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so accordingly, to the extent of my ability, both in the journey to Schonwaldt, and through the subsequent scenes which took place. I understood the instructions of the King to be honourable, and I executed them honourably; had they been of a different tenor, they would not have suited one of my name or



Fier comme un Ecossois," said Charles, who, however disappointed at the tenor of Durward's reply, was not unjust enough to blame him for his boldness. But hark thee, Archer, what instructions were those which made thee, as some sad fugitives from Schonwaldt have informed us, parade the streets of Liege, at the head of these mutineers, who afterwards cruelly murdered their temporal Prince and spiritual Father? And what harangue was it which thou didst make after that murder was committed, in which you took upon you, as agent for Louis, to assume authority among the villains who had just perpetrated so great a crime?"


inferior nobility employed pursuivants, a lower rank of officers-at-arms. It may be also noticed in passing, that Louis XI., an habitual derider of whatever did not promise real power or substantial advantage, was in especial a professed contemner of heralds and heraldry, "red, blue, and green, with all their trumpery," to which the pride of his rival Charles, which was of a very different kind, attached no small degree of ceremonious importance.

The herald, who was now introduced into the presence of the monarchs, was dressed in a tabard, or coat, embroidered with the arms of his master, in which the Boar's-head made a distinguished appearance, in blazonry, which, in the opinion of the skil ful, was more showy than accurate. The rest of his dress-a dress always sufficiently tawdry-was overcharged with lace, embroidery, and ornament of every kind; and the plume of feathers which he wore was so high, as if intended to sweep the roof of the hall. In short, the usual gaudy splendour of the heraldic attire was caricatured and overdone. The Boar's-head was not only repeated on every part of his dress, but even his bonnet was formed into that shape, and it was represented with gory tongue and bloody tusks, or, in proper language, langed and dentated gules; and there was something in the man's appearance which seemed to imply a mixture of boldness and apprehension, like one who has undertaken a dangerous commission, and is sensible that audacity alone can carry him through

My lord," said Quentin, there are many who could testify, that I assumed not the character of an envoy of France in the town of Liege, but had it fixed upon me by the obstinate clamours of the people themselves, who refused to give credit to any disclamation which I could make. This I told to those in the service of the Bishop when I had made my escape from the city, and recommended their attention to the security of the Castle, which might have prevented the calamity and horror of the succeeding night. It is, no doubt, true, that I did, in the ex-it with safety. Something of the same mixture of tremity of danger, avail myself of the influence which my imputed character gave me, to save the Countess Isabelle, to protect my own life, and, so far as I could, to rein in the humour for slaughter, which had already broke out in so dreadful an instance. I repeat, and will maintain it with my body, that I had no commission of any kind from the King of France, respecting the people of Liege, far less instructions to instigate them to mutiny; and that, finally, when I did avail myself of that imputed character, it was as if I had snatched up a shield to protect myself in a moment of emergency, and used it, as I should surely have done, for the defence of myself and others, without inquiring whether I had a right to the heraldic emblazonments which it displayed."

"And therein my young companion and prisoner," said Crèvecœur, unable any longer to remain silent, "acted with equal spirit and good sense; and his doing so cannot justly be imputed as blame to King Louis."

There was a murmur of assent among the surrounding nobility which sounded joyfully in the ears of King Louis, whilst it gave no little offence to Charles. He rolled his eyes angrily around; and the sentiments, so generally expressed by so many of his highest vassals and wisest counsellors, would not perhaps have prevented his giving way to his violent and despotic temper, had not Des Comines, who foresaw the danger, prevented it, by suddenly announcing a herald from the city of Liege.

"A herald from weavers and nailers?" exclaimed the Duke-"but, admit him instantly. By Our Lady, I will learn from this same herald something further of his employers' hopes and projects, than this young French-Scottish man-at-arms seems desirous to tell me!"

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Prospero. Let them be hunted soundly.

fear and effrontery was visible in the manner in which he paid his respects, and he showed also a grotesque awkwardness, not usual amongst those who were accustomed to be received in the presence of princes.

'Who art thou, in the devil's name?" was the greeting with which Charles the Bold received this singular envoy.

"I am Rouge Sanglier," answered the herald, "the officer-at-arms of William de la Marck, by the grace of God, and the election of the Chapter, Prince Bishop of Liege."

"Ha!" exclaimed Charles; but, as if subduing his own passion, he made a sign to him to proceed. "And, in right of his wife, the Honourable Countess Hameline of Croye, Count of Croye, and Lord of Bracquemont".

The utter astonishment of Duke Charles at the extremity of boldness with which these titles were announced in his presence, seemed to strike him dumb; and the herald, conceiving, doubtless, that he had made a suitable impression by the annunciation of his character, proceeded to state his errand.

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Annuncio vobis gaudium magnum," he said; "I let you, Charles of Burgundy and Earl of Flanders, to know, in my master's name, that under favour of a dispensation of our Holy Father of Rome, presently expected, and appointing a fitting substitute ad sacra, he proposes to exercise at once the office of Prince Bishop, and maintain the rights of Count of Croye."

The Duke of Burgundy, at this and other pauses in the herald's speech, only ejaculated "Ha!" or some similar interjection, without making any answer; and the tone of exclamation was that of one who, though surprised and moved, is willing to hear all that is to be said ere he commits himself by making an answer. To the further astonishment of all who were present, he forebore from his usual abrupt and violent gesticulations, remaining with the nail of his thumb pressed against his teeth, which was his favourite attitude when giving attention, and keeping his eyes bent on the ground, as if unwilling to betray the passion which might gleam in them.

The Tempest. THERE was room made in the assembly, and no small curiosity evinced by those present to see the The envoy, therefore, proceeded boldly and unherald whom the insurgent Liegeois had ventured to abashed in the delivery of his message. "In the send to so haughty a Prince as the Duke of Bur-name, therefore, of the Prince Bishop of Liege, and gundy, while in such high indignation against them. For it must be remembered, that at this period heralds were only dispatched from sovereign princes to each other upon solemn occasions; and that the

Count of Croye, I am to require of you, Duke Charles, to desist from those pretensions and encroachments which you have made on the free and imperial city ⚫ For a remarkable instance of this, see note, p. 125.

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"By my bauble," said Le Glorieux, "if the cat re- | Hyke a Talbot! hyke a Beaumont!-We will course semble Burgundy, she has the right side of the grat- him from the door of the Castle to the east gate." ing now-a-days." "I trust your Grace will treat me as a beast of chase," said the fellow, putting the best face he could upon the matter, "and allow me fair law?"

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True, good fellow," said Louis, laughing, while the rest of the presence, and even Charles himself, seemed disconcerted at so broad a jest," I owe Thou art but vermin," said the Duke, "and enthee a piece of gold for turning something that look-titled to no law, by the letter of the book of hunting; ed like sad earnest, into the merry game which I nevertheless thou shalt have sixty yards in adtrust it will end in." vance, were it but for the sake of thy unparalleled impudence.-Away, away, sirs-we will see this sport."-And the council breaking up tumultuously, all hurried, none faster than the two Princes, to enjoy the humane pastime which King Louis had suggested.

"Silence, Le Glorieux," said the Duke; "and you, Toison d'Or, who are too learned to be intelligible, stand back, and bring that rascal forward, some of you.-Hark ye, villain," he said, in his harshest tone, do you know the difference betwen argent and or, except in the shape of coined money?"

"For pity's sake, your Grace, be good unto me! -Noble King Louis, speak for me!"

Speak for thyself," said the Duke-"In a word, art thou herald or not?"

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Now, by St. George!" said the Duke, eyeing Louis askance, we know no king-no gentleman -save one, who would have so prostituted the noble science on which royalty and gentry rest! save that King, who sent to Edward of England a serving man disguised as a herald."*

"Such a stratagem," said Louis, laughing or affecting to laugh, "could only be justified at a Court where no heralds were at the time, and when the emergency was urgent. But, though it might have passed on the blunt and thick-witted islander, no one with brains a whit better than those of a wild boar would have thought of passing such a trick upon the accomplished Court of Burgundy."

The Rouge Sanglier showed excellent sport; for, winged with terror, and having half a score of fierce boar-hounds hard at his haunches, encouraged by the blowing of horns and the woodland cheer of the hunters, he flew like the very wind, and had he not been encumbered with his herald's coat, (the worst possible habit for a runner,) he might fairly have escaped dog-free; he also doubled once or twice, in a manner much approved of by the spectators. None of these, nay, not even Charles himself, was so delighted with the sport as King, Louis, who, partly from political considerations, and partly as being naturally pleased with the sight of human suffering when ludicrously exhibited, laughed till the tears ran from his eyes, and in his ecstasies of rapture, caught hold of the Duke's ermine cloak, as if to support himself; whilst the Duke, no less delighted, flung his arm around the King's shoulder, making thus an exhibition of confidential sympathy and familiarity, very much at variance with the terms on which they had so lately stood together.

Send him who will," said the Duke, fiercely, "he shall return on their hands in poor case.-Here! drag him to the market-place!-slash him with bridlereins and dog-whips until the tabard hang about him in tatters!-Upon the Rouge Sanglier!-ça, ça !-out-"Stave and tail!-stave and tail!-Take them Haloo, haloo!"

At length the speed of the pseudo-herald could save him no longer from the fangs of his pursuers; they seized him, pulled him down, and would probably soon have throttled him, had not the Duke called off him!-He hath shown so good a course, that, though he has made no sport at bay, we will not have

Four or five large hounds, such as are painted in the hunting-pieces upon which Reubens and Schnei-him dispatched." ders laboured in conjunction, caught the well-known notes with which the Duke concluded, and began to yell and bay as if the boar were just roused from his lair.

"By the rood!" said King Louis, observant to catch the vein of his dangerous cousin, "since the ass has put on the boar's hide, I would set the dogs on him to bait him out of it!""

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Right! right" exclaimed Duke Charles, the fancy exactly chiming in with his humour at the moment--"it shall be done!-uncouple the hounds!

• Disguised Herald.-The heralds of the middle ages, like the feciales of the Romans, were invested with a character which was held almost sacred. To strike a herald was a crime which inferred a capital punishment; and to counterfeit the character of such an august official was a degree of treason towards those men who were accounted the depositaries of the secrets of monarchs and the honour of nobles. Yet a prince so unscrupulous as Louis XI. did not hesitate to practise such an imposition, when he wished to enter into communication with Edward IV. of England.

Exercising that knowledge of mankind for which he was so eminent, he selected, as an agent fit for his purpose, a simple valet. This man, whose address had been known to him, he disguised as a herald, with all the insignia of his office, and sent him in that capacity to open a communication with the English army. Two things are remarkable in this transaction. First, that the stratagem, though of so fraudulent a nature, does not seem to have been necessarily called for, since all that King Louis could gain by it would be, that he did not commit himself by sending a more responsible messenger. The other circumstance worthy of notice, is, that Comines, though he mentions the affair at great length, is so pleased with the King's shrewdness in selecting, and dexterity at indoctrinating, his pseudo-herald, that he forgets all remark on the impudence and fraud of the imposition, as well as the great risk of discovery. From both which circumstances, we are led to the conclusion, that the solemn character which the heralds endeavoured to arrogate to themselves, had already begun to lose regard among statesmen and men of the great world. Even Ferne, zealous enough for the dignity of the herald, seems to impute this intrusion on their rights in some degree to necessity. "I have heard some," he says, "but with shame enough, allow of the action of Louis XI. of the kingdom of France, who had so unknightly a regard both of his own honour, and also of armes, that he seldom had about his court any of ficer-at-armes. And therefore, at such time as Edward IV., King of England had entered France with a hostile power, and lay be

Several officers accordingly busied themselves in taking off the dogs; and they were soon seen coupling some up, and pursuing others which ran through the streets, shaking in sport and triumph the tattered fragments of painted cloth and embroidery rent from the tabard, which the unfortunate wearer had put on in an unlucky hour.

At this moment, and while the Duke was too much engaged with what passed before him to mind what was said behind him, Oliver le Dain, gliding behind King Louis, whispered into his ear,-"It is the Bohefore the town of Saint Quentin, the same French King, for want of a herald to carry his mind to the English King, was con strained to suborn a vadelict, or common serving man, with a trumpet-banner, having a hole made through the middest for this preposterous herauld to put his head through, and to cast it over his shoulders instead of a better court-armour of France. And thus came this hastily-arrayed courier as a counterfeit of ficer-at-armes, with instructions from his sovereign's mouth to offer peace to our King. Well,' replies Torquatus, the other interlocutor in the dialogue, that fault was never yet to be seen in any of our English Kings, nor ever shall be, I hope.'' FERNE'S Blazen of Gentry, 1586, p. 161.

In this curious book, the author, besides some assertions in favour of coat-armour, too nearly approaching blasphemy to be quoted, informs us, that the Apostles were gentlemen of blood, and many of them descended from that worthy conqueror, Judas Maccabæus; but through the course of time and persecution of wars, poverty oppressed the kindred, and they were constrained to servile works. So were the four doctors and fathers of the church (Ambrose, Augustine, Hierome, and Gregorie) gentlemen both of blood and arms, p. 98. The author's copy of this rare tract (memorial of a hopeful young friend, now no more) exhibits a curious sally of the national and professional irritability of a Scottish herald.

This person appears to have been named Thomas Drysdale, Islay Herald, who purchased the volume in 1619, and seems to have perused it with patience and profit till he came to the following passage in Ferne, which enters into the distinction between sovereign and feudatory crowns. "There is also a King, and he a homager, or fadatorie to the estate and majestie of another King, as to his superior lord, as that of Scotland to our English empire." This assertion set on fire the Scottish blood of Islay Herald, who, forgetting the book had been printed nearly forty years before, and that the author was probably dead, writes on the margin in great wrath, and in a half text hand, "He is a traitor and lyar in his throat, and I offer him the combat, that says Scotland's Kings were ever feudatorie to England."

mian, Hayraddin Maugrabin-It were not well he
should come to speech of the Duke."

"He must die," answered Louis, in the same tone
dead men tell no tales."

One instant afterwards, Tristan l'Hermite, to whom Oliver had given the hint, stepped forward before the King and the Duke, and said, in his blunt manner, So please your Majesty and your Grace, this piece of game is mine, and I claim him-he is marked with my stamp-the fleur-de-lis is branded on his shoulder, as all men may see. He is a known villain, and hath slain the King's subjects, robbed churches, deflowered virgins, slain deer in the royal parks"

Enough, enough," said Duke Charles, "he is my royal cousin's property by many a good title. What will your Majesty do with him?"

"If he is left to my disposal," said the King, "I will at least give him one lesson in the science of heraldry, in which he is so ignorant-only explain to him practically, the meaning of a cross potence, with a noose dangling proper."

"Not as to be by him borne, but as to bear him. -Let him take the degrees under your gossip Tristan -he is a deep professor in such mysteries."



yield up this matter, and let us speak rather of the towns on the Somme."

My council will talk to your Majesty of these," quisition of territory, than the redress of injuries, said Charles; "I myself have less at heart the acYou have tampered with my vassals, and your royal pleasure must needs dispose of the hand of a Ward of Burgundy. Your Majesty must bestow it within the pale of your own royal family, since you have meddled with it-otherwise, our conference breaks off."

"Were I to say I did this willingly," said the King, cousin, judge of the extent of my wish to oblige you, no one would believe me; therefore do you, my fair when I say, most reluctantly, that the parties contained, my own objections shall be no bar to this senting, and a dispensation from the Pope being obmatch which you propose."

ters," said the Duke, " and we are once more cousins "All besides can be easily settled by our Minisand friends."

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Nay, nay," said the Duke, "that is more than is needful, or may be advisable. The presence of your Scottish Guard, and two hundred choice lances, will serve to show that you are a free agent. A large army might"

"Make me so in effect, you would say, my fair cousin ?" said the King." Well, you shall dictate the numbers of my attendants."

"And to put this fair cause of mischief out of the way, you will agree to the Countess Isabelle of Croye wedding with the Duke of Orleans?"

"Fair cousin," said the King, "you drive my acorn; and placing the wretched criminal on a bank. They were not long in finding an oak, as PetitAndré facetiously expressed it, fit to bear such an courtesy to extremity. The Duke is the betrothed under a sufficient guard, they began their extembridegroom of my daughter Joan. Be generous-poraneous preparations for the final catastrophe. At

that moment, Hayraddin, gazing on the crowd, | man should speak, as he still remained silent, Quenencountered the eyes of Quentin Durward, who, tin at length addressed him, " And to this conclusion thinking he recognised the countenance of his faith- thou hast at length arrived?" less guide in that of the detected impostor, had followed with the crowd to witness the execution, and assure himself of the identity.

When the executioners informed him that all was ready, Hayraddin, with much calmness, asked a single boon at their hands.

Any thing, my son, consistent with our office," said Trois-Eschelles.

"That is," said Hayraddin, "any thing but my life."

"Even so," said Trois-Eschelles, "and something more; for as you seem resolved to do credit to our mystery, and die like a man, without making wry mouths-why, though our orders are to be prompt, I care not if I indulge you ten minutes longer."


Ay," answered Hayraddin, "it required neither astrologer, nor physiognomist, nor chiromantist, to foretel that I should follow the destiny of my family."

"Brought to this early end by thy long course of crime and treachery!" said the Scot.

"No, by the bright Aldeboran and all his brother twinklers!" answered the Bohemian. "I am brought hither by my folly, in believing that the bloodthirsty cruelty of a Frank could be restrained even by what they themselves profess to hold most sacred. A priest's vestment would have been no safer garb for me than a herald's tabard, however sanctimonious are your professions of devotion and chivalry." "A detected impostor has no right to claim the immunities of the disguise he had usurved.' Durward.


"Detected!" said the Bohemian. "My jargon was as good as yonder old fool of a herald's;-but let it pass. As well now as hereafter."

"You are even too generous," said Hayraddin. "Truly we may be blamed for it," said PetitAndré; "but what of that ?-I could consent almost to give my life for such a jerry-come-tumble, such a smart, tight, firm lad, who proposes to come from aloft with a grace, as an honest fellow should do." "You abuse time," said Quentin. "If you have So that if you want a confessor," said Trois-aught to tell me, say it quickly, and then take some Eschellescare of your soul."

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"Or a lire of wine," said his facetious companion

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Or a psalm," said Tragedy

Or a song," said Comedy

"Neither, my good, kind, and most expeditious friends," said the Bohemian-"I only pray to speak a few minutes with yonder Archer of the Scottish Guard."

The executioners hesitated a moment; but TroisEschelles recollecting that Quentin Durward was believed, from various circumstances, to stand high in the favour of their master, King Louis, they resolved to permit the interview.

"Of my soul?" said the Bohemian, with a hideous laugh. Think ye a leprosy of twenty years can be cured in an instant?-If I have a soul, it hath been in such a course since I was ten years old and more, that it would take me one month to recall all my crimes, and another to tell them to the priest ;-and were such space granted me, it is five to one I would employ it otherwise."

Hardened wretch, blaspheme not! Tell me what thou hast to say, and I leave thee to thy fate," said Durward, with mingled pity and horror.

"I have a boon to ask," said Hayraddin,-"but first I will buy it of you; for your tribe, with all their professions of charity, give nought for nought."

When Quentin, at their summons, approached the condemned criminal, he could not but be shocked at "I could well nigh say thy gifts perish with thee," his appearance, however justly his doom might have answered Quentin, "but that thou art on the very been deserved. The remnants of his heraldic finery, verge of eternity.-Ask thy boon-reserve thy bounty rent to tatters by the fangs of the dogs, and the-it can do me no good-I remember enough of your clutches of the bipeds who had rescued him from good offices of old." their fury to lead him to the gallows, gave him at "Why, I loved you," said Hayraddin, "for the once a ludicrous and a wretched appearance. His matter that chanced on the banks of the Cher; and face was discoloured with paint, and with some rem-I would have helped you to a wealthy dame. You nants of a fictitious beard, assumed for the purpose of disguise, and there was the paleness of death upon his cheek and upon his lip; yet, strong in passive courage, like most of his tribe, his eye, while it glistened and wandered, as well as the contorted smile of his mouth, seemed to bid defiance to the death he was about to die.

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wore her scarf, which partly misled me; and indeed I thought that Hameline with her portable wealth, was more for your market-penny than the other hen sparrow, with her old roost at Bracquemont, which Charles has clutched, and is likely to keep his claws upon."

"Talk not so idly, unhappy man," said Quentin; "yonder officers become impatient."

"Give them ten gilders for ten minutes more," said the culprit,-who, like most in his situation, mixed with his hardihood a desire of procrastinating his fate, -"I tell thee it shall avail thee much."

"Use then well the minutes so purchased," said Durward, and easily made a new bargain with the Marshal's men.

This done, Hayraddin continued.-"Yes, I assure you I meant you well; and Hameline would have proved an easy and convenient spouse. Why, she has reconciled herself even with the Boar of Ardennes, though his mode of wooing was somewhat of the roughest, and lords it yonder in his sty, as if she had fed on mast-husks and acorns all her life."

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"Cease this brutal and untimely jesting," said Quentin, or, once more I tell you, I will leave you to your fate.'

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You are right," said Hayraddin, after a moment's pause; what cannot be postponed must be faced! let-Well, know then, I came hither in this accursed disguise, moved by a great reward from De la Marck, and hoping a yet mightier one from King Louis, not merely to bear the message of defiance which you may have heard of, but to tell the King an important secret.'

"Pay the blood-hounds their fee," said Hayraddin to Durward; "I was plundered of every stiver when they took me-it shall avail thee much."

Quentin paid the executioners their guerdon, and, like men of promise, they retreated out of hearingkeeping, however, a careful eye on the criminal's motions. After waiting an instant till the unhappy


"It was a fearful risk," said Durward.

"It was paid for as such, and such it hath proved," answered the Bohemian. "De la Marck attempted

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