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some of the midland counties assumed a very threatening appearance; but, happily, the means of the civil and military authorities was found sufficient to suppress the evil, before it had time to break forth into open insurrection. At Derby and Nottingham, affairs were for a time most alarming: a rising, it is said, had been planned there, which was connected with extensive movements in the manufacturing districts in that part of the kingdom. A large body of men, armed with pikes and other weapons, had advanced from Offerton and Ripley, in Derbyshire, towards Nottingham, and had committed various acts of plunder and violence, having shot an individual who refused to deliver up the arms in his master's house. They were, however, soon met by the yeomanry and two troops of hussars, disarmed, and about fifty made prisoners. A number of persons were also apprehended in York shire, while in secret meetings at Sheffield and Dewsberry. The disorders in this quarter, it was asserted in a Leeds newspaper, had been fomented by a person named Oli


in the pay of Government. This statement was made the subject of inquiry by some members of both Houses of Parliament; when Ministers avowed that Oliver had been employed by them to procure information, but had exceeded his instructions in giving countenance to, or encouraging, the proceedings of the disaffected.


Roman Catholics.-A bill has passed both Houses of Parliament almost without notice, which removes the principal obstacle to the entry of Roman Catholics into the navy and army. By this bill they are relieved from the necessity of taking the oaths, or subscribing to the declarations which were before an impediment to their advance, and thus situations of the highest rank are now open to them in the naval and military professions. They are not to be called on to take the oaths before entering the army or navy; and we need not tell our readers, that after they have entered the service, all further obligation of taking the oaths, or the sacrament, is done away by the annual act of indemnity, which is passed at the beginning of each session:

4.-Destruction of a Steam-Boat by Fire. -On Wednesday morning last, the Margate Steam-Packet, commanded by Captain Harvey, left London for Margate, with between forty and fifty passengers on board; and it appears, from accounts received in town yesterday; that when off Whitstable, which is eighteen miles from the port of destination, she was discovered to be on fire: at this time she was also three miles from the main land. As a vessel of this description never carries a boat larger than sufficient to hold her own crew, which seldom exceeds a dozen persons, the consternation of between forty and fifty passengers may be better conceived than described. The cause of the fire is stated to be as follows:

The gale of wind being strong, blew the chimney flue away, and the wood-work, which is nearly breast-high. from the deck, at the bottom of the flue, for the purpose of keeping the people near the chimney from burning themselves, caught fire; the men, in throwing the buckets over for water to put it out, lost them; consequently, the fire was not checked, and the captain immediately made for land, and got all the people, and crew, and luggage, safe ashore; but the vessel was almost entirely consumed.



Explosion of Fire-damp.-On Monday forenoon last, a dreadful blast occurred at Harraton Row Pit, Newcastle, belonging to Mr Lambton, by which thirty-eight men and boys were killed. There were forty-one in the mine at the time, six of whom were brought to bank alive, but three of them died soon afterwards. The other three were. much injured, but it is expected will recover. Two of the sufferers were blown out of the shaft of the pit (eighty-two fathoms in depth) and their remains were found at some distance from the mouth. The head of one of them was separated from the body, and found fifty yards off in a corn-field; the back of the head of the other was also torn off, probably by striking against something in the shaft. The shaft continued for some minutes to emit a dense cloud of black smoke and coal dust, the smell of which remained on the herbage a mile and a half distant. from the pit for several hours after. of the sufferers lived at Painshaw. There are ten of the name of Hill,-grandfather, one of his sons, seven grandsons, and an adopted son. Seven widows are left: but the sufferers being mostly young, there are very few children. This dreadful accident was caused by the perverse obstinacy of a young man named John Moody, one of the hewers, who, in defiance of the orders of the overman, refused to use Sir H. Davy's lamp, and lighted a candle, which was twice put out by the workman whom he was to relieve; but be relighted it, by unscrewing the lamp, and thus sacrificed his own, and the lives of his companions.-On Wednesday afternoon, six more men, who were reinstating the air stoppings that had been swept away by the blast, were suffocated in the same mine, by the after-damp (carbonic acid gas) which commonly succeeds the explosion of hydrogenous gas. There were eight men altogether whom the fixed air seized; but on the bodies being got out on Thursday evening, two were alive, though but faint hopes were entertained of their recovery.

12. Prorogation of Parliament.-This day his Royal Highness went in state to Parliament, which he prorogued to the 25th August. At twenty minutes past two his Royal Highness reached the House, when a discharge of artillery took place. delivering his most gracious speech, the same ceremony took place, and his Royal Highness having returned to the royal carriage, the procession moved back to the Pa

lace in the order it had arrived. Another royal salute announced the departure of his Royal Highness for St James's. The multitude assembled was not so great as on former occasions; but it was certainly more orderly and respectable. His Royal Highness, to and from the House, was frequently cheered; and two or three attempts, during a profound silence, to excite a different feeling, were summarily prevented by the attendant officers,-namely, by a knock on the head. The windows of the houses by which the procession passed were thronged with elegant females, as were the avenues and every commanding situation in the neighbourhood of Westminster. The day was uncommonly fine, and every thing conconcluded without accident, and in the most perfect order.

Gold Coinage. The Gazette of Tuesday contains two Proclamations: the first describing the new forthcoming gold coin called Sovereigns, and commanding them to be received as 20s. pieces. The second states, that as much of the present gold coin in circulation is deficient in weight, none shall be taken in payment of less weight than as follows: Guineas, five penny-weights eight grains; half guineas, two penny-weights sixteen grains; quarter guineas, one penny-weight eight grains and that the seven shilling pieces, and the gold pieces called sovereigns, or 20s. pieces, more deficient in weight than the rates hereafter specified, viz. seven shilling pieces, one penny-weight eighteen grains; sovereigns, or 20s. pieces, five penny-weights two grains three quarters, be not allowed to be current, or pass in any payment whatsoever.

Extraordinary Experiment.-The experiment of hauling up a line-of-battle ship, by means of pulley, fully succeeded at Plymouth dock-yard, on Tuesday se'nnight; when the Kent, of 80 guns and 1694 tons, was, by this simple but most powerful mechanical instrument, drawn out of the water, and securely placed in a cradle for repair. The experiment was never before tried with a ship of greater tonnage than a 38 gun frigate.

19.—Administering unlawful Oaths. This day the trial of Andrew Mackinlay, cotton-weaver in Glasgow, accused as above stated, came on before the High Court of Justiciary. This case, from its first agitation, had excited a great degree of interest, from Mackinlay's having been indicted, along with William Edgar, teacher in Glasgow, three several times-the first as far back as the beginning of April. Two indictments had been quashed by the Court as irrelevant, a circumstance which was taken notice of in a very strong manner in Parliament; and it was upon the third, the relevancy of which had been declared by the Court yesterday, with the dissentient voice of Lord Gillies, that he was now brought to trial; and the result excited a still greater sensation throughout the

country. The first witness for the Crown, John Campbell, prisoner in Edinburgh Castle, being asked if he had received any reward or promise of reward, for being a witness, he answered, he had. Examined in what manner: he entered into a long statement, the substance of which is briefly as follows: While a prisoner in Glasgow, he was frequently visited by a Mr Salmon, who urged him to become a witness in this case, by telling him, that he knew six men who would swear that he (Campbell) took the oath; and if he did not provide for his safety in the way suggested," he was as sure to be hanged as he was in life;" but if he would become a witness, the Lord Advocate would come under any engagement to him. After he was removed to Edinburgh Castle, he had frequent conversations on the subject with Mr Home Drummond, Depute Advocate; and at length entered into a written engagement with him and the SolicitorGeneral to become a witness, on condition of being sent with his family to Prussia. This writing, the Sheriff of Edinburgh, who was present, refused to sign, and it was therefore destroyed, and a verbal engagement on the honour of the parties was accepted, which Campbell still considered as binding. After the examination of four other witnesses, none of whom recollected any thing respecting an oath, except one, who said he only recollected it from having read it in the newspapers, the Lord Advocate gave up the case, and the jury returned a verdict of Not Proven.The pannel was then dismissed from the bar; and on the Monday and Tuesday following, the prisoners confined in Edinburgh and Glasgow on similar charges were set at liberty.

24.-Trial of a Chimney-Sweeper for the Murder of his Apprentice.-On Tuesday, Joseph Rae and Robert Reid were brought before the High Court of Justiciary, charged with the murder of John Fraser, a boy of eleven years of age, an apprentice to Rae. We apprehend, that the heart-rending details of this case will go farther than any upon record, to accelerate the act of Parliament which is in contemplation to put an end to the inhuman practice of employing children in the sweeping of chimneys. The poor victim was described by one witness as a "fine boy," and by another as a 66 good boy." He was sent up a chimney in Albany Street, Edinburgh, at twelve o'clock, where he stuck fast; and at four a stonemason was set to work to release him by breaking the wall. The brutal master arrived, and stopt this humane attempt to relieve the little sufferer, threatening to blow him up the chimney with gunpowder, and sent for another sweep's boy, named Alison, and a set of ropes. The use made of them is thus related by a witness named Thomson :

“Reid took hold of the rope, and having

loosed it, gave Alison one end, and directed him to go up the chimney, saying, "do not go farther than his feet, and when you get there fasten it to his foot." Alison having fastened the rope, Reid desired him to come down; Reid took the rope and pulled, but did not bring down the boy; the rope broke; Alison was sent up again with the other end of the rope, which was fastened to the boy's foot; when Reid was pulling the rope, Rae said, "you have not the strength of a cat ;" he took the rope into his own hands, pulling as strong as he could. Having pulled about a quarter of an hour, Rae and Reid fastened the rope round a crow bar, which they applied to the wall as a lever, and both pulled with all their strength for about a quarter of an hour longer, when it broke. During this time witness heard the boy cry, and say, "My God Almighty!" Rae said, “if I had you here, I would God Almighty you." Witness thought the cries were in agony. The master of the house brought a new piece of rope, and Rae's brother spliced an eye in it. Reid expressed a wish to have it fastened on both thighs, to have greater purchase. Alison was sent up for this purpose, but came down and said he could not get it fastened. Rae then began to slap at the wall; after striking a long while at the wall, he got out a large stone; he then put in his head, and called to Fraser," Do you hear, you, sir:" but got no answer; he then put in his hands, and threw down deceased's breeches. He then came down from the ladder. At this time the prisoner Rae was in a state of perspiration; he sat down on the stool, and the master of the house gave him a dram. Witness did not hear Rae make any remarks as to the situation of the boy Fraser. Witness thinks, from Rae's appearance, that he knew the boy was dead. Reid's wife came to get her husband away to a job, and Rae went with him. This was between six and seven o'clock. Rae's brother enlarged the hole, but still could not get in. Witness then went in with difficulty. He found Fraser lying on his belly, with his hands stretched above his head. He was lying at a turn in the vent, and his head jammed at the head of the turn; had a towel about his head, and a shirt all about his neck. Witness tore off the shirt bit by bit, and threw it on the floor; then brought down the boy; there was a little heat in the body-got spirits and washed the boy's temple's, and went for Dr Poole, who came and applied a bellows, but in vain. Witness knew the deceased twelve months past in May-used to come to witness's house. Witness always gave him a piece of bread or a halfpenny; boy complained that his master used to starve him, strike him, and use him badly. Witness stopped in prisoner's house some time in May 1816. One Saturday night heard Rae's wife say, "You are done now; where's your ladder and materials ?-away." Whereupon Rae made

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the deceased strip himself; boy applied to witness to save him. Witness asked Rae to forgive him.. Rae said, "if it were God Almighty himself speaking from the Heavens I would not forgive him." The boy was told to strip himself perfectly naked, and Rae beat him on the back with the single end of the sweep's ropes apparently with all his strength. The boy cried much; about ten o'clock at night, Rae took the boy to a back room, and made him go naked up and down the chimney till one o'clock on Sunday morning. Rae afterwards acknowledged that the ladder and materials were in the house all the time." Thomas Marwood (another witness) lived in Rae's house along with de. ceased; saw Rae tie deceased to a chest, gag his mouth with a stick, and beat him with ropes till the blood came, and then put saltpetre on him; has seen Rae make deceased eat the vilest offal.-The Jury, having retired for about an hour, returned a verdict of culpable homicide!The Lord Chief Justice then addressed Rae, and told him that his case approached the nearest to mur. der of any case in which a verdict of culpable homicide had been returned; and sentenced him to be transported beyond seas for 14 years.-The trial of Reid was put off till September.

Crossing the Irish Channel in a Balloon. -On Tuesday, at a quarter past one, Mr Saddler, jun. ascended in his large balloon from Portobello barracks, Dublin, and after experiencing various currents of air, with the extremes of heat and cold, descended in safety, at half past seven in the evening, in a corn field about a mile and a half to the southward of Holyhead. Thus, for the first time, has the perilous attempt of crossing the channel been accomplished by a youth not yet in his 22d year. During Mr Saddler's stay at Holyhead, he went to visit the new pier which is building there; and seeing the diving-bell, expressed his anxious desire to go down in it, exclaiming, "I am just come from the clouds, I should now wish to visit the deep ;" and so persevering was he in his request, that the bell was prepared, and he went down in a depth of several fathoms, where he remained under water a considerable length of time.

30.-Lord Castlereagh.-Sunday evening, as Lord Castlereagh was playing with a favourite dog of his lady's, at their seat at Footscray in Kent, the animal bit his hand, which on Monday became so much inflamed that Dr Bankhead was sent for. Dr Bankhead went to Footscray again yesterday, to visit Lord Castlereagh, whose hand has been severely lacerated, the sinews of the first and second fingers being separated, and the nail and top of the first finger being nearly torn off. Dr Bankhead, on Monday, ordered him to bed, and to be kept very quiet. The dog, a short time since, pinned the gardener and another manupina corner, when they were moving about after dark, and it was with difficulty he could be called off from them. The

dog was a present from Stutgard to Lady Castlereagh. It is satisfactory to learn that the dog is naturally fierce.

Trials of the Luddites, &c.-The Trials of the Luddites, and Huddersfield rioters, took place at the York assizes last week. All those against whom true bills were found have been acquitted. From the evidence

it appeared, that the riots were of a most alarming character, though the guilt of having been engaged in them is not fixed upon the persons who have stood their trials. The Judge exhorted the prisoners to beware of continuing in such dangerous courses; to which they answered, simultaneously, "We will, indeed, my Lord."



May 20.-Knighthood conferred on Maj.-General Wilder.

20. James Cox, Esq. to be Consul in Albania. 24.-Edward Spencer Curling, to be Hanoverian Consul at Ramsgate, Deal, and Dover.

28.-Patrick-Jas.-Herbert-Chrichton Stuart, Esq. younger and only brother of John, now Marquis of Bute and Earl of Dumfries, to have and enjoy the same title, place, pre-eminence, and precedence, in all assemblies or meetings whatsoever, as if his late father had lived to have inherited and enjoyed the title and dignity of Marquis of Bute.

29.-Knighthood conferred on Tho. Stamford Raffles, late Governor of Java-on Ralph Rice, recorder of Prince of Wales' Island-and on Richard Basset, Mayor of Newport, Isle of Wight.

Dr Macpherson, Professor of Greek, admitted Sub-Principal in King's College, Aberdeen.

Professor Copland, professor of mathematics in Marischal College, Aberdeen, to be professor of Natural Philosophy in said College-Dr Robert Hamilton to be professor of Mathematics in his room. The Rev. John Cruickshank to be Assistant and Successor to Dr Hamilton in said office.

31.-The Rev. Daniel Dewar, LL.D. admitted Professor of Moral Philosophy, in King's College, Aberdeen.

June 4.-George Gwyther of Leslie House, in the county of Fife, and of the parish of St Maryle-Bone, in the County of Middlesex, Esq. and the Right Honourable Henrietta-Ann, his wife, now in her right Countess of Rothes and Baroness Leslie and Ballanbreich, in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Scotland, have received his Majesty's license to take and use the surname of Leslie only; the said George Gwyther may bear the arms of Leslie of Rothes; and the said surname and arms may also be taken and borne by the issue of their marriage.

14.-Robert Dundas, Esq. W. S. presented to the Court of Session the Prince Regent's commission, nominating him one of the principal clerks, in room of the late James Walker, Esq. Mr Dundas is succeeded as one of the principal clerks of the Bills by James Skene, Esq. of Rubislaw, advocate.

28.-George Manners, Esq. to be Consul in Massachussets.

July 1.-Knighthood conferred on Spiridion Foresti, Esq. late resident Minister in the Ionian Islands.

2.-Knighthood conferred on W. H. Robinson, Commissary-General in Canada.

of the Presbyterian Congregation in New Providence.

May 14.-Mr Robert Shaw, ordained Minister of the Constitutional Associate Congregation of Whitburn, vacant by the death of Professor Bruce.

June 9.-At Edinburgh, the Rev. Wm. Broadfoot, from Kirkwall, was admitted Colleague to the Rev. Geo. Jerment, in the Scotch (Anti-burgher) Church, Oxenden Street, Hay-market, London.

17.-Mr Hugh Stirling, preacher, ordained Minister of the Associate Congregation at Newton, in Mearns.

22.-The Rev. James Richardson, inducted to the charge of the Presbyterian Church in Hex


25.-The Rev. Mr Walter Hume, to the charge of the Associate Congregation of Yetholm.

July 31.-Mr Gavin Struthers, preacher, ordained assistant and successor to the Rev. James Stewart, Minister of the Relief Congregation, Anderston.

The Town Council of Stirling have presented the Rev. George Wright of Markinch to the first charge of the Church and Parish of Stirling, vacant by the death of the Rev. Dr Somerville.

The Associate Burgher Congregation of Dunbar have given a harmonious call to Mr Alexander Jack, preacher of the gospel.

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5.-Mr Balfour Spence, to be Hanoverian ViceConsul in the Shetland Islands.


14.-Major-General Sir B. Bloomfield, to be Keeper of the Privy Purse, and Private Secretary to the Prince Regent.

W. H. Oram, to be Cornet by purch. vice Trotter do. Cornet H. Cazalet, from 4 Dr. to be Lt. by purch. vice Biddulf, prom. 26th do. H. E. Porter, to be Cornet by purch. vice Smith, prom. 3d July

S. A. H. Lucas, to be Cornet by purch. vice Armstrong prom.

19.-The dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom, conferred on the Right Honourable John M'Mahon, with remainder to his brother Colonel Thomas M'Mahon, and his heirs male.

22.-The Right Hon. Edward Thornton, to be Ambassador at the Court of the King of Portugal. -The Hon. F. P. Forbes, to be Secretary to the Legation.


do. Capt. H. R. C. Stapylton, to be Major by 19th June purch, vice Lowther, 12 F. Lieut. E. F. Meynell, to be Capt. by purch.

vice Stapylton


Cornet Wm. Gale, to be Lieut. by purch. vice Meynell

26th do.

vice Gale

Members returned to Parliament. July 28.-The Right Hon. Nicholas Vansittart, for Harwich.



[blocks in formation]

Hon. R. Watson, to be Cornet by purch. do. P. N. De Cateret, to be Cornet by purch. vice Mayne, 1 Life Guards 19th June Serj.-Major John Collins, to be Quart.-Mas. ter, vice Tarleton, ret. h. p. 12th do. John Hall, to be Cornet by purch. vice Dundo. gan, prom.


April 7.-The Rev. Hugh M'Farlane, M.D. ordained at Edinburgh, with a view to taking charge VOL. I.

3 F. G. Lieut. W. L. Forster, to be Lieut. and Capt. vice Lake, resigns 26th do.

Ensign G. R. Abercromby, from 51 F. to be Ensign and Lieut. vice Forster

4 A


12 F. Lieut. John Baxter to be Capt. vice Keappock, dead 12th June 1817 Ensign Luke Prior to be Lieut. vice Baxter do.










C. U. Tripp to be Ensign by purch. vice Vernon, I F. G. 11th do. Serj. Major J. K. Leith to be Adj. and Ens. vice Priestley, res. Adj. only 12th do. Assist. Surg. W. Morrison to be Surg. vice O'Hara, dead

[merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]






Hosp. Assist. J. Ligertwood to be Assist. Surg. vice Morrison John Hendrick, from Donegal Mil. to be Assist. Surg. vice Martin, res. 3d July Lieut. H. Temple to be Capt. by purch. vice Spread, retires do. Edward Gilbert to be Ensign, vice Pigott, dead Major G. Burer to be Lieut. Col. by purch. vice James, retires do. Frederick Matthews to be Ensign, vice Abercromby, 3 F. G. 26th June Ensign J. Howe, from 80 F. to be Ensign 19th do. J. M. Caldecott to be Ensign by purch. vice Reid, retires 24th do. Lieut. Col. G. Muttlebury, from h. p. to be Lieut. Col. vice Robbins, dead 3d July Lieut. H. Stoddart to be Capt. vice Thome, dead do. Ensign E. Woolhouse to be Lt. by purch. vice Croker, prom. 26th June T. H. Powell to be Ensign by purch. vice Woolhouse

[blocks in formation]


W. J. H. Bowen, h. p. to be Lieut. vice Cameron, ex. rec. diff. do. Capt. F. Langley, from 82 F. to be Capt. vice Bruce, ex.

W. Bruce, from 79 F. to be Capt. vice Langley, ex.

Lieut. John Carrol, from h. p. to be Lieut. vice Fennel, ex.


George Hill, from h. p. to be Lieut. vice Mahon, ex. rec. diff.



Paym. J. Fairfowl, from h. p. to be Paym. vice Campbell, ret. upon h. p. do.


Hosp. Assist. J. Cousins, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. to the Forces, vice Sibbald, canc. do. Limerick, Lieut. T. Walsh, 2 W. I. R. to be Town Maj. vice Fitzgerald, dead 19th June Staff Surg. W. Wallace, from h. p. to be Surg. to the Forces, vice Rodgers, ret. on h. p. 25th do. Hosp. Assist. A. Cumming, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. to the Forces 12th do. J. Sibbald, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. do. do. J. L. Warten, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. do. do. J. Robertson, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. do. do. Peter Lamond, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. do. Robert Sillery, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. do. do. David Ewing, from h. p. to be Hosp. do. Alex. Boyd, from h. p. to be Hosp. Assist. do. vice Oswald, dead


Assist. do.

W. Curtis to be 2d Lieut. vice Shaw 1W.I.R.Arthur Meyer to be Ensign, vice Hunt, Royal African Corps

12th June

R.Afr.C. Ensign J. Adamson to be Lieut. vice Steret, dead 11th do. H. B. Adams to be Lieut. vice M'Rae, dead 12th do. E. Hunt, from 1 W. 1. R. to be Ensign, vice Adamson 11th do. Wm M'Rae to be Ensign, vice Adams

[blocks in formation]

Brevet Major W. M. Leake, of R. Art. to be Lieut. Col. in the Army 4th June 1813 5 D.G. Cornet Wm Locke to be Lieut. by purch. J. Gardiner to be Cornet by purch. vice Watson, prom. 10th July 1817 Ass. Surg. D. M'Gregor, from 56 F. to be Ass. Surg. vice Speer, ret. upon h.p. do. 4 Dr. Thomas Harrison to be Cornet by purch. vice Cazalet, prom. 6 Dr. John Trollope to be Cornet by purch. vice Brown, retires

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed]

Brevet Maj. Marlay, from 1 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Wetherall, h. p.

Capt. Chapman, from 6 Dr. with Capt. Gardiner, 50 F.

Webb, from 12 Dr. rec. diff. with Captain Goldsmith, h. p. 72 F.

Warren, from 18 F. rec. diff. with Captain Hammill, h. p. 7 F.

Colley, from 45 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Gordon, h. p. 1 F.

Andrews, from Rifle Brigade, rec. diff. with Capt. Pattenson, h. p. 43 F.

Sir John Cox, from 2 Life Gds, rec. diff. with Capt. Meares, h. p. 18 F.

Barry, from 75 F. rec. diff. with Captain M'Adam, h. p.

Lieut. Falkner, from 4 Dr. Gds, rec. diff. with Lieut. Ravenhill, h. p. 1 Dr. Gds.

M'Culloch, from 32 F. rec. diff. with Lieut.

Oliver, h. p. 3 F.

Vickers, from Rifle Brigade, rec. diff. with Lieut. Twigg, h. p. 3 F.

D'Arcy, from 13 Dr. rec. diff. with Lieut. Stopford, h. p. 101 F.

Boase, from 32 F. rec. diff. with Lt. Monro, h. p. 94 F.

Stapleton, from 47 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Lane, h. p. 41 F.

52 F.

Conry, from 90 F. with Lieut. Shaw, h. p.

Weymouth, from 2 Life Gds, rec. diff. with Visc. Barnard, h. p. 7 Dr.

J. W. Bacon, from 9 Dr. rec. diff. with Charles Bacon, h. p. 11 Dr.

Hudson, from 2 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Clunes, h. p. 27 F.

West, from 3 F. with Lieut. James, 58 F. Stannus, from 9 Dr. rec. diff. with Lieut. Maberly, h. p. 7 Dr.

Masters, from 30 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Rogers, h. p.

Baillie, from 30 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Jas. Poyntz, h. p.

2d Lieut. Campbell, from Rifle Brigade, with Ens. Ward, h. p. 71 F.

Ensign Gordon, from 25 F. with Ensign Morris, h. p.

Matthewson, from 8 F. with Ensign Mawdesley, 65 F.

Surgeon Corfield, from 17 F. with Surgeon Maxton, h. p. 38. F.

Staff Surg. Thompson, from full pay, with Surg. Dakers, h. p.

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