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Complot, kom'plot. s. a confederacy
Complot, kom-plôt'. v. a. to form a plot, to

Comply, kom-pl'. v. n. to yield
Component, kom-pò'nênt. a. that which con-
stitutes the compound body
Comport, kom-port'. v. n. to agree, to suit
Comport, kom-port'. v. a. to bear, to endure
Comport, kom'port. s. behaviour, conduct
Comportable, kom-por'tå-bl. a. consistent.
Comportment, kom-port'ment. s. behaviour
Compose, kom-poze'. v. a. to put together;
to quiet; to adjust; to arrange letters;

to form a tune

Composed, kom-pozd'. part. a. calm, serious
Composedly, kom-po'zed-lé. ad. calmly, se-

Composer, kom-po'zôr. s. an author; he that
adapts the musick to words
Composite, kom-poz'it. a. the last of the five
orders in architecture

[blocks in formation]

Compulsatively, kom-půl'så-tiv-lẻ. ad. by conComposition, kom-pò-zîsh'ôn. s. union, con-Compulsatory, kom-púl'sá-tur-ẻ. a. having the junction; written work; the act of dis- force of compelling

charging a debt by paying part; consisten-Compulsion, kom-půl'shản. s. the, act of com cy, congruity

pelling; force

er to compel, forcible

Compositor, kom-poz'è-tur. &. he that adjusts Compulsive, kôm-půl'siv. a. having the powthe types in printing Compost, kom'post. 8. manure Composure, kom-po'zhåre. s. order; form; relative adjustment; sedateness, tranquillity; composition

Compotation, kom-po-ta'shun. s. the act of
drinking together
Compotor, kom-po'tur. one that drinks

with another

Compound, kom-poůnd'. v. a. to mingle many ingredients together; to discharge a debt, by paying only part

Compulsiveness, kôm-půl'siv-nês. s. force,

Compulsory, kom-půl'sår-è. a. having the
power of compelling
Compunction, kom-pung'shun. s. repentance,
Computable, kom-pu'ta-bl. a. capable of being
Computation, kom-på-ta'shun. s. the act of
reckoning, calculation


Compute, kom-pute'. v. a. to reckon, to calcu late, to count

Compound, kom'pound. a. formed out of ma-Comrade, kôm'råde. s. companion
Con, kôn. v. a. to know; to study
Concamerate, kôn-kämn'é-råte. v. a. to arch

ny ingredients, composed of two or more


Compound, kom'påånd. s. the mass formed by the union of many ingredients


of links


[gether Concatenate, kon-kåt'è-nåte. v. a. to link to Comprehend, kim-pré-hénd'. v. a. to com- Concatenation, kôn-kât-è-nå'shûn. s. a series prise, to include; to conceive Comprehensible, kôm-prẻ-hên'sé-bl. a. intelli-Concave, kông'kåve. a. hollow, opposed t gible, conceivable Concavity, kong-káv'è-tè. s. internal surface Comprehension, kom-pré-hen'shûn. s. inclu- of a hollow spherical body sion; compendium; knowledge, capacity Comprehensive, kỏm-prẻ-hén ́siv. a. having the power to understand; comprising much Comprehensively, kóm-pré-hên'siv-lè. ad. in comprehensive manner. Comprehensiveness, kom-pre-hen'siv-nês. s. the quality of including much in a narrow compass


Compress, kom-près'. v. a. to force into a narrow compass; to embrace Compressibility, kôm-près-sé-b?l'è-tè. s. the quality of admitting to be brought int> narrower compass

Conceal, kon-sele. v. a. to hide, to keep secre Concealable, kôn-sé'lå-bl. a. capable of be ing concealed

Concealment, kon-sèle'ment. s. secresy; pri vacy; hiding place

Concede, kon-séde'. v. a. to admit, to grant
Conceit, kon-sète'. conception, thought,
idea, fancy

Conceit, kon-sete'. v. a to imagine, to believe
Conceited, kon-se'ted. part. a. endowed with
fancy; proud, opinionative
Conceitedness, kon-sé'ted-nës. s. pride, fond
ness of self


Conceivable, kon-se'vå-bl. a. that may be im-Concomitant, kon-kom'è-tänt. a. conjoined with, concurrent with

agined or understood Conceivableness,

kon-se'vá-bl-nes. s. the Concomitant, kon-kôm'é-tânt. s. companion, person or thing collaterally connected Concord, köng'körd. s. agreement, union, harmony

quality of being conceivable Conceive, kon-séve'. v. a. to form in the Inind; to comprehend, think Conceive, kon-seve'. v. n. to have an idea of; to become pregnant

Concent, kon-sént'. s. harmony; consistency] Concentrate, kon-sén'tråte. v. a. to drive into a narrow compass; to drive towards the [common centre Concentre, kon-sen'tur. v. n. to tend to one Concentrick, kon-sén'trik. a. having one com


mon centre

Concordance, kon-kor'dånse. s. agreement;
a book which shows in how many texts of
Scripture any word occurs
Concordant, kon-kör'dant. a. agreeable
Concorporate, kon-kor'po-råte. v. a. to unite
in one mass
[in one mass
Concorporation, kon-kor-po-ra'shun. s. union
Concourse, kông'korse. s. the confluence of
many persons or things; the persons as-
[burning together
Concremation, kông-krẻ-ma'shun. s. the act of
Concrete, kon-krète'. v. n. to coalesce into one
Concrete, kon-krete'. v. a. to form by concre

Conception, kon-sep'shun. s. the act of conceiving; state of being conceived; notion, idea; purpose; conceit, sentiment Concern, kun-sern'. v. a. to relate to; to affect; to interest; to disturb Concern, kon-sérn'. s. affair, interest, impor-Concrete, kon-kréte'. a. formed by concretion

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Conch, kongk. s. a shell, a sea-shell Conciliate, kon-sil'yåte. v. a. to gain over, to reconcile

Conciliation, kôn-sil-e-d'shůn. s. the act of gaining, or reconciling

Conciliatory, kon-slı'è-á-tur-è. a. relating to

Concinnity, kon-sin'nè-tè. s. decency, fitness
Concise, kon-sise'. a. brief, short
Concisely, kon-sise'lé. ad. briefly, shortly
Conciseness, kôn-sise'nês. s. brevity, shortness
Conclave, kong'klave. s. an assembly of the
[mine, to finish
Conclude, kon-kinde'. v. a. to decide, to deter-
Conclude, kon-kiude' v. n. to settle opinion;
finally to determine

Concludent, kon-klu'dênt. a. decisive
Conclusible, kon-klu'zé-bl. a. determinable
Conclusion, kon-klűzhun. s. final decision;
consequence; the close; the end
Conclusive, kon-kld'siv. a. decisive
Conclusively, kon-klu'siv-lè. ad. decisively
Cencoct, kon-kokt'. v. a. to digest by the
stomach; to purify by heat

Concoction, kon-kok'shůn. s. digestion in the
Concomitance, kön-kom'è-tâuse. s. subsistence!


Concrete, kong'krète. s. a mass formed by con

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Concur, kon-kůr'. v. n. to meet in one point;
to agree, to be conjoined
Concurrence, kon-kur'rense. s. union, combi-
nation, help, common claim

Concurrent, kon-kúr'rẻnt, a. acting in con-


Concurrent, kon-kur'rent. s. that which eon-
Concussion, kôn-kůsh’ún. s. the act of shaking,

Condeinn, kon-dêm'. v. a. to find guilty, to
doom to punishment; to censure
Condemnable, kón-dém'nå-bl. a. blameable,
{of punishment
Condemnation, kun-dêm-na'shun. s. a sentence
Condemnatory, kon-dém'nâ-tůr-è. a. passing
a sentence of condemnation
Condensable, kôn-dén'sâ-bl. a. that is capable

of condensation

Condensate, kôn-dén'såte. v. a. to make thicker
Condensate, kon-dén'eåte. v. n. to grow thick
Condensation, kôn-den-sa'shun. s. the act of

Condense, kon-dense'. v. a. to make thick,
close, and weighty

Condense, kon-dense'. v. n. to grow close and weighty

Condense, kon-der se'. a. thick, dense Condensity, kon-dén'sé-té. s. the state of being condensed

Condescend, kon-dé-sénd ̧ v. u. to stoop, to|Confer, kon-fér'. v. n.

bend, to yield

another, to conduce to

to discourse with

Condescendingly, kôn-dè-seud’îng-lè. ad. by Confer, kon-fer'. v. a. to compare; to

way of kind concession

Condescension, kön-dẻ-sển’shun. s. voluntary
humiliation, descent from superiority
Condescensive, kôn-dè-sén'siv. a. courteous
Condign, kon-dine'. a. deserved, merited
Condiment, kon'de-meut. s. seasoning, sauce
Condite, kon-dite'. v. a. to pickle
Condition, kon-dish'un. s. quality, state, rank,
term of compact

Conditional, kon-dish'in-ål. a. by way of
stipulation, not absolute
Conditionally, kon-dish'ún-âl-ẻ. ad. with cer-
tain limitations, on particular terms
Conditionary, kon-dish'ûn-â-rẻ. a. stipulated
Condole, kon-dòle'. v. n. to lament with
Condele, kon-dole'. v. a. to bewail with an-

Condolement, kôn-ddle'ment. s. grief, sorrow Condolence, kon-do'lênse. s. grief for the sorrows of another

Conduce, kon-duse'. v. n. to promote an end, to contribute to

Conducible, kon-du'se-bl. a. having the power of conducing

give, to bestow

Conference, könfễr-ense. s. formal discourse, oral discussion; an appointed meeting for discussing some point Contess, kon-fès'. v. a. to acknowledge, to own, to avow

Confess, kon-fès'. v. n. to make confession Confessedly, kon-fés'sed-lè. ad. avowedly, indisputably {ment Confession, kon-fesh'un. s. an acknowledg Confessor, kon-fes'sur. s. one who make profession of his faith in the face of danger, he that hears confessions; he who con fesses his crimes

Confest, kon-fest'. a. open, known, no concealed

Confidant, kon-fè-dânt'. s. a person trusted with private affairs

Confide, kôn-fide'. v. n. to trust in Confidence, kon'fè-dénse. s. firm belief, trust, boldness

Confident, kon'fè-dênt. a. assured; positive, degmatical; secure of success; without suspicion; impudent

Conducive, kon-du'siv. a. that may con-Confident, kon'fè-dént. s. one trusted with

tribute to any end


[confidence Conduct, kon'dukt. s. management, economy; Confidential, kon-fè-den'shål. a. worthy of convoy, behaviour [to manage Confidently, kôn'fé-dent-le. ad. without Conduct, kon-dukt'. v. a. to lead, to direct, doubt; with firm trust; positively Conductor, kon-dik'tur. s. a leader; a ge-Configuration, kon-fig-u-ra'shun. s. the form neral; a manager of various parts, adapted to each other Conductress, kon-duk'três. 8. a woman Configure, kon-fig'åre. v. a. to dispose into

any form



that directs Conduit, kun'dit. s. a canal of pipes for the Confine, kon'fine. s. boundary, border, edge conveyance of water; the pipe at which Confine, kon fine'. v. a. to imprison; te water is drawn [restraint Cone, kone. s. a solid body, of which the Confinement, kon-fine'ment. s. imprisonment, base is a circle, and which ends in a Confirm, kôn-fẻrm'. v. a. to put past doubt, point to establish; to strengthen; to admit to the full privileges of a Christian

Confabulate, kon-fab'u-låte. v. n. to chat

Confabulation, kôn-fáb-d-là’shûn. s. easy con-Confirmable, kon-fer'må-bl. a. capable of

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incontestable evidence

Confirmation, kon-fér-má’shûn. s. evidence; proof; an ecclesiastical rite Confiscate, kon-fis'kate. v. a. to transfer private property to the publick, by way of penalty

Confiscation, kon-ffs-ka'shun. s. the act of transferring the forfeited goods of criminals to public use (fire Conflagration, kon-flå-grå'shûn. s. a general Conflation, kôn-fla'shun. s. the act of blowing many instruments together Conflict, kon'flikt. s. a violent collision; a combat, strife, contention; struggle, agony Confluence, kon'fiù-ênse. s. the junction of several streams; the act of crowding to a place; a coucourse

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Confluent, kon'flù-ént. a. running one into Congratulant, kôn-gråtsh'd-lânt. a rejoicing another, meeting

Conflux, kon'iks'. s. the union of several
currents; crowd, multitude collected
Conform, kôn form'. v. a. to reduce to the
like appearance with something else
Conform, kon-form'. v. n. to comply with
Conformable, àon for'må bl. a. similar;
[formity, suitably
Conformably, kon-for'må-blé. ad. with con-
Conformation, kou-for-ma'shẳn. s. the form
of things as relating to each other
Conformist, kon-for'mist. s. one that com-
plies with the worship of the Church of
Conformity, kon-for'me-tê. s. similitude, re-
Confound, kon-found'. v. a. to mingle; to
perplex; to astonish; to destroy
Confounded, kôn-foun'dêd. p. a. hateful,

Confraternity, kon-frâ-têr'nè-té. s. a body
of religious men

Confront, kon-front'. v. a. to stand face to
face; to compare

Confuse, kon-fuze'. v. a. to. disorder; to per-
plex; to hurry the mind
Confusedly, kon-fü'zêd-lè. ad. indistinctly,
tumultuously, hastily

in participation

Congratulate, kon-gråtsh'i-låte. v. a. to compliment upon any happy event Congratulation, kon-gråtsh-d la'shun the act of wishing joy

to assemble

Congratulatory, kön-gråtsh’d-lå tår & a ex-
pressing joy for the good of another
Congregate, kong'grè-gåte. v. a. tollect,
Congregate, kong'gré-gåte. a. collected,
Congregation, kong-grẻ-gå'shun. s. a collec
tion; an assembly met to worship God
Congregational, kông-grè-gà'shûn-ål. a. pub-
lick, pertaining to a congregation
Congress, kong'grés. s. a meeting
Congressive, kon-grẻs'siv. a. meeting, en-

Congruence, kong'grd-ênse. s. agreement
Congruent, kong'gri-ênt. a. agreeing
Congruity, kon-gru'è-tè. 8. suitableness;
[suitable to

Congruous, kong'gru-us. a. consistent with;
Congruously, kong'grů-is-lè. ad. suitably,
Conical, kôn'é-kál.
Conick, kon'ik.


a. having the form of a

Conjectural, kon-jêk'tshů rál. a. depending on conjecture

Conjecturally, kôn-jêk'tshů-rál-é, ad. by conjecture

Confusion, kon-fo'zhin. s. irregular mixture; Conically, kon'è-kál-d. ad. in form of a cone tumult; distraction of mind [disproved Conjecturable, kôn-jêk'tshů-rå-bl. a. possible Confutable, kon-fa'tå-bl. a. possible to be to be guessed Confutation, kon-fù-tà'shin. s. the act of confuting, disproof [to disprove Confute, kon-fute'. v. a. to convict of error, Congeal, kon-jèèl'. v. n. to concrete by cold, to freeze Congealment, kon-jéél'ment. s. the clot formed by congelation Congee, kon-jee'. s. act of reverence, bow, courtesy [congealed Congelation, kon-je-la'shun. s. state of being Congenerous, kôn-jên'ér-rûs. a. of the same


Congenial, kon-jé'ně-âl. a. partaking of

the same genius, cognate Congeniality, kon-jè-nè-âl'è-tẻ. s. cognation of mind

to ice

Congeries, kon-jé'ré-éz. s. a mass of small
bodies heaped up together
Conglaciate, kon-gla'shé-åte. v. n. to turn
[changing into ice
Conglaciation, kong-glå-shé-à'shún. s. act of
Congiobation, kông-gld-bàshun. so a round
[ther into a ball
Conglomerate, kon-glóm'er-åte. v. a. to ga-
Conglomerate, kon-glom'er-åte. a. gathered
into a round ball; twisted together

Conjecture, kon-jêk'tshère. s. guess, imper-
fect knowledge

Conjecture, kon-kek'tshåre. v. a. to guess, to
judge by guess
[to connect
Conjoin, kon-jöln'. v. a. to unite, to associate,
Conjoiut, kon-joint'. a. united, connected
Conjointly, kon-joint'lè. ad. in union, to-

Conjugal, kon'jd-gal. a. belonging to marriage
Conjugally, kon'jd-gâl-ẻ. ad. matrimonially,

Conjugate, kon'j-gåte. v. a. to join in mar-
riage, to unite; to inflect verba
Conjugation, kon-ju-ga'shun s. the act of
uniting; the form of inflecting verbs;
union, assemblage

Conjunct, kôn-junkt'. a.. eonjoined, concur.
rent, united
Conjunction, kôn-junk'shůn, s. union ; league
a part of speech

Conjunctive, kon-jink'tív. a. closely united;
in grammar, the mood of a verb

Conglomeration, kon-glóm-êr-a'shun. s. col-Conjunctly, kon-junkt'lè. ad. jointly, tolection of matter into a loose ball


Conglutination, kôn-gld-té-na'shun. & the Conjuncture, kôn-junk'tshure. s. combination act of uniting wounded bodies

of circumstances critical time


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sacred name

Conjuration, kon-jd-ra'shún. s. an incanta-Consentient, kon-sen'shé-ént. a. agreeing tion, an enchantment united in opinion Conjure, kôn-jure'. v. a. to summon in a Consequence, kon'sè-kwênse. s. deduction, [enchantments importance Conjure, kan'jur. v. n. to practise charms or Conjurer, kin'jur-år. E. an imposter who pretends to secret arts; a man of shrewd conjecture

Connate, kôn-nåte'. a. born with another
Connatural, kon-nâtsh'd-rål. a. suitable to

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Consequent, kon'sé-kwent. a. following by rational deduction, or as the effect of a [effect, that which follows Consequent, kon'sé-kwent. . consequence; Consequential, kon-sé-kwen'shal. a. conclu[sequence, necessarily Consequently, kon'sè-kwent-le. ad. by conConservable, kon-ser'vå-bl. a. capable of being kept


Conservancy, kon-ser'ván-sẻ. s. a court held
by the Lord Mayor of London for the
preservation of the fishery
Conservation, kôn-sér-vå'shẳn. s. protection;

Connivance, kon-l'vânse. s. voluntary blind-Conservative, kôn-ser'vá-tiv. a. having the Connive, kôn-nive' v. n. to pretend blindness or ignorance

Connoisseur,kon-nes-såre'. s. a judge, a critick
Connubial, kon-nù'bé-al. a. nuptial, conjugal

power of opposing diminution or injury Conservator, kon-ser-va'tor. s. preserver Conservatory, kôn-ser'vâ-tůr-é. s. a place where any thing is kept

Conquer, konk'ur, or kon'kwůr. v. a. to over-Conserve, kor-serv'. v. a. to preserve, to come, to subdue; to surmount Conquerable, konk'ür-å-bl. a. possible to be


[subdues Conqueror, konk'år-år. s. a victor; one that

of kin

candy or pickle fruit

Conserve, kon'sérv. s. a sweetmeat
Consider, kon-sid'år. v. a. to think upon, to
ponder; to requite

Conquest, kong'kwest. s. the act of conquer-Considerable, kon-sid'ur-á-bl. a. worthy of ing, subjection; victory, success in arms consideration; respectable; important, vaConsanguineous, kon-sång-gwin'nè-us. a. near luaole [tantly [tion by blood Considerably, kon-sid'ur-a-blè. ad. imporConsanguinity, kon-sång-gwin'è-tè. s. rela- Considerate, kon-sid'ur-åte. a. serious, pruConscience, kon'shense. s. sentiment, private dent; regardful; moderate thoughts; scruple [exactly just Consideration, kon-sid-ur-d'shin. s. regard, Conscientious, kon-she-ên'shus. a. scrup lous, notice; mature thought; importance; Conscientiously, kon-she-en'shus-lè. ad. accompensation cording to the direction of conscience Conscionable, kon'shun-â-bl. a. reasonable, just Conscious, kon'shus. a. knowing from memory; admitted to the knowledge of any thing [of one's own actions Consciously, kon'shus-le. ad. with knowledge Consciousness, kôn'shus-nês. s. internal sense of guilt, or innocence

Conscript, kon'skript, a. registered, enrolled
Consecrate, kon'sé-kråte. v. a. to make sacred
Consecration, kon-sè-krå'shůn. 8. a rite of
dedicating to the service of God

Consign, kon-sine'. v. a. to make over; to
transfer; to commit
Consignment, kon-sine'ment. s. the act of
consigning; the writing by which any
thing is consigned

Consist, kon-sist'. v. n. to be comprised, to
be contained in; to be composed of
Consistence, kon-sis'tense.
Consistency, kon-sis'ten-se.

8. state with respect to material existence; substance; agreement

Consistent, kon-sis'tênt. a. not contradictory; firm, not fluid

Consecution, kon-sè-kd'shûn. a. train of con-Consistently, kon-sis'tent-lè. ad. without con

sequences; succession

Consecutive, kon-seêk'kd-tÎv. a. following in
train; succeeding
Consension, kou-sen'shin. s. agreement, ac-
Consent, kon-sent'. s. the act of yielding or
consenting; concord, agreement
Consent, kon-sent'. v. n. to agree to; to co-
operate with

tradiction, agreeably

Consistorial, kôn-sis-to'rè-ál. a. relating to

the ecclesiastical court Consistory, kôn'sis-tôr-è. s. the place of juszice in the ecclesiastical court Consociate, kou-so'saè-åte. v. a. to unite, to join [companionship Consociation, kon-so-she-d'shûn. s. union, Consentaneous, kôn-sĉa-tå'nè-ås. a agreea-Consolable, kún-sd′lå-bl. a. that admits con

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