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machinery of the little timepiece.-But the upshot of reply, he adopted my mother's phraseology, to inform the whole is this. Harry Jekyl, who is as sharp a her, that if there was a whore and bastard connected fellow as any other, thinks he has his friend Lord with his house, it was herself and her brat. Etherington at a dead lock, and that he knows "I was even then a sharp little fellow, and was inalready so much of the said noble lord's history as credibly struck with the communication, which, in to oblige his lordship to tell him the whole. And this hour of ungovernable irritation, had escaped my perhaps he not unreasonably concludes, that the cus- right honourable father. It is true, he instantly tody of a whole secret is more creditable, and probably gathered himself up again; and, he perhaps recolmore lucrative, than that of a half one; and, in short, lecting such a word as bigamy, and my mother, on he is resolved to make the most of the cards in his her side, considering the consequences of such a thing hand. Another, mine honest Harry, would take the as a descent from the Countess of Etherington into trouble to recall to your mind past times and circum- Mrs. Bulmer, neither wife, maid, nor widow, there stances, and conclude with expressing an humble was an apparent reconciliation between them, which opinion, that if Harry Jekyl were asked now to do lasted for some time. But the speech remained any service for the noble lord aforesaid, Harry had deeply imprinted on my remembrance; the more so, got his reward in his pocket aforehand. But I do not that once, when I was exerting over my friend Francis argue thus, because I would rather be leagued with a Tyrrel, the authority of a legitimate brother, and Lord friend who assists me with a view to future profit, Oakendale, old Cecil, my father's confidential valet, than from respect to benefits already received. The was so much scandalized, as to intimate a possibility first lies like the fox's scent when on his last legs, that we might one day change conditions. These two increasing every moment; the other is a back-scent, accidental communications seemed to me a key to growing colder the longer you follow it, until at last certain long lectures, with which my father used to it becomes impossible to puzzle it out. I will there-regale us boys, but me in particular, upon the extreme fore, submit to circumstances, and tell you the whole mutability of human affairs,-the disappointment of story, though somewhat tedious, in hopes that I can the best-grounded hopes and expectations, and the conclude with such a trail as you will open upon necessity of being so accomplished in all useful breast-high. branches of knowledge, as might, in case of accidents, "Thus then it was.-Francis, fifth Earl of Ether-supply any defalcation in our rank and fortune;-as ington, and my much-honoured father, was what is if any art or science could make amends for the loss called a very eccentric man-that is, he was neither of an Earldom, and twelve thousand a-year! All a wise man nor a fool-had too much sense to walk this prosing seemed to my anxious mind designed to into a well, and yet in some of the furious fits which prepare me for some unfortunate change; and when he was visited with, I have seen him quite mad enough I was old enough to make such private inquiries as to throw any one else into it.-Men said there was a lay in iny power, I became still more persuaded that lurking insanity-but it is an ill bird, &c., and I will my right honourable father nourished some thoughts say no more about it. This shatterbrained peer was, of making an honest woman of Marie de Martigny, in other respects, a handsome accomplished man, and a legitimate elder brother of Francis, after his with an expression somewhat haughty, yet singularly death at least, if not during his life. I was the more pleasing when he chose it-a man, in short, who convinced of this, when a little affair, which I chanced might push his fortune with the fair sex. to have with the daughter of my Tu- drew down "Lord Etherington, such as I have described him, my father's wrath upon me in great abundance, and being upon his travels in France, formed an attach-occasioned my being banished to Scotland, along ment of the heart-ay, and some have pretended, of with my brother, under a very poor allowance, withthe hand also, with a certain beautiful orphan, Marie out introductions, except to one steady, or call it rusty, de Martigny. Of this union is said to have sprung old Professor, and with the charge that I should not (for I am determined not to be certain on that point) assume the title of Lord Oakendale, but content mythat most incommodious person, Francis Tyrrel, as he self with my maternal grandfather's name of Valentine calls himself, but as I would rather call him, Francis Bulmer, that of Francis Tyrrel being pre-occupied. Martigny; the latter suiting my views, as perhaps the former name agrees better with his pretensions. Now, I am too good a son to subscribe to the alleged regularity of the marriage between my right honourable and very good lord father, because my said right honourable and very good lord did, on his return to England, become wedded in the face of the church, to my very affectionate and well-endowed mother, Ann Bulmer of Bulmer-hall, from which happy union sprung I, Francis Valentine Bulmer Tyrrel, lawful inheritor of my father and mother's joint estates, as I was the proud possessor of their ancient names. But the noble and wealthy pair, though blessed with such a pledge of love as myself, lived mighty ill together, and the rather, when my right honourable_father, sending for this other Sosia, this unlucky Francis Tyrrel, senior, from France, insisted, in the face of propriety, that he should reside in his house, and share, in all respects, in the opportunities of education by which the real Sosia, Francis Valentine Bulmer Tyrrel, then commonly called Lord Oakendale, hath profited in such an uncommon degree.

"Various were the matrimonial quarrels which arose between the honoured lord and lady, in consequence of this unseemly conjunction of the legitimate and illegitimate; and to these, we, the subjects of the dispute, were sometimes very properly, as well as decorously, made the witnesses. On one occasion, my right honourable mother, who was a free spoken lady, found the language of her own rank quite inadequate to express the strength of her generous feelings, and borrowing from the vulgar two emphatic words, applied them to Marie de Martigny, and her son Francis Tyrrel. Never did Earl that ever wore coronet fly into a pitch of more uncontrollable rage, than did my right honourable father: and in the ardour of his

"Upon this occasion, notwithstanding the fear which I entertained of my father's passionate temper, I did venture to say, that since I was to resign my title, I thought I had a right to keep my family name, and that my brother might take his mother's. I wish you had seen the look of rage with which way father regarded me when I gave him this spirited hint. Thou art,' he said, and paused, as if to find out the bitterest epithet to supply the blank-thou art thy mother's child, and her perfect picture'-(this seemed the severest reproach that occurred to him.)-Bear her name then, and bear it with patience and in secrecy; or, I here give you my word, you shall never bear another the whole days of your life.' This sealed my mouth with a witness; and then, in allusion to my flirtation with the daughter of my Tu aforesaid, he enlarged on the folly and iniquity of private marriages, warned me that in the country I was going to, the matrimonial noose often lies hid under flowers, and that folks find it twitched round their neck when they least expect such a cravat; assured me, that he had very particular views for settling Francis and me in life, and that he would forgive neither of us who should, by any such rash entanglements, render them unavailing.

"This last minatory admonition was the more tolerable, that my rival had his share of it; and so we were bundled off to Scotland, coupled up like two pointers in a dog-cart, and-I can speak for one at least-with much the same uncordial feelings towards each other. I often, indeed, detected Francis looking at me with a singular expression, as of pity and anxiety, and once or twice he seemed disposed to enter on something respecting the situation in which we stood towards each other; but I felt no desire to encourage his confidence. Mean time, as we were

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called, by our father's directions, not brother's but time,) and the simplicity of its inhabitants, seemed to cousins, so we came to bear towards each other the render these excursions perfectly safe. Francis, happy habits of companionship, though scarcely of friend- dog, became the companion of the damsels on such ship. What Francis thought, I know not; for my occasions through the following accident. Miss Mowpart, I must confess, that I lay by on the watch for bray had dressed herself and her companion like some opportunity when I might mend my own situa- country wenches, with a view to surprise the family tion with my father, though at the prejudice of my of one of their better sort of farmers. They had acrival. And Fortune, while she seemed to prevent complished their purpose greatly to their satisfaction, such an opportunity, involved us both in one of the and were hying home after sunset, when they were strangest and most entangled mazes that her capri- encountered by a country fellow-a sort of Harry cious divinityship ever wove, and out of which I am Jekyl in his way-who, being equipped with a glass even now struggling, by sleight or force, to extricate or two of whisky, saw not the nobility of blood myself. I can hardly help wondering, even yet, at the through her disguise, and accosted the daughter of a odd conjunction, which has produced such an intri-hundred sires as he would have done a ewe-milker. cacy of complicated incidents. Miss Mowbray remonstrated-her companion scream"My father was a great sportsman, and Francised-up came cousin Francis with a fowlingpiece on and I had both inherited his taste for field-sports; his shoulder, and soon put the silvan to flight. but I in a keener and more ecstatic degree. Edinburgh, which is a tolerable residence in winter and spring, becomes disagreeable in summer, and in autumn is the most melancholy sejour that ever poor mortals were condemned to. No public places are open, no inhabitant of any consideration remains in the town; those who cannot get away, hide themselves in obscure corners, as if ashamed to be seen in the streets. The gentry go to their country-housesthe citizens to their sea-bathing quarters-the lawyers to their circuits the writers to visit their country clients-and all the world to the moors to shoot grouse. We, who felt the indignity of remaining in town during this deserted season, obtained, with some difficulty, permission from the Earl to betake ourselves to any obscure corner, and shoot grouse, if we could get leave to do so on our general character of English students at the University of Edinburgh, without quoting any thing more.

"This was the beginning of an acquaintance, which had gone great lengths before I found it out. The fair Clara, it seems, found it safer to roam in the woods with an escort than alone, and my studious and sentimental relative was almost her constant companion. At their age, it was likely that some time might pass ere they came to understand each other; but full confidence and intimacy was established between them ere I heard of their amour.

"And here, Harry, I must pause till next morning, and send you the conclusion under a separate cover. The rap which I had over the elbow the other day, is still tingling at the end of my fingers, and you must not be critical with my manuscript."


-Must I then ravel out
My weaved up follies 7-


"The first year of our banishment we went to the neighbourhood of the Highlands; but finding our sport interrupted by gamekeepers and their gillies, "I RESUME my pen, Harry, to mention, without on the second occasion we established ourselves at attempting to describe my surprise, that Francis, this little village of St. Ronan's, where there were compelled by circumstances, made me the confidant then no Spa, no fine people, no card tables, no of his love-intrigue. My grave cousin in love, and quizzes, excepting the old quiz of a landlady with very much in the mind of approaching the perilous whom we lodged. We found the place much to our verge of clandestine marriage-he who used every mind; the old landlady had interest with some old now and then, not much to the improvement of our fellow, agent of a non-residing nobleman, who gave cordial regard, to lecture me upon filial duty, just upus permission to sport over his moors, of which I on the point of slipping the bridle himself! I could availed myself keenly, and Francis with more moder- not for my life tell whether surprise, or a feeling of ation. He was, indeed, of a grave musing sort of mischievous satisfaction, was predominant. I tried habit, and often preferred solitary walks, in the wild to talk to him as he used to talk to me; but I had not and beautiful scenery with which the village is sur-the gift of persuasion, or he the power of understandrounded, to the use of the gun. He was attached to ing the words of wisdom. He insisted our situation fishing, moreover, that dullest of human amusements, was different-that his unhappy birth, as he termed and this also tended to keep us considerably apart. it, freed him at least from dependence on his father's This gave me rather pleasure than concern;-not absolute will-that he had, by bequest from some relathat I hated Francis at that time; nay, not that I tive of his mother, a moderate competence, which greatly disliked his society; but merely because it Miss Mowbray had consented to share with him; in was unpleasant to be always with one, whose for- fine, that he desired not my counsel but my assisttunes I looked upon as standing in direct opposition ance. A moment's consideration convinced me, that to my own. I also rather despised the indifference I should be unkind, not to him only, but to myself, about sport, which indeed seemed to grow upon him; unless I gave him all the backing I could in this his but my gentleman had better taste than I was aware most dutiful scheme. I recollected our right honourof. If he sought no grouse on the hill, he had flushed able father's denunciations against Scottish mara pheasant in the wood. riages, and secret marriages of all sorts,-denunciations perhaps not the less vehement, that he might feel some secret prick of conscience on the subject himself. I remembered that my grave brother had always been a favourite, and I forgot not-how was it possible I could forget-those ominous expressions, which intimated a possibility of the hereditary estate and honours being transferred to the elder, instead of the younger son. Now, it required no conjurer to foresee, that should Francis commit this inexpiable crime of secretly allying himself with a Scottish beauty, our sire would lose all wish to accomplish such a transference in his favour; and while my brother's merits were altogether obscured by such an unpardonable act of disobedience, my own, no longer overshadowed by prejudice or partiality, would shine forth in all their natural brilliancy. These considerations, which flashed on me with the rapidity of lightning, induced me to consent to hold Frank's backhand during the perilous game he proposed to play. I had only to take care that my own share in the

'Clara Mowbray, daughter of the Lord of the more picturesque than wealthy domain of St. Ronan's, was at that time scarce sixteen years old, and as wild and beautiful a woodland nymph as the imagination can fancy-simple as a child in all that concerned the world and its ways, acute as a needle in every point of knowledge which she had found an opportunity of becoming acquainted with; fearing harm from no one, and with a lively and natural strain of wit, which brought amusement and gayety wherever she came. Her notions were under no restraint, save that of her own inclination; for her father, though a cross, peevish, old man, was confined to his chair with the gout, and her only companion, a girl of somewhat inferior caste, bred up in the utmost deference to Miss Mowbray's fancies, served for company indeed in her strolls through the wild country on foot and horseback, but never thought of interfering with her will and pleasure.

"The extreme loneliness of the country, (at that

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"When all this was arranged, save the actual appointment of the day, you cannot conceive the happiness and the gratitude of my sage brother. He looked upon himself as approaching to the seventh heaven, VOL. IV.-3 Q

plexities, it suddenly occurred to my adventurous heart | leased me by leaving the room. He spoke of my and contriving brain-what if I should personate the father's resentment, should this enterprise reach his bridegroom?-This strange thought, you will recol- ears-of the revenge of Mowbray of St. Ronan's, lect, occurred to a very youthful brain-it was ban- whose nature was both haughty and rugged-of risk ished-it returned-returned again and again-was from the laws of the country, and God knows what viewed under every different shape became familiar-bugbears besides, which, at a more advanced age, I was adopted. It was easy to fix the appointment with would have laughed at. In a word, I sealed the caClara and the clergyman, for I managed the whole pitulation, vowed perpetual absence, and banished correspondence-the resemblance between Francis myself, as they say in this country, forth of Scotland. and me in stature and in proportion-the disguise 'And here, Harry, observe and respect my genius. which we were to assume the darkness of the Every circumstance was against me in this negotiachurch-the hurry of the moment-might, I trusted, tion. I had been the aggressor in the war; I was prevent Clara from recognising me. To the minister wounded, and, it might be said, a prisoner in my anI had only to say, that, though I had hitherto talked tagonist's hands; yet I could so far avail myself of of a friend, I myself was the happy man. My first Monsieur Martigny's greater eagerness for peace, that name was Francis as well as his; and I had found I clogged the treaty with a condition highly advantaClara so gentle, so confiding, so flatteringly cordial geous to myself, and equally unfavourable to him.— in her intercourse with me, that, once within my pow- Said Mr. Francis Martigny was to take upon himself er, and prevented from receding by shame, and a the burden of my right honourable father's displeathousand contradictory feelings, I had, with the vanity sure; and our separation, which was certain to give of an amoureux de seize ans, the confidence to be- immense offence, was to be represented as his work, lieve I could reconcile the fair lady to the exchange. not as mine. I insisted, tender-hearted, dutiful soul, "There certainly never came such a thought into a as I was, that I would consent to no measure which madcap's brain; and, what is more extraordinary was to bring down papa's displeasure. This was a but that you already know-it was so far successful, sine qua non in our negotiation. that the marriage ceremony was performed between us in the presence of a servant of mine, Clara's accommodating companion, and the priest.-We got into the carriage, and were a mile from the church, when my unlucky or lucky brother stopped the chaise by force through what means he had obtained knowledge of my little trick, I never have been able to learn. Solmes has been faithful to me in too many instances, that I should suspect him in this important crisis. I jumped out of the carriage, pitched fraternity to the devil, and, betwixt desperation and something very like shame, began to cut away with a couteau de chasse, which I had provided in case of necessity. All was in vain-I was hustled down under the wheel of the carriage, and, the horses taking fright, it went over my body.

'Voila ce que c'est d'avoir des talens !' "Monsieur Francis would, I suppose, have taken the world on his shoulders, to have placed an eternal separation betwixt his turtle dove and the falcon who had made so bold a pounce at her.-What he wrote to my father, I know not; as for myself, in all duty, I represented the bad state of my health from an accident, and that my brother and companion having been suddenly called from me by some cause which he had not explained, I had thought it necessary to get to London for the best advice, and only waited his lordship's permission to return to the paternal mansion. This I soon received, and found, as I expected, that he was in towering wrath against my brother, for his disobedience; and, after some time, I even had "Here ends my narrative; for I neither heard nor reason to think, (as how could it be otherwise, saw more until I found myself stretched on a sick-bed Harry?) that, on becoming better acquainted with many miles from the scene of action, and Solmes en- the merits and amiable manners of his apparent heir, gaged in attending on me. In answer to my passion-he lost any desire which he might formerly have enate inquiries, he briefly informed me, that Master tertained, of accomplishing any change in my circumFrancis had sent back the young lady to her own stances in relation to the world. Perhaps the old dwelling, and that she appeared to be extremely ill in peer turned a little ashamed of his own conduct, and consequence of the alarm she had sustained. My dared not aver to the congregation of the righteous, own health, he assured me, was considered as very (for he became saintly in his latter days,) the very precarious, and added, that Tyrrel, who was in the pretty frolics which he seems to have been guilty of in same house, was in the utmost perturbation on my his youth. Perhaps, also, the death of my right honaccount. The very mention of his name brought on a ourable mother operated in my favour, since, while crisis in which I brought up much blood; and it is she lived, my chance was the worse-there is no saysingular that the physician who attended me-a grave ing what a man will do to spite his wife.-Enough, gentleman, with a wig-considered that this was of he died-slept with his right honourable fathers, and service to me. I know it frightened me heartily, and I became, without opposition, Right Honourable in prepared me for a visit from Master Frank, which I his stead. endured with a tameness he would not have experienced, had the usual current of blood flowed in my veins. But sickness and the lancet make one very tolerant of sermonizing.-At last, in consideration of being relieved from his accursed presence, and the sound of his infernally calm voice, I slowly and reluctantly acquiesced in an arrangement, by which he proposed that we should for ever bid adieu to each other, and to Clara Mowbray, I would have hesitated to this last stipulation. 'She was,' I said, 'my wife, and I was entitled to claim her as such.'

"How I have borne my new honours, thou, Harry, and our merry set, know full well. Newmarket and Tattersal's may tell the rest. I think I have been as lucky as most men where luck is most prized, and so I shall say no more on that subject.

"And now, Harry, I will suppose thee in a moralizing mood; that is, I will fancy the dice have run wrong or your double-barrel has hung fire-or a certain lady has looked cross-or any such weighty cause of gravity has occurred, and you give me the benefit of your seriousness.-'My dear Etherington,' "This drew down a shower of most moral re- say you pithily, you are a precious fool!-Here you proaches, and an assurance that Clara disowned and are, stirring up a business rather scandalous in itself, detested my alliance, and that where there had been and fraught with mischief to all concerned-a busian essential error in the person, the mere ceremony ness which might sleep for ever, if you let it alone, could never be accounted binding by the law of any but which is sure, like a sea-coal fire, to burst into a Christian country. I wonder this had not occurred to flame if you go on poking it. I would like to ask me; but my ideas of marriage were much founded on your lordship only two questions,'--say you, with plays and novels, where such devices as I had prac-your usual graceful attitude of adjusting your perpentised are often resorted to for winding up the plot, dicular shirt collar, and passing your hand over the without any hint of their illegality; besides, I had con- knot of your cravat, which deserves a peculiar place fided, as I mentioned before, a little too rashly per- in the Tietania-only two questions-that is, Whehaps, in my own powers of persuading so young ather you do not repent the past, and whether you do bride as Clara to be contented with one handsome fellow instead of another.

"Solmes took up the argument, when Francis re

not fear the future? Very comprehensive queries, these of yours, Harry; for they respect both the time past and the time to come-one's whole life, in short.

However, I shall endeavour to answer them as well as I may.

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the scrape of attacking an unresisting antagonist, were he ten times my brother.

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the concessions which I think most important.

Repent the past, said you?-Yes, Harry, I think "Then, as to this long tirade about hating my broI do repent the past-that is, not quite in the parson's ther-Harry, I do not hate him more than the firststyle of repentance, which resembles yours when you born of Egypt are in general hated by those whom have the headache, but as I would repent a hand at they exclude from entailed estates, and so forth-not cards which I had played on false principles. I should one landed man in twenty of us that is not hated by have begun with the young lady-availed myself in a his younger brothers, to the extent of wishing him very different manner of Monsieur Martigny's ab-quiet in his grave, as an abominable stumbling-block sence, and my own intimacy with her, and thus in their path of life and so far only do I hate Monsuperseded him, if possible, in the damsel's affections. sieur Martigny. But for the rest, I rather like him as The scheme I adopted, though there was, I think, otherwise; and would he but die, would give my both boldness and dexterity in it, was that of a no- frank consent to his being canonized; and while he vice of premature genius, who could not calculate lives, I am not desirous that he should be exposed to chances. So much for repentance.-Do I not fear any temptation from rank and riches, those main obthe future?-Harry, I will not cut your throat for sup-stacles to the self-denying course of life, by which posing you to have put the question, but calmly assure the odour of sanctity is attained. you, that I never feared any thing in my life. I was Here again you break in with your impertinent born without the sensation, I believe; at least, it is queries--If I have no purpose of quarrelling personally perfectly unknown to me. When I felt that cursed with Martigny, why do I come into collision with wheel pass across my breast, when I felt the pistol-him at all?-why not abide by the treaty of Marchball benumb my arm, I felt no more agitation than thorn, and remain in England, without again apat the bounce of a champagne-cork. But I would proaching St. Ronan's or claiming my maiden bride? not have you think that I am fool enough to risk "Have I not told you, I want him to cease all plague, trouble, and danger, (all of which, besides threatened attempts upon my fortune and dignity? considerable expense, I am now prepared to encoun- Have I not told you, that I want to claim my wife, ter,) without some adequate motive, and here it is. Clara Mowbray, and my estate of Nettlewood, fairly "From various quarters, hints, rumours, and sur- won by marrying her?-And, to let you into the whole mises have reached me, that an attack will be made secret, though Clara is a very pretty woman, yet she on my rank and status in society, which can only be goes for so little in the transaction with me, her unin behalf of this fellow Martigny, (for I will not call impassioned bridegroom, that I hope to make some him by his stolen name of Tyrrel.) Now, this I hold relaxation of my rights over her the means of obtainto be a breach of the paction betwixt us, by whichthat is, by that which I am determined to esteem its true meaning and purport-he was to leave my right honourable father and me to settle our own matters without his interference, which amounted to a virtual resignation of his rights, if the scoundrel ever had any. Can he expect I am to resign my wife, and what is a better thing, old Scrogie Mowbray's estate of Nettlewood, to gratify the humour of a fellow who sets up claims to my title and whole property? No, by If he assails me in a point so important, I will retaliate upon him in one where he will feel as keenly; and that he may depend upon.-And now, methinks, you come upon me with a second edition of your grave remonstrances, about family feuds, unnatural rencontres, offence to all the feelings of all the world, et cetera, et cetera, which you might usher in most delectably with the old stave about brethren dwelling together in unity. I will not stop to inquire, whether all these delicate apprehensions are on account of the Earl of Etherington, his safety, and his reputation; or whether my friend Harry Jekyl be not considering how far his own interference with such a naughty business will be well taken at Head-quarters; and so, without pausing on that question, I shall barely and briefly say, that you cannot be more sensible than I am of the madness of bringing matters to such an extremity-I have no such intention, I assure you, and it is with no such purpose that I invite you here. -Were I to challange Martigny, he would refuse me the meeting; and all less ceremonious ways of arranging such an affair are quite old-fashioned.

It is true, at our first meeting, I was betrayed into the scrape I told you of-just as you may have shot (or shot at, for I think you are no downright hitter) a hen-pheasant, when flushed within distance, by a sort of instinctive movement, without reflecting on the enormity you are about to commit. The truth is, there is an ignis fatuus influence, which seems to govern our house-it poured its wildfire through my father's veins-it has descended to me in full vigour, and every now and then its impulse is irresistible. There was my enemy, and here were my pistols, was all I had time to think about the matter. But I will be on my guard in future, the more surely, as I cannot receive any provocation from him; on the contrary, if I must confess the truth, though I was willing to gloss it a little in my first account of the matter, (like the Gazette, when recording a defeat,) I am certain he would never voluntarily have fired at me, and that his pistol went off as he fell. You know me well enough to be assured, that I will never be again in

I will not deny, that an aversion to awakening bustle, and encountering reproach, has made me so slow in looking after my interest, that the period will shortly expire, within which I ought, by old Scrog Mowbray's will, to qualify, myself for becoming his heir, by being the accepted husband of Miss Mowbray of St. Ronan's. Time was-time is-and, if I catch it not by the forelock as it passes, time will be no more-Nettlewood will be forfeited--and if I have in addition a lawsuit for my title, and for Oakendale, I run a risk of being altogether capotted. I must, therefore, act at all risks, and act with vigour and this is the general plan of my campaign, subject always to be altered according to circumstances. I have obtained-I may say purchased-Mowbray's consent to address his sister. I have this advantage, that if she agrees to take me, she will for ever put a stop to ali disagreeable reports and recollections, founded on her former conduct. In that case I secure the Nettlewood property, and am ready to wage war for my paternal estate. Indeed, I firmly believe, that should this happy consummation take place, Monsicur Martigny will be too much heart-broken to make further fight, but will e'en throw helve after hatchet, and run to hide himself, after the fashion of a true lover, in some desert beyond seas.

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But supposing the lady has the bad taste to be obstinate, and will none of me, I still think that her happiness, or her peace of mind, will be as dear to Martigny, as Gibraltar is to the Spaniards, and that he will sacrifice a great deal to induce me to give up my pretensions. Now, I shall want some one to act as iny agent in communicating with this fellow; for I will not deny that my old appetite for cutting his throat may awaken suddenly, were 1 to hold personal intercourse with him. Come thou, therefore, without delay, and hold my back-hand-Come, for you know me, and that I never left a kindness unrewarded. To be specific, you shall have means to pay off a certain inconvenient mortgage, without troubling the tribe of Issachar, if you will be but true to me in this matter-Come, therefore, without further apologies or further delay. There shall, I give you my word, neither be risk or offence in the part of the drama which I intend to commit to your charge.

"Talking of the drama, we had a miserable attempt at a sort of bastard theatricals, at Mowbray's rat-gnawed mansion. There were two things worth noticing-One, that I lost all the courage on which I piqued myself, and fairly fled from the pit, rather than present myself before Miss Clara Mowbray, when it

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