, to
Change, tshanje. s. an alteration; a novelty;
small money


Changeable, tshånje'å-bl. a. fickle, inconstant Changeableness, tshảnje'å-bl-nes. s. incoustancy, fickleness

Changeably, tshanje'a-ble. ad. inconstantly Changeling, tslanje'ling. s. a child left in the place of another; an idiot; one apt to change

Chaise, shaze. s. a carriage of pleasure or ex- Channel, tshân'all. s. the hollow bed of pedition

Chaldron, tshål'drân. s. a measure of 36 bushels
Chalice, tshal'is. s. a communion cup
Chalk, tshawk. s. white fossil

Chalk, tshawk. v. a. to rub or mark with

Chalky, tshawk'ke. a. consisting of chalk Challenge, tshal'lenje. v. a. to call to a contest; to accuse, to claim

[ocr errors]

running waters; any cavity drawn long-
ways; a strait or narrow sea
Channel, tsban'nél. v. a. to cut in channels
Chant, tshant. v. a. to sing; to sing in the
cathedral service

Chant, tshänt. s. song, melody
Chanter, tshân'tur. s. a singer
Chanticleer, tsnän'tè-kléér. s. the cock, from
his crow

Challenge, tshal'lenje. s. a summons to com-Chantress, tshân'três. s. a woman singer

bat; a demand of something as due Chalybeate, ka-lih'be-êt. a. impregnated with iron or steel

Chamber, tshame'bur. s. an apartment in a house, generally used for those appropriated to lodging

Chaos, ka'os. s. confusion, irregular mixture
Chaotick, ká-ot'tik. a. resembling chaos, con

Chap, tshop. v. a. to divide, to open
Chap, tshop. s. a cleft, a chink; the upper or
under part of a beast's mouth

Chape, tshape. s. the catch of any thing by which it is held in its place Chapel, tshap'el. s. a place of divine worship Chapelry, tshap'pêl-re. s. the bounds of a chapel [shrunk Chapfaln, tshop'filn. a. having the mouth Chaplain, tshaplin. s. he that attends the king, or other great person, to perform divine service

Chaplet, tshap'lêt. s. a garland or wreath to be worn about the head Chapman, tship'mân. s. a cheapener, one that offers as a purchaser

Chapter, tshap'tur. s. a division of a book; an assembly of the clergy of the cathedral Char, tshare. s. work done by the day Char, tshare. v. n. to work at others' houses by the day


Charmingly, tshar'ming-lé. ad. in such s manner as to please exceedingly. Charnel-house, tshår'nél-house. s. the place where the bones of the dead are reposited Chart, kårt, or tshårt. s. a delineation of [privileges or rights Charter, tshår'tur. s. a writing bestowing Chartered, tshår'túrd. a. privileged Chary, tsha'ré. careful, cautious Chase, tshase. v. a. to hunt; to pursue Chase, tsháse. s. pursuit; hunting match; the game hunted; open ground stored with game

Chasm, kázn. s. a cleft, a gap, an opening Chaste, tshåste. a. pure from all commerce of

sexes; uncorrupt; true to the marriage bed Chasten, tshase'tn. v. a. to correct, to punish Chastise, tshás-tize' v. a .o punish, to correct


Character, kárák-tur. s. a mark, a represent-Chastisement, tshas'tiz-ment. s. correction, ation; a letter; a representation of any man as to his personal qualities; the person with his assemblage of qualities Characteristick, kår-âk-té-ris'tik, a. pointing out the true character

Characteristick, kar-ak-te-ris'tik.. that

which constitutes the character

Characterize, kår’åk-tè-rize. v. a. to give a character, to mark, describe [wood Charcoal, tshår'kole. s. coal made by burning Charge, tshårje. v. a. to intrust; to impute, to accuse; to command; to attack; to load a gun

Charge, tshårje. s. care, custody; command; accusation; thing intrusted; ccst; attack; the quantity of powder and ball put into a gun [table; accusable Chargeable, tshår'ja-bl. a. expensive; impuChargeableness, tshår'jå-bl-nes. s. expense,


Chargeably, tshar'já-blễ. ad. expensively Charger, tshår júr. s. a large dish; an officer's


or state

Charily, tshår'ré-lè. ad. warily, frugally Chariness, tsha'ré-nês. s. caution, nicety Chariot, tshar'ré-it. s. a carriage of pleasure [a chariot Charioteer, tshår-rè-ût-tèèr'. s. he that drives Charitable, tshar'è-tå-bl. a. kind in giving alms, or in judging of others Charitably, tshar'e-tå-ble. ad. kindly, liberally; benevolently

Charity, tshir'e-tě. s. kindness, love; liberality to the poor; alms

Chark, tshårk. v. a. to burn to a black cinder Charm, tshårm. s. a spell or enchantment Charm, tshårm. v. a. to make powerful by charms; to subdue by some secret power Charmer, tshår'mur. s. one that has the power of enchantment; one that captivates the heart (the highest degree Charming, tshår'ming. part. a pleasing in

Chastity, tshas'tè-te. s. purity of the body Chastely, tshaste'lè. ad. without incontinence, purely

Chasteness, tshåste'nés. s. chastity, purity
Chat, tshat. v. n. to prate, to talk idly
Chat, tshât. s. idle talk, prate
Chattel, tshit'tl. s. any moveable possession
Chatter, tshåt'tår. v. n. to make a noise as
birds; to talk idly or carelessly
Chatter, tshât'tur. s. noise like that of a pie
or monkey; idle prate

Chatty, tshat'tè. a. liberal of conversation
Cheap, tshépe. a. to be had at a low rate
Cheapen, tshe'pn. v. a. to bid for any thing;
to lessen value

Cheaply, tshepe'lè. ad. at a small price, at a low rate

Cheapness, tshepe'nês. s. lowness of price Cheat, tshète. v. a. to defraud, to impose upon, to trick

Cheat, tshête. s. a fraud, a trick, an impos-
ture; a person guilty of fraud
Cheater, tshe'tur. s. one that practises fraud
Check, tshek. v. a. to repress, to curb
Check, tshek. v. n. o stop, to clash, to in


Check, tshek. s. restraint, curb, reproof Checker, tahêk'ur. v. a. to variegate or Chequer,


Cheek, tsheek. s. the side of the face below the eye; a general name among mechanicks for those pieces of their machines that are double [temper of mind Cheer, tsheer. s. entertainment, provisions; Cheer, tsheer. v. a. to incite, to encourage, to comfort, to gladden

Cheer, tshèèr. v. n. to grow gay or gladsome Cheerful, tshèèr'fůl. a. gay, full of life or mirth [tion, with gayety Cheerfully, tshèèr'fùl-lè. ad. without dejes

Cheerfulness, tshèèr'fùl-nés. s. freedom from Child bed, tshid'béd. s. the state of a woman

dejection, alacrity

bringing a child

Cheer less, tsheer'lês. a. without gayety, com-Childbirth, tshild'berth. s. travail, labour fort, or gladness [gloomy Childhood, tshild'hud, s. the time of life between infancy and puberty; the properties of a child

Cheerly, tsheer'lé. a. gay, cheerful, not
Cheerly, tabeer'lè. ad. cheerfully
Cheery, tshee'ré. a. gay, sprightly
Cheese, tsheeze. s. food made by pressing
the curd of milk

Cheesecake, tsbééze'kåke. s. a cake of curds, sugar, and butter

Childish, tshild'ish. a. trifling; trivial, puerile Childishly, tshild'ish-lè. ad. in a childish trifling way (triflingness Childishness, (ahild′ish-nes: s. puerility, Childless, tshlld'lês. a. without children Childlike, tshild like. a. becoming a child Icheese Chiliaedron, kîl-é-à-è'drôn. s. a figure of a thousand sides

Cheesemonger, tshèèze'mûng-gůr. s. one who ideals in cheese

Cheesy, tshee'ze. a. having the nature of Cherish, tsher'rish. v. a. to support, shelter, nurse up [supporter Cherisher, tsher'rish-år. s. an encourager, a Cherub, tsher'üb. s. a celestial spirit Cherubick, tshe-ru'bik. 8. relating to the [of Cherut Cherubim, tsher'ů-bim. s. the Hebrew plural Cherup, tsher'up. v. n. to chirp, to use a cheerful voice


Chess, tshes. s. an intricate game in imitation

of a battle between two armies Chess-board, tshes'bord. s. the board on which the game of chess is played Chess-man, tshés'mân. s. a puppet for chess Chest, tshest. s. a box of wood or other materials

Chestnut, tshes'nåt. s. the fruit of the chestnut-tree; a brown colour Chevalier, shev-a-lèèr'. s. a knight Chevaux-de-frise, shev-d-dé-frèèze'. s. a piece of timber traversed with wooden spikes, pointed with iron, used in defending a passage, a turnpike, or tourniquet

Chew, tahoo. v. a. to grind with the teeth,

Chill, tshil. a. cold, dejected, discouraged
Chill, tshil. s. chilness, cold
Chill, tshil. v. a. to make cold; to depress, to
Chilliness, tshil'lè-nés. s. a sensation of shi-
vering, cold

Chilly, tshil'lé. a. somewhat cold
Chiluess, tshil'nes. s. coldness, want of


Chime, tshime. s. correspondence of sound; the sound of bells struck with hammers Chime, tshime. v. n. to sound in harmony, to jingle

Chime, tshime. v. a. to make to sound har

monically; to strike a bell with a hammer Chimera, ké-mé'râ. s. a vain and wild fancy Chimerical, ké-mér'ré-kâl. a. imaginary, fantastick [which the smoke ascends Chimney, tshim'ne. s. the passage through Chimneypiece, tshim'nè-pèèse. s. the ornamental piece round the fireplace

Chin, tshin. s. the part of the face beneath the under lip [celain China, tsha'né. or tshl'na. s. china ware, porChincough, tshin'kof. s. a violent and convulsive cough

to masticate, to taste without swallowing Chew, taboo. v. n. to champ upon; to rumi-Chine,


Chicane, she-kane'. s. artifice in general Chicanery, she-ká'nûr-é. s. sophistry

Chick, tabik.

Chicken, tehlk in.

s. the young of a hen

tshine. s. the part of the back in which the backbone is found Chine, tshine. v. a. to cut into chines

Chink, tshink. s. a small aperture longwise Chink, tshink. v. a. to shake so as to make a sound

[each other

Chickenhearted, tshik'in-hår-têd. a. coward-Chink, tshink. v. n. to sound by striking
ly, fearful
Chints, tshints. s. cloth of cotton made in

Chide, tahlde. v. a. to reprove; to blame, to reproach

Chide, tahlde. v. n. to clamour, to scold Chief, tsbeef. a. principal, eminent, of the first order

Chief, tsheèf. s. a commander, a leader Chiefly, tshèèf'le. ad. principally, eminently Chieftain, tshèèf'tin. s. a leader, the bead of clan


Chilblain, tshil'blåne. s. a sore made by frost Child, tsbild. s. an infant; one in the line of

filiation, opposed to the parent Childbearing, tehlid'-ring. s. the act of bearing shildren

Chip, tship. v. a. to cut into small pieces Chip, tship. s. a small piece taken off by a cutting instrument

Chirographer, kl-rôg'grå-fur. s. he that exercises writing [writing Chirography, kl-rug'grå-fè. s. the art of Chirp, tsherp. v. n. to make a cheerful noise, as birds

Chirurgeon, ki-rur'gè-ån. s. one that cures ailments by outward applications; a surgeon

Chisel, tshiz'zfi. s. an instrument with which wood or stone is pared away

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