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poets. The music and the just and pure modulation of his verse carry us back not only to the fine ear of Shelley, but to Milton and to Shakespeare: and his powers of fancy and of expression have produced passages which, if they are excelled by that one transcendent and ethereal poet of our nation whom we have last named, yet could have been produced by no other English minstrel. Our author has a right to regard his own blank verse as highly characteristic and original: but yet Milton has contributed to its formation, and occasionally there is a striking resemblance in turn and diction, while Mr. Tennyson is the more idiomatic of the two. The chastity and moral elevation of this volume, its essential and profound though not didactic Christianity, are such as perhaps cannot be matched throughout the circle of English literature in conjunction with an equal power and such as to recall a pattern which we know not whether Mr. Tennyson has studied, the celestial strain of Dante.* This is the more remarkable, because he has had to tread upon ground which must have been slippery for any foot but his. We are far from knowing that either Lancelot or Guinevere would have been safe even for mature readers, were it not for the instinctive purity of his mind and the high skill of his management. We do know that in other times they have had their noble victims, whose names have become immortal as their own.

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Galeotto fu il libro, e chi lo scrisse.'t How difficult it is to sustain the elevation of such a subject, may be seen in the well-meant and long popular 'Jane Shore' of Rowe. How easily this very theme may be vulgarised, is shown in the Chevaliers de la Table Ronde' of M. Creuzé de Lesser, who nevertheless has aimed at a peculiar delicacy of treatment.

But the grand poetical quality in which this volume gives to its author a new rank and standing is the dramatic power: the power of drawing character and of representing action. These faculties have not been precocious in Mr. Tennyson: but what is more material, they have come out in great force. He has always

*It is no reproach to say that neither Dante nor Homer could have been studied by Mr. Tennyson at the time-a very early period of his life-when he wrote the lines which are allotted to them respectively in 'The Palace of Art.'

f Inferno, c. V., v. 127.

been fond of personal delineations, from Claribel and Lilian down to his Ida, his Psyche, and his Maude; but they have been of shadowy quality, doubtful as to flesh and blood, and with eyes having little or no speculation in them. But he is far greater and far better when he has, as he now has, a good raw material ready to his hand, than when he draws only on the airy or chaotic regions of what Carlyle calls unconditioned possibility. He is made not so much to convert the moor into the field, as the field into the rich and gorgeous garden. The imperfect nisus which might be remarked in some former works has at length reached the fulness of dramatic energy in the Idylls we have nothing vague or dreamy to complain of: everything lives and moves, in the royal strength of nature: the fire of Prometheus has fairly caught the clay : each figure stands clear, broad and sharp before us, as if it had sky for its background: and this of small as well as great, for even the little 'novice' is projected on the canvas with the utmost truth and vigour, and with that admirable effect in heightening the great figure of Guinevere, which Patroclus produces for the character of Achilles, and (as some will have it) the modest structure of St. Margaret's for the giant proportions of Westminster Abbey. And this, we repeat, is the crown-. ing gift of the poet: the power of conceiving and representing man.

We do not believe that a Milton-or, in other words, the writer of a 'Paradise Lost,'-could ever be so great as a Shakespeare or a Homer, because (setting aside all other questions) his chief characters are neither human, nor can they be legitimately founded upon humanity; and, moreover, what he has to represent of man is, by the very law of its being, limited in scale and development. Here at least the saying is a true one: Antiquitas sæculi, juventus mundi; rendered by our poet in 'The Day-dream,'

'For we are ancients of the earth,
And in the morning of the times.'

The Adam and Eve of Paradise exhibit to us the first inception of our race; and neither then nor after their first sad lesson, could they furnish those materials for representation, which their descendants have accumulated in the school of their incessant and many-coloured, but on the whole too gloomy experience. To the long chapters of that experience every genera tion of man makes its own addition. Again

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The substitution of law for force has indeed altered the relations of the strong and the weak; the hardening or cooling down of political institutions and social traditions, the fixed and legal track instead of the open pathless field, have removed or neutralised many of those occasions and passages of life, which were formerly the schools of individual character. The genius of mechanism has vied, in the arts both of peace and war, with the strong hand, and has well-nigh robbed it of its place. But let us not be deceived by that smoothness of superficies, which the social prospect offers to the distant eye. Nearness dispels the illusion; life is still as full of deep, of ecstatic, of harrowing interests as it ever was. The heart of man still beats and bounds, exults and suffers, from causes which are only less salient and conspicuous because they are more mixed and diversified. It still undergoes every phase of emotion, and even, as seems probable, with a susceptibility which has increased and is increasing, and which has its index and outer form in the growing delicacy and complexities of the nervous system. Does any one believe that ever at any time there was a greater number of deaths referable to that comprehensive cause, a broken heart? Let none fear that this age, or any coming one, will extinguish the material of poetry. The more reasonable apprehension might be lest it should sap the vital force necessary to handle that material, and mould it into appropriate forms. To those especially, who cherish any such apprehension, we recommend the perusal of this volume. Of it we will say without fear, what we would not dare to say of any other recent work; that of itself it raises the character and the hopes of the age and the country which have produced it, and that its author, by his own single strength, has made a sensible addition to the permanent wealth of mankind.

ART. VI.-1. An Inquiry into the Origin, Progress, and Results of the Strike of the Operative Cotton-Spinners of Preston, from October, 1836, to February, 1837.



Read before the Statistical Section of the British Association at Liverpool in September, 1837. By Henry Ashworth. Manchester, 1838.

The Preston Strike; an Inquiry into its Causes and Consequences. Read before the Statistical Section of the British Association at Liverpool, September, 1854. By Henry Ashworth, Esq., F.S.S. Manchester, 1854.

Combinations and Strikes, their Cost and Results; comprising a Sketch of the History and Present State of the Law respecting them; with a few Suggestions for remedying the Evils arising therefrom. By George Price. London,


No labourer is better worthy of his hire than the English one. It is not merely that he works harder than the labourer of any other country, but he generally produces a better quality of workmanship. He possesses a power of throwing himself bodily into his occupation, which has always been a marvel to foreigners. When the first gangs of English navvies went over to France to construct the works of the Rouen Railway, the peasantry used to assemble round them, and gaze with wonder at their energy and dexterity in handling the spade and mattock, and at the immense barrow loads of earth which they wheeled out. "Voilà! voilà! ces Anglais! comme ils travaillent!' was the common exclamation.

But it is not merely where muscular strength, bone, and sinew are needed, that the continuous power of the English labourer displays itself. Even in cotton manufacturing, where little exertion is required, the English workman by his patient application contrives to do as much in six hours as the Frenchman does in ten. A witness before a Parliamentary Committee, who had been employed in superintending eight men in one of the best manufactories in Alsace, was asked, 'Supposing you had eight English corders under you, how much more work could you have done?"

His answer was, 'With one Englishman, I could have done more work than I did with those eight Frenchmen. It cannot be called work they do, it is only looking at it, and wishing it done.'*

* Evidence of Adam Young before the Committee on the Employment of Artisans and Machinery, tice to the artisans of Alsace, that they have made in 1824. It ought, however, to be added, in jusconsiderable progress as skilled workmen during the last thirty years.

The English workman, besides his energy | mechanical skill, greatly exceed what could and steadfastness in working, is extremely have been effected by the entire human dexterous in the use of tools. Mechanism family by means of physical labour alone. is the genius of England, and the source Such being the diligence, the dexterity, of an enormous portion of her wealth and and the ingenuity of English workmen, it power as a nation.. What has been is meet that they should be liberally reachieved by means of improvements in munerated. None will deny them their tools and in machines-which are but organ- right to a fair day's wages for a fair day's ized tools-has been accomplished almost work; nor do we think that they fail to entirely by the ingenuity of our skilled obtain it. At no previous period has so workmen. 'Deduct all,' says Mr. Helps, large a number of skilled workmen re'that men of the humbler classes have ceived higher wages, and in no country done for England in the way of inventions are they able to live more comfortably only, and see where she would have been upon the proceeds of their toil, if we exbut for them. By the contrivances which cept only those new colonies in which land they have from time to time produced, is unusually abundant. There never was labour has been relieved from its most a time when skill and diligence received irksome forms of drudgery, and the more general encouragement, or in which heaviest burdens of toil have been laid there was a greater disposition to do honupon wind and water, upon iron and steam, our to the lot of labour. The road to and various other agencies of the inani- success is as free and open to the mechanic mate world. These are now the only as to any other member of the community. real slaves in England, the veritable It is notorious that many of our most suchewers of wood and drawers of water. cessful employers, and some of our largest There is, indeed, scarcely a department of capitalists, have sprung directly from the productive industry-especially where the working class, and, to use the ordinary articles produced are in great demand, phrase, been 'the architects of their own and are indispensable to the subsistence fortunes; whilst many more have risen or comfort of the masses-into which ma- from the rank scarcely a degree above chinery does not largely enter. It fashions them. It was the prudent thrift and wood and iron into the most exact propor- careful accumulations of working men that tions; weaves all manner of textile fabrics laid the foundations of the vast capital of with extraordinary accuracy and speed; the middle class; and it is this capital, prints books and newspapers; and carries combined with the skilled and energetic on the greater part of the locomotion of industry of all ranks, which renders Engthe civilized world. Even in agriculture, land, in the quantity and quality of her hoeing, sowing, reaping, thrashing, and work, superior to any other nation in the grinding are done to a vast extent by ma- world. chinery, which every day extends its supremacy more and more over the materials for food, for clothing, for housing, for locomotion, for defence, and for instruction.

Looking at the extraordinary consequences produced by the inventions of England during the last century-the result of so much patient plodding and persevering ingenuity on the part of our mechanics-it will be obvious how immense is the debt which the nation owes to this admirable class of persons. They have enormously increased the resources of the kingdom, and created remunerative employment for immense masses of people congregated in all the great seats of industry, such as Manchester, Glasgow, and Birmingham, which may even be said to have been called into existence by the various inventions of our skilled mechanics. Mr. Bazley has stated that the useful productions of the six counties of Lancaster, York, Chester, Stafford, Nottingham, and Leicester alone, aided by art, science, and

The working-classes, again, are the principal purchasers of those domestic and foreign commodities which enter most largely into the general consumption. By far the greater part of the agricultural produce of the country is raised for them; they are the chief buyers of sugar, tea, and other similar articles; and they are the best customers of the manufacturers themselves. Thus for the sake of the prosperity of the entire community it is most desirable that they should be abundantly supplied with the necessaries of life, be enabled to rent comfortable dwellings, clothe themselves decently, and educate their children creditably. For this purpose their earnings must be sufficient; and the great question arises, how is this to be secured? Under the free competitive system which prevails, the master's interest is to get his work done for as little as possible, compared with other employers, in order that his profit may be the larger; whilst it is the workman's interest to obtain as high

wages as possible, in order that his command may be the greater over the commodities of life. How are these conflicting interests to be reconciled?

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Henry VIII.'s reign the sole monopoly of labour was confirmed to them in some districts. Bacon denounces their selfish policy in opposing the admission of apprentices, and calls them 'fraternities in evil.'

The ordinary modes which have heretofore been adopted for the purpose of regulating wages have been by law and by In the legislation of these early times combination. The omnipotence of law has the greatest pains was taken to prevent been invoked alike by employers and em- the poor rustic from turning mechanic. ployed in various stages of our history. In The rustic was as yet a serf; and the law the infancy of skilled industry, great care (12 Richard II.) decreed that those emwas taken to foster the growth of par- ployed in husbandry until twelve years of ticular trades, with the object of securing age were not afterwards to leave their a ready supply of the necessaries of life, employment. Woollen-weavers were preincreasing the national wealth, and pro- cluded from taking apprentices, excepting viding remunerative employment for the they were the sons of freeholders of 31. population. For this purpose franchises per annum; so that the whole advantage were bestowed, and guilds and corpora- derived from these legalized combinations tions founded, by the early English kings. of the guilds was confined to the compaThe guilds were fraternities of workpeople, ratively limited class of artisans in the the only free labourers of their time, who towns, who were then, as now, the aristoenjoyed a monopoly of producing the cratic order amongst working men. The articles in their respective trades in the constant resort to legislation, however, towns in which they were established. tended to impress on the minds of the They were legalised combinations of men community that the wages of labour, as and masters-trades' unions in their earliest well as the prices of commodities, were form. It was only the freemen in the things that could be determined by law; trade those born in it, or who had been and those who conceived themselves to 'bound' and served a long apprenticeship be insufficiently remunerated for their to it, thereby acquiring their freedom' work, or who paid what they thought that were entitled to its privileges. The exorbitant prices for the necessaries great body of the population at that time of life, were too ready to arrive at were serfs, and derived no advantage the conclusion that Government was the whatever from the combinations, being sole source of the evil. Hence distress rigidly excluded from their benefits. But among the working people, whether aristhese early trades' unions, instead of pro- ing from deficient crops, decaying indusmoting industry, were found to shackle try, or other causes, almost invariably asit; and hence, as early as the reign of sumed the form of political discontent. Edward III., we find a law passed annul- The 'reformation' vowed by Jack Cade ling the franchises of the guilds as 'preju- in the insurrection of peasants in Henry dicial to the King, prelates, and great men, VI.'s time, as described by Shakspeare, and oppressive to the commons.' In the was probably the true expression of this same reign, however, a law was passed rooted feeling in the minds of the popufixing the wages to be paid for labour, de- lation: There shall be seven halfpenny creeing that apprenticeship was to be the loaves sold for a penny; the three-hooped indispensable qualification for enabling any pot shall have ten hoops; and I will make it person to follow a particular trade, and felony to drink small beer; all the realm that when the trade was once chosen no shall be in common. There shall change of it could be allowed. Licence was afforded to all persons to make cloths; and the prices of the cloths were not only fixed by law, but the particular kind of clothing to be worn by mechanics and rustics respectively, and the particular kind of shrouds they were to be buried in, were also specified. During the Wars of the Roses, the English monarchs, desirous of encouraging the increase of the town population by way of counterpoise to the influence of the great baronial families, restored the privileges of the guilds in most of the corporate towns and cities; and in

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be no money; all shall eat and drink on my score, and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and worship me their lord.' This is nothing more than a caricature of the legislation actually in force at the time, decreeing how much working-people were to be paid for their work, and in what they were to dress and to be buried. The same idea has even been revived in our own day in a neighbouring country, under the high-sounding phrase, the orga nization of labour;' and it has there been attempted to regulate wages, the hours of

labour, and the mode of performing la- | to manual occupation as affording the best bour, with what results we all know.

Sometimes the English artisans appealed to legislation to help them in combating imaginary evils, as in the case of the Shrewsbury cloth-frizers, in the reign of Elizabeth, who complained that persons neither belonging to their company, nor brought up to their trade, 'have of late with great disorder, upon a mere covetous desire and mind, intromitted with and occupied the same trade, having no knowledge, skill, or experience of the same, to the impeachment and hindrance of six hundred people of the art or science of sheermen, or frizers, within the said town.' The Legislature listened to the appeal made to them to protect the united sheermen, and the consequence was that the non-union artisans were expelled the town. Not more than six years later, however, we find the same town of Shrewsbury again before Parliament, imploring the repeal of the Act passed for the benefit of the sheermen, on the ground that it threatened to prove the ruin of the industry of the place. The Act was repealed accordingly, with the following significant avowal: And where sithence the making of the said Act experience hath plainly taught in the said town that the said Act hath not only not brought the good effect that was hoped and surmised, but also hath been, and is now likely to be, the very greatest cause of the impoverishing and undoing of the poor artificers and others, at whose suit the said Act was procured, for that there be now, sithence the passing of the said Act, much fewer persons to set them to work than before,' &c.

The Legislature nevertheless long continued to regulate the operations of commerce, the prices of commodities, and the wages of labourers. It was for this last purpose that the Statute of Apprentices' Act was devised in the reign of Elizabeth, and continued in force for two centuries and a half. By this law all men, except gentlemen born, were compelled to work either at trade or husbandry; their wages were to be assessed by the justices; and it was declared unlawful for any person to exercise any art, mystery, or manual occupation now used in England and Wales, unless he shall have been seven years apprenticed to the same.' This Act, however arbitrary its provisions may now appear, unquestionably exercised an important influence on English industry. It stigmatised and punished the idle and the vagabond, directed the mass of the people

means of independent subsistence, and being acted on steadily from generation to generation, it gradually educated a nation of skilled artisans. The chartered guilds and corporations were in some degree placed beyond the reach of this law; and it is a remarkable circumstance that in almost every case their privileges proved their ruin. Industry fled from the protection of the united trades and guilds of the corporate towns, and took refuge in the unprivileged and then obscure hamlets of Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, and numerous other towns, which soon left the ancient cities and boroughs far behind.

As manufactures extended, and especially when machinery began to interfere, not only with the power, but also with the dexterity, which, more than any statute, protected the highly-paid artisan, the upper class of operatives, besides redoubling their exertions, were led to seek protection in combinations for the purpose of maintaining the rate of wages. These combinations had long been customary; the men had been taught them by the guilds and corporations, and as early as Edward VI.'s reign, when ye workemen dyd rebbelle ther worke and refuse their places,' we find an Act passed (2 and 3 Edw. VI. c. 15) forbidding confederacies to enhance wages, under severe penalties. The combinations of those early days, as appears from one of the sections of this Act, seem principally to have occurred among those employed in building, such as free-masons, rough masons, carpenters, and bricklayers. The same subject occupied the attention of successive English parliaments, and as many as thirty separate statutes were enacted, directed against trades' combinations. These Acts continued in existence as late as the year 1824, when they were all repealed. Legislation was abandoned, because its total failure had been conclusively proved. It was found that combinations were not prevented by repression, but, on the contrary, they multiplied in all directions, though in secrecy, and were an increasing source of crime and outrage of the most detestable character. Vitriolthrowing, arson, and assassination were practised upon such masters and workmen as made themselves obnoxious to the trades' unions; the operations of trade and capital were seriously interfered with; and it was felt that, not only was it impossible to stop combinations, but, by confounding right and wrong, and treating unionists as felons, men were led to regard things

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