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paper; not but we have a very great value for
your perfon; and I dare fay you can no where
find four more fincere admirers, and humble
fervants, than
" T.F. G. S. J. T. E. T.

-Ventanda via eft, quâ me quoque poffim
Tollere bumo, victorque virum volitare per ora.
VIRG. Georg. 3. V. 9r

New ways I must attempt, my groveling name
To raife aloft, and wing my flight to fame.


Am obliged for the following effay, as well as for that which lays down the rules of Tully for pronunciation and action, to the ingenious author of a poem just published, intitled, "An Ode to the Creator of the World, "occafioned by the Fragments of Orpheus."

T is a remark made, as I remember, by a celebrated French author, that no man ever pushed his capacity fo far as it was able "to extend." I fhall not inquire whether this. affertiou be frictly true. It may fuffice to say, that men of the greateft application and acquirements can look back upon many vacant spaces, and neglected parts of time, which have flipped away from them unemployed; and there is hardly any one confidering perfon in the world, but is apt to fancy with himself, at fome time or other, that if his life were to begin again, he could fill it up better.

The mind is most provoked to caft on itself this ingenuous reproach, when the examples of füch men are prefented to it, as have far outshot: the generality of their fpecies in learning, arts, or any valuable improvements.

You never begin to talk, but when people are defirous to hear you; and I defy any one to be ( out of humour until you leave off. But I am 'led unawares into reflexions, foreign to the original defign of this epiftle; which was to 'let you know, that fome unfeigned admirers of your inimitable papers, who could, without any flattery, greet you with the falutation ufed to the eastern monarchs, viz. O Spec live for ever, have lately been under the fame apprehenfions with Mr. Philo-Spec: that the hafte you have made to dispatch your best friends portends no long duration to your own fhort vifage. We could not, indeed, find any just grounds for complaint in the method you took to diffolve that venerable body: no, the world was not worthy of your Divine. Will Honey-T comb could not, with any reputation, live fingle any longer. It was high time for the Templar to turn himself to Coke and Sir Roger's dying was the wifeft thing he ever did ' in his life. It was, however, matter of great grief to us, to think that we were in danger of lofing fo elegant and valuable an entertainment. And we could not, without forrow, reflect that we were likely to have nothing to interrupt our fips in the morning, and to fufpend our coffee in mid-air, between our lips and right ear, but the ordinary trash of newspapers. We refolved, therefore, not to part with you fo. But fince, to make ufe of your < own allusion, the cherries began now to croud the market, and their feafon was almoft over, we confulted our future enjoyments, and endeavoured to make the exquifite pleasure that ⚫ delicious fruit gave our tafte as lafting as we could, and by drying them protract their ftay beyond its natural date. We own that thus they have not a flavour equal to that of their juicy bloom; but yet, under this disadvantage, they pique the palate, and become the falver better than any other fruit at its first appearance. To speak plain, there are a number of us who have begun your works afresh, and " meet two nights in the week in order to give you a rehearing. We never come together without drinking your health, and as feldom · part without general expreffions of thanks to you for our night's improvement. This we conceive to be a more ufeful inftitution than any other club whatever, not excepting even that of ugly faces. We have one manifeft advantage over that renowned fociety, with refpect to Mr. Spectator's company. For though they may brag, that you fometimes make your perfonal appearance amongst them, it is impoffible they fhould ever get a word from you, whereas you are with us the reverfe of what Phædria would have his miftrefs be in his rival's company, "Prefent in your abfence.' We make you talk as much and as long as we pleafe; and let me tell you, you feldom hold your tongue for the whole evening. I promife myfelf you will lock with an eye of favour upon a meeting which owes its original to a mutual emulation among its members, who 'fhall fhew the most profound efpect for your

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One of the most extenfive and improved ge-. niufes we have had any inftance of in our own nation, or in any other, was that of Sir Francis Bacon Lord Verulam. This great man, by an extraordinary force of nature, compafs of thought, and indefatigable study, had amatied to himself fuch ftores of knowledge as we cannot look upon without amazement. His capacity feems to have grafped all that was revealed in books before his time; and not fatisfied with that, he began to ftrike out new tracks of fcience, too many to be travelled over by any one man, in the compafs of the longest life. Thefe, therefore he could only mark down, like imperfect coaftings in maps, or fuppofed points of land, to be further difcovered and afcertained by the industry of after ages, who fhould proceed upon his notices or conjectures.

The excellent Mr. Boyle was the perfon who feems to have been defigned by nature to fucceed to the labours and inquiries of that extraordinary genius I have juft mentioned. By innumerable experiments he, in a great meafure, filled upthofe plans and out-lines of fcience, which his. predeceffor had fetched out. His life was fpent in the purfuit of nature, through a great variety of forms and changes, and in the moft rational, as well as devout adoration of its Divine Author.

It would be impoffible to name many perfons who have extended their capacities as far as thefe two, in the ftudies they purfued; but my learned readers, on this ́occafion, will naturally turn

their thoughts to a third, who is yet living, and numbers of people who fcarce fhew the firft is likewife the glory of our own nation. The glimmerings of reafon, and feem to have few improvements which others had made in natural ideas above those of sense and appetite. Thefe, and mathematical knowledge have fo vaftly in- methinks, appear like large wilds, or vast uncreased in his hands, as to afford at once a won-cultivated tracts of human nature; and when derful inftance how great the capacity is of a human foul, and how inexhauftible the fubject of its inquiries; fo true is that remark in holy writ, that "tho' a wife man feek to find out "the works of God from the beginning to 'the "end, yet fhall he not be able to do it."

I cannot help mentioning here one character more of a different kind indeed from thefe, yet fuch a one as may ferve to fhew the wonderful force of nature and of application, and is the most fingular inftance of an univerfal genius I have ever met with. The perfon I mean is Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter, defcended from a noble family in Tuscany, about the beginning of the fixteenth century. In his profeffion of hiftory-painting he was fo great a mafter, that fome have affirmed he excelled all who went before him. It is certain that he raised the envy of Michael Angelo, who was his contemporary, and that from the ftudy of his works Raphael himself learned his best manner of defigning. He was a master too in fculpture and architecture, and skilful in anatomy, mathematics, and mechanics. The aqueduct from the river Adda to Milan, is mentioned as a work of his contrivance. He had learned feveral languages, and was acquainted with the ftudies of history, philofophy, poetry, and mufic. Though it is not neceffary to my prefent purpose, I cannot but take notice, that all who have writ of him mention likewife his perfection of body. The inftances of his ftrength are almoft incredible. He is described to have been of a wellformed person, and mafter of all genteel exercifes, And lastly, we are told that his moral qualities were agreeable to his natural and intellectual endowments, and that he was of an honeft, and generous mind, adorned with great fweetnefs of manners. I might break off the account of him here, but I imagine it will be an entertainment to the curiofity of my readers, to find fo remarkable a character diftinguished by as remarkable a circumftance at his death. The fame of his works having gained him an univerfal esteem, he was invited to the court of France, where, after some time, he fell fick; and Francis the First coming to see him, he raised himself in his bed to acknowledge the honour which was done him by that vifit. The King embraced him, and Leonardo fainting at the fame inftant, expired in the arms of that great monarch.

It is impoffible to attend to fuch inftances as thefe, without being raised into a contemplation on the wonderful nature of an human mind, which is capable of fuch progreffions in knowledge, and can contain fuch a variety of ideas without perplexity or confufion. How reasonable is it from hence to infer its divine original ? And whilft we find unthinking matter endued with a natural power to laft for ever, unless annihilated by Omnipotence, how abfurd would it be to imagine, that a being fo much fuperior to it should not have the fame privilege?

At the fame time it is very furpring, when we remove our thoughts from fuch inftances as I have mentioned, to confider thofe wo fo frequently meet with in the accounts of barbarous nations among the Indians; where we and

we compare them with men of the most exalted characters in arts and learning, we find it difficult to believe that they are creatures of the fame fpecies.

Some are of opinion that the fouls of men are all naturally equal, and that the great difparity, we so often obferve, arifes from the different organization or ftructure of the bodies to which they are united. But whatever conftitutes this firft difparity, the next great difference which we find between men in their feveral acquirements is owing to accidental differences in their education, fortunes, or courfe of life. The foul is a kind of rough diamond, which requires art, labour, and time to polish it. For want of which, many a good natural genius is loft, or lies unfashioned, like a jewel in the mine.

One of the strongest incitements to excel in fuch arts and accomplishments as are in the highest esteem among men, is the natural paffion which the mind of man has for glory; which, though it may be faulty in the excefs of it, ought by no means to be discouraged. Perhaps fome moralifts are too fevere in beating down this principle, which feems to be a fpring implanted by nature to give motion to all the latent powers of the foul, and is always obferved to exert itself with the greatest force in the moft generous difpofitions. The men whofe characters have shone the brightest among the ancient Romans, appear to have been ftrongly animated by this paffion. Cicero, whose learning and fervices to his country are fo well known, was inflamed by it to an extravagant degree, and warmly preffes Lucceius, who was compofing a hiftory of thofe times, to be very particular and zealous in relating the ftory of his confulfhip: and to execute it speedily, that he might have the pleasure of enjoying in his life time fome part of the honour which he foresaw would be paid to his memory. This was the ambition of a great mind; but he is faulty in the degree of it, and cannot refrain from foliciting the hiftorian upon this occafion to neglect the strict laws of history, and, in praise ing him, "even to exceed the bounds of truth.” The younger Pliny appears to have had the fame paffion for fame, but accompanied with greater chaftenefs and modefty. His ingenious manner of owning it to a friend, who had prompted him to undertake fome great work, is exquifitely beautiful, and raises him to a certain grandeur above the imputation of vanity. "must confefs," fays he, " that nothing em"ploys my thoughts more than the defire I "have of perpetuating my name; which in "my opinion is a defign worthy of a man, at "leaft of fuch a one, who being confcicus of "no guile, is not afraid to be remembered by "pofterity."

" I

I think I ought not to conclude, without interefting all my readers in the subject of this difcourfe: I fhall therefore lay it down as a maxim, that though all are not capable of fhining in learning or the politer arts; yet every one is capable of excelling in fome"thing." The foul has in this refpt a cer

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tain vegetative power which cannot lie wholly idle. If it is not laid out and cultivated into a regular and beautiful garden, it will of itfelf fhoot up in weeds or flowers of a wilder growth,

N° 555. SATURDAY, DEC. 6.
Refpue quid non es-
Lay the fictitious character afide.


After I have put other friends upon importuning him to publifh dramatic, as well as other writings he has by him, I fhall end what I think I am obliged to fay on this head, by giving my reader this hint for the better judging of my productions, that the best comment upon them would be an account when the patron to the Tender husband was in England, or abroad.

The reader will alfo find fome papers which are marked with the letter X, for which he is PERS. Sat. 4. ver. 51. obliged to the ingenious gentleman who diverted the town with the epilogue to the Diftreffed Mother. I might have owned thefe feveral papers with the free confent of thefe gentlemen, who did not write them with a defign of being known for the authors. But as a candid and fincere behaviour ought to be preferred to all other confiderations, I would not let my heart reproach me with a confcioufnefs of having acquired a praife which is not my right.

LL the members of the imaginary fociety which were defcribed in my first papers, having disappeared one after another, it is high time for the Spectator himself to go off the ftage. But, now I am to take my leave, I am under much greater anxiety than I have known for the work of any day fince I undertook this pro

vince. It is much more difficult to converfe

with the world in a real than a perfonated character. That might pafs for humour in the Spectator, which would look like arrogance in a writer who fets his name to his work. The fictitious perfon might contemn those who difapproved him, and, extol his own performances, without giving offence. He might affume a mock-authority, without being looked upon as vain and conceited. The praifes or cenfures of himself fall only upon the creature of his imagination; and if any one finds fault with him, the author may reply with the philofopher of old, "Thou dost but beat the cafe of Anaxar"chus." When fpeak in my own private fentiments, I cannot but addrefs myfelf to my readers in a more fubmiffive manner, and with a juft gratitude, for the kind reception which they have given to thefe daily papers that have been published for almost the space of two years laft paft.

I hope the apology I have made as to the licence allowable to a feigned character, may excufe any thing which has been faid in thefe difcourfes of the Spectator and his works ; but the imputation of the groffeft vanity would ftill dwell upon me, if I did not give fome account by what means I was enabled to keep up the fpirit of fo long and approved a performance. All the papers marked with a C, an L, an I, or an O, that is to fay, all the papers which I have diftinguished by any letter in the name of the mufe CLIO, were given me by the gentleman of whofe affiftance I formerly boated in the preface and concluding leaf of my Tatlers. I am indeed much more proud of his long continued friendship, than I fhould be of the fame of being thought the author of any writings which he himself is capable of producing. I remember when I finished the Tender Hufband, I told him there was nothing I fo ardently withed, as that we might fome tine or other publih a work written by us both, which fhould bear the name of the Monument, in memory of our friendship. I heartily with what I have done here, was as honorary to that facred name, as learning, wit, and humanity render thofe pieces which I have taught the reader how to diftinguith for his. When the play abovementioned was laft aded, there were fo many applauded frokes in it which I had from the fame hand, that I thought very meanly of, myfelf that I have never publicly acknowledged them

The other affiftances which I have had, have

been conveyed by letter, fometimes by whole papers, and other times by fhort hints from unknown hands. I have not been able to trace favours of this kind, with any certainty, but to the following names, which I place in the order wherein I received the obligation, though the first I am going to name can hardly be mentioned in a lift wherein he would not deferve the precedence. The perfons to whom I am to make these acknowledgements are, Mr. Henry Martin, Mr. Pope, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Carey, of New College in Oxford, Mr. Tickell, of Queen's in the fame University, Mr. Parnelle, and Mr. Eufden, of Trinity in Cambridge. Thus, to speak in the language of my late friend Sir Andrew Freeport, I have balanced my accounts with all my creditors for wit and learning. But as thefe excellent performances would not have feen the light without the means of this paper, I may ftill arrogate to myself the merit of their being communicated to the public.

I have nothing more to add, but having fwelled this work to five hundred and fifty-five papers, they will be difpofed into feven volumes, four of which are already published, and the three others in the prefs. It will not be demanded of me why I now leave off, though I muft own myfelf obliged to give an account to the town of my time hereafter; fince I retire when their partiality to me is fo great, that an edition of the former volumes of Spectators of above nine thousand each book is already fold off, and the tax on each half theet has brought into the ftamp-office one week with another above twenty pounds a week arifing from this fingle paper, notwithstanding it at first reduced it to lefs than half the number that was ufually printed before this tax was laid.

I humbly befeech the continuance of this inclination to favour what I may hereafter produce, and hope I have in my occurrences of life tafted fo deeply of pain and forrow, that I am proof against much more profperous circumstances than any advantages to which my own industry can poffibly exalt me. I am,

My good-natured reader,
Your mat cbedient,
moft obliged humble fervant,
Richard Steele.

Vos valete & plaudite.




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The honour of our country is alfo concerned in the matter I am going to lay before you : · we, and perhaps other nations as well as we, have a national falfe humility as well as national vain glory; and though we boast ourfelves to excell all the world in things wherein we are outdone abroad, in other things we attribute to others a fuperiority which we ourselves poffefs. This is what is done, particularly in the art of portrait or 'face-painting.

Painting is an art of a vast extent, too great by much for any mortal man to be in full poffeffion of in all its parts; it is enough if any one fucceed in painting faces, hiftory, battles, landskips, fea-pieces, fruit, flowers, or drolls, ' &c. Nay, no man ever was excellent in all the branches, though many in number, of these several arts, for a diftinct art I take upon me to call every one of thofe feveral kinds of ⚫ painting.

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And as one man may be a good landskip painter, but unable to paint a face or a history tolerably well, and fo of the reft; one natin may excel in fome kinds of painting, and other kinds may thrive better in other climates.

Italy may have the preference of all other nations for history-painting; Holland for drolls, and a neat finished manner of working; France for gay, janty, fiuttering pictures; and England for portraits: but to give the honour of every one of thefe kinds of painting to any one of thofe nations on account of their excellence in any of thefe parts of it, is like adjudging the prize of heroic, dramatic, lyric, or burlefque poetry, to him who has done well in any one of them.

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Where there are the greatest geniuses, and moft nelps and encouragements, it is reafonable to fuppofe an art will arrive to the greateft perfection: by this rule let us confider our own country with refpect to face painting. No nation in the world delights fo much in having their own, or friends, or relations pictures; whether from their national good nature, or having a love to painting, and not being encouraged in the great article of religious pictures, which the purity of our worthip refufes the free use of, or from whatever other caufe. Our helps are not inferior to thofe of any other people, but rather they

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are greater; for what the antique statues and 'bas reliefs which Italy enjoys are to the hiftory painters, the beautiful and noble faces 'with which England is confeffed to abound, are to face painters; and befides we have the greatest number of the works of the best 'mafters in that kind of any people, not with' out a competent number of thofe of the most 'excellent in every other part of painting. And for encouragement, the wealth and ge'nerofity of the English nation affords that in 'fuch a degree, as artifts have no reason to ' complain.

And accordingly in fact, face-painting is no where fo well performed as in England: I 'know not whether it has lain in your way to obferve it, but I have, and pretend to be a tolerable judge. I have feen what is done abroad, and can affure you, that the honour of that branch of painting is juftly due to us. I appeal to the judicious obfervers for the truth of what I affert. If foreigners have

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' oftentimes, or even for the most part excelled our natives, it ought to be imputed to the advantages they have met with here, joined to their own ingenuity and industry: nor has any one nation distinguished themselves fo as to raise an argument in favour of their country; but it is to be obferved that neither French nor Italians, nor any one of either nation, notwithstanding all our prejudices in their favour, have, or ever had, for any confiderable time, any character among us as 'face-painters.

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This honour is due to our own country; and has been fo for near an age: fo that inftead of going to Italy, or élfewhere, one that defigns for portrait-painting ought to ftudy in England. Hither fuch fhould come from Holland, France, Italy, Germany, &c. as he that 'intends to practice any other kinds of painting, should go to thofe parts where it is in 'greatest perfection. It is faid the bleffed vir'gin defcended from heaven, to fit to St. Luke; I dare venture to affirm, that if the fhould defire another Madonna to be painted by the life, he would come to England; and am of ' opinion that your present president, Sir Godfrey Kneller, from his improvement fince he arrived in this kingdom, would perform that office better than any foreigner living.

I am,

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