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that of lofing you. Ready to brave ftorms, and all the rigour of climates, I repeat it again to you, that I will follow you wherever you are willing to conduct me. This fhall be then,' anfwered 1, melting away in tears, and quite tranfported by the emotions fo much conftancy filled me with; this fhall be then in quality of my wife; that title only, if you are pleafed to accept of it, can determine me to make you the companion of my fortune. This faithful lover, who conidered our marriage as the greatest happiness that could fall to her lot, made no objection to it. We were therefore married, and, un

der a borrowed name, fet out for America.

Our paffage was profperous. Arrived in Canada, my letters of recommendation obtained for me the place of commanding Of ficer of a fort fituate on the frontiers. There we gained a fettlement A French Gentleman, who had formed in the neighbourhood of the fort a very charming habitation, gave it up to us on certain confider tions ftipulated between us. The virtues of my wife have never in the least abated in her fituation. We have lived there for feveral years paft, and enjoy a happiness of which the is as worthy as I have been undeferving.

OBSERVATION on a young Man, whofe Hands had a frong Smell of SULPHUR, by John Schmidius, Phyfician at Dantzic.-From the Ephemerides of the Curions.

Lutarch (L. 1. conv. quæft. 6. & in in it, and continually breathed its fulphurcous Alex.) informs us that an agreeable air. fmell exhaled from the body of Ilis, and that of Alexander the Great. Fr. Philelelphus in Epift. has written on the ill fmell of the Jews, the cause of which he endeayours to inveftigate, and which may not improperly be attributed, at least in regard to thofe who live among us, to thegreat quantity of leeks they ufe in their aliments, which are nade thereby capable of communicating to their blood a ftrong and difagreeble finell. Galen, lib. 6. epid. com. Aphor. 9, relates that, in his time, a certain phyfician of Afia had fo difgufting a fiell of the axillae, that no delicate or nice perfon could come near him, unlefs he had previously used the precaution of bathing himself with fome odoriferous waters. The women of the island of Lemnos, according to Antigonus, de nat. mir had difgufted fo much their husbands by their ill fmell, that they did not approach them.

To all thefe examples I will add the following from iny own knowledge: A young man, aged 23, of a good conftitution, and who lived a year and fome months with a fadler of our city, had a very fingular indifpofition; for both his hands exhaled at certain times a fmell of fulphur fo strong and penetrating, that it foon infected the room he was in; and the bed he lay in had also contracted the fame fmell; fo that, becoming infupportable to the mafter with whom he lived, he one day came to confult me, and afked if that extraordinary fmell might not be attended with fome danger to the perfons of the houfe, and other young men that worked

Cardan's arm, as he says himself, had likewife the fame fmell. But it feems that this fell was neither fo difagreeable nor fo brifk as that we speak of, which made thofe that breathed it to be apprehenfive for their health; and what appears to me furprising in the different examples above related,and particularly in that of the young man, is that the whole body did not partake of the ill fmell, but only certain parts. Should the caufe of this phenomenon be attributed to the quality of the whole mafs of the blood, or only to the blood - veffels of certain parts? If this bad smell had in fact refided in the whole mafs of the blood, as circulation carries it into all parts, I do not fee why the whole body fhould not be tainted with the fmell. I am therefore of opinion that the pores of certain parts, especially thofe that ferve for daily labour, being ftopped up by fome external caufe, and tranfpiration not being performed in them or very imperfectly, the liquors, by fojourning too long, chafe and receive an alteration therein, and may at length contract that ill fmell, efpecially when the fubject is of a dry, warm, and fanguine conftitution. For if, as in the prefent cafe, we fhould remain fatiffied with the pretended fufficient reasons of fome idiofyncrafies, or particular and occult difpofitions of certain parts, or of the blood this commodious refource of ignorance, would, in the ftudy of natural things, render all refearches fuperfluous.


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HISTORY of CLEOMENES, the Avenger of the Death of Acts, the renowned Spartan King, and Reftorer by that Means of the ancient Conftitution of Sparta. See, in our laft Supplement, An Account of the Attempt made by King AGIS to revive the Laws of LYCURGUS.

Achidarus, the fort of by Leonidas, Rchidamus, the brother of Agis, eluded and efcaped the maffacre by flying from Spartu. But Leonidas compelled his wife Agiatis, who was a young Lady of the greateft beauty in all Greece, and fole heiress to a valt eftate, to marry his own fon Cleomenes, though Agiatis had but just lain-in of a son, and the match was intirely contrary to her inclinations. This event however produced a very different effect from what Leonidas intended, and after his death proved the ruin of his party, and revenged the murder of Agis. For Cleomenes, who was very young and extremely fond of his wife, would fhed fympathifing tears whenever the related the melancholy fate of Agis, and occafionally defire her to explain his intentions and the nature of his fcheme, to which he would liten with the greatest attention. From that time he determined to follow fo glorious an example, but kept the refolution fecret in his own breaft till the means and opportunity fhould offer. He was fenfible that an attempt of that nature would be utterly impracticable whilft his father lived; who, like the rest of the leading citizens, had wholly, given himself up to a life of cafe and luxury. Warned too by the fate of Agis, he knew how extremely dangerous it was even once to mention the old frugality and fimplicity of manners, which depended upon the obfervance of the difcipline and inftitutions of Lycurgus. But, as foon as ever he fucceeded to the crown at the death of his father, and found himself the fole reigning King of Sparta without a collegue, he immediately applied his whole care and ftudy to accomplish that great change which he had before projected. For he obferved the manners of the Spartans in general were grown extremely corrupt and diffolute; the rich facrificing the public mtereft to their own private avarice and luxury; the poor, from their extreme indigence, averfe to the toils of war, carclefs and neg ligent of education and difcipline; whilft the Ephori had ingroffed the whole royal power, and left him in reality nothing but the empty title: Circumftances greatly mortifying to an afpiring young Monarch, who panted eagerly after glory, and impatiently wifhed to retrieve the loft reputation of his

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which way, and by whole advice he was quiring what fort of man Agis was, and drawn into thofe unfortunate measures. Xenares, who attributed all his questions to the curiofity natural to a young man, very readily told him the whole ftory, and explained ingenuously every particular of the affair as it really happened. But when he remarked that Cleomenes often returned to the charge, and every time with greater eagerness, more and more admiring and applauding the fcheme and character of Agis, he immediately faw through his defign. After reproving him, therefore, feverely, for talking and behaving thus like a madman, Xenares broke off all friendship and intercourse with him, though he had too much honour to betray his friend's fecret. Cleomenes, not in the leaft difcouraged at this repulfe, but concluding that he fhould meet with the fame reception from the reft of the wealthy and powerful citizens, determined to truft none of them, but to take upon himself the whole care and management of his fcheme. However, as he was fenfible that the execution of it would be much more feasible when his country was involved in war, than in a state of profound peace, he waited for a proper opportunity; which the Achæans quickly furnished him with. For Aratus, the great projector of the famous Achæan league, into which he had already brought many of the Grecian ftates, holding Cleomenes extremely cheap, as a raw unexperienced boy, thought this a fivourable opportunity of trying how the Spartans ftood affected towards that union. Without the leaft previous notice, therefore, he fuddenly invaded fuch of the Arcadians as were in alliance with Sparta, and committed great devaftations in that part of the country which lay in the neighbourhood of Achaia.

The Ephori, alarmed at this unexpected attack, fent Cleomenes at the head of the Spartan forces, to oppofe the invasion. The young hero behaved well, and frequently baffled that old experienced Commander. But, his countryinen growing weary of the war, and refusing to concur in the measures he propofed for carrying it on, he recalled Archidamus the brother of Agis from banichment, who had a strict hereditary right to the other moiety of the kingdom; inagining that, when the throne was properly filled according to law, and the regal power preferved intre by the union of the two

Kings, it would reftore the balance of government, and weaken the authority of the Ephori. But the faction which had murdered Agis, justly dreading the refentment of Archidamus for fo atrocious a crime, took care privately to affaflinate him upon his return.

Cleomenes, now more than ever intent upon bringing his great project to bear, bribed the Ephori with large fums to intruft him with the management of the war. His mother Crateficlea not only fupplied him with money upon this occafion, but married one Megiftonus, a man of the greateft weight and authority in the city, purpofely to bring him over to her fen's intereft. Cleomenes, taking the field, totally defeated the army of Aratus, and killed Lydiadas the Megalopohitan General. This victory, which was intirely owing to the conduct of Cleomenes, not only raised the courage of his foldiers, but gave them fo high an opinion of his abilities, that he feems to have been recalled by his enemies, jealous most probably of his growing intereft with the army. For Plutarch, who is not very methodical in his relations, informs us, that, after this affair,, Cleomenes convinced his father-in-law, Megiftonus, of the neceffity of taking off the Ephori, and reducing the citizens to their ancient equality according to the inftitutions of Lycurgus, as the only means of reftoring Sparta to her former fovereignty over Greece. This fcheme therefore must have been privately fettled at Sparta. For we are next told that Cleomenes again took the field, carrying with him fuch of the citizens as he fufpected were most likely to oppofe him. He took fome cities from the Achæans that campaign, and made himself master of fome important places, but hargaffed his troops fo much with many marches and countermarches, that most of the Spartans remained behind in Arcadia, at their own requeft, whilst he marched back to Sparta with his mercenary forces, and fuch of his friends as he could moft confide in. He timed his march so well that he entered Sparta whilft the Ephori were at fupper, and dispatched Eurychidas before with three or four of his moft trufty friends and a few foldiers to perform the execution. For Cleomenes well knew that Agis owed his ruin to his too cautious timidity and his too great lenity and moderation. Whilft Euryclidas therefore amufed the Ephori with a pretended meffage from Cleomenes, the reft fell upon them fword in hand, and killed four upon the fpot, with above ten perfons more who came to their affiftance. Agefilaus, the furvivor of them, fell, and, counterfeiting himfelf dead, gained an opportunity of escaping.

Next morning, as foon as it was light, Clesmenes profcribed and banished fourfcore of the most dangerous citizens, and removed all the chairs of the Ephori out of the Forum, except one which he referved for his own feat of judicature. He then convoked an affenbly of the people, to whom he apologised for his late actions. He fhewed them, in a very artful and elaborate speech, the nature and juft extent of the power of the Ephori, the fatal confequences of the authority they had ufurped of governing the ftate by their own arbitrary will, and of depofing and putting their Kings to death without allowing them a legal hearing in their own defence. He urged the example of Lycurgus himself, who came armed into the Forum when he first propofed his laws, as a proof that it was impoffible to root out thofe pefts of the commonwealth, which had been imported from other countries, luxury, the parent of that vain expence which runs fuch numbers in debt, ufury, and thofe more ancient evils, wealth and poverty, without violence and bloodshed: That he fhould have thought himself happy, if like an able phyfician he could have radically cured the diseases of his country without pain: But that neceffity had compelled him to do what he had already done, in order to procure an equal partition of the lands, and the abolition of their debts, as well as to enable him to fill up the number of the citizens with a felect number of the braveft foreigners, that Sparta might be no longer expofed to the depredations of her enemies for want of hands to defend her.'

To convince the people of the fincerity of his intentions, he first gave up his whole fortune to the public ftock; Megiftonus, his father-in-law, with his other friends, and all the rest of the citizens, followed his example. In the divifion of the lands, he generously fet apart equal portions for all thofe citizens he had banished, and promised to recall them as foon as the public tranquillity was restored. He next revived the ancient method of education, the gymnastic exercifes, public meals, and all other inftitutions of Lycurgus; and, left the people, unaccuftomed to the denomination of a fingle King, fhould fufpect that he aimed at eftablifhing a tyranny, he affociated his brother Euclidas with him in the kingdom. training up the youth in the old military difcipline, and arming them in a new and better manner, he once more recovered the reputation of the Spartan militia, and raised his country to fo great a height of power, that Greece in a very short time faw Sparta giving law to all Peloponnefus.


The Achæans, humbled by repeated defeats,

feats, and begging peace of Cleomenes upon his own terms, the generous victor defired only to be appointed General of their famous league, and offered upon that condition to reftore all the cities and prifoners he had taken. The Achæans gladly confenting to fuch eafy terms, Cleomenes released and fent home all the perfons of rank amongst his prifoners, but was obliged by fickness to defer the day appointed for the convention, till his return from Sparta. This unhappy delay was fatal to Greece. For Aratus, who had enjoyed that honour thirty-three years, could not bear the thought of having it wrefted from him by fo young a Prince, whofe glo. ty he envied as much as he dreaded his valour. Finding therefore all other methods ineffectual, he had recourfe to the defperate remedy of calling in the Macedonians to his affiftance, and facrificed the liberty of his own country, as well as that of Greece, to his own private pique and jealoufy. Thus the most public-fpirited affertor of liberty, and the most implacable enemy to all tyrants in general, brought back thofe very people into the heart of Greece, whom he had driven out formerly purely from his hatred to tyranny, and fullied a glorious life with a blot never to be erased, from the deteftable motives of envy and revenge. A melancholy proof, as Plutarch moralifes upon the occafion, of the weakness of human nature, which with an affemblage of the most excellent qualities is unable to exhibit the model of a virtue completely perfect. A circumftance which ought to excite our compaflion towards thofe blemishes, which we unavoidably meet with in the most exalted characters. Cleomenes fupported this unequal war against the Achæans, and the whole power of Macedon with the greateft vigour, and by his fuccefs gave many convincing proofs of his abilities; but, venturing a declive battle at Sallafia, he was totally defeated by the fuperior number of his enemies, and the treachery of Damoteles, an Officer in whom he greatly confided, who was bribed to betray him by Antigonus. Out of fix thoufand Spartans, two hundred only escaped; the reft with their King Euclidas were left dead on the field of battle Cleomenes retired to Sparta, and from thence paffed over to Ptolemy Euergetes King of Egypt, with whom he was then in alliance, to claim the affiftance he had formerly promifed. But the death of that Monarch, which followed foon after, deprived him of all hopes of fuccour from that quarter. The Spartan manners were as edious to his fucceffor Ptolemy Philopater, a weak and diffolute Prince, as the Spartan Virtue was terrible to his debauched effeminate Courtiers. Whenever Cleomentes appeared

at Court, the general whifper ran, that he came as a lion in the midst of theep; a light in which a brave man muft neceffarily ap pear to a herd of fuch fervile daftards. Confined at laft by the jealoufy of Ptolemy, who was kept in a perpetual alarm by the infinuations of his iniquitous Minifter Sofybius, he, with about twelve more of his generous Spartan friends, broke out of prison, determined upon death or liberty. In their progrefs through the streets, they firft flew one Ptolemy, a great favourite of the King's, who had been their fecret enemy; and meeting the Governor of the city, who came at the first noife of the tumult, they routed his guards and attendants, dragged him out of his chariot, and killed him. After this they ranged uncontrouled through the whole city of Alexandria, the inhabitants flying every where before them, and not a man daring either to affift or oppofe them. Such terror could thirteen brave men only strike into one of the most populous cities in the univerfe, where the citizens were bred up in luxury, and strangers to the ufe of arms! Cleomenes, defpairing of affiftance from the citizens, whom he had in vain fummoned to affert their liberty, declared fuch abject cowards fit only to be governed by women. Scorning therefore to fall by the hands of the defpicable Egyptians, he with the rest of the Spartans fell desperately by their own swords, according to the heroifm of thofe ages.

The liberty and happiness of Sparta expired with Cleomenes. For the remains of the Spartan hiftory furnish us with very little after his death, befides the calamities and miferies of that unhappy State, arifing from their inteftine divifions. Machanidas, by the aid of one of the factions which at that time rent that miferable republic, ufurped the throne, and established an abfolute tyranny. One Nabis, a tyrant, compared to whom even Nero himself may be termed merciful, fucceeded at the death of Machánidas, who fell in battle by the hand of the great Philopamen. The Ætolians treacherously murdered Nabis and endeavoured to feize the dominion of Sparta, but they were prevented by Philopemen, who partly by force, partly by perfuafion, brought the Spartans into the Achæan league, and afterwards totally abolifhed the inftitutions of Lycurgus. A most inhuman and most iniquitous action, as Plutarch terms it, which muft brand the character of that hero with eternal infamy. As if he was fenfible that, as long as the difcipline of Lycurgus fubfifted, the minds of the Spartan youth could never be thoroughly tamed, cr effe&tually broke to the yoke of foreign government. Wearied out at last by repeated oppreffions, the Spartans applied to



the Romans for redress of all their grievances; and their complaints produced that war which ended in the diffolution of the Achan league, and the fubjection of Greece to the Roman domination.

From the tragical fate of the Spartan King Agis we learn, that, when abuses introduced by corruption are fuffered by length of time to take root in the conftitution, they will be termed by those whose interest it is to fupport them effential parts of the conftitution; and all attempts to remove them will ever be clamoured against by fuch men as attempt to fubvert it: As the example of Cleomenes will teach us, that the public virtue of one great man may not only fave his falling country from ruin, but raife her to her former dignity and luftre, by bringing her back to thofe principles on which her conftitution was originally founded. Though the violent remedies made ufe of by Cleomenes never ought to be applied, unless the disease

is grown too defperate to admit of a cure by
milder methods.

But we cannot quit this fubject withouzz
recommending that excellent inftitution of
Lycurgus, which provided for the education
of the children of the whole community
An example which
without diftinction.
under proper regulations would be highly
worthy of our imitation, fince nothing could
give a more effectual check to the reigning
vices and follies of the prefent age, or contri-
bute fo much to a reformation of manners,
as to form the minds of the rising generation
by the principles of religion and virtue.
Where the manners of a people are good,
very few laws will be wanting; but, when
their manners are depraved, all the laws in
the world will be infufficient to restrain the
exceffes of the human paffions. For as Ho-
race justly obferves-

Quid leges fine moribus

Vanæ proficiunt? Ode 24. lib. 3

An ACCOUNT of fome very extraordinary PRODUCTIONS of Human Art.

Antiquity, as well as the more modern feen near Durham-yard in the Strand, and

times, may boast of fome exceeding fine and very exquifite performances of human art. Callicrates, as recorded by Alian and Pliny, had made in ivory some ants and other animals fo fmall, that their limbs very exactly formed were imperceptible to other eyes but his own.

Myrmecides had conftructed a coach with four horfes and the coachman in fo fmall a compafs, that the whole could lie covered with the wing of a fly: A veffel of the fame artist was covered with the wing of a bee.

Galen fpeaks of a Phaeton reprefented on a ring, in a chariot drawn by four horfes, on each of which could be diftinguished the reins and other trappings, with their fore

teeth and all their motions.

Cardan makes mention of a chained flea in Germany, and of a repeating watch in a ring.

Solinus relates, that the Iliad of Homer was written in characters fo fmall as to be contained in a nut-fhell. Huet fancied this to be very poffible, and affures us he could do the fame thing himself according to an effay he had made in confèquence of a difpute he had on this occafion with the Duke of Montaufer.

Dr. Power fays he faw a golden chain at Tredefcant's, of three hundred links, not more than an inch in length, fastened to, and pulled away by a fla. Mr. Henry Baker, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and author of the Mier fcope made ealy, fays, that he had

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had examined with his microscope, a chaife
made by Mr. Boverick, a watchmaker, hav-
ing four wheels, with all the proper appara
tus belonging to them, turning readily on
their axles; together with a man fitting in the
chaife; all formed of ivory, and drawn a-
long by a flea without any feeming difficulty.
Mr. Baker adds, that he weighed it with the
greatest care he was able, and found the
chaife, man, and flea, were hardly equal to a
fingle grain. He weighed alfo, at the fame
time and place, a brafs chain made by the
fame hand, about two inches long, contain-
ing two hundred links, with a hook at one
end, and a padlock and key at the other;
and found it lefs than the third part of a
grain. He had feen, befides, made by the
fame artist, a quadrille table with a drawer
in it, an eating-table, a fide-boar i table, a
looking-glafs, twelve chairs with skeleton
backs, two dozen of plates, fix difhes, a do-
zen knives, and as many forks, twelve
fpoons, two falts, a frame and caftors, to-
gether with a Gentleman, Lady, and foot-
man, all contained in a cherry-stone, and
Mot filling much more than haif of it.

We are told in the German Ephemerides, that Ofwald Nerlinger made a cup of a pepper-corn, which held twelve hundred other little cups, all turned in ivory, each of themt being gilt on the edges, and ftanding upon a foot; and that, fo far from being crouded or wanting room, pepper-corn could have held four hundred more.


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