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Ablished by 17 & Whattaker, for La Belle Assemblée N°37. New Series Jan 1 1828

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Published by GB. Whittaker for La Belle Assembler. N237 Now Series Jan? 11828

on each side, with plaits across the forehead, ornamented with puffs of saffroncoloured gauze, and an elegant plume of white feathers.



en languettes, and a small gilt buckle fastens each strap. Many ladies wear black satin mantles, lined with blue, or with cherry-colour: these have two pelerine capes, and a very wide collar.

Hats of coloured silk, of the usual capacious size, and unbecoming form, are yet FASHIONS AND DRESS. seen in carriages. We saw one-to be NOTWITHSTANDING the shortness of the sure it was on so pretty a woman, that we mornings, it is not till between two and were led to believe she would look well in three o'clock, in what was formerly called any thing-of more moderate dimensions the afternoon, that a carriage is to be seen, than the usual standard, and the shape did either in the most fashionable drives, or not appear so much amiss. It was of cebefore the most approved and tasteful lestial blue gros de Naples, tastefully trimshops. A few splendid equipages are con- med with puffs of gauze of the same tint, spicuous now in Hyde Park, emblazoned || and fancy flowers of blue and white. Large with the arms of our ancient nobility; but cottage bonnets, of a becoming shape, the greater number of carriages, though|| seem likely to be in general request for well and respectably appointed, have only the promenade. They are of black velvet; an humble cipher under a family crest on many of them ornamented with long black their pannels. These, however, contain feathers, of the weeping-willow kind; but many fair forms, distinguished for the ele- || the most approved style, particularly for gance of their dress, and mixing in all the the promenade, seems to be that of placing elegant and modish scenes of polished life. || aigrette feathers, or flowers, formed of From such, as well as from the high-born || black velvet and feathers, with coloured dame, whose brows are encircled by a co- stalks, among the puffings of satin or velvet, ronet, we select our observations, and give with which the bonnet is trimmed. Some our statement of British costume. ladies, however, prefer their black velvet bonnets being trimmed with rich and splendid flowers, of bright, but wintry hues. These are scattered sparingly, and are made of velvet. Bonnets of coloured satin, with a broad blond at the edge, are much admired, and often seen on the heads of ladies of distinction. Many of these bonnets are pink, and have a white blond at the edge. We have seen one of richly striped satin in bias; purple, orangecolour, and black; with a black blond at the edge of the brim; the crown ornamented in arcades, with black blond, and tiger lilies in velvet. Plain bonnets of black velvet, with a few puffs of the same, intermingled with black satin, are reckoned most genteel for the promenade.

Mantles form the favourite envelope for out-door costume. Many of these, when of silk, are made to draw tight to the shape; a fashion which is by no means calculated to set off the back and shoulders: these envelopes are most admired when of levantine. In curricles, or other open carriages, they are of fine merino, of a tartan pattern, and are lined throughout with plush silk of some striking colour. They have a large pelerine cape, the same as the cloak; and a collar of plush silk, when the weather is very chill, wraps over the lower part of the face, and is fastened by a chain cordon, and hooks of gold. Black velvet pelisses, also, form a favourite out-door covering. These are elegantly fastened down the front, from the throat to the feet, with small gold butterflies; the wings extended. Silk pelisses are generally of a dark colour, fastened close with buttons or rosettes: the bust is finished in front in the Anglo-Greek manner, except that there is no lacing across, to form a stomacher. A double row of antique British points ornaments the wrists of sleeves, elegantly full, but not en gigot. Several satin pelisses are closed by straps

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In half dress, and even in home attire, silk dresses now seem chiefly in favour. They are of Madras, or gros de Naples: the former, however, seems the more favourite material. They are trimmed with a full, narrow flounce, pinked, set on in very perceptible, and sometimes sharp, or pointed festoons; the sleeves en gigot, and terminated at the wrists by a deep, pointed cuff, turned back, and finished by a rûche. The dress, when for home, is made par

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