| John Selden - Table-talk - 1689 - 196 pages
...they shall have it the next, or something as good. 2. The word King directs our Eyes ; suppose it had been Consul, or Dictator. To think all Kings alike...should claim to himself the same Power that a Consul at Rome had. What ! am not I a Consul ? or a Duke of England should think himself like the Duke of... | |
| John Selden - Table-talk - 1786 - 194 pages
...before, so there would be a confu. sion : 'but that charge being committed to one, 'he according to discretion pleases all ; if they have not what they...•.shall have it the next, or something as good. II. The word King directs our eyes; Ğup. . pose it had been Consul or Dictator : to think .all kings... | |
| John Selden - Early printed books - 1786 - 190 pages
...bought before, so there would be a confusion : but that charge being committed to one, he according to discretion pleases all ; if they have not what they...they shall have it the next, or something as good. II. The word King direfts our eyes ; suppose it had been Consul or Diftator: to think all kings alike,... | |
| William Seward - Anecdotes - 1795 - 684 pages
...a confufion. But that charge *' being committed to one, he, according to his " difcretion, pleafes all. If they have not what *' they would have one day, they fhall have it the " next, or fomething as good." WILLIAM PRYNNE. OF the malignity and unfairnefs of... | |
| William Seward - Anecdotes - 1796 - 430 pages
...confuftpji, ^ut that charge being *c committed to one, he, according to his dif<c cretion, pleafes all. If they have not what they " would have one day, they fhall have it the next, **; Of fomcthing as good," WILLIAM PRTNNE. ", OF the malignity and unfairnefs... | |
| John Selden - Anecdotes - 1798 - 166 pages
...would be a rontulioa. But that charge being committed to one, he aecotdipg to his Diferetion pleafes all ; if they have not what they would have one Day, they fhall have it the next, orfomething as good. 2. The word King direfts our Eyes ; fuppofe it had been... | |
| George Burnett - 1807 - 528 pages
...liked not, or what the other had bought before, so there would fce a confusion. Bui that charge being committed to one, he, according to his discretion,...or dictator, To think all kings alike, is the same tolly, as if a consul of Aleppo or Smyrna, should claim to himself the same power that a consul of... | |
| George Burnett - Authors, English - 1807 - 970 pages
...liked not, or what the other had bought before, so there would fce a confusion. But that charge beii g committed to one, he, according to his discretion,...they shall have it the next, or something as good. C. The word king directs our eyes. Suppose it had been consul or dictator. To think all kings alike,... | |
| John Aikin - Great Britain - 1812 - 468 pages
...power delegated. " A king is a thing men have made for their own benefit, for quietness ' sake."—" To think all kings alike is the same folly as if a consul of Smyrna or Aleppo should claim to himself the same power that a consul at Home had." —" Kings are... | |
| John Aikin - 1812 - 462 pages
...power delegated, " A king is a thing men have made for their own benefit, for quietness' sake." — " To think all kings alike is the same folly as if a consul of Smyrna or Aleppo should claim to himself the same power that a consul at Home had." — " Kings are... | |
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