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you of the pleasure of being agreeable But, to be in good humour, sir, I ought not to accept your proposals; for I know that suppers here tend to certain things-that I can't-indeed, sir.

Sul. Well, as you please.

Ror. That is very well said! you are my pupil, you know; and should give up every point to me; and, since that is the case, instead of my supping with you, you shall dine with me.

Sul. With all my heart-be it it so-Osmyn! Enter OSMYN.

Sul. Osmyn

Ror. Osmyn, I say, hear my directions!-You know I am to speak- -Go to the clerk of the kitchen, and desire him to provide a handsome entertainment in my apartment, as the Sultan dines with me.

Osm. Did your highness orderSul. What do you stand for? Do as she bids you. [Exit OSMYN, bowing. Ror. Are there not some females here, that would enliven the conversation? for example, the beautiful Sultana Elmira, that accomplished favourite you love so well; her company must be agreable; and the Persian slave, Ismena, who, I am told, sings enchantingly, and whom you love a little.

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SCENE I.-Banquet, &c.


Enter ROXALANA. Ror. Ay, let me alone; now I have got the reins in my own hands, there shall soon be a reformation in this place, I warrant. Hey-day! what have we got here? Cushions! What, do they think we are going to prayers? Let me die, but I believe it is their dinner. What, do they mean to make me sit squat like a baboon, and tear my meat with my fingers?-Take away all this trumpery, and let us have tables and chairs, knives and forks, and dishes and plates, like Christians. And, d'ye hear, lest the best part of the entertainment should be wanting, get us some wine.-[Mutes lift up their hands.]-Mercy on us, what a wonder! I tell you, wine must be had. If there is none here, go to the mufti; he is a good fellow, and has some good wine, I warrant him: let the church alone to take care of themselves; they are too good judges of more solid things, not to be provided with them. [Things are removed, and table, &c. brought on.] Oh, here comes some of my guests- -I'll hide. [Steps aside.

Enter ELMIRA and OSMYN. Elm. It is impossible-A pretty thing, truly, she is, to dispute the Sultan's heart with me!

Osm. I tell you, her ascendancy over him is such, that it requires the greatest art and caution to counteract it.

Elm. Well, Osmyn, be my friend : and, here, take this locket, Osmyn; and be sure speak ill of all my rivals, and all the good you possibly can of me.

ROXALANA appears.

Osm. Death and hell! we are perceived.

[Aside, and exit. Rox. Take this locket, Csmyn, and be sure you speak ill of all my rivals. Ha, ha, ha!

Elm. Insipid pleasantry! Know this, however, madam, I was the first possessor of the Sultan's heart; and, as such, will maintain my rights, and employ my power to keep it.

Ror. By a locket? Holla! who waits there?
Enter OSMYN.

Go, tell the grand signor to come here.
Ósm. I will, madam-I'll be your friend, you
may depend upon me.

Rox. Go. [Exit OSMYN.] Elmira, I don't intend to dispute the Sultan's heart with you; and, to prove it, you must know, that it was I invited you to dine with him here: therefore, make the best use you can of the opportunity." Elm. Is it possible!

Enter Sultan on one side; ISMENA and OSMYN on the other.

Ror. Slaves, bring the dinner.

Sul. What do I see? Ismena and Elmira too! Ror. What is the matter, sir?

Sul. I thought you would have been alone. Ror. Not when good company is to be had.Come, salute the ladies. [He bows.] A little lower. [She stoops his head.] There now-Ladies, my guest is a little awkward; but he'll improve. Elm. Indeed, Roxalana, you go great lengths. Sui. Let her alone; she knows it diverts me. Ror. Well, let's be seated- -I am to do the honours.

Sul. But what is all this? I never saw any thing like it before.

Ror. Where should you?--Come

Enter Curver, with a long knife.

Who is that? what does that horrid fellow want? Osm. It is the grand carver.

Ror. The grand carver! I thought he came to cut off our heads-Pray, Mr. Carver, be so good as to carve yourself away. Come, Ismena, cut up that, and help the Sultan. The ladies of my country always carve,

Sul. Why, I think this custom is much better than ours.[To the Carver.] We shall have no occasion for you.

Ror. Come, some wine,
Sul. Wine!

Roc. Dinner is nothing without wine, Bring it here, Osinyn.

Osm. Must I touch the borrible potion![Takes the bottle between the skirts of his robe.] There it is.

Ror. Well, Osmyn, as a reward for your services, you shall have the first of the bottle.Here, drink.

Osm. I drink the hellish beverage! I, who am a true believer, a rigid Mussulman ?

Rox. [To the Sultan.] Sir, he disobeys me.
Sul. Drink, as you are ordered,

Osm, I must obey, and taste the horrible liquor-Oh! Mahomet, shut thy eyes-'Tis done I have obeyed.


Ror. Ismena, hold your glass there.-Elmira, yours and the Sultan's glass.

Sul. Nay, pray dispense with me.

Ror. Dispense with you, sir! why should we dispense with you? Oh, I understand you; perhaps you don't chuse those gentlemen should see you-I will soon turn them off.-Gentlemen, you may go; we shall have no occasion for you, I believe. Come, ladies, talk a little; if you don't talk, you must sing. Ismena, oblige us with a song.

ISMENA sings.

In vain of their wisdom superior,
The men proudly make such a fuss;
Though our talents, forsooth, are inferior,
The boasters are governed by us,

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Sul. [Aside.] How extraordinary is the conduct of this creature, endeavouring thus to display the accomplishments of her rivals! but, in every thing she is my superior. I can rest no longer. [Gives the handkerchief to ROXALANA.

Ror. To me! Oh, no-Ismena, 'tis yours ;→ the Sultan gives it as a reward for the pleasure you have given him with your charming song. [Gives the handkerchief to ISMENA. Elm. Oh! [Faints. Sul. [Snatching the handkerchief from ISMENA, gives it to ELMIRA.] Elmira! 'tis yourslook up, Elmira !

Elm. Oh, sir!


Sul. [To ROXALANA.] For you, out of my sight, audacious! Let her be taken away immediately, and degraded to the rank of the lowest slave. [Exit ROXALANA, guarded.] But she shall be punished, madam, and you sufficiently revenged.

Elm. I do not wish it; in your love all my desires are accomplished.

Sul. If we chastise her, it must be severely.— Go, order her to be brought hither.

Elm. What is your design, sir?

Sul. I would, before her face, repair the injustice I was going to do you; excite her envy; and, rendering her punishment complete, leave her in everlasting jealousy,

Elm. I beseech you think no more of her. Sul. Pardon me, I think differently. Let her be brought hither, I say!

Osm. Sir, they have not had time to put on, her slave's habit yet.

Sul. No matter-fetch her as she is; and now, Elmira, let our endearments be redoubled in her sight.

Elm. Is that necessary, sir?

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Sul. Oh, it will gall her-I know it will gall | ly triumphed over the person of the slave, whose her. We feel our misfortunes with tenfold an-mind he could not subdue. guish, when we compare what we are with what we might have been.

Elm. It will have no effect! she is a giddy creature-her gaiety is her all.

Sul. No, no, the contrary; that's the thing that strikes me in Roxalana's character.Through what you will call her frivolous gaiety, candour and good sense shine so apparentElm. There is an end on't-if you justify her. [Proudly. Sul. I justify her! far from it; and you shall presently be convinced I mean to make her feel the utmost rigour of my resentment.


Sul. Tell me who you are? what species of inconsistent being, at once so trifling and respectable, that you seduce my heart, while you teach me my duty?

Rox. I am nothing but a poor slave, who is your friend.

Sul. Be still my friend, my mistress! for hitherto I have known only flatterers. I here devote myself to you, and the whole empire shall pay you homage.

Rox. But, pray, tell me, then, by what title am I to govern here?

Sul. By what title? I don't understand you― Come, come, no more of this affected coyness and dissembling. I see, I know you love me.

Ror. As Solyman I do, but not as Emperor of the Turks-nor will I ever consent to ascend his bed at night, at whose feet I must fall in the

Here she comes—she's in affliction; and her
left hand, there, endeavours to hide a humiliated
countenance. [To ROXALANA.] Approach-El-morning.
mira! have you I determined how you will dispose

of her.

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Sul. You are the object of my anger.

Ror. That don't signify; love and anger often go together; I am the object of your anger, because I treat you with the sincerity of a friend: but, with your highness's permission, I shall take myself away this moment for ever.


Sul. If it depended upon me, Roxalana, I swear, by our holy prophet, that I should be happy in calling you my queen.

Rox. That's a poor excuse. Had the man I loved but a cottage, I would gladly partake it with him; would sooth his vexations, and soften his cares: but, where he the master of a throne, should expect to share it with him, or he has


no love for me.

Sul. Or, if you will wait, perhaps time will bring it about.

Ror. Wait, indeed! No, sir! Your wife, or humble servant-My resolution is fixedfix yours.

Sul. But an Emperor of the Turks

Ror. May do as he pleases, snd should be despotic sometimes on the side of reason and virtue.

Sul. Then, there is our law

Ror. Which is monstrous and absurd.
Sul. The mufti, the vizirs, and the agas-
Ror. Are your slaves-Set them a good ex-

Sul. Besides, what would the people say?

Rox. The people! are they to govern you?— Make the people happy, and they will not preSul. Go, then, and prefer infamy to grandeur vent your being so. They would be pleased to Ror. I will instantly get out of your sublime see you raise to the throne, one that you love, presence. [Going. and would love you, and be beloved by your Sul. No, you shan't go! Elmira, do you with- people. Should she interpose in behalf of the draw. [Exit ELMIRA.] Where I to give way to unfortunate, relieve the distressed by her munimy transports, I should make you feel the weight ficence, and diffuse happiness through the palace, of my displeasure; but I frame excuses for you, she would be admired-she would be adored that you scorn to make for yourself What, de--she would be like the queen of the country spise my favours, insult my condescension! Sure, from whence I came. you can't be sensible of your own folly! Pro- Sul. It is enough-my scruples are at an end ceed! go on! continue to enrage your too in--my prejudices, like clouds before the rising dulgent master. sun, vanish before the lights of your superior reason-My love is no longer a faible—you are worthy of empire.

Ror. You are my master, it is true; but could the robber, that sold me to you for a thousand sequins, transfer my mind and inclinations to you, along with my person? No, sir; Jet it never be said that the great Solyman mean

Enter OSMYN.

Osm. Most sublime Sultan! the Sultana Elmira claims your promise for liberty to depart.

Ror. Is that the case? Let, then, the first in- | would have thought, that a little cocked-up nose stance of my exaltation be to give her liberty- would have overturned the customs of a mighty let the gates of the seraglio be thrown open. empire! Sul. And as for Elmira, she shall go in a manner suitable to her rank. [Exit OSMYN.

OSMYN returns.

Osm. Sir, the dwarfs and bostangis your highness had ordered, attend.

Sul. Let them come in-This day is devoted to festivity; and you, who announce my decree, proclaim to the world, that the Sultana Roxalana reigns the unrivalled partner of our diadem.

Ösm. There's an end of my office—Who

Sul. Now, my Roxalana, let the world observe, by thy exaltation, the wonderful dispensation of Providence, which evinces, that

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SCENE I.-A Room in EMILY'S House.

Enter EMILY, with a Letter open in her Hand; and MADEMOISELLE FLORIVAL in Man's Clothes.

Emily. Be assured, that I will do every thing in my power to serve you; my brother knew that he might command my service-Be comforted, I beseech you, madam.

Flo. You cannot wonder, madam, that I should be shocked, extremely shocked, at the cruel necessity of appearing before you in so indelicate a disguise.

Emily. Indeed you need not: there is some- |

thing in your manner, which convinces me, that every action of your life carries its apology along with it; though I will not venture to inquire into the particulars of your story till your mind is more at ease.

Flo. Alas, madam, it is my interest to make you acquainted with my story. I am the daughter of Monsieur Florival, a French physician, in the island of Belleisle. An English officer, who had been desperately wounded, was, after the capitulation, for the sake of due attendance, taken into my father's house; and, as I, in the very early part of my life, had resided in England, he took some pleasure in my conversation. In a word, he won my affections, and asked me of my father in marriage: but he, alas! too much in

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