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Corpulent, kor'pů-lént. a. fleshy, bulky
Corpuscle, korpus-sl. s. a small body, an atom
Corrade, kor-råde'. v. a. to scrape together
Correct, kor-rekt'. v. a. to chastise; to amend
Correct, kôr-rékt'. a. revised or finished with

exact ness

Correction, kor-rek'shin. s. punishment, discipline; amendment; reprehension Corrective, kôr-rek'tiv. s. that which has the power of altering or obviating any thing| amiss

Corruptibleness, kor-rúp'tè-bl-nés. s. susceptibility of corruption


Corruptibly, kos-růp'tè-blè. ad. in such a
manner as to be corrupted
Corruption, kôr-rup'shun. s. wickedness; pu
Corruptly, kor-ript'le. ad. with taint; vi-
Corruptness, kor-rupt'nes. s. putrescence; vice
Corsair, kor'såre. s. a pirate
Corse, korse, s. a dead body, a carcass
Corslet, kora'lét. s. a light armour for the
[the rind

Correctly, kor-rêkt'lé. ad. accurately, exactly Correctness, kor-rékt'nés. s. accuracy, exact-Cortical, kor'tè-kál. a. barky, belonging to [ters, or revises Corticated, kor'tè-ka-têd. a. resembling the


Corrector, kor-rêk'tur. s. he that amends, al-
Correlative, kor-rél'à-tiv. a. having a recip-
rocal relation
Correption, kor-rep'shin. s. reprehension, re-
Correspond, kor-ré-spond'. v. n. to suit, to
answer; to keep up commerce with as
ther by alternate letters


[answerable Correspondent, kor-rẻ-spón'dênt. a. suitable, Correspondent, kôr-ré-spon’dént. s. one with whom commerce is kept up by mutual let

bark of a tree

Coruscant, ko-rus'kånt. a. glittering by flash-
es, flashing
[vibration of light
Coruscation, kor-s-ka'shun. s. flash, quick
Cosmetick, koz-mêtik. a. beautifying
Cosmical, köz'mé-kål. a. rising or setting
with the sun

Correspondence, kôr-rẻ-spón'dễnse. s. rela-Cosmogony, köz-mog'gd-nẻ. s. the rise or tion; intercourse; interchange of offices or birth of the world, the creation Cosmographer, kôz-môg'grå-fur. s. one who writes a description of the world Cosmography, koz-mog'grå-fè. s. the science of the general system of the world; a general description of the universe Cosmopolitan, kôz-mo-pôl'è-tân. s. a citizen of the world, one who is at home in every place


Corresponsive, kor-rè-spon'siv. a. answerable Corridor, kôr-ré-dòre'. s. a gallery round about a building

Corrigible, kor're-je-bl. a. that may be alter-Cost, kost. s. price; charge; detriment

ed or amended

Corroborant, kôr-rub'd-ránt. a, having the
power to give strength
Corroborate, kor-rôb'd-råte. v. a. to confirm,
to establish; to strengthen
Corroboration, kôr-rob-d-rá'shin. s. the act
of strengthening or confirming
Corroborative, kor-rôb'd-ra-tiv. a. having the
power of increasing strength

Cost, kost. v. p. to be bought for, to be had at a price

Costal, kos'tal. a. belonging to the ribs Costard, kôs'tård. s. a head; a species of apple Costive, kos'tiv. a. bound in the body; close Costiveness, kos'tiv-nés. s. the state of the body in which excretion is obstructed Costliness, kost'lè-nès. s. sumptuousness, ex pensiveness.

Corrode, kor-rode'. v. a. to eat away by de-Costly, kost'le. a. sumptuous, expensive


Corrodent, kor-ro'dênt. a. having the power
of corroding or wasting
Corrosible, kor-ro'sé-bl. a. possible to be con-
sumed by a menstruum
Corrosive, kor-ro'siv. a. able to corrode
Corrosiveness, kor ro'siv-nês. s. the quality
of corroding, acrimony
Corrugate, kor'rd-gåte. v. a. to wrinkle or
linto wrinkles
Corrugation, kor-rd-ga'shun. s. contraction
Corrupt, kor-ript'. v. a. to turn from a sound
to a putrescent state; to deprave
Corrupt, kör-rupt. v. a. to become putrid, to

purse up

grow rotten

Costume, kos-tume'. s. the correspondence of
dress to its respective ages or nations
Cot, kot. s. a small house, a hut
Cotemporary, ko-têm'pò-rå-rẻ. a. living at

the same time

[blocks in formation]

Corrupt, kör-rupt. a. vicious, tainted with Couch, köitsh. v. n. to lie down; to stocp Corruptibility, kor-rip-tè-bil'è-tè. . possi-Couch, koutsh. v. a. to lay on a place of rebility to be corrupted [vitiated pose; to hide; to depress the film that overspreads the pupil of the eye

Corruptible, kor-rûp'té-bl. a. possible to be

Couch, koütsh. s. a seat of repose; a layer, Countermarch, köün-tùr-mårtsh'. V. Di.

a stratum


march backwards


Couchant, ko tsh'ant. a. lying down, squat-Countermarch, ködn'tur-mårtah. s. retrocesCouchee, koo'shče. s. bed-time, the time of

visiting late at night

Cough, kof. s. a convulsion of the lungs
Cough, kof. v. n. to have the lungs convulsed
Cough, kof. v. a. to eject by a congh
Cougher, kôf für. s. one that coughs
Could, kud. the imperfect pret. of can
Coulter, kole'tur. s. the sharp iron of the
plough which cuts the earth

Council, koun'sil. s. an assembly of persons]
met together in consultation
Counsel, kon'sél. s. advice, direction, pru-
dence; design; a pleader [advise
Counsel, koun'sél. v. a. to give advice; to
Counsellable, koun'sel-a-bl. a. willing to re-

ceive and follow advice

Counsellor, kon'sêl-lurr. s. one that gives advice; a confidant; a barrister Count, kount. v. a. to number; to reckon; to impute to

Count, kont. s. number, reckoning; a title of foreign nobility

Countenance, koun'tè-nánse. s. the form of the face, the system of the features, air; aspect of assurance; patronage, support Countenance, koůn'té-nânse. v. a. to support, to patronise

Countenancer, köůn'té-nån-sår. s. one that countenances or supports another Counter, koun'tår. s. a false piece of money; a sort of table in a shop [sition to Counter, koun'tůr. ad. contrary to, in oppoCounteract, köån-tur-ákt'. v. a. to hinder any thing from its effect by contrary agency

Counterbalance, köån-tår-bål'lânse. v. a. to act against with an opposite weight Counterbuff, kodn-tür-but'. v. a. to impel; to strike back Counterchange, klůn'tür-tshånje. s. exchange. reciprocation [give and receive Counterchange, köln-tůr-tshanje'. v. a. to Countercharm, köön'tůr-tshárın. s. that by which a charm is dissolved

sion; change of measures

Countermine, koun'túr-mine. s. a hole sunk in the ground, from which a gallery runs out, to seek out the enemy's mine; a stratagem by which any contrivance is defeated Countermine, kõñn-tůr-inine'. v. a. to delve a passage into an enemy's mine; to defeat by secret measures

Counterpane, koůn'tür-påne. s. a coverlet fo

a bed

Counterpart, kôdn'tår-pårt. s. the correspondent part

Counterplea, koån'tår-plè. . in law, a re- plication

Counterplot, koůn-tår-plot'. v. a. to oppose one machination by another Counterplot, ködn'tår-plôt. s. an artifice opposed to an artifice Counterpoise, köûn-tur-pôèze'. v. a. to counterbalance; to act with equal power against any person or cause Counterpoise, köůn'tür-pôèze. s. equiponderance, equivalence of weight or power Ccunterproject, kon-tur-prôd'jekt. s. correspondent part of a scheme

Countersign, köün-tur-sine'. v. a. to sign an order of a superior, in quality of secretary Countertenor, ködn-tür-ten'nur. s. one of the middle parts of musick

Counterturn, köûn'tür-turn. s. the height and full growth of a play, which destroys expectation

Countervail, köån-tur-våle'. v. a. to be equivalent to, to act against with equal power Countervail, koůn'túr-våle. s. equal weight Counterview, ködn'tur-vů. s. a posture in which two persons front each other Counterwork, koůn-tur-wurk'. v. a. to hinder by contrary operations Countess, koůn'tés. s. the lady of an earl or


Countless, koůnt'lês. a. innumerable Country, kún'trẻ. s. a tract of land; a region; rural parts

cities; rude, ignorant

Countryman, kun'trẻ-mân. s. one born in the same country; a rustick County, koňn'té. s. a shire

Countercharm, kỗón-tůr-tshårm'. v. a. to de-Country, kun'-trẻ. a. rural; remote from stroy the effect of an enchantment Countercheck, koun-tur-tshek'. v. a. to oppose Countercheck, koun'tür-tahek. s. stop, rebuke Counterfeit, koun'tôr-fit. v. a. to copy with an intent to pass the copy for an original,Couple, kúp'p!. s. a chain or tye; a brace, a to imitate [deceitful male and his female Counterfeit, kon'tur-fit. a. forged, fictitious; Counterfeit, kon'tur-fit. s. an imposter, a forgery

Counterfeiter, köln'tür-fit-år. s. a forger

Couple, kup'pl. v. a. to chain together; to
join to one another; to marry
Couple, kúp'pl. v. n. to join embraces
Couplet, kuplet. s. a pair of rhymes

Countermand, köůn-tűr-månd. v. a. to con-Courage, kůr'ridje. s. bravery, active fortradict an order

[former order) titude


Countermand, ködn'tür-mând. s. repeal of a Courageous, kůr-rå'jè ús. a. brave, daring,

Courageousness, kúr-rá'jé-ús-nés. s. bravery,||Covey, káv'vẻ. s. a hatch; an old bird with boldness, courage

Courier, koo'réér. s. a messenger sent in haste
Course, korse. s. race, career; ground on
which a race is run; track or line in which
a ship sails
[force to run
Course, korse. v. a. to hunt, to pursue; to
Course, kotse. v. n. to run, to rove about
Courser, kor'sur. s. a swift horse; one who
pursues the sport of coursing hares
Court, korte. s. a palace; hall or chamber
where justice is administered; open space
before a house; the art of insinuation
Court, korte. v. a. to woo; to solicit a wo-
man; to endeavour to please
Courteous, kür'tshe-is. a. elegant of manners,
well bred

Courteously, kür'tshè-us-lè. ad. respectfully,
civilly, complaisantly

Courteousness, kúr'tshe-is-nés. s. civility, complaisance

the reverence made

her young ones

Covin, kúv'in. s. a fraudulent agreement
Cow, koil. s. the female of the buli
Cow, koů. v. a. to depress with fear
Coward, ko'ůrd. s. a poltron, a wretch
whose predominant passion is fear
Cowardice, köü'ur-dis. S. fear, habitual


Cowardliness, köå'ård-lé-nês. s. timidity,
Cowardly, kourd-lẻ. a. fearful, pusillani-
Cowardly, kod'ůrd-lé. ad. in the manner of
a coward
[knees, to stoop
Cower, kodir. v. n. to sink by bending the
Cowl, koůl. s. a monk's hood
Cow-pock, kỏi pôk. s. an eruption from the

teats of a cow; said to be an infallible
preservative from the small-pox
Coxcomb, koks'kome. s. a flower; a fop
Coxcombly, koks'kom-lè. a. or ad. conceit
ed; like a coxcomb

|Coxcombry, koks kỏm-rẻ. so foppishness Coxcomicai, koks-kom'ikál. a foppish, conCoy, koè. a. modest, reserved [ceited Coy, koẻ. v. n. to behave with reserve, to reject familiarity

Coyly, koè'lè. ad. with reserve

Courtesan, kur-té-zân'. s. a woman of the town; a prostitute Courtesy, kúr'té-sè. s. elegance of manners, civility, complaisance Courtesy, kurt'sé. s. by women Courtesy, kurt'sè. v. n. to make a reverence in the manner of ladies Courtier, korte'yur. s. one that attends the courts of princes; one that solicits the fa-Cozen, kuz'zn. v. a. to cheat, to defraud vour of another Cozenage, kiz'zn-åje. s. fraud, deceit, cheat Courtliness, kort'lè-nês. s. elegance of man-Cozener, kůz'zn-år. s. a cheater, a defrauder Crab, krab. s. a shell-fish; a wild apple; a peevish, morose person; a sign of the zo

ners, complaisance

Courtly, korte'lè. a. relating to the court, elegant, flattering

Courtship, rte'ship. s. the act of soliciting
favour; the solicitation of a woman to

Cousin, kůzʼzn. s. any one collaterally related
more remotely than a brother or a sister
Cove, kove. a. a small creek or bay
Covenant, kuv'è-nánt. s. a contract, stipulation
Covenant, kúv'è-nânt. v. n. to bargain, to

Cover, kuv'ur. s. any thing laid over another;
a sheiter, concealment

Cover, kuv'år. v. a. to overspread, conceal,

Covering, kivir-ing. s. dress, vesture
Coverlet, kúv'ir-lêt. s. the outermost of the

Covert, kiv'art. s. a shelter, a defence; a
Covert, küv'urt. a. sheltered, hidden, in-

Covertly, kiv'irt-lè. ad, secretly, closely
Coret, kuv'êt. v. a. to desire inordinately
Covetous, kúv'é-tus. a, inordinately desi-
rous; avaricious

Coyness, kè'nês. s. reserve, unwillingness to become familiar


Crabbed, krab'bed. a. peevish, morose;
harsh, unpleasing; difficult
Crabbedly, krab'bed-lè. ad. peevishly
Crack, kråk. s. a sudden disruption; chink,
fissure; any sudden and quick sound
Crack, kråk. v. a. to break into chinks to
split; to craze

Crack-brained, krák-brand'. a. crazy, with-
out right reason

Cracker, kråk'ůr. s. a noisy boasting fellow;
gunpowder, confined so as to burst with
great noise

Crackle, kråk'kl. v. n. to make light cracks
Cradle, krá'dl. s. a moveable bed, on which

children or sick persons are agitated with
a smooth motion; a case for a broken bone;
a frame of timber raised along the outside
of a ship

Cradle, kra'dl. v. a. to lay in a cradle
Craft, kraft. s. trade; cunning; small sail-
ing vessels

Craftily, kráf'tè-lè. ad. cunningly, artfully Craftiness, krafté-nês. e. cunning, stratagem Covetousness, kuv'vé-tus-nde. s. avarice, Craftsman, krafts'mân. 4. an artificer,

[blocks in formation]

Crafty, kraf'te. a. cunning, artful
Crag, krag. s. a rough steep rock; the neck.
Cragged, krag'ged. a. full of inequalities
and prominences
Craggedness, krag'gêd-nês. fulness of
crags or prominent rocks
Cragginess, krag'ge-nês. s. the state of being
Craggy, kråg'ge. a. rugged, full of promi-



Creation, kré-à'shún. s. the act of creating;
the universe; any thing produced
Creative, kré-a'tiv. a. having the power to
Creator, krẻ-a'tur. s. the Being that bestows
Creature, kre'tshire. s. a being created; an
animal not human; a word of contempt or
tenderness; one who owes his rise to


Cram, krám. v. a. to stuff; to fill beyond sa-Credence, kre'dense. s. belief
tiety; to thrust in by force
Cramp, kramp. s. contraction of the limbs
confinement; a piece of iron bent at each
Cramp, kramp. a. difficult, knotty [end
Cramp, kramp. v. a. to pain with cramp; to
confine; to bind
[ed pipe
Crane, krane. s. a bird; an engine; a crook-
Cranium, kra'né-um. s. the skull
Crank, krångk. s. the end of an iron axis;
any conceit formed by twisting or changing
a word

Credenda, kre-dén'dâ. s. articles of faith
Credent, kré'dent. a. easy of belief; having
[title to credit
Credential, krẻ-den'shål. s. that which gives a
Credibility, krêd-e-bil'è-te. s. claira to credit,

Crank, krångk. a. healthy, sprightly; near to be overset

Crankle, krång'kl. v. n. to run in and out

Credible, kred'è-bl. a. worthy of credit
Credibleness, krêd'é-bl-nês. s. worthiness of
[claims belief
Credibly, krêd'è-blè. ad. in a manner that
Credit, krêd'it. s. belief; reputation; faith
trust reposed; promise given; influence
Credi, kred'it. v. a. to believe; to trust; to
admit as a debtor


Crankle, krång'kl. v. a. to break into un-Creditable, krêd'it-å-bl. a. reputable; estima

equal surfaces

Cranny, kran'né. s. a chink, cleft, crevice

Crape, krape, s. a thin stuff loosely woven

Creditableness, krêd'it-â-tl-nés. s. reputation, estimation

Creditably, krêdît-å-ble. ad. reputably

Crash, krash. v. n. to make a loud compli-Creditor, krêd'it-úr. s. he to whom a debt is

[blocks in formation]

Craven, krá'vn. s. a cock conquered; a cow-Creep, krẻép. v. n. to move with the belly to Craw, kråw. s. the crop or first stomach of birds

Crawl, krawl. v. n. to creep, to move slowly
Crayfish, kråw'fish. s. the river lobster
Crayon, krå'un. s. a kind of pencil, a paste; a

Craze, kraze. v. a. to break, to crush; to
crack the brain.

Craziness, krá’zé-nês. s. imbecility, weakness
Crazy, kra'zè. a. broken, decrepit; shattered
in the intellect

Creak, kréke. v. n. to make a harsh noise
Cream, kreme. s. the oily part of milk
Cream, krème. v. n. to gather cream;

mantle or froth


Creamy, krè'mè. a. full of cream
Crease, krèse. s. a mark made by doubling
any thing
[doubling it
Crease, krese. v. a. to mark any thing by
Create, kré ate'. v. a. to form, cause; to pro-

the ground without legs; to move slowly
and feebly; to fawn.

Creeper, kréẻ pur. s. a plant; an iron instru-
ment; a kind of patten
Crepitation, krép-é-ta'shun. s. a small crack-
ling noise

Crept, krept. part. of creep
Crepuscule, kre-pus'kule. s. twilight
Crepusculous, krẻ-půs’kú-kůs. a, in a state be
tween light and darkness

Crescent, krès'sent. a. increasing, growing
Crescent, kres'sent. s. the moon in ber state
of increase

Crescive, kres'siv. a. increasing, growing
Cress, krês. s. an herb

Cresset, krês'sêt. s. a light set upon a beacon
Crest, krêst. s. a plume of feathers; the orna-

ment of the helmet in heraldry; pride, spirit Crested, krês'ted. a. adorned with a plume or fspiritless Crest-fallen, krest'fåln. a. dejected, sunk,


Crestless, krést'lés. a. not dignified with coat Croft, kröft. s. a little close joining to a


Cretaceous kre-ta'shus. a. chalky
Crevice, krev'is. s. a crack, a cleft
Crew, kr88, s. the company of a ship
Crew, kroỏ. the pret. of crow.

Crewel, krö'il. s. yarn twisted and wound on a knot or ball

Crib, krib. s. a rack or manger
Crit, krib. v. a. to shut up; to steal
Cribbage, krib'bidje. s. a game at cards
Crick, krik. a. a painful stiffness in the neck
Cricket, krik'it. s. an insect that chirps about
ovens and fire-places; a sport; a low stool
Crier, kriår. s. the officer whose business is
to make proclamation

Crime, krime. s. an offence, a great fault
Criminal, krim'è-nål. a. faulty, guilty (crime
Criminal, krim'é-nál. s. a man guilty of a
Criminally, krîm'é-nål-lé. ad. wickedly,
[accusing, charge
Crimination, krim-é-na'shun. s. the act of
Crimp, krimp. a. crisp, brittle, easily crum-


Crimple, krim'pl. v. a. to contract, to curl
Crimson, krim'zn. s. a deep red

Crimson, krim'zn. v. a. to dye with crimson
Cringe, krinje. s. bow, servile civility
Cringe, krinje. v. n. to bow, to pay court, to
[with hair
Crinigerous, krl-nîd'je-rus. a. overgrown
Crinose, kri-nose'. a. hairy, full of hair
Cripple, krip pl. s. a lame man
Cripple, krip'pl. v. a. to lame, to make lame
Crisis, krisis. s. a critical time or turn
Crisp, krisp. a. curled; indented; brittle
Crisp, krisp. v. a. to curl; to twist; to indent
Crispation, kris-pa'shun. s. the act of curling
the state of being curled
Crispness, krisp'nes. s. curledness

Criterion, kri-te'ré-in. s. a mark by which any thing is judged of

Critick, kritik. s. one skilled in the art of judging of literature; a censurer Critical, krit'é-kål. a. exact, nicely judicious relating to criticism; captious, inclined to find fault [ner, exactly


Croisade, kroe-såde'. s. a holy war Crone, krone. s. an old ewe; an old woman Crony, kro'né. s. an old acquaintance Crook, krook. s. any crooked instrument; a sheep-hook [hook

Crook, krook. v. a. to bend, to turn into a Crookback, krook'bák. s. a man that has gib bous shoulders

Crooked, krook'êd. a. bent, curve; oblique, perverse

Crookedness, kr83k'êd-nês. s. deviation from straightness, curvity

Crop, krop. s. the craw of a bird; the har vest; any thing cut off

Crop, krop. v. a. to cut off the enda of any thing; to mow, to reap

Crosier, kro'zhé-er. s. the pastoral staff of a bishop

Cross, kros. s. the ensign of the Christian re. ligion; a line drawn through another

misfortune, opposition

Cross, kros. a. transverse; adverse; peevish; contrary; unfortunate

Cross, kros. prep. athwart; over, from side to side

Cross, kros. v. a. to lay athwart; to sign

with the cross; to cancel; to pass over Crossbite, kros'bite, s. a deception; a cheat Cross-bow, kros'bo. s. a missive weapon Crossgrained, krôs-grand'. a. having the

fibres transverse; troublesome, vexatious Crossly, kros'le. ad. athwart; oppositely, adversely

Crossness, kros'nês. s. transverseness, intersection; peevishness

Crotchet, krotsh'êt. s. a note equal to half a minim; a piece of wood fitted into another to support a building; in printing, hooks in which words are included [thus], an odd fancy

Crouch, kroůtsh. v. n. to stoop low; to fawn, to bend servilely

Croup, kr33p. s. the rump of a fowl; the but tocks of a horse

Crow, krd. s. a bird; an iron lever; the voice of a cock

Critically, krit'e-kâl-é. ad. in a critical man-
Criticise, krite-size. v. n. to play the cri-Crow, krỏ. v. n. pret. Crew or Crowed, to

tick; to animadvert upon

Criticism, krit'è-sîzm. s. a standard of judging|| well; remark, animadversion

Croak, kroke. v. n. to make a noise like a frog or raven

Croak, kroke. s. the cry of a frog or raven Crock, krok. s. a cup, any vessel made of earth

Crockery, krok'ûr-è. s. earthen ware

Crocodile, krok'd-dil. s. an amphibious voracious animal

Crocus, krokus. s. an early flower

make a noise like a cock; to boast, to vapour

Crowd, kroid, s. a multitude; a promis

cuous medley; the populace

Crowd, kroud. v. a. to fill with confused mul

titudes; to press close together

Crowd, krödd. v, n. to swarm, to be numerous and confused

Crown, krodn. s. the ornament of the head which denotes imperial and regal dignity; a garland; royalty; the top of the head; a piece of money

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