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sure from this return for pleasure conferred. shiny looks enlighten the dreariest scene; and why should we not elicit them?

At New Ross we parted from Barney, after making him as happy as we could; first by chatting on the road, asking him numerous questions, and letting him hear our exclamations of delight at revisiting his loved country. The only cloud that passed over his countenance arose from my asking if he could speak Irish. 'Spake it!' he replied, with some warmth: Why shouldn't I spake it, and I an Irishman?' But when he heard us extolling its antiquity, and heartily wishing we knew as much of it as he did, his countenance shone with smiles; and he opened the storehouse of his knowledge, both local and traditional, with liberal hand. If ever you travel in this country, particularly in the more retired quarters of it, I recommend you to pursue a similar plan: for it is astonishing what a mine of original thought and curious information conveyed in language the most quaint and expressive, you will frequently open. I have not to reproach myself with merely jesting and chattering during our short ride; for when the poor man pointed out the spot where a cruel murder had recently been committed, and gave us the particulars, I spoke freely to him of the blessed effects which would result from a knowledge of

God's love in giving his own Son to die for sinners; and strove to lead his mind to the great propitiation offered for our transgressions. He not only listened, but gave a cordial and feeling assent to what was said.

After leaving New Ross we were engaged in an adventure that threatened serious consequences. Descending a narrow, broken road, we were to pass a line of small cars laden with stones, the leaders of which either had some party feud with our driver, or were exceedingly ill-disposed. When desired to let us pass, they returned a volley of irritating language, addressed to him; and one man seized our horse's head, endeavouring to drag us into a dry ditch by the road side. He reeled however so much from intoxication, that he twice lost his hold; and on the third unsuccessful attempt, our driver managed to slip by him, and to clear the whole line. Had the man lost his temper, or the horse been restive, or had we exhibited any signs either of fear or resentment, I know not what might have occurred: but through the mercy of God all parties were restrained, and we proceeded in safety.

Barney's successor was not so interesting as he, but possessed a fund of humour and drollery, delivered in a dry, quaint way, that kept the boys in a continual roar of merriment. We introduced

the youngest of our party as an Englishman: no one could have mistaken the other for aught but what he is intensely Irish-and I am proud to say, that among the natives of this land I am universally greeted as a countrywoman, and never betray myself unnecessarily. So Pat thought he had the majority in his favour entirely; and the broadsides of sly wit that he discharged at the solitary John Bull were irresistible. On my making some passing remark expressive of warm attachment to Ireland, he said nothing, but leaping down from his elevated seat went to the hawthorn hedge-row, and cut the most beautiful plume-like spray of its delicate blossoms that ever I beheld. Of the look and gesture with which he presented it I can only say, that if I were to carry a costly tribute of loyalty to the foot of a throne, I would try to imitate the carman of New Ross. These people are all heart; all glowing warmth and devotion of feeling. Oh that we studied them aright for their own profit; and strove to lead in bands of love those who cannot, will not be driven by the goad of stern authority.

The mountain range, behind which the sun had disappeared, now rose in grander altitude and more defined outline, as we approached the foot of its fine termination. Blackstairs and Mount Leinster, constituting in appearance a single mountain, soon

engrossed the landscape of which they had formed the back ground; and most majestically do they rise before my window in this delightful mansion, where all the graces of polished elegance were combined with the ardour of Irish hospitality, to welcome us at the threshold. Late as it was, we found the family dinner table awaiting the expected completion of its joyous circle; and though I had not been in bed for two nights, and was pretty well fatigued with such a day's jaunt over roads of indescribable ruggedness, I lingered long to trace under the soft twilight of this summer midnight, the wavy line of Blackstairs mountain; and rose, almost with the sun, to explore the amphitheatre that seemed to shut me in. Indeed, I was rather too early; for a tremendously fine watch dog, seeing a stranger in the grounds at that hour, thought it right to arrest my steps, which he did by taking up a position at about four feet distance, and sustaining one continuous bark, that would have shaken stronger nerves. I dared not advance or retreat; so stood perfectly still, neither speaking nor shrinking, nor menacing; but looking as innocent and unconcerned as the circumstances would admit of; well knowing the dog to be a shrewd physiognomist. Great was my relief when some one from the house called him off. I record the event for the benefit of early risers in

strange places; and shall henceforth take especial care to procure an immediate introduction to all the dogs in the family, wherever I go. Happily for me, this was a civil Newfoundlander: he has a comrade of prodigious size, a mastiff who, had I crossed his path while ranging on guard, would probably have torn me in pieces. The house would not, humanly speaking, be safe for a moment, from nightfall to sunrise, without these faithful sentinels, whose well-known ferocity in defence of their charge holds many a midnight foe at bay. They are indeed a noble gift to man from his all-bountiful Creator.


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