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The Com" to Wright to be Governor of the Province of Georgia bearing date the 4th day revoking that dated, of May 1761, which doth any way relate to or concern the Limits and 4. May 1761 is dated Bounds of the said Province, and appointing new* Bounds a: d Limits 24 January 1764 to the said Province whereby the Southern Boundary Line is extended to the most Southern Stream of a certain River called St Mary— His Majesty taking the same into Consideration, is pleased with the Advice of His Privy Council to approve of the said Draught of an Instrument (which is hereunto annexed) and to Order, as it is Southern boundary hereby Ordered, that the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax One

In the Com" of 20 Jan 1764 quoting that revoked the

River Alatamaha is mentioned as the

4th Nov. 1763
New Commicons

Lett from the Atty
Gen. for making
Addition to the
Clause relative to
Granting Lands.
Ref to a Commee

Committee Report


of His Majestys Principal Secretarys of State do cause a Warrant to be prepared for His Majesty's Royal Signature in order to pass the said Instrument under the Great Seal of Great Britain.

Upon reading this day at the Board a Letter from M' Attorney General to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, praying that an Addition should be made to the Clause in the Commissions for the Governors of Quebec, Grenada, East Florida, and West Florida relative to the granting Lands --It is Ordered by His Majesty in Council that the said Letter and addition (which are hereunto annexed) Be, and they are hereby Referred to the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs to consider the same and Report their Opinion thereupon to His Majesty at this Board

At the Council Chamber Whitehall the 11th day of November 1763By the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs

Your Majesty having been pleased by Your Order in Council of the 4th Instant to referr unto this Committee a Letter from Mr Attorney General to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax one for making an Addition to the clause in of Your Majestys Principal Secretarys of State proposing that the the Cominicons for following Addition may be made to the Clause in the Commissions Scotia, Quebec, East (approved by Your Majesty in Council on the 7th of last Month) for Florida, West Florida the Governors of Quebec, Grenada, East Florida, West Florida, and and the Grenada's Nova Scotia relative to the Granting Lands-Viz'

the Govs of Nova

relative to the Granting Lands

Committee Report

upon Draughts of
Instrucons for the

"Which Instructions, or any Articles contained therein, or any "such Order made in Our Privy Council, so far as the same shall "relate to the Granting of Lands, as aforesaid, shall from time to "time, be published in the Province, and entered of Record, in like manner as the said Grants themselves are hereby directed to be "Entered."

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The Lords of the Committee in Obedience to Your Majestys said Order of Reference this day took the said Letter and addition into their Consideration, and being of Opinion that the same is proper and necessary, do therefore agree humbly to Report, that it may be adviseable for Your Majesty to cause the said Addition to be inserted in all the aforementioned Commissions accordingly.

11th Nov. 1763

The Lords of the Committee, in Obedience to Your Majestys said Order of Reference, this day took the said Representation and Draughts of Instructions in their Consideration, and finding that the Govt of Quebec, East said Draughts of General Instructions contain all those Articles Florida, West Florida usually given to the Governors of Your Majesty's American Colonies and Islands respectively, which are necessary for, and applicable to these New Governments, together with such others as appear to tend to promote the Settlement and Improvement of them, And that the *The boundaries here described agree with those given in Wright's Commission of 24 Jan3 1764.

and the Grenada's.

6-7 EDWARD VII., A. 1907

Draughts of Instructions for the observance of the Acts of Parliament for the encouragement and Regulation of Trade and Navigation are exactly comformable to the Instructions given to the. Governors of Your Majestys other American Colonies and Plantations.-Their Lordships do therefore agree humbly to lay the said Draughts of Instructions before Your Majesty for Your Royal Approbation.


the 14th day of Novemr 1763 Present

The King's most Excellent Majesty &c &c.

Upon reading at the Board a Report from the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs dated the 11th of this Instant upon considering a Letter from Attorney General to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State proposing that the following Addition may be made to the Clause in the Commissions (approved by His Majesty in Council on the 7th of last Month, for Order for making an the Governors of Quebec, Grenada, East Florida, West Florida ard Nova Scotia relative to the granting Lands-Viz'


Addition to the

Clause in the new Goys Commicons relative to the Granting Lands


"Which Instructions, or any Articles &c-"

And the Lords of the Committee being of opinion that the said Addition is proper and necessary to be made in the said Commissions. His Majesty this day took the same into Consideration, and was pleased with the Advice of His Privy Council to approve thereof - nd to order as it is hereby Ordered, that the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax one of His Majesty's Principal Secretarys of State, do cause the said Addition to be inserted in all the aforementioned Commissions accordingly


Commission to be
Captain General and
Governor in chief of

the Province

Boundaries of the

GEORGE THE THIRD by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth; To our Trusty and well beloved James Murray Esquire, Greeting.

We, reposing especial trust and Confidence in the prudence, Courage and loyalty of you the said James Murray, of our especial grace, Certain Knowledge and meer motion, have thought fit to Constitute and appoint, and by these presents, do Constitute and appoint you, the said James Murray to be our Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over our Province of Quebec in America.

Bounded on the Labrador Coast by the River Saint John, and from thence by a line drawn from the head of that River through the lake Saint John to the south end of Lake Nepissin, from whence the said line Crossing the River Saint Lawrence and the lake Champlain in Forty five Degrees of Northern Latitude, passes along the high act according to the lands which Divide the Rivers that empty themselves into the said powers and directions River Saint Lawrence from those which fall into the sea, and also of this Commission & according to the along the north Coast of the Bay des Chaleurs and the Coast of the Kings Instructions Gulfts of Saint Laurence to Cape Rosieres, and from thence, Crossing

The Governor is to

1 Copied from the Register of Commissions in the office of the Secretary of State, Canada.


the Governor

the mouth of the River Saint Lawrence by the west end of the Island of Anticosty terminates at the aforesaid River Saint John.

Together with all the Rights members, and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging.

And we, do hereby require and Command you to do and execute all things in due manner that shall belong to your said Command and the Trust we have reposed in you, according to the several powers and Directions granted or appointed You by this present Commission and the instructions and authorities herewith given unto you, Or by such other powers instructions or authorities as shall at any time hereafter be granted or appointed under our Signet and Sign Manual, or by our Order in our Privy Council, and according to such reasonable laws and statutes as shall hereafter be made and agreed upon by you with the advice and Consent of the Council and Assembly of our said Province under your Government, in such manner and form as is herein after expressed.

And our will and pleasure is that You the said James Murray do Oaths to be taken by after the publication of these our Letters patent, and after the appointment of our Council for our said province in such manner and form as prescribed in the instructions which you will herewith receive, in the first place take the oaths appointed to be taken by an act passed in the first Year of the Reign of King George the First Those appointed by Intitled (an act for the further security of His Majesty's Person and

1. Geo. 1.

Declaration against
Popery Stat 25 Car:

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Government, and the succession of the Crown, in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his open and secret abettors) as also that you make and subscribe the Declaration mentioned in an act of Parliament made in the twenty fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second Intitled (an act for preventing Damages which may happen from Popish rescuants) and likewise that you take the oath usually taken by our Governors in other Colonies for the due execution of the Office & Trust of our Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over our said province, and for the due & impartial administration of justice; and further that you take the oath required to be taken by Governors of the Plantations to do their utmost that the several laws relating to Trade and Plantations Oath to observe the be duly observed which said oaths and Declarations our Council of laws relating to Trade our said Province, or any three of the members thereof, have hereby and Plantations. full power and authority, and are hereby required to tender and administer to You.

Oath of Office

All which being duly performed you shall yourself administer to Oaths to be taken by each of the members of our said Council, and to the Lieutenant the Counsellors & Governors of Montreal & Trois Riviéres the said Oaths, mentioned Lieut Governors

of Montreal &

Trois Rivieres

in the said Act Intitled (an act for the further Security of His Majesty's person & Government and the succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his open and secret abettors) and also Cause them to make and subscribe the aforementioned Declaration, and also shall administer unto them the usual Oaths, for the due execution of their places and trust. And We do further give and grant unto you the said James Power to administer Murray full power and authority from time to time, and at any time or to authorize others hereafter by Yourself, or by any other to be authorized by you in this person in the Province behalf, to administer and give the Oaths mentioned in the said act the Oaths appointed (for the further security of His Majesty's Person and Government by Stat 1. Geo: I. and the succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia being Protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the

to administer to any

Power to keep & use the publick seal

Power to call an assembly of the Free


The Members of such assembly shall take the Oaths appointed by Stat: 1 Geo : I;

and the declaration against popery

6-7 EDWARD VII., A. 1907

pretended Prince of Wales and his open and secret abettors) to all and every such person and persons as you shall think fit, who shall at any time or times pass into our said Province or shall be resident or abiding there.

And we do hereby authorize and Impower you to keep and use the Publick seal, which will herewith be delivered to you, or shall be hereafter sent to you, for sealing all things whatsoever that shall pass the Great seal of our said Province.

And we, do hereby give and grant unto you the said James Murray full power and authority with the advice and Consent of our said Council to be appointed as aforesaid, so soon as the Situation and circumstances of our said Province under your Government will admit thereof, and when & as often as need shall require, to summon and call General Assemblies of the Freeholders and Planters within your Government, in such manner as you in your Direction shall judge most proper, or according to such further powers, Instructions, and authorities as shall be at any time hereafter granted or appoin'ed you under our Signet and Sign Manual, or by our Order in Our Privy Council.

And our will and pleasure is, That the persons thereupon duly Elected by the Major Part of the Freeholders of the respective parishes, or precincts, and so returned, shall before their sitting take the oath mentioned in the said act intitled (an act for the Further security of his Majesty's person & Government and the succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late princess Sophia being protes tants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and his open and secret abettors) as also make and subscribe the forementioned declaration: Which oaths & declaration you shall Commissionate fit persons under the publick seal of that our province, to tender and administer unto them and untill the same shall be so taken and subscribed, no person shall be Capable of sitting though Elected.

And we do hereby declare that the persons so Elected & Qualified power to make Laws shall be called the Assembly of that our province of Quebec; and that you the said James Murray, by & with the advice and Consent of our said Council and Assembly, or the major part of them, shall have full power & authority, to make, Constitute or Ordain, Laws Statutes & ordinances for the publick peace, Welfare, & good Government of our said province, and of the people and Inhabitants thereof, and such others as shall resort thereunto and for the benefit not repugnant to the of us our heirs & successors: which said Laws Statutes and OrdiLaws of Great Britain nances are not to be repugnant, but as near as may be agreeable, to the laws & Statutes of this our Kingdom of Great Britain. Provided that all such Laws Statutes and Ordinances of what The Laws so made to nature or Duration soever they shall be within three months or sooner after the making thereof, Transmitted to us, under our seal of our said province for our approbation or disallowance of the same, as also duplicates thereof by the next Conveyance.

be transmitted to England within three months

[blocks in formation]

And in Case any, or all of the said Laws Statutes and Ordinances not before Confirmed by us, shall at any time be disallowed and not approved, and so signified by us, our Heirs, and Successors, under our, or their Signet and sign Manual, or by order of our, or their privy Council, unto you the said James Murray or to the Commander in Chief of our said Province for the time being; Then such and so many of the said Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances, as shall be so disallowed, and not approved, shall from thence forth cease determine


The Governor shall

have a negative voice against both Council and Assembly

sent of the Council

to Erect Courts of Judicature

and become utterly void and of no effect, anything to the contrary thereof notwithstanding

And to the end that nothing may be passed or done by our said Council or Assembly, to the prejudice of us, our Heirs and Successors, We will and ordain that you the said James Murray, shall have, and enjoy a Negative Voice in the making and passing all laws, Statutes and ordinances as aforesaid; and that you shall and may likewise from time to time, as you shall judge necessary, adjourn, prorogue or dissolve all General assemblies as aforesaid

And We, do by these presents give and grant unto you, the said power with the Con- James Murray, full power and authority, with the advice & Consent of our said Council, to Erect, Constitute and Establish, such and so many Courts of Judicature and publick Justice within our said province under your Government as you & they shall think fit and necessary, for the hearing & determining of all causes as well Criminal as Civil according to Law and Equity and for awarding execution thereupon. with all reasonable & necessary powers, authorities, Fees, and priviledges belonging thereunto: as also to ate fit persons to ad appoint and commissionate fit persons in the several parts of your minister the Oaths ap- Government to administer the oaths mentioned in the aforesaid act pointed by Stat : 1. Intitled (an act for the further security of His Majesty's person & Geo: I, & the declaration agt popery to Government, and the succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late persons belonging to Princess Sophia being protestants and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his open and secret abettors) as also to Tender & administer the aforesaid declaration to such persons belonging to the said Courts as shall be obliged to take the same.

power to Commission

such Courts

Power to appoint
Judges, Commiss
of Oyer & Terminer,
Justices of the peace,
Sherriffs & other
officers of Justice-

power to pardon Crime

power of Collating to Ecclesiastical Benifices

And We do hereby grant unto you full power and authority to constitute and appoint judges, and in Cases requisite Commissioners of Oyer & Terminer, Justices of the peace, Sherriffs and other necessary Officers and ministers in our said Province for the better administration of Justice, and putting the Laws in Execution; and to administer or cause to be administered unto them such oath or Oaths as are usually given for the due Execution and performance of Offices & places and for clearing the truth in Judicial Causes.

And We do hereby give and grant unto you full power and authority, when you shall see cause, or shall Judge any Offender or Offenders in Criminal matters, or for any Fines or Forfeitures due unto us, fit Objects of our Mercy, to pardon all such offenders and remit all such offences, Fines and Forfeitures; Treason and Willful murder only excepted; In which cases you shall likewise have power upon Exterordinary Occasions to Grant Reprives to the offenders untill and to the intent our Royal pleasure may be Known therein.

And We do by these presents Give and Grant unto you full power and authority to Collate any person or persons to any Churches, Chappels, or other Ecclesiastical Benefices within our said province, as often as any of them shall happen to be void.

And We do hereby give and grant unt you, the said James Murray, by yourself, or by your Captains and Commanders by you to be authpower to levy Troops orized, full power & Authority to Levy, Arm, Muster Command, and Employ them

against Enemies pirates & Rebels.

and Employ all persons whatsoever, residing within our said province, and as occasion shall serve them to march Embark, or Transport from one place to another for the resisting and withstanding of all enemies, pirates, & Rebels both at land and sea and to Transport such Forces to any of our Plantations in America, if necessity shall require for Defence of the same against the invasion or attempts of any of our Enemies; and such Enemies, pirates & Rebels, if there should be occasion, to pursue and prosecute in or out of the limits of

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